this image contains text
FIN Cryzor 93, DJ Ere music swap, 93, Nelson, Noblehawk, Quedo 93,
Rabbit, Slade.
SWE Deathjester, Exact-1, Freeze, Mint, Quedo.
NOR Airhead Tommy Mortensen, swap, new late 93, Purple Haze swap, 94.
DEN Adonis, Daffy Christer Lankholm, swap, 94, Drac music, new 12/93,
Flower Child music, new 12/93, Guybrush, Guz, Warner swap, new
1994 - The entire Danish division joined Iris in january. This was at
least Darkhawk ex Megalomania no entry, other names are uncertain.
Swedish swapper Airbrain joined Quartz.
Swede D-Lite changed his handle to Dose and joined Chaos AD.
New Norwegian division was formed by Airhead.
Damage DMG, 1991-, http://student.oulu.fi/count/damage/
FIN 3C gfx music, 12/91-12/93, Allah swap trade, 93, Baldis music,
12/93, Brain music, 04/92-08/92, Count Zero WHQ code homepage,
12/91-06/94, Decor8 gfx, 93-06/94, Dozig code swap, 02/92-06/94,
Jack of Hearts gfx, 93-06/94, Maxwell music swap, 10/92-93,
Mr.Saku gfx, 10/92-06/94, MTR gfx, Shaman org, STL Antti
Lankila, code, 12/93-06/94, Zandax music, 02/92-06/94.
SWE Dezecrator sysop HELL AWAITS, later X-Trade, Hellhound music,
12/92, Lionheart swap, Supreme swap.
POL Bednar Darek Bednarczyk, gfx raytrace, 11/94, Fenix sysop
ENG The Fox.
??? Dragon pol? raytrace, 08/95, Fender music, 12/91, Glue music,
Madcat fin? gfx, 12/91-08/92, Matt pol? gfx, 12/93, Piter trade,
Scorpion fin? gfx, 02/92, Van Caco pol? music, 12/93, Ziemy gfx,
Damage is a Finland based demo group, whose Polish division also made some
decent productions. Some of the finnish members count zero, decor8
actually moved down to the c64 later, where they released their first
production in december of 1997.
1992 - Renegade left for Fi-Re Crew around the middle of the year.
The Hungarian division died ca 06/92.
1996 - Most of the Polish division split up in mid 96. Action swap, ex
Mad Elks, new late 95 joined Anadune. Sitek gfx raytrace and Miklesz
Nikolaj Leszczuk, code, both 12/93-08/95 left the Amiga scene MIklesz in
favour of the PC. MGL music joined a PC group. I also have news saying he
joined Mad Elks late 95...
1997 - Polish swapper and sysop Mephi 94- left for Amnesty late97.
Orion joined Shining 8.
Kiviniemi City Blues 1991, 02.12, ECS Intro.
code: Count Zero, gfx: 3C, Madcat, music: Fender.
Intro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Zingo, gfx: Bobcat, music: K9.
Introduction Intro 1992, 17.02, ECS Intro.
code: Dozig, Count Zero, gfx: Scorpion, music: Zandax.
Swappers For All 1992, 20.04, ECS Intro.
code: Count Zero, gfx: 3C, music: Brain.
Jotain Kaljua ja Gaagnista 1992, 07.06, ECS Intro
code/gfx: Dozig, music: Zandax.
info: The title means Something Bald and Beautiful.
Damage Report 4 1992, 25.08, ECS Diskmag.
code: Count Zero, gfx: Madcat, music: Brain. Released at Assembly 92.
Pallia Kansalle 1992, 19.10, ECS Intro.
code: Dozig, gfx: Mr. Saku, music: Maxwell.
Hymn 633 1992? ADL/3? Ed, 29.02, ECS Musicdisk.
code: STL, Count Zero, Dozig, gfx: Jack of Hearts, 3C, STL, music:
Endless Autumn by Zandax, Metal Maniac by Fender, Illusion
--- doesnt work on my version ---, Fantasy by Brain, Shiny Waterfall
by Zandax, Technoexpress by Fender, Intuition by Brain.
info: More and better information on this disk is coming!
X-Mas Special Tolupukkirap 1993, 24.12, ECS File.
code: STL, gfx: 3C, music: Zandax, Baldis.
info: Requires 1MB total mem, chip and fast.
X-Mass Time 1993, 28.12, ECS File.
code: Miklesz, gfx: Matt, Sitek, music: Van Caco.
22nd in The Party 93 demo competition. Cooperation with DTS.
Da 2nd Coming 1994, 24.06, AGA? Slideshow.
code: Dozig, Count Zero, STL, gfx: Decor, Jack of Hearts, Mr. Saku,
music: Zandax.
Noxzema 1994, 13.11, AGA 2MB HD Demo, 4 disks.
code: Miklesz, gfx: Sitek, Bednar 3D, design, music: MGL.
Winner of Gelloween 94 demo competition!
Pulp Fiction 1995, 30.08, AGA 4MB File.
code: Miklesz, gfx: Sitek, Dragon additional, Ziemy additional,
music: MGL. 3rd in the Intel Outside 95 demo competition.
review: PF is not a bad demo, just a little blocky and too techno at
times : Seriously, there are several good routines here, some of which
Ive never actually seen before - like the waterfall vector. The music is
slavishly timed to the demo, almost to the extent where its too much.
The strength that timing music to the effects gave demos like Sanitys
WOC was largely on the base that they didnt time EVERYTHING to the
music but when they did it was always powerful.
PF opens with a cool raytraced logo, and the first effect is a really
block gouraud. Fortunately, things do get better as the demo progresses.
The plasma zoom and the aforementioned waterfall vectors are nice
effects, not to mention the moving lightsource around the bukk sorry,
dont know the English word :D! Other nice things are the voxel routine
and the texturemapping. Overall, this is not a bad demo, though it
suffers from the trying too hard syndrome. Less is sometimes more,
remember that. It now seems the people that made this have abandoned the
Amiga for the PC...on the strength of PF, Id say that is definitely a
loss for the scene. The two additional graphicians I couldnt see
mentioned anywhere in the demo... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Damage Inc.
ENG Andy, Futura, Mulko, Mushroom old handle Jongle, ex Coma, Si.
NOR Axl, Black Panther, Carrion, Flesh, Goldfinger, Jeff, Lars Lars
Ulimoen, music swap, 93, Malefactor, Messiah, Orion, Scud, Software
Error, Stormchild, Teddy Boy, Ziriax.
SWE Norad sysop ACES HIGH, Nostyx.
FIN Atax, Deltax, Gamma, KLF, Lord Helmet, Zippo.
JOR Mutassem ex Byte Busters.
??? Pinocchio music, 12/94.
Lots of wellknown guys on the Norwegian memberlist...
Superior and Switchblade left.
Finnish musician and swapper Saracen ex Visual Bytes joined Destiny.
GER Ace, Sol.
??? Achnaton ex Savage, Amnesia new 09/92, Axxis new 09/92, Buzzard
ex Hypnotic, 09/92, Darth Vader sysop, Hellraiser new 09/92,
Mattrax new 09/92, Omnitron new 09/92.
Editor Blitter and his mag The Jungle are now in X-Trade, but I havent
got a clue how they got there :
1993 - Andy joined Nuance, and Act joined Outlaws late 93. Toxic left, and
Dark joined Design after a short while 09/92.
Cosmos was kicked.
Cruncher joined Savage.
German Devil joined Amnesia.
Dream Warrior joined Energy.
501 ex Desert, old handle Wishbringer joined Prime.
German graphician Friendly 08/93 joined Static Bytes.
Proton joined Mexx.
The Jungle issue 3 1993, ECS Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: Friendly, music: Tip and Firefox/Phenomena.
The Jungle issue 4 1993, 18.10, ECS Diskmag.
info: Full multitasking, HD installable, AGA compatible...in 93!
The Jungle issue 5 1993, 27.12, ECS Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: Friendly, music: n/a, editor: Blitter.
Released at The Party 93.
Damones old 1991- http://www.damones.net
FIN Balthazar 93, Beerman 93, Casket Tatu Tiala, swap, ex Legend,
93, Cobra trade, 03/94, Corleone, Darra 93, Dean music,
doublememb CNCD, 93, Drifter 93, Duncan ex Digital, 93, Eddie and
Ice trade, ex Accession, 03/94, Fraction code, doublememb CNCD, 93,
G.O.D trade, 03/94, Hifi sysop LAST GENERATION WHQ, ex Digital,
doublememb Alpha Flight, 93, Hoffi trade, doublememb Byterapers,
03/93-03/94, Irwin trade, 93-03/94, Kevin gfx swap sysop, ex
Digital, 93, Lapin Juntti trade, 93-03/94, Merit, Ringo 93, Rotsi
93, Saviour Savi Ka, code, ex Complex, SS Soldier trade, ex Fun
Factory, 02/93-03/94, T.O.B ex Byterapers, 93, Trashman 93,
Tsunami code, doublememb Virtual Dreams, 93-03/94, T.U.M.B. 93,
Vyvyan ex Accession, 93, Zados 93.
??? Lappari ex Black Robes, Lukas ex Tarkus Team, Pete ex Tarkus
Tormentor never rejoined from Alpha Flight, he was kicked.
Finnish members Hex ex Black Robes, Masasoft 93 and Fulcrum trade,
03/94 were kicked due to inactivity.
Finnish swapper and trader John Peel ex Digital, 03/94 joined Angels.
Finnish Grim ex Digital joined Sonic.
Finnish sysop Zebra THE ZOO, ex Scoopex, new late92-93 joined Accession.
Finnish coders Coconut and Flame both ex The Silents left to form a new
group, called Pygmy Projects.
Damones Are Forever Intro.
Pregnant by Punk! File.
Fantasy Space Slideshow, 2 disks.
Cooperation with Positron.
Damones new DMS, http://www.damones.net
Damones seem to be based on illegal activities, like cracking. The reason I
have written new at the top is that they suddenly appeared again after so
much time, it is only fair to have a separator to represent the stretch of
time in which they were absent from the scene. I do not know what the
relation is between old and new Damones, but one of their recent ascii
logos read since 1991. The latest release I have seen was date 03/99.
Damones Assembly 98 1998, 64k Intro.
code/gfx/music: n/a The Player 6.1A format.
8th in the Assembly 98 64k intro competition.
review: I like the opening of this intro, really stylish with stars
travelling around a nice DAMONES logo with www.damones.net underneath...
But then they go and spoil everything when the next screen appears
The tune changes to a really hectic techno variation, and what is
obviously supposed to be a bottle of Finlandia Vodka, only with the word
DAMONES on the label instead, start spinning around the screen...and as if
that was not enough disappointment, then try this on: Thats all there is.
Nothing more. So I went from thinking, oh, this has a nice oldskool
feeling to it, to a total dislike. The 3d graphics engine used does not
really seem too impressive, just standard texturemapping with lightsource
as far as I can see, and with an animated background. No credits or even
production name appear anywhere inside the intro the name above is based
on the assembly 98 result file. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Danger Productions -1992
SWE Drain swap, 05/92, El Diablo music, 05/92, Harzak gfx, 05/92,
Hijacker org code, 05/92, Inmate code, 05/92, LBJ gfx, 05/92,
Mastercarder code trade, 05/92, Merlin code, 05/92, Phantom swap,
05/92, Slash sysop IMPULSE, new 05/92, Trazer music, 05/92, Ufo
gfx, 05/92, Vindicator trade, 05/92.
Danger Productions were a Swedish based demo group. After struggling though
1992 Balances Magbox 1 07/92 reported they had only 4 members left
they died late in the year, and most member formed Orient.
1992 - Swedish swapper Skillimoes joined Orient around 06/92.
Delta X and Sam Haien was kicked.
Firelord got kicked, and then briefly joined 2000 AD 09/92.
All Finnish members were kicked out due to lameness 05/92.
Dangtro 1992, mid.05, ECS Intro.
code: Hijacker, Merlin help, gfx: Harzak, Ufo, music: Trazer.
review: This opens up looking VERY traditional. The first screen contains
the standard setup of top to bottom logo - effect - scroller. The
effect, this time, is a normal glenz vector. Hardly exciting. I almost
started believing that was all there was when it suddenly jumped along to
the next effect: a sinescroller and a filled vector object combined.
Unfortunately this effect fucked up the display SEVERELY on my machine,
filling up the screen with green junk. Then its back to the first screen
again, only with a new logo and a new effect for the endless end scroller.
The effect this time around was a glenz with a filled vector cube inside.
Get the picture? All together now: SEEN IT A MILLION TIMES BEFORE.
Thank you. Oh, BTW the tunes not half bad. Its one of those synth-
poppie things I love so much. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Daniax is not a very notworthy group in demoscene history except for the
fact that famed Danish graphician Slash later J.A.D.E. was once a member.
Danish graphician Slash joined Kefrens 12/90.
Dansktoppen is not really a group, but rather a publication for the Danish
scene - a sort of local Eurochart. Such a myriad of groups is involved with
it, that we have decided to create a separate section for the reviews of
these mags.
Darkage DKG, 1997-, http://scene.darkage.it
GER Dire writer webmaster, 06/01, Ghandy Lars Sobiraj, mainorg editor,
ex doublememb Gods, new late97-06/01, Sniper code, 06/01, Stingray
code, ex Secretly, new 04-06/01, Zito editor, ex Apathy, new
SPA Dip Matteo Di Pieri, code, 02/98-06/01.
NOR Bridgeclaw gfx, doublememb Gods details, new early00-06/01,
Pix gfx, 02/98-06/01, Punisher coorg swap write, 06/01.
ENG Genetix music, 06/01, Mr.Tickle Peter Gordon, code webmaster, 04-
SWE Decibel gfx, 08/97-06/01.
HOL Gone editor, 06/01.
POL X-Ceed music, 06/01.
The people listed below this line are no longer members the split was
performed after Ghandy sent me an updated memberlist in june of 2001.
I hope to remove this line soon, its just there to help me develop this in
the best way I can!
ITA Corrosion Patrizio Casalengo, music, triplememb Degeneration and
Genesis, 08/97-02/98, F.B.Y music, also in Spyral pc, 03/97-02/98,
Kaosmaster Franco Scozzari, raytrace edit swap pack Planet, ex Ram
Jam, 08/97-02/98, Lanch Fabrizio Bartoloni, gfx, 08/97-02/98,
Washburn code, 08/97-02/98.
SWE Hawk code edit swap, triplememb Giants details and Ambrosia, new
late97-02/98, Racoon music, doublememb C-Lous details, new
late97, 12/97-04/01.
SPA DCB code, new 08/97-02/98, Nork gfx music swap, doublememb Network
details, 08/97-07/99, The Lawnmower Man Jesus Reyes Martinez, aka
TLM, webmaster edit, 08/97-02/98.
Darkage is an Italian based demo group, formed by Modem/Ram Jam in the early
days of 1997. They arranged the Spoletium party in Italy in march 1998.
When Kaosmaster joined, he had the Ram Jam magchart Showtime with him.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 announced the groups birth.
Spanish coder DCB joined in august. The group then made it big at The
Italian Gathering in the following month, september, by winning both the
demo and intro competitions with Vanilla Drug Overdose 09/97 and Crash
09/97 respectively! Shortly after, Italians EgoLoop code, 08-09/97 and
Aud music, 09/97 both left the scene.
1998 - English editor Kalf Tony Landord decided to leave the scene early
in the year, after being heavily criticized in an article in Seenpoint 7.
Ghandy, The Lawnmover Man TLM and Mod3m stopped swapping early in the
2000 - Zito editor joined from Apathy, while Norwegian graphician
Bridgeclaw doublejoined from Gods early in the year. Cupid code left for
Iris. In december, the official Showtime site done by Dire was officially
opened at http://scenet.de/showtime/.
2001 - Graphician SuperK decided to leave the group for Iris. Early this
year, the entire group was shocked when italian coder, founder and leader
Modem Paolo DUrso finally decided to leave the scene. After some internal
discussion, the rest of the members decided to keep the group going, and a
new main organizer was elected Ghandy. April came with the Mekka Symposium
party, but the groups sole release this year was the intro Welcome To Our
World II in cooperation with Iris. After the party however, the group was
happily reinforced when talented German coder Stingray joined from Secretly.
Stingray immediately begun coding a musicdisk for swedish musician Racoon
to feature graphics by Noogman/Scoopex, but was sidetracked to do the
final coding for Showtime. After a few nights of intense work, he could
present the latest issue, and Showtime 16 04/01 was released on the
26th of april, as the first issue with Zito as main editor. Stingray
released a fixed version of Kefrens musicdisk Multi Mega Mix on the 25th
of july. Stingray released a fixed version of the old Equinox musicdisk
Sonical Fantasia on the 18th of august, then a collection of four fixed
Crack Inc cracktros on the 25th of august.
Glamour 1997, 01.03, 40k Intro.
2nd in the Berzan 19 40k intro competition.
Fantasy 1997, 30.03, 40k Intro.
5th in the Mekka Symposium 97 40k intro competition.
Freedom 1997, 17.06, 64k Intro.
code: Mod3m, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
3rd in the Icing 97 64k intro competition.
Jurassic Pack 5 Intro 1997, Intro.
Ilmarako 1997, 64k Intro.
Winner of the Motorola Inside 97 64k intro competition!
Morph 1997, 26.07, 4k Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: Lanch, music: none.
Released at Euskal 97.
Drug Vanilla Syndrome 1997, 06.09, AGA File Demo.
code: Modem, Washburn, gfx: DeciBel, KaosMaster, music: FBY.
Winner of The Italian Gathering 97 demo competition!
review: DVS is not a very good demo, unfortunately, despite some good
things here and there... Modem coded everything but one single part, which
is the best one in the entire demo. First of all, Darkage need to get
better graphicians, since the work in DVS is really inadequate...Just one
fullscreen pic by DeciBel is any good here. FBYs music is...acceptable.
I wont go into the other parts, but Washburns envmap engine -
represented here by a rock-like object over an animated background, all in
the unusual color combination yellow/white - is pretty fast and good. And
the drug promotion part was REALLY unnecessary, guys... If Ecstasy helps
coding, then why arent you making better demos? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Crash 1997, 06.09, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Modem, EgoLoop, gfx: DeciBel, music: Aud.
Winner of The Italian Gathering 97 64k intro competition!
review: Crash is an unusual intro, actually - in that its main effect is
a a travel along a road with some roadside scenery... Its a showcase for
a routine they intend to use in a future game, they say, though wed
recommend working a little more on it before releasing, cause hey - its
pretty ugly in its present state : Dont mean to be critical, Darkage,
but the routine looks unattractive in its present state. Perhaps some more
work on the textures would help... Another problem with Crash is that
its too short - just the intro sequence and the road, and thats it -
show over. I find it hard to recommend this intro, unfortunately. Nowhere
does it mention any RAM requirements. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Trip 98 Invitation 1997, late, Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: n/a, music: Corrosion.
review: Another professionally presented invitation intro, this one opens
with a euro logo for some reason rotated and stretched to the first bars
of the cool music. Then the text WELCOME TO... is overlaid. It then
fades down before presenting a TRIP logo - which darkens and then the text
is overlaid. The text is standard 80 column topaz, no borders or nothing,
and is exactly the same as in the text invitation. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Sublime 1997, 31.10, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: Decibel, music: Racoon/C-Lous.
2nd in the Saturne 97 5 64k intro competition.
review: Sublime is not all that bad actually, especially the shaded
face-mask impressed me. It even features some excellent design, especially
in the end where the text DARKAGE THE END floats from the corner of the
eye of Decibels artistically rendered lady... Possibly Modems best intro
ever! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Galaxy - Freedom 2 1997, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Mod3m, Washburn, gfx: Decibel, music: Racoon.
4th/10th? in The Party 7 40k intro competition.
Giuluia 1998, 03.01, 4k Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: none, music: none.
Winner of the Trip 98 4k intro competition!
Kill Santa Claus 1998, 03.01, 64k Intro.
code: Mod3m, g: n/a, usic: n/a.
2nd in the Trip 98 64k intro competition.
Spoletium 98 Invitation Intro 1998, .02, File.
code: Modem, gfx: Yure/Degeneration, Nork endlogo, music: Corrosion.
review: A very basic invitation intro, but presented in a professional
way, makes this small Darkage prod come out just above average. It opens
with a Spoletium 98 logo, and then goes onto the invitation text reader
itself. The text is presented on an animated, swirling background, but it
doesnt retract from the reading experience. The intro is finished off
with a Darkage logo by Nork. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Showtime 9 1998, .02, AGA Diskmag.
GAL - code: Modem, gfx: Orome/Talent title pic, MRK panel, music:
MAG - code: Randy, Modem improvements, gfx: Orome/Talent title pic,
Loop, Made, Pix, music: Maf/Syndrome, editor: Kaosmaster.
review: The first thing that strikes you about the mag part of
Showtime 9 is the nice music. Its a sort of sunny, happy reggae beat
that sets the mood for some nice melodies. You can almost see the
music video for this tune: the band all relaxed on a beach, drinking
cool drinks from coconuts : Oromes title picture is also a nicely
done piece of art, and sets the mood nicely for the read ahead.
Contentwise, Im not so impressed with Showtime, they still have a
little way to go before theyre at the top of the heap. The most
important thing they might consider is taking a little more time to
delete some of the articles theyre receiving. Right now it looks a
little too much like theyre publishing everything the cat drags in
the door : OK, thats harsh and perhaps a little unfair, but the
focus of the mag could be greatly improved by removing a few of the
more unnecessary articles.
Visually, Showtime looks pretty good - in most cases. While Im a
little unsatisfied with the graphics for the mag part - especially the
unreadable icons irritated me a little - there are places where it
really shines. The graphics for the excellent chart section of
Showtime were done by Made, and are - as usual for him - of excellent
quality. Very very nice! The same goes for MRKs another favorite of
mine! graphics for the Gallery section. IMHO they should use that
instead of the panel graphics for the main mag part they use now.
I will do things a little backwards here, and review the gallery
part of Showtime last : Orome delivers another title picture, before
we get to the gallery part itself. It reminded me a lot of the
classic, original gallery - the one in the Crusaders EuroCharts.
Nerve Axis intro, Sentient Ore, has been reviewed under Nerve Axis
own section of Scenery. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Art Nouveau - Freedom 3 1998, 12.04, 40k Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: DeciBel, music: Racoon.
7th in the Mekka Symposium 98 40k intro competition.
reviwed: Not released to the public until may 98.
Breeze Now 1999, 21.03, 4k Intro.
code: Mod3m, Dip, gfx: none, music: none.
5th in the Astrosyn 99 4k intro competition.
Under Pressure 1999, 23.07, Demo.
code: Dip, gfx: Zack, music: Nork.
2nd in the Euskal Party 7 demo competition.
Welcome To Our World 2000, 23.04, AGA File.
code/gfx/music: Mr.Tickle, Cupid.
