this image contains text
h7 .
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: 79 :: 18 feb 2ooo :
aaardbei party on!
aarbdei weekly
ardbel interview -
demo -
aardbiel intro -
music -
bardivel question -
quote -
commercial break
aardlabei homepages
aarnalabei articles
bardeigay Coven 2000 results -
so im supposed to travel 20.000 miles end
into the north pole AND buy you a beer?
ed: erm.. yes ile.. though i dont 342 -
mind typing hardbeil properly
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: editorial :
im off to catch a plane tomorow morning, meet up with me at wr00 in
belgian or trax00 in norway OR ELSE.
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: demonews :
Hei, recall that nice fellow jay who was STEALING scene music..
Here is his story, for the fans.. Spread the url will you?
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: party on! :
starts !! ends !! location !! name !! contact !
Jan 21 - Jan 23, 2000 Finland Elevator 3 http://www.elevator.labra.com
Jan 29 - Jan 30, 2000 Sweden Midwinter 00
Feb 03 - Feb 06, 2000 Australia Coven 2000 http://www.coven2000.org
! present time !
Feb 26 - Feb 27, 2000 Slovakia Demobit 2000 http://www.demobit.sk
Feb 26 - Mar 02, 2000 Norway Trax00 http://traxparty.cjb.net
Mar 10 - Mar 12, 2000 Holland Ambience 2000 http://www.ambience.nl
Mar ?? - Mar ??, 2000 Poland Astrosyn
Mar 31 - Apr 02, 2000 Finland Rendezvous 01 http://rendezvous.stc.cx
Apr 14 - Apr 16, 2000 France Arf!Party00 http://arfparty.planet-d.net
Apr 19 - Apr 23, 2000 Norway The Gathering 1900 http://www.gathering.org
Apr 21 - Apr 24, 2000 Germany Mekka Symposium 2k http://ms.demo.org
May 06 - May 07, 2000 Russia Parodox 2000 http://eltes.info-don.ru/kirr
May 26 - May 28, 2000 Germany Radwar Party 2000 http://www.radwar.com
May ?? - May ??, 2000 Germany Dialogos 2000 http://www.dialogos.cc
Jul 07 - Jul 09, 2000 France VIP 2 http://popsyteam.rtel.fr/VIP
Jul 07 - Jul 09, 2000 Belgium 2-THOUSAND http://www.multimania.com/tthousand
Jul 14 - Jul 16, 2000 Belgium Inscene 2000 http://www.inscene.org
Aug 11 - Aug 13, 2000 Swiss Buenzli 9 http://www.buenz.li
Aug 31 - Sep 03, 2000 France aRTS Y2K http://www.rtsy.org
Aug ?? - Aug ??, 2000 Poland Gravity 2000 neuroup@agravedict.art.pl
Nov 01 - Nov 01, 2000 France Millenium Party 2K http://Party2k.citeweb.net
??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 France LTP 4 http://ltp.planet-d.net
Dec 15 - Dec 17, 2000 Holland ST News ICCC 2000 http://www.scriba.org/stnicc2000
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: weekly :
This week! Ive been mostly eating... anxiety
! interview !
Session Start: Tue Feb 01 21:50:41 2000
*** mirage has joined demojournal
mirage cozy
ps so who are you?
mirage erhmm... is this part of the interview? ed: DUH
ps yeah
mirage so, that was supposed to be:
Question 1: so who are you? :
sorry, fooling around ill try to do my best :
erhmm... my real name is Lars Verhoeff
ps ah, and what do you do on life lars?
mirage im currently working at karma-studios
http://www.karma-studios.com :
doing graphics and a little bit of coding on
color gameboy games
i start at about 13.00 pm and after our daily game of
starcraft at night and the occasional beer i go home
again :
ps how old are you and where are you from?
mirage im 26 years old yeah, what am i still doing
in a demo-scene born and raised in holland
ps hehe what kind of work do you do on karma?
besides the starcraft playing
mirage actually, i was first employed to do sketch-art for
console games but we needed some quick money first,
so im currently doing bitmap graphics for our
gameboy games
ps any games we mear mortals might have played?
mirage nope we finished 5 games and are working on 5 more
but were having troubles finding publishers that
are willing to distribute our games worldwide
you can download graphics and music from our site,
and see what you have to wait for :
ed: very nice site too btw
ps : lets talk about you then, when did you first started
into computer and computer graphics?
mirage oh, i go waaaaay back
I started on a spectrum ZX81, with 16kb of ram
later came my first c-64
ps ah the speccie
mirage not the spectrum you know, probably
mine had black-and-white graphics
looked more like an advanced calculator
it was the predecessor of the color-spectrum
ps uhh go on about c64 then..
mirage ahyeah i started coding on that thing
it was only after a year or two that i started
doing graphics
lets see if i can remember the groups i used to be in...
it started with delight then came culture, sphinx,
censor design, legend and finally focus
thats about it :
ps what year did you first started doing gfx?
mirage that would be two years after 1984, when i got my c-64
86-ish, i would guess
ps how old were you then? 13?
mirage fast calculating : yeah, 13
ps uhh.. thats really long ago
mirage i know : told you i was old :
next question, please :
ps what do you remember of starting computer gfx?
any good memories?
mirage what i remember most was that i had to do all my
graphics with a joystick
no luxuries of wacom tablets those days :
ps joysticks are told to be a pain to pixel in.. :P
mirage nah, i got the hang of it pretty quickly
it just takes some getting used to
ps what did you first draw? what were your inspirations
back then and did they evolved till nowdays?
mirage i started doing logos, like everybody those days
hardly to be called inspirational graphics
later on came a technique called FLI,
flexible line interpolation
which made making graphics more flexible that paved
the road for more inspirational fullscreen graphics
ps well.. you didnt answer the question much.. what were
your inspirations and how did they change across the times?
