this image contains text
issue: 5
date: 18/september/1998
subscribers: 41
3.Thought of the week
4.Party on!
5.Interview of the week
6.Demo of the week
7.Intro of the week
8.MOD of the week
9.Commercial break
10.Quote of the week
12.Demoscener A-Z
Gravity 98 results garfield
Total disaster diskmag info misha
Szum/Cryogen Dragon.vs.Fleur Psychic
Hugi12 Psychic
Poems Psychic
------ 1.Editorial ----------------------------------------------------------
Read offline. With music. Fill in some dead time. Weekly.
Every monday. Ask me to get subscribed. ITS FREE!
BTW: I got this on an email from someone i do not want to reveal:
I think you should write that it is public property and that
youre only an editor making an useful zine from chaos of informations.
Watch the title: DEMOjournal :
This is public property and i am only an editor making an usefull
newsletter out of LOTS of information. This is DEMOjournal not Psychics
I am looking for people to send in to me weekly the MOD, demo and
intro of the week texts so if you are interested on doing constructive review
of a MOD, demo or intro, be my guest to send that small review to me. If there
is no one willing to do it, ill keep on sharing my stupid, worthless opinions
with you all so better send it quickly for the sake of all readers.
Other than that, happy reading boys and girls. girls? where?
------ 2.Demonews -----------------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
Portugal has a new demogroup: Active Fuel! Founded by Programmed who
is a 15 year old motivated coder. I decided not to post more on this and
let the man speak for himself! check out the interview of the week
New polish demoscene orientated ftp supervised by Radi/INTerror:
Check out the full-size addy on the commercial break section!
Download Hugi12 from the net:
some news about da hungarian scene:
- antiq98 party was held, and it had a really great feeling. unfortunately
some vote faking happened. anyway the organizers did a really great job.
- astroidea released mutha 2 at antiq, but we expected much more from
them. most of the members write games nowadays, so maybe this is the
reason why mutha 2 was done in a week of hurry. orome and ward super
graphicians : joined.
- fleur will be a bit delayed, cause ezah had two hd crashes in 3 weeks,
and most of the translated articles got lost. we hope we can release it in
october though. the music was done by sed/dilemma and carlos/mandula.
- exceed released riprap what has a really cool feeling at antiq. get it
- the next hungarian party called cache will be held in 9-11 october.
- wanna have more hungarian stuff? go to d-eyes.jpte.hu ftp site.
- dilemma started to create deep somewhereover 2. we hope we can finish
this demo in 98, but time will tell it. we won the 1st place in the 1kb
intro compo at antiq98 with scant. get it from
News from Spain:
Im writing some info for begginers about image compression.
This will be an introductory text giving the basic tools ideas.
The Doc will be uploaded to my page in the following days...
Probably, a new Party will held in Spain on this month dunno exactly
the date.
Aktiv is designing some logos for our team PhyMosys.
Also hes making some pictures for demos/intros.
Just one last thing. We are looking for musicians, yeah. We need
a track for the next release a truecolor 64kb intro... so, if youre
a musician and wanna help us, contact with me, please:
Email: dave@bglinks.com
We REALLY need musicians in the group.
Thats all from Spain. CU!
------ 3.Thought of the week ------------------------------------------------
1+1 isnt 2! 1+12.000000000
------ 4.Party on! ----------------------------------------------------------
Starts: Ends: Country: Name: Contact:
Oct 1998 Hungary JuMPer 98
Oct 1998 Hungary ReFLeX 98 http://www.nexus.hu/slsp
Oct 02 - Oct 05, 1998 Norway The Convention 1998 www.convention.com
Oct 09 - Oct 11, 1998 Hungary CaCHe II 98 www.datanet.hu/cache98
Oct 28 - Oct 31, 1998 Sweden Compusphere X http://www.compusphere.org
Oct 29 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden DreamHack 98 http://www.dreamhack.org
Oct 30 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden ACG-Hack X http://hack.amiga-cg.se
Nov 07 - Nov 08, 1998 Poland Satellite 98 madbart@jormas.com
Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos 98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98
Dec 1998 Israel Movement 98
Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula 98
Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Portugal .pt.party 98 ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt
Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk
Mar 1999 Italy Trip 99
Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering 99
Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org
May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor99 http://neithernor.demo.org
Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy 99 http://www.remedy.nu
Since i just read Hugi12 and whole parties i posted on issue 4 where
there, i simply copied the whole schedule! Its called getting information
from reliable source! and it works like a charm! New party though, dialogos98
invitation demo was released at evoke98!
------ 5.Interview of the week ----------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony interviews young and ambitious portuguese coder
called Programmed!
PsychicSymphony first up tells who are you... name, age, group, alien
origins, shoe size, height, weight, that stuff!
Programmed My name is Filipe
Programmed Im from Portugal
Programmed and i am 15 years old, Im the founder of ActiveFuel demogroup
Programmed I think Im from another dimension, but I dont know why
Programmed Im not very tall
Programmed and... thats all
PsychicSymphony ActiveFuel? how come no one has heard about it? what are
you doing lately?
Programmed One day, I had an idea maybe I should create a new demogroup
and I did it
Programmed Now, we are trying to do a demo for 1998 .PT Party
Programmed We are 14 and we work well, I think...
Programmed Almost all have different ages, so this is not a teenager group
Programmed We are all guys, but it would be nice to have a girl in our
group, but thats not possible, for now... :
PsychicSymphony all of the members are portuguese then?
Programmed Yes
PsychicSymphony thats good
PsychicSymphony what do you feel about the rest of portuguese demoscene
Programmed I know a few groups and I think they are good, but portuguese
demosceners arent known so well in the rest of the world
PsychicSymphony and why is that?
Programmed Why? I dont know, but we are going to try to show the world
that portuguese demosceners and programmers are good and need to be known
as the others
PsychicSymphony dont you think you need a little more experience to do
that? i mean your only 15... some people are around for up to 5 years!
PsychicSymphony dont you think it will be just a little hard to prove what
your worth in such small time?
Programmed Yes, ofcourse, we all need to learn more
Programmed But, if we work all together we learn more because we all help
each other
Programmed And we are not going to work very hard to learn fastest but,
ofcourse we are going to take a long time to reach the other demogroups
PsychicSymphony and you feel like you can do it? reach other demogroups
Programmed I dont know, maybe yes, maybe no
Programmed It depends on our work
PsychicSymphony ok! time for think fast!
PsychicSymphony first demo
Programmed First demo?
Programmed maybe this year, maybe next year
Programmed we dont know
Programmed im working on a 3D Engine to make a 3D Effect like the one in
Second Reality
Programmed The problem is not the code, its the time...
PsychicSymphony best demo?
Programmed I saw many demos of this year and past years
Programmed but I really like the antique Second Reality
Programmed I think its very well done
PsychicSymphony aliens
Programmed Aliens? Im one of them... So, be careful, we are thinking to
attack Earth, but there I have a lot of friends
PsychicSymphony windows
Programmed bah, remembers me Bill....
PsychicSymphony dos
Programmed Old Operating System, but very good...
PsychicSymphony linux
Programmed Slackware rulez.... if pnp crash -h now :
PsychicSymphony want to say hi to anyone?
Programmed yes
Programmed I want to say Hi to my friendz of ActiveFuel and Coders. And
finally Hi mom!
PsychicSymphony want to say anything else or can i close this interview
Programmed You may close this interview.
* PsychicSymphony closes the enterview... :P
PsychicSymphony END
PsychicSymphony thx for your time
Programmed thank you, cya....
Programmed fegf@bigfoot.com
------ 6.Demo of the week ---------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
Iceberg by Suburban Creations
Code: Crossbone
Music: Mindwalker
3D: Tomac and Crossbone
Not sure! But i think this one got second at evoke98!
Yes i picked it because Minwalker is portuguese and promised to
do a music for my groups next demo! I dont give a shit that the 3D scenes are
marvelous and the effects very graphically polished! And that they got a
totally unfair 5th place at mekka98 with a very similar yet bigger demo! I
just care on mindwalker and the tune for evolves upcoming demo! I am
selfish! Sue me!
------ 7.Intro of the week --------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
Photon by Purple
Code: Vipa
Gfx: Vipa and Thorsten
Music: Thorsten
Just for the sake of making a windows version of a good intro!
Second place at The Gathering 98 i believe! or was it first? I am
to lazy to check! Go get this intro, check out the brilliant design! If
anyone asks you for a windows intro give them photon32 instead of the normal
TBLs kick ass intros!
------ 8.MOD of the week ----------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
Candy Girl by a-move and velvet of Amable
Assign is still unreachable with all this evoke98 stuff going on
so i must choose a tune once again! This time its evoke98 multichannel
music competition winner!
Very good polished strings!
A couple of nicely placed vocals.
A general good enviroment feel. I like the songs for their feeling,
call me nuts but i like them when they feel right and this one feels like that!