5th in the Mekka Symposium 2000 demo competition.
review: Ooooooooookay... This demo is a very Monty Python-y kind of
affair, recommended only if you care for that particular brand of humour.
And were talking OLD monthy Python here, the weird-animation-kind,
complete with a blippy soundtrack with frequent dog barking on it I
found this small exercise humorous and entertaining, and even though its
all done with tongue firmly planted in cheek, it seems competently enough
put together. The demo runs smoothly and troublefree on my machine.
Please note that this review refers to the final version, released a
small while after the party. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Neo 2000, 23.04, Demo.
4th in the Mekka Symposium 2000 demo competition.
Showtime 10 AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 11 AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 12 AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 13 AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 14 2000, spring, AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 15 2000, AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 16 2001, 26.04, AGA File Diskmag.
INT - code/gfx: Loaderror/Ephidrena, music: Zixaq.
GAL - code: Stingray, gfx: Asarhad/Reason title, Cheetah/Ephidrena
main, music: Pink Glasses by Factor6/Reason.
MAG - code: Randy, Stingray additional, Modem/ex Darkage additional,
gfx: Slayer/Appendix title, Cheetah/Ephidrena main, Zito
clipart, Wade/Scoopex clipart, Da Freak/VTX clipart, music:
Shadowlands by Curt Cool/Depth, Nautic by Dascon/Iris, A Night
In June by Isaac/Contraz and Uniiki Punikki by The Hooligan/DCS,
editor: Zito main, Ghandy, Dire.
review: Well, first impressions always come with the intro, and this time
its done by those productive guys from Ephidrena. Its a slightly gloomy
lil thing, with the best part of it being the one where shaded pieces of
paper fall from the top of the screen and the backdrop looks like pages
from a newspaper, nice.
But were here to review a mag not an intro, and Im rearing to go, so:
doubleclicking that file we go! Impressions of the title picture and
the first page of text are generally good, though the main font bothers me
a little... Cant explain why, just dont give me the right vibe Anyhow
this, the 16th issue, is the first with Zito as main editor. Browsing the
articles first, I find a lot of the interesting things here are of the
retro variety - Allister Brimble has some music on mp3.com, Jester/Pygmy
Projects working with 100 Prophets! Diskmags used to tell you the entire
story in the old days, whereas now they explain the general situation and
give you a link to paste into your webbrowser... But with the internet
gaining strength, I guess this is the future, like it or not. I found the
articles concerning the ShaneTheWolfTheDog now THERES an original
nickname! affair highly amusing, and it pleases me to see the Showtime
staff brave enough to present both sides of the story, even when one
blatantly opposes Darkage. The main editorial problem with this issue, the
way I see it, is that its been so long since the last issue that this one
has too much material to cover... There are LOTS of party reports and
results here, for most parties that took place since the last issue, and
some of these are like 6 months old, but thats not the point. In the old
days, a mag like ROM would cover a big event like The Party over MANY
pages - not just a short report and results, but pictures from the event,
interviews with the winners and losers, etc. These reports only scratch
the surface of what could be done The diary news and charts
sections are fair, nothing special about them. I see little point in the
diary section, which could just as well have been a part of the mag.
The Gallery is a separate file, and opens with a VERY stylish
Showtime title picture by Asarhad/Reason. The gallery is nicely done,
and was coded completely anew for this issue by Stingray. For the secret
part he mentions in the scroller, type WADE!
The birth of the 16th issue of Showtime was a somewhat troubled one...
Just before this issue, long-time coder of the mag Modem finally decided
to leave the scene - which left the mag without a coder! Luckily some
solace was found in ex-Secretly member Stingray who said he would
undertake the coding responsibilities. He was sent the ShowTime sources,
and was immediately taken aback by the fact that it was A MESS! He totally
recoded the gallery, and fixed what he could on the mag itself. All this
is explained in an accompanying note, where he also promises to recode the
entire mag and give it a new outfit for the next issue! glenn
Jurassic Pack 8 2001, 24.11, AGA Multifile Diskmag.
INT - produced by Mankind, no credits
MAG - code: Mr.Tickle, gfx: Noogman/Scoopex title, Bridgeclaw/Darkage
Gods title, Budgie/100 ProphetsLayout panels, Malmis/Nature
clipart, music: C-Type by Mice/Zenon, Boutique by Dascon/Iris,
Superclear by SuperNao/TBL, The Four Seasons by Chris Meland/
Noiseless Productions, In A Blue Dream by Virgill Blackthorne,
editors: Ghandy main, Zito main, Gone/DarkageVoid staff.
review: After the humorous cartoon-style intro was rounded off with an
excellent logo, we can double-click the icon for the pack itself... I
must say expectations from this mag was high, partly because I knew it was
using Mr.Tickles magengine previously used for two issues of Devotion
from Nah-Kolor and Haujobb, and partly because I had been party to the
enthusiasm Zito and Ghandy had shown for the project in the weeks and
months prior to its release. And the result of their efforts, to be frank,
is actually quite good. It seems as if being freed from the reins of
making a pure news mag like Showtime, the two editors have been
allowed to let their creativity blossom without the burdens of a definite
deadline. There are still a lot of news related material here, with a
lot of stuff about the controversy surrounding 3Amigos and the TG
incident, which dates back to april. Actually, the tone of this mag
reminds me very much of ROM a mag Ghandy does not exactly share my views
on.... :, with a lot of topical articles spotlighting recent important
productions. And speaking of ROM, even that mags old editor Mop gets
spotlighted here!
The amiga and pc scenes are forever bridging the gap between them, and
this mag is another step in that direction. Its been a trend recently in
pc scene mags that they are now showing increased respect towards the c64
and amiga scenes where in the past they had none, and this especially
manifests itself in mags like Pain and Hugi on that scene. Ghandy has had
articles in both those magazines, and the editors of both Unlock/Vantage
and Adok/Hugi also write for this mag. This means some crossposting of
articles - slightly irritating for those of us who read mags on both
platforms : - but also means articles of a general interest to the scene
reach more readers and hopefully cause more awareness of each other. This
is, officially, a GOOD THING! :
Audio-visually speaking, then. Like the Devotion engine has always
done, it has two title pictures, and you only get to see one each time. So
in order to see both, start the mag twice This time both are actually
great, done as they are by respected oldskool graphicians Noogman/Scoopex
and Bridgeclaw/DarkageGods. The all-new panels were done by Budgie/100
ProphetsLayout, and though they are mainly texture-based, and made in a
lovely shade of sickening green, they are also clean and word reasonably
well. Only the index button bothers me slightly, but perhaps thats just
me. The backgrounds also work reasonably well for once, which has
certainly not been the case with all mags that have attempted this
approach... No less than five modules are provided, with some by scene
personalities that I actually never had thought I would hear from on the
amiga again... like SuperNao and Chris Meland! I dont know if these are
real comebacks or just old, unused tunes but either way I welcome the
chance to hear these! Of the five, I would have to say Chris Melands sits
the best in my ears.
So, to sum it up then? I must admit I havent had the time to read this
mag cover to cover yet, though I plan to do so later tonight or early
tomorrow. First impressions after 45 minutes of browsing the articles,
though, are very very good. Interesting articles that I look forward to
reading completely through, and an appealing user interface... What more
can you ask for? The mag engine is a tried and tested one that works
great, looks great and performs great. The new JP is a force to be
reckoned with, now and in the future.
Please note that I myself had articles published in this mag, and that I
as a result perhaps disqualify myself from doing a non-partial review. I
just write this, so that noone will misunderstand and say that I had
alterior motives for giving the mag a good review. I gave it a good review
because I liked it, and for no other reason. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Dark Circle -1993
Dark Circle is dead, and all their members joined Platin this includes
germans Phantom sysop HEAVENS GATE, Joke sysop DARK CENTER and
Dark Demon, The TDD
GER Denon music, 10/92-05/93, Destroyer Nicolai, swap, early93, Dire
swaporg sound edit, later Eremation, 05/93-05/94.
??? Amducias music, 03/94, Celeborn Marc Moysich, mainorg gfx music
sysop EXCALIBUR, 05/93-05/94, Creature gfx music, 10/92-05/94,
Don gfx, 07/93, E-Lixir Ronald Doberenz, gfx swap, old handle
Capricorn, 03-05/94, Exage code gfx, 07/93-03/94, E-Y code, old
handle Mohinda, 03-05/94, ET edit, 10/92-05/94, Extron code,
05/94, Fleg code gfx, 10/92-05/94, Frone pack Fonestorm, re-
Atomic late93, Leo II code gfx music, 05/93-05/94, Nici cosys,
05/94, Nightstalker swap editor, 05/94, Pennywise tradepc edit,
10/92-05/94, Phil sysop WHQ, 05/94, Red Star gfx, 07/93, Secret
music, 10/92, Shed ex Willow, Snoopy ex Argon, Suicide swap,
female!, 05/94, Zakko gfx, 05/94.
Finnish Judas Priest ex Digital Artists Inc, old handle Reaper left.
Germans Devil and TDMF joined Cult. Another place in the mag it said Devil
joined Amnesia before moving on to Mexx. Generation 6 says just that
Devil joined Mexx.
Cruncher/Savage joined, but left after a few days for Cult.
Frone rejoined after being in Atomic a few weeks.
Rebel MC joined Byte Busters.
Midnite Mess issue 1 1992, .10, ECS Diskmag.
code: Fleg, gfx: Creature, music: Denon, Secret, Editors: Pennywise, ET.
Burning Spear 1993, Demo.
Midnite Mess 2 1993, .05, Diskmag.
code: Fleg, gfx: Fleg, Creature, music: Denon, Celeborn, Leo 2, editor:
Pennywise, Dire.
info: Generation 6 said it would be released in January 93, so
I guess it was delayed! It seems ET was replaced by Dire as editor.
Crying Fields BBS Intro 1993, .07, ECS Intro.
code: Fleg, gfx: Celeborn, Red Star, Exage, Don, music: Leo 2.
Midnite Mess issue 3 Announcetro 1994, .03, ECS Intro.
code: Exage, E-Y, gfx: E-Lixir, music: Leo 2.
Midnite Mess issue 3 1994, .03, ECS Diskmag.
code: Fleg, gfx: Fleg, Creature, Chaos/Desire, music: Amducias, Creature,
Leo II. Released at CeBIT 94.
Dark Demons -1992
Dark Demons were a demo group based in France. The entire group Crown,
Witness, Q.Horse, Miss Blind and Synchrose joined Cryptoburners, forming
their French division.
Dark Millennium
FIN Axe, Bubble, Kharon, Lone Soldier, Sensei, Shade.
Dark Millennium released some intros around 93.
Darkness http://www.giga.com.ar/randy/darkness.htm
SPA Amiga Vice gfx, 12/94-95, Dolby music, Estrayk music swap, later
Capsule, 09/92-12/94, Evelred music, earlier 5th Generation, later
Capsule, 12/94, Salva music, 09/92, Spanish Archer code, 09/92,
Thorin music, ex Fusion, new 09/92, Troglobyte Manuel Martin
Vivaldi, org code, 12/94-11/96, Unico music, 12/94-95, Warlock
gfx, 09/92.
FRA Darken code, Flint code, Papagayo code, Rafale mainorg gfx,
01/98, Sph gfx.
ARG Keywiz sysop DIGITAL PSYCHOSIS, 04/95, Madbit sysop THE RAVE
FACTORY, 04/95.
AUT Ayatollah sysop THE SOURCE, 04/95.
??? Magnum gfx, 95, PSB spa? code, 01/98.
Darkness is based in Spain, and several of their members are now members of
Capsule. TrogloByte is the author the utility HTMLess. They coarranged
the Darkness and Fifth Generation Party 92, the first ever Spanish party.
1996 - Rogue joined Dylem late 96.
Party Invitation 1992, Demo.
Made in cooperation with 5th Generation.
Roboticool 1992, 28.09, ECS Demo.
Winner of the Darkness and Fifth Generation Party 92 demo competiton!
Rotator 1992, 28.09, ECS Demo.
2nd in the Darkness and Fifth Generation Party 92 demo competiton.
Intro 1992, 28.09, ECS Intro.
Code: Spanish Archer, Gfx: n/a, Music: Estrayk.
Released at the Darkness and Fifth Generation Party 92.
Oriol 1993, 24.07, Intro.
Winner of the Southern Party 93 intro competition!
Kustom 1993, 24.07, Intro.
3rd in the Southern Party 93 intro competition.
Troglobyte 1993, 24.07, Demo.
Winner of the Southern Party 93 demo competition!
In Progress 1994, 28.12, ECS Intro.
code: Troglobyte, gfx: Amiga Vice anim, music: Evelred and Estrayk.
Winner of the Euskal Amiga Party 2 demo competition!
review: These guys are probably the first ever group to actually WIN a
DEMO competition with an average quality 70k intro! Theres nothing
particularly exciting or new about this intro, no outstanding effects,
graphics or music... The competition must have been AWFUL : OK, Im not
saying this just to put down the intro as such, its an OK production
with quite a lot of effects for only 70k, but isnt excellent in any
respect. The animations of the dancing woman are stored in the file as an
IFF animation. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Dog 1994, 28.12, ECS File.
code: Troglobyte, gfx: n/a, music: Estrayk.
2nd in the Euskal Amiga Party 2 demo competition.
Play 1995, File.
code: Troglobyte, gfx: Amiga Vice, Magnum girl pic, music: Unico.
review: Amazingly boring and uninteresting is this demo. It mixes single
colored effects with a lot of State of the Art inspiration into what is
a true mess of a production. Avoid. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Long Trip 1998, 03.01, 64k Intro.
code: PSB, gfx: Rafale, music: Corrosion/Darkage.
Winner of the Trip 98 64k intro competition!
Dark Reign
??? Claw music, 12/92.
Sunset 1992, 28.12, ECS Disk.
Released at The Party 92.
Frog joined Image.
Dark Star DST
GER Badguy Axel Quack, swap, Pedalta swap.
??? Magic.
German coder Grey joined Cryptoburners.
Al Bundy left to join Arise, but after ahving problems with the police, he
left the scene.
??? Archon code, 12/92, Gamma gfx, 12/92, Roxal code, Warlock
music, 12/92.
Intro 1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Archon, gfx: Gamma, music: Warlock.
22nd in The Party 92 40k intro competition.
Data Division DD
NOR Madsen sysop REALITY BYTES, 06/97.
??? Animal code keyfilemakers, 03-04/97.
Dazzle 1990-
SWE Baze founder gfx, Celegrome sysop MIDDLE EARTH WHQ, Classic
founder music, Elrond founder code gfx, Necron founder code
music, Nifer founder swap, Stinger founder gfx music, Stirge
founder trade, The Violator founder allrounder, Zaq founder
code, 09/92.
??? Nevada ex Massive, 09/92, Nightmare sysop, new mid91, Scythe
music, ex X-Trade, new mid91.
Dazzle was formed by some Swedish ex-members of The Rubberduck Crew no
entry who felt that group got a bit too lame this concerns a.o. Elrond.
The first Dazzle demo, Zkloff 90 was originally intended to be a
Rubberduck-demo :
Swedish swapper Mike B old handle Gizmo left to join X-Trade.
Wizard, Scythe Sysop NORTH CONNECTION, ex X-Trade and Chrome joined
Mr.Frenzy joined Massive mid 91.
Rage and Silk new mid 91 rejoined Impurity mid 91.
Guildmaster sysop joined Voice with his board mid 91.
Blaze changed his name to Payday and joined Wizzcat mid 91.
Zkloff 1990, late, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Elrond, music: Necmettall2 by Necron.
review: Chaotic is the word Id apply to the first ever Dazzle demo!
Theres stuff lying around all over the place, so it almost looks like
megademo from 1988 with absolutely no sense of design!! Yowzers... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
DD Style
SWE Citruz sysop PHOENIX 2, 01/95, Scroud sysop ATLANTIC, 01/95.
Deadline DLN, 1989-
FIN Citizen code, ex Desire, old handle Venture, 10/92, Colonel Sami
Leino, swap, ex Zenith, old handle Tonec, Doc.X code, ex Razkels,
08/92, Wailer.
??? Cybermonks music, 06/92, Lloyd editor, 06/92, Rhino gfx, 06/92.
Deadline was originally a Norwegian group, which eventually devloped a
Finnish section that became more successful than the main group. The
Norwegian members were coarrangers of one of the earliest editions of The
Gathering. Later the Norwegian part of Deadline merged with main Gathering
organizers Crusaders, and these Norwegian members probably went along:
Freaky Angel confirmed, Jellyfish code, Mike confirmed, Shady
confirmed, TDK.
1992 - They cooperated with Crusaders on the invitation for The Gathering
92 01/92, and coarranged the party with them in april. The finnish section
was born by Mellow-D and Doc.X from Razkels in the spring. Nutcase, Roland
and Visage joined from Eremation. They released several productions before
the end of the year 1st Intro 08/92, Mustro 09/92, Notelines
fall/92, Dentro 10/92 and finally Xmas Intro 12/92. By this time
the Norwegian section had stopped releasing stuff altogether.
1993 - The finnish division died in the spring of 93. Many members - at
least Dionysus code, 12/92-, Bad Karma swap pack music, Nutcase code
gfx music, 02/92- and Xendi gfx swap, 10/92- - joined Balance between
june and october. Information that Bad Karma joined Atomic seems to be
incorrect. Sysop Roland SATISFICTION, ex Eremation stayed independent
until he closed his board in 95, and graphician Visage ex Eremation,
08/92- also decided to stay independent. Both have now returned to the
scene in Mandel Bros in the year2000! This group also features Nutcase.
Finnish coder Lopez left the scene.
Finnish coder Flashburn was kicked.
Finnish coder Jagannath joined Shining 8.
Finnish musician Mellow-D bought a PC and left the Amiga scene 10/92. He
joined Sonic PC sometime between 01 and 06/93.
Finnish HQ, graphician and swapper Xendi 08-10/92 joined Balance.
Finnish coder, graphician and musician Nutcase 02/92- left 04/93 and
stayed independent for two months, then joined Balance 06/93.
Finnish swapper and packer Casket old handle Tatu joined Legend.
Norwegian musician Jason joined Kefrens new.
Norwegian board THE PYRAMID got busted.
Born 1989, 07.08, ECS Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Valeria Part 2 by n/a.
20th in the Digitech - IBB Summer Conference 89 demo competition.
info: This intro signalled the birth of the group, and the names behind
the text in the intro was Tile and Jesus - so these two are probably the
Music Pack ECS Intro.
The Gathering 92 Invitation 1992, early .01, ECS Intro.
Cooperation with Crusaders details.
Resident issue 1 1992, 05.06, ECS Filemag.
code: Cray/Arctic Image, gfx: Rhino, music: Cybermonks, editor: Lloyd.
Flatliners 1992, 17.08, ECS Intro.
code: Doc.X, gfx: Nutcase, music: walkwithme++ by Mellow-D 4ch MOD
review: A nice little intro with good graphics and a fast fractal
generator from the finnish division - and their first intro for Deadline!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Mustro 1992, 14.09, ECS Intro.
code/music: Nutcase, gfx: Visage.
Notelines 1992, fall, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Paraside/independent, gfx: Xendi, Visage, Nutcase, music: Mellow-D,
Nutcase. info: Paraside was NOT a member, just a friend of the group.
Dentro 1992, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Venture, gfx: Xendi, Visage, music: Nutcase.
Xmas intro 1992, .12, ECS Intro.
code: Dionysos, gfx: Xendi, music: Nutcase.
Deadline Design 1994-1995
Deadline Design was a swedish demo group, formed in 1994 by Axy/Sagazity,
with the best members of that group. The founding members were Axy org gfx
sysop STATE 69, Blade music, Rade code and Butch code. The group
managed to release one intro before all members got very inactive. So DD was
also declared dead, likely in early 95. Axy and Blade formed another group,
Deadlock was a danish group, most notable for being an early group for later
scene celebrities like Mad Freak and Zinko.
Mad Freak joined Brainstorm.
Some ex-members helped form Serious.
Danes Zinko and Thunderbyte joined Majic 12.
Death Defiers -1992
Death Defiers changed their name to Defiance late 92.
Death Row
??? Wave code, 12/95, Zoomorph gfx music, 12/94-12/95.
Snow 1995, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Wave, gfx/music: Zoomorph.
23rd in The Party 95 40k intro competition.
review: You gotta be kidding me... These guys cant be serious!? Ok, what
we have here is an intro with competent music, and...vector cubes!?
Yep, thats as advanced as it gets. Theres a little snow, a couple of
vector cubes and a blocky picture of a woman in a bathing suit. The End.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Flora Borntro 1996, 06.07, Demo.
9th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
Tramp 1997, 30.08, Demo.
10th in the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition.
Deathstar 1988-1989
FIN Hackman org swap, 12/88-06/89, Hippo crack, old handle Lonely
Rider, Icebreaker, Jason music,
06-07/89, LouLou Becane 89, Mucky Pup gfx, 89, Scenic 06/89, Sir
Monkey, Softhunter, Willow gfx, 07/89, Zei gfx, 89.
SWE Equinoxer music, new 89.
GER Overlord org gfx swap, 12/88-07/89.
??? Asia gfx, 89, Dark Light music, 89, Gloryboy swap, 12/88-06/89,
Miguel 89, Suicide 06/89.
Deathstar was a finnish demo group, formed by Drucer and Hackman late 1988.
Their first release was Drucers Deadly Mix 2 Intro 11/88. By december,
Codewizard code, Gloryboy swap, Shit Talker crack, Viz swap,
Watchman music and Overlord swap had also joined. That month also saw
two demo releases Dry Vodka by Codewizard, and Blasting by Drucer.
1989 - The group coarranged the Lahtiparty with Overload, X-Men and
Phalanx on the 7th to the 9th of april, and this was likely where Drucers
demo Bob Outburst 04/89 was released. By june when Deadly Jammin -equa
06/89 was released, Apol, Dr.DMA, Jason, LouLou Becane, Miguel, Scenic,
Smithson, Suicide and Sulky Fellow had all been added to the memberlist,
while Codewizard code hardware, 12/88, Shit Talker crack, 12/88 and Viz
swap, 12/88 had disappeared. Drucer released an additional demo this
month, Ham Magic 06/89. The original was quickly followed by Deadly
Jammin II 07/89 in july. Graphician Willow and musician Unknown Artist,
both of whom worked on this disk, was not on the memberlist from the
previous month, and are presumed new members since then. A few other demos
were released this year too, which we do not know the exact release date
for. They are Sulky Fellows Fatal Mistake 89, Apols Debut 89 made
to announce Apols joining, and featuring members Zei and Dark Light, which
were new to us, Apols My Home Town 89 obviously made after Debut,
Drucers 2-disk Megademo 89 featuring members Mucky and Asia, which
were new to us, Sulky Fellows Sulky Fellow 1 89 intro, and finally
Dr.DMAs Move Your Mouse 89 which announced the groups death. It is
also beliueved that Dr.DMA and Drucers The Vector Scroller is a 1989
The groups death, as announced in the demo Move Your Mouse 89 was
initiated by Watchman music, 12/88- being kicked out. This was in turn
followed by core members Doctor DMA, Drucer and Smithson leaving to form
Animate, since they were discontent with the the general skill level in
Deathstar. It is possible that some other people from this group later
followed on to this new group, but this is unconfirmed speculation for now,
unfortunately. Some other members Apol, Ripper, Sulky Fellow, Unknown
Artist, ... instead opted to form another group, called Exodus. Thanks to
Reed for some information!