mirage well... boris valejo was a great inspiration duh! :
they changed, since i know now how to draw on
paper myself : i graduated from highschool
with the highest grade possible for sketching/painting
ps you the typical boris pics redraw type?
mirage i was like almost everybody else from that period
did that answer your question?
ps hehe, no! but never mind
ok, so lets start having some organizing on this interview
you said your last group was focus..? how did you get to gaia?
mirage okay finishing after my c-64 period i bought myself an
amiga because i was asked to do graphics for an
amiga-game i did the intro-graphics for disposable hero
and then sold my amiga again
ps that was fast
mirage after that i got a 486 and joined bonzai, who just went
from c-64 to pc just like me
after that we made a PC department for focus
ps and where is analogue on that?
mirage and we merged with abstract concepts to form analogue
analogue still exists nowadays, and im still in it...
weve just taken a short break from making demos
thats why i joined superstition for a short while
they were just a tad bit more productive
so i could lose my graphics the easy way :
* ps waits for the part about gaia
mirage after superstition broke up, a lot of things happened
too dificult to explain so i started a demogroup called
gaia together with two friends they both kinda left the
scene, so gaia is just me at the moment :
ps :P nothing like a happy ending :P
you still active on the scene nowdays?
or are you more focusing on work?
mirage actually, work is taking up a lot of my time
i used to study for about 6 years
in that time i had a lot of spare time :
im actually still active in the scene
i attend the occasional party now and then
the last picture i released ended up number one
that was at bizarre99
and im busy programming aswell, so i can release a demo
somewhere in the near future since none of the people i
know is willing to program for me :
ps thats cool to hear.. humm.. what is more expressive way
of computer art? coding or pixeling?
mirage expressive? pixeling, obviously
but i find coding tends to order my mind
thus, compensating for the expressive part of my brain
that handles the chaotic process of pixeling
ps lets talk about graphics then, you both pixel and do
photoshop works.. which one is more rewarding?
mirage i dont see why anybody can call pixeling expressive
when i work in photoshop i get almost full control
of my works
pixeling is a completely different process...
the expressive part comes before the pixeling
then i have to decide on the colours im going to use
in my palette after that, everything is a tightly
scheduled process, nothing expressive about it
ps so why do you still pixel and not do only photoshop work?
mirage pixeling is my job, since the platform im painting for
is the colorgameboy, with tiles and 4color palettes for
every 8x8 pixels as a hobby, i use photoshop
when we start working on our nextgen titles i get to use
photoshop during my working hours maybe ill turn back to
pixeling in my spare-time then :
ps how does work and hobby computer graphics differ?
does it show its work and not just for fun?
mirage work-graphics are usually constraint by the rules
that are layed out, since every game needs specific
graphics e.g. when were working on a racing game i
get to draw roads when im not in the mood of drawing
roads or cars i still dont have a choice
Session Close: Tue Feb 01 22:52:30 2000
Session Start: Mon Feb 14 22:13:18 2000
ps so are you ready for the death defying
demojournal top quiz show contest?
mirage ready when you are
ps 1. whats your favorite color?
mirage deep blue
ps 2. whats the capital of madagascar
mirage oh, wait... i know this one
ps no cheating!!!
mirage can i pass this on to my think-tank? next Q :
ps 3. what is the meaning of life?
mirage 42 easy ones... when do we get to the hard ones?
ps 4. what is the most interesting book/movie you ever read/seen?
mirage that would be eerst grijs, dan wit dan blauw,
but thats a dutch book, so most of you dont understand
what im talking about
ps and what about movie?
mirage hmm... i guess cube would be my most interesting movie
ps 5. do you think there is life beyond our planet?
mirage definately, and i hope they have better ways of
interviewing then through irc
ps do you have a pet?
mirage what happened to the graphics-and-coding related questions?
no, i dont have a pet
ps hei! who id doing the interview? me or you?
you dont have a pet? how come?
mirage im doing the interview
if i wasnt answering you wouldnt have your interview
im way too busy with work to take care of one
ps no, you just sit there and answer silly questions
not even a wabbit or a kitten or a little puppy?
ok, now tell us what are your favorite demos/intros
of all times and shutup
mirage okay, ill shutup then
ps no.. answer the questions :P
mirage favourite demo would be erhmm... fulcrum from matrix
intro... hmm... tough one... i probably havent seen
all of them, since most of them need some dos protected
mode extender, and i hate rebooting my computer just to
see an intro so ill stay away from answering that
question if you dont mind, that is :
ps oki, you have been around for quite a while..
what is the main diference between old demoparties
and these recent ones?
mirage for me personally? or what i think changed for most people?
ps both
mirage personally, i used to look up to certain people...
now im old enough to know theyre just as normal as me
ps sounds like the story of a disapointed young boy :
mirage i was a young boy, dont blame me
ps well.. what were the main big changes you seen
on parties then? like tell us how things were back then
mirage party-places used to be more cozy less sponsored
more fun, less competition
in a nutshell, less commercial
ps were they better?
mirage definately but maybe my perception of that changed
ps why are there so many new ppl getting interested on demoscene?
you have any theory to explain that phenomenom?
mirage more people have computers as easy as that
ps humm.. hehe.. i meant ARENT not are hehehe.. my bad :P
mirage then youre wrong... more people are getting interested,
not less : thats why party-places are getting bigger :
ps no, party places are getting bigger because they are full of
quakers and porno leechers :P not because of demosceners
check number of ppl / number of productions
a secret admire wants to know how can you manage to buy beer
every night without seeming like a sad person to the shop-owner
mirage practice makes perfect :
ps hehe. so tell us what are your inspirations for pixelling
i dont remember if i asked this already or not
mirage actually... theres only one real person, and thats
edward munk
ps whois edward munk then?