It just feels good to listen too! and thats what its all about at the end!
Congratulations to a-move and velvet on another brilliant tune to add
to their private feels good repertoire! Keep up the good work! :
------ 9.Commercial break! --------------------------------------------------
/ o o
x. ,x: ,, / h7
,l l :l
--------------------,x---- l: -----------------/ //
,x .l . /
. X...il l : m o n o 2 1 1
: ll
t o k y o
d a w n
r e c o r d s
we love tpolm.
http://geecs.org/nico --- for a complete mental experience
./ P@lS3C@M msx group
da music : postindustrial
da sounds : ambientexperimental
da noise : avantgarde
...palsecam /. MhzBartez + Z-z Zenial + Tees
no words just pure minimal.SOON !!!
Wait for our addy stuff.
DeMoSInTrOsMaGsMuSicGrApHiCsPaRtIeS StUffDiStRoSAnd OtHeRz..
No PoRnONo illeGAl WaReZNo GaMezNo UnkNowN LogiNzNo CraP UploaDz
Site Admin Radi/InterroR radi@irc.pl
------ 10.Quote of the week -------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
May your feet be covered in snot and rare fungus!
B.Witched april 1997
Context: I bothered him with that the colors on his picture where
not palette wise aligned! He didnt like it! I forgot the small detail of
telling him the graphic was very good BEFORE i told him about the colors!
Anyways... It took me 2 weeks to come up with using an extra array
to store the colors numbers so i could swap the colors clockwise on the pic!
And so the logo for my very first intro was finally done! And we all studied
like hell for the 12th grade exams that followed!
Maybe one day i will do a Splat! II The truth still lies above!
Maybe the anvil will actually fall with gravity pull speed and the
sprites will be transparent and the blood will look more real and the rabbit
wont just blink his eyes occasionally! Who knows...
------ 11.Charts ------------------------------------------------------------
It works like this: Tell me who you think just released a kick-ass
production in any category! I will add it to the charts! At the end of the
month i will withdrawn 1 point from each votee! Anytime anywhere! If you see
me or my e-mail anywhere, start telling me who rules! Ill note it down!
Group: Purple 3
Pulse 3
Demo: Sexadelic by Byterapers 2
Plastik by Purple 1
Hyperventilation by Byterapers 1
Automaton flavour by Hellcore 1
Tribes by Pulse 1
Intro: Pager 11 by Fudge 2
Clone Meets Clone by ACME 1
Paper by statix+vic 1
Sinx by Dawn 3 1
Code: Echo/Fudge 2
Mr.Sex/Byterapers 2
Statix 1
Mrock/hellcore 1
Camel/pulse 1
Music: Falcon 2
Mindwalker/Suburban 2
Jax/Korozone 1
Lebeau 1
Groo/CNCD 1
Graphics: Made 2
Acryl 2
Ra 2
Louie 1
------ 12.Demoscener --------------------------------------------------------
This is a list of all currently active demosceners!
Give me a hand with this one will ya? Just let me know if anything
is wrong or missing!
Name: Country: What: Group:
Access...........be.............................Ketchup Killers
Action..........................Code............Virtual Visions
Assign...........de.............Music...........Ethos9Tokyo Dawn
A-Move...........de.............Music...........AmableTokyo Dawn
Blade............sp.............................The Utopians
Borlot...........pl.............Code............Majorca Team
Brain Power......pt.............Code............Dawn 3
Clifford M......................Gfx.............ExMortisMFX
Crossbone........de.............Code............Suburban Creations
Cyberfish........no.............Code............The Lost Souls
DreamDancer......de.............GfxSwapper.....Nwo WolfpackRole
Eclipse..........fr.............CodeEditor.....KnightsLichtys Concept
Fear.............fi.............Code............The Black Lotus
Ganja Man........uk.............Music...........Lords of Kaos
Garfield.........pl.............GfxAscii.......CoreIPCLO 2+7
Garfield.........pt.............MusicCode......Radioactive Design
Hunz.............au.............Music...........Five Musicians
Idiotboy.........us.............Code............Plastik Productions
Infinite Reboot.................Code............Fuel
Jace............................Code............The Black Lotus
Jim Goer.........pl.............Code............Grinders
Keith303.........de.............Code............Radical RhythmsTokyo Dawn
Legend...........au.............Music...........The Vault
Liam The Lemming.uk.............Music...........
Melcom...........de.............MusicCode......NebulaHoax Arts
Melwyn...........fi.............Music...........Acid Rain
Mentz...........................Music...........LoKTokyo Dawn
Micron...........fi.............................Byterapers Inc.
Mike.............fi.............Gfx.............Byterapers Inc.
Mindwalker.......pt.............Music...........Suburban Creations
Miss Saigon.....................Music...........Threesome
Mr.Sex...........fi.............Code............Byterapers Inc.
Nemesulku........fi.............Gfx.............Acid Rain
Nix.............................Code............The Black Lotus
Optic............no.............Music...........Tokyo Dawn
Paniq...........................Music...........Tokyo Dawn
Psychic Symphony.pt.............Code............EvolveActiveFuelThe Utopians
Raiden...........pl.............Music...........Aural Planet
Rents............pt.............Gfx.............Dawn 3
Simon King!......pl.............Ascii...........ProcreationFuse
Sly Spy..........hu.............................Capana
Tapeworm.........fi.............Code............Acid Rain
Wave.............nl.............Music...........Maniacs of Noise
Thanks to the following people for some gaps filled out since last issue:
ezah,core-nick,melcom,misha and zenial.
------ 13.Articles ----------------------------------------------------------
- - -- aNADUNe -- - -
o / o
G R A V I T Y V O T E S Y S T E M v1.0
code: MACio idea: KAZik
spread: Cortez@irc.pl
TURAWA / POLAND, 28 - 30 AUGUST, 1998
115 disk-voters were used to compile these results
Pos / ......... / No / Points
PC Demo:
1.Automaton Flavour by Hellcore 1 99 pkt.
2.Suita Futura Preview by Liberty 8 92 pkt.
3.The one by Enenzi 3 62 pkt.
4.73ms by Pulse 7 55 pkt.
5.Episode by Shadows 4 37 pkt.
6.Syndrom-x by Amnesty 2 29 pkt.
7.Rain by Norferin 5 25 pkt.
8.Madness by Zone51 6 17 pkt.
8.Contact by Suspend 9 17 pkt.
1.Automatikk for the people by Mawi 3 147 pkt.
2.Riot by Appendix 2 133 pkt.
3.Absolon by Venus Art Mawi 1 128 pkt.
PC 64kb:
1.Senseless by Interror 2 88 pkt.
2.Restless by Logrus 3 84 pkt.
3.Silence by Giraffe 1 62 pkt.
4.Homework by Neon 4 50 pkt.
5.4gotten by Banshik/Apatia 7 25 pkt.
6.Planet by Code Brothers 5 16 pkt.
7.Debut by Noir 6 8 pkt.
AMIGA 64kb:
1.Outgrowing by Potion 6 96 pkt.
2.React by Absurd 8 82 pkt.
3.Shema by Nah-Kolor9 68 pkt.
4.Hidden Memories by Phase Truce 3 44 pkt.
5.Ast by Amnesty 1 40 pkt.
6.Buack! by Iris 7 36 pkt.
7.Dewil by Moons 4 27 pkt.
8.Mystery by Phase Truce 5 20 pkt.
9.Engine by Whelpz 2 18 pkt.
10.old10mhz by Tresor 10 0 pkt.
4kb PC:
1.Electro dj by Mrock/Hellcore 1 132 pkt.
2.Spark of hope by Khamoon/Tube27 3 89 pkt.
3.Wolfenstein by Pointman/Suspend 2 88 pkt.
4.No name by Impexus/Diffuse 4 45 pkt.
5.Intro by Bishop/Hpz 5 39 pkt.
6.Pluz by Cryogen group 6 12 pkt.
7.Onvog by Zinn 7 10 pkt.
4kb AMIGA:
1.4kb by Whelpz 2 96 pkt.
2.They by ITB/Ind. 3 77 pkt.
3.Quiet by Darkage 4 55 pkt.
4.Diao by Mawi 1 47 pkt.
5.Eniac by Floppy 5 35 pkt.
2d GFX:
1.Colored lights by Visual/Omnicolour 4 72 pkt.
2.One second by Pazur 3 68 pkt.
3.Loofa by Grass/Hypnotize 1 63 pkt.
4.Forest by Lazur/Pulse 7 54 pkt.
5.Lady by Szatin/Anakata 2 43 pkt.
6.LostMemories by Jok/DreamWeb 16 42 pkt.
7.Hummming-bird by Lucky/Pulse 6 40 pkt.
8.Twilight by Nelson/Potion 13 37 pkt.
9.Shine by Orbital/Prism 9 27 pkt.