Deadly Mix 2 Intro -Party- 1988, 23.11, ECS Multifile Demo.
code: Drucer, gfx: n/a, music: Sky.04 15ch SoundTracker format.
Released at The Jungle Command party.
Dry Vodka 1988, .12, ECS Demo.
code: Codewizard, gfx: n/a, music: Farewell- by Watchman NoiseTracker
MOD format.
Blasting 1988, .12, ECS File.
code/gfx: Drucer, music: Watchman-Super by Watchman 15ch SoundTracker
Bob Outburst 1989, .04, ECS File.
code/gfx: Drucer, music: B S t by Drucer NoiseTracker MOD format.
Deadly Jammin -equa 1989, .06, ECS Demo.
code: Dr.Dma, gfx: Leonid logo, Hammer font, music: Expressway by
Watchman. info: Graphicians Leonid and Hammer are not on the memberlist
published in this demo. Released AFTER SoundTracker 2.3.
Ham Magic 1989, 14.06, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Drucer, music: Watchman 15ch SoundTracker format, no name.
Deadly Jammin II 1989, .07, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Drucer, gfx: Willow font, Overlord city, music: Jason, Unknown
Artist, Watchman all 15ch SoundTracker format.
Fatal Mistake 1989, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Sulky Fellow, music: CoolballadPart2 by Unknown Artist.
Debut 1989, ECS Demo.
code: Apol, gfx: Zei logo, Apol others, music: Sweet Dreams by Dark
Light NoiseTracker MOD format.
info: Made to announce Apol joined Deathstar.
My Home Town 1989, ECS File.
code/gfx: Apol, music: Adagio 89 by Dark Light NoiseTracker MOD
Megademo 1989, ECS Trackloaded Megademo, 2 disks.
code: Drucer, gfx: Hackman, Mucky, Asia, Zei, music: Deathstar,
Loadermuzak, Klicking by Jason, Benny Hill Theme, Jason Takes
Crown, Parting Song, Mysharona, Delta, Leavinf, Pacific,
Watchman-25.12 by Watchman.
Sulky Fellow 1 1989, ECS Intro.
code: Sulky Fellow, gfx: n/a, music: Vector by Watchman NoiseTracker
MOD format.
Move Your Mouse 1989, ECS Demo.
code: Dr.Dma, gfx: Willow logo, music: Tune by ???
info: This intro announced Watchman was kicked out, and that Deathstar
would reform under the name Animate.
The Vector Scroller ECS File,
code: Dr.Dma, Drucer, gfx: Drucer, Dr.DMA, music: Equinoxer ??.
info: This intro announced Equinoxer had joined in Sweden.
Deca Projects
??? Dai gfx, 94.
Techno Hangover 1994, early/mid, ECS Disk.
code: n/a, gfx: Dai, music: n/a
Decade DCD, 1991-
GER Chris founder mainorg trade, 04/92, Duck Jens Wippermann, music, ex
Prologic, new 06-12/91, Gandalf sysop LOS ENDOS, Ghost code
crack, Jade founder mainorg trade, 04/92, Krypton ex Venture, new
04/92, Mr.Hell sysop SUDDEN DEATH, ex TRSI, Nutribrain, Rygar
org?, 08-12/90, Speedlock sysop LIGHT HOUSE, Spider code crack
trade exsysop, ex Tarkus Team, Sting ex Prologic, new 06/91, Vindex.
SWE Princip sysop INTERCHANGE, 93.
USA Andy trade sysop, 04/92, Midnight Maniac trade sysop, 04/92.
??? Baser Evil sysop COURTS OF CHAOS, 93, Darkstar sysop THE
UNFORGIVEN, 93, Dr.Darkness sysop CEMETERY, 93, Gandalf sysop
LOS ENDOS, 93, Intec Systems sysop WEIRD DREAM, 93, Iron Eagle
ger? ex Tarkus Team, Lance trade, 04/92, Nikko trade, 04/92,
Plauze Front artwork trade, 04/92, Metal Force sysop MERCIFUL
FATE, 93, Mr.Beat music, 10/91, Nitro sysop TOTAL DESTRUCTION
opened 10/91, Oli sysop DISTRIBUTION SIDE, 93, Q sysop WEIRD
DREAMS, old handle Bolero, new early93, Rich gfx, 08-10/91, Runt
ex Amnesia, Secam sysop NORTHSTAR LAND, 93, Targan sysop
DIGITAL CRIME, 93, T.C.T. ger? gfx, new 06-08/91, Terminator ger?
ex Tarkus Team, Ultimate Warrior trade sysop, 04/92, White Knight
sysop BIGGERN DEFFER, 93, Zoonie den? sysop HOUSE OF GAMES, ex
LSD, new early93.
Boards LAST RESORT new 04/92.
Decade were a German-based group formed in september 1991, mainly dealing
in the modem scene, but also releasing the odd crack and demo. The two
organizers are Chris and Jade collectively known as the Booze Brothers :,
who were in crews like The Company and Valhalla before founding Decade.
Chris joined with a board called LOST ISLAND, which is now closed.
After a while, some of the leading members felt the crew was being let
down by some of the other members, who they didnt want to kick since they
were old friends. The solution was to let the crew die in january 1992,
only to revive it three months later with ELITE only members.
Spider closed his board DREAM PARK in late 1992 or early 93.
1992 - January saw the release of the Decade is Dead 01/92 intro, in
which they announced that coder and graphician Electron 03/91 left the
scene, Jim Beam and Jonny Walker left for another group, and Milkracer code
train, 03/90 left for Zylon. Nico left for Accession around october.
Creator joined Elevation.
German graphician Silicon Master was kicked mid 91, and an intro called
Anti Silicon Master 08/91 was released.
Do-X ex Timex, new mid 91 joined UDO.
Paralax Imbecility 1991, ECS Demo.
code: Electron. gfx: Electron font, vectors, music: Devastator by
Delta Run 1990, 14.03, ECS Trainer Intro.
code: Electron, gfx: X-Out, music: Rebels!!! by 4-Mat/Anarchy.
Party 1991, 19.05, ECS Intro.
code: Electron, gfx: T.C.T., music: Heavy-Sound by Mr.Beat.
Released at the Maximum Pleasure party.
Royal Amiga Conference 1991, 30.05, ECS Intro.
code: Milkracer, gfx: Silicon Master, music: Introsoong by n/a 4ch MOD
Kick Out 1991, .06, ECS File.
code: Electron , gfx: Rich, music: Prisoner of Love by Duck 4ch MOD
Anti Silicon Master 1991, .08, ECS Intro.
code: Electron, gfx: T.C.T., Rich vectorballs, music: Dubidud by Duck.
The Decade BBS Intro 1991, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Electron, gfx: Rich logo, ???/Scoopex font, music: Only A Song
by Mr.Beat.
Hanging Around 1991, 07.12, ECS File.
code: Electron, gfx: Rygar vectors, ???/TRSI font, music: Dont Care
Anymore by Duck 4ch MOD format. Released at the Prime Party.
Decade Is Dead 1992, .01, ECS File.
code: Electron, Milkracer, gfx: Rich, music: Sonic Dreams by Peter
Salomonson/Pure Metal Coders 4ch MOD format.
The BBS Intro 93 1993, ECS Intro.
code: Electrom, gfx: D-Sign/The Silents logo, music: n/a NoisePacker 3
Decay 1990-
AUS Lord Foul sysop ZERO CITY, Metalic swap, 07/90, Rockstar sysop
Decay was formed ca 07/90 by Abel, Freedom Force Amiga Industries and
FIN Defjef, Dizzy music, later Dual Crew, 91, Metal sysop TURPENTINE
TRIP, later Parallax, Simply code, later Parallax.
NOR Party Snatcher.
Decept was a Finland base demo group, which had some future stars on their
memberlist, like Dizzy and Simply! When they died, their members joined
Black Robes and Parallax. Simply and the Metal went to Parallax, at least.
Raider joined Network.
Finnish musician and swapper Daddy Freddy joined Spirit.
Finnish Stratos and Guru joined Complex.
Finnish board TURPENTINE TRIP joined Parallax.
Frequenz joined Amaze. In Amaze, he was a sysop - whether he had his board
while in Decept I dont know.
Turpentine Trip ECS Intro.
code: Simply, gfx: n/a, music: n/a NoisePacker 3 format.
review: This is just a simple intro for the bbs of the same name.
Its just a glenz vector with the name and number overlayed no credits
appear except for the single word SIMPLY in the bottom left corner.
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Decision DCN
GER Acid-Jesus supply trade sysop, sys new 06/96, Al Bundy trade,
Coatl trade sysop, Cyberwar trade, 03/95, Famous oHack crack,
Homeboy trade, Hysteria trade, I.Wahn publicrelations, Index
ascii trade, Lemmon sysop, new 06/96, Mick tradeorg, 03/95, Mosh
trade sysop, Nino trade, Orfeus trade, Picard trade sysop,
Picasso gfx, Rebel! trade, RTM crackorg keyfilemakers, later
Digital Corruption, 03/96-98, Saxon trade sysop, Scandic founder
mainorg, TranceTip code, Unikom trade, new 06/96, Zaphodd
DEN Enzo trade sysop SKY TOWER, new 06/96.
SWE Crisp trade sysop CYBERGARDEN, new 06/96.
SWI Turbo trade, Virus trade sysop.
USA The Skeleton sysop DAWN OF ETERNITY.
??? Gator 03/95, L.A.Style 03/95, Magnetic 03/95, Monty 03/95,
Mr.Sony 03/95, Rage 03/95, Slac code keyfilemakers, 03-05/95,
Vadium 03/95.
distsite, ROUTE 69 distsite, THE DANZIG ger, TERMINAL OBSESSION
ger, 03/95, PENTAGON PALACE ger, 03/95, FORTRESS ger, 03/95,
FIN Dean ex Balance, Deceiver swap, Dime Antti Mustakallio, music,
also in Chaos pc, 08-12/93, Dionysus ex Balance, Echo Guido
traders, 03/94, Hitchy music, 02/93, HST-Bullah trade, 03/93, Jam
trade sysop STATION X OMEGA, 03/93-04/95, James Jari, music, ex
Balance, 12/93, Jaws trade sysop CYCLONE CENTER, doublememb
Digital, later Humane, 03/94, Tukan gfx trade, 93-03/94, Whizz 93.
??? Hotshots trade, Mr.Partyman sysop POOH EHQ, Slender fin? code,
02/93, Slite fin? code, 08/93, Tucan gfx, 02-08/93, Yammu fin?
code, 08/93.
Decnite is a Finland based demo group formed by ex members of World
Industries. It is most probable that they are exclusively Finnish.
1993 - Ikon was kicked, and joined Compact mid 93.
Finnish members Kristen trade sysop, ex Alpha Flight, 03/94, and Wasp
code, 93 left.
Finnish members DCD code, new mid 93, TMC gfx, 02/93, and Visualize
joined Parallax.
Finnish sysop Jam STATION-X-OMEGA, 93 moved away to study, so the
board is down.
Finnish member Mercus 93 was kicked.
Norwegian swapper Highlight old handles Tommy and Speed Devil joined
Finnish trader Klutz joined Alpha Flight.
The Party 92 Slideshow 1993, .02, ECS Slideshow.
code: Slender, gfx: Tucan, TMC, music: Hitchy.
Mass Technology 1993, 09.08, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Yammu, Slite vector, gfx: Tucan, music: Dime.
Released for the Assembly 93 40k intro competition, but was unplaced.
review: Nice design rather than innovative routines are this intros
main asset. The routines are nothing special, and neither are the
graphics. The sum of the two is greater than the parts, however, and
therefore this comes out looking not all that bad. Fun music by Dime also
helps, I guess. Nothing that will stick in my mind, though. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Magnet 2 1993, .11?, ECS Filemag.
code: Wasp, gfx: Tukan, TMC, music: Dime, Hitchy, editors: Wasp, Jam.
Deep 1996-
POL Grzes founder org, ex TRSI, old handle Greg.
??? Comanche gfx, ex Obsession, Hades music, ex Casyopea, new 06/96,
Steve Jones org swap, ex Anathema, Sun!dance gfx ascii.
Deep is a new Polish group formed by Greg/ex TRSI 06/96.
Defcon 1 DC1, 1990-
GER Survivor Patrick, ex Prologic, Tyrant swap, ex Adept.
ENG Quazar sysop MADCAP.
??? Sledge ex Alpha Flight, new late90.
Defcon One was born in 1990 after the group Onyx changed their name.
1991 - DJ Cat and Dr.Cubase got kicked mid 91. Frantic left the scene in
the middle of 91. Terror, Ghoul ex Shadows, new mid 91 and Starhunter all
got kicked.
Can I Play With Madness? ECS Demo.
French musician Arios joined Symbiosis.
Defect Softworks
GER Buggs Henryk Richter, code, 97, Crazy Copper Frank Pagels, code,
01/95, EagleEye Jan Blumenthal, code, 97, Insider Andreas Wiencke,
code, 10/95-02/96.
??? Animal music, 12/93.
Defect are a German team more known for their utilities than for their
democoding abilities Buggs and EagleEye are the authors of the music
player EaglePlayer, and Crazy Copper is the author of the graphics
conversion utility ArtPro. Youd be well advised to check out their most
recent release, EaglePlayer 2, on any AmiNet mirror near you!
ENG Meat Cleaver sysop ABATOIR.
??? Aquafresh ex Futura, Ben ex Plasma, Case ex Chaos, Deathwish
sysop DEEP BREEZE WHQ, Gumby ex Futura, Image ex Nuance, MDMA
ex Chaos, Mordred ex Combat-18, Schitzo ex Chaos, Zed ex
Defekt is dead! Ace and Venom, sysops 13TH HOUR BBS eng are now
independent. DEEP FREEZE BBS left. Jozz eng, ex Mindshadow/
Nuance, Quadrex, Bassline, Scotch new WHN1, Hampster ex Talent,
Melone trade, doublememb 2000 AD and Starcam sysop WORLDS OF WONDER
joined Balance. Tango was in Crystal for a short while, but then he also
joined up with Balance.
Thor ex Plasma joined Surprise! Productions.
Irish coder Khul joined Infect.
Huarache, War and Jimbo were kicked out.
Caveman joined Delirium.
The boards ENTITY WHQ eng and VULTURES NEST can were kicked.
German trader Susi joined, but was soon kicked.
English musician Hydlide ex Mystic joined Divine and changed his handle to
Defiance DFC, 1992-
SWE Airbrain swap, 93, Avenger music, ex Equinox, Fatal ex Equinox,
Kervin Johan Mowitz, swap, ex Kaos, new 09/92, Magnum gfx, ex
Equinox, Marwin sysop KAOTIC WORLD, Mellon music, 12/93-12/94,
Mosquito sysop ASSEMBLY HALL, doublememb Reflex, 01/95, Siracon
Anders Johansson, music, ex Genetic, 12/93-12/94, Skepp sysop
BEYOND MADNESS, doublememb Freezers, 01/95, Slaze Daniel Celin,
code music, 12/93, Stolz sysop STONEHENGE, Valiant code, ex
Equinox, Wizard ex Equinox.
??? Boki code, old handle Nirvana, later Razor 1911, 05-12/93, Gnome
gfx, 12/93, Gordon sysop, new 09/92, Marsuplami swap, Mistral
new 09/92, Oops gfx, 12/93, Yoga swap, ex Lobban/Genetic.
Defiance were born late 1992, after the group Death Defiers changed their
name to Defiance. They are a Sweden-based demogroup, probably most renowned
for their diskmag Buzz. Boki is no longer a member he was in the new
Razor 1911 for a little while 02.94-, until he was exposed as a liar, and
kicked. Siracon and Mellon make music together, as a duo.
Uncle Acid joined Submission.
Swedish musician C-Quence is now in Gods.
Swedish Buzz editor Plugster left to be independent, then joined Factor
late 95. Buzz will be released by Factor from now on.
Finnish trader and organizer Mike 94 joined Mystic 01/95.
Swedish swapper Sputnik ex Quartz, 09/92 joined Midway.
Shangri-La 1993, 29.05, Demo.
code: Nirvana, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. 9th in the TCC 93 demo competition.
Virtual Journey 1993, 28.12, AGA File.
code: Boki, Slaze, gfx: Oops, Gnome, music: Virtual Journey by Slaze.
17th in The Party 93 demo competition.
info: The demo was named after Slazes techno soundtrack, which also
competed in the music competition, but was unselected.
Buzz issue 3 1994, Diskmag.
code: Colorbird/Razor 1911, gfx: n/a, music: n/a
info: After recoding the entire Propaganda mag for issue 3, Colorbird
gave the old code used on issues 1-3 to Defiance for Buzz.
Imaginations 1994, Musicdisk.
info: Reviewed in Propaganda 4, where it was butchered :
Buzz issue 6 1995 or pre, Diskmag.
code: Slaze, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Define DFN
SWE Badboy org edit swap, Bjoerne mainorg code gfx ascii swap, C-Real
music ascii, Keldon ascii swap trade, Kidnix sysop, Toaster
music swap, Zoarchus music.
DEN Growl org swap.
POL Igor code.
Polish organizer, swapper and ascii artist Cook formerly doublememb Erotic,
late96 left to be an Instinct member only late97.
Defjam 1987-
SWE Antiaction Stefan Boberg, code crack, ex D-Mob, +inactive+, 12/90,
Archmage founder, 87-11/88, Buntz ex Amaze, Conquest crack,
06/90, Gehenna founder, 87-11/88, Mr.Thompson sysop EAST BBS,
later Mystic, 10/90, Ted Ted Parnefors, code, ex The Silents,
+inactive+, 90-06/92, The Baron sysop THE WEST BBS, 01/95, Zonic
ex Amaze.
GER Captain Midnight sysop THE TWILIGHT ZONE, 09/91, Ultra Ingo,
trade sysop ULTRA BOX, later Alpha Flight, 11/90-01/91.
USA Mr.Speeder sysop THUNDERDOME.
??? Boomerang, Fenzie, Gehenna, George Two ex Spreadpoint,
Jarre crack, Kazer sysop, ex Noxious, new 92, Lorien, Matthew ex
Spreadpoint, Pennywise, Roach train, Slash ger? trade, ex
Spreadpoint, 01/91, Tilt ex Spreadpoint.
Boards PLEASURE POINT usa, 09/90, THE M25 eng, 11/90, DIGITAL CRIME
ita, 09/90, THE SENATORY bel, 09/90.
Defjam was born in Sweden towards the end of 1987, by Gehenna, Archmage and
a third guy who quickly left the scene. They quickly became one of the
REALLY big cracker groups in the dawn of the Amiga scene, but then just sort
of fell apart, with no actual leaving occuring. Antiaction never really left
or found a new group today he is working as a computer game programmer. He
was also the author of Defjam Packer 3.2 and its forerunners Tetra-Pack,
made while he was in Tetragon and one of the Amigas most used apps of all
time, the archiver LhA.
In their time, Defjam also participated in a number of cooperations.
The earliest was probably with Computerbrains Cracking Service CCS, but
there has also been coops with Red Sector late 88 Angels.
1990 - Around the middle of the year, the German division left to become a
group in their own right, Supreme. It seems Defjam got a new German division
though, since there are German members registered long after that.
Swedish Crayone joined Strange.
Finnish coder Smircher joined Vectra.
Swedish coder T.Phraud/T.Phroud? joined Shining 8.
Swedish sysop Mogwai STREETS OF FIRE joined Agile.
Australian trainer Caddy 03/91 joined the new Oracle.
Buntz took with him the board SERPENT SOCIETY from Amaze, but it was
later closed in Defjam pre 07/92.
Swedish coder Il Scuro Ron Birk, new 01/88 left the scene back in 1990.
He is co-author of the PlaySID system, and hes been living in Boston,
USA since 04/95.
Eckhead joined Voice.
Pixel Nation ECS Demo.
Snurkel ECS File.
David Whittaker Music Mix 1988, ECS Musicdisk.
Cooperation with The Young Ones.
Information: Contains music from games like Bubble Bobble, Feud,
Leviathan, Tetris and Xenon. Classics one and all...
Intro 1992, 18.06, ECS Intro.
Code: Ted, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a. Cooperation with CCS.
Deform was formed by ex-members of Hell Order Team HOT, a.o. Musashi and
Zack Team. Musashi later joined Union.
Deformations 1992, 28.03, ECS Demo.
code: Musashi, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Winner of the Warzawa 1 party!
info: Named in a best Polish demos list in RAW6. State of the Arts
predecessor!! Well, ok, not really, but its quite similar and was
released before SOTA...
Ray World AGA Demo.
Degeneration DGN
ITA Corrosion Patrizio Casalengo, mainorg music sysop METAL MOON WHQ,
triplememb Darkage details and Genesis, early96, Gas Simone
Marascalchi, gfx swap, early96, Joseph gfx, new early96, Rusty Cage
music, old handle Detio, early96, Voodoo Chile Fabrizio Nunnari,
code, early96.
DGN have a subgroup called Ecstasy Brothers, which are all musicians: Red
Dragon, Fragolino B and Simpson.
Coder Orion new early 96 was kicked shortly after joining, because he
left the amiga scene.
Italian graphician Mangusta kicked late 95.
Italian musician Dixan joined Megahead late 95.
Delicious DLS
FIN Daddy Freddy Samuli Karkiluoma, music swap, 09/93-01/94, Juicy
music, old handle Mog, ex Equinox.
ENG Delbs new late93, Rich code, 09/93.
??? Clarky re, Daze music, old handle Dexter, 02/94, Ditto ex LSD,
old handle Vinh, Elwood gfx, 09/93-02/94, Groovy W code, 02/94.
Delicious used to be called Delicious Design, but later changed their name
to just Delicious. They will most probably go down in history as the group
that spawned Essence.
Englishman Blanchmage new late93 left the scene.
English swapper Overdose ex Iris, new PRP4 joined Balance WHN1.
Most German members Dascon, Groo Rufferto both ex Digital, Powerswap,
Touchstone ex Hardline and Slicer left to form Essence SLH11.
Intro 1993, 13.09, ECS Intro.
code: Rich, gfx: Elwood, music: Daddy Freddy.
