this image contains text
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: 18 :: 20 dec 1998 :
party on!
interview -
demo -
Run around the family intro -
mod -
pocket full of shells quote -
commercial break
this one was good... homepages
around the family couz of demoparties messages
and shells couz of iraq bombing!
im getting smart! articles
Textmode democompo 3 -
Total Disaster Competition -
Abort 98 official results -
Assembly99 results -
around 165 -
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: editorial :
This week i give you all a bunch of pre-TP98 demoparty stuff!
Feel motivated for what will enlace at TP98!
Looking for ascii logo of demojournal with s no hi-ascii!
Also, Seven sent this cool review of a couple of demos! Which was
really nice! You lazy asses should follow his example and send some
for further issues!!! For demos, intros and musics!!!
Psychic Symphony
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: demonews :
Abort98 was held in slovakia.
You can check the results down and get the stuff from
or on ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/Demos.98/Abort98/
Movement98 was held in Israel.
Jumper98 was held in Hungary.
ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/Demos.98/Jumper.98/ ed: i reckon...
Heroin1 chartsmag is out.
Psychic Symphony
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: party on! :
starts !! ends !! location !! name !! contact !
Nov 07 - Nov 08, 1998 Poland Satellite 98 madbart@jormas.com
Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos 98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98
Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Norway Kindergarten 98 http://kg.portveien.to/
Dec 12 - Dec 13, 1998 Slovenia Abort 98 http://gw2.s-gimb.lj.edus.si/abort98/
Dec 15 - Dec 17, 1998 Israel Movement 98 http://scene-central.com/partyspecial/mov98/info.html
Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer 98 http://scene-hu.com/jumper
Dec canceled , 1998 Poland Freeside98 http://freeside.dr.pl
Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula 98
! present time !
Dec 20 - Dec 20, 1998 Russia EarthQuake 99 www.crosswinds.net/russia/earthquake/
Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash 98 theflashparty.home.ml.org
Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk
Jan 15 - Jan 17, 1999 Finland Elevator 99 http://www.elevator.labra.com
Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Hungary Contest 99
Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Sweden Midwinter 99 hack.amiga-cg.se/midwinter
Feb 19 - Feb 21, 1999 France Volcanic 99
Feb 26 - Feb 28, 1998 Holland Ambience 99 http://www.ambience.nl
Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Italy Trip 99 www.nigma.it/trip99
Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Poland Astrosyn 99
Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering 99
Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org
May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor99 http://neithernor.demo.org
Jun 04 - Jun 06, 1999 Holland Takeover 99 http://www.takeover.nl
Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy 99 http://www.remedy.nu
Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene 99 www.analogica.com/inscene
??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 France Slach 2 www.mygale.org/myke666
??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest99
Sep 04 - Sep 05, 1999 Portugal DemoPorto 99 demoporto99@hotmail.com
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: weekly :
This week! I have been mostly eating... lettuce!
! interview !
PsychicS hello ohad
ok... tell us who you are... where you are from and what
is it you do.
Kombat Im Ohad, from Israel, and I mostly code. Im also known as
Kombat/Immortals, and Eder/TaaT
PsychicS well ok... tell us about the immortals... history.
Kombat hmm... started up abit before the first Israely party,
Movement95. we were 3 coders, no musician/graphics dude.
We did an intro called Insomnia, took 3rd place out of 5
I think, it was a surprise. We met two guys at the party
called Sound Virus and Dark Spirit. Two very good musicians
They joined us and from then on, we did demos!
Should I go through the whole thing ? plz no
PsychicS well... nah..
Just the partys you attended... chronologically please!
Kombat ok, we had Beyond at Movement96, took 2nd place after
Esteems pray only a few points behind. That was our big
breakthrough. Then came Seven, which was even a bigger
success for us. I mean, we were the first and still the
only Israelys to attend and International DemoParty.
PsychicS that was at assembly right?
Kombat Seven took the 6th place out of 15 which were elected
out of 42 at The Assembly97 in Finland. Then, a week
later in Israel, we made a fast demo called The Quest Of
Kahn it was one of the first demos to ever have a real
storyline, was nice, took 1st place at Ritual97 in
PsychicS and then back to movement...
Kombat yes, Movement97! We started making a demo, which I didnt
PsychicS Fortunatly you told someone to steal the HD! :P
Kombat at the party place, where we were suppose to finish it, our
gfx dudes Thor hard-drive was stolen, and we lost most of
the stuff!!! I was happy cause I didnt like that demo, so
we did something real fast at the demo party.. we used a
cool tune by Thor the gfx guy, the musician Dark-Spirit
made some 3d scenes, we added some code, and won 1st
place... it was real fun, with an 8 hour demo.
I like fast demos...
PsychicS hehe... Now for str0mike...
Kombat well, stereomike. I had some stuff going, I was trying new
effects, blah blah blah we eventually gathered it all up
into a demo, called it Stere0Mike, and entered it at
PsychicS i like this blah blah blah section! :D
Kombat yes. much easier for me
PsychicS hehe! write about 1 day trying to get network going!
Kombat so, yada yada yada, we won 3rd place at Wired98
I mean, I met you at Belgium, we had some fun! damn party
network, yada yada yada, but very cool party, emmense
PsychicS where is str0mike name from? ed: i already know but...
Kombat hehe! the name... from a Bran Van 2000 song I believe
PsychicS drinking in LA?
Kombat something about getting drunk in the streets of LA,
somewhere along that song the singer says StereoMike and
i liked it well, we had a bunch of names for a demo
let me show you
PsychicS hehe... sure! dump!
Kombat sec, where is that shit?
* PsychicS waits while ohad throws papers around
Kombat woo, found it
hey wait, its not the full list, well whatever...
Immortals Internal Documentation
Author : Ohad
Created : 01/01/1998
Last Revised : 04/03/1998
-------- Demo Name
1. Camera Obscura
2. Take Me There
3. Enuma Elish
4. Aphsu Tihamat
5. The Power To See
6. Power To The People
7. I See The Future In Your Eyes
PsychicS aphsu tihamat? whats that?
Kombat some god name
so is enuma elish
PsychicS ok! i believe you! ed: :
Kombat I think I learned that in school, while comparing our god
to others... he or she is supposedly the god who torn up
the world to the sky and water horizon
PsychicS humm... ok... you just arrived from mov98! tell us
about it!
Kombat but I want to talk about weird gods!!!
just kiddin! anyhows...
Mov98 ? isnt that where we sacrificed that goat ?
PsychicS im not sure! remote network connection wasnt working that
well! :P
Kombat well, yes, I just came back from Movement98 which was lots
of fun! a pic of us guys is on
PsychicS oh yeah! btw: we still want pics from wired98!!!
Kombat GIVE US PICS OR DIE!!! thats the spirit
PsychicS little adv see if we can get some results! :P
ok... back to mov98 report. how many ppl were there?
Kombat ok. mov was like 2.5 days. i think 200 +-
But im not a good counter... it was lots of fun anyways...
good spirit! for the first 1.5 days we did shit.
I mean, just sat around thinking Gee, we should really do a
demo. since some of IMr are now in israely army, it was me
and my friends from YOE israely demo group
PsychicS army sucks... :
Kombat yes, army wreaks.
so we decided to make the demo together, first intention
was to call it Imr vs. yoe but they said orange and cncd
already used that.
PsychicS what did you name it then?
Kombat we sat, and in around 1 day made a short but nice demo...
which won the first place... we called it Jinakau.
which is suppose to be a part of a chinese sentence which
means be your best or something i think its
Jinkaku kanstemi katen .... our gfx guy who learned karate
came up with that
PsychicS how do you know chinese? ah... ok! and what happened
with the demo?
Kombat i dont know chinese!!! although im 1/4 chinese
anyhows... the demo had some competition by an other
Yoe+Dark-Spirit demo called Benzine which is a friggin
cool demo, but you ought to know how to read hebrew to
understand it.
PsychicS so it was 2 imr+yoe demos?
Kombat and an other demo by a new group called Flood, a 3D Demo,
with nice scenes, that simply got abit fucked up due to
some inexperience of the makers, but their learning
one imr+yoe demo, and an other yoe+dark-spirit demo.
oh yeah, some time be4 movement98 Dark-spirit resigne/was
kicked from Immortals due to his incompetence of standing
high-preasure situations
PsychicS bahaha! and he made a demo under pressure for mov98? :P
Kombat btw, http://yoe.ramsoft.co.il/temp/benzine.zip if you want
to see benzine, Jinkaku url will come soon. Not really, he
worked on it a long time before... Let us not get into this
anyhows... we also made a wild demo at Movement98
it shows a PalmPilot drawing the Sierpinski Triangle in
real-time, its pretty nice
PsychicS ahah! ok... so you won mov98?
Kombat yes, it was nice
PsychicS what u doing now? just recovering from hard-core coding?
Kombat but all 6 of us GOT A FRIGGIN 15 inch clit
I mean CTX Monitor im now taking a look at all the
games i got from traders at the party Half Life is real
nice to play, nice work sierra+id
PsychicS u can always split in 6 and divide the pieces!