10.Bonner by Dzordan/Moons 12 21 pkt.
11.No name by Ace/Phase Truce 17 15 pkt.
12.Elf by KK/S.E.T. 5 11 pkt.
12.Acid face by Heretic/Amnesty 10 11 pkt.
13.Faces out by Spark Caro 14 9 pkt.
14.Guardian by Yacca/Cryogen 8 7 pkt.
15.Light by Kro/Phase Truce 11 5 pkt.
16.No name by Bandy 15 0 pkt.
3d RAY:
1.Demon by Io/Fuse 9 78 pkt.
2.Tibernakulum by Zoltan/Amnesty 13 77 pkt.
3.Wez mnie Zywcem by Coner 17 42 pkt.
4.Tower of power by Diablo/Defect 6 38 pkt.
5.Killer by Slider/Moons 12 36 pkt.
6.Binary infulence by Tetno/BM 1 31 pkt.
7.Troll Party98 by Rzuck/Melancholy 5 23 pkt.
7.Satyrs by Scorpik/Pulse 7 23 pkt.
8.Telekomuna by Sharp/Anadune 2 20 pkt.
9.Submarine Ytok/Neon Bros 4 15 pkt.
9.Funkyshit by Yves/c3s 11 15 pkt.
10.Raptor Attack by Asl/Nipson 16 12 pkt.
11.They come... by REM/Exmortis 8 9 pkt.
11.Nadia by DEF/Floppy 10 9 pkt.
12.Road to hell by Soulless/69 3 8 pkt.
13.Peace by MadBart/Appendix 15 4 pkt.
14.Kenwood by Tomasz 14 3 pkt.
1.Demotune by Norm/Agravedict 28 63 pkt.
2.Rock 98 by Traymuss/Giraffe 2 58 pkt.
3.Dead flower 2 by Falcon/Pulse 14 57 pkt.
4.Discoshit by Grogon/Picco 26 44 pkt.
5.Discotheque by Protas/Nah Kolor 21 42 pkt.
6.Ever-never-forever by Revisq/And 25 36 pkt.
7.Pandemonium of noise by Nemus/Tense Dance 12 33 pkt.
8.Asia watch by Grass/Hpz 10 24 pkt.
9.Deep ocean by Hyde/ByteWay 3 19 pkt.
10.Tennessee by Marc Jim 23 17 pkt.
11.Pink window by Hris Idaho 24 16 pkt.
12.Planetology by Nimrod/Fortress 6 14 pkt.
12.Time of lovers by Argasek/IPL 11 14 pkt.
13.Victory by Sol/And 8 13 pkt.
13.Reveal! by Hexachord/Pulp 13 13 pkt.
13.March of peace by Crusoe/Selective 20 13 pkt.
13.Astral project by Madman/Amnesty 27 13 pkt.
14.Betoniarnia by Zenial Bartesek 5 10 pkt.
15.Mystical dreams by Nobbie Max/Defect 1 9 pkt.
15.Elsewhere by Moonlighter/ScrewBolt 16 9 pkt.
16.Cuddle your teddy by KeyG/Pulse 9 8 pkt.
17.Ainulindale by Szudi/Amnesty 7 6 pkt.
17.Space journey by LUK/Procreation 15 6 pkt.
18.Sunrise by Arson/Cryogen 4 5 pkt.
18.Ddrill by Robo/Amnesty 22 5 pkt.
18.No Name 29 5 pkt.
19.Colorize by Daze/Prism! 18 4 pkt.
20.The last day by After/CeeReal 19 3 pkt.
21.Euterpe by Weed/Procreation 17 1 pkt.
1.V-block - Ogniste bejbe by Venture 6 217 pkt.
2.My planet by Agravedict 4 88 pkt.
3.Oblicza wojny by Trio 5 84 pkt.
4.A better alternative by Suspect 3 82 pkt.
5.Gift by Tetno 2 28 pkt.
6.Pulse by Boom! 1 21 pkt.
1.Rycerze okraglego stolca by Odbyt 2 187 pkt.
2.Fuck Lame 1 3 111 pkt.
3.Crazy Sexy Cool by Odbyt 1 71 pkt.
4.Poczta by Brygada RR 4 30 pkt.
5.Zorek 5 8 pkt.
Party totals: 332 people + one dog -
T o t a l D i s a s t e r
i n f o
About ----------------------------------------------------------------
TotalDisaster - the coolest mag in the world.
* first issue - BLUE 100 Polish lang.
release date: 24.11.97
available at: www.meil.pw.edu.pl/st1524/ftp/tdblue.zip
subjects : not related to scene
* second issue - AMBER 95 Polish lang., 5 English
release date: 11.05.98
available at: www.meil.pw.edu.pl/st1524/ftp/tdamber.zip
subjects : Publicus, Scene, HydePark, Art
featuring : - slide show in Art section
14 cool pics by Angel, Koshu and Misha
- outstanding msx by GRAFF and Nobbie
- high quality illustrations
- hypertext links check this out!
- user frendly interface
* next issue - BLACK PolishEnglish lang.
release date: probably 09.98
subjects : its up to you! see Support us! section
* internet www version of TotalDisaster 100 Polish lang.
release date: 11.97 constantly updated
available at: http://home.elka.pw.edu.pl/awrobel1/
Support us! ----------------------------------------------------------------
Who is the most important editor of TotalDisaster?
Without YOUR support this mag would be worthless...
... so dont hesitate
Technical info:
* Texts
- you can write either in English or Polish language
if you choose Polish, dont forget to use Polish
letters - any standard
- do not divide words at the end of lines
- words should be separated with a single space
- try NOT TO insult anyone in your texts
- you can include any illustrations, quotations or whatever
enclose the authors names - very important
* Gfx
- you can send any kind of pics
- the best pics will be placed in slide-show
- for more details get in touch with Misha
see Ctx section
* Msx
- you can send any kind of msx
- the best msxs will be presented within mag
- for more details get in touch with Graff
see Ctx section
If you want to format your text by yourself, write
an e-mail to Misha or HeY. Youll get a copy of TD-Editor.
If you would like to be a TotalDisaster co-editor,
text-collector, or you have some interesting ideas
get in touch with Misha see Ctx section.
Competition ----------------------------------------------------------------
Become famous! Win TotalDisaster Competition!
* 2d gfx
- resolution: 640x480 prefered, it can be any other
but such piccy will be scaled in case of winning
- format: any viewable using Display
- you can use any technique: pixeling, rendering or anything
else, excluding scanning
- one artist - up to 3 piccys
* 3d gfx
- resolution: 640x480 prefered, it can be any other
but such piccy will be scaled in case of winning
- format: any viewable using Display
- one artist - up to 3 piccys
* msx
- any module playable using CubicPlayer/Pascal
- one musician - up to 3 mods
* 256 bytes intro
- size: up to 256 bytes
- runable under MSDOS or W95
- one coder - up to 3 intros
* 4kB intro
- size: up to 4096 bytes
- runable under MSDOS or W95
- one coder - up to 3 intros
Some basic rules:
- competing works could not be presented
at any other competition
- authors must agree to present their works
within TotalDisaster
- no members of Tatanka, Defect and Bora will
take part in this competition we are the jury
How to send your work:
- files up to 0.5MB can be send to Misha via e-mail
- bigger files must go by snail to Misha of coz
- see Ctx section for addy
- disks will not be returned sorry, no time for this
the jury: TotalDisaster team well try to be fair
deadline: 31.08.98 it can be changed
For more, fresh details refere to TotalDisaster i-net page,
or just send an e-mail to Misha see Ctx section.
Ctx ----------------------------------------------------------------
Misha to send articles, competition works, or anything else
e-mail: st1524@orange.meil.pw.edu.pl
snail: Michal Sokolski Misha
ul. Gubinowska 51
02-956 Warszawa
HeY to send articles, technical problems with TD
e-mail: hey@prioris.im.pw.edu.pl
gTg to send articles, anything about i-net TD
e-mail: awrobel1@home.elka.pw.edu.pl
Graff to send msx for TD, but not for competition
e-mail: graf@albit.geo.uw.edu.pl
Pyshtoff swapping
e-mail: jakubows@prioris.im.pw.edu.pl
snail : Krzysztof Jakubowski
ul. Dembego 23a m.25
02-796 Warszawa
Shogun swapping
snail : Piotr Stankiewicz
ul. Upalna 96 m.56
15-668 Bialystok
Szum/Cryogen Dragon.vs.fleur Psychic Symphony
OK! So this is what happened:
Me all happy checking email come upon szums email addressed to me,
nephoo and assign!
Er... I lost the original email! That wouldnt be a problem if i
hadnt promised szum to post it! OOPS!
Basically he wanted apologies for the following news posted on
demojournal number 3:
Dragon4 wasnt released at Gravity III - reason: small problems
inside group, Szum/Cryogen left group and has stolen whole english
articles for Fleur magazine.
