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PAiN - da Swiss Lamer Intrigues Monthly - 04/97 - 4th year
Release Date: 13-mar-1997 Release Time: 22.30
Haha, what did we say? PAiN in time, or better PAiN is early! If thats
not worth telling, what then..?
Again, Reports, Reviews, different point of view statements, coding tuto-
rial and BnZli 5 invitation, linked with a really nice tune from Phred
is what we offer you freely.
There are also votes polls which we dont offer that freely. Thats
the only thing in that mag where youd have to move your ass from that
consumers chair, the only point you can, should and MUST contribute in
Keep the Swiss scene alive! Vote and send us your feedback, leave a mail
at The Lycaeum, send to pain@space.ch and vote online at every better
PCBoard system and at www.space.ch/scene/pain soon !
Support the GOOD swiss scene magazines !!!
Release Date: 13-mar-1997 Release Time: 22.30
Haha, what did we say? PAiN in time, or better PAiN is early! If thats
not worth telling, what then..?
Again, Reports, Reviews, different point of view statements, coding tuto-
rial and BnZli 5 invitation, linked with a really nice tune from Phred
is what we offer you freely.
There are also votes polls which we dont offer that freely. Thats
the only thing in that mag where youd have to move your ass from that
consumers chair, the only point you can, should and MUST contribute in
Keep the Swiss scene alive! Vote and send us your feedback, leave a mail
at The Lycaeum, send to pain@space.ch and vote online at every better
PCBoard system and at www.space.ch/scene/pain soon !
Support the GOOD swiss scene magazines !!!
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