this image contains text
:k , ..
k .d
:k .d. -*- .yy.
dk. .. ..74.
:l7. 74b,,d
:Y / .d .,yP*** g r a p h
: Y */dY7 .
: *? Y7 b,,y. -
*? ,y/. ?. Y7 .
/ Y7 - . .
* 7 *
M I M E O G R A P H - T H E M I M I C E M A G
Random House College Dictionary: mimeograph mim/ o graf/, -grf/, n.
1. a printing device in which a waxed paper stencil, cut by a typewriter or
stylus, rotates on a drum, ink from which penetrates the cut areas and is
deposited on a sheet of paper with each revolution. - v.t. 2. to make copies
of something using a mimeograph. formerly trademark
Mimeograph is the official emag of Mimic Ascii. It contains literary
work exclusively from the members of Mimic. It was compiled using eBUILD, an
emag creation system developed by Horrid, among others. All of the other work
is a product of the members of Mimic Ascii.
Mimeograph is intended as a soapbox for the members of Mimic Ascii, a
platform from which they may voice any opinions they wish. It is not designed
to supplant a group .NFO file in any way. In other words, Mimeograph is not a
mouthpiece for the group as a whole, nor is it a tool of the senior staff.
Likewise, the views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of Mimic
Ascii or its senior staff, unless specifically noted.
System requirements:
386SX or higher compatible processor
MS-DOS 6.2 or higher / DOSEMU in Linux
VGA suggested for palette fading
In the unlikely event that Mimeograph will not run on your computer, try
freeing up some conventional memory.
To read Mimeograph, unzip the file MIMEO-.ZIP, where represents
the number of the issue, in any directory that you wish, and execute the file
MIMEO.EXE. MIMEO.EXE and MIMEO.DAT must be in the same directory in order for
the emag to properly run.
To submit to Mimeograph, you must be a member of Mimic Ascii. Provided
this is true, you may send art or articles to the Mimic senior staff or to me,
meatpod, either through email or on IRC. See the member list for contact
Thanks for checking out Mimic, enjoy Mimeograph!
- meatpod
:k , ..
k .d
:k .d. -*- .yy.
dk. .. ..74.
:l7. 74b,,d
:Y / .d .,yP*** g r a p h
: Y */dY7 .
: *? Y7 b,,y. -
*? ,y/. ?. Y7 .
/ Y7 - . .
* 7 *
M I M E O G R A P H - T H E M I M I C E M A G
Random House College Dictionary: mimeograph mim/ o graf/, -grf/, n.
1. a printing device in which a waxed paper stencil, cut by a typewriter or
stylus, rotates on a drum, ink from which penetrates the cut areas and is
deposited on a sheet of paper with each revolution. - v.t. 2. to make copies
of something using a mimeograph. formerly trademark
Mimeograph is the official emag of Mimic Ascii. It contains literary
work exclusively from the members of Mimic. It was compiled using eBUILD, an
emag creation system developed by Horrid, among others. All of the other work
is a product of the members of Mimic Ascii.
Mimeograph is intended as a soapbox for the members of Mimic Ascii, a
platform from which they may voice any opinions they wish. It is not designed
to supplant a group .NFO file in any way. In other words, Mimeograph is not a
mouthpiece for the group as a whole, nor is it a tool of the senior staff.
Likewise, the views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of Mimic
Ascii or its senior staff, unless specifically noted.
System requirements:
386SX or higher compatible processor
MS-DOS 6.2 or higher / DOSEMU in Linux
VGA suggested for palette fading
In the unlikely event that Mimeograph will not run on your computer, try
freeing up some conventional memory.
To read Mimeograph, unzip the file MIMEO-.ZIP, where represents
the number of the issue, in any directory that you wish, and execute the file
MIMEO.EXE. MIMEO.EXE and MIMEO.DAT must be in the same directory in order for
the emag to properly run.
To submit to Mimeograph, you must be a member of Mimic Ascii. Provided
this is true, you may send art or articles to the Mimic senior staff or to me,
meatpod, either through email or on IRC. See the member list for contact
Thanks for checking out Mimic, enjoy Mimeograph!
- meatpod
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