TicTac 1994, 07.02, ECS File.
code: Groovy W, gfx: Elwood, music: Daze.
Delight DLT
FRA Arios Sebastien Le Clainche, music, ex Symbiosis, 12/91-08/94,
Atwill ex Extreme, new late91, Baron code, Bilbo ex Extreme, new
late91, Clawz music, ex Extreme, later TSB, new late 91, Doh
Spirits music, aka Doh, later Dreamdealers, 12/92, Feyd music, 11-
12/93, Frx code, Mr.Ngy ex Complex, old handle Mr. Nice Guy, new
late91, Rave ex Extreme, old handle Postcard, new late91, Shup ex
Extreme, new late91.
SWE Blackbird staff UNDERCOVER, Cybergod ex doublememb Ram Jam,
late95, Demax Stefan Hallsten, sysop UNDERCOVER EHQ, ex Chaos A.D.,
01/95, Fazer sysop FLATLINE, ex Razor 1911 new, Pitcher staff
ITA Maverick crack sysop1 FUNKY TRADING, 08/95, U.M.M sysop2 FUNKY
TRADING, 08/95.
GER Vascal sysop BREAK AWAY, 04/95.
DEN Brainiac music, Kasai ex Light.
IRL Replay, Flyer.
USA 2Tuff, Jammaster sysop INNER CITY, new late91, Shadowvex sysop
FIEND CLUB WHQ, new late91, The Saint.
??? Daryl ex TRSI, Nike nor? triplememb TRSI and Crux, 02/96, Towie
music, 12/92.
Delight were a demo group based in France.
1991 - Faddy ex Razor 1911, old handle Faith, new late 91 left to be
independent late 91. Frenchmen DCA, TDC and Reflex music, 06/91 joined
Rebels old late 91.
1992 - French swapper Krom ex Extreme, new late91 changed his handle to
Wizz and joined Fusion early 92, though other information claims he joined
The Silents. Graphician Effendi joined Agnostic Front around october.
1993 - Mr.Mixx left to be independent early 93.
Header joined Nova.
German Overdog joined Nuance.
Sparks sysop joined Spirit.
German swapper Stearo ex Delight joined Desire.
German swapper Stearo joined Desire.
Assassins norwegian BBS EXTENSION was busted!
Endless Pleasure File.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Brainiac ProRunner 2.0 format.
Overdose File.
Sound From Ghost Battle File.
U Like DLT? 1993, .03, Demo.
Pandemonium 1994 or pre, Music.
Delirium DLM
GER Phil Douglas crack.
NOR Baffle Dag Stenstad, doublememb Lightforce, 97.
USA Mko Rush sysops ELEVENTH HOUR, 04/95, Shadower sysop DARK
TOWER later DEATH ROW WHQ, 04/95.
??? Afterlife, Bathory, Caveman Trade, ex Defekt, Cheech! crack,
Deltaforce, Mad Gunman, Mad Turnip, Maz, New Sensation, Nicodemus ger?
doublememb Dynamix, 01/94, Ramses, Toxic, Wildcard.
Boards ICE CREAM ger, triple in Remedy and Dezign, S.V.P., MENTEL.
Delirium was a true quality cracker group, with famous crackers like Phil
Douglas in the team. Aspect Incorporated is a subgroup. They had some crack
intros made for them by Wayne Mendoza/Masque... I have recently well, OK,
early 97 seen members of Delirium, so is this the old group back or is it
a new group?
Swedish sysop Princip INTERCHANGE joined Rebels new.
NTSC joined Outlaws.
??? Andy music, ex Nuance, new WHN1, Michael ex Nuance, new WHN1,
Simon ex Nuance, new WHN1.
Projex/Divine joined, but quikly rejoined Divine WHN1.
Delon Dezign 1994-
HUN Dr.Eher code gfx, old handle David Blitterfield, 07/94, Power Supply
code, 07/94, Tea-Bozz music, 07/94, Tetraedermaster gfx, old
handle Rawchild, 07/94.
Delon is a Hungarian group, which apparently consist of famous Hungarian
sceners under different handles!
The Final Condom 1994, .07, AGA File.
code: David Blitterfield, Power Supply, gfx: David Blitterfield,
Rawchild, ADT/Absolute!, music: Tea-Bozz.
review: Nothing here that will set the world on fire, but at least the
we all love CRM part was fun. They do the humor thing to a total over-
kill this time around, though. The AmiNet description text said Delon
party winner AGA demo. What party? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Atmosfear 1995, autumn, AGA File.
production: Don Johnson, ...
review: I quite like this...these guys have a sense of humor! The effects
arent outstanding but I guess they were never meant to be. Id describe
this as being in the tradition of Legos The Real 40k intro. First they
claim to have the first real 4x4 rotzoomer...and I guess they do, if you
mean 4x4 as in 4 wheel drive... Then theyre back with the worlds first
8x8 rotzoomer...which is a rotzoomer within an 8x8 pixel block! See what
I mean? Its a lot like when Lego claimed to be able to display 40 planes
on any Amiga : A plus for the music, which is catchy. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Heartcore 1995, 28.12, AGA 4k Intro.
Released for The Party 96 4k intro competition.
review: Short and sweet, like a 4k intro should be, this one features
multiple routines and even some music! Niceness. No credits appear
anywhere in the intro. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Delusion DLS
Finnish musician Slice 05/95 joined Mystic sometime between 05 and 08/95.
Demons Design
Norwegian swapper Fake joined Equinox early 93.
Depth 1993-, http://www.depth.org/
DEN Bakerman Kasper Hartwich, webmaster, ex-sysop TRADE CENTRAL, new
06/96-01/00, Curt Cool Frank E. Larsen, org music ascii swap trade
edit, 93-01/00, Cytron Rune Stampe Nielsen, code music edit
Eurochart, new 06/96-01/00, Folcka gfx, old handle Picasso, 10/97-
01/00, Gizmoduck Martin Leopold, org code gfx raytrace swap
webmaster, 07/97-01/00, Hund code html java c++ gfx, 10/97-01/00,
IB gfx, 10/97-01/00, Kollaps code music, 01/00, Nightsight gfx,
07/97-01/00, Presence code, 10/97-01/00, Quedax Kenny Poulsen,
code, 07/97-01/00, Trip music, 07/97-01/00.
NOR Allanon org gfx ascii design, 10/97-01/00, Cope music, 01/00, Jaffa
code, 01/00, Labbe music, 01/00, Paithan code, 01/00, Rolex
music, 01/00, SiDo sysop trade, new 06/96-01/00, Solo HONORARY,
music, 10/97-01/00, Sprocket org gfx, 01/00.
SWE Brainstorm music, new 10/97-01/00.
FIN Frank Black code, 01/00, Heatwave org music swap, 01/00, The Glow
honorary gfx music, new 06/96-01/00.
ENG Bucko swap edit, 01/00.
DEN Cody music sysop, old handle Dizy, new 06/96, Dunlop 10/97, La
music, new late95, Nemo W gfx, old handle Sanctum, 07/96-97, Optima
code, new late97-12/97, Pennywise code raytrace, old handle Droopy,
new late95, Receiver Kresten Jensen, swap, Snowman raytrace, new
NOR Bugge sysop, new 06/96, Conan gfx raytrace, new 06/96, Ren sysop
TEMPLE OF DREAMS, 10/97, The Coolest code music, new late95, The
Paranoid music sysop PARAZITE, new late95-10/97, Voidmaster
raytrace sysop, new 06/96.
SWE Betty Boy gfx, doublememb X-Trade, new late96-10/97, Chewie org
ascii swap trade, 10/97, DeeJay Jones music, new 06/96-10/97,
Galiano sysop, new 06/96, Kaze org gfx swap, re late95, Keldon
swap trade, 10/97, Legionary code, ex Weird, new early97-10/97,
Nike sysop, new 06/96, Whisker code, 10/97, Wizard code music
swap, new 94.
FIN Fly gfx, new late95-10/97, Icebreaker Mikko Harju, org swap, 10/97,
Rastaman music, new 10/97.
POL Cerber code, rejoined doublememb Skulls, re 06/96, Hangman code, ex
Revolt, new 06/96, Nazgul code, rejoined doublememb Skulls, re
06/96, Opal gfx music, new 06/96, Timer Michael Baczek, org music
swap, triplememb Erotic and Squeezers, early98.
AUT Doc swap, 94.
??? Crusader swap ansi, Kilroy gfx, Knoxx swap, Mick code swap, ex
Rasse.Prod, Morten music, Nick code swap, ex Rasse.Prod, Polygon
Window gfx swap, ex Excess, Scorn code gfx, Someone Else music,
Teflon gfx, Warlock org music swap, Xargion code swap, 94.
Depth was formed in late 1993 by Curt Cool as a Danish demo group, and their
first production was Cool Tunes 1 03/94. During the year they released
some other small productions, as well as many issues of their pack Under
the Surface 01-99.
1996 - At The Party 6, they gave the scene what they called a christmas
present, and revived the official Eurochart, with Cytron as the third
main editor of the prestigious chart through history. This is probably what
most people think of when you say Depth. Bakermans board was closed for a
while, then reopened late 96.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 reported that swedes Pumper
trade and Slurry sysop, both new 06/96 were kicked, that swedish
Legionary/Weird code joined, that danish LPN gfx raytrace left the
scene, that norwegian The Paranoid rejoined the scene, and that Sanctum
renamed to Nemo Q.
Swedish coders Pigeon 10/97 and Omen both left for Craze late97/early98.
Swedish swapper, trader and sysop Schindler MOTION ONE, new 06/96- left
the scene late 97.
Polish graphician Insert ex Amnesty, new 06/96 left for Turnips late 96.
Polish graphician Rappid doublememb Genetic, new 06/96 left for Erotic
Dezign late 96.
Danish graphician and swapper Chelsea stopped swapping, and was kicked
shortly after late 96.
German swapper IRO Bastian Effertz, ex Riot, doublememb Rave Nation
Overscan, new late95 was kicked, after failing to keep contact late 96.
Polish swapper Klaf left for Appendix and Scalaris 06/96.
Norwegian musician The Surge also sysop left 06/96.
Swapper and asciier Draw left 06/96.
Robson joined Anadune 06/96.
Billy joined Mystic 06/96.
Reval joined Infect.
The entire group Hangover joined.
CoolTunes 1 1994, .03, ECS Chipmusicpack.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Curt Cool. info: Their first production!
Magnum Icetro skodtro! 1994, .04, ECS Intro.
code: Xargion, gfx: n/a, music: Wizard.
CoolTunes 2 1994, .06, Chipmusicpack.
CoolTunes 3 1994, .12, Chipmusicpack.
Elefont 1995, .08, 4k Intro.
info: NOT the same as 4k Intro!
4k Intro 1995, .08, 4k Intro.
info: NOT the same as Elefont!
Depth 4k 1996, 05.04, 4k Intro.
4th in The Gathering 96 4k intro competition.
Fucked Girl 1996, .04, Intro.
info: Swaptro.
Weird Intro 1996, .06, Intro.
Vi Elsker Darkhawk 1996, 06.07, Demo.
7th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
Puost - The Demo 1996, 06.07, Demo.
8th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
4k Intro 1 1996, .08, 4k Intro.
4k Intro 2 1996, .08, 4k Intro.
Swaptro 1996, .09, Intro.
Bol Boller 1996, .10, Intro.
info: Joketro.
Eurochart issue 28 1996, 28.12, Chartmag.
INT - by Impact DK.
MAG - code: n/a, gfx: Pixie/Polka Brothers title, music: Azazel/TBL,
editor: Cytron. Released at The Party 6.
info: Depth called it a christmas present to the scene, and it was one
the scene welcomed with open arms! Theres a new, multitasking code, and
new enthusiasm. This was the first issue by Depth.
Bol Dr 1997, 30.03, 40k Intro.
6th in the Mekka Symposium 97 40k intro competition.
EuroChart issue 29 1997, .04, Chartmag.
Possibly released at Mekka Symposium 97?
Chexue 1997, .06, 40k Intro.
BeBeToTeFoFu?! 1997, .06, Demo.+
info: Sponsordemo.
DGC-Karaoke joketro 1997, .06, Intro.
Frankofon! jokedemo 1997, .06, Intro.
Placebo 1997, .06, 40k intro.
Eurochart issue 30 1997, 07.07, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
INT - code: Antibyte, gfx: Tactica/independent, music: Prophet.
MAG - code: Quedax, gfx: Nightsight panel, Zack/Spaceballs intropic,
clip, others clip, music: Cymbiosis by Trip, Time That Beat
by Michael One2One/Anathema, Let Me Down by Deck/Scoopex and
Holidays in March by Marc/SyndromeSector 7, editor: Cytron.
Released at The Copenhagen Party.
review: First of all, let me just mention that this is the first issue of
the new EuroChart I saw. Right from the start, I loved the new look and
concept! The screenshots, the information, the graphical statistics...
This is the way to do things! However, while the concept is great, the
execution leaves a few things to be desired...some of the information is
missing crucial bits here and there! Perhaps I need to send Cytron a copy
of Scenery to avoid mistakes in the future Having said that, I guess I
put a lot more weight on these things than the average scener would...
The panel graphics are a little unusual, not to mention that theyre very
very good! Big, clear gadgets leave you in no confusion as to where to
click. The intro picture by Zack, and the numerous clip arts leave a
little to be desired, tho...
As far as the editorial content of the EuroChart goes, well... it was
never intended to be a mag! The best part is also the most important one
the charts! The code follows the new norm, in that it is multitasking...
which is a feature I absolutely love. All mags should multitask! It sure
makes reviewing them a lot more comfortable for me : There really is no
good reason not to download the EuroChart... It doesnt really matter if
you dont like the cliparts, or you think the interviews in the magpart
really should be somewhere else... Its the charts that matter, and the
EuroCharts are the original ones...the real McCoy. Get this because Depth
put a lot of work down in it, and do a good job. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Eurochart 31 1997, .10, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
code: Quedax, gfx: Raven/Nuance, music: Okeanos/Digital, Curt Cool and
Marc/Haujobb Tracker Packer 3 format, editor: Cytron.
review: Nice graphics by Raven introduce us to this edition of EC. The
title picture is of a crouching naked woman, but the compositions doesnt
look all right...Anyway, the rest of the design is clear and concise. As
mentioned in my review of the last issue, the code is very good. System
friendly multitasks, and user friendly at the same time : The other two
sections, apart from the charts, are also well laid out this time. The
gallery is mostly pictures of sceners drinking at parties I did like
the old Crusaders design for this part better, with two pics a page,
but... The magpart also has good design, with backgrounds that doesnt
interfere with the text. Color use is nicely relaxed. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
IDEA 1997, .11, Demo.
Seven 1997, 28.12, 4k Intro.
3rd in The Party 97 4k intro competition!
Govinda 1997, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Optima, gfx: Ib, music: Curt Cool.
11th in The Party 97 40k intro competition.
review: Now this is more like it! This cool little intro throws quite a
few good effects at the casual viewer, including lightdots, shadebob
cluster ! and some well cool bump and texture mapping! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Batteries NOT... 1997, 28.12, 40k intro.
Cooperation with Iris.
Idoru 1997, 28.12, Demo.
7th in The Party 97 demo competition.
Eurochart issue 32 1997, 28.12, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
INT - cooperation with Efreet.
MAG - n/a
16th in The Party 97 demo competition.
note: Is this the first ever diskmag to be entered in a demo competition?
Tetsuo 1998, .02, Demo.
TP7 According to DPH 1998, .02, Slideshow.
Tetsuo 2 1998, 12.04, 40k Intro
8th in the Mekka Symposium 40k intro competition.
Desire 1998, 12.04, 40k intro
9th in the Mekka Symposium 40k intro competition.
Wer Hat Dicke Eier? 1998, 12.04, Intro.
production: Blueberry/Efreet, Cytron Ib/Depth.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 97 fastintro competition!
Eurochart issue 33 1998, 12.04, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Slang Blues by Evrimsson/Nuance.
Released at Mekka Symposium 97.
Eurochart issue 34 1998, .07, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
Job Advert Intro 1998, .08, Intro.
Eurochart issue 35 1998, .10, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
info: Features an intro by Loonies, see their entry for details.
Onanina jokeintro 1998, .11, Intro.
Bamse 1998, .12, Intro.
Eurochart issue 36 1999, .02, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
sHROOMINDs 1999, .02, Musicdisk.
Kryptonite 1999, .04, 40k Intro.
Alpenclb 52 1999, .04, Demo.
Str8 1999, .04, 4k Intro.
Eurochart issue 37 1999, .04, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
Kryptonite II 1999, .07, 40k Intro.
Eurochart issue 38 1999, .08, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
Eurochart issue 39 1999, .12, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
Lonely 2000, .01, Intro.
??? Stilgar ex Apathy, new early 01.
Desert DST, 1992-
GER Rockeronic founder music, 10/92.
??? Abettor founder, Crusader founder gfx, 10/92, Doe founder,
Highlander founder, Madukan founder, Project Alpha founder,
She-ra founder, TSA code, 10/92, Tubaculose founder, Zyborg
Desert was formed by the ex-Submission members Crusader, Rockeronic,
Abettor, Doe, Highlander, Lightforce, Madukan, She-ra, Project Alpha,
Tubaculose, and Zyborg.
Walker joined Savage.
Venom joined Eskimoes.
Wishbringer joined Damian.
German swapper and cofounder Lightforce ex Submission joined X-Trade.
Borntro 1992, 14.10, ECS File.
code: TSA, gfx: Crusader, music: Rockeronic.
Design DSN, -1992
SWE The Joker swap.
GER Orbit code, ex Coma.
??? Agressor re, Dark ex Damian, Cyclon ex Trackers, FDT write,
doublememb Venture, Lonestar ex Trackers.
Design was a german based demo group. In late 1992, some of the best
members joined Fusion, and the rest carried on under a different name
1992 - Germans Renegade gfx and Orbit code joined from Coma early in
the year. German Doom joined Fusion early 92. German Hedgehog joined Addonic
in september.
Toxic joined The Electronic Knights.
Aggressor once joined Supplex for 3 days, but then rejoined.
Germans Renegade gfx, ex Coma and DSP joined Agnostic Front.
Desire DSR
HOL Infant code, early98, Noodle Stefan Schipper, swap, doublememb
Mellow, Ratbone music, 05/92, Riox code, 08/92.
BEL Bip org gfx, ex Quasar, 04/92-late96.
GER Chaos! ascii design, Kernal Mario Hoehne, code swap.
??? Dave code, Thd gfx.
HOL Antibody 12/91-08/92, Aragorn code sysop TERMINAL ZONE, 04-10/92,
Daze old handle CPS, ex Justice, Dusty, Ego Rinze de Laat, gfx,
12/91-04/92, Guy Frost code, 09/91-08/92, Zoef gfx music, aka
Facet!, new 08/92-05/94.
BEL The Grifter sysop PHANTOM, 08/92-04/95.
FIN Chipper Pasi, mainorg music, 01-11/93, Dr.Paranoid trade sysop ACID
HOUSE, 93-04/95, Dwel gfx, ex Alcatraz, new 10/93-05/95, John Peel
swap trade, ex Razor 1911, Mel 93, Mick old handle Story, ex
Ice/Plague re-scene, 93, N.S.A. swap, 93.
NOR Remix org music, later Devils, new 08/92.
SWE Breeze Henri Hurtig, music, ex Equinox, Electro code swap, ex
Equinox, Jackpot swap, ex Equinox.
ENG Giz code, Hollywood music, doublememb Axis details, later Vacuum,
Loony music swap, ex Divine, late95, Twilight music, 06/93-95.
GER Paragon modemhq org swap pack, ex The Elektronic Knights, old handle
Agony, 93.
USA Nameless sysop SNARFS PUB.
??? Draxx code, Duck 12/90-91, FantasyForce 90, Iron Eagle ex
Animators, new 09/92, MLP Artworx 03/91-12/91, Multicoder 07/91,
Nik eng?, ex Balance, Rippex 12/90, Rotex new 09/92, Shintaro
gfx, new early93, Subi music, Talisman org gfx swap, Tommie
sysop SESAMESTRAAT, ex Cyanide, TSM code, Visualize 10/93,
Wildstyle sysop, Zorro 12/90-04/92.
Desire is a demogroup based in the Netherlands, formed by Coyote. After a
couple of years the group was merged with another, of which the leader was
Ramon B5. They also had a strong Finnish section for a while, responsible
for a fair amount of their productions. Ramon B5 was the original leader,
but when he left 93? another dutchman, Ultimax took over leadership.
Twilight more or less left the scene in 1995, after securing a full time job
making music for Graftgold Software.
Ramon B5 08/92, THD 12/91-03/93 and Sacha 12/91-03/93 from the Dutch
section formed the subgroup Facets Pussy. They later recruited more
members from the mother group, like the germans Chaos! and Kernal. Most of
these members later returned to their original group. Another subgroup was
also later formed, called Love see separate entry. There were rumours
early93 that SNARFS PUB had left, but they were entirely false, as
reported in Freedom Crack 11. Thanks to Ego for some information!
1992 - T60 left to join the PC scene 09/92.
1994 - Right before The Party 94, dutch musician Fabian 03/92- sold his
amiga and left the scene. His promised BIG musicdisk project was cancelled,
and was subsequently never released.
Cone joined Spirit.
Courage old handle Seat joined Wizzcat.
Steve, sysop MYSTICAL PLACES joined Alpha Flight.
Norwegian Switchblade 10/92 joined Compact Inc.
Untold, Gorry, Clawboy 08/92 and Undertaker joined Tragedy.
Dutchmen Zorlac gfx, 05/92-03/93 and Ultimax code, 05-12/92 both joined
TRSI Upstream 8. It is uncertain where this left Desire, since Ultimax
took over leadership after Ramon B5 left... The two worked on at least
Future Inferno 05/92, Menace 08/92, Thaj Mahal 12/92,
Morpheus 01/93 and Vluggertje 03/93.
Finnish coder Venture joined Deadline. He made Morpheus 01/93 and the
ChipChop series 93 for DSR. His latest registered production is from
11/93, so he probably left late 93.
German musician Pseudolukian 04/92-06/93 got kicked. He made music for
Channel X 04/92, Thaj Mahal 12/92 and Vluggertje 03/93.
Germans Chaos! gfx ascii and Kernal code, both ex Analog, new mid93-
05/94 left to join the Desire subgroup Facets Pussy.
They both later returned to Desire.
German Skyfox ex Dual Crew, new RAW5 joined joined Endless Piracy.
However, Eurochart 22 claimed he left the scene.
Redferne ex Awe joined Devils. Also Remix later ended up in Devils.
Englishmen Bassline Music, ex Anthrox and Schizo left the scene.
Dutchmen Cloud 9 swap and Solid gfx, both ex Vicious joined
Jack ex LSD joined Compact Inc.