Kombat Carmageddon2 isnt something, NFS3 is nice, and i need to
look at the rest. we thought of just leaving the screen
there but we figured we can all make atleast a can of
coke out of it, so we made JoNny the gfx dude to carry it
home with him
PsychicS so you have plans for your business company now?
Kombat yes. im back to work on our new secret company/product
until now Silvatar was incharge of the 3d-engine which is
only a small part in the program, but since he didnt move
his butt for a long time, I kicked him out, took his
shares, and started writing the engine
PsychicS i reckon you dont want to get into that so...
You wrote about prizes back there... tell us about ATI
boards from wired98!
Kombat ooooooh, ATI Boards, whats that ?
PsychicS you were supposed to get an ATI card from youre 3rd
place at wired98
Kombat Ati promised TONS of ATIALLINWONDER cards for Wired98
Winners. Alot around 50-100 cards! And Wired was like
half a year ago and nobody got a damn card, bad ATI, bad ATI
PsychicS where are they? Lost in mail?
Kombat guille, coder of first place demo winner in Wired98 was
interviewd to a Frnech magazine and said bad stuff about
them lost in ATI
PsychicS should someone sue them?
Kombat dunno
PsychicS i mean... they promised the cards and backed out!!
Kombat Jeff organizer of Wired just says they dont care
And I hope this French article moves something but I dont
expect to get any of these cards.
PsychicS of course they dont care! publicity is done! no need to
give prizes now... ed: i reckon we are talking about ATI
and not Wired98 organizing! Dake wrote an article in
Pain 12 98 about this and says Jeff tried several times
to get in touch with ATI and get the promised cards!
Kombat well i hope they get ass-fucked by a big guy caleld Buba
PsychicS and wasnt your demo like... asked to serve as a benchmark
or something for ATI?
Kombat yes, well... we had a whole other thing going with ATI
Stere0Mike and the 1st place Winner in Wired98 by
Cocoon, aha I Remember now were suppose to be rewritten
using Directx6 and serve as a Demonstration of the new ATI
RAGE 128! There were suppose to be 3 demos. When the guy
from ATI came to me and cocoon, he already had a demo by
FutureCrew... There were suppose to be 3 demos, FutureCrew,
Cocoon and Immortals.
After a month of giving and taking and talking and working,
suddenly the guy from ATI Disappears! And I sincerely mean
disappear!!! vush, no more Georges thats his name same
with cocoon... suddenly, vush, no more Georges.
PsychicS humm... thats strange to say the least!
Kombat this is too bad, since you wont find me or any of my
friends buying an ATI card in the next century
ed: and i sincerely hope readers of this also take this attitude!!!
PsychicS yeah!
Kombat and i lost lots of money and publicity
publicity as in of a demo maker, could have maybe gotten
more jobs at commercial stuff like that...
PsychicS well.. ok! enough about this... time for your
Kombat likes/dislikes ?
PsychicS best groups/demo/intro/music/gfx and coder
Kombat oooh shit! I hate grading that
best groups hmm
PsychicS just tell us what u like! its understandable if you
forget someone.
Kombat ByteRapers are good, I love HyperVentilation the guys who
made Boost are good too! whats their name ? damn my memory
PsychicS doomsday! they are split now you know?
Kombat yes, they rule Statix is very good too, I mean really
good, better a DemoDesigner than a Coder... there is also
Pulse, who are pretty good too. I dislike FutureCrew, I
Despise the way people look at SecondReality and say whow
PsychicS why? dont you like it?
Kombat SecondReality is nice, but to some extent, even taking the
time when it was done, people go around playing it at demo
parties. when they played Second Reality at Movement98, I
went on, turned my computer on, turned my speakers to full
volume and I got good speakers, bought with the prize
money of The Quest Of Kahn I started Unreal, and most of
the people heard the opening of unreal rather than
2nd reality. ed: that was rude!
PsychicS well... it was definitly a marker on demoscene history
like 303
Kombat it was a nice demo, period.
No, 303 is much much better, much more elite, it will take
a long time until someone makes a demo as good as 303, so
smooth, so ingenious, so revolutionary, so fun to see.
PsychicS well... ok! : what about music and gfx?
Kombat wait, more demos
PsychicS ok... go on with the list... :
Kombat I like the guy who coded the intro with the shadows and the
demo with the shadows and bones and bump! whats that called?
PsychicS wild light/drift? ed: i dunno...
Kombat why cant I remember shit. wild light is old but nice too
PsychicS you always forget things when you really need to
remember! :
Kombats the intro with the real shadows SpotLite!!!
yeah, and the other cool demo with the shadows Fulcrum!!!!
PsychicS u like fulcrum?
Kombat yeah, the coder, whats his name, looks like a nice and
smart guy, gave an interview to hugi at 12 I think...
PsychicS i got tired of it after 10x! :P ed: make that 30!
Kombat not like, I admire the effort
PsychicS skyphos i think...
Kombat its not a good demo, i said i like the coder
no... not sharon either...
which is bad enough for reminding me my x-gf
editor: LOL! girls drive guys nuts! :
PsychicS no? digisnap then...
Kombat yes, DigiSnap! smart guy. anyhows...
Submissive from Cubic is a nice and smart guy too.
and Pascal is a kick ass too, somewhat in the same league
as statix as far as I see it anyhows...
good 4k is ofcourse all OmniXXXX intros... Omniscent is the
best ofcourse...
PsychicS more demos/intros?
Kombat oh, other good coders are Michael Abrash, John Carmack and
the wise guy who wrote Unreal
editor: DOOM!!! QUAKE!!! UNREAL!!! DONUTS!!! DOH!
PsychicS :P
Kombat ok. music hmm
I hate 95 of music , so its hard
Kombat Necros does nice stuff some time, and Vic too
Scorpik and Falcon are good aswell.
hmm, Swallow and the other guy are good too ed: dice?
PsychicS yes! pulse music always rules!
Kombat no... not always... sometimes hmm. who else ?
there probably a few more guys I cant recall. Oh yeah,
NITRO / TRAUMA. he deserves a special Whow you really
kick ass!
PsychicS hehe
Kombat here is one of the guys id like to do a demo with
actually I alreay did, but nevermind...
PsychicS ? u did?
Kombat oh I forgot to mention a 10 hour TaaT demo that took 10th
place at Assembly98 Nitro gave me one of his tunes for it,
it wasnt serious music,demo
PsychicS ah!!! oh yeah... tAAt
Kombat oh, and I made some intros now that I recall damn whats my
prob. today
PsychicS lol i love it when i want to say something and forget the
names! :D
Kombat 42 - 6th place at asm98, and sheeva - 1st at millenium97
israel! hehe
more musicians ? well, I altely noticed that Sash are good,
Stay,MoveMania, and more. Yanni is good, The Rock soundtrack
is good, Prodigy, a song or two by The Crystal Method and
some standard shit.
gfx - made,johny,lazur that summz it up and our own Falcor
is pretty nice too!
PsychicS well... tell me what you think about 3d demos and 3dfx
Kombat bah! is this standard shit ? ed: yeps!
PsychicS hehe yeah
Kombat well... 3d demos are nice, as long as their original
and 3d hardware accelerated demos are still new, which
allows them to be un-original and nice at the same time.
PsychicS if you want i can ask weird questions!!!! :D
Kombat weird questions at the end
Kombat I always look for new stuff in demos, I hate making a demo
just from standard stuff. In StereoMike we did lots of new
stuff i think and in Jinkaku too, we were the 2nd in the
world to do a new effect
not effect, more like new technology...
We combined 3d scenes with Captured Movies
Statix was the first to combine a real movie with a 3d
scene in his 3dfx demo at Assembly98, he did it nice, but
I think he lacked something. another friend of mine came up
with the idea, so we brought a video camera to Movement98
And we ended up with one of the gfx guys flying in a
tunnel, and another one hovering like a budha over a island
in the middle of the ocean
which is really original and cool as i Believe, this is a
new thing, and we will see some cool stuff with it, so run
and d/l Jinkaku just for the experience
PsychicS about original effects... you like dis/mandula and
73ms/pulse then?
Kombat I think Dis/Mandula Sucks shit and wreaks ass, sorry, I was
abit too angry at that, i just dislike that! And 73ms is
fucking boring shit, although it has some, as they said,
good looking handsome routines but no more than that
PsychicS lol! i reckon u dont like 2d effect! :D
Kombat 2d effects, hmm, no, they can be real nice, yet, seeying a
simple tunnel/ripple/bump can get really fucking boring
having the Occasional Bump
PsychicS but dis didnt had no bump! you dont like jazz is that it?
Kombat jazz? i hate jazz why?
PsychicS dis jazzy mood
Kombat perhaps, then again, maybe just another shitty demo
no offense! paper is nice too now that i recall
PsychicS offense yes! rod is friend of mine! demo rules! u tell me
why it sucks...