He is not an article thief! Something happened and nephoo heard about
it and wrote the best english version he could and i corrected the english on
that version the best i could and so we ended up with this mess!
I will post the second email he sent to me with my original
justifications and apologies on the numbers!
-Start quote-
hi Psychic Symphony
im glad that youve answered my email, and im satisfied of yours
apologies indeed personal apologies are accepted:
1. i am responsible for demojournal! me alone!
ok.. how long are you releasing that demonews?
2. i cant check all news! if i did i wouldnt need some people filling me
in on news!
So Nephoo did a little mistake, anyway all is now OK.. i dunno who
spreaded such false news, but similar were in Hugi12 too, but there
wasnt anything about stealing. Im not an article stealer.
Also the Dragon4 has just been released and there is english corner
WITH this articles. see: ftp://amber.bti.pl /scene/mags/dragon
3. i see your point! this very mail will be posted on demojournal aside
with my apologies! editors note: NOT THIS ONE! the one i lost! :
OK. i accept. thanx:
4. your welcome to help me out making demojournal more accurate! by that
just send articles like the one you did! or news, your votes anything at
Hmm.. articles are quite hard thing for me. Im not native speaker, and
im doing much mistakes etc.. all what i write im sending to Fleur, im
in there a co-editor or whatever. But ill try to help you with news,
also you can send me voteform to fill in.
5. i am sorry this happened! but hell... life sukz and then you die!
i just hope this doesnt mean life or death on poland! i am sorry!
OK: thanx:
so. greetz...
Yours Sincerelly:
-end quote-
Szum is no longer bothered with me or demojournal then! STILL, I
promised him i was going to post his original mail and failed to do that!
So i must apologize once again! I am sorry Szum! Didnt do it on purpose!
Just happened!
Other people who may read this e-mail might think that i am playing
around with szum and the whole situation! I AM NOT! It happened, Szum felt
insulted! I apologized the best way i could, there are no second intentions
whatsoever! Just me asking an apologie for something that went wrong under
my responsibility!
I also talked with ezah/dilemma fleurs editor and he says he
doesnt know anything about this! My guess is, it was just a rumour spread
on gravity98 when people heard dragon wasnt going to be released at the
party place! Anyways... The articles werent stolen, szum now writes for
fleur and dragon4 is already released with the english articles mentioned!
One big mess that i hope it ends here!
This is not a diskmag review article! This is not a flame! This
is not a feedback! Its just what is on my mind. People who dont like to
read subjective points of view may skip this article!
Its not worth denying Adok assembles Hugi and is the main responsible
for it, so i guess this text goes out to him...
Keep up Hugi diskmag project! HTML links where great idea and the
dos / windows32 versions where ideal for that kind of diskmag!
Small clitches still need fix like choosing the tune you want to play
from within the mag! And main section article selection using only the keyboard!
Other than these small details HUGI has really taken yet another major jump
on the right direction!
Articles where still on lower number then imphobia but that would be
to ask to much! The interviews are a lot better and interesting than the ones
on the previous issue. Add that to the fact that you have assembled this whole
thing in just two and a half months and you have something to look back with
At first i was disapointed at myself, seeing such a great mag compared
to my lousy demojournal made me feel bad! There are so many things i still need
to accomplish to remotly get near to your level of general demoscene knowledge
that it frightens me! you do have one problem: You write to much some times!
A good example are the chart counting system explanation, everybody
who has remotly though about counting some votes has stumbled upon that
problem and understands perfectly your point without you needing to babble
about it for more then 100 lines! I bet most people havent read all that text!
A critic to the chart results was a nice touch! Senior sceners get
to know what happened with some productions they though to be on the top and
fresh sceners learn a little more on demoscene background and history!
Seeing demojournal 1 review all over again made me feel bad again!
OK, so it was childish, but it was only issue number one! You didnt had to
slaughter me with every line i released! The only part i enjoyed reading was
the introduction and the last two paragraphs! I do believe demojournal has
taken a leap for better past four issues!
Party calendar was totally brain-crushing! I felt like a kid thinking
the world is restrained to his neighbour-hood! Never realized there would be
so many new parties announced. I was expecting a couple of them, not the
Last but not least a small comment on a specific article you wrote:
we dont need two-members begginer groups! Hey man, i used to be a member
of a two-member begginer group! There was nothing wrong with it! The only
part that went wrong was when i started to get more aware on the scene and
the other member didnt! I started getting some more people into the group,
people i didnt knew well enough! It all belongs in the past! My old group
is dead and i am happy with my new one! With other demosceners who are aware
of whats going on and like me want to contribute! BTW: We already have a
name... Shock suggested Evolve! Me and idiotboy accepted! :
Well... Thats it i guess. Nothing more to say about HUGI!
Its simply the best diskmag around! Keep up the good work.
Psychic Symphony
What is wrong with you people? Didnt you spend whole years analising
the form and content of poems at school? Every time i read a poem in a
diskmag i dont like it! Dont get me wrong some are good. Most are crap!
You just want to let your feelings out... An example are love poems:
I love her
She does not love me
Oh no! I feel bad
Im gonna kill myself
This shit aint a poem! This is four short sentences. Four short
sentences do not make a poem! At least make some verses rhyme. Or have the
same sylabus counting! Something like:
Oh! I do love you...
Why cant you love me too?
My inner soul cant bear
The though of you not near!
See? It rhymes. And it has remotly close sylabus counting! It aint
that hard! Just think on what you want to say and use easy endings of verses
for starters, the oo sound for example: you, too, blue, uhuhuh! Anything!
Poetry isnt just writing what your feeling inside! Its doing it
on a mysterious way, thats the beauty of it! Playing with the words, showing
off your vocabulary. Thats why girls are suckers for poetry! They like
feelings and they like to hear them! The more time they spend thinking about
what the hell your saying the better!
I aint no marriage councierge but if your writing some of this crappy
stuff to impress a girl, you better start re-thinking your approach strategy!
If, on the other hand, youre just writing for the sake of putting down
what youre thinking then either write a diary or read a couple more REAL poems
before you go on!
Poetry isnt just a bunch of words! Theres more to it! Theres 4 main
writing styles:
-Classical style
-Normal style
-Rich style
-Cyberpunk style
Classical style is like on those RPGs like Ultima! Where we use very
classicaly british terms like thee, foe, indeed, thus and similar!
They sound very well if you impose a certain english accent!
Normal style is something in between yo, wassup! and the normal day
to day chit-chat! Read it with a normal voice like if you were talking with
somebody you know for a long time! Of course that typical US words must be
read with a yo brotha wassup attitude! Something like the beastie boys only
not so fast!
Rich style is when you apply certain weirdo terms like possessibly,
enriching, magnitude, overimposed and stuff like that!
Cyberpunk is my favorite style! Imagine a decadent society when
you realize everyone around is stupid and ignorant and yet you cant do
shit about it! You start saying things like:
My mind wanders across all those missguided people that stumble upon
each other not knowing what the future holds yet i wonder how did the society
came to such a point with such an haste.
This should be read with a melancolic voice. Extending certain words
sounds! Instead of readind those like dose you read douoseeeee. Can you
see the diference? Well, it exists! Didnt you ever saw The Max or
Neon Flux on Mtv?
OK! Enough on what your english teacher should have taugh you! Think
twice or at least read it twice before sending a poem to a diskmag or
newsletter! I realise the poem seems meaningless after you read it a couple
of times, you already know what it means and dont really care on going over
the subject and so you only concentrate on the words and not their meaning!
Theres a very simple way to get past this:
Either you are bored to death in the middle of a class and couldnt
care less on your mates or teacher! Or you can go get something to eat. Just
going through a little strool will make you think about something else and so
when you come back to the poem you will have to re-read it whole and this time
you will take more attention to overall details and not just one specific line
yet when you read it you will notice what would sound better than what is
written, thus you find a nice line to replace that bad line!
Enough on poems! Back to boring reality!
Psychic Symphony
------ 14.END ---------------------------------------------------------------
Dont send anything in! Go away! No votes! No party reports!
No interviews! No news! Nothing! Dont send it! Keep it to yourself!
See if i care! OH PLEASE SEND! PLEASE!!! Im not a bad guy! Really! Well...
Sometimes but thats just because distance keeps on kicking me out of pixel.
Please send in something! At least say you got the demojournal so i can bother
you with more requests! OH PLEASE! Ill wash the windows, clean the carpets,
do the dishes! ANYTHING! Just send in those few lines of text! PLEASE!
You know... This would be a lot easier if i was a girl asking!
Sceners are all suckers for girls with requests! Thats it! Next
issue ill ask a girl to write this section! eheh... Maybe ill even post
her e-mail! But only if there is a next issue so start e-mailing me! :
Psychic Symphony - ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt
issue: 5
date: 18/september/1998
subscribers: 41
3.Thought of the week
4.Party on!