Ziggy Stardust ex Cyberactive, Kyle ex Starlight and Dioxion joined
Vanish, and Ziggy changed his handle to Cujo in the process.
Coyote joined Jetset.
Camelot joined Alpha Flight.
German swapper Stearo ex Delight joined Paradise.
Germans Rebel MC swap, ex The Special Brothers and Dark ex Cyberactive
joined Noxious, so the German section is disbanded late 92. The following
people are therefore obviously no more members of the German section:
Vane, Bootbuster ex Subzero, 10/92, TNM ex Subzero, Vain ex Subzero,
Kreator ex Byte Syndicate, Touchstone code, later Essence, Dascon
later Essence, Trasher, Fancy and Powerswap later Essence.
Iceberg, sysop THE HOOD ex Cyberactive joined Spaceballs late 92.
Link joined Gothic.
Exile Demo.
info: Mentioned as one of the best Dutch productions.
Addi 1990.
production: FantasyForce, Duck, Zorro.
Anli 1990.
production: Duck, Zorro.
Quint 1990.
production: Duck, Zorro.
Gif 1990, 03.10.
production: Duck, Zorro.
DSR Pack Menu 1990.
production: Duck.
X-Mas 90 1990, 22.12.
production: Duck.
Biebel Story 1990, 22.12.
production: Duck, Zorro, Rippex.
Anti-Junkfood 1991, 26.01, ECS File.
production: Duck, Zorro, Ripit/RAF.
63 Seconds 1991, 30.03, ECS Intro.
production: Duck, MLP Artworx.
Multiscroll 1991, 27.04, ECS Intro.
production: Multicoder, Zorro.
LegoLand I 1991, ECS Musicdisk.
production: Duck, MLP Artworx.
Baby Balls 1991, 07.09, ECS Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zorro, MLP Artworx.
Evolution Preview 1991.
code: Sacha, gfx: ThD, production: MLP Artworx.
Baghdad Cafe 1991, ECS Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zorro, Antibody.
Evolution 1991, 07.12, ECS File.
code: Sacha, gfx: Facet/Anarchy, ThD, Ego, production: Guy Frost, Zorro,
MLP Artworx, Antibody.
Manriki 1992, 14.02, ECS Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zorro, Antibody.
Explorer 1992, 18.03, ECS.
code: Sacha, gfx: ThD, music: Fabian.
Channel X 1992, 04.04, ECS Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zorro, Music: Pseudolukian.
Hidden-Part-Dentro 1992, .04, ECS File.
code: Sacha, gfx: n/a, music: Fabian, production: Guy Frost, Ego, ThD.
Atomic*Fallout 1992, .04, ECS Intro.
production: Aragorn, Bip, ThD.
Future Inferno 1992, 27.05, ECS Intro.
production: Ultimax, Zorlac, Ratbone.
info: Probably a BBS intro, since they had a board called FUTURE
Menace 1992, 01.08, ECS File.
production: Guy Frost, Bip, Zorlac, Fabian.
Propaganda 1992, 01.08.
production: Riox, ThD, Ramon B5, Icon/Dominators, Fabian.
Body to Body 1992, 01.08.
production: Clawboy, Bip.
Prev Party Pack 1992, 01.08.
production: Aragorn, ThD, Fabian.
Phantom 1992, 01.08.
production: The Grifter, Bip.
Little Intro 1992, 29.08, Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zoef, Antibody.
Memtro 1992, .10.
production: Cujo/Dioxxine, Bootbuster, Switchblade.
Pack for Germany 1992, 10.11.
code: Aragorn, gfx: ThD, music: Fabian.
Thaj Mahal 1992, 11.12, Intro.
code: Ultimax, gfx: Zorlac, music: Pseudolukian.
Agony Packmenu 1993.
production: Tedric/The Silents, Sacha, D-Sign/TSL.
Morpheus 1993, 25.01, ECS File.
code: Venture, gfx: Dwel, Zorlac, music: Morpheus.cpr by Chipper.
info: Seems like the finnish section made this. I dont think Dwel was
really a member yet when this was made he joined later.
Vluggertje 1993, 09.03, ECS Intro.
code: Sacha, gfx: THD, Zoef, Zorlac, music: Pseudolukian.
Skid Row Cracktro 1993, .03, ECS Intro.
code: Sacha, gfx: Facet/Lemon., music: Fabian.
ChipChop issue 1 1993, early, ECS Musicfile.
production: Venture, Dwel.
ChipChop issue 2 1993, .04, Musicfile.
code: Venture, gfx: Mel, music: Pom Pom Pom by Chipper/Desire,
Headcrash Intro1 by Jochen Virgill Feldkoetter, Intromuz 1 by
Heatbeat/Carillon, Last Betrayal R. vt Hydra, Chiptune 12k by
Nuke/Lemon., One by Strobo/Stellar, Sweatbeat by Slammie/Disaster,
Disco Zax by Mel ODee/Shining, Introghost by Dezecrator, Metromix
by Turtle/Accession, Shortmenutune 5 by Legend/Parallax, Kukko by
Groo/Virtual Dreams, Fysiometrical by Hawk/Sanctuary 12 tunes, all 4ch
MOD format.
ChipChop issue 3 1993, .06, Musicfile.
production: Venture, Dwel.
ChipChop Special 1993, .06, Musicfile.
production: Venture, Dwel, Chipper, Fabian, Pseudolukian, Twilight.
ChipChop issue 4 1993, 24.07, Music file.
production: Venture, Dwel, Prayer/Banal Projects.
Lovetro 1993, .10, Intro.
production: DCD/Krafted, Visualize, Jimi.
Cracktro 1993, 03.11, Intro.
production: Kernal, Chaos!, Twilight.
ChipChop Intro 1993, .11, Intro.
production: Venture, Dwel, Chipper.
Fairlight Cracktro 1994, 12.05, Intro.
code: Kernal, gfx: Chaos! design, music: Zoef.
ENG Alien gfx, ex Poppa no entry, Antichrist, Eggus code, ex Poppa
no entry, Inertia Mick Fairclough, music, Kiwi code, 92, Metal
Paul Garner, gfx swap, new 10/91-93, Tango Dave Kelly, swap pack,
Tantalus Andy Eddingham, mainorg, 91-92, Terminator code, Thallium
Shaun, gfx, Venom Stuart, trade.
NOR Adolf ex Atomic, Jens Madsen sysop DREAM OF PERFECTION, 01/94.
??? Cobra, Hampster old handle Pissed Artist, 09/92, Hugo ex Poppa no
entry, Martin code, new 09/92, Narc, Nitro.
Destiny was a demogroup based in England. They will probably mostly be
remembered for their diskmag with the original name Satanic Rites. Members
of the staff of this mag were later behind the Talent mag 42.
1991 - The group attended Digitals party The Main Event in october,
where they recruited a new graphician, Metal. This was his first group.
About 4-6 weeks after the party, probably around december, the groups main
organizer Kam also gfx left the scene. Tantalus became the new main
organizer, and under his leadership the group entered into its most
productive period ever.
1992 - Tango and Venom joined. Elminster was kicked in september.
1993 - Destinator joined Eclipse mid 93. Norwegian coder and swapper
Scourger joined Talent mid 93. English coder Oedipus joined shortly after
the Destiny Communion Party in august. He later left the group to form
Natas was kicked.
Vector left the scene.
TCB ex Pussy joined Energy.
Norwegian Lord Stradh joined Talent.
Norwegian swapper Messiah joined Equinox.
Phreak, FX and Lord Flight left to form Jesters.
Norwegian sysop Omaha Thunder DIGITAL PLEASURE joined Compact Inc.
German editor RokDaZone ex Amaze joined Infect. RokDaZone worked on the
Destiny diskmag Satanic Rites.
Jelace and Saracen ex Damage Inc joined Banana Dezign.
Satanic Rites 1 pre 1992, .06, ECS Diskmag.
Satanic Rites 2 1992, ECS Diskmag.
info: Originally supposed to have been released at the Quartz Summer
Conference 1992, but it was not finished in time, since coder Kiwi could
not get it bugfree. It was released a couple of weeks after the party.
Satanic Rites 3 ECS Diskmag.
Satanic Rites 4 1993, 29.05, ECS Diskmag.
info: This was unfortunately the last issue ever released.
Destruction DST
??? Magius fin? gfx, 08/96.
Destruction changed the name of the group to Tribute, and multi-function-
man Pacman changed his handle to Speedo. Therefore, Destruction is in
effect dead. I really wish I knew when this happened, 96 or 97?
I do not know if Magius is also a member of the new crew.
Deep 1996, 18.08, ECS File.
code/music: Pacman, gfx: Pacman, Magius logo.
Released for the Assembly 96 demo competition.
review: Not outstanding in any way, but adequate. Only two real effects,
and none of them are showstoppers. Perhaps they should have had a look at
the winner demo from The Gathering 95 before deciding on the title...
The only ECS demo released at Assembly 96. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Endscroller had a few graphical errors.
Devils DVS
FRA Bombsquad trade, ex Bronx, new late93, Captain Jewels Vincent
Marque, mainorg, early92, Jinx Bancel Pascal, code gfx, 04/93, Keops
code gfx, Sirrao music, Swoly gfx.
GER Kreator sysop A-BASE, ex X-Trade, Midwife sysop PLAN B WHQ, ex
Anarchy, 04/93, Rakiem ex Dreamdealers, TDMF music, ex
Dreamdealers, 93.
NOR Bright Brick music, ex Fanatic, 93, Jam 93, Mike trade, ex
Submission, 93, Tecon org music, old handle Remix, earlier
Desire, 04/93, Wigflipper Hans Ingar Johansen, gfx, 04/93.
??? Asterios, Axya, Cannabis, Cortex, Faith re 09/92, Judd, Krom,
Krueguer, Medor, Merlin, Pegase, Sky, The Clairvoyant ex Mystix, The
Invisible new 09/92.
Devils was a French-based demo group, which also had a strong norwegian
1993 - Shades demo pack Party Cocktail 1 04/93 was released at The
Gathering in april.
Mr.Pixel left.
Youngblood was kicked.
German coder Zulu ex Addonic joined Cryptoburners.
Ceel old handle Rick, ex Flash Productions joined Cryptoburners.
Norwegians Optic, Redferne music, ex Desire, Ace swapm 04/93, Peavey ex
Offence and Shade org swap pack, ex Fanatic, new ca 06/92-04/93 left to
form Shamrock.
Microchip ex Grace joined Shining 8.
Frenchmen Hades, Bluesilence ex Zenith, Poison and Mr.Keel all joined
Casimodo left.
French musician Hydra joined Sceptic.
French coder TKB joined Dreamdealers.
Lost most of their members due to the Beach Party failure! Theres now only
four FRA members left. The best members melted with Drifters and formed a
new group called Chainsaw Design. Deicide ex LSD joined TRSI.
Labyrinth Demo.
No Reality ECS Trackmo.
code: TKB, gfx: Swoly, music: Sirrao.
review: Due to incompatibility reasons, I havent really been able to see
all of this demo. What Ive seen though, confirms nicely to the old idea
that textscreen-effect-textscreen is a nice design that works fine :
There are, however, some nice effects here, and Id especially like to
mention the lightsourced fractal landscapes. Not only do they look
great, but they render like lightning on the 030! Unfortunately, when
the demo decides its time to load the second part it crashes after
completing the loading. Nothing Ive tried remedies this, not even
kicking the machine down to 1.3. So for now, this is what you get :
All credit information was hacked out of the disk itself, since that
parts obviously in the second portion of the demo. Id be very very
grateful for results... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: See review.
Ultimate Composer 1991, ECS Musicdisk.
Information: Future Composer tunes and a joystick-controlled menu!
Colors 1991, 28.12, ECS Demo.
2nd in the Iris New Year Conference.
Plan B BBS Intro 1993?, ECS File.
code: Jinx, gfx: Jinx, Keops font, music: Redferne.
review: This small BBS intro shows Devils are not afraid to go new ways
in design it employs a highres display thats original, and made the
production look fresh when it first appeared. Together with the fast,
catchy techno music it created a good atmosphere. I say did, because
unfortunately it hasnt aged all that well. When you look at it
objectively, you clearly see that theres nothing really advanced about
the intro, no cutting edge code. It looks OK, sounds catchy, but is
ultimately not very interesting. It does its job and little else. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Party Cocktail packmenu 1993, early, ECS Intro.
code: Jinx, gfx: gfx: n/a, music: Remix, packer: Shade.
review: A perfectly serviceable packemenu, with the best part being a
large, twisting DEVILS logo down the entire left hand part of the screen.
The rest is taken up by the selector, textplotter and small scrolltext.
The intro was used for issue 1, released at The Gathering in april, and
so we conclude it was first made early this year. It worked perfectly well
on my configuration with caches off and original chipset, but since there
was no time to test with caches enabled, I can not make any guarantees for
its behaviour on such a configuration. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review.
Devious Dezigns
SWE Whoosh sysop NIGHTFALL, triplememb Over The Top and Outlaws, new
SWE Revenger Thomas Larsson, code, 08/93.
Revenger is the author of the graphics conversion utility IFFTrasher.
DEN Danish Demo Duo aka Pet and TDK, Einstein Poul P. Hestbek, music,
Hitman code, ex Neon/Kefrens, Liteace code, Mr.Mega Mind code,
Tiger, Warca.
GER Jon, Poacher.
??? Anzax, Dr.Dolby, Epsilon music, Mercy, Orbit, Tron.
Dexion are a legendary Danish demo group, who were BIG before Kefrens were
a though in mind. Dexion was Liteaces first group.
1990 - In december the group arranged the Dexion X-Mas Conference in
Odense, gathering some 600 sceners in what was until then one of the biggest
scene parties ever.
Norwegian graphician Morten joined Spaceballs.
Danish swapper Trix 12/90 joined Rebels old.
Danes Starman and Future Freak Kim Tolstrup Christensen, music were
kicked due to inactivity. Future Freak made LOTS of great tunes, and
before the Amiga he was active on the C64 as Future Freak/TFA!
Norwegians T-Bone ex Resolution 101 and Rob ex Absence joined
The Silents.
Megademo 1989, 11.02, ECS Megademo.
Winner of the Bamiga Sector 1 and Warfalcons demo competition!
Megademo II 1990, 05.01, ECS Megademo
Released at the Phenomena and Censor Party 90.
Beyond Justice 1991, early, ECS File.
code: Tron, gfx: Tox, Bustman/Crusaders, music: Orbit.
Boards ICE CREAM ger, triple in Delirium and Remedy.
dFX -1996
dFX was a swedish demo group comprised of Elixir music, Dep code and
Neuro gfx. The group ceased to exist as all three members joined Wrath
Designs in 1996.
? 1995, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Dep, gfx: none, music: Elixir The Player 6.1A format.
28th in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
review: Short and very blue. Thats the best way to describe ?, a
40k intro without graphics at all, and just a single phong object with
and without animated background that still manages to be 40k in size!
Theyve used Luddes c2p routine, and the object is in that annoying
every-other-pixel mask. While the first part has just the object an
undetailed torus and a moving background, the second part has no
background but afterburning on the object. The file was called
dFX-Wildcard.exe, a name thats a little more easy to put on the file
than the actual name of the intro : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
FRA Corsair code, 05/89, Gandalf gfx, 05/89, Mr.Video gfx swap,
05/89, Sharlaan code, 05/89, Trunk swap, 05/89.
Diabolics was a french demo group, formed by Mr.Video.
Cool Raster Intro 1989, .05, ECS Intro.
code: Corsair, gfx: Mr.Video chars, music: Happy by ????/The Jungle
Command SoundTracker format.
review: Well, this is certainly a colorful intro! It has rasters all over
the shop, bouncing bars and background colors - almost a little too much!
obviously someone learned their copper lists early But when you look at
the credits list, everything falls into place... Corsair is of course the
french coder who later made the legendary Copper Master for Angels, the
copper demo to end all copper demos... In addition to this the intro
contains only a large scroller in the middle of the screen with an ok font
for 1989 and nada else. Not much of a noteworthy release. Even with
KillAGA, the intro suffers from a badly coded music routine that bugs on
my machine.
The intro was found on Horizons Rack-Pack 16 pack, released at the
very beginning of june 1989. From this we deduct that the intro itself was
released some time during may. No release date appears inside the intro.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Diamonds and Rust DR
AUT Edo and Steve sysops PLEASURE DOME, 11/92.
GER Gettler and Grind King sysops PARADOXUM, 93.
??? Boon Kid aut? 11/92.
Diamonds and Rust was an illegal group. A review of one of their cracktros
can be found under Sceptics entry.
PARADOXUM BBS had an intro made for it by some Arise members in 1993.
Dictators DCT, 1990-1991
FIN Barbarian swap, Dr.Header code, ex Success, Maniac music, Marrow
swap, Shaddock, Sledgehammer.
NOR Nick swap, 11/90.
??? Bobcat gfx, Jayhawk, Metal code, Mr.Mad, Voyager music.
Dictators were formed by ex-members of Danish group Trilogy and some
Swedish guys. They died toward the end of 1991...though the release date
of Woozy and other information make this information seem highly
1992 - Finns Electro, Phraser, Breeze music, old handle Megaman, 01/92
and Simpson swap all left to join Equinox 08/92.
Exeron joined 2000 AD.
Joker ex Ontarion, new mid 91 joined Spirit.
Join-Us-Intro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Metal, gfx: Bobcat, music: Maniac.
Woozy 1992, 07.02, ECS Demo.
Frequenz together with Badcat and Edison got arrested at Fornebu in Oslo,
Norway when collecting a package with carded stuff. Frequenz told them
everything, and two weeks later all Norwegian elite boards got busted...
Diffusion DFN
FIN Astral 93, Beholder Pertti Lehtisaari, mainorg, 93, Grand Duke
Juha Kovanen, swap, Rock Lobster 93.
FRA Fear Viebach Jean-Michel, org, Hardfire Johan Roirand, later
Spaceballs, swap.
NOR Dr. MC Metal Bjrn Haukedalen, swap.
??? Candyman ex Leader Productions, old handle Admiral, DJ Jones,
Jaywalker, Protoplasm code, new early 93, Taxman, Wizard.
Diffusion was a demo group based in Filand.
1993 - Finnish Lohi joined Balance mid 93. Norwegian and Swedish divisions
were kicked mid 93. Extremist, Icebeat, Mikey and Wisa were kicked mid 93.
Swedes Exidor code, Slime gfx and Jammie gfx joined Infect.
Finnish Slipper and PetShopBoy old handle Ace joined Cadaver.
Finnish musician and swapper Statik-D old handle Wiseguy joined Legend.
Norwegian swapper Chaka changed his handle to Nurnal and joined Chaos A.D.
Kintro 1995, 12.08, 40k Intro.
15th in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition.
Digital old DTL, 1991-
ENG Acid 04/92, Azi gfx, ex Adept, 04/92-12/92, Clarky, Columbo
04/92, Elwood 04/92, Engineer, Flame gfx, 04/92-93, Grashopper,
Intreq sysop LIVING CHAOS WHQ, 04/92, Lexicon 04/92, Lonestar
04/92, Lord Flight ex Alliance, Mr.Concept, No.5 04-10/92, Panic
04/92, Paintbrush, Quartz 04/92, Roller Beast 04/92, Slaine,
Source, Streamline code, 04/92-93, Turbo Slug 04/92, Twinage gfx,
Yaz code music, 04-10/92.
GER Dillenger Niki Bugarici, code, new 94-07/94, Gfx-Twins gfx, later
Essence, new late93-07/94, G.T.O Stefan Reisch, music, ex Dual Crew,
07/94, Jewel, Ladykiller, Nitro, Rahiem Frank Meister, swap, 07/94,
Redman swap pack News Break, ex Adept, 03/93-07/94, S-Sex Michael
Schneider, music, ex Action, new early92-04/92.
FRA Alex gfx, 07/93, Dancer ex TSB, Doughnut gfx, old handle
Microchip, 07/93, Spiral ex TSB.
FIN Albert sysop DEEP THOUGHT EHQ, 10/94, Cosy trade, doublememb
Fairlight, 03/94, Echo Guido traders, 03/94, Jaws trade,
doublememb Decnite, 03/94, Masterblaster trade, 03/94, San Miguel
trade, 03/94.
USA Fuse, Insanity, Jynx sysop THE OTHER SIDE, 04/92, King Cobra sysop
COMPLEX 39, 04/95, New Jack sysop NEW JACK CITY, Pad sysop
MEGLOMANIA, Spook code, ex Magnetic Fields, The Master.
??? Bandasnatch, Coaxial, Death Jester trade, Dextrous ex Magnetic
Fields, Ferris, Jetman, Moses, Nova ex Slipstream.
Digital was formed after Magnetic Fields was reorganized, and all the best
German and English members formed this new group around the middle of 1991.
These days the 10 remaining members are, unfortunately, mostly inactive.
They will leave beind a handful of good productions, most notably perhaps
the trackmo Lethal Exit 12/92, the 40k intro A Maze In 07/93 and the
musicdisk Extemporized 10/93 - all of which were made by their previous
french members.
1992 - Spook, coder of the Punisher 04/92 trackmo, left the UK to work
in Silicon Valley, USA. German musician S-Sex joins from Action.
1993 - Evil E was kicked late 93.
1995 - English musician Sync joined TRSI early.
Finnish sysop Allah joined Parallax, where hes running THE CHAMELEON...
was the board also in DTL?
Finnish swappers Poke 07/94 and Tint 94 joined Facets Pussy/Desire.
German coder Chip-Ram 07/94 left to rejoin his old group, Wizzcat late94.
Sniper left to join The Special Brothers.
French musician and swapper Reverse 12/92-10/93 joined Melon Dezign.
The entire French section joined Complex sometime between 10 and 12/93.
This concerns musician Clawz ex The Special Brothers, 09/92-10/93, coder
Gengis ex Liquid, 12/92-10/93 and graphicians Eloy and Titan ex
Anarchy, 07/93, though he MAY have joined Scoopex instead.
Frenchman Vodka ex TSB was kicked out, so he rejoined The Special
The entire Finnish section, John Peel trade, ex Black Robes, Kevin gfx
sysop, ex Magnetic Fields, 09/92, Grim ex Magnetic Fields, Duncan ex
Magnetic Fields and Hifi sysop LAST GENERATION, ex Grace joined
Damones. Later, new Finnish members would join.
French graphician SPH was kicked early 93. The only production I can find
that he worked on was Gengis trackmo Lethal Exit 12/92.
French swapper and packer Wizz ex The Silents was kicked 02/93.
Redman will take over his packseries POST-IT!.
Rotox left for Anthrox.
German swapper Yoyo joined Fifth Generation 08/92.
English coder Paradroid ex Razor 1911 old, 04/92 left to make games for
Core Design. He later joined Anarchy.
Dexter music, ex Plague, new 04/92, Ford Prefect sysop, Shrimp code,
04/92 and Sync music, 04/92 were all kicked. Sync rejoined, Shrimp
later joined Ghost.