Kombat it sucks cause it sucks! its fucking boring! with 1-2 new
effects ed: more than that ill say!
damn ugly music ed: not your taste!
damn ugly synching ed: it lacks design
damn ugly colors ed: no way! its colorfull...
i know to apprechiate good stuff
PsychicS bah! its not your type of demo
Kombat damn ugly demo
PsychicS you dont like orange demos aswell so... :
Kombat perhaps not... orange demos, they get nice some times
PsychicS but...
Kombat but some times they wreek shit I do hate Coma demos
PsychicS lol! i knew it! ed: i had this discussion with ohad here
about why i though megablast ruled and he though it
sucked at wired... Hes hard to crack some sense into!
Kombat they really get low, i mean reall low hehehehe
PsychicS its your taste! cant argue with that! :D
Kombat im not fucked up mentally enough to understand the magic
behind these fucked up demos ha ? ed: whatever! :
PsychicS lol ok! time for weird questions?
Kombats shoot!
PsychicS are you now or have you ever been a member of the
comunist party?
Kombat shhh, dont let everybody know, i thought it was our own
little secret. ed: ICK! sorry... forgot!
PsychicS what is the most appealing characteristic of a pineapple?
Kombat sec, trying to remember what fruit a pineapple is
PsychicS so?
Kombat how about easier questions ? like what did you do on the
night of august 26th 1992 ? i think the way it shines
when you point it to plutos moon
PsychicS can you name the 3rd brithest star visible?
Kombat Shit! hmm, Mars ? ed: HHHHHEEEEEEEE! Wrong answer!
PsychicS can u name the capital of madagascar?
Kombat Madagascar ? shit, where did you pull that out of ?
editor: Some people still dont read the interviews on demojournal
and learn something!!! Antananarivo!!!
PsychicS how many pages do the yellow pages in israel have?
Kombat too many ofcourse, half of these pages are filled with
actual advertisements for the Yellow-Pages
PsychicS komb: dont u know where madagascar is?
Kombat Madagascar ? sounds familliar, but you know i Suck in
Geography no ed: hehe! its that big island next to
PsychicS what is the biggest reptile on earth?
Kombat Some Lizard on an Island somewhere near Brazil?
editor: Hes getting smart! But alligators are bigger! You were
thinking about those Galapagos lizards! i think...
*** Kombats changes topic to SouthPark kicks Ass
Kombat hmm, hard one...
PsychicS why do southpark only move on paper clipping like
movements? they never rotate their heads.
editor: this was funny! I was with iceball before i logged on and i
pointed to him: This is ohad! The israely from Wired98!
He goes: LOOK! SOUTHSIDE!!! And i go what? And he
explains me all about little drawings and the sentence
There goes XXXXX. Look XXXXX go! :
Kombat thats the whole thing
the lame graphic art is what makes it so appealing!
Stans grandpa I took your mother, and I humped her,
and then I took your grandmother bones, and I humped them
PsychicS what about the biggest mamal not counting elefants!
Kombat oh, easy, white or blue whale
when do i get to ask questions ? ed: What? er... oh shit!
PsychicS grrr... you correctly answered one! that ends my turn!
Kombat hehe. ready?
PsychicS uhoh!! im in trouble arent i? sure... i guess....
Kombat hmm, how many leaves does the ICQ flower has ? WITHOUT
PsychicS 8 maybe ed: DIDNT LOOK!!! haha!! i answered right!!!!
: ed: Now i looked! :
Kombat yeah right! you probably looked
PsychicS lol! no way! next question please
Kombat How do horses sleep ?
PsychicS er... laid sideways
Kombat hahahaha WRONG!
PsychicS ?
Kombat Its amazing but hourses sleep WHILE STANDING!!!
PsychicS no way!
Kombat they somehow lock their legs and paw, fall asleep while
standing hard one ha ed: damn israely!
PsychicS wow! its weird couz i had seen cows and horses.
and now that u mention it... cows always get shit on
their sides and horses dont!
Kombat heheheheheheheh you know what that means
That belgium is filled with cows that are filled with shit
Kombat why is coca-cola much better than pepsi ?
PsychicS it has more bubbles!
Kombat ok, that was an easy one its called gas
ed: lets not get technical!
PsychicS burp
Kombat how long is my recording of the Beasty Boyz Performing
intergallactic live ?
PsychicS er... 4 minutes i seen the mtv awards you know!
Kombat 4:35, close... what causes the y2k bug ? and what the hell
does a hub do? and why is opengl better than d3d ?
PsychicS er... whats an hub? whats d3d? : ed: whats a cpu?
Kombat hehe. Direct3D, nevermind. thinking...
PsychicS lol! im better at trivia! :D
Kombat whats better ? Theres Something About Marry or
Dumb Dumber ?
PsychicS dd of course!!!
Kombat You sold my dead parocky to a blind kid ??? its ok, I
TOOK CARE OF IT buwahahahaha another correct one
PsychicS bahahah
Kombat how long is iraq being bombed by us and uk forces ?
PsychicS 3 days now! i think...
Kombat hmm, nice
PsychicS im too good!
Kombat how many out of how many things did the congress find
william jefferson CLInTon guilty enough to stand for trial
cause of
PsychicS er... i dunno... 2, 3 maybe...
Kombat bwahahahaha. 2 out of 4!
PsychicS : ok, talk about some interesting topic! so ppl read
the interview all the way through
Kombat what do you mean ?
hmm, DaySleeper by REM is pretty good
oh! Immortals are looking for new and good members from all
over the world, email eder@bigfoot.com
PsychicS so? found some interesting topic
Kombats hmm, topic, i think their all redundant
no good topic! wanna talk about gals? aint I shallow
ed: yes you are! :D
PsychicS gals? where?
* PsychicS looks around...
Kombats i dont want to talk about demos, or the scene, Ive had
enough of that for now! Gals, in my Kapoiera class
PsychicS how do they look? 8
Kombats oh yeah, I figured im a nifty guy so I may go ahead and
learn Kapoiera.
editor: You need to be 18 or older to read this part!!!
Please give us your credit card details and we will give
you full access to all 8
* PsychicS knows a new line... ed: and i learned it with a girl so
Kombats ?
PsychicS hei babe! nice shoes... wanna fuck? :P
what do you think?
Kombat hehe i think you should try it on a kapoiera/karate gal
to everyone who doesnt know, PshyshKabab cut his hair and
put on contact-lenses
PsychicS hehe! :P maybe ill let her drink a little first! the
slap might hurt with these kind of girls you know?
Kombat thats the intention
PsychicS no one knows how i look anyways! : doesnt matter! :D
Kombat hehehehee I think Ill head coding/sleeping now, its 2:25
PsychicS lol ok! want to say hi to anyone?
Kombat and since i need to fill Silvatars place, I need to rewrite
the damn 3dengine. hi hmm
PsychicS hi mom seems the normal line... wanna try it?
Kombat Hi to all, and I mean all that I know, reall hi, take this
personally, If id give a list it wouldnt look personal and
id probably miss some ppl
hi mom ? gee Im not sure mom reads demojournal but I can
PsychicS yes.. : hehehe
editor: she might be checking that no more internet porno thing you
promise a while ago! :P
*** BullAir Bullair@ has joined demojournal
BullAir another 0oneee? ed: its l0vely! live from jumper98!!!
PsychicS bull: yes! : hows jumper98 going?
Kombats Hi all demosceners, keep up the good work, join Immortals
if your looking for a group, and have a nice life, and find
a nice gal to lie next to at night , thats most important
Kombats hi bullair?!
BullAir wow manyu lamers attended/... nio opne real scen er
here is melan,d-lee,mrtz,picard....and me
PsychicS komb: hes at demoparty! drunk a little too much vodka
lol ed: more than a little l0vely no? :P
BullAir wanna chat with everyone?
Psychic sure! is d-lee around
Kombat bring them on! altough i gotta go soon. ed: :
BullAir you are 2
*** PsychicS has quit IRC
Psychic bull: no! you seeing double!
its the vodka! no matter!
Psychic ohad: u know any hungarian sceners?
Kombat good night all! pshysh - sure, mrz, mali, reptile...
Psychic komb: goodnight! : thx hei! u rule!
Kombat we all rule and remember pshysh, if my comapny gets big
and cool, you and all my friends will get cool jobs, so dont
forget ed: you bet your ass i wont!
night pshysh and all at the hungarian party...
Psychic ill charge you on that!!!! bye
*** Kombats has quit IRC
editor: l0vely is trying to apply for the next interview! thats
why he keeps on poking at these things!
! demo !
Anger by Eastgate final-version
Found on the Dreams 2 CD
Won the Yalp98 PC demo compo.
System requirements:
16 MB ram, 4 MB HD
Recommended: VESA2, pentium 166
The demo:
A fast-paced techno-like demo: rapidly-changing and bright-colored
effects, camera jumps from one position to another, and lots of
compressed videos of dangerous-looking guys with sunglasses. There
are no 3D-worlds, just objects: cats, a human or robot falling in a
tunnel, a globe with spikes rotating between two torusses, ...
