this image contains text
ice august collection part 1.. .
filename.ext rating comment
al-tt.ice *** 1/2 nice shading..nice font
and proportions.
ck-gold1.ice ** 1/2 cool.nice shading and
super mario scheme
gr-sd.ice ** 1/2 nice small scale pic..
good maxx font
gr-zh.ice *** 1/2 nice proportion/shading
and bground..font?!
hm-grndz.ice ** freaky guy..undershaded
ok font
kz-ac.ice **** a great kz pic a usual.
excellent ansi.
kz-tsc.ice **** another great kz pic..
i like the font a lot.
ma-unh1.ice *** ma pic?! it rules like
his fonts do.
tg-as2.ice *** face/hair needs shading
nice font by id.
tg-tmes1.ice *** 1/2 excellent proportions
shading..ok font.
us-dg1.ice ** 1/2 decent ansi..whoa..it
even has matching logos!
us-en.ice *** proportions kinda off..
good shading..cool font
us-ice1.ice ** 1/2 nice small ansi..awesome
ice font tOo
us-mr1.ice **** i love this..excellent
shape/proportion font
total ansis: 14
total stars: 43.5
group total: 3.1
group comments: ice had another great month..kz
had to great pics..the US productions were nice
too..grimace had a nice long ansi and toon goon
had a great japanimation pic. there was great
quality again..awesome job yall.
favorites: kz-ac.ice **** i shitted in ma pants
us-mr1.ice **** excellent pic guyz
tg-tmes1.ice *** 1/2 cool ansi tg!
rated by: turtle pOw
The August 1995 ACiD Acquisition!
p r o d u c t i o n s
Taking You To New Highs
filename.ext rating comment
ar-fed1.ans ** 1/2 dont like shading on
hair..okay font..nice.
az-glue.ans *** nice shading on hair
body..neat font.
cl-huma.ans ** 1/2 ok ansi..nothing that
special..weird shading.
ld-fs1.ans **** shes got a mustache
awesome ansi ld!
p1-badl1.ans *** 1/2 nice shading except on
octopus..font?! cool.
p1-wnc.ans *** cool..wack font..overall
good ansi..
stc-dom.ans ** ok..not much 2 it..bad
face..rock needs shading
stc-elus.ans ** 1/2 alright..nice ansi.
tr-rust.ans ** proportions are bad..
weak font.
us-en.ans *** proportions kinda off..
good shading..nice font
total ansis: 10
total stars: 28
group average: 2.8
group comments: well..acid needs to produce a
little more pics..it seems like they have less
and less ansis every month..lord jazz had an
awesome pic while p1 had another great month
with 2 long, quality pics..the US production
was nice too.. good job this month.
favorites: ld-fs1.ans **** favorite of the pack
p1-badl1.ans *** 1/2 i love the water
az-glue.ans *** nice ansi by azreal
rated by: turtle pOw
d a r k i l l u s t r a t e d
august collection 1995
filename.ext rating comment
asoap-0d.drk ** poor shading..parts
kinda shaped weird.
dslvo-0f.drk *** pretty good.. nice
messy style..good pic.
entro-01.drk * im sure dark could do
better than this..
maels-01.drk *** nice clean pic..decent
font..good ansi.0
maels-02.drk ** ok pic.. i gave ya two
*s cuz the font ruled.
rbias-10.drk ** ok..i dont like the 1/2
blocks on the red..
redrm-01.drk ** same pic? the red strip
looks better..no bg?
redrm-02.drk ** 1/2 this is nice too..nice
and original font too.
scrup-10.drk ** yucky..face looks jack-
ed up..weak font too.
spiff-08.drk * 1/2 bah.. dont like this
one..font is ok..
tribe-05.drk ** decent pic..could use
work..font is ok too.
wator-01.drk ** proportions off.. big
nose..ok anscii
xmtrx-08.drk ** yes.. shading not good
..ok font and pic..
xryrs-01.drk *** this is much better..
nice shading and font!
total ansis: 15
total stars: 30
group average: 2.0
group comments: this is not the greatest dark i
have ever seen..no offense but i have seen a
bit better than this.. quality pics came from
xeryrus, red rum, desalvo maelstrom. overall,
its been an average month for dark.
favorites: xryrs-01.drk *** best o da month..
maels-01.drk *** nice pic..good job.
dslvo-0f.drk *** nice messy pic..coo
rated by: turtle pOw
u n i n
Oper.k0wf3AR tH4 k0W, f0R h3 b1T3Z!@
filename.ext rating comment
ab-ch361.ans *** cool..some parts dis-
figured i think..font?!
