group group longname active # packs # contributors
cephyr 1996-1996 1 1
chalk 1994-1994 1 7
chaos Total Chaos II 1993-1993 2 32
charm 1996-1998 6 11
chloride Chloride Group 1998-1998 1 1
cia Creators of Intense Art 1993-2001 131 522
cipher 1996-1996 2 8
circe 1997-2002 8 59
cleria 1994-1994 1 3
click 1998-1998 4 29
climax 1995-1995 1 1
cls Cybernautas Libertarios del Sur 1998-1999 2 3
coa Centers of Attention 1996-1996 1 6
coar 1995-1995 1 6
codine 1996-1996 2 22
coma Creators of Mystic Arts 1993-1993 3 9
coma ascii 2003-2003 1 4
comic 1997-1997 6 49
coolphat 2011-2021 6 1
core Creations Ovda Rising Elite 1995-1995 1 2
corp Creators of Revolutionary Pictures 1993-1999 3 13
corpse CoRPSE 1994-1994 2 9
cow 1995-1995 2 9
cranium Cranium Productions 1994-1994 1 2
crank Crank Software Labs 1994-1994 1 1
cream Creative Renegade Enhancing and Modding 1995-1995 2 17
creed 1995-1995 2 8
crime CRiME 1994-1994 1 6
crisis CRiSiS CRONiCLES 1994-2005 6 36
cro Chemical Reaction 2000-2010 25 117
crux 1996-1996 2 11
cryolite industries 1997-1997 1 7
csf Creators of the Shadow Force 1997-1997 3 10
cubism 2020-2020 1 2
cult 1995-1995 2 4
d0pe 1997-1997 2 7
damage 1995-1995 1 4
danone 2001-2004 3 23
dark Dark Illustrated 1994-1999 59 267
dark land crew 1998-1999 6 6
dask danske ascii kreativister 1997-1998 18 6
dax Digital Artistic X-Cellence 1993-1993 1 2
dcp Digital Creators Productions 1994-1994 1 6
dcr Digital Chaotic Research 1994-1994 1 2
ddi Digital Divinity Inc. 1996-1996 2 2
ddt Deep, Deep Trouble Enterprises 1998-1998 2 5
dead Damn excellent Arts Designers 1992-1993 3 26
dead krew 1997-1997 1 12
death Death 1995-1995 1 5
decades 1996-1996 1 25