Although theres no real theme, the music and the text flashing on
the screen clearly expresses one emotion: anger :. Most effects
follows the music, which gets a bit repetitive at the end. Still, I
like it a lot. There are some original ideas in it, like the
rubber-effect used on a compressed video, almost twisting someones
head off. Theres even some humour hidden in it: We are the
eastgate/with anger/ment to cut kill/and nothing else/ /peace
Some bad things about Anger:
- Most of the effects are used twice, maybe with different colors.
- The vocals are soo compressed they are hardly understandable.
- Most 3D-objects are shown on a 320*150 screen, with a nice black
border above and below it.
- Most transitions are as subtle as an nuclear weapon: a white flash,
and thats it. But this is probably linked to the nature of the
If youre looking for a relaxing, peacefull demo, leave this one
alone. Otherwise, get it and enjoy it.
! intro !
Pina by Exceed
Deansdale React Xtro
?st Flag98 64k
Pina means pussy
Nice bobs
Dont have a GUS
Not many pics but its 64k so...
Psychic Symphony
! mod !
Mellow-d from TPOLM
round 30 megs.
Psychic Symphony
! quote !
btw: Its my birthday today!
Psychic Symphony
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: commercial break! :
is being done
any support msx, articles send to:
miraclmg@polbox.com or
snail addy:
Marcin Ciecwierz
ul.Szymanoskiego 14
o5o8o Izabelin
! homepages !
Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com
Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2
Hugi diskmag................http://home.pages.de/hugidownload
Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/hugi-compo
Melcom mirror......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net
Oranje Juice........................http://citeweb.net/ojuice
Pixel mirror..........................http://fsk.home.ml.org
Skytech team............................http://Skytech.cjb.net
The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org
The Immortals......................http://yoe.ml.org/immortals
The Immortals mirror.................http://imrt.home.ml.org
Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org
Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: messages :
to..Santa Claus
contents..Hey man, Im still patient, but your deadline is
24.00 24th Dec. Later, no mercy.
contents..Happy birthday and name-day. Oh man, what a month.
from..Psychic Symphony
contents..Happy birthday man!
from..Psychic Symphony
content..Please fill out and send in the Armor of Gods 5 votesheet
It is important that all contribute to diskmags. Voting
is the easiest way to do it, please waste 5 of your so
precious idling time to fill out this votesheet. Programmer
says thank you.
content..Thank you. ed: so i made up this last message! SUE ME!
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: articles :
Textmode Democompo 3
Its quite hard to get some idea into peoples heads after they
have chosen to be against it. you cant do anything decent in
textmode turns into its just another gfx mode after seeing a
decent demo in textmode. Thus I dont see any point anymore to try
to change peoples heads. Keep your eyes closed, see if I care..
My view about textmode is that its - really - just another mode,
but one that hasnt been used to its full extent. And this with the
tweaking limits Ive set in TMDC.
TMDC has - and has always had - perhaps too good prizes compared to
the level and number of demos attending. TMDC3 will probably be the
last tmdc if nothing special pops up like java or win NT console
In TMDC1 you had to throw your entries by email TMDC2 had a ftp site
that almost worked, TMDC3 has a web site and ftp site with much
more bandwidth. the web upload does not work as I write this but
were looking into it.
So, in short
deadline 31.12.98
web site http://sauna.net/tmdc3/
ftp site ftp://ftp.fishpool.com/
email solar@compart.fi
prizes SHITloads of scene cds, tshirts and other stuff sponsored
by Imphobia, A.C.E, The Gathering and Trakked Records.
webspace sponsored by Fishpool Creations.
Demo limits in short please read the rules for complete specs
- must run in textmode 80x50 max
- no tweaking over blink attribute disabling
- 1.4 megs in a zip
- gus sb support required
- win95/98 dos box compatibility required
without suggest ms-dos mode when neccessary option checked
- must run on a Pentium 150 with 16 megs of RAM
compo machine will probably be a pII300 tho
Become famous! Win TotalDisaster Competition!
* 10000 pixels 2d gfx
- resolution: 100x100 othersll be rejected
- format: png, tif, gif, lbm, pcx, tga, bmp
- you can use any technique: pixeling, rendering or
anything else, excluding scanning
- one artist - up to 3 piccys
* 100kB msx
- max size: 100 kB biggerll be rejected
- any module playable using CubicPlayer/Pascal
- one musician - up to 3 mods
* 256 bytes intro
- size: up to 256 bytes
- runable under MSDOS or W95
- one coder - up to 3 intros
* 4kB intro
- size: up to 4096 bytes
- runable under MSDOS or W95
- one coder - up to 3 intros
Some basic rules:
- competing works could not be presented
at any other competition
- authors must agree to present their works
within TotalDisaster
- no members of Tatanka will
take part in this competition we are the jury
How to send your work:
- files up to 0.3MB can be send to Misha via e-mail
- bigger files must go by snail to Misha of coz
Michal Sokolski Misha
ul. Gubinowska 51
02-956 Warszawa
- disks will not be returned sorry, no time for this
- the jury: TotalDisaster team well try to be fair
Get Black issue of TotalDisaster NOW! Available at:
files: tdblack.arj tdblack.a01
...and remember to support us!
editor: also...
Abort 98 official results file
Demo competition:
1. Hypnose by Twilight 8.382
2. Sviluppo Insostenibile by Spinning Kids 64k intro really 7.205
3. Aeons by K2 7.117
4. Counter Attack by Septic 5.515
Graphics competition:
1. Cracked Mind by Ufo-girl 7.774
2. Are we alone? by Pipsi / Twilight 6.965
3. Face by Crazyp / Twilight 6.896
4. Predestination by Xtro / Rhyme 6.575
5. Symmetry by Ziga Trsten / Pizbull design 6.448
6. Muca by Shapco 5.838
7. After the Battle by Zobo / Septic 5.800
8. Chaos by Enterman 5.700
Raytrace/3d graphics competition:
1. M-final by Pipsi / Twilight 7.565
2. Aqua Illusions by Glazer / K2 / X-zone 7.545
3. Drugs by CrazyP / Twilight 7.500
4. Village by Hex / Twilight 7.304
5. Fighter by Shadow / Twilight 6.545
6. Baza by Skokec 6.409
7. Katika by Helix / X-seed 5.875
8. Garbage Dump by Cannabis / thc.tribe 5.400
Music competition:
1. Wuuf by Ufo-girl 6.052
2. Exodus by Dixan / Spinning Kids / Ram jam 5.894
3. Rainy day by Demmas / X-seed 5.842
4. Restitution by Outshined / X-seed 5.736
5. Cudez je glasba by Krokar / Members of Progress 5.631
6. !!!Rave by Vasja Femec 5.210
7. Boring by Wini / Interlaced Bytes 5.210
7. Knock by DJ Max / Twilight 5.157
9. Dark Fantasy by McMarchy / Members of Progress 5.105
10. Ironman by DJ Cygnus / Interlaced Bytes 4.894
11. Here we go by Yost / Members of Progress 4.833
12. Drumform by Tweak 4.722
13. Fugitive by Crni / Members of Progress 4.684
House music competition:
1. Take me away by Demmas / X-seed 7.238
2. Hungry for love by Gerchy / X-seed 6.800
3. Katix by Helix / X-seed 6.529
4. In your brain by Crni / Members of Progress 6.142
4. Action reaction by DJ Max / Twilight 6.142
6. Chipstock 98 by Chip / X-seed 6.050
6. Dreams of Flame by McMarchy / Members of Progress 6.050
8. Posocje by Krokar / Members of Progress 5.809
8. S.T.O.P. by Trope / Crystalize 5.809
10. Species by Jerch / Members of Progress 5.761
11. The power of the force by Yost / Members of Progress 5.736
12. Prison of love by Hapimenck / Members of Progress 5.571
13. Final unity by Amour / Members of Progress 5.500
14. Miss by Gaspher / Members of Progress 5.350
Converted to text by DC-1
ed: a girl got 2 first places! I think im in love!
Unofficial results from the Assembly99 !
Pulse totally made a superb comeback and won the PC demo competition!
What? Arent we still in December 1998? Yes, but all the party
results of tomorrow can be figured out already today:
Remember Assembly96? Back then Dubius won the compo with
Machines of Madness and the third place went to a group called
Doomsday. One year after that Doomsday won with Vivid Boost,
Trauma was third with Mindtrap. This year Trauma ruled the compo
with their demo Gateways. Who was third? Pulse with their Tour.
Conclusion: Try to reach third place all the time and youll be
in a winning row.
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: end :
Thats it! Next week well get mailing list info as well as
probably an homepage where probably people will be able to read
all released demojournals online!
Also, results from movement98, jumper98 and a countdown for TP98!
So stay tunned! I must appologise for hotmail account! It sucks big
time!!! See you all next week!