Lots of Germans were kicked in early 92 Andy Ray, Seco, First Revolution
and the graphics-team Groo and Rufferto all 04/92. Groo and Rufferto
therefore joined Delicious Design.
German Flaxx joined Bloodsuckers.
Afternoon ECS.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Shattered.Afternoon by Hollywood/Jetset and
Reverse/Digital 4ch ProTracker format.
Punisher Trackmo.
code: Spook, gfx: Flame, music: n/a.
Day of Reckoning 1992, ECS Disk.
Trash 1992, 04.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: Streamline, gfx: Azi, music: Yaz NoisePacker 3 format.
2nd in the Anarchy Party demo competition.
review: Acceptable but unexciting trackmo from British section, with
an unusual brand of music - with a flute lead ! Nothing to jump up
and down about in any way. glenn
GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Crashes after memberlist on both configurations.
Lethal Exit 1992, 28.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Gengis, gfx: Azi, SPH, Twinage, music: Reverse.
9th in The Party 92 demo competition.
Dream Trippin 1993, Disk.
code: Streamline, gfx/music: Flame.
A Maze In 1993, 11.07, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Gengis, gfx: Alex head, Dougnut font, music: Clawz XANN Packer
format. Released at the SunnFun Conference 93.
review: A good little intro from future coder celebrity Gengis, with some
nice routines. Perhaps the most interesting one being the maze part,
which resembles an early Doom clone - complete with user interactivity!
The maze is lightning fast on my machine, by the way. Also, theres a
nice zoom rotator and an opening vector rendition of a DTL logo. Cool.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Extemporized 1993, .10, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Gengis, Alex, gfx: Walt, music: Clawz, Reverse, G.T.O. ProRunner
1.0 format.
info: This is VERY sought after! If anyone has it, he/she will be richly
rewarded. Clawz modules here are Sweltering Forest, Sonic
City, Extemporized, Spleen and Ideal, Voldsom Kanonslag. This was Gengis
and Clawz last production for Digital before leaving for Complex.
Shakka Lakka 1994, .07, ECS Trackmo.
code: Dillenger, gfx: Gfx-Twins, music: G.T.O.
review: A quite acceptable trackmo from the German division. The graphics
are rather good throughout, though never excellent. The music is
functionable, but nothing more, and the coding rather nice. As you can
see, this demo never rises to greatness, but is still a good production.
Cant find any party results that list this, and the production does
not mention any party either. Theres a few fullscreen pictures and lots
of incidental graphics, if thats your thing. Nice. No loading problems.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Digital new DTL, 1996-1998
ENG Alive Marcel Bramothe, mainorg2 gfx write, doublememb Nah-Kolor, old
handle Shade, 04-10/97, Cache code, rescene, early98.
??? Goon gfx, Ibenz ex Passion and Skidrow, new 09/97, Iceball gfx,
Okeanos music.
Digital was reborn in 1996, and was finally closed by Darkus in 1998.
Darkus doublememb Nuance, old handle Nemes!s left for Network and Rebels,
and accused Iceball ex Ibanez for most of the trouble DTL had suffered,
because of his lying about new members and productions.
1997 - Ibenz joined from Passion and Skidrow. Alive contributed the title
screen to Nuances X-Files 19 10/97. Tommy music, Forge gfx, old
handle Mat, 97 and Snozz were all kicked late in the year.
Digital Access
??? Johnny Turbo mainorg, 07/94, Drizzt code, 07/94, Questa code,
07/94, Cool Col J music, 07/94, Normski music 3D gfx, 07/94,
Budds sysop, 07/94, Stoo sysop, 07/94, Tex 3D gfx, 07/94.
Girls... Girls... Girls... 1989, late, ECS Slideshow.
Code: Drizzt, Gfx: Bass, Music: n/a
ETD-AGN Demo 1989, late.
Code: Drizzt, Questa, Gfx: Bass, Music: Uncle Pervis.
Dont Touch That Dial 1990, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Drizzt, Questa, gfx/music: Bass.
Elle Slideshow 1992, .10, Slideshow.
Code: Questa, Gfx: Souri, JT, Music: Cool Col J.
DA Party Slideshow 1992, .11, Slideshow.
Code: Drizzt, Questa, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
Sonic Death Demo 1993, .01, File.
Code: Drizzt, Questa, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
Cyborg Intro 1993, .03, Intro.
Code: Questa, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
Intent 1993, .07, ECS File.
Code: Drizzt, Krion, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
ADL tested A500 /000-7 /1mb chip, 4mb fast/1.32.04.
MCBBStro 1993, .09, Intro.
Code: Krion, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
DA Party II Slideshow 1994, .02, Slideshow/Musicdisk.
Code: Questa, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
Guru Meditation 1994, 01.04, ECS File.
Code: Krion, Storm, Drizzt, Gfx: Souri, Infinity, Music: Cool Col J.
1st place in the Pearl Party 94 demo competition.
Digital Artists Inc DAI.
FIN Chad 93, Delacroix music, 93, DJ Tony, Judas Priest 93, Slumlord
93, Tsaca music, 93, William Wobbler 93, Zenox 09/92.
SWE Goose David Lindstrom, swap, ex Bronx, 09/92.
Finnish Reaper joined The Dark Demon.
Musicdisk III 1992?, ECS Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Delacroix, Tsaca 3 tunes.
Bonus Trax 1 1992, 05.08, Musicdisk.
Digital Chaos DTC, 1994-
ITA Dark Ranger trade, early96, Dr.Tomastik music, early96, Hantarex
sysop POINT OF NO RETURN, early96, KRS code, early96, Lry
founder gfx sysop CYBER TRASH, 94-early96, Nck founder gfx, 94-
Since their birth in 1994, DTC has released mostly doors and bbs-related
utilities. The two original founders were Nck and Lry.
Ice MC e-code is no longer a member.
968606 Intro.
code: Krs, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
information: BBStro for their board POINT OF NO RETURN.
Da Beggining Intro.
code: Krs, gfx: Lry, music: Nck.
Digital Corruption DC, http://www.digital-corruption.net.
HOL Sal-One sysop BOONDOCKS WHQ, 02/97-02/99.
SWE Hamlet sysop FIRST DIVISION, 01/97-04/98, IronFist sysop
UNDERTOWN, 12/97, Leatherface sysop TRADERS PARADISE, triplememb
Smokey and Ghost Riders, 01-12/97, Storm sysop CYBER DESIGN, 01-
12/97, Wizard F. Schultz, code gfx music, ex Giants, 97.
DEN Enzo sysop SKY TOWER, 01/97-02/99, Zinko sysop NORTHERN PALACE,
NOR Arcane sysop MOST WANTED, 01-10/97, Magz sysop GENETIC WASTE,
01-12/97, Thundercat sysop CHECKPOINT, 12/97-02/99.
ENG Shag-Rat crack sysop SHAGGYS PLACE, 02-10/97, Zoltrix sysop FINE
LINE earlier SPACED OUT, 01/97-02/99.
GER Digiman sysop ACID SLAM, 04/98-02/99, Ramis sysop TRASH CITY,
02-10/97, Red Crow ger?, sysop CREEPING ANXIETY, 10-12/97, Steel
sysop CRAPTOWN, 12/97.
FIN Patrician sysop HARD DISK CAFE, 01-02/97.
POL Billy sysop FUCK SHIT, 01-02/97.
AUS Psyche sysop TERRA FIRMA, 02/97, Testament sysop 3RD EYE,
SCO Chill sysop HOUSE OF PAIN, 12/97.
TUR Ital sysop NEEDFUL THINGS, 01-02/97.
N Z Damnation doublememb Instinct, new ROM9.
H-K Raiden sysop RISING SUN, 01-12/97.
JAP Outside sysop DEADLY SINZ, 10-12/97.
USA CDeth ftop SANATARIUM, 12/97, Gunda sysop THE SPECIALISTS, 01-
10/97, JamesWest sysop SEVEN SEAS, 01-10/97, Rusty ftpop
SPANK, 10-12/97, Shadower supply sysop DEATHROW, 12/97-02/99.
??? 7en crack, 10-12/97, Beavis sell, 02/97, Dalamar sysop
DRAGONLANCE EHQ, 10/97-02/99, Diablo fra? sysop WAREZ CITY, 10-
12/97, LaShawn sysop SOUTH CENTRAL, 04/98-02/99, RaMoNsTeR
crack, 10/97-04/98, RTM crack, 01/98, Ruskie keyfilemakers, 96,
Scandic sysop FAST FILE SYSTEM EHQ, 01-02/97, Sunbeam code crack
keyfilemakers, 04/98, Synthetix crack, 01/97, Vulture sysop
VULTURE, 12/97-02/99, Zed Peter Zelezny, code, doublememb Mystic,
Digital Corruption are a mainly pirate/illegal-oriented group, among the
best these days. They release both games and utilities.
Zed is the author of the BBS program System-X SX.
Digital Dreams Company
YUG Thunder code.
Yugoslavian Nemesis left.
Anti Atari Demo Trackmo.
Digital Warriors
NOR Buzz sysop NIGHT LINE, Charon sysop STYX, Nicam sysop NO
ACCESS, Zneiper ex Dual Crew.
Sysop Slash THE VENUE joined Alpha Flight.
Digitech 1987-
SWE Captain Solo Jacek Slawek, Damien sysop PURPLE PLEXUS, 10/90,
Excelsior sysop LEVIATHAN, 10/90, Greyhawk Erik Flyxe, The Ruler
Patrik Gisselson, Warlord org swap pack, 10/89, Warlord Peter
??? Hitchhiker 90, Trinicon, Sauron.
This mainly Swedish group was born as early as 1987, and their name is a
shortform of the two words Ditigal Technology. They earned their dues
creating some truly excellent utility compilations in the old days. One of
their members were also behind the cruncher Bytekiller 2.0. Sauron is
possibly identical to the Swedish coder who was later in Miracle real name
Johan Lindahl.
Megademo ECS Megademo.
??? Dirty Harry music, ex Atomic.
USA Navigator and Freejack sysops EMINENCE FRONT.
Dimension 4
Finnish Pifki ex Heavy Duty joined Grace.
Motive, R-9, Neotronic and Quest left to form Narcosis PRP4.
Deadlock issue 4 1992, late, ECS Diskmag.
Dinx Project DXP
POL Sachy Piotr Sachanowitz, code gfx, doublememb Skid Row, later
Appendix, 08/95-late97, X-Ceed music, doublememb Appendix details,
??? Celtic trade, late97, Dan music, late97, Drd gfx, late97,
Dr.Szach raytrace, late97, Dutch Magic trade, new early98, Franckey
code edit, late97, Groh gfx, late97, Kosmi late97, Kro gfx,
late97, ogotay code raytrace, late97, Oster code, late97, Rg code
swap, late97, Sebax gfx, late97, Terry music, late97, Timi org,
late97, Tinner raytrace, late97, Zefir gfx, late97.
Dinx Project is a mainly Polish demo group.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 reported that Sagrael left the
scene, that polish Aln/Picco misspellt Alan code joined, and that polish
swapper Korball joined Amnesty. Polish coder ALN ex Picco joined Appendix
11/97. Acid left the group late in the year. Caro left for Nah Kolor late.
L.A.M.E. 1995, 30.08, 64k Intro.
code/gfx: Sachy, music: Chipmunks by Jester/Sanity 4ch MOD format.
review: For anyone whos seen a lot of demos, L.A.M.E. is gonna bring a
smile to your face. Never have so many good demos been made fun of in
such a respectful, tongue-in-cheek way : From the opening DINX PROJECT
logo which looks a lot like the PYGMY PROJECTS logo from Extension
08/93 - to the end graphics before the cartoon which looks a lot like
something out of Macks slideshow Prism 92 for Melon - this is a fun
ride down demoscene memory lane. The chiptune by Jester has almost
certainly been ripped from somewhere, but I cant quite remember where...
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chp, 16mb fast/3.0.
L.A.M.E. 1996, 23.06, 4k Intro.
3rd in the Polish Summer Party 96 4k intro competition.
??? Droid, Zenix, Macho.
Beatbuster was kicked, and joined Upfront EC11.
Disaster 1992-1995
DEN Christine De La Queen later Spoon, 93, Core gfx music swap, Joshua
code, 93, Muttley Kim Lebech, founder music swap, ex Addicts, 93,
Profile swap, 93, Subsonic founder gfx music, ex Addicts.
??? Dgl gfx, 12/93, LeChuck music, 12/94.
In early 1995, Disaster merged with Subacid, and ceased to exist. These
people at least joined Subacid: Deckard gfx, 12/94 Gayhawk code,
Hexagon founder code, ex Addicts and Liquid music.
Joshua was busted for supposed hacking! A full report can be read in
Upstream 7.
Desajn 1994, .05, Dentro.
rtesuppe 1994, 28.12, Intro.
Winner of the fast intro competition at The Party 4!
Disaster Area DA
1991 - Birdy joined Scoopex mid 91.
The Gamble Hall BBS Intro 1992, late, ECS Intro.
code: Mad Max, gfx: Esteban, Mad Max font, music: n/a.
Cooperation with Scoopex.
review: An extremely simple intro, unfortunately showing its age. This is
just here to present the BBS THE GAMBLE HALL, and does little else. The
only effect on offer, not counting logo, scroller and sideways
starfield, are some transparent DA bobs spinning. Not one for the
collection. Even though this intro is supposedly in cooperation with
Scoopex, no members from that group took part in its creation... if youre
not counting the scrolltext The date is based on the text wishes for
1993... in the scrolltext. glenn
FIN Axu trade, 02/93, Dark Power, Falcon, Giant, Gummi-Uncle 93,
Hawkwind, HST-Bullah 93, JMF trade, 03/93, Loki, Milkman 93,
Palex trade, 02/93, Rainman code gfx, 08/92, SCE sysop IRON
HOME, 93-04/95, Triax swap, Wisp 93.
??? Stormbringer swap.
Dark Power and Dr.M left.
Finnish Thor joined the Desire subgroup Love.
Finnish Goozer ex Altair joined Alcatraz RAW4.
Finnish Alcohol Pricelist 1989, 28.02, ECS File.
Demo 1990, 09.02, ECS Demo.
Coders Mystery 1991, 25.02, ECS Demo.
Anarchy Party Demo 1991, .04, ECS.
Released at Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Rytinaa ja Ryketta 1992, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
Music: D.R.M. Information: 8 tunes, 4 games and more!
SWE Dixy sysop PREMIUM, 01/95.
ITA Dark Angel trade sysop MADNESS CONFUSION, late90, Knute code,
Mad Marabou music, late90, Mr.Copper code, late90, Natas sysop
TEMPLE OF DESTRUCTION, New Dream code, late90, Luyz code, Sledge
gfx, late90, Storm gfx sysop ALTAIR OF SACRIFICE.
Boards INFINITE DREAMS ita, 09/90.
Beware of Vectors ECS Intro.
code: Knute, gfx: Storm, music: Flying Gods by Hydra/Devils.
review: Just an intro with a jumping scroll, a logo at the bottom of the
screen and some filled vectors. Nothing extraordinary. Nothing even
remotely close to a release date is found in the intro. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
ENG Aquafresh music, Risk org gfx edit White Noise, old handle
Image, 94, Sonny sysop WELSH COAST, 10/94.
FIN Arche ex Typhoon, Mac ex Typhoon, Mr.Z ex Typhoon.
SWE Maverick swap, 09/92.
??? Buddy org sysop, Calcin Martin, Elric? trade ascii edit, ex
Futura, GT One sysop ALTERNATE REALITY, MDMA code, The Fink
code, 94, The Jive Movement re Delite, old handle Projex, Thor
swap, Warlock ex Fantasy, Welder code trade sysop, ex Futura.
Divine was formed by ex-members of Surprise! Productions UK and Futura.
1992 - Finnish Duplex left the group to form Electron, and Icebass joined
Admirals early in the year. Dutchman Ike old handle Hornet joined Effect
English musician Dreamfish 94 joined DCS.
Dredd ex Fantasy was kicked.
Loony joined Desire.
Sprinter was kicked due to inactivity.
Danish coder Wreko left for Balance.
Kiwi abandoned Divine and the Amiga for Trilogy on the PC scene.
White Noise 1 1994, ECS Filemag.
code: The Fink, gfx: Risk, music: Dreamfish, editor: Risk.
SWE Antiaction code, ex Tetragon, later Defjam, new 07/90, CAD
BjrnLagercrantz, Creator swap, Leper Messiah ex Dual Crew, new
late90, Nick23 gfx, ex Ballcrackers, 12/91, Turbobrain Stefan
Bernbo, code music sysop THE ULTIMATE RIDE, 12/91, Xor, Zak gfx.
USA High Energy sysop RAZOR EDGE.
??? Creep ex Control, Elrick, Genius sysop, Georgie, Jason, Lee,
Moose, Odin, Orpheus, Poltergeist swe?, code, ex Excellence.
Boards WAREHOUSE fin.
D-Mob was formed by The Cad and Turbobrain from The Sunriders Swedish
division. They felt they were the only ones doing anything in Sunriders, and
they didnt want to do the job for someone else, so they formed their own
group. Turbobrain is also the author of the wellknown copy program D-Copy.
1991 - Dreamer joined Vogue, while Raider and Aztec got kicked in the
middle of the year.
1992 - Daxer left to join Eclipse ca 06/92.
The Finnish division is dead most of the members joined Intense.
Swedes Alis sysop ANOTHER WORLD, Frosty both ex Jump and Uzi-U all
left for Crystal.
Music-Disk 1 ECS Trackloaded musicdisk.
code/music: Turbobrain, gfx: Zak.
review: This is about as basic as they come. What you get is a scroller
at the top, a picture of the Batman logo and three four is you count the
bonus track LARGE tunes, probably because they were not so much
composed as sampled. Avoid this and get Music-Disk 3 instead, by much the
same team...only miles better! By the way, this was D-Mobs very first
production as a group.
The scroller is distorted and unreadable on my machine. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Musicdisk 3 1991, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
Information: COOL onemodule megamix musicdisk!
Musicdisk IV ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
Information: 5 tunes and a small bonus part.
Doctor Mabuse Orgasm Crackings DOC
GER Dr.Mabuse, Unknown Michael Kleps, code, 08-10/88.
??? Esteban, Frog, MnemoTroN code, ex Silicon League, 04-08/89, Tracer.
DOC was a legendary German group that gave the world some of the first and
best demos and utilities like the D.O.C SoundTracker Version 2.0 08/88 to
2.2 were coded by Unknown, while version 2.3 04/89 to 2.5 08/89 were
coded by Mnemotron.
Unknown also wrote the game Dynablaster and the chipmusic program SID-Mon.
Demons Are Forever 1988, 18.05, ECS File.
info: Classic demo!
Dole 1997-
??? Mega founder music, Mr.Mygg founder music, Stardust founder gfx,
TmX founder gfx.
Dole was formed by Mega, Mr.Mygg, Stardust and TmX, all from C-Lous 97.
Dominations Dentro 1995, 12.08, Demo.
13th in the Assembly 95 demo competition.
Dominators DOM
DEN Roland music, 12/90.
GER Transfer code, ex Paradox.
??? Dogfriend, Fox ex Bonzai, Psycho train, 89.
Dominators on the amiga was merely a division of the wellknown danish group
on the c64. They were active mostly swapping on the amiga probably as
early as 1987, but it would still be a few years before the first
productions were released... :
Most German and Finnish members left to build Elysion.
Nevermind 1992, 29.06, ECS Demo.
6th in the Hurricane Party 92 demo competition.
Golf War 1992, 28.12, ECS Disk.
code: Zorlac?, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
15th in The Party 92 demo competition.
Donut Fetish DNF
NOR Niggerjack Stian Myhre, code, Pix gfx, later Darkage, Romeo code,
early98, Whiskas Daniel A. Hansen, music, also in Mono music,
??? Deep mainorg1 music, Disc-man music, Drop mainorg2 music, Fro-D
music, Large sysop, Loaderror code gfx, Mr.X music, new late96,
Speeddevil new 09/97.
Donut Fetish is a Norwegian group, with some fairly talented members.
Niggerjack was in Shamrock the last time I lost track of him
1997 - Norwegian coder Psalt left for Spaceballs, and Norwegian coder
Accede left for Contraz 09/97. Their sysop Large also left them, while
Speeddevil joined this month.
DoodlesShock Foundation, The TDS or DS
SWE Blizzard coedit Tequila, 07/95, Butch gfx, 06/94, Chig code,
06/94, Jac sysop HYSTERIA, 01/95, Silencer sysop REPULSE.
Swedish musician D-Zire joined Spaceballs late 94.
ChipOMatic 3 1994, 07.06, ECS Musicfile.
code: Chig, gfx: Butch, music: Loxley/Equinox, Spirou/Senseless Desajn,
Deetroy, Excalibur/Complex.
Tequila Chart issue 11 1995, 01.07, Chartmag.
Cooperation with Complex, see there for details.
Doom old 1990-1990
FIN Acer, Barrax, Bootlegger, Dander, Hans, Hawk, Hex, Hoffman, Jack,
Larry, Mac, Mic, Stargazer, Starwize, Swapper-Jack, Tandy, Voyager,
??? Ravish new ca 07/90.
Doom was formed when the two groups Vision-X and Tornado merged in 1990.
1990 - In july, finns Judge gfx swap, ex Tornado, Banzai code, Zoltar
music, Tom code gfx swap and Mr.Head code left the group because they
felt there were too many members in Doom. They formed the group Advance
together with one other member. Finnish Mr.Big was kicked, and joined
Wizzcat under the new handle Catman. The group changed their name to
Euphoria towards the end of the year, probably 09 or 10/90.
Doom new
GER Devil gfx, 04/96.
??? TLS music, 04/96, Vanor code, 04/96.
Deadline 1996, .04, AGA 1MB Multifile, 2 disks.
code: Vanor, gfx: Devil, music: TLS. Released at Misc 96.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
??? 9MM Dor, .38 Dre, Pushead.
Dope were a Norwegian group, creating quite original demo work.
Light Side of the Dark Side ECS.
Ban the X - Radical Version 1990, ECS File.
Double Density Crew DDC.
Virus Intro 1988, 03.10, ECS Intro.
Released at the Double Density Crew, Level4, The Supervisors Copy Party.
Doughnut Cracking Service DCS.
ENG Nosah Dave.
DCS was a mainly English group that came from the C64.
DEN Nation music, 12/94, Venger Sune Pedersen, music, 12/93-12/94.
??? Constrictor gfx, 12/94, Marvin code music, 12/93-12/94.
Anni Mator 1994, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Marvin, gfx: Constrictor, music: Music 4 4okb Vgr x3 and
Endmusic by Venger. 10th in The Party 4 40k intro competition.
GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04.