ab-dyst2.ans ** 1/2 weak font..rest is ok.
some shading weird.
ab-evi1.ans *** nice..ok shading..weak
font..rest is great.
ab-ji1.ans ** uh..turtle! ok..
needs a background..
ab-opkow.ans * 1/2 uhm..huh?
ab-uni6.ans ** 1/2 font needs work..some
shading i dont like..
bl-anim1.ans ** 1/2 heh.. cool..weak font.
decent picture.
bl-uni95.ans ** dont like shading on
hair..cool font.
fo-union.ans ** weak shape of jaw..bad
shading..needs work.
fr-ei!1.bin *** 1/2 heh..thats a HUGE .BIN
mang..nice job..ok font
hs-362.ans * 1/2 the guy has holes?!
needs work..
hu-union.ans ** 1/2 iCEcolor huh? tis cool
but has some problems.
mg-gp4.ans *** 1/2 almost perfect ansi..
cool fontage,.great job
mg-union.ans ** uh.. maxx.. nothin
much to it.. decent pic
nz-uni20.ans *** ehh..cool native ameri-
can pic..nice job.
pb-promo.ans ** 1/2 pretty good..needs work
here and there..ok pic
pv-gc01.ans *** dont like some shading
but nice overall pic.
pv-uni01.ans ** lotsa unshaded stuff..
some bad shading..
pv-vp01.ans ** 1/2 some unshaded stuff..
cool font..ok pic.
sb-pareb.ans *** cool shading.. ok font
pretty nice.
ss-dv1.ans ** 1/2 heh. funny ansi..cool
imitation font..
ss-egod1.ans ** some stuff unshaded..
weak font..
ss-poo1.ans ** 1/2 cool toon..nice..the
font needs some work.
tl-ue1.ans *** pretty good.. not much
to it..weak font
ug-egod1.bin *** cool..ok font..cook
character drawings..
ug-jello.ans *** hah..awesome ansi..
shouldve had a font
ug-pleo1.ans * 1/2 nice attempt..need some
work..weak font.
us-cv1.ans * 1/2 funny but the art isnt
too great..
us-glue2.ans *** 1/2 great pic.. almost a
us-ii.ans ** no bground..ok pic..not
much to it though..
wa-se1.ans * 1/2 dont like shading or
font..needs mass work.
total ansis: 31
total stars: 76
group average: 2.45
group comments: this was a great pack for union
and it had many great ansis in it..they should
pull another k0w sometime..it had people go-
in for a while..great ansis came from abOm,
fear, peak velocity, nailz, magnus, misfit,
turmoil..the US pics were great too..nice job.
favorites: fr-ei!1.bin *** 1/2 cool bin mang.
mg-gp4.ans *** 1/2 almost perfectO.
us-glue2.ans *** 1/2 favorite of pack
rated by: turtle pOw
Integrity 08/95 Pak
filename.ext rating comment
33-jonas.ans ** 1/2 cool shading..body has
weird shaping..ok pic.
33-rape3.ans *** ok shading..nice shape.
nice font too.
df-vos1.ans *** whoa..the scales look
good..int font is great
eo-chem1.ans ** 1/2 shading is ok and same
with the shapes..nice.
eo-flux1.ans *** great short pic..i love
the shading..cool font.
gl-trn.ans **** this rules..the bitchs
hair is coo..font is ok
gs-ho3.ans ** proportions are a kinda
off..bad shading..blah.
hv-bbad.ans *** cool b/w pic..hard to
see..good shape/shading
hw-hz0ne.ans ** 1/2 face looks kinda funny.
decent ansi overall.
ma-trn1.ans *** 1/2 cape at top not shaded.
excellent ansi..font?!
nit-mud.ans ** decent ansi.. not much
to it though..hmm.
qt-ho3.ans ** 1/2 some proportions off..
weak font..needs bg too
sl-mist1.ans ** 1/2 huge eye .. i like
font..cool ansi overall
sl-pow1.ans *** 1/2 i love this one..cool
hair and shading..great
sp-illf.ans ** 1/2 weak font..nice shading
and shapes..okay ansi
tre-iom1.ans ** too blocky..weak shape.
ok ansi..needs work.
total ansis: 16
total stars: 41
group average: 2.56
group comments: this was another nice pack for
integrity..el guapo was a great addition to the
team along with ghengis treason who have the
same style ..grimlock and mage had great long
pics..i was waiting for an IQ ansi but there
there wasnt any .. great overall pack.
favorites: gl-trn.ans **** favorite of the pack
eo-flux1.ans *** great small pic!
ma-trn1.ans ***1/2 nice long ansi.