mirage his most famous painting was scream...
you must know that one
ps humm.. describe it..
mirage pfff... look it up : on computer its hein holt
and danny, ofcourse although i dont quite agree with
his point of view of getting inspired by other artists
ps now a more then logical question.. why the hell do you mainly
paint/pixel women? :P
mirage what can i say, im frustrated, and so are most other
sceners, thus making it most likely they will vote for
me in gfx-compos :
ps whats your favorite simpsons character?
mirage Mr. burns, without any doubt
and stop copy-and-pasting from pixel
to get new questions :
ps whats your favorite icecream flavour?
mirage lemon thats the only icecream thats being kept in a
seperate cooler freezer
ps whats your favorite beer brand?
mirage beer brand? kylian. now get off that topic too
ps ok.. you leave me without any topics to persue
what do you usually listen to?
mirage to whatever my boss has on, from his mp3-list :
no, really i like jamiroquai, bjork, prodigy
and recently anouk but thats a dutch thing again :
ps now there is one thing i dont get about bjork, maybe you can
help me out understanding
mirage shoot
ps how can a person who cant speak english properly write such
deep thoughts and poems in english? i dont get it.. how can
you know and understand a language fully and cant be able to
speak it without an accent?
mirage maybe shes got someone to look over her lyrics before
she sings them?
ps nopes, the poems are hers.. she just talks english with a
real hard scandinavian accent
mirage you got me there maybe shes so intellectual she gets
everything write when she writes it down
ps ok, lets end this interview already
anything you would like to say before i chop your head off?
mirage yeah, danny should get over his moral thoughts and return
to the scene thats it
ps oki, do some advert to your homepages and stuff and then drop
your email so your fans can flood you with i love yous
mirage http://www.karma-studios.com and lars@karma-studios.com
finally, we got this damn thing finished :
Session Close: Mon Feb 14 23:13:32 2000
! demo !
! intro !
! music !
The alpha conspiracy
mp3.com/alphaconspiracy or www.alphaconspiracy.com
As youve maybe noticed, behind this weird name hides a guy who
used to call himself Necros and who became one of the best scene
musicians. Now, after a long time, he has released 4 new tracks
and lets see what he has to offer.
By his musicdisk System he has shown that he is moving more
towards electronical music. If youve heard track Pulse from
Audiophonik, you know whereto he did get and you could also read
that he is working on more tracks using IT and Buzz. His new
releases are similar to the mentioned track from audiophonik.
Classical samples, like guitar strings, are played through misc.
filters and effects which give them brand new sound, drumlines
are softer, but still very complicated and interesting, especially
with great bassline, which gives depth to the hits without hurting
mans ears. In this deep jungle hide leads with intelligent
melodies, but theyre not that much on top as they used to be, so
you have to listen to the tune more times to find them all.
I should warn here people who loved his very old releases like
December or Mysticism, because Necros has changed a lot. His music
isnt that opened, you have to listen to it more times to get in
it and to fully enjoy it. It also isnt orchestral or jazzy. Its
sad but true. But if you stay and adapt to it, youll find good
old necros in good form. And no, it has nothing to do with the
track by Basehead.
- Retro -
And here we are. For the second time with retro and because we
have here today a release from Necros, well take a look at his
great musicdisk Progression.
This wonderful musicdisk was released in 1995 under FM label.
It was actually first FM musicdisk with new releases and it
opened a new era, where membership in Five Musicians will mean
being the best.
Music moves here among many styles and Andy handles each style
with skill. Opening and closing tracks are jazzy, but youll be
surprised how different they are especially The Grey Note with
its live club feeling. Other two tracks are very good guitar
tunes, where one of them is his entry to mc3 compo placed 2nd.
Last two tracks are special - first one, Point of departure is
a decent drum track inspired by trains this says andy and in
my opinion i dont have to comment it in any way, because it
describes this track perfectly and second one is Isotoxin,
a very interesting futurous track which has been recently used in
game Unreal and cant be compared to any track in scene. I would
describe it as industrial track with synth samples combined with
intelligent techno, but actually it is more than that - you have
to hear it. It is a bit similar to Mechanism eight, which is still
one of the best scene tracks ever. Necros did also coding for the
interface - what more I have to say?
When I wrote this review, Ive listened to this musicdisk and I
was surprised how much it still works on me and if you havent
heard it or you feel for a bit of nostalgia, go on and give your
soundcard a chance to present you this excellent piece of music.
It can be found at ftp.scene.org in fm directory.
! question !
question of the week:
should the current voting systems still be used?
absolutely not.
usual gamer/porno crowd knows nothing.
Depends on what, where and when are you voting for. :
In overall it seems like usual voting at parties causes
so much cheating collecting votekeys/sheets/whatever
and voting for just for only the own prods, not the best
ones - so is this really what we want? And on the bigger
parties the majority of the people who have the right to vote
are non-sceners with no interest in nothing else than playing
Quake and watching porno...
Okay, Im getting out of the subject now, so back to the point:
I wouldnt mind at all if there would be some kind of jury of well
known scene people or even the real outsiders who still find
computer art interesting whod rate the competitions. Even
50 jury - 50 visitors would be better than the situation
is often nowadays.
At least at Juhla 5 jury voting worked quite well..