Note: Runs without crashes, but gfx are totally fucked up,
indicating it was coded for AGA machines.
Time Warp 1994, 28.12, 40k Intro.
15th in The Party 4 40k intro competition.
Dragons old -1990
It is highly uncertain what the OLD Dragons have in common with the new.
1990 - French musician Moby ex Apology joined Alcatraz. All remaining
members Corsair, Megablast, Mr. Video, Conqueror Zike! except Foxy
joined Angels late 1990. As a consequence, Dragons died. Foxy joined
Yoda joined Submission.
Megademo 199?, 10.03, ECS Disk.
code: Corsair, gfx: L.Jadavin, Mr. Video, Vador, music: Moby, S.Lentfert,
Allister Brimble.
Dragons new
GER Lee Wijant swap, 92, R.T.F. mainorg, 92, T.B.M sysop DIRTY
SURFACES opened early 92.
FIN Yoda new 08/92.
??? KLF train, new early92, Roland code, new early92.
It is highly uncertain what the OLD Dragons have in common with the new.
EuroChart 15 carried the news that they won the demo competition at the
Fresh Cream party, though this party is unknown to me.
Bounty left to join Hardline early 92.
Cream Dezign gfx music, new early92 left 08/92.
Swedish sysop Bugs Bunny POLE POSITION joined Noxious.
Megaintro 1991, .04, ECS.
Released at Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Dreamdealers DRD
FRA Antony Squizzato Antony, gfx pack Pipeline, aka Tony?, 09/93-
12/93, Asymptotic code, ex Pure Metal Coders, new late92, Chrylian
Ceril, music, ex Proton Ltd, new late92-94, Croquik code, Elmer
Hugues Giborne, gfx, ex Symbiosis, new late92, Fletch gfx edit
L.I.V.E., ex TSB, Foxy ex Dragons, new 90, Freddox code edit
L.I.V.E, ex TSB, Fullstar ex Pure Metal Coders, new RAW4, Gelfling
sysop DREAMLANDS WHQ, 09/93-06/96, Napoleon Emmanuel, swap, ex
Solaris, 09/93-94, Pib code, 94, Redlight code, 12/91-93, Shout
Jean-Philippe Plazas, music, 04/96, Silk ex Solaris, new UPS8, Sun
music, 12/92-12/93, Sync code, 12/93, Tik gfx, 12/91, TKB code,
ex Devils, Zebig gfx, ex Alliance Design, new pre 07/92-93, 7th Eye
gfx, ex Alliance Design, new early92.
Boards JUJU fin, 09/95.
Dreamdealers is a purely French demo group. In the beginning they were a
small, but quite high quality group. Then Moby and Ra joined, and people
started taking a little more notice. When Moby and Ra left for Sanity they
certainly lost their best assets.
The sysop of JUJU is not a Dreamdealers memb, but Gelfling is a cosys
on the board.
1990 - Foxy joined from Dragons after that group died.
1992 - French coder Gryzor left for Hemoroids in august.
1993 - The demo Arkham Asylum was released in january, in cooperation
with Alliance Design, mostly to get some old AD-related graphics from Hof
and Zebig finally released.
1995 - Fletch returned to the scene late 95.
The Frenchmen in Oops! Productions Alex and Nam, both ex The Silents both
joined Movement.
French coder Hexogen ex Pure Metal Coders, new late92 left the scene.
French painter Trajan 12/93 joined Bomb!.
The entire German division Rakiem ex Speed/Complex, Ascender, TVaan
ex Dux/Submission and TDMF ex Mexx were kicked out. Rakiem and TDMF
joined Devils.
French music and graphics masterminds Moby ex Alcatraz, 12/92-12/93 and Ra
old handle Rhah, ex Pure Metal Coders, new late92-12/93 both left to
join Sanity.
Corinne 1994 or pre, AGA Demo.
Tales of Dream 1991, 25.08, ECS File.
code: Redlight, Croquik, gfx: Tony, music: Moby.
Inner Vision 1991, 28.12, ECS File.
code: Redlight, gfx: Tik, music: Moby.
Winner of the Iris New Year Conference!
info: Does not work on 2.0+ systems!
Beach Party Invitation Intro Beachtro ECS Intro.
Released at the Eastern Conference 92.
Drinktro 1992, ECS File.
code: Redlight, gfx: Zebig, music: Pelforth Blues by Moby ProTracker
MOD format. Released in cooperation with Alliance Design.
info: Intro for the upcoming Drink Charts.
Arkham Asylum 1993, .01, ECS File.
code: Redlight/Dreamdealers, gfx: Zebig, Hof/The Silents, music: Moby.
Released in cooperation with Alliance Design details.
Interpol Crack Intro 1993, ECS Intro.
code: Redlight, gfx: Ra, music: Chrylian ProMizer 1.8 format.
review: A cracktro whose most important asset is a great Interpol logo by
Ra, covering most of the screen. Some text is nicely splashed onto the
screen at the bottom, and the music is...not good. There is no actual
release date, but it was probably made in 1993 - several things indicate
this. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Ulitro Flying Saucer BBS 1993, ECS Intro.
code: Redlight, gfx: Zebig, music: Sun.
Raging Fire 1993, 28.12, AGA File.
code: Sync, gfx: Antony, Ra, music: Moby.
15th in The Party 3 demo competition.
review: This starts of on a TRULY cool note with a heavy metal module by
Moby ahh sweet headbangin..., before were treated to a great picture
of a bulls head by Ra. Then, the bulls head is zoomrotated fullscreen
while the drums of the tune keep-a-bangin. ...and that would appear to
be it. Having experience this power trip mostly brought on by the
music, one cant help but think theyd have ended up a lot higher on the
score board if theyd added another effect or two. Amazing potential!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Toyzareus 1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Redlight, gfx: Zebig, music: Reflex.
3rd in The Party 93 40k intro competition.
Imagine 1994, 03.09, AGA File.
code: Pib, gfx: Antony, music: Organe Machine by Chrylian.
2nd in the 3S Party demo competition.
review: Certainly nice this short demo from the Frenchies in DRD.
The graphics remain excellent throughout, and the codings not bad
either. As for the music...I thought it was a fucking Moby tune until I
saw the credits! If thats not a stamp of approval, I dont know what is.
Very very competent in every department, then.
Please note that on the 030-50 it ran a little TOO FAST. I didnt get
half a chance to read any of the text early on, because it just flashed
onto the screen, and then it proceeded. On the plain A1200 everything was
fine, though. glenn
GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: see the review!
Toothbrush - The Trilogy Part III 1994, 27.12, AGA Multifile, 2 disks.
code: P!b, gfx: AnTony, music: Doh samples: Doh, AnTony, Ra.
Cooperation with Cryptoburners. 21st in The Party 4 demo competition.
review: Just some animations of people brushing their teeth, set to a
techno track with brushing noises. Probably supposed to be funny, but it
doesnt really come alive for me... glenn
GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0.
Cult - The Party 4 Edition 1995, .02, AGA Diskmag.
info: This was released as a preview of the new diskmag Cult, which
was supposed to be released regularly as a cooperation with Absolute!, and
the editor would be Fester/ABS! As far as I know, no further issues were
3S Party 96 Invitation 1996, mid, File.
code: Obyone, gfx: Tenshu, music: Bosco.
info: The 3S party was held from 30.08-01.09 1996. All of these people
probably became Syndrome members by the end of the year!
Dreamline Designs DLD
DEN Rasmus K. Ursem code, 02/95.
Rasmus K. Ursem is the author of several small utilities, whose names all
begin with DLD :
DaRide 1994, 28.12, Wild.
3rd in The Party 4 wild demo competiton. Information: Presented on an
Dreampark DPK
GER Euronymous sysop ANCIENT ENTITY, triplememb TRSI and Thunder
Technologies, 06/94.
Drifters DFT
FRA Amotrak swap, 02/91, Clary code gfx raytrace modem, doublememb Crux
Design, 95-12/96, Coronal swap, Golden Hell Gabriel Hiriart, gfx
raytrace swap, 02/91-04/96, Kyrom Eric Mounie, music, 02/91, Manu
Emmanuel Gallo, swap, Mr.Bluesky code, 02/91-04/96, Mulder
raytrace trade sysop X-FILES, 04/96, Outlandous D.A. Yannick
Meneceur, gfx, 02/91, Sh0cker A. Pagnotta, trade system modem, old
handle Hooked, 04/96, Tof gfx ascii, doublememb Crux Design,
ENG NMI Paul Westgate.
??? 242 code raytrace, 04/96, Euric, Io gfx swap, 04/96, LAnome
trade, 04/96, Seb gfx, 04/96, Stf.
Drifters was a french demo group, formed by Golden Hell and Mr. Bluesky. The
group produced more than 30 demos/intros in their time. Thanks to Outlandos
D.A for a little information!
1991 - Postacard is now Rave/Delight late in the year.
1995 - Drifters originally died in 1995 when the two founders left the
scene, but Clary tried to keep the group together a small while more. Golden
Hell was asked to rejoin, and did a few pieces of graphics for them and
Crux but it never really came alive.
Black and White Demo.
info: Done in cooperation with Pentagon - who merged with Drifters soon
Latex Intro.
code: Mr. Bluesky, gfx: Golden Hell, music: n/a.
The Prisoner Number 6 Demo.
code: Mr. Bluesky, gfx: Outlandous D.A, Golden Hell, music: Kyrom.
info: First ever philosphical demo.
Cheap Blittering 1991, 06.02, ECS File.
code: Mr.Bluesky, gfx: Amotrak, O.D.A, Golden Hell, music: Kyrum.
Cooperation with Pentagon.
review: Please be advised that the version reviewed here is a re-issue
version, put on AmiNet by Drifters in April 1996, for the purpose of
archiving. The readme file says Amiga OS 3.x, so its compatibility may
therefore not be the same as the originals. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Gudule 1995, File.
code: Clary, gfx: TnT Tof Tenshu/Syndrome, music: Bosco/Syndrome.
Cooperation with Syndrome. 2nd at the Synapse 95 demo competition.
review: I suppose this would be a lot more entertaining if I knew
french... You see, this is just a set of pictures set to a tune with
sung french vocals. All pretty amusing, Im sure, but I dont understand
squat : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Disco 1996, 07.04, HD File.
producers: Clary, Falcon, Io, Tof.
3rd in the Symposium 96 demo competition.
review: High points for originality, but that doesnt help this out of
the mud, Im afraid. Its pretty much an animation player : The demos
high point is actually the first 10 seconds, when a voice announces
Hello and welcome to the Boris disco party, immediately followed by
Calvin and Hobbes getting down to a disco groove. Cool, you think - so
how about the demo? There is none. Its just more cartoon figures, set to
the sound of that soon-becomes-mighty-irritating disco tune. Avoid.
I find no indication that this needs AGA. It is HD only due to the size,
but there is no reason why it cant be run from disk if its packed first.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Paradisio 1997, 30.03, Demo.
4th in the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition.
Dromex new
??? Booster ex Lunatic Earls.
Booster left Lunatic Earls to rebuild Dromex!
1992 - Rackler joined Wildfire late in year.
D-Tect DTC, 1988-1993
GER Agent code, 11/90-09/91, Case sysop PLEASURE PARADISE, 02-09/91,
CCCP code, ex Spirit, Charly 03/90-09/91, Cougar code,
11/90-09/91, Dave 11/90, Ferris swap, 02-09/91, Flake Markus
Schmall, code, ex The Special Brothers, later TRSI, new 08/92,
Flashlight sysop ELITE TOWER, later Pirates, Harry 11/90,
Higgins, Joker 11/90-02/91, Mr.Soft sysop POISON DATA, 09/91,
Mr.X swap, 09/91, Pete 02/91, Satan code, ex Vision One/AFL, new
12/90-12/92, Snowman 03/90- 09/91, Spider Onur Pekdemir, gfx,
03/90-09/91, Twisted music, 03/90-09/91, Yankee write, ex Addonic,
new ca 01/92.
NOR Darkdude gfx, 09/91-12/92.
FIN Clan Mikko Nurmi, swap.
USA Jabbawocky sysop CYBORG COMMAND, later Skid Row, new 09/91.
??? Adam code, 08/92, Cyfrak music, 12/92, Digital Illusion ex
Tristar, Dr.Clan ex Fate.
Boards POPULOUS ger, new 03/90.
D-Tect was a demo group based in Germany, probably born around early 1988.
1990 - November was a busy month, with first the release of Depeche Code
11/90 followed closely by the second issue of Hack-Mag 11/90. The mag
announced that the group needed more coders, since only Agent and McDeal
were coding. It also announced two new members, Mr.Megaforce in Canada
about to open a board and their first modemtrader, Rockford in Germany.
1992 - German writer Yankee joined from Addonic around january, to work on
Hack Mag. December saw the release of the groups last ever production, the
intro D-Cadence 12/92 at The Party. It seems reasonable to say the group
died early 1993.
Leo left the scene.
Wire 501 was kicked.
One of D-Tects greates assets in earlier times and the ex-editor of Hack
Mag, McDeal 11/90- left to join German supergroup Sanity. However, he
only participated in one demo for Sanity Arte before leaving the
German sysop Rockford aka RCF TRADERS HEAVEN, 02-09/91 joined Elevation.
Norwegian sysop Phonebilly ELEGANT MACHINERY joined Dual Crew RAW1.
Lord Unix was kicked 09/91.
News in I.C.E that Spider joined Coma is untrue 09/91.
Cooperation 1988, .04, ECS File.
Cooperation with Shining.
Multiscroller 1988, .05, ECS File.
Released at the Piranhas Party.
In Your Memory 1989, .02, ECS File.
Released at the SAS SSC Party.
Amiga Expo 1989, 10.11, ECS File.
Released at the Paranoimia AmiExpo Party.
Mean Machine Trainer 1990, ECS Intro.
Hack-Mag issue 1 1990, 22.08, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
Depeche Code 1990, 10.11, ECS File.
code: McDeal, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
review: McDeal mentioned in a demo newsgroup that this demo was the
second one to ever feature a dot tunnel on the Amiga, an improvement on
TIP/TNMs, who was first.
Hack-Mag issue 2 1990, 22.11, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: McDeal, gfx: Spider, music: Twisted.
MAG - code: Agent, gfx: Spider, music: TAR, editors: many.
review: The second issue of HM opens with a little intro - a title
picture of a monitor smashing through glass set to music. The mag itself
is very well presented, perhaps the best design on the scene at the time
it was released! You have to remember that HM was competing against Crack
Journal at the time, so they easily had the best code. Like in most old
mags, too many pages are taken up by unnecessary drivel like humor
articles and small comic strip pages, but overall the mag represents an
overall informative read. But party reports without results...booh!
Some critical newsediting would also have been in its place newsitems
like that 4-Mat left Anarchy for TRSI, or that Tarkus Team is dead were
obviously wrong. The mag announces the new members Mr.Megaforce canada,
soon sysop and Rockford germany trade.
The first time I tried booting the mag no caches/OCS, it showed the
intro just fine but gurued at the first page of the mag. I peeked around
the disk, and found the way to make it work boot to your harddisk first.
Then cd to the disk in question, then cd to the directory articles.
now type KillAGA provided KillAGA is in your path ofcourse to the main
hackmag executable. The commandline may look like this: KillAGA
df0:HACKMAG2. Get it? This should make the mag work, though it still has
some problems with catching keyboard presses - mouse clicking works fine.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review!
Traders Heaven 1991, .02, ECS Intro.
info: BBS Intro, not same as 04/91 release.
Hack-Mag issue 3 1991, 03.02, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Satan, McDeal fix, gfx: Spider pic, font, Vinvent/Vision 1
bobs, music: Twisted.
MAG - code: Agent, McDeal, gfx: Spider, music: TAR.
review: The intro coded by new member Satan is much cooler than last
time. It opens with an ok pic by Spider, of one of the Gremlins clutching
a D-Tect logo, then goes into the intro itself. Not a terribly inspired
affair, but features a starfield, bobs, and the obligatory scroller at the
the bottom of the screen. On to the mag, we experienced exactly the same
compatibility problems as with the last issue...but this time the solution
we offered then does NOT work! Disaster! So sometimes even Amiga owners
need to retort to emulators... :
Editorially and graphically not much has changed, the design is
identical to the last issue. Not many deep articles this time either, but
its a good hardcore scene mag. Nothing much more to say really, this is
an average issue. Support for the mag was picking up, this issue has much
more outside contributions than before. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Hack-Mag 4 1991, .04, ECS Multifile Diskmag, 2 disks.
Traders Heaven 1991, .04, ECS Intro.
info: BBS Intro, not same as 02/91 release.
Hack-Mag 5 1991, 29.06, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Satan, Agent, McDeal, gfx: Spider, music: Twisted.
MAG - code: Agent, gfx:
review: After a small bit of loading with a nice ascii screen to look at,
the intro starts. And it looks really good, actually! Its actually
among the simplest intros ever, just a pic, music and a scroller, but the
picture at least shows some effort on Spiders part!
Well, onto the mag: The first thing that strikes us is the title logo
picture, again by Spider - nice. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Hack-Mag issue 6 1991, 22.09, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Cougar, gfx: Spider, music: Twisted.
MAG - code: Agent, gfx: misc, music: Twisted, editor: McDeal.
review: This mag from 91 works perfectly fine on my 50mhz 030-machine...
Astonishing! Well, installing to harddisk wasnt much of a problem
either, so I booted the thing. The intro is great! Cool cyber-OS design,
metal-skeleton Terminator picture by Spider and thumping cyber-techno
soundtrack by Twisted! It certainly sets the mood for some nice
reading... The mag itself is well-laid out, and there is certainly enough
to read. Theres only one module, again by Twisted, but its very cool.
Its got a melody that I simply looooove... This old mag brings back some
of the magic from lost times. For a nostalgic read, recommended!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Hack-Mag issue 7 1991, 27.11, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
D-Cadence 1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Satan, gfx: Darkdude, Satan, music: Cyfrak.
13th in The Party 92 40k intro competition.
PowRootDo Korzemi 2 1994, 13.11, Demo.
4th in the Gelloween 94 demo competition.
Dual 4Mat
??? Atom gfx, 94, Dug code, 94, Matt gfx, 94, Mikromission ex
Saints, new ROM3, Rob 94, Sparkle code, 94, Tummo music, 94,
Watts music, 94.
Rebellion joined Maniacs late 95.
Just 17 1994, early, ECS Intro.
code: Dug, gfx: Matt, music: Rob.
Egg N Spam 2 1994, mid, ECS Musicfile.
code: Sparkle, gfx: Atom, music: Tummo, Watts.
Dual Crew DC, 1988-1993
SWE Flogger ex Voice, Hater code, ex Tetragon, new 07/90, Joker ex
Tetragon, new 07/90, Omega music, new ca 07/90, Parsec code, ex
Voice, The GNN swap, 04/92, Thunor ex Voice, Trigon code, ex
Tetragon, new 07/90.
NOR Yoghurt Hans, ex Network, Shocker Bjrn Stensrud, code, ex Network,
Timewalker ex Absence.
FIN Axis, Destop gfx trade, later CNCD, 07/91-02/92, Dizzy music, later
CNCD, 02-04/92, Golem, Truxton trade, new 08/92-02/93, Vulcan
swap, 04/92, WDO Mikko Hamalainen, code swap, later CNCD, 02/92,
Zoolook Marko Kilpelainen, swap, 11/90.
GER Desto Ingo Kamps, swap trade, ex Platin, Executor and
Phreaker sysops SECRET WORLD, ex Gothic.
ENG The Warden sysop THE ASYLUM, Ultimate Warrior swap, 04/92.
ICE Hawkeye ex Armada, Noblestar ex Armada, Othon music, ex Armada.
USA White IC and Phosphyre sysops COMPLEX CORROSION.
??? Belfagor music, 04/92, Breeze ex Amaze, Danken swe? music, 01/90,
Df0 ex Amaze, Doom ex Gothic, Dwarf ex Amaze, Galahad crack,
Hawk fin? code, new 05/92, J.K. music, 04/92, Morph music, ex
Crystal, rejoined, 04-05/92, Overlord ex LSD, new 08/92, PMB ex
Amaze, Shadow gfx, 05/92, Spike ex Alliance.
Dual Crew was originally a c64 cracking group, and the amiga section was
formed by Stookie in 1988. Color blind graphician Red Devil ran the pack
series Ultimate Sin for a while, which was previously run by other DC
1990 - Swedes Omega music, Tip music, Mace code and Color gfx all
joined around july, but the three last ones didnt stay too long and moved
on to join Phenomena in december. Four others swedes also joined in the same
time period JBM, Trigon, Joker and Hater from Tetragon. Swedish Gizmo
joined The Silents, while swedish Leper Messiah joined D-Mob - both late in
the year.
1991 - Swedish trader JBM ex Tetragon, new 07/90 joined Fairlight in the
summer of 91.
1992 - English sysop Clairvoyant FORGOTTEN REALMS joined from Rebels
in march. English sysop Reflex A KIND OF MAGIC, 04/92 left in august,
and his further scene career is uncertain. German sysop Fornax EUROPES
HEART joined from 2000 AD around october.
1993 - Germans Orbit code and HMC music, both ex Gothic joined
Alcatraz in march. In april of 1993 Dual Crew merged with Shining, and
became the new group Dual Crew Shining DCS. Among the people who went
along to DCS were Snuskbuske swe trade sysop GURUS DREAM, 04/92, Chromag
ger music, ex Addonic, new 09/92, Red Devil eng gfx, ex Wizzcat,
04-05/92, Gin music, ex Carnage, 12/92, Gamma fin music, 04/92, NZO
crack, Haka fin sysop EASTERN FRONT, 07/91-, Tyrell fin music, ex
Vectra, 04/92, Zaz swe code, 01/90-, Mutant swe gfx, 01/90-,
Clairvoyant eng sysop FORGOTTEN REALMS, ex Rebels old, new 03-04/92,
Polarbear fin trade, 07/91-02/93, Ninja ger gfx, ex Awesome and Stookie
swe org modem, 88-.
JS joined Byterapers Inc.
English Warlord joined Fairlight.
English sysop Beast ARCADIA joined Quartex.
German sysop Headhunter CONDEMNED CELL, ex Aurora was kicked.
German Wonderboy ex Awesome, new 09/92 joined Razor 1911.
Pylon C and 7an music, 04/92 were both kicked. 7an did a tune for the
musicdisk Sound of Science.
German sysop Xeniator SATANS PALACE was kicked, and therefore joined
German sysop Fornax EUROPES HEART, ex 2000 AD joined TRSI.
German Skyfox ex Adept or Agnostic Front, new pre 07/92 was kicked and
therefore joined Desire.
German musician Chromag ex Platin, new late 92 joined Essence...or see the
history file for an alternative take!
Link joined Scoopex.
Agony was kicked, then joined Laserdance.
Germans WOTW music and D-Sign gfx, both ex Gothic joined The Silents.
