this image contains text
Welcome to the 619 rag...Yup 619 is our area code, and we fully support
the 619 bbs scene. No members are outside the 619 and no mentioned BBSs
and reviewed BBSs are outside the 619 either. This rag is to be distributed
throughout the 619 area, and can also be found on the ftp.cdrom.com site.
This erag is in conjunction with Warlock Ansi/Ascii group 1998
All ascii art done by Precious Metal
@y. ,s@S
Y7 Y
Y7 d
Y7 .,s
l7 l
?l K
s. ,d
s. Y
i:: Y
b d
.s Ys. .s. l
l ,Ys.:
pm ls.! :Y
s.7 .s7 ,s
619 - Rag
I can remember about 5-6 years ago, I bought my first computer. It was a
486sx33 4Megs of RAM, 100meg HD, top of the line stuff. About 6mos after I
got the puter I bought an external 14.4 Intel modem so I could get on the
BBSs everynight. I had about 50-60 of them in my dialer, and would cycle
through them hoping to catch one not-busy. Any of u remember that? It
was a fun time for a lot of us. Some of us even got brave and started our
own boards. But, it seems with the birth of the internet, those days have
gone. BBSs remind me of a ghost town now. Not many ppl call, files havent
been updated since 1995 or so, no new messages since 1994, and all the LORD
games are empty save a few diehards. I think part of the blame lies to the
Sysops of the BBSs. Ive run across a lot of Ops that dont really care about
their BBS and make no attempt to modify it, or update it. I called one the
other day, files from 1994, nothing current, no messages, about 4 file area
and two message areas. I blew over the games, I didnt want to see that
Why bother???? Or logoff screens with board numbers that have gone down 3
years ago...You call and get a voice...sheesh! How lazy can u get?
No wonder no one calls BBSs anymore.
Lazy Ops that wont add new stuff or change their 10 year old ansis...This is
part of the reason that the BBS scene is dead. If theres never anything new,
why would anyone call??? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! were competing with the internet
now, where u have millions of updated web pages, ftp sites, usenet, irc etc.,
and you cant compete with a board that looks like a 3rd grader did it.
Dont get me wrong, not ALL Ops are like that, just quite a few of them. They
are like old women that got fat and lazy after being married for 35 years.
They dont care anymore, and the users know that...So they bail...
But, rather than sprucing up their systems, making some new ansis, or
asking us to do a few new screens for them, maybe investing for a bigger HD
for more files, or new doors, they give up!!!! What a cop out!!!
They whine and complain that no one calls their system anymore and that its not worth putting any work into it because no one is gonna call anyway...
Need some cheese and crackers to go with yer whine???
Maybe it is a good thing that those Ops took down their boards, these are
the same ppl that told me when I started mine, that a lot of work goes into a
BBS and be prepared to spend most of your waking hours working on it.
Hey! I took that literally, and did...Have a nice setup now, and guess what..
People call my board!!!! WHADDYA KNOW!!!!!
-Precious Metal 02/03/98
Welcome to San Diego, everyone, where its sunny and warm year round.
You can surf, you can ski, you can do one of a million things.....just
dont try to smoke! California is a non-smoking state and if youre
caught with a cigarette in public you will be bludgeoned to death. Well,
maybe its not that bad but it seems to be going swiftly in that direction.
The latest idiocy in California is the recent law that took effect a
short while ago that states that there will be no more smoking allowed in
bars. It seems its okay to sit in an establishment that sells alcohol,
get smashed out of your mind, get in a car and drive over someone, but for
Gods sake, dont light up a cigarette that may or may not produce second
hand smoke that could maybe make you get cancer if you breathed it
constantly for 50 years. I wonder if the state has a special department
of employees that,by prerequisite must first have a frontal lobotomy,
who spends their time thinking of assinine laws just to annoy the
public.I think this may be the case.
First of all, the business in bars has dropped significantly because
alot of people who drink also smoke. Well now, lets undermine the free
enterprise system by shackling the consumer. Less business, less profit.
The bars will have to lay off employees and that will result in fewer
taxes being paid to the state.
Sure, why not cut your own throat. This is obviously beaurocratic
thinking. Someone has an agenda because if this were given to the
voters to vote on it would be laughed right off the polls. Why in the
world would people want to restrict the fun they are having on a
night out. Lets not forget the tourism trade which California is
so dependant on. Who would want to visit someplace that is anal retentive?
If this a way for the government to pave the way to outlaw smoking
completely, then how about all of the people killed, crippled, and
injured every year by drunk drivers? How about someone sue Budwieser
for making alcohol available to someone who was in an accident and
killing someone? Why arent the brewerys being held responsible when
the tobacco companies are. Someone made a choice in each one of
those tragic cases and it wasnt the companies. They only make the
products available to the consumer.
I thought this was a democratic society where the MAJORITY rules.
Apparently not, because as I stated earlier, if the choice were
taken to the polls for individuals to vote on, it would never pass.
Thats why I think someone has a political agenda to meet. Everyone
has an opinion and this is mine. Im just sick and tired of a few
people telling me how to run my life. If you disagree with me then
good. Contraversy makes life interesting....but if you agree, then
give your congressman hell.
,a@s. .s@s,
619 ,
s. Member Listing .s
Who Where Number
Precious Metal Metal Edge 423-4970
Jondular Metal Edge 423-4970
Kokopelli Wild World 660-9014
We are looking for 619 ppl to write and/or draw
Call either of these boardz and leave a message for Precious Metal
the 619 bbs scene. No members are outside the 619 and no mentioned BBSs
and reviewed BBSs are outside the 619 either. This rag is to be distributed
throughout the 619 area, and can also be found on the ftp.cdrom.com site.