-melw, who is too tired to vote anymore.
no. every played production should be given a mark from 1-10
for instance. and non-player entries should be disqualified so
that the creators can still enter it on another party or release
it at a groups page when talking about zik without it being
given a possible unfair low rating. disqualification isnt always
bad for the author.
this is a very good question, but i think that the better
question is: is there any place for charts left?
yes, thats a big problem for any chartsmag and ppl who are
collecting votes for this mags. there are only few peoples,
who are filling the votes without any reminders. people are
lazy and they dont want to do anything which is not usefull
for them. they want to be on charts, but they dont want to
vote at other sceners!
no. theyre stupid.
no if you wont have enough voters - shine does it better way
i hate every voting-systems !!
votings , charts etc. sucks !!
I think its a bigger problem for the PC Scene that there are so
many groups and so many productions that its hard to know who to
vote for. Online voting is the best .. its easy and fast! Nobodys
spreading papervotesheets these days...
Id prefer a system where I can distribute a given amount of
points as I want to. Lets say everyone has 10 points for the demo
compo. You liked the 4th demo most, more than all the others
together, so you can give 6 points to it. Number 2 was quite
well done, too, so it gets 2 points, and the last two are given to
the 3rd and 6th place because you liked them a bit. Thats imho much
better than the current system since it allows votes that almost
equal your opinion. Ok, perhaps itd be a lot of work for the
organizers if you allow paper voting, but if its all online,
there shouldnt be any problems.
-Malte The Update
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: commercial break! :
! homepages !
3g Design..............................http://3gdesign.cjb.net
Acid Rain..............................http://surf.to/acidrain
ANDESA Soft International..................http://andesa.da.ru
Defacto 2..............................http://www.defacto2.net
Dolops......................... ........http://dolOps.scene.hu
Fobia Design...........................http://www.fd.scene.org
Just For Fun...........................http://jff.planet-d.net
Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com
Next Empire.................http://members.xoom.com/NEXTEMPIRE
Ninja Gefilus.........http://www.angelfire.com/or/ninjagefilus
Retro A.C...........................http://www.retroac.cjb.net
Skytech team............................http://www.skytech.org
The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org
The Digital Artists Wired Nation.http://digitalartists.cjb.net
The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no
* Aural planet........................http://www.auralplanet.com
Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp
Da Jormas................................http://www.jormas.com
Five Musicians.........................http://www.fm.scene.org
Kosmic Free Music Foundation.............http://www.kosmic.org
Mah Music.............................http://come.to/mah.music
Maniacs of noise...............http://home.worldonline.nl/mon
MAZs Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/maz
Morbid Minds..............http://www.raveordie.com/morbidminds
One Touch Records......................http://otr.planet-d.net
Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr
RBi Music.............................htpp://www.rbi-music.com
Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruffengine
Sound Devotion................http://sugarbomb.x2o.net/soundev
Suspect Records........................http://www.tande.com/sr
Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org
3d addict...................http://users.cybercity.dk/bcc5877
Anders Akerheden...............http://hem.passagen.se/andersak
Immortal Rat................................http://ir.scene.hu
Jean Nine....................................http://j9.cjb.net
* P-rat...................................http://www.subphase.de
Calodox demolinks exchange.....http://calodox.planet-d.net/cde
Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com
Demo fanclub........................http://jerware.org/fanclub
* Demoscene.org news forum..............http://www.demoscene.org
Digital Undergrounds.....................http://dug.iscool.net
Doose charts...............................http://www.doose.dk
Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2
Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/hugi-compo
Orange Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net
PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained
Swiss List.................http://www.profzone.ch/vantage/list
Swiss Scene Server.......................http://www.chscene.ch
Textmode Demo Archive.................http://tmda.planet-d.net
Hungarian scene page...................http://www.scene-hu.com
Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm
* Scenial...........................http://www.scenial.scene.org
Static Line......................http://www.ic.l7.net/statline
Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl
Skynet archive.................ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/skynet
ACiD2 Archive.............................ftp://acid2.stack.nl
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: articles :
These are the Coven 2000 Official Results.
The voting system was quite convoluted, and hence I wont be putting in
actual scores/votes/whatever... Suffice to say that these placings ARE
quite accurate. :
Demo Catagory:
1st - Jinx / Ex Inferis
2nd - Whiskey Stained Brain / Disaster Area
3rd - Dust / Food
256k Catagory:
1st - Hellow World / Error64
2nd - 3DFire / Jinx
8k Catagory:
1st - NiL / Factory
2nd - Pipes / NOR
MP3 Catagory:
1st - RuckSeite / Chimera
2nd - Get it On / Jinx
Trakker Music Catagory:
1st - Directions / Griffin
2nd - Gadget / Phorte
3rd - Stretch / Chimera
4th - Fezd / Disaster Area
Open Art Catagory:
1st - Thine lips Kissed / Euphoria
2nd - Meat / Resistance
3rd - Me So Horny / Euphoria
4th - Sirens / Euphoria
Animation Catagory:
1st - Jedi Duel / Jinx
2nd - Smoking Bee / Floop-e
Blitz Coding Catagory theme: Clef the quaking, warezing, dvding geek:
1st - Sh0ck/Tektonic
2nd - Dogdy Hack
3rd - Penfold
Blitz Trakking Catagory sample pack by Phorte/BlackFox:
1st - Just Kidding / Phorte
2nd - Satans Birthday / Ript
3rd - So Happy / Hex
4th - Friends / Baldrick
Blitz Art Catagory theme: FOOD
1st - Floop-e
2nd - Baldrick
3rd - Euphoria
4th - Resistance
There were some catagories that didnt, as such, have any winners. These
catagories either had no entries, or just the one entry:
- Pixel Art Compo no entries
- 3D Art Compo 1 entry
Party Archive @ Scene.org
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: end :
Download site1.ftp://flerp.scene.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal
Download site2.........ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal
Download site3.ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demojournal
Download site4.......ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/demojournal
Subscribe........Topic: subscribe...demojournal@planet-d.net
Unsubscribe......Topic: unsubscribe.demojournal@planet-d.net
Main Editor......Psychic Symphony...psychicsymphony@clix.pt
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: 79 :: 18 feb 2ooo :
aaardbei party on!
aarbdei weekly
ardbel interview -
demo -
aardbiel intro -
music -
bardivel question -
quote -
commercial break
aardlabei homepages
aarnalabei articles
bardeigay Coven 2000 results -
so im supposed to travel 20.000 miles end
into the north pole AND buy you a beer?
ed: erm.. yes ile.. though i dont 342 -
mind typing hardbeil properly
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: editorial :
im off to catch a plane tomorow morning, meet up with me at wr00 in
belgian or trax00 in norway OR ELSE.