5.Interview of the week
6.Demo of the week
7.Intro of the week
8.MOD of the week
9.Commercial break
10.Quote of the week
12.Demoscener A-Z
Gravity 98 results garfield
Total disaster diskmag info misha
Szum/Cryogen Dragon.vs.Fleur Psychic
Hugi12 Psychic
Poems Psychic
------ 1.Editorial ----------------------------------------------------------
Read offline. With music. Fill in some dead time. Weekly.
Every monday. Ask me to get subscribed. ITS FREE!
BTW: I got this on an email from someone i do not want to reveal:
I think you should write that it is public property and that
youre only an editor making an useful zine from chaos of informations.
Watch the title: DEMOjournal :
This is public property and i am only an editor making an usefull
newsletter out of LOTS of information. This is DEMOjournal not Psychics
I am looking for people to send in to me weekly the MOD, demo and
intro of the week texts so if you are interested on doing constructive review
of a MOD, demo or intro, be my guest to send that small review to me. If there
is no one willing to do it, ill keep on sharing my stupid, worthless opinions
with you all so better send it quickly for the sake of all readers.
Other than that, happy reading boys and girls. girls? where?
------ 2.Demonews -----------------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
Portugal has a new demogroup: Active Fuel! Founded by Programmed who
is a 15 year old motivated coder. I decided not to post more on this and
let the man speak for himself! check out the interview of the week
New polish demoscene orientated ftp supervised by Radi/INTerror:
Check out the full-size addy on the commercial break section!
Download Hugi12 from the net:
some news about da hungarian scene:
- antiq98 party was held, and it had a really great feeling. unfortunately
some vote faking happened. anyway the organizers did a really great job.
- astroidea released mutha 2 at antiq, but we expected much more from
them. most of the members write games nowadays, so maybe this is the
reason why mutha 2 was done in a week of hurry. orome and ward super
graphicians : joined.
- fleur will be a bit delayed, cause ezah had two hd crashes in 3 weeks,
and most of the translated articles got lost. we hope we can release it in
october though. the music was done by sed/dilemma and carlos/mandula.
- exceed released riprap what has a really cool feeling at antiq. get it
- the next hungarian party called cache will be held in 9-11 october.
- wanna have more hungarian stuff? go to d-eyes.jpte.hu ftp site.
- dilemma started to create deep somewhereover 2. we hope we can finish
this demo in 98, but time will tell it. we won the 1st place in the 1kb
intro compo at antiq98 with scant. get it from
News from Spain:
Im writing some info for begginers about image compression.
This will be an introductory text giving the basic tools ideas.
The Doc will be uploaded to my page in the following days...
Probably, a new Party will held in Spain on this month dunno exactly
the date.
Aktiv is designing some logos for our team PhyMosys.
Also hes making some pictures for demos/intros.
Just one last thing. We are looking for musicians, yeah. We need
a track for the next release a truecolor 64kb intro... so, if youre
a musician and wanna help us, contact with me, please:
Email: dave@bglinks.com
We REALLY need musicians in the group.
Thats all from Spain. CU!
------ 3.Thought of the week ------------------------------------------------
1+1 isnt 2! 1+12.000000000
------ 4.Party on! ----------------------------------------------------------
Starts: Ends: Country: Name: Contact:
Oct 1998 Hungary JuMPer 98
Oct 1998 Hungary ReFLeX 98 http://www.nexus.hu/slsp
Oct 02 - Oct 05, 1998 Norway The Convention 1998 www.convention.com
Oct 09 - Oct 11, 1998 Hungary CaCHe II 98 www.datanet.hu/cache98
Oct 28 - Oct 31, 1998 Sweden Compusphere X http://www.compusphere.org
Oct 29 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden DreamHack 98 http://www.dreamhack.org
Oct 30 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden ACG-Hack X http://hack.amiga-cg.se
Nov 07 - Nov 08, 1998 Poland Satellite 98 madbart@jormas.com
Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos 98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98
Dec 1998 Israel Movement 98
Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula 98
Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Portugal .pt.party 98 ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt
Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk
Mar 1999 Italy Trip 99
Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering 99
Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org
May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor99 http://neithernor.demo.org
Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy 99 http://www.remedy.nu
Since i just read Hugi12 and whole parties i posted on issue 4 where
there, i simply copied the whole schedule! Its called getting information
from reliable source! and it works like a charm! New party though, dialogos98
invitation demo was released at evoke98!
------ 5.Interview of the week ----------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony interviews young and ambitious portuguese coder
called Programmed!
PsychicSymphony first up tells who are you... name, age, group, alien
origins, shoe size, height, weight, that stuff!
Programmed My name is Filipe
Programmed Im from Portugal
Programmed and i am 15 years old, Im the founder of ActiveFuel demogroup
Programmed I think Im from another dimension, but I dont know why
Programmed Im not very tall
Programmed and... thats all
PsychicSymphony ActiveFuel? how come no one has heard about it? what are
you doing lately?
Programmed One day, I had an idea maybe I should create a new demogroup
and I did it
Programmed Now, we are trying to do a demo for 1998 .PT Party
Programmed We are 14 and we work well, I think...
Programmed Almost all have different ages, so this is not a teenager group
Programmed We are all guys, but it would be nice to have a girl in our
group, but thats not possible, for now... :
PsychicSymphony all of the members are portuguese then?
Programmed Yes
PsychicSymphony thats good
PsychicSymphony what do you feel about the rest of portuguese demoscene
Programmed I know a few groups and I think they are good, but portuguese
demosceners arent known so well in the rest of the world
PsychicSymphony and why is that?
Programmed Why? I dont know, but we are going to try to show the world
that portuguese demosceners and programmers are good and need to be known
as the others
PsychicSymphony dont you think you need a little more experience to do
that? i mean your only 15... some people are around for up to 5 years!
PsychicSymphony dont you think it will be just a little hard to prove what
your worth in such small time?
Programmed Yes, ofcourse, we all need to learn more
Programmed But, if we work all together we learn more because we all help
each other
Programmed And we are not going to work very hard to learn fastest but,
ofcourse we are going to take a long time to reach the other demogroups
PsychicSymphony and you feel like you can do it? reach other demogroups
Programmed I dont know, maybe yes, maybe no
Programmed It depends on our work
PsychicSymphony ok! time for think fast!
PsychicSymphony first demo
Programmed First demo?
Programmed maybe this year, maybe next year
Programmed we dont know
Programmed im working on a 3D Engine to make a 3D Effect like the one in
Second Reality
Programmed The problem is not the code, its the time...
PsychicSymphony best demo?
Programmed I saw many demos of this year and past years
Programmed but I really like the antique Second Reality
Programmed I think its very well done
PsychicSymphony aliens
Programmed Aliens? Im one of them... So, be careful, we are thinking to
attack Earth, but there I have a lot of friends
PsychicSymphony windows
Programmed bah, remembers me Bill....
PsychicSymphony dos
Programmed Old Operating System, but very good...
PsychicSymphony linux
Programmed Slackware rulez.... if pnp crash -h now :
PsychicSymphony want to say hi to anyone?
Programmed yes
Programmed I want to say Hi to my friendz of ActiveFuel and Coders. And
finally Hi mom!
PsychicSymphony want to say anything else or can i close this interview
Programmed You may close this interview.
* PsychicSymphony closes the enterview... :P
PsychicSymphony END
PsychicSymphony thx for your time
Programmed thank you, cya....
Programmed fegf@bigfoot.com
------ 6.Demo of the week ---------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
Iceberg by Suburban Creations
Code: Crossbone
Music: Mindwalker
3D: Tomac and Crossbone
Not sure! But i think this one got second at evoke98!
Yes i picked it because Minwalker is portuguese and promised to
do a music for my groups next demo! I dont give a shit that the 3D scenes are
marvelous and the effects very graphically polished! And that they got a
totally unfair 5th place at mekka98 with a very similar yet bigger demo! I
just care on mindwalker and the tune for evolves upcoming demo! I am
selfish! Sue me!
------ 7.Intro of the week --------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
Photon by Purple
Code: Vipa
Gfx: Vipa and Thorsten
Music: Thorsten
Just for the sake of making a windows version of a good intro!
Second place at The Gathering 98 i believe! or was it first? I am
to lazy to check! Go get this intro, check out the brilliant design! If
anyone asks you for a windows intro give them photon32 instead of the normal
TBLs kick ass intros!
------ 8.MOD of the week ----------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
Candy Girl by a-move and velvet of Amable
Assign is still unreachable with all this evoke98 stuff going on
so i must choose a tune once again! This time its evoke98 multichannel
music competition winner!
Very good polished strings!
A couple of nicely placed vocals.
A general good enviroment feel. I like the songs for their feeling,
call me nuts but i like them when they feel right and this one feels like that!