Psychic Symphony psychic@esoterica.pt
Demojournal demojournal@hotmail.com
btw: Its my birthday today! 19/12/98
Psychic Symphony
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: 18 :: 20 dec 1998 :
party on!
interview -
demo -
Run around the family intro -
mod -
pocket full of shells quote -
commercial break
this one was good... homepages
around the family couz of demoparties messages
and shells couz of iraq bombing!
im getting smart! articles
Textmode democompo 3 -
Total Disaster Competition -
Abort 98 official results -
Assembly99 results -
around 165 -
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: editorial :
This week i give you all a bunch of pre-TP98 demoparty stuff!
Feel motivated for what will enlace at TP98!
Looking for ascii logo of demojournal with s no hi-ascii!
Also, Seven sent this cool review of a couple of demos! Which was
really nice! You lazy asses should follow his example and send some
for further issues!!! For demos, intros and musics!!!
Psychic Symphony
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: demonews :
Abort98 was held in slovakia.
You can check the results down and get the stuff from
or on ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/Demos.98/Abort98/
Movement98 was held in Israel.
Jumper98 was held in Hungary.
ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/Demos.98/Jumper.98/ ed: i reckon...
Heroin1 chartsmag is out.
Psychic Symphony
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: party on! :
starts !! ends !! location !! name !! contact !
Nov 07 - Nov 08, 1998 Poland Satellite 98 madbart@jormas.com
Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos 98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98
Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Norway Kindergarten 98 http://kg.portveien.to/
Dec 12 - Dec 13, 1998 Slovenia Abort 98 http://gw2.s-gimb.lj.edus.si/abort98/
Dec 15 - Dec 17, 1998 Israel Movement 98 http://scene-central.com/partyspecial/mov98/info.html
Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer 98 http://scene-hu.com/jumper
Dec canceled , 1998 Poland Freeside98 http://freeside.dr.pl
Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula 98
! present time !
Dec 20 - Dec 20, 1998 Russia EarthQuake 99 www.crosswinds.net/russia/earthquake/
Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash 98 theflashparty.home.ml.org
Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk
Jan 15 - Jan 17, 1999 Finland Elevator 99 http://www.elevator.labra.com
Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Hungary Contest 99
Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Sweden Midwinter 99 hack.amiga-cg.se/midwinter
Feb 19 - Feb 21, 1999 France Volcanic 99
Feb 26 - Feb 28, 1998 Holland Ambience 99 http://www.ambience.nl
Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Italy Trip 99 www.nigma.it/trip99
Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Poland Astrosyn 99
Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering 99
Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org
May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor99 http://neithernor.demo.org
Jun 04 - Jun 06, 1999 Holland Takeover 99 http://www.takeover.nl
Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy 99 http://www.remedy.nu
Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene 99 www.analogica.com/inscene
??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 France Slach 2 www.mygale.org/myke666
??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest99
Sep 04 - Sep 05, 1999 Portugal DemoPorto 99 demoporto99@hotmail.com
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: weekly :
This week! I have been mostly eating... lettuce!
! interview !
PsychicS hello ohad
ok... tell us who you are... where you are from and what
is it you do.
Kombat Im Ohad, from Israel, and I mostly code. Im also known as
Kombat/Immortals, and Eder/TaaT
PsychicS well ok... tell us about the immortals... history.
Kombat hmm... started up abit before the first Israely party,
Movement95. we were 3 coders, no musician/graphics dude.
We did an intro called Insomnia, took 3rd place out of 5
I think, it was a surprise. We met two guys at the party
called Sound Virus and Dark Spirit. Two very good musicians
They joined us and from then on, we did demos!
Should I go through the whole thing ? plz no
PsychicS well... nah..
Just the partys you attended... chronologically please!
Kombat ok, we had Beyond at Movement96, took 2nd place after
Esteems pray only a few points behind. That was our big
breakthrough. Then came Seven, which was even a bigger
success for us. I mean, we were the first and still the
only Israelys to attend and International DemoParty.
PsychicS that was at assembly right?
Kombat Seven took the 6th place out of 15 which were elected
out of 42 at The Assembly97 in Finland. Then, a week
later in Israel, we made a fast demo called The Quest Of
Kahn it was one of the first demos to ever have a real
storyline, was nice, took 1st place at Ritual97 in
PsychicS and then back to movement...
Kombat yes, Movement97! We started making a demo, which I didnt
PsychicS Fortunatly you told someone to steal the HD! :P
Kombat at the party place, where we were suppose to finish it, our
gfx dudes Thor hard-drive was stolen, and we lost most of
the stuff!!! I was happy cause I didnt like that demo, so
we did something real fast at the demo party.. we used a
cool tune by Thor the gfx guy, the musician Dark-Spirit
made some 3d scenes, we added some code, and won 1st
place... it was real fun, with an 8 hour demo.
I like fast demos...
PsychicS hehe... Now for str0mike...
Kombat well, stereomike. I had some stuff going, I was trying new
effects, blah blah blah we eventually gathered it all up
into a demo, called it Stere0Mike, and entered it at
PsychicS i like this blah blah blah section! :D
Kombat yes. much easier for me
PsychicS hehe! write about 1 day trying to get network going!
Kombat so, yada yada yada, we won 3rd place at Wired98
I mean, I met you at Belgium, we had some fun! damn party
network, yada yada yada, but very cool party, emmense
PsychicS where is str0mike name from? ed: i already know but...
Kombat hehe! the name... from a Bran Van 2000 song I believe
PsychicS drinking in LA?
Kombat something about getting drunk in the streets of LA,
somewhere along that song the singer says StereoMike and
i liked it well, we had a bunch of names for a demo
let me show you
PsychicS hehe... sure! dump!
Kombat sec, where is that shit?
* PsychicS waits while ohad throws papers around
Kombat woo, found it
hey wait, its not the full list, well whatever...
Immortals Internal Documentation
Author : Ohad
Created : 01/01/1998
Last Revised : 04/03/1998
-------- Demo Name
1. Camera Obscura
2. Take Me There
3. Enuma Elish
4. Aphsu Tihamat
5. The Power To See
6. Power To The People
7. I See The Future In Your Eyes
PsychicS aphsu tihamat? whats that?
Kombat some god name
so is enuma elish
PsychicS ok! i believe you! ed: :
Kombat I think I learned that in school, while comparing our god
to others... he or she is supposedly the god who torn up
the world to the sky and water horizon
PsychicS humm... ok... you just arrived from mov98! tell us
about it!
Kombat but I want to talk about weird gods!!!
just kiddin! anyhows...
Mov98 ? isnt that where we sacrificed that goat ?
PsychicS im not sure! remote network connection wasnt working that
well! :P
Kombat well, yes, I just came back from Movement98 which was lots
of fun! a pic of us guys is on
PsychicS oh yeah! btw: we still want pics from wired98!!!
Kombat GIVE US PICS OR DIE!!! thats the spirit
PsychicS little adv see if we can get some results! :P
ok... back to mov98 report. how many ppl were there?
Kombat ok. mov was like 2.5 days. i think 200 +-
But im not a good counter... it was lots of fun anyways...
good spirit! for the first 1.5 days we did shit.
I mean, just sat around thinking Gee, we should really do a
demo. since some of IMr are now in israely army, it was me
and my friends from YOE israely demo group
PsychicS army sucks... :
Kombat yes, army wreaks.
so we decided to make the demo together, first intention
was to call it Imr vs. yoe but they said orange and cncd
already used that.
PsychicS what did you name it then?
Kombat we sat, and in around 1 day made a short but nice demo...
which won the first place... we called it Jinakau.
which is suppose to be a part of a chinese sentence which
means be your best or something i think its
Jinkaku kanstemi katen .... our gfx guy who learned karate
came up with that
PsychicS how do you know chinese? ah... ok! and what happened
with the demo?
Kombat i dont know chinese!!! although im 1/4 chinese
anyhows... the demo had some competition by an other
Yoe+Dark-Spirit demo called Benzine which is a friggin
cool demo, but you ought to know how to read hebrew to
understand it.
PsychicS so it was 2 imr+yoe demos?
Kombat and an other demo by a new group called Flood, a 3D Demo,
with nice scenes, that simply got abit fucked up due to
some inexperience of the makers, but their learning
one imr+yoe demo, and an other yoe+dark-spirit demo.
oh yeah, some time be4 movement98 Dark-spirit resigne/was
kicked from Immortals due to his incompetence of standing
high-preasure situations
PsychicS bahaha! and he made a demo under pressure for mov98? :P
Kombat btw, http://yoe.ramsoft.co.il/temp/benzine.zip if you want
to see benzine, Jinkaku url will come soon. Not really, he
worked on it a long time before... Let us not get into this
anyhows... we also made a wild demo at Movement98
it shows a PalmPilot drawing the Sierpinski Triangle in
real-time, its pretty nice
PsychicS ahah! ok... so you won mov98?
Kombat yes, it was nice
PsychicS what u doing now? just recovering from hard-core coding?
Kombat but all 6 of us GOT A FRIGGIN 15 inch clit
I mean CTX Monitor im now taking a look at all the
games i got from traders at the party Half Life is real
nice to play, nice work sierra+id
PsychicS u can always split in 6 and divide the pieces!