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: demonews :
Hei, recall that nice fellow jay who was STEALING scene music..
Here is his story, for the fans.. Spread the url will you?
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: party on! :
starts !! ends !! location !! name !! contact !
Jan 21 - Jan 23, 2000 Finland Elevator 3 http://www.elevator.labra.com
Jan 29 - Jan 30, 2000 Sweden Midwinter 00
Feb 03 - Feb 06, 2000 Australia Coven 2000 http://www.coven2000.org
! present time !
Feb 26 - Feb 27, 2000 Slovakia Demobit 2000 http://www.demobit.sk
Feb 26 - Mar 02, 2000 Norway Trax00 http://traxparty.cjb.net
Mar 10 - Mar 12, 2000 Holland Ambience 2000 http://www.ambience.nl
Mar ?? - Mar ??, 2000 Poland Astrosyn
Mar 31 - Apr 02, 2000 Finland Rendezvous 01 http://rendezvous.stc.cx
Apr 14 - Apr 16, 2000 France Arf!Party00 http://arfparty.planet-d.net
Apr 19 - Apr 23, 2000 Norway The Gathering 1900 http://www.gathering.org
Apr 21 - Apr 24, 2000 Germany Mekka Symposium 2k http://ms.demo.org
May 06 - May 07, 2000 Russia Parodox 2000 http://eltes.info-don.ru/kirr
May 26 - May 28, 2000 Germany Radwar Party 2000 http://www.radwar.com
May ?? - May ??, 2000 Germany Dialogos 2000 http://www.dialogos.cc
Jul 07 - Jul 09, 2000 France VIP 2 http://popsyteam.rtel.fr/VIP
Jul 07 - Jul 09, 2000 Belgium 2-THOUSAND http://www.multimania.com/tthousand
Jul 14 - Jul 16, 2000 Belgium Inscene 2000 http://www.inscene.org
Aug 11 - Aug 13, 2000 Swiss Buenzli 9 http://www.buenz.li
Aug 31 - Sep 03, 2000 France aRTS Y2K http://www.rtsy.org
Aug ?? - Aug ??, 2000 Poland Gravity 2000 neuroup@agravedict.art.pl
Nov 01 - Nov 01, 2000 France Millenium Party 2K http://Party2k.citeweb.net
??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 France LTP 4 http://ltp.planet-d.net
Dec 15 - Dec 17, 2000 Holland ST News ICCC 2000 http://www.scriba.org/stnicc2000
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: weekly :
This week! Ive been mostly eating... anxiety
! interview !
Session Start: Tue Feb 01 21:50:41 2000
*** mirage has joined demojournal
mirage cozy
ps so who are you?
mirage erhmm... is this part of the interview? ed: DUH
ps yeah
mirage so, that was supposed to be:
Question 1: so who are you? :
sorry, fooling around ill try to do my best :
erhmm... my real name is Lars Verhoeff
ps ah, and what do you do on life lars?
mirage im currently working at karma-studios
http://www.karma-studios.com :
doing graphics and a little bit of coding on
color gameboy games
i start at about 13.00 pm and after our daily game of
starcraft at night and the occasional beer i go home
again :
ps how old are you and where are you from?
mirage im 26 years old yeah, what am i still doing
in a demo-scene born and raised in holland
ps hehe what kind of work do you do on karma?
besides the starcraft playing
mirage actually, i was first employed to do sketch-art for
console games but we needed some quick money first,
so im currently doing bitmap graphics for our
gameboy games
ps any games we mear mortals might have played?
mirage nope we finished 5 games and are working on 5 more
but were having troubles finding publishers that
are willing to distribute our games worldwide
you can download graphics and music from our site,
and see what you have to wait for :
ed: very nice site too btw
ps : lets talk about you then, when did you first started
into computer and computer graphics?
mirage oh, i go waaaaay back
I started on a spectrum ZX81, with 16kb of ram
later came my first c-64
ps ah the speccie
mirage not the spectrum you know, probably
mine had black-and-white graphics
looked more like an advanced calculator
it was the predecessor of the color-spectrum
ps uhh go on about c64 then..
mirage ahyeah i started coding on that thing
it was only after a year or two that i started
doing graphics
lets see if i can remember the groups i used to be in...
it started with delight then came culture, sphinx,
censor design, legend and finally focus
thats about it :
ps what year did you first started doing gfx?
mirage that would be two years after 1984, when i got my c-64
86-ish, i would guess
ps how old were you then? 13?
mirage fast calculating : yeah, 13
ps uhh.. thats really long ago
mirage i know : told you i was old :
next question, please :
ps what do you remember of starting computer gfx?
any good memories?
mirage what i remember most was that i had to do all my
graphics with a joystick
no luxuries of wacom tablets those days :
ps joysticks are told to be a pain to pixel in.. :P
mirage nah, i got the hang of it pretty quickly
it just takes some getting used to
ps what did you first draw? what were your inspirations
back then and did they evolved till nowdays?
mirage i started doing logos, like everybody those days
hardly to be called inspirational graphics
later on came a technique called FLI,
flexible line interpolation
which made making graphics more flexible that paved
the road for more inspirational fullscreen graphics
ps well.. you didnt answer the question much.. what were
your inspirations and how did they change across the times?