It just feels good to listen too! and thats what its all about at the end!
Congratulations to a-move and velvet on another brilliant tune to add
to their private feels good repertoire! Keep up the good work! :
------ 9.Commercial break! --------------------------------------------------
/ o o
x. ,x: ,, / h7
,l l :l
--------------------,x---- l: -----------------/ //
,x .l . /
. X...il l : m o n o 2 1 1
: ll
t o k y o
d a w n
r e c o r d s
we love tpolm.
http://geecs.org/nico --- for a complete mental experience
./ P@lS3C@M msx group
da music : postindustrial
da sounds : ambientexperimental
da noise : avantgarde
...palsecam /. MhzBartez + Z-z Zenial + Tees
no words just pure minimal.SOON !!!
Wait for our addy stuff.
DeMoSInTrOsMaGsMuSicGrApHiCsPaRtIeS StUffDiStRoSAnd OtHeRz..
No PoRnONo illeGAl WaReZNo GaMezNo UnkNowN LogiNzNo CraP UploaDz
Site Admin Radi/InterroR radi@irc.pl
------ 10.Quote of the week -------------------------------------------------
Psychic Symphony
May your feet be covered in snot and rare fungus!
B.Witched april 1997
Context: I bothered him with that the colors on his picture where
not palette wise aligned! He didnt like it! I forgot the small detail of
telling him the graphic was very good BEFORE i told him about the colors!
Anyways... It took me 2 weeks to come up with using an extra array
to store the colors numbers so i could swap the colors clockwise on the pic!
And so the logo for my very first intro was finally done! And we all studied
like hell for the 12th grade exams that followed!
Maybe one day i will do a Splat! II The truth still lies above!
Maybe the anvil will actually fall with gravity pull speed and the
sprites will be transparent and the blood will look more real and the rabbit
wont just blink his eyes occasionally! Who knows...
------ 11.Charts ------------------------------------------------------------
It works like this: Tell me who you think just released a kick-ass
production in any category! I will add it to the charts! At the end of the
month i will withdrawn 1 point from each votee! Anytime anywhere! If you see
me or my e-mail anywhere, start telling me who rules! Ill note it down!
Group: Purple 3
Pulse 3
Demo: Sexadelic by Byterapers 2
Plastik by Purple 1
Hyperventilation by Byterapers 1
Automaton flavour by Hellcore 1
Tribes by Pulse 1
Intro: Pager 11 by Fudge 2
Clone Meets Clone by ACME 1
Paper by statix+vic 1
Sinx by Dawn 3 1
Code: Echo/Fudge 2
Mr.Sex/Byterapers 2
Statix 1
Mrock/hellcore 1
Camel/pulse 1
Music: Falcon 2
Mindwalker/Suburban 2
Jax/Korozone 1
Lebeau 1
Groo/CNCD 1
Graphics: Made 2
Acryl 2
Ra 2
Louie 1
------ 12.Demoscener --------------------------------------------------------
This is a list of all currently active demosceners!
Give me a hand with this one will ya? Just let me know if anything
is wrong or missing!
Name: Country: What: Group:
Access...........be.............................Ketchup Killers
Action..........................Code............Virtual Visions
Assign...........de.............Music...........Ethos9Tokyo Dawn
A-Move...........de.............Music...........AmableTokyo Dawn
Blade............sp.............................The Utopians
Borlot...........pl.............Code............Majorca Team
Brain Power......pt.............Code............Dawn 3
Clifford M......................Gfx.............ExMortisMFX
Crossbone........de.............Code............Suburban Creations
Cyberfish........no.............Code............The Lost Souls
DreamDancer......de.............GfxSwapper.....Nwo WolfpackRole
Eclipse..........fr.............CodeEditor.....KnightsLichtys Concept
Fear.............fi.............Code............The Black Lotus
Ganja Man........uk.............Music...........Lords of Kaos
Garfield.........pl.............GfxAscii.......CoreIPCLO 2+7
Garfield.........pt.............MusicCode......Radioactive Design
Hunz.............au.............Music...........Five Musicians
Idiotboy.........us.............Code............Plastik Productions
Infinite Reboot.................Code............Fuel
Jace............................Code............The Black Lotus
Jim Goer.........pl.............Code............Grinders
Keith303.........de.............Code............Radical RhythmsTokyo Dawn
Legend...........au.............Music...........The Vault
Liam The Lemming.uk.............Music...........
Melcom...........de.............MusicCode......NebulaHoax Arts
Melwyn...........fi.............Music...........Acid Rain
Mentz...........................Music...........LoKTokyo Dawn
Micron...........fi.............................Byterapers Inc.
Mike.............fi.............Gfx.............Byterapers Inc.
Mindwalker.......pt.............Music...........Suburban Creations
Miss Saigon.....................Music...........Threesome
Mr.Sex...........fi.............Code............Byterapers Inc.
Nemesulku........fi.............Gfx.............Acid Rain
Nix.............................Code............The Black Lotus
Optic............no.............Music...........Tokyo Dawn
Paniq...........................Music...........Tokyo Dawn
Psychic Symphony.pt.............Code............EvolveActiveFuelThe Utopians
Raiden...........pl.............Music...........Aural Planet
Rents............pt.............Gfx.............Dawn 3
Simon King!......pl.............Ascii...........ProcreationFuse
Sly Spy..........hu.............................Capana
Tapeworm.........fi.............Code............Acid Rain
Wave.............nl.............Music...........Maniacs of Noise
Thanks to the following people for some gaps filled out since last issue:
ezah,core-nick,melcom,misha and zenial.
------ 13.Articles ----------------------------------------------------------
- - -- aNADUNe -- - -
o / o
G R A V I T Y V O T E S Y S T E M v1.0
code: MACio idea: KAZik
spread: Cortez@irc.pl
TURAWA / POLAND, 28 - 30 AUGUST, 1998
115 disk-voters were used to compile these results
Pos / ......... / No / Points
PC Demo:
1.Automaton Flavour by Hellcore 1 99 pkt.
2.Suita Futura Preview by Liberty 8 92 pkt.
3.The one by Enenzi 3 62 pkt.
4.73ms by Pulse 7 55 pkt.
5.Episode by Shadows 4 37 pkt.
6.Syndrom-x by Amnesty 2 29 pkt.
7.Rain by Norferin 5 25 pkt.
8.Madness by Zone51 6 17 pkt.
8.Contact by Suspend 9 17 pkt.
1.Automatikk for the people by Mawi 3 147 pkt.
2.Riot by Appendix 2 133 pkt.
3.Absolon by Venus Art Mawi 1 128 pkt.
PC 64kb:
1.Senseless by Interror 2 88 pkt.
2.Restless by Logrus 3 84 pkt.
3.Silence by Giraffe 1 62 pkt.
4.Homework by Neon 4 50 pkt.
5.4gotten by Banshik/Apatia 7 25 pkt.
6.Planet by Code Brothers 5 16 pkt.
7.Debut by Noir 6 8 pkt.
AMIGA 64kb:
1.Outgrowing by Potion 6 96 pkt.
2.React by Absurd 8 82 pkt.
3.Shema by Nah-Kolor9 68 pkt.
4.Hidden Memories by Phase Truce 3 44 pkt.
5.Ast by Amnesty 1 40 pkt.
6.Buack! by Iris 7 36 pkt.
7.Dewil by Moons 4 27 pkt.
8.Mystery by Phase Truce 5 20 pkt.
9.Engine by Whelpz 2 18 pkt.
10.old10mhz by Tresor 10 0 pkt.
4kb PC:
1.Electro dj by Mrock/Hellcore 1 132 pkt.
2.Spark of hope by Khamoon/Tube27 3 89 pkt.
3.Wolfenstein by Pointman/Suspend 2 88 pkt.
4.No name by Impexus/Diffuse 4 45 pkt.
5.Intro by Bishop/Hpz 5 39 pkt.
6.Pluz by Cryogen group 6 12 pkt.
7.Onvog by Zinn 7 10 pkt.
4kb AMIGA:
1.4kb by Whelpz 2 96 pkt.
2.They by ITB/Ind. 3 77 pkt.
3.Quiet by Darkage 4 55 pkt.
4.Diao by Mawi 1 47 pkt.
5.Eniac by Floppy 5 35 pkt.
2d GFX:
1.Colored lights by Visual/Omnicolour 4 72 pkt.
2.One second by Pazur 3 68 pkt.
3.Loofa by Grass/Hypnotize 1 63 pkt.
4.Forest by Lazur/Pulse 7 54 pkt.
5.Lady by Szatin/Anakata 2 43 pkt.
6.LostMemories by Jok/DreamWeb 16 42 pkt.
7.Hummming-bird by Lucky/Pulse 6 40 pkt.
8.Twilight by Nelson/Potion 13 37 pkt.
9.Shine by Orbital/Prism 9 27 pkt.