Kombat Carmageddon2 isnt something, NFS3 is nice, and i need to
look at the rest. we thought of just leaving the screen
there but we figured we can all make atleast a can of
coke out of it, so we made JoNny the gfx dude to carry it
home with him
PsychicS so you have plans for your business company now?
Kombat yes. im back to work on our new secret company/product
until now Silvatar was incharge of the 3d-engine which is
only a small part in the program, but since he didnt move
his butt for a long time, I kicked him out, took his
shares, and started writing the engine
PsychicS i reckon you dont want to get into that so...
You wrote about prizes back there... tell us about ATI
boards from wired98!
Kombat ooooooh, ATI Boards, whats that ?
PsychicS you were supposed to get an ATI card from youre 3rd
place at wired98
Kombat Ati promised TONS of ATIALLINWONDER cards for Wired98
Winners. Alot around 50-100 cards! And Wired was like
half a year ago and nobody got a damn card, bad ATI, bad ATI
PsychicS where are they? Lost in mail?
Kombat guille, coder of first place demo winner in Wired98 was
interviewd to a Frnech magazine and said bad stuff about
them lost in ATI
PsychicS should someone sue them?
Kombat dunno
PsychicS i mean... they promised the cards and backed out!!
Kombat Jeff organizer of Wired just says they dont care
And I hope this French article moves something but I dont
expect to get any of these cards.
PsychicS of course they dont care! publicity is done! no need to
give prizes now... ed: i reckon we are talking about ATI
and not Wired98 organizing! Dake wrote an article in
Pain 12 98 about this and says Jeff tried several times
to get in touch with ATI and get the promised cards!
Kombat well i hope they get ass-fucked by a big guy caleld Buba
PsychicS and wasnt your demo like... asked to serve as a benchmark
or something for ATI?
Kombat yes, well... we had a whole other thing going with ATI
Stere0Mike and the 1st place Winner in Wired98 by
Cocoon, aha I Remember now were suppose to be rewritten
using Directx6 and serve as a Demonstration of the new ATI
RAGE 128! There were suppose to be 3 demos. When the guy
from ATI came to me and cocoon, he already had a demo by
FutureCrew... There were suppose to be 3 demos, FutureCrew,
Cocoon and Immortals.
After a month of giving and taking and talking and working,
suddenly the guy from ATI Disappears! And I sincerely mean
disappear!!! vush, no more Georges thats his name same
with cocoon... suddenly, vush, no more Georges.
PsychicS humm... thats strange to say the least!
Kombat this is too bad, since you wont find me or any of my
friends buying an ATI card in the next century
ed: and i sincerely hope readers of this also take this attitude!!!
PsychicS yeah!
Kombat and i lost lots of money and publicity
publicity as in of a demo maker, could have maybe gotten
more jobs at commercial stuff like that...
PsychicS well.. ok! enough about this... time for your
Kombat likes/dislikes ?
PsychicS best groups/demo/intro/music/gfx and coder
Kombat oooh shit! I hate grading that
best groups hmm
PsychicS just tell us what u like! its understandable if you
forget someone.
Kombat ByteRapers are good, I love HyperVentilation the guys who
made Boost are good too! whats their name ? damn my memory
PsychicS doomsday! they are split now you know?
Kombat yes, they rule Statix is very good too, I mean really
good, better a DemoDesigner than a Coder... there is also
Pulse, who are pretty good too. I dislike FutureCrew, I
Despise the way people look at SecondReality and say whow
PsychicS why? dont you like it?
Kombat SecondReality is nice, but to some extent, even taking the
time when it was done, people go around playing it at demo
parties. when they played Second Reality at Movement98, I
went on, turned my computer on, turned my speakers to full
volume and I got good speakers, bought with the prize
money of The Quest Of Kahn I started Unreal, and most of
the people heard the opening of unreal rather than
2nd reality. ed: that was rude!
PsychicS well... it was definitly a marker on demoscene history
like 303
Kombat it was a nice demo, period.
No, 303 is much much better, much more elite, it will take
a long time until someone makes a demo as good as 303, so
smooth, so ingenious, so revolutionary, so fun to see.
PsychicS well... ok! : what about music and gfx?
Kombat wait, more demos
PsychicS ok... go on with the list... :
Kombat I like the guy who coded the intro with the shadows and the
demo with the shadows and bones and bump! whats that called?
PsychicS wild light/drift? ed: i dunno...
Kombat why cant I remember shit. wild light is old but nice too
PsychicS you always forget things when you really need to
remember! :
Kombats the intro with the real shadows SpotLite!!!
yeah, and the other cool demo with the shadows Fulcrum!!!!
PsychicS u like fulcrum?
Kombat yeah, the coder, whats his name, looks like a nice and
smart guy, gave an interview to hugi at 12 I think...
PsychicS i got tired of it after 10x! :P ed: make that 30!
Kombat not like, I admire the effort
PsychicS skyphos i think...
Kombat its not a good demo, i said i like the coder
no... not sharon either...
which is bad enough for reminding me my x-gf
editor: LOL! girls drive guys nuts! :
PsychicS no? digisnap then...
Kombat yes, DigiSnap! smart guy. anyhows...
Submissive from Cubic is a nice and smart guy too.
and Pascal is a kick ass too, somewhat in the same league
as statix as far as I see it anyhows...
good 4k is ofcourse all OmniXXXX intros... Omniscent is the
best ofcourse...
PsychicS more demos/intros?
Kombat oh, other good coders are Michael Abrash, John Carmack and
the wise guy who wrote Unreal
editor: DOOM!!! QUAKE!!! UNREAL!!! DONUTS!!! DOH!
PsychicS :P
Kombat ok. music hmm
I hate 95 of music , so its hard
Kombat Necros does nice stuff some time, and Vic too
Scorpik and Falcon are good aswell.
hmm, Swallow and the other guy are good too ed: dice?
PsychicS yes! pulse music always rules!
Kombat no... not always... sometimes hmm. who else ?
there probably a few more guys I cant recall. Oh yeah,
NITRO / TRAUMA. he deserves a special Whow you really
kick ass!
PsychicS hehe
Kombat here is one of the guys id like to do a demo with
actually I alreay did, but nevermind...
PsychicS ? u did?
Kombat oh I forgot to mention a 10 hour TaaT demo that took 10th
place at Assembly98 Nitro gave me one of his tunes for it,
it wasnt serious music,demo
PsychicS ah!!! oh yeah... tAAt
Kombat oh, and I made some intros now that I recall damn whats my
prob. today
PsychicS lol i love it when i want to say something and forget the
names! :D
Kombat 42 - 6th place at asm98, and sheeva - 1st at millenium97
israel! hehe
more musicians ? well, I altely noticed that Sash are good,
Stay,MoveMania, and more. Yanni is good, The Rock soundtrack
is good, Prodigy, a song or two by The Crystal Method and
some standard shit.
gfx - made,johny,lazur that summz it up and our own Falcor
is pretty nice too!
PsychicS well... tell me what you think about 3d demos and 3dfx
Kombat bah! is this standard shit ? ed: yeps!
PsychicS hehe yeah
Kombat well... 3d demos are nice, as long as their original
and 3d hardware accelerated demos are still new, which
allows them to be un-original and nice at the same time.
PsychicS if you want i can ask weird questions!!!! :D
Kombat weird questions at the end
Kombat I always look for new stuff in demos, I hate making a demo
just from standard stuff. In StereoMike we did lots of new
stuff i think and in Jinkaku too, we were the 2nd in the
world to do a new effect
not effect, more like new technology...
We combined 3d scenes with Captured Movies
Statix was the first to combine a real movie with a 3d
scene in his 3dfx demo at Assembly98, he did it nice, but
I think he lacked something. another friend of mine came up
with the idea, so we brought a video camera to Movement98
And we ended up with one of the gfx guys flying in a
tunnel, and another one hovering like a budha over a island
in the middle of the ocean
which is really original and cool as i Believe, this is a
new thing, and we will see some cool stuff with it, so run
and d/l Jinkaku just for the experience
PsychicS about original effects... you like dis/mandula and
73ms/pulse then?
Kombat I think Dis/Mandula Sucks shit and wreaks ass, sorry, I was
abit too angry at that, i just dislike that! And 73ms is
fucking boring shit, although it has some, as they said,
good looking handsome routines but no more than that
PsychicS lol! i reckon u dont like 2d effect! :D
Kombat 2d effects, hmm, no, they can be real nice, yet, seeying a
simple tunnel/ripple/bump can get really fucking boring
having the Occasional Bump
PsychicS but dis didnt had no bump! you dont like jazz is that it?
Kombat jazz? i hate jazz why?
PsychicS dis jazzy mood
Kombat perhaps, then again, maybe just another shitty demo
no offense! paper is nice too now that i recall
PsychicS offense yes! rod is friend of mine! demo rules! u tell me
why it sucks...