rated by: turtle pOw
ice august collection part 1.. .
filename.ext rating comment
al-tt.ice *** 1/2 nice shading..nice font
and proportions.
ck-gold1.ice ** 1/2 cool.nice shading and
super mario scheme
gr-sd.ice ** 1/2 nice small scale pic..
good maxx font
gr-zh.ice *** 1/2 nice proportion/shading
and bground..font?!
hm-grndz.ice ** freaky guy..undershaded
ok font
kz-ac.ice **** a great kz pic a usual.
excellent ansi.
kz-tsc.ice **** another great kz pic..
i like the font a lot.
ma-unh1.ice *** ma pic?! it rules like
his fonts do.
tg-as2.ice *** face/hair needs shading
nice font by id.
tg-tmes1.ice *** 1/2 excellent proportions
shading..ok font.
us-dg1.ice ** 1/2 decent ansi..whoa..it
even has matching logos!
us-en.ice *** proportions kinda off..
good shading..cool font
us-ice1.ice ** 1/2 nice small ansi..awesome
ice font tOo
us-mr1.ice **** i love this..excellent
shape/proportion font
total ansis: 14
total stars: 43.5
group total: 3.1
group comments: ice had another great month..kz
had to great pics..the US productions were nice
too..grimace had a nice long ansi and toon goon
had a great japanimation pic. there was great
quality again..awesome job yall.
favorites: kz-ac.ice **** i shitted in ma pants
us-mr1.ice **** excellent pic guyz
tg-tmes1.ice *** 1/2 cool ansi tg!
rated by: turtle pOw
The August 1995 ACiD Acquisition!
p r o d u c t i o n s
Taking You To New Highs
filename.ext rating comment
ar-fed1.ans ** 1/2 dont like shading on
hair..okay font..nice.
az-glue.ans *** nice shading on hair
body..neat font.
cl-huma.ans ** 1/2 ok ansi..nothing that
special..weird shading.
ld-fs1.ans **** shes got a mustache
awesome ansi ld!
p1-badl1.ans *** 1/2 nice shading except on
octopus..font?! cool.
p1-wnc.ans *** cool..wack font..overall
good ansi..
stc-dom.ans ** ok..not much 2 it..bad
face..rock needs shading
stc-elus.ans ** 1/2 alright..nice ansi.
tr-rust.ans ** proportions are bad..
weak font.
us-en.ans *** proportions kinda off..
good shading..nice font
total ansis: 10
total stars: 28
group average: 2.8
group comments: well..acid needs to produce a
little more pics..it seems like they have less
and less ansis every month..lord jazz had an
awesome pic while p1 had another great month
with 2 long, quality pics..the US production
was nice too.. good job this month.
favorites: ld-fs1.ans **** favorite of the pack
p1-badl1.ans *** 1/2 i love the water
az-glue.ans *** nice ansi by azreal
rated by: turtle pOw
d a r k i l l u s t r a t e d
august collection 1995
filename.ext rating comment
asoap-0d.drk ** poor shading..parts
kinda shaped weird.
dslvo-0f.drk *** pretty good.. nice
messy style..good pic.
entro-01.drk * im sure dark could do
better than this..
maels-01.drk *** nice clean pic..decent
font..good ansi.0
maels-02.drk ** ok pic.. i gave ya two
*s cuz the font ruled.
rbias-10.drk ** ok..i dont like the 1/2
blocks on the red..
redrm-01.drk ** same pic? the red strip
looks better..no bg?
redrm-02.drk ** 1/2 this is nice too..nice
and original font too.
scrup-10.drk ** yucky..face looks jack-
ed up..weak font too.
spiff-08.drk * 1/2 bah.. dont like this
one..font is ok..
tribe-05.drk ** decent pic..could use
work..font is ok too.
wator-01.drk ** proportions off.. big
nose..ok anscii
xmtrx-08.drk ** yes.. shading not good
..ok font and pic..
xryrs-01.drk *** this is much better..
nice shading and font!
total ansis: 15
total stars: 30
group average: 2.0
group comments: this is not the greatest dark i
have ever seen..no offense but i have seen a
bit better than this.. quality pics came from
xeryrus, red rum, desalvo maelstrom. overall,
its been an average month for dark.
favorites: xryrs-01.drk *** best o da month..
maels-01.drk *** nice pic..good job.
dslvo-0f.drk *** nice messy pic..coo
rated by: turtle pOw
u n i n
Oper.k0wf3AR tH4 k0W, f0R h3 b1T3Z!@
filename.ext rating comment
ab-ch361.ans *** cool..some parts dis-
figured i think..font?!