10.Bonner by Dzordan/Moons 12 21 pkt.
11.No name by Ace/Phase Truce 17 15 pkt.
12.Elf by KK/S.E.T. 5 11 pkt.
12.Acid face by Heretic/Amnesty 10 11 pkt.
13.Faces out by Spark Caro 14 9 pkt.
14.Guardian by Yacca/Cryogen 8 7 pkt.
15.Light by Kro/Phase Truce 11 5 pkt.
16.No name by Bandy 15 0 pkt.
3d RAY:
1.Demon by Io/Fuse 9 78 pkt.
2.Tibernakulum by Zoltan/Amnesty 13 77 pkt.
3.Wez mnie Zywcem by Coner 17 42 pkt.
4.Tower of power by Diablo/Defect 6 38 pkt.
5.Killer by Slider/Moons 12 36 pkt.
6.Binary infulence by Tetno/BM 1 31 pkt.
7.Troll Party98 by Rzuck/Melancholy 5 23 pkt.
7.Satyrs by Scorpik/Pulse 7 23 pkt.
8.Telekomuna by Sharp/Anadune 2 20 pkt.
9.Submarine Ytok/Neon Bros 4 15 pkt.
9.Funkyshit by Yves/c3s 11 15 pkt.
10.Raptor Attack by Asl/Nipson 16 12 pkt.
11.They come... by REM/Exmortis 8 9 pkt.
11.Nadia by DEF/Floppy 10 9 pkt.
12.Road to hell by Soulless/69 3 8 pkt.
13.Peace by MadBart/Appendix 15 4 pkt.
14.Kenwood by Tomasz 14 3 pkt.
1.Demotune by Norm/Agravedict 28 63 pkt.
2.Rock 98 by Traymuss/Giraffe 2 58 pkt.
3.Dead flower 2 by Falcon/Pulse 14 57 pkt.
4.Discoshit by Grogon/Picco 26 44 pkt.
5.Discotheque by Protas/Nah Kolor 21 42 pkt.
6.Ever-never-forever by Revisq/And 25 36 pkt.
7.Pandemonium of noise by Nemus/Tense Dance 12 33 pkt.
8.Asia watch by Grass/Hpz 10 24 pkt.
9.Deep ocean by Hyde/ByteWay 3 19 pkt.
10.Tennessee by Marc Jim 23 17 pkt.
11.Pink window by Hris Idaho 24 16 pkt.
12.Planetology by Nimrod/Fortress 6 14 pkt.
12.Time of lovers by Argasek/IPL 11 14 pkt.
13.Victory by Sol/And 8 13 pkt.
13.Reveal! by Hexachord/Pulp 13 13 pkt.
13.March of peace by Crusoe/Selective 20 13 pkt.
13.Astral project by Madman/Amnesty 27 13 pkt.
14.Betoniarnia by Zenial Bartesek 5 10 pkt.
15.Mystical dreams by Nobbie Max/Defect 1 9 pkt.
15.Elsewhere by Moonlighter/ScrewBolt 16 9 pkt.
16.Cuddle your teddy by KeyG/Pulse 9 8 pkt.
17.Ainulindale by Szudi/Amnesty 7 6 pkt.
17.Space journey by LUK/Procreation 15 6 pkt.
18.Sunrise by Arson/Cryogen 4 5 pkt.
18.Ddrill by Robo/Amnesty 22 5 pkt.
18.No Name 29 5 pkt.
19.Colorize by Daze/Prism! 18 4 pkt.
20.The last day by After/CeeReal 19 3 pkt.
21.Euterpe by Weed/Procreation 17 1 pkt.
1.V-block - Ogniste bejbe by Venture 6 217 pkt.
2.My planet by Agravedict 4 88 pkt.
3.Oblicza wojny by Trio 5 84 pkt.
4.A better alternative by Suspect 3 82 pkt.
5.Gift by Tetno 2 28 pkt.
6.Pulse by Boom! 1 21 pkt.
1.Rycerze okraglego stolca by Odbyt 2 187 pkt.
2.Fuck Lame 1 3 111 pkt.
3.Crazy Sexy Cool by Odbyt 1 71 pkt.
4.Poczta by Brygada RR 4 30 pkt.
5.Zorek 5 8 pkt.
Party totals: 332 people + one dog -
T o t a l D i s a s t e r
i n f o
About ----------------------------------------------------------------
TotalDisaster - the coolest mag in the world.
* first issue - BLUE 100 Polish lang.
release date: 24.11.97
available at: www.meil.pw.edu.pl/st1524/ftp/tdblue.zip
subjects : not related to scene
* second issue - AMBER 95 Polish lang., 5 English
release date: 11.05.98
available at: www.meil.pw.edu.pl/st1524/ftp/tdamber.zip
subjects : Publicus, Scene, HydePark, Art
featuring : - slide show in Art section
14 cool pics by Angel, Koshu and Misha
- outstanding msx by GRAFF and Nobbie
- high quality illustrations
- hypertext links check this out!
- user frendly interface
* next issue - BLACK PolishEnglish lang.
release date: probably 09.98
subjects : its up to you! see Support us! section
* internet www version of TotalDisaster 100 Polish lang.
release date: 11.97 constantly updated
available at: http://home.elka.pw.edu.pl/awrobel1/
Support us! ----------------------------------------------------------------
Who is the most important editor of TotalDisaster?
Without YOUR support this mag would be worthless...
... so dont hesitate
Technical info:
* Texts
- you can write either in English or Polish language
if you choose Polish, dont forget to use Polish
letters - any standard
- do not divide words at the end of lines
- words should be separated with a single space
- try NOT TO insult anyone in your texts
- you can include any illustrations, quotations or whatever
enclose the authors names - very important
* Gfx
- you can send any kind of pics
- the best pics will be placed in slide-show
- for more details get in touch with Misha
see Ctx section
* Msx
- you can send any kind of msx
- the best msxs will be presented within mag
- for more details get in touch with Graff
see Ctx section
If you want to format your text by yourself, write
an e-mail to Misha or HeY. Youll get a copy of TD-Editor.
If you would like to be a TotalDisaster co-editor,
text-collector, or you have some interesting ideas
get in touch with Misha see Ctx section.
Competition ----------------------------------------------------------------
Become famous! Win TotalDisaster Competition!
* 2d gfx
- resolution: 640x480 prefered, it can be any other
but such piccy will be scaled in case of winning
- format: any viewable using Display
- you can use any technique: pixeling, rendering or anything
else, excluding scanning
- one artist - up to 3 piccys
* 3d gfx
- resolution: 640x480 prefered, it can be any other
but such piccy will be scaled in case of winning
- format: any viewable using Display
- one artist - up to 3 piccys
* msx
- any module playable using CubicPlayer/Pascal
- one musician - up to 3 mods
* 256 bytes intro
- size: up to 256 bytes
- runable under MSDOS or W95
- one coder - up to 3 intros
* 4kB intro
- size: up to 4096 bytes
- runable under MSDOS or W95
- one coder - up to 3 intros
Some basic rules:
- competing works could not be presented
at any other competition
- authors must agree to present their works
within TotalDisaster
- no members of Tatanka, Defect and Bora will
take part in this competition we are the jury
How to send your work:
- files up to 0.5MB can be send to Misha via e-mail
- bigger files must go by snail to Misha of coz
- see Ctx section for addy
- disks will not be returned sorry, no time for this
the jury: TotalDisaster team well try to be fair
deadline: 31.08.98 it can be changed
For more, fresh details refere to TotalDisaster i-net page,
or just send an e-mail to Misha see Ctx section.
Ctx ----------------------------------------------------------------
Misha to send articles, competition works, or anything else
e-mail: st1524@orange.meil.pw.edu.pl
snail: Michal Sokolski Misha
ul. Gubinowska 51
02-956 Warszawa
HeY to send articles, technical problems with TD
e-mail: hey@prioris.im.pw.edu.pl
gTg to send articles, anything about i-net TD
e-mail: awrobel1@home.elka.pw.edu.pl
Graff to send msx for TD, but not for competition
e-mail: graf@albit.geo.uw.edu.pl
Pyshtoff swapping
e-mail: jakubows@prioris.im.pw.edu.pl
snail : Krzysztof Jakubowski
ul. Dembego 23a m.25
02-796 Warszawa
Shogun swapping
snail : Piotr Stankiewicz
ul. Upalna 96 m.56
15-668 Bialystok
Szum/Cryogen Dragon.vs.fleur Psychic Symphony
OK! So this is what happened:
Me all happy checking email come upon szums email addressed to me,
nephoo and assign!
Er... I lost the original email! That wouldnt be a problem if i
hadnt promised szum to post it! OOPS!
Basically he wanted apologies for the following news posted on
demojournal number 3:
Dragon4 wasnt released at Gravity III - reason: small problems
inside group, Szum/Cryogen left group and has stolen whole english
articles for Fleur magazine.