Kombat it sucks cause it sucks! its fucking boring! with 1-2 new
effects ed: more than that ill say!
damn ugly music ed: not your taste!
damn ugly synching ed: it lacks design
damn ugly colors ed: no way! its colorfull...
i know to apprechiate good stuff
PsychicS bah! its not your type of demo
Kombat damn ugly demo
PsychicS you dont like orange demos aswell so... :
Kombat perhaps not... orange demos, they get nice some times
PsychicS but...
Kombat but some times they wreek shit I do hate Coma demos
PsychicS lol! i knew it! ed: i had this discussion with ohad here
about why i though megablast ruled and he though it
sucked at wired... Hes hard to crack some sense into!
Kombat they really get low, i mean reall low hehehehe
PsychicS its your taste! cant argue with that! :D
Kombat im not fucked up mentally enough to understand the magic
behind these fucked up demos ha ? ed: whatever! :
PsychicS lol ok! time for weird questions?
Kombats shoot!
PsychicS are you now or have you ever been a member of the
comunist party?
Kombat shhh, dont let everybody know, i thought it was our own
little secret. ed: ICK! sorry... forgot!
PsychicS what is the most appealing characteristic of a pineapple?
Kombat sec, trying to remember what fruit a pineapple is
PsychicS so?
Kombat how about easier questions ? like what did you do on the
night of august 26th 1992 ? i think the way it shines
when you point it to plutos moon
PsychicS can you name the 3rd brithest star visible?
Kombat Shit! hmm, Mars ? ed: HHHHHEEEEEEEE! Wrong answer!
PsychicS can u name the capital of madagascar?
Kombat Madagascar ? shit, where did you pull that out of ?
editor: Some people still dont read the interviews on demojournal
and learn something!!! Antananarivo!!!
PsychicS how many pages do the yellow pages in israel have?
Kombat too many ofcourse, half of these pages are filled with
actual advertisements for the Yellow-Pages
PsychicS komb: dont u know where madagascar is?
Kombat Madagascar ? sounds familliar, but you know i Suck in
Geography no ed: hehe! its that big island next to
PsychicS what is the biggest reptile on earth?
Kombat Some Lizard on an Island somewhere near Brazil?
editor: Hes getting smart! But alligators are bigger! You were
thinking about those Galapagos lizards! i think...
*** Kombats changes topic to SouthPark kicks Ass
Kombat hmm, hard one...
PsychicS why do southpark only move on paper clipping like
movements? they never rotate their heads.
editor: this was funny! I was with iceball before i logged on and i
pointed to him: This is ohad! The israely from Wired98!
He goes: LOOK! SOUTHSIDE!!! And i go what? And he
explains me all about little drawings and the sentence
There goes XXXXX. Look XXXXX go! :
Kombat thats the whole thing
the lame graphic art is what makes it so appealing!
Stans grandpa I took your mother, and I humped her,
and then I took your grandmother bones, and I humped them
PsychicS what about the biggest mamal not counting elefants!
Kombat oh, easy, white or blue whale
when do i get to ask questions ? ed: What? er... oh shit!
PsychicS grrr... you correctly answered one! that ends my turn!
Kombat hehe. ready?
PsychicS uhoh!! im in trouble arent i? sure... i guess....
Kombat hmm, how many leaves does the ICQ flower has ? WITHOUT
PsychicS 8 maybe ed: DIDNT LOOK!!! haha!! i answered right!!!!
: ed: Now i looked! :
Kombat yeah right! you probably looked
PsychicS lol! no way! next question please
Kombat How do horses sleep ?
PsychicS er... laid sideways
Kombat hahahaha WRONG!
PsychicS ?
Kombat Its amazing but hourses sleep WHILE STANDING!!!
PsychicS no way!
Kombat they somehow lock their legs and paw, fall asleep while
standing hard one ha ed: damn israely!
PsychicS wow! its weird couz i had seen cows and horses.
and now that u mention it... cows always get shit on
their sides and horses dont!
Kombat heheheheheheheh you know what that means
That belgium is filled with cows that are filled with shit
Kombat why is coca-cola much better than pepsi ?
PsychicS it has more bubbles!
Kombat ok, that was an easy one its called gas
ed: lets not get technical!
PsychicS burp
Kombat how long is my recording of the Beasty Boyz Performing
intergallactic live ?
PsychicS er... 4 minutes i seen the mtv awards you know!
Kombat 4:35, close... what causes the y2k bug ? and what the hell
does a hub do? and why is opengl better than d3d ?
PsychicS er... whats an hub? whats d3d? : ed: whats a cpu?
Kombat hehe. Direct3D, nevermind. thinking...
PsychicS lol! im better at trivia! :D
Kombat whats better ? Theres Something About Marry or
Dumb Dumber ?
PsychicS dd of course!!!
Kombat You sold my dead parocky to a blind kid ??? its ok, I
TOOK CARE OF IT buwahahahaha another correct one
PsychicS bahahah
Kombat how long is iraq being bombed by us and uk forces ?
PsychicS 3 days now! i think...
Kombat hmm, nice
PsychicS im too good!
Kombat how many out of how many things did the congress find
william jefferson CLInTon guilty enough to stand for trial
cause of
PsychicS er... i dunno... 2, 3 maybe...
Kombat bwahahahaha. 2 out of 4!
PsychicS : ok, talk about some interesting topic! so ppl read
the interview all the way through
Kombat what do you mean ?
hmm, DaySleeper by REM is pretty good
oh! Immortals are looking for new and good members from all
over the world, email eder@bigfoot.com
PsychicS so? found some interesting topic
Kombats hmm, topic, i think their all redundant
no good topic! wanna talk about gals? aint I shallow
ed: yes you are! :D
PsychicS gals? where?
* PsychicS looks around...
Kombats i dont want to talk about demos, or the scene, Ive had
enough of that for now! Gals, in my Kapoiera class
PsychicS how do they look? 8
Kombats oh yeah, I figured im a nifty guy so I may go ahead and
learn Kapoiera.
editor: You need to be 18 or older to read this part!!!
Please give us your credit card details and we will give
you full access to all 8
* PsychicS knows a new line... ed: and i learned it with a girl so
Kombats ?
PsychicS hei babe! nice shoes... wanna fuck? :P
what do you think?
Kombat hehe i think you should try it on a kapoiera/karate gal
to everyone who doesnt know, PshyshKabab cut his hair and
put on contact-lenses
PsychicS hehe! :P maybe ill let her drink a little first! the
slap might hurt with these kind of girls you know?
Kombat thats the intention
PsychicS no one knows how i look anyways! : doesnt matter! :D
Kombat hehehehee I think Ill head coding/sleeping now, its 2:25
PsychicS lol ok! want to say hi to anyone?
Kombat and since i need to fill Silvatars place, I need to rewrite
the damn 3dengine. hi hmm
PsychicS hi mom seems the normal line... wanna try it?
Kombat Hi to all, and I mean all that I know, reall hi, take this
personally, If id give a list it wouldnt look personal and
id probably miss some ppl
hi mom ? gee Im not sure mom reads demojournal but I can
PsychicS yes.. : hehehe
editor: she might be checking that no more internet porno thing you
promise a while ago! :P
*** BullAir Bullair@ has joined demojournal
BullAir another 0oneee? ed: its l0vely! live from jumper98!!!
PsychicS bull: yes! : hows jumper98 going?
Kombats Hi all demosceners, keep up the good work, join Immortals
if your looking for a group, and have a nice life, and find
a nice gal to lie next to at night , thats most important
Kombats hi bullair?!
BullAir wow manyu lamers attended/... nio opne real scen er
here is melan,d-lee,mrtz,picard....and me
PsychicS komb: hes at demoparty! drunk a little too much vodka
lol ed: more than a little l0vely no? :P
BullAir wanna chat with everyone?
Psychic sure! is d-lee around
Kombat bring them on! altough i gotta go soon. ed: :
BullAir you are 2
*** PsychicS has quit IRC
Psychic bull: no! you seeing double!
its the vodka! no matter!
Psychic ohad: u know any hungarian sceners?
Kombat good night all! pshysh - sure, mrz, mali, reptile...
Psychic komb: goodnight! : thx hei! u rule!
Kombat we all rule and remember pshysh, if my comapny gets big
and cool, you and all my friends will get cool jobs, so dont
forget ed: you bet your ass i wont!
night pshysh and all at the hungarian party...
Psychic ill charge you on that!!!! bye
*** Kombats has quit IRC
editor: l0vely is trying to apply for the next interview! thats
why he keeps on poking at these things!
! demo !
Anger by Eastgate final-version
Found on the Dreams 2 CD
Won the Yalp98 PC demo compo.
System requirements:
16 MB ram, 4 MB HD
Recommended: VESA2, pentium 166
The demo:
A fast-paced techno-like demo: rapidly-changing and bright-colored
effects, camera jumps from one position to another, and lots of
compressed videos of dangerous-looking guys with sunglasses. There
are no 3D-worlds, just objects: cats, a human or robot falling in a
tunnel, a globe with spikes rotating between two torusses, ...