mirage well... boris valejo was a great inspiration duh! :
they changed, since i know now how to draw on
paper myself : i graduated from highschool
with the highest grade possible for sketching/painting
ps you the typical boris pics redraw type?
mirage i was like almost everybody else from that period
did that answer your question?
ps hehe, no! but never mind
ok, so lets start having some organizing on this interview
you said your last group was focus..? how did you get to gaia?
mirage okay finishing after my c-64 period i bought myself an
amiga because i was asked to do graphics for an
amiga-game i did the intro-graphics for disposable hero
and then sold my amiga again
ps that was fast
mirage after that i got a 486 and joined bonzai, who just went
from c-64 to pc just like me
after that we made a PC department for focus
ps and where is analogue on that?
mirage and we merged with abstract concepts to form analogue
analogue still exists nowadays, and im still in it...
weve just taken a short break from making demos
thats why i joined superstition for a short while
they were just a tad bit more productive
so i could lose my graphics the easy way :
* ps waits for the part about gaia
mirage after superstition broke up, a lot of things happened
too dificult to explain so i started a demogroup called
gaia together with two friends they both kinda left the
scene, so gaia is just me at the moment :
ps :P nothing like a happy ending :P
you still active on the scene nowdays?
or are you more focusing on work?
mirage actually, work is taking up a lot of my time
i used to study for about 6 years
in that time i had a lot of spare time :
im actually still active in the scene
i attend the occasional party now and then
the last picture i released ended up number one
that was at bizarre99
and im busy programming aswell, so i can release a demo
somewhere in the near future since none of the people i
know is willing to program for me :
ps thats cool to hear.. humm.. what is more expressive way
of computer art? coding or pixeling?
mirage expressive? pixeling, obviously
but i find coding tends to order my mind
thus, compensating for the expressive part of my brain
that handles the chaotic process of pixeling
ps lets talk about graphics then, you both pixel and do
photoshop works.. which one is more rewarding?
mirage i dont see why anybody can call pixeling expressive
when i work in photoshop i get almost full control
of my works
pixeling is a completely different process...
the expressive part comes before the pixeling
then i have to decide on the colours im going to use
in my palette after that, everything is a tightly
scheduled process, nothing expressive about it
ps so why do you still pixel and not do only photoshop work?
mirage pixeling is my job, since the platform im painting for
is the colorgameboy, with tiles and 4color palettes for
every 8x8 pixels as a hobby, i use photoshop
when we start working on our nextgen titles i get to use
photoshop during my working hours maybe ill turn back to
pixeling in my spare-time then :
ps how does work and hobby computer graphics differ?
does it show its work and not just for fun?
mirage work-graphics are usually constraint by the rules
that are layed out, since every game needs specific
graphics e.g. when were working on a racing game i
get to draw roads when im not in the mood of drawing
roads or cars i still dont have a choice
Session Close: Tue Feb 01 22:52:30 2000
Session Start: Mon Feb 14 22:13:18 2000
ps so are you ready for the death defying
demojournal top quiz show contest?
mirage ready when you are
ps 1. whats your favorite color?
mirage deep blue
ps 2. whats the capital of madagascar
mirage oh, wait... i know this one
ps no cheating!!!
mirage can i pass this on to my think-tank? next Q :
ps 3. what is the meaning of life?
mirage 42 easy ones... when do we get to the hard ones?
ps 4. what is the most interesting book/movie you ever read/seen?
mirage that would be eerst grijs, dan wit dan blauw,
but thats a dutch book, so most of you dont understand
what im talking about
ps and what about movie?
mirage hmm... i guess cube would be my most interesting movie
ps 5. do you think there is life beyond our planet?
mirage definately, and i hope they have better ways of
interviewing then through irc
ps do you have a pet?
mirage what happened to the graphics-and-coding related questions?
no, i dont have a pet
ps hei! who id doing the interview? me or you?
you dont have a pet? how come?
mirage im doing the interview
if i wasnt answering you wouldnt have your interview
im way too busy with work to take care of one
ps no, you just sit there and answer silly questions
not even a wabbit or a kitten or a little puppy?
ok, now tell us what are your favorite demos/intros
of all times and shutup
mirage okay, ill shutup then
ps no.. answer the questions :P
mirage favourite demo would be erhmm... fulcrum from matrix
intro... hmm... tough one... i probably havent seen
all of them, since most of them need some dos protected
mode extender, and i hate rebooting my computer just to
see an intro so ill stay away from answering that
question if you dont mind, that is :
ps oki, you have been around for quite a while..
what is the main diference between old demoparties
and these recent ones?
mirage for me personally? or what i think changed for most people?
ps both
mirage personally, i used to look up to certain people...
now im old enough to know theyre just as normal as me
ps sounds like the story of a disapointed young boy :
mirage i was a young boy, dont blame me
ps well.. what were the main big changes you seen
on parties then? like tell us how things were back then
mirage party-places used to be more cozy less sponsored
more fun, less competition
in a nutshell, less commercial
ps were they better?
mirage definately but maybe my perception of that changed
ps why are there so many new ppl getting interested on demoscene?
you have any theory to explain that phenomenom?
mirage more people have computers as easy as that
ps humm.. hehe.. i meant ARENT not are hehehe.. my bad :P
mirage then youre wrong... more people are getting interested,
not less : thats why party-places are getting bigger :
ps no, party places are getting bigger because they are full of
quakers and porno leechers :P not because of demosceners
check number of ppl / number of productions
a secret admire wants to know how can you manage to buy beer
every night without seeming like a sad person to the shop-owner
mirage practice makes perfect :
ps hehe. so tell us what are your inspirations for pixelling
i dont remember if i asked this already or not
mirage actually... theres only one real person, and thats
edward munk
ps whois edward munk then?
