group group longname active # packs # contributors
taura tAura pRoductions 1996-1996 1 32
tea 1994-1996 5 15
teklordz Teklordz 1994-1997 32 116
telepathy 1995-1999 23 41
tempest 1994-1994 1 1
terrorgruppe 1996-1996 1 1
tgs The Girl Scouts 1996-1996 2 15
thc The Happyface Cult 1994-1995 3 19
the 5th 1997-1998 9 8
the battle 4 xmas 2004 2004-2004 1 12
the dirty dozen 1994-1996 35 45
the elite society germany 1998-1998 1 1
the image crew 1994-1994 1 18
the jam 1998-1998 1 7
the joint 1996-1996 6 39
the legacy 1999-1999 4 7
the legion The Legion 1998-1998 7 36
the project 1999-2000 11 14
the usual suspects 2001-2002 6 36
thelo0p 1998-2008 30 128
think 1997-1999 9 7
thrust THRuST 1995-1995 4 12
tide 1996-1996 1 5
tiny toons 1996-1996 1 3
titan 1994-2017 9 152
tnt The Next Testament 2004-2005 11 37
toa 1995-1995 1 6
toe Text of Excellence 1995-1995 1 6
tone 1998-1999 2 7
toon 1995-1995 7 27
torlock pop 1995-1995 1 0
torrent 1997-1997 2 7
totally stoned n drunk 1994-1995 4 3
tow 1999-1999 4 5
toxic 1996-1998 4 21
tpb The Psycho Brothers Art Productions 1994-1994 1 3
trank tRANK!aSCii 1995-1996 11 68
transmission 1997-1997 6 12
trash 1996-1996 2 1
trauma 1995-1995 1 9
triad 1994-1994 1 3
tribal tribal 1996-1996 2 10
tribe TRiBE 1993-1994 15 51
tric The Renegade Information Crew 1995-1995 1 1
trick 1998-1998 1 18
triloxy triloxy 1995-1998 15 47
tripp 1997-1997 4 3
trs The Red Scorpion 1993-1994 5 17
true true!ascii 1999-1999 3 39
tsc The Superior Couriers 1994-1994 1 10