Although theres no real theme, the music and the text flashing on
the screen clearly expresses one emotion: anger :. Most effects
follows the music, which gets a bit repetitive at the end. Still, I
like it a lot. There are some original ideas in it, like the
rubber-effect used on a compressed video, almost twisting someones
head off. Theres even some humour hidden in it: We are the
eastgate/with anger/ment to cut kill/and nothing else/ /peace
Some bad things about Anger:
- Most of the effects are used twice, maybe with different colors.
- The vocals are soo compressed they are hardly understandable.
- Most 3D-objects are shown on a 320*150 screen, with a nice black
border above and below it.
- Most transitions are as subtle as an nuclear weapon: a white flash,
and thats it. But this is probably linked to the nature of the
If youre looking for a relaxing, peacefull demo, leave this one
alone. Otherwise, get it and enjoy it.
! intro !
Pina by Exceed
Deansdale React Xtro
?st Flag98 64k
Pina means pussy
Nice bobs
Dont have a GUS
Not many pics but its 64k so...
Psychic Symphony
! mod !
Mellow-d from TPOLM
round 30 megs.
Psychic Symphony
! quote !
btw: Its my birthday today!
Psychic Symphony
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: commercial break! :
is being done
any support msx, articles send to:
miraclmg@polbox.com or
snail addy:
Marcin Ciecwierz
ul.Szymanoskiego 14
o5o8o Izabelin
! homepages !
Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com
Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2
Hugi diskmag................http://home.pages.de/hugidownload
Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/hugi-compo
Melcom mirror......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net
Oranje Juice........................http://citeweb.net/ojuice
Pixel mirror..........................http://fsk.home.ml.org
Skytech team............................http://Skytech.cjb.net
The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org
The Immortals......................http://yoe.ml.org/immortals
The Immortals mirror.................http://imrt.home.ml.org
Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org
Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: messages :
to..Santa Claus
contents..Hey man, Im still patient, but your deadline is
24.00 24th Dec. Later, no mercy.
contents..Happy birthday and name-day. Oh man, what a month.
from..Psychic Symphony
contents..Happy birthday man!
from..Psychic Symphony
content..Please fill out and send in the Armor of Gods 5 votesheet
It is important that all contribute to diskmags. Voting
is the easiest way to do it, please waste 5 of your so
precious idling time to fill out this votesheet. Programmer
says thank you.
content..Thank you. ed: so i made up this last message! SUE ME!
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: articles :
Textmode Democompo 3
Its quite hard to get some idea into peoples heads after they
have chosen to be against it. you cant do anything decent in
textmode turns into its just another gfx mode after seeing a
decent demo in textmode. Thus I dont see any point anymore to try
to change peoples heads. Keep your eyes closed, see if I care..
My view about textmode is that its - really - just another mode,
but one that hasnt been used to its full extent. And this with the
tweaking limits Ive set in TMDC.
TMDC has - and has always had - perhaps too good prizes compared to
the level and number of demos attending. TMDC3 will probably be the
last tmdc if nothing special pops up like java or win NT console
In TMDC1 you had to throw your entries by email TMDC2 had a ftp site
that almost worked, TMDC3 has a web site and ftp site with much
more bandwidth. the web upload does not work as I write this but
were looking into it.
So, in short
deadline 31.12.98
web site http://sauna.net/tmdc3/
ftp site ftp://ftp.fishpool.com/
email solar@compart.fi
prizes SHITloads of scene cds, tshirts and other stuff sponsored
by Imphobia, A.C.E, The Gathering and Trakked Records.
webspace sponsored by Fishpool Creations.
Demo limits in short please read the rules for complete specs
- must run in textmode 80x50 max
- no tweaking over blink attribute disabling
- 1.4 megs in a zip
- gus sb support required
- win95/98 dos box compatibility required
without suggest ms-dos mode when neccessary option checked
- must run on a Pentium 150 with 16 megs of RAM
compo machine will probably be a pII300 tho
Become famous! Win TotalDisaster Competition!
* 10000 pixels 2d gfx
- resolution: 100x100 othersll be rejected
- format: png, tif, gif, lbm, pcx, tga, bmp
- you can use any technique: pixeling, rendering or
anything else, excluding scanning
- one artist - up to 3 piccys
* 100kB msx
- max size: 100 kB biggerll be rejected
- any module playable using CubicPlayer/Pascal
- one musician - up to 3 mods
* 256 bytes intro
- size: up to 256 bytes
- runable under MSDOS or W95
- one coder - up to 3 intros
* 4kB intro
- size: up to 4096 bytes
- runable under MSDOS or W95
- one coder - up to 3 intros
Some basic rules:
- competing works could not be presented
at any other competition
- authors must agree to present their works
within TotalDisaster
- no members of Tatanka will
take part in this competition we are the jury
How to send your work:
- files up to 0.3MB can be send to Misha via e-mail
- bigger files must go by snail to Misha of coz
Michal Sokolski Misha
ul. Gubinowska 51
02-956 Warszawa
- disks will not be returned sorry, no time for this
- the jury: TotalDisaster team well try to be fair
Get Black issue of TotalDisaster NOW! Available at:
files: tdblack.arj tdblack.a01
...and remember to support us!
editor: also...
Abort 98 official results file
Demo competition:
1. Hypnose by Twilight 8.382
2. Sviluppo Insostenibile by Spinning Kids 64k intro really 7.205
3. Aeons by K2 7.117
4. Counter Attack by Septic 5.515
Graphics competition:
1. Cracked Mind by Ufo-girl 7.774
2. Are we alone? by Pipsi / Twilight 6.965
3. Face by Crazyp / Twilight 6.896
4. Predestination by Xtro / Rhyme 6.575
5. Symmetry by Ziga Trsten / Pizbull design 6.448
6. Muca by Shapco 5.838
7. After the Battle by Zobo / Septic 5.800
8. Chaos by Enterman 5.700
Raytrace/3d graphics competition:
1. M-final by Pipsi / Twilight 7.565
2. Aqua Illusions by Glazer / K2 / X-zone 7.545
3. Drugs by CrazyP / Twilight 7.500
4. Village by Hex / Twilight 7.304
5. Fighter by Shadow / Twilight 6.545
6. Baza by Skokec 6.409
7. Katika by Helix / X-seed 5.875
8. Garbage Dump by Cannabis / thc.tribe 5.400
Music competition:
1. Wuuf by Ufo-girl 6.052
2. Exodus by Dixan / Spinning Kids / Ram jam 5.894
3. Rainy day by Demmas / X-seed 5.842
4. Restitution by Outshined / X-seed 5.736
5. Cudez je glasba by Krokar / Members of Progress 5.631
6. !!!Rave by Vasja Femec 5.210
7. Boring by Wini / Interlaced Bytes 5.210
7. Knock by DJ Max / Twilight 5.157
9. Dark Fantasy by McMarchy / Members of Progress 5.105
10. Ironman by DJ Cygnus / Interlaced Bytes 4.894
11. Here we go by Yost / Members of Progress 4.833
12. Drumform by Tweak 4.722
13. Fugitive by Crni / Members of Progress 4.684
House music competition:
1. Take me away by Demmas / X-seed 7.238
2. Hungry for love by Gerchy / X-seed 6.800
3. Katix by Helix / X-seed 6.529
4. In your brain by Crni / Members of Progress 6.142
4. Action reaction by DJ Max / Twilight 6.142
6. Chipstock 98 by Chip / X-seed 6.050
6. Dreams of Flame by McMarchy / Members of Progress 6.050
8. Posocje by Krokar / Members of Progress 5.809
8. S.T.O.P. by Trope / Crystalize 5.809
10. Species by Jerch / Members of Progress 5.761
11. The power of the force by Yost / Members of Progress 5.736
12. Prison of love by Hapimenck / Members of Progress 5.571
13. Final unity by Amour / Members of Progress 5.500
14. Miss by Gaspher / Members of Progress 5.350
Converted to text by DC-1
ed: a girl got 2 first places! I think im in love!
Unofficial results from the Assembly99 !
Pulse totally made a superb comeback and won the PC demo competition!
What? Arent we still in December 1998? Yes, but all the party
results of tomorrow can be figured out already today:
Remember Assembly96? Back then Dubius won the compo with
Machines of Madness and the third place went to a group called
Doomsday. One year after that Doomsday won with Vivid Boost,
Trauma was third with Mindtrap. This year Trauma ruled the compo
with their demo Gateways. Who was third? Pulse with their Tour.
Conclusion: Try to reach third place all the time and youll be
in a winning row.
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: end :
Thats it! Next week well get mailing list info as well as
probably an homepage where probably people will be able to read
all released demojournals online!
Also, results from movement98, jumper98 and a countdown for TP98!
So stay tunned! I must appologise for hotmail account! It sucks big
time!!! See you all next week!
Psychic Symphony psychic@esoterica.pt
Demojournal demojournal@hotmail.com
btw: Its my birthday today! 19/12/98
Psychic Symphony
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