mirage his most famous painting was scream...
you must know that one
ps humm.. describe it..
mirage pfff... look it up : on computer its hein holt
and danny, ofcourse although i dont quite agree with
his point of view of getting inspired by other artists
ps now a more then logical question.. why the hell do you mainly
paint/pixel women? :P
mirage what can i say, im frustrated, and so are most other
sceners, thus making it most likely they will vote for
me in gfx-compos :
ps whats your favorite simpsons character?
mirage Mr. burns, without any doubt
and stop copy-and-pasting from pixel
to get new questions :
ps whats your favorite icecream flavour?
mirage lemon thats the only icecream thats being kept in a
seperate cooler freezer
ps whats your favorite beer brand?
mirage beer brand? kylian. now get off that topic too
ps ok.. you leave me without any topics to persue
what do you usually listen to?
mirage to whatever my boss has on, from his mp3-list :
no, really i like jamiroquai, bjork, prodigy
and recently anouk but thats a dutch thing again :
ps now there is one thing i dont get about bjork, maybe you can
help me out understanding
mirage shoot
ps how can a person who cant speak english properly write such
deep thoughts and poems in english? i dont get it.. how can
you know and understand a language fully and cant be able to
speak it without an accent?
mirage maybe shes got someone to look over her lyrics before
she sings them?
ps nopes, the poems are hers.. she just talks english with a
real hard scandinavian accent
mirage you got me there maybe shes so intellectual she gets
everything write when she writes it down
ps ok, lets end this interview already
anything you would like to say before i chop your head off?
mirage yeah, danny should get over his moral thoughts and return
to the scene thats it
ps oki, do some advert to your homepages and stuff and then drop
your email so your fans can flood you with i love yous
mirage http://www.karma-studios.com and lars@karma-studios.com
finally, we got this damn thing finished :
Session Close: Mon Feb 14 23:13:32 2000
! demo !
! intro !
! music !
The alpha conspiracy
mp3.com/alphaconspiracy or www.alphaconspiracy.com
As youve maybe noticed, behind this weird name hides a guy who
used to call himself Necros and who became one of the best scene
musicians. Now, after a long time, he has released 4 new tracks
and lets see what he has to offer.
By his musicdisk System he has shown that he is moving more
towards electronical music. If youve heard track Pulse from
Audiophonik, you know whereto he did get and you could also read
that he is working on more tracks using IT and Buzz. His new
releases are similar to the mentioned track from audiophonik.
Classical samples, like guitar strings, are played through misc.
filters and effects which give them brand new sound, drumlines
are softer, but still very complicated and interesting, especially
with great bassline, which gives depth to the hits without hurting
mans ears. In this deep jungle hide leads with intelligent
melodies, but theyre not that much on top as they used to be, so
you have to listen to the tune more times to find them all.
I should warn here people who loved his very old releases like
December or Mysticism, because Necros has changed a lot. His music
isnt that opened, you have to listen to it more times to get in
it and to fully enjoy it. It also isnt orchestral or jazzy. Its
sad but true. But if you stay and adapt to it, youll find good
old necros in good form. And no, it has nothing to do with the
track by Basehead.
- Retro -
And here we are. For the second time with retro and because we
have here today a release from Necros, well take a look at his
great musicdisk Progression.
This wonderful musicdisk was released in 1995 under FM label.
It was actually first FM musicdisk with new releases and it
opened a new era, where membership in Five Musicians will mean
being the best.
Music moves here among many styles and Andy handles each style
with skill. Opening and closing tracks are jazzy, but youll be
surprised how different they are especially The Grey Note with
its live club feeling. Other two tracks are very good guitar
tunes, where one of them is his entry to mc3 compo placed 2nd.
Last two tracks are special - first one, Point of departure is
a decent drum track inspired by trains this says andy and in
my opinion i dont have to comment it in any way, because it
describes this track perfectly and second one is Isotoxin,
a very interesting futurous track which has been recently used in
game Unreal and cant be compared to any track in scene. I would
describe it as industrial track with synth samples combined with
intelligent techno, but actually it is more than that - you have
to hear it. It is a bit similar to Mechanism eight, which is still
one of the best scene tracks ever. Necros did also coding for the
interface - what more I have to say?
When I wrote this review, Ive listened to this musicdisk and I
was surprised how much it still works on me and if you havent
heard it or you feel for a bit of nostalgia, go on and give your
soundcard a chance to present you this excellent piece of music.
It can be found at ftp.scene.org in fm directory.
! question !
question of the week:
should the current voting systems still be used?
absolutely not.
usual gamer/porno crowd knows nothing.
Depends on what, where and when are you voting for. :
In overall it seems like usual voting at parties causes
so much cheating collecting votekeys/sheets/whatever
and voting for just for only the own prods, not the best
ones - so is this really what we want? And on the bigger
parties the majority of the people who have the right to vote
are non-sceners with no interest in nothing else than playing
Quake and watching porno...
Okay, Im getting out of the subject now, so back to the point:
I wouldnt mind at all if there would be some kind of jury of well
known scene people or even the real outsiders who still find
computer art interesting whod rate the competitions. Even
50 jury - 50 visitors would be better than the situation
is often nowadays.
At least at Juhla 5 jury voting worked quite well..
