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p e g u i m o t h l y i s s u e 1
Hey whats up.. go checkout the mag by typing
peng1 at your dos prompt. here is a little questionare
i put together for the 3rd issue.. please! fill it out
and u/l either to Beyond Vision at 713-493-5322 user:
application pword: app ... or send it to EON@USIS.COM .
thanx ..
- The Clone
How is the mag so far?/did you encounter any problems?
What did you think about the selections i.e.reviews, tipline.
What should be done to better the mag?
Who would you like to see in upcoming Hunchies corner Tipline?
Would you like to see a RIP/VGA code in the next few issues, which
would include a top5 VGAs/RIPs??
If you would like to contribute to the mag, just send your
contribution to Beyond Vision, or to EON@USIS.COM..
Hey whats up.. go checkout the mag by typing
peng1 at your dos prompt. here is a little questionare
i put together for the 3rd issue.. please! fill it out
and u/l either to Beyond Vision at 713-493-5322 user:
application pword: app ... or send it to EON@USIS.COM .
thanx ..
- The Clone
How is the mag so far?/did you encounter any problems?
What did you think about the selections i.e.reviews, tipline.
What should be done to better the mag?
Who would you like to see in upcoming Hunchies corner Tipline?
Would you like to see a RIP/VGA code in the next few issues, which
would include a top5 VGAs/RIPs??
If you would like to contribute to the mag, just send your
contribution to Beyond Vision, or to EON@USIS.COM..
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