group group longname active # packs # contributors
punc Punc Productions 1995-1996 12 41
punk People Under Neurotic Konditions 1994-1994 1 8
pure 2017-2017 1 4
purg 1996-1999 35 216
pursuit 1994-1996 7 60
pyro 1996-1996 2 9
pyrotecnik 1993-1993 1 6
quad-p 1995-1998 15 55
quazar 1994-1994 1 0
quick 1992-1993 2 15
quiver 1996-1996 1 5
rad Radical Ansi Drawers 1994-1994 3 3
rage 1996-1997 9 36
rage 519 1994-1995 3 25
rage 714 1994-1994 1 6
rage-israel 1994-1994 2 9
rags 2 riches 1997-1997 2 24
raid Rendering Artistically Insane Designs 1994-1995 3 47
rain Radical Artist in North America 1995-1995 2 20
rancid RANCiD 1993-1995 4 14
rare rARE!ASCii 1998-1998 4 35
rats Rage Against the System 1996-1996 2 5
rave 1994-1994 1 15
raw Real Art Work 1997-1997 2 12
rca Really Creative Artists 1995-1998 33 159
reactor 1994-1994 2 8
rebelart Rebel Art 1998-1999 8 63
rebels 1994-1994 1 1
rebirth 2005-2005 2 13
regeneration 1996-1996 1 1
reign 1998-1998 2 18
relic 1994-1995 16 46
religion 1997-1997 2 3
rem Radical Elite Movement 1993-1994 8 37
remorse Remorse 1981 1994-2005 57 281
reunion 2006-2007 2 17
revival 2002-2002 6 59
revolt Revolt 1994-1995 4 20
rib 1997-1998 13 27
rigamortiz 1996-1996 4 8
rigor RiGOR Revolution 1995-1996 5 56
rile 1996-1997 7 75
riot REVOLUTiON iN OUR TiME 1997-1998 15 34
riot 1993 1993-1994 4 26
rise Rewriting International Standards of Excellence 1995-1995 3 13
rival rival 1995-1996 9 56
rks 1996-1996 1 2
roc Rulers of Chaos 1994-1998 16 59
room 208 room 208 1999-1999 1 7
root Root Graphics 1997-1997 5 28