-melw, who is too tired to vote anymore.
no. every played production should be given a mark from 1-10
for instance. and non-player entries should be disqualified so
that the creators can still enter it on another party or release
it at a groups page when talking about zik without it being
given a possible unfair low rating. disqualification isnt always
bad for the author.
this is a very good question, but i think that the better
question is: is there any place for charts left?
yes, thats a big problem for any chartsmag and ppl who are
collecting votes for this mags. there are only few peoples,
who are filling the votes without any reminders. people are
lazy and they dont want to do anything which is not usefull
for them. they want to be on charts, but they dont want to
vote at other sceners!
no. theyre stupid.
no if you wont have enough voters - shine does it better way
i hate every voting-systems !!
votings , charts etc. sucks !!
I think its a bigger problem for the PC Scene that there are so
many groups and so many productions that its hard to know who to
vote for. Online voting is the best .. its easy and fast! Nobodys
spreading papervotesheets these days...
Id prefer a system where I can distribute a given amount of
points as I want to. Lets say everyone has 10 points for the demo
compo. You liked the 4th demo most, more than all the others
together, so you can give 6 points to it. Number 2 was quite
well done, too, so it gets 2 points, and the last two are given to
the 3rd and 6th place because you liked them a bit. Thats imho much
better than the current system since it allows votes that almost
equal your opinion. Ok, perhaps itd be a lot of work for the
organizers if you allow paper voting, but if its all online,
there shouldnt be any problems.
-Malte The Update
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: commercial break! :
! homepages !
3g Design..............................http://3gdesign.cjb.net
Acid Rain..............................http://surf.to/acidrain
ANDESA Soft International..................http://andesa.da.ru
Defacto 2..............................http://www.defacto2.net
Dolops......................... ........http://dolOps.scene.hu
Fobia Design...........................http://www.fd.scene.org
Just For Fun...........................http://jff.planet-d.net
Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com
Next Empire.................http://members.xoom.com/NEXTEMPIRE
Ninja Gefilus.........http://www.angelfire.com/or/ninjagefilus
Retro A.C...........................http://www.retroac.cjb.net
Skytech team............................http://www.skytech.org
The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org
The Digital Artists Wired Nation.http://digitalartists.cjb.net
The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no
* Aural planet........................http://www.auralplanet.com
Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp
Da Jormas................................http://www.jormas.com
Five Musicians.........................http://www.fm.scene.org
Kosmic Free Music Foundation.............http://www.kosmic.org
Mah Music.............................http://come.to/mah.music
Maniacs of noise...............http://home.worldonline.nl/mon
MAZs Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/maz
Morbid Minds..............http://www.raveordie.com/morbidminds
One Touch Records......................http://otr.planet-d.net
Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr
RBi Music.............................htpp://www.rbi-music.com
Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruffengine
Sound Devotion................http://sugarbomb.x2o.net/soundev
Suspect Records........................http://www.tande.com/sr
Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org
3d addict...................http://users.cybercity.dk/bcc5877
Anders Akerheden...............http://hem.passagen.se/andersak
Immortal Rat................................http://ir.scene.hu
Jean Nine....................................http://j9.cjb.net
* P-rat...................................http://www.subphase.de
Calodox demolinks exchange.....http://calodox.planet-d.net/cde
Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com
Demo fanclub........................http://jerware.org/fanclub
* Demoscene.org news forum..............http://www.demoscene.org
Digital Undergrounds.....................http://dug.iscool.net
Doose charts...............................http://www.doose.dk
Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2
Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/hugi-compo
Orange Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net
PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained
Swiss List.................http://www.profzone.ch/vantage/list
Swiss Scene Server.......................http://www.chscene.ch
Textmode Demo Archive.................http://tmda.planet-d.net
Hungarian scene page...................http://www.scene-hu.com
Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm
* Scenial...........................http://www.scenial.scene.org
Static Line......................http://www.ic.l7.net/statline
Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl
Skynet archive.................ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/skynet
ACiD2 Archive.............................ftp://acid2.stack.nl
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: articles :
These are the Coven 2000 Official Results.
The voting system was quite convoluted, and hence I wont be putting in
actual scores/votes/whatever... Suffice to say that these placings ARE
quite accurate. :
Demo Catagory:
1st - Jinx / Ex Inferis
2nd - Whiskey Stained Brain / Disaster Area
3rd - Dust / Food
256k Catagory:
1st - Hellow World / Error64
2nd - 3DFire / Jinx
8k Catagory:
1st - NiL / Factory
2nd - Pipes / NOR
MP3 Catagory:
1st - RuckSeite / Chimera
2nd - Get it On / Jinx
Trakker Music Catagory:
1st - Directions / Griffin
2nd - Gadget / Phorte
3rd - Stretch / Chimera
4th - Fezd / Disaster Area
Open Art Catagory:
1st - Thine lips Kissed / Euphoria
2nd - Meat / Resistance
3rd - Me So Horny / Euphoria
4th - Sirens / Euphoria
Animation Catagory:
1st - Jedi Duel / Jinx
2nd - Smoking Bee / Floop-e
Blitz Coding Catagory theme: Clef the quaking, warezing, dvding geek:
1st - Sh0ck/Tektonic
2nd - Dogdy Hack
3rd - Penfold
Blitz Trakking Catagory sample pack by Phorte/BlackFox:
1st - Just Kidding / Phorte
2nd - Satans Birthday / Ript
3rd - So Happy / Hex
4th - Friends / Baldrick
Blitz Art Catagory theme: FOOD
1st - Floop-e
2nd - Baldrick
3rd - Euphoria
4th - Resistance
There were some catagories that didnt, as such, have any winners. These
catagories either had no entries, or just the one entry:
- Pixel Art Compo no entries
- 3D Art Compo 1 entry
Party Archive @ Scene.org
?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
!: end :
Download site1.ftp://flerp.scene.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal
Download site2.........ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal
Download site3.ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demojournal
Download site4.......ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/demojournal
Subscribe........Topic: subscribe...demojournal@planet-d.net
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Main Editor......Psychic Symphony...psychicsymphony@clix.pt
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