He is not an article thief! Something happened and nephoo heard about
it and wrote the best english version he could and i corrected the english on
that version the best i could and so we ended up with this mess!
I will post the second email he sent to me with my original
justifications and apologies on the numbers!
-Start quote-
hi Psychic Symphony
im glad that youve answered my email, and im satisfied of yours
apologies indeed personal apologies are accepted:
1. i am responsible for demojournal! me alone!
ok.. how long are you releasing that demonews?
2. i cant check all news! if i did i wouldnt need some people filling me
in on news!
So Nephoo did a little mistake, anyway all is now OK.. i dunno who
spreaded such false news, but similar were in Hugi12 too, but there
wasnt anything about stealing. Im not an article stealer.
Also the Dragon4 has just been released and there is english corner
WITH this articles. see: ftp://amber.bti.pl /scene/mags/dragon
3. i see your point! this very mail will be posted on demojournal aside
with my apologies! editors note: NOT THIS ONE! the one i lost! :
OK. i accept. thanx:
4. your welcome to help me out making demojournal more accurate! by that
just send articles like the one you did! or news, your votes anything at
Hmm.. articles are quite hard thing for me. Im not native speaker, and
im doing much mistakes etc.. all what i write im sending to Fleur, im
in there a co-editor or whatever. But ill try to help you with news,
also you can send me voteform to fill in.
5. i am sorry this happened! but hell... life sukz and then you die!
i just hope this doesnt mean life or death on poland! i am sorry!
OK: thanx:
so. greetz...
Yours Sincerelly:
-end quote-
Szum is no longer bothered with me or demojournal then! STILL, I
promised him i was going to post his original mail and failed to do that!
So i must apologize once again! I am sorry Szum! Didnt do it on purpose!
Just happened!
Other people who may read this e-mail might think that i am playing
around with szum and the whole situation! I AM NOT! It happened, Szum felt
insulted! I apologized the best way i could, there are no second intentions
whatsoever! Just me asking an apologie for something that went wrong under
my responsibility!
I also talked with ezah/dilemma fleurs editor and he says he
doesnt know anything about this! My guess is, it was just a rumour spread
on gravity98 when people heard dragon wasnt going to be released at the
party place! Anyways... The articles werent stolen, szum now writes for
fleur and dragon4 is already released with the english articles mentioned!
One big mess that i hope it ends here!
This is not a diskmag review article! This is not a flame! This
is not a feedback! Its just what is on my mind. People who dont like to
read subjective points of view may skip this article!
Its not worth denying Adok assembles Hugi and is the main responsible
for it, so i guess this text goes out to him...
Keep up Hugi diskmag project! HTML links where great idea and the
dos / windows32 versions where ideal for that kind of diskmag!
Small clitches still need fix like choosing the tune you want to play
from within the mag! And main section article selection using only the keyboard!
Other than these small details HUGI has really taken yet another major jump
on the right direction!
Articles where still on lower number then imphobia but that would be
to ask to much! The interviews are a lot better and interesting than the ones
on the previous issue. Add that to the fact that you have assembled this whole
thing in just two and a half months and you have something to look back with
At first i was disapointed at myself, seeing such a great mag compared
to my lousy demojournal made me feel bad! There are so many things i still need
to accomplish to remotly get near to your level of general demoscene knowledge
that it frightens me! you do have one problem: You write to much some times!
A good example are the chart counting system explanation, everybody
who has remotly though about counting some votes has stumbled upon that
problem and understands perfectly your point without you needing to babble
about it for more then 100 lines! I bet most people havent read all that text!
A critic to the chart results was a nice touch! Senior sceners get
to know what happened with some productions they though to be on the top and
fresh sceners learn a little more on demoscene background and history!
Seeing demojournal 1 review all over again made me feel bad again!
OK, so it was childish, but it was only issue number one! You didnt had to
slaughter me with every line i released! The only part i enjoyed reading was
the introduction and the last two paragraphs! I do believe demojournal has
taken a leap for better past four issues!
Party calendar was totally brain-crushing! I felt like a kid thinking
the world is restrained to his neighbour-hood! Never realized there would be
so many new parties announced. I was expecting a couple of them, not the
Last but not least a small comment on a specific article you wrote:
we dont need two-members begginer groups! Hey man, i used to be a member
of a two-member begginer group! There was nothing wrong with it! The only
part that went wrong was when i started to get more aware on the scene and
the other member didnt! I started getting some more people into the group,
people i didnt knew well enough! It all belongs in the past! My old group
is dead and i am happy with my new one! With other demosceners who are aware
of whats going on and like me want to contribute! BTW: We already have a
name... Shock suggested Evolve! Me and idiotboy accepted! :
Well... Thats it i guess. Nothing more to say about HUGI!
Its simply the best diskmag around! Keep up the good work.
Psychic Symphony
What is wrong with you people? Didnt you spend whole years analising
the form and content of poems at school? Every time i read a poem in a
diskmag i dont like it! Dont get me wrong some are good. Most are crap!
You just want to let your feelings out... An example are love poems:
I love her
She does not love me
Oh no! I feel bad
Im gonna kill myself
This shit aint a poem! This is four short sentences. Four short
sentences do not make a poem! At least make some verses rhyme. Or have the
same sylabus counting! Something like:
Oh! I do love you...
Why cant you love me too?
My inner soul cant bear
The though of you not near!
See? It rhymes. And it has remotly close sylabus counting! It aint
that hard! Just think on what you want to say and use easy endings of verses
for starters, the oo sound for example: you, too, blue, uhuhuh! Anything!
Poetry isnt just writing what your feeling inside! Its doing it
on a mysterious way, thats the beauty of it! Playing with the words, showing
off your vocabulary. Thats why girls are suckers for poetry! They like
feelings and they like to hear them! The more time they spend thinking about
what the hell your saying the better!
I aint no marriage councierge but if your writing some of this crappy
stuff to impress a girl, you better start re-thinking your approach strategy!
If, on the other hand, youre just writing for the sake of putting down
what youre thinking then either write a diary or read a couple more REAL poems
before you go on!
Poetry isnt just a bunch of words! Theres more to it! Theres 4 main
writing styles:
-Classical style
-Normal style
-Rich style
-Cyberpunk style
Classical style is like on those RPGs like Ultima! Where we use very
classicaly british terms like thee, foe, indeed, thus and similar!
They sound very well if you impose a certain english accent!
Normal style is something in between yo, wassup! and the normal day
to day chit-chat! Read it with a normal voice like if you were talking with
somebody you know for a long time! Of course that typical US words must be
read with a yo brotha wassup attitude! Something like the beastie boys only
not so fast!
Rich style is when you apply certain weirdo terms like possessibly,
enriching, magnitude, overimposed and stuff like that!
Cyberpunk is my favorite style! Imagine a decadent society when
you realize everyone around is stupid and ignorant and yet you cant do
shit about it! You start saying things like:
My mind wanders across all those missguided people that stumble upon
each other not knowing what the future holds yet i wonder how did the society
came to such a point with such an haste.
This should be read with a melancolic voice. Extending certain words
sounds! Instead of readind those like dose you read douoseeeee. Can you
see the diference? Well, it exists! Didnt you ever saw The Max or
Neon Flux on Mtv?
OK! Enough on what your english teacher should have taugh you! Think
twice or at least read it twice before sending a poem to a diskmag or
newsletter! I realise the poem seems meaningless after you read it a couple
of times, you already know what it means and dont really care on going over
the subject and so you only concentrate on the words and not their meaning!
Theres a very simple way to get past this:
Either you are bored to death in the middle of a class and couldnt
care less on your mates or teacher! Or you can go get something to eat. Just
going through a little strool will make you think about something else and so
when you come back to the poem you will have to re-read it whole and this time
you will take more attention to overall details and not just one specific line
yet when you read it you will notice what would sound better than what is
written, thus you find a nice line to replace that bad line!
Enough on poems! Back to boring reality!
Psychic Symphony
------ 14.END ---------------------------------------------------------------
Dont send anything in! Go away! No votes! No party reports!
No interviews! No news! Nothing! Dont send it! Keep it to yourself!
See if i care! OH PLEASE SEND! PLEASE!!! Im not a bad guy! Really! Well...
Sometimes but thats just because distance keeps on kicking me out of pixel.
Please send in something! At least say you got the demojournal so i can bother
you with more requests! OH PLEASE! Ill wash the windows, clean the carpets,
do the dishes! ANYTHING! Just send in those few lines of text! PLEASE!
You know... This would be a lot easier if i was a girl asking!
Sceners are all suckers for girls with requests! Thats it! Next
issue ill ask a girl to write this section! eheh... Maybe ill even post
her e-mail! But only if there is a next issue so start e-mailing me! :
Psychic Symphony - ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt
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