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: H/Q Another Droid BBS - andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
RAM Disk
Linux is awesome! And one thing of its awesomeness is that we create
virtual drives in RAM, very easy! With only one command we can create a
drive in RAM and store temp files, for various reasons.
The main reasons is speed and protection of the disk drive or SD Card. In
Raspberry Pies, both reasons are very important, as the SD-Card of an rpi
is slow and dont allow too many read/write operations. So enough talking.
The easy way in one command:
sudo mkdir -p /vram/ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size100m tmpfs /vram
Because its only one command acctually two, we can use it in scripts and
by demand only. When we need it, we create it. But if you want a permanent
solution, try this:
sudo mkdir /var/tmp
then edit the fstab file by:
sudo nano /etc/fstab
and add the line:
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size1M 0 0
save and close the file. Now issue:
sudo mount -a
This way, even when you reboot the ram disk will be created automatically.
Beware that in shutdown/reboot, a ram disk is being emptied. So, dont
write data, that you need.
. - . . 8 888888 8
/ 8888888888
DoNt Be aNoTHeR DrOiD fOR tHe SySteM 88 8888 88
/: HaM RaDiO /: ANSi ARt! /: MySTiC MoDS /: DooRS 8888
/: NeWS /: WeATheR /: FiLEs /: SPooKNet 8888
/: GaMeS /: TeXtFiLeS /: PrEPardNeSS /: FsxNet 88
/: TuTors /: bOOkS/PdFs /: SuRVaViLiSM /: ArakNet 8 8 88888888888
888 8888888
TeLNeT : andr01d.zapto.org:9999 UTC 11:00 - 20:00 8 88888888888
SySoP : xqtr eMAiL: xqtr@gmx.com 8 8888..888
DoNaTe : https://paypal.me/xqtr 8 888888888
RAM Disk
Linux is awesome! And one thing of its awesomeness is that we create
virtual drives in RAM, very easy! With only one command we can create a
drive in RAM and store temp files, for various reasons.
The main reasons is speed and protection of the disk drive or SD Card. In
Raspberry Pies, both reasons are very important, as the SD-Card of an rpi
is slow and dont allow too many read/write operations. So enough talking.
The easy way in one command:
sudo mkdir -p /vram/ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size100m tmpfs /vram
Because its only one command acctually two, we can use it in scripts and
by demand only. When we need it, we create it. But if you want a permanent
solution, try this:
sudo mkdir /var/tmp
then edit the fstab file by:
sudo nano /etc/fstab
and add the line:
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size1M 0 0
save and close the file. Now issue:
sudo mount -a
This way, even when you reboot the ram disk will be created automatically.
Beware that in shutdown/reboot, a ram disk is being emptied. So, dont
write data, that you need.
. - . . 8 888888 8
/ 8888888888
DoNt Be aNoTHeR DrOiD fOR tHe SySteM 88 8888 88
/: HaM RaDiO /: ANSi ARt! /: MySTiC MoDS /: DooRS 8888
/: NeWS /: WeATheR /: FiLEs /: SPooKNet 8888
/: GaMeS /: TeXtFiLeS /: PrEPardNeSS /: FsxNet 88
/: TuTors /: bOOkS/PdFs /: SuRVaViLiSM /: ArakNet 8 8 88888888888
888 8888888
TeLNeT : andr01d.zapto.org:9999 UTC 11:00 - 20:00 8 88888888888
SySoP : xqtr eMAiL: xqtr@gmx.com 8 8888..888
DoNaTe : https://paypal.me/xqtr 8 888888888
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