first/last release: 1994/08 - 1994/09
years active: 1994 (3)
(sub)packs released: 3
smallest/largest pack: jus-0994/jus-0894
lifetime artworks: 95
lifetime lines: 2 360
average # of lines per artwork: 26
average # of artworks per pack: 32
longest serving member(s): phaser-x (1994/08-1994/09), the dark half (1994/08-1994/09), pericles (1994/08-1994/09), phaser x (1994/08-1994/09), hammer (1994/08-1994/09)
most productive member: the dark half (20)
extensions: DIZ (1), JUS (36), RIP (3), LIT (7), GIF (4), MEM (2), NFO (1), INF (1), ASC (7), PCX (1), JPG (1), FNT (31)
years active: 1994 (3)
(sub)packs released: 3
smallest/largest pack: jus-0994/jus-0894
lifetime artworks: 95
lifetime lines: 2 360
average # of lines per artwork: 26
average # of artworks per pack: 32
longest serving member(s): phaser-x (1994/08-1994/09), the dark half (1994/08-1994/09), pericles (1994/08-1994/09), phaser x (1994/08-1994/09), hammer (1994/08-1994/09)
most productive member: the dark half (20)
extensions: DIZ (1), JUS (36), RIP (3), LIT (7), GIF (4), MEM (2), NFO (1), INF (1), ASC (7), PCX (1), JPG (1), FNT (31)