ab-dyst2.ans ** 1/2 weak font..rest is ok.
some shading weird.
ab-evi1.ans *** nice..ok shading..weak
font..rest is great.
ab-ji1.ans ** uh..turtle! ok..
needs a background..
ab-opkow.ans * 1/2 uhm..huh?
ab-uni6.ans ** 1/2 font needs work..some
shading i dont like..
bl-anim1.ans ** 1/2 heh.. cool..weak font.
decent picture.
bl-uni95.ans ** dont like shading on
hair..cool font.
fo-union.ans ** weak shape of jaw..bad
shading..needs work.
fr-ei!1.bin *** 1/2 heh..thats a HUGE .BIN
mang..nice job..ok font
hs-362.ans * 1/2 the guy has holes?!
needs work..
hu-union.ans ** 1/2 iCEcolor huh? tis cool
but has some problems.
mg-gp4.ans *** 1/2 almost perfect ansi..
cool fontage,.great job
mg-union.ans ** uh.. maxx.. nothin
much to it.. decent pic
nz-uni20.ans *** ehh..cool native ameri-
can pic..nice job.
pb-promo.ans ** 1/2 pretty good..needs work
here and there..ok pic
pv-gc01.ans *** dont like some shading
but nice overall pic.
pv-uni01.ans ** lotsa unshaded stuff..
some bad shading..
pv-vp01.ans ** 1/2 some unshaded stuff..
cool font..ok pic.
sb-pareb.ans *** cool shading.. ok font
pretty nice.
ss-dv1.ans ** 1/2 heh. funny ansi..cool
imitation font..
ss-egod1.ans ** some stuff unshaded..
weak font..
ss-poo1.ans ** 1/2 cool toon..nice..the
font needs some work.
tl-ue1.ans *** pretty good.. not much
to it..weak font
ug-egod1.bin *** cool..ok font..cook
character drawings..
ug-jello.ans *** hah..awesome ansi..
shouldve had a font
ug-pleo1.ans * 1/2 nice attempt..need some
work..weak font.
us-cv1.ans * 1/2 funny but the art isnt
too great..
us-glue2.ans *** 1/2 great pic.. almost a
us-ii.ans ** no bground..ok pic..not
much to it though..
wa-se1.ans * 1/2 dont like shading or
font..needs mass work.
total ansis: 31
total stars: 76
group average: 2.45
group comments: this was a great pack for union
and it had many great ansis in it..they should
pull another k0w sometime..it had people go-
in for a while..great ansis came from abOm,
fear, peak velocity, nailz, magnus, misfit,
turmoil..the US pics were great too..nice job.
favorites: fr-ei!1.bin *** 1/2 cool bin mang.
mg-gp4.ans *** 1/2 almost perfectO.
us-glue2.ans *** 1/2 favorite of pack
rated by: turtle pOw
Integrity 08/95 Pak
filename.ext rating comment
33-jonas.ans ** 1/2 cool shading..body has
weird shaping..ok pic.
33-rape3.ans *** ok shading..nice shape.
nice font too.
df-vos1.ans *** whoa..the scales look
good..int font is great
eo-chem1.ans ** 1/2 shading is ok and same
with the shapes..nice.
eo-flux1.ans *** great short pic..i love
the shading..cool font.
gl-trn.ans **** this rules..the bitchs
hair is coo..font is ok
gs-ho3.ans ** proportions are a kinda
off..bad shading..blah.
hv-bbad.ans *** cool b/w pic..hard to
see..good shape/shading
hw-hz0ne.ans ** 1/2 face looks kinda funny.
decent ansi overall.
ma-trn1.ans *** 1/2 cape at top not shaded.
excellent ansi..font?!
nit-mud.ans ** decent ansi.. not much
to it though..hmm.
qt-ho3.ans ** 1/2 some proportions off..
weak font..needs bg too
sl-mist1.ans ** 1/2 huge eye .. i like
font..cool ansi overall
sl-pow1.ans *** 1/2 i love this one..cool
hair and shading..great
sp-illf.ans ** 1/2 weak font..nice shading
and shapes..okay ansi
tre-iom1.ans ** too blocky..weak shape.
ok ansi..needs work.
total ansis: 16
total stars: 41
group average: 2.56
group comments: this was another nice pack for
integrity..el guapo was a great addition to the
team along with ghengis treason who have the
same style ..grimlock and mage had great long
pics..i was waiting for an IQ ansi but there
there wasnt any .. great overall pack.
favorites: gl-trn.ans **** favorite of the pack
eo-flux1.ans *** great small pic!
ma-trn1.ans ***1/2 nice long ansi.
rated by: turtle pOw
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