This erag is in conjunction with Warlock Ansi/Ascii group 1998
All ascii art done by Precious Metal
@y. ,s@S
Y7 Y
Y7 d
Y7 .,s
l7 l
?l K
s. ,d
s. Y
i:: Y
b d
.s Ys. .s. l
l ,Ys.:
pm ls.! :Y
s.7 .s7 ,s
619 - Rag
I can remember about 5-6 years ago, I bought my first computer. It was a
486sx33 4Megs of RAM, 100meg HD, top of the line stuff. About 6mos after I
got the puter I bought an external 14.4 Intel modem so I could get on the
BBSs everynight. I had about 50-60 of them in my dialer, and would cycle
through them hoping to catch one not-busy. Any of u remember that? It
was a fun time for a lot of us. Some of us even got brave and started our
own boards. But, it seems with the birth of the internet, those days have
gone. BBSs remind me of a ghost town now. Not many ppl call, files havent
been updated since 1995 or so, no new messages since 1994, and all the LORD
games are empty save a few diehards. I think part of the blame lies to the
Sysops of the BBSs. Ive run across a lot of Ops that dont really care about
their BBS and make no attempt to modify it, or update it. I called one the
other day, files from 1994, nothing current, no messages, about 4 file area
and two message areas. I blew over the games, I didnt want to see that
Why bother???? Or logoff screens with board numbers that have gone down 3
years ago...You call and get a voice...sheesh! How lazy can u get?
No wonder no one calls BBSs anymore.
Lazy Ops that wont add new stuff or change their 10 year old ansis...This is
part of the reason that the BBS scene is dead. If theres never anything new,
why would anyone call??? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! were competing with the internet
now, where u have millions of updated web pages, ftp sites, usenet, irc etc.,
and you cant compete with a board that looks like a 3rd grader did it.
Dont get me wrong, not ALL Ops are like that, just quite a few of them. They
are like old women that got fat and lazy after being married for 35 years.
They dont care anymore, and the users know that...So they bail...
But, rather than sprucing up their systems, making some new ansis, or
asking us to do a few new screens for them, maybe investing for a bigger HD
for more files, or new doors, they give up!!!! What a cop out!!!
They whine and complain that no one calls their system anymore and that its not worth putting any work into it because no one is gonna call anyway...
Need some cheese and crackers to go with yer whine???
Maybe it is a good thing that those Ops took down their boards, these are
the same ppl that told me when I started mine, that a lot of work goes into a
BBS and be prepared to spend most of your waking hours working on it.
Hey! I took that literally, and did...Have a nice setup now, and guess what..
People call my board!!!! WHADDYA KNOW!!!!!
-Precious Metal 02/03/98
Welcome to San Diego, everyone, where its sunny and warm year round.
You can surf, you can ski, you can do one of a million things.....just
dont try to smoke! California is a non-smoking state and if youre
caught with a cigarette in public you will be bludgeoned to death. Well,
maybe its not that bad but it seems to be going swiftly in that direction.
The latest idiocy in California is the recent law that took effect a
short while ago that states that there will be no more smoking allowed in
bars. It seems its okay to sit in an establishment that sells alcohol,
get smashed out of your mind, get in a car and drive over someone, but for
Gods sake, dont light up a cigarette that may or may not produce second
hand smoke that could maybe make you get cancer if you breathed it
constantly for 50 years. I wonder if the state has a special department
of employees that,by prerequisite must first have a frontal lobotomy,
who spends their time thinking of assinine laws just to annoy the
public.I think this may be the case.
First of all, the business in bars has dropped significantly because
alot of people who drink also smoke. Well now, lets undermine the free
enterprise system by shackling the consumer. Less business, less profit.
The bars will have to lay off employees and that will result in fewer
taxes being paid to the state.
Sure, why not cut your own throat. This is obviously beaurocratic
thinking. Someone has an agenda because if this were given to the
voters to vote on it would be laughed right off the polls. Why in the
world would people want to restrict the fun they are having on a
night out. Lets not forget the tourism trade which California is
so dependant on. Who would want to visit someplace that is anal retentive?
If this a way for the government to pave the way to outlaw smoking
completely, then how about all of the people killed, crippled, and
injured every year by drunk drivers? How about someone sue Budwieser
for making alcohol available to someone who was in an accident and
killing someone? Why arent the brewerys being held responsible when
the tobacco companies are. Someone made a choice in each one of
those tragic cases and it wasnt the companies. They only make the
products available to the consumer.
I thought this was a democratic society where the MAJORITY rules.
Apparently not, because as I stated earlier, if the choice were
taken to the polls for individuals to vote on, it would never pass.
Thats why I think someone has a political agenda to meet. Everyone
has an opinion and this is mine. Im just sick and tired of a few
people telling me how to run my life. If you disagree with me then
good. Contraversy makes life interesting....but if you agree, then
give your congressman hell.
,a@s. .s@s,
619 ,
s. Member Listing .s
Who Where Number
Precious Metal Metal Edge 423-4970
Jondular Metal Edge 423-4970
Kokopelli Wild World 660-9014
We are looking for 619 ppl to write and/or draw
Call either of these boardz and leave a message for Precious Metal
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