WAL joined Offworld.
Stiga left the scene.
Tocic and CIA got kicked.
Finnish Catman ex Network, new 08/92 changed his handle to Fuzzy and
joined Complex.
Matrix, Delbert and Duke joined LSD early 92. However, SLH11 claimed Matrix
left the scene...? Can anyone help us with this?
Cooper, Skywalker, Razor and G.T.O. old handle Magic Duke left the scene
to make a game. However, this is untrue at least in G.T.Os case he
didnt leave the scene. RAW5 confirms he joined Digital!
Germans Tron, Crux, MCM and E.Toball joined Anarchy.
SLH11 mentions that MCM joined Spaceballs and E.Toball joined Complex.
Indeed they did, but only after their visit in Anarchy which was
relatively brief.
Shaggy joined Fairlight.
Swedish sysop Dragon DRAGONS LAIR, joined Rebels old.
Norwegian coder Lord Mindless joined Offence.
Norwegians Octoplex code, ex Palace, Flash and Mindblaster all ex
Vision...? joined Scoopex.
Norwegian sysop Phonebilly ELEGANT MACHINERY, ex D-Tect left to be
Zneiper ex Motion joined Digi Warriors.
Trainer Intro 1990?, ECS Intro.
Code: Trigon, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a.
Competition Demo 1990, 05.01, ECS File.
code: Zaz, gfx: Mutant, music: Danken.
Released at the Phenomena and Censor Party 90.
Yum Yum 1990, .08, ECS Demo.
Vectorscroll 1990, .11, ECS Demo.
Released for the Amiga Halloween Conference 90.
Party Slideshow 1991, 15.06, ECS Slideshow.
Released at ECES Party 91.
Brain Drain 1991, .12, ECS Disk.
code: n/a, gfx: Mutant, music: n/a.
Finlandia 1992, .02, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk, 3 disks.
code: WDO/Dual Crew, gfx: Jugi/Complex, Destop/Dual Crew, music:
Synnissa kypsynyt by Bruno/SCUP, Lucid Dreams by Jugi/Complex,
Mellow Pluck by Delorean/Complex, Forever Alien by Fleshbrain/
Crusaders, Like Commercial Shit by Dean/Cyberiad, Towards and Back by
Di33y/Dual Crew, Jammin for Nothing by Heatbeat/Carillion,
Starbalance by Turtle/Byterapers Inc, Club Mood by Delorean/Complex,
Alannah my Paerse by Spock/TRSI, Tweaked 2 Fit In by Delorean/
Complex, Curious World by Delorean/Complex.
Cooperation with Complex.
Information: 3 disks, and it doesnt support df1:!?
The Sounds of Science 1992, 18.04. ECS Multifile Musicdisk, 2 disk.
code: Zaz, gfx: Red Devil logo, music: Running Elephant by Belfagor,
Pandoras Box 91 by Tyrell, Freedom! by J.K., Brutalbanan by
7an, Respiration by Morph, Trajanus by Dizzy, Nutritional by Gamma,
Artifical Musique by D-Zire/The Silents, Stratosphere by Gin/Carnage
loader. Released at The Gathering 92.
Review: This musicdisk is certainly not bad, but could have been better.
The first thing Id like to put my finger on is the concept: Zaz mentions
in the scroller that to avoid a common pitfall, that all the music on a
musicdisk sounds the same, he has used 8 different composers for this one.
What he must have forgotten was to check the quality of the modules, not
just their diversity. I would have preferred to have 5 or 6 of the best
modules on one disk, and have scrapped the rest. Best tunes: Freedom! and
Artifical Musique. Red Devils silver surfer logo is great, but why is
there no credit for the raytraced Sounds of Science logo? Not bad.
Another thing Zaz forgot was obviously timing. On my 030, this one jerks
and flies like theres no tomorrow, and that goes for the tunes as well.
That can probably be remedied by KillAGAing it, though. Easily installed
to harddisk. Needs 1mb total memory. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Mystic Places Intro 1992, 31.05, ECS Intro.
code: Hawk, gfx: Shadow, Red Devil, music: Morph.
Dual Crew Shining DCS, 1993-,
http://www.sokeri.com/dcs http://www.dc-s.com/
FIN Gamma music, 93, Polarbear founder trade, ex Dual Crew, 03/94,
Tyrell Markus Lehto, founder music, 93.
SWE Artie music, 12/93, Daeron music, ex Shining, 12/93, Tizzy code,
ex Shining, 08/93, Twister sysop FLASHBACK, doublememb Origin,
GER Cueball code, ex Masque, Doom, Dynamite Sirko Zidlewitz, music, ex
Noxious, Excess ex Vision, Executur and Phreaker sysops SECRET
WORLD, Exciter Ingo Kamps, swap, Mel ODee Heiko Klueh, music, ex
Shining, later Rebels, new 04-12/93, Ninja gfx, ex Dual Crew, 93-94,
Slash code, ex Analog, Tedric Rolf Alber, code, ex The Silents.
NOR Globe gfx, Lord Mindless, Roadster.
ENG Clairvoyant founder sysop FORGOTTEN REALMS, Red Devil Rob, gfx
raytrace, ex Dual Crew.
??? B-Real ex WOT, Dark gfx, Dennis T eng? modem, 08/93, Desto
mainorg, Galahad re, Gin nor? music, ex Dual Crew, 12/93, Heinsen
code, 93, Ikari, NZO Ray, code crack train music, new 93.
Dual Crew Shining DCS was born when the two groups Dual Crew and Shining
merged in april of 1993. The fact was announced at The Gathering, held later
that month, through some small intros.
Red Devil is busy raytracing graphics for games from Softimage these days,
though he hasnt left the scene!
1993 - After being born in april, the group released their first signs of
life late in the month, at The Gathering, with the two intros Anvend
Hndkle and April Fool. Mutant also participated in the graphics
competition, where his picture Two Girls finished 8th. Norwegians Corny
and Codeman collectively known as CoCo Arts and swedish musician Soul old
handle Dexter all left for Rednex in december.
1994 - Finnish trader Zephyr Robert Karlsson, one of the original
members who came in with Shining, finally decided to end his scene life. He
sold all his computers to Haka and Truxton, and bought a motorbike instead.
Today he works as atelecom business consultant and systems developer. German
coders Zulu Grey ex Cryptoburners left to join the new, reborn Rebels in
1994. German musician Chromag 12/93- left to join Lego in may. He made his
first musicdisk, Chromagic 93, for DCS. Swedish musician Azazel left to
join The Black Lotus TBL between 10 and 12/94, where he sometime later
would become one of the most famous musicians on the amigascene, largely
thanks to his work on TBL demos like Tint 04/96.
1996 - Swedish coder Zero joined Balance late 96.
Phosphyre left the scene.
Smegma and Brainpower was kicked.
Coder Cocoon joined Scoopex.
German coder Cockroach ex Analog was kicked.
He joined new german group Artwork with Voyage sys and jMS gfx 11/94.
Cyclone and Stranger swap got kicked.
Cero left the scene.
Storm ex Jetset new joined Essence.
German Plasma ex Analog was kicked out, and joined The Silents.
Boba Fett fin, Double Density, Killroy and Sly all from Shining were
kicked out.
German coder Raw Style joined from Paradise, but only for a brief period
before moving on to Alcatraz.
Cockroach was kicked.
English musician Dreamfish Ian Ford, ex Hydlide/Divine, doublememb mono211
music left the amiga scene to concentrate on the music group mono211
where he is now known as DJ Hoffman. Some sources claim he joined TRSI
early 95...
German swapper Agony joined Paradise.
April Fool 1993, 07.04, ECS Intro.
Released at The Gathering 93.
Anvend Hndkle 1993, 07.04, ECS Intro.
Released at The Gathering 93.
Chromagic 1993, ECS 1MB Musicdisk.
code: Heinsen, gfx: Ninja, music: Chromag 6 tunes.
review: You wanna hear dreams? Then put this floppy in your diskdrive,
link your Amiga to a powerful hi-fi tower, turn up the volume and just
lean back...
Starting with an introduction designed like the alien movies and movie-
like effects at the credits followed by a bumping invisible ball with a
scroller on its surface. Only bad that the colors of its background
doesnt fit in the dark overall design! But therefor the pannels are okay
again and there you can choose six modules composed by a musician who
stands right beside Jester, Nuke or Jogeir in the scenes history:
Chromag. Its not only the nice idea for the menu grafix those make a warm
atmosphere. With pop, rock metal and romatic tunes the dcs-crew makes you
enjoying this production in a relaxed feeling. As standard you can reach
information about each of the modules via buttons. Also eight more or less
interesting scroller and a very light group logo that doesnt fit again,
but was just an extra. My favorites are Charming but drunk of which the
musician composed a sequel and Love and pain. This was Chromags first
musicdisk. Released outside of any party. zito
ZIT tested A1200/030-42/2mb chip, 8mb fast.
AGA Demo 1993, 05.08, AGA File.
code: Tizzy, Zaz additional, objects, gfx: Iridon font, Snuskbuske
raytrace, music: Belfagor. 12th in the ECC93 demo competition.
review: This demo scored 0 of the votes, and frankly I can see why.
Its a multitasking AGA demo thats unexciting, and doesnt show off the
new colors much. I can understand how the audience was unenthusiastic.
The demo starts with a raytraced EDCS picture-logo by Snuskbuske,
before the main part begins. This consists of a standard scroller at the
bottom with a very nice font, a static bitmap planet of some kind on
the background, over which they show some vector objects. I can see why
the audience didnt rise to applaud it.
The demo is also known as AGA Multitasing Demo, since that was the
name given to it by the offical results file : This name appears nowhere
in the demo itself, though. The multitasking part is true, by the way,
which means that this is one of the few productions where you can flip
the screens with Amiga-M while viewing it. Works fine on standard A1200.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Sonic Attack 1993, end, Musicdisk, 4 disks.
code: NZO, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
information: Massive musicdisk with music by almost ALL of DCS
musicians. Received unfavourable reviews, if memory serves...
Dual Crew Shining new DCS, 1997-
FIN 13 gfx, 07/99, Adam Antti Rita, org gfx, 04/98-12/99, Arto music,
10/97, B org code gfx music, 10/97-07/99, Boost gfx, 07/99,
Carebear music, 07/99, Crash trade, 03/94-07/99, Deetsay code
music, 04/98-07/99, Doc gfx, 07/99, Dual music, 97-07/99, Fluffy
music, 08/98-07/99, Fthr gfx, 07/99, Haka trade sysop EASTERN
FRONT, 93-07/99, Illusion gfx music, doublememb Doomsday pc,
12/97-07/99, Kidlove gfx, 07/99, Los gfx, new 07/99, Mamba trade,
07/99, Markus gfx, 07/99, Muffler music, doublememb Haujobb
details, 12/97-07/99, Obligator trade sysop, 07/99, Shape Hannu
Komsa, code, 10/97-12/99, Speedo code, 07/99, Substance music,
07/99, The Hooligan music swap, 07/99, Truxton trade, 93-07/99,
Tweek music, 04/98-07/99, Wrec trade sysop, 07/99.
SWE Iridon gfx, ex Shining, 08/93-07/99, Metal Maniac code, 07/99, Mike
swap, 04/98-07/99, Mortimer Tee music, 07/99, Mutant gfx, 93-
07/99, Purepain code crack, 07/99, Snuskis raytrace trade sysop
GURUS DREAM WHQ, 08/93-07/99, Stookie Martin, swap, 07/99, The GNN
swap, ex Dual Crew, 93-07/99, Tommy music, 07/99, Zaz Pontus
Lidman, code, ex Dual Crew, 08/93-07/99.
NOR Optic gfx music, triplememb TRSI and TPOLM pc, 12/97-07/99, Xhale
music, 07/99.
POL Blaze swap, new 07/99, Bonzaj 3d, 07/99, Evan swap, new 07/99.
GER WOTW music, 07/99.
N-L Sal-One sysop BOONDOCKS, 07/99.
Though the group was never technically dead, we can certainly speak of a
first and second generation for Dual Crew Shining DCS. Their second
generation was initiated in 1997, when the likes of Shape starting releasing
product for the amiga again, and first-class product too at that!
1997 - Shape released the 64k intro Kala 10/97 at Demolition III,
reaching fourth position in the competition. This was followed with another
intro at The Party 97, but Blues 12/97 was only rewarded with a sad 13th
1998 - They reached second place at The Gathering 98 in april with
Nebula 04/98, only beaten by their fellow finns in Mellow Chips! Deetsay
and B coded the intro A Little Intro At Assembly 98 08/98 in two days
before the competition, and came 7th in the 64k intro competition.
1999 - In march, a large reorganizing took place, where several inactive
members were kicked and new ones were allowed to join Relief was kicked,
and so there are no more DCS members in Denmark finnish trader Zeff was
kicked Finnish graphician Los joined, and polish swappers Blaze and Evan
were allowed to join.
Kala 1997, 05.10, 64k Intro.
code: Shape, gfx: B, music: Arto.
4th in the Demolition III 64k intro competition.
review: DCS goes for an unusual design with this intro, and certainly
manages a unique production too. Truly weird, it manages to present common
effects in a way that make them seem slightly special all the same. They
dont succeed perfectly with this intro, but they are certainly on their
way to creating something a little special here. Definite Plus points for
trying to do something original. And for coining the term
postcalculating P glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Blues 1997, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Shape, gfx: Optic, music: Illusion and Muffler.
13th in The Party 97 40k intro competition.
review: A pleasant surprise not only is DCS back but theyve delivered a
very good intro too! Blues leave you with a good, solid impression -
much thanks to the music, which has a massive, catchy theme. Its an
impressive tune for this size, and it works well in the context.
The intro has a particle routine, where 2x2 dots form the words DCS!
and The End to open and end it, and inbetween theres fast but blocky
texturemapped objects and scenes. A very good intro that doesnt need to
be advanced to be fun. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Nebula 1998, 13.04, AGA HD 4MB Demo.
code: Shape, gfx: Adam gfx, textures, 3d, Shape 3d, Illusion
textures, music: Muffler main, end, Tweek intro, all The Player 6.1A
format. 2nd in The Gathering 98 demo competition.
review: Nebula opens amusingly in the style of an old sci-fi series,
complete with period music. Then the first real effect, a fast but barren
3d scene with palm trees on tiny spots of earth. From the first bars of
the music it is evident that this is a typical Muffler-tune. Then one of
the spots appears to have a flower on it, out of which tiny specs of light
appear. Then quickly onto a very nicely done bump-tunnel, with intense
light at the end, before also a trail of small light-spots appears to come
spinning out from the intense light at each end. And then something
appears to go wrong, for a long time I only get a totally white screen
while the music continues to play! After looking at the screen and hoping
something new would appear for a long time, I eventually rebooted and
tried running the demo from harddisk my previous attempt was from RAM.
The results were even LESS great it now defaulted to just a black screen
immediately after the intro sequence! Not one to give up, I rebooted again
it doesnt appear to respond to the left mouse button, decrunched the
main file and tried the demo one last time. And now, amazingly, it worked!
We get a swirly thing behind the face of a man with sunglasses youd
have to see it : before another 3d scene with light-spots and a spike
object. Next something I dont really know how to describe, but which is
utterly beautiful, over which credits are overlayed. Next we revisited a
bump-tunnel, only this time we travel through it, while it twists this way
and that. Soon it also contains a spike-object. Then were onto a 3d scene
with another spike-object suspended in the air over water with lilys in it
- and the object is sometimes reflected in the water. And thats it! An
upscrolling end message with credits and the like appears pausable with
the righ mb. Overall this demo gives a very professional impression, with
smooth, fast routines that were not just thrown together. The only real
graphics here are Adams Nebula logo.
The demo works with just 4MB fast if you unpack the main executable
first, otherwise requires a little more. Developed on and for 030-50, but
should work on lesser configurations. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
A Little Intro At Assembly 1998 1998, 08.08, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Deetsay, B, gfx: B, Optic, music: Fluffy main, B end.
7th in the Assembly 98 64k intro competition.
review: Hmmm! This one brough a smile to my face. If youre into
fluffy, cute little intros, then look no further. The intro opens with a
zoom down into a nice, semi-graffiti-style DCS logo, before a main screen
appears where a scroller resides at the top of the screen. The rest is
occupied by a weird character in the bottom right corner, and a
textplotter occupying the remainder of the screen. Just two short
screenfuls of text are given, before the intro ends with a reverse of the
first zoom, this time with the graphic being a cute little dog...
The demo should work on any AGA amiga, including unexpanded machines.
Though entered in the 64k intro competition, its way smaller, about 35k.
It was coded in two days before the party glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Nonstop 1999, 28.12, Intro.
code: Shape, gfx: Adam, music: n/a.
The Tree Amigas 1996, 06.07, Demo.
10th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
Duplo -1995
SWE Ezco sysop SERPENT HILL, 01/95, Gryzor sysop OUT OF SPACE,
doublememb Infect, 01/95, Rix Rikard Kristofferson, music, 12/94,
Tango sysop INFERNO, 01/95, Zcandaler sysop TOTAL ECLIPSE,
doublememb Comax, 01/95.
NOR Anders code, ex Pure Metal Coders, Digital swap, ex Chaos A.D..
GER Spoiler ex Platin.
??? Agony gfx, Gorg gfx, Radix music, Terrorizer swe? modem,
Duplo is dead. Swedish coder Confidence 12/94 joined Balance ROM5.
He has later made some demos with the aid of a graphician called Gorg...
So perhaps he also joined?
Spot joined Giants.
Bitwrestler 64k AGA Intro.
Code: Confidence, Gfx: Agony, Gorg, Music: Radix.
Much Ado About Nothing 1994, 28.12, Demo.
Code: Confidence, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a.
12th in The Party 94 demo competition.
AUS Terminator gfx swap, late 96.
??? Crisis code, Harlequin sysop, Kimba gfx, Maximum code, Rad fx
sysop, Reload org gfx, Scavy music, Scorpion music, Sven
unkept sysop, Ultra-X gfx.
Dylem 1995-
SWI Kalikone mainorg swap trade, doublememb FUN, late 96.
??? Bacalao swi? founder music, Blind Man sysop, Dexter music trade,
Illusion trade, Klux swap, Pit org code, Rash music, Rogue ex
Darkness, new late96, Style trade sysop, X-factor code trade.
Dylem was formed by Sear and Bacalao from Spasm in late 1995.
Swiss graphician and swapper Sear, one of the original two founders, left
for Fresh late 96.
Musician Iceman joined Agoa/joined from Agoa late 95. I have two
conflicting pieces of news here, so confusion is total :
German Front 6 joined Analog.
Dynamix 1993-
GER FFC, Paso sysop, Subzero sysop NUCLEAR ASSAULT EHQ, 04/93.
TUR Imperator soonsysop, ex Fairlight, new 93.
??? Black Cat crack, Coractor ex Analog, Crusader-X ex Wildfire,
Dillenger ex Analog, Nicodemus ger? doublememb Delirium, 01/94, The
Best crack.
Boards DANSE MACABRE ex Fairlight.
Dynamix was a mainly German cracking group, built up in 1993 by ex-members
of Crack Inc. and Copyright Destroyers. For a while, Vanish was their demo
and intro subgroup. Sledgehammer 11E seems to have misunderstood the name
slightly, and thought it was Dynamic :-.
1994 - German sysop Trooper joined Analog late 94.
The board TOTAL CHAOS was closed.
German sysops Selim and Rudi THE JAM got busted!! Later all three
members of SSR Subzero Selim Rudi moved on to join Fairlight.
HOL Mad Max swap.
DEN Manchild swap, old handle Ironbaby.
1991 - Delton joined Black Monks mid 91.
Dytec DTC, -1992
GER Pitty music, 12/92-08/93.
??? Adventurer ex Gothic, Defcon, Direct code, 08/92, Tic crack, Marc
crack, Vince, Viper.
Dytec were an illegal cracker group. The name is a shortform of Dynamic
Technologies. They died in 1992.
1992 - Ian joined Cytax early this year.
Paso joined U.D.O.
Direct joined Platin.
Dr.Dre and Icecube joined Elevation.
German swapper Ghost/Crystal joined, but left after a few weeks.
FIN Cryzor 93, DJ Ere music swap, 93, Nelson, Noblehawk, Quedo 93,
Rabbit, Slade.
SWE Deathjester, Exact-1, Freeze, Mint, Quedo.
NOR Airhead Tommy Mortensen, swap, new late 93, Purple Haze swap, 94.
DEN Adonis, Daffy Christer Lankholm, swap, 94, Drac music, new 12/93,
Flower Child music, new 12/93, Guybrush, Guz, Warner swap, new
1994 - The entire Danish division joined Iris in january. This was at
least Darkhawk ex Megalomania no entry, other names are uncertain.
Swedish swapper Airbrain joined Quartz.
Swede D-Lite changed his handle to Dose and joined Chaos AD.
New Norwegian division was formed by Airhead.
Damage DMG, 1991-, http://student.oulu.fi/count/damage/
FIN 3C gfx music, 12/91-12/93, Allah swap trade, 93, Baldis music,
12/93, Brain music, 04/92-08/92, Count Zero WHQ code homepage,
12/91-06/94, Decor8 gfx, 93-06/94, Dozig code swap, 02/92-06/94,
Jack of Hearts gfx, 93-06/94, Maxwell music swap, 10/92-93,
Mr.Saku gfx, 10/92-06/94, MTR gfx, Shaman org, STL Antti
Lankila, code, 12/93-06/94, Zandax music, 02/92-06/94.
SWE Dezecrator sysop HELL AWAITS, later X-Trade, Hellhound music,
12/92, Lionheart swap, Supreme swap.
POL Bednar Darek Bednarczyk, gfx raytrace, 11/94, Fenix sysop
ENG The Fox.
??? Dragon pol? raytrace, 08/95, Fender music, 12/91, Glue music,
Madcat fin? gfx, 12/91-08/92, Matt pol? gfx, 12/93, Piter trade,
Scorpion fin? gfx, 02/92, Van Caco pol? music, 12/93, Ziemy gfx,
Damage is a Finland based demo group, whose Polish division also made some
decent productions. Some of the finnish members count zero, decor8
actually moved down to the c64 later, where they released their first
production in december of 1997.
1992 - Renegade left for Fi-Re Crew around the middle of the year.
The Hungarian division died ca 06/92.
1996 - Most of the Polish division split up in mid 96. Action swap, ex
Mad Elks, new late 95 joined Anadune. Sitek gfx raytrace and Miklesz
Nikolaj Leszczuk, code, both 12/93-08/95 left the Amiga scene MIklesz in
favour of the PC. MGL music joined a PC group. I also have news saying he
joined Mad Elks late 95...
1997 - Polish swapper and sysop Mephi 94- left for Amnesty late97.
Orion joined Shining 8.
Kiviniemi City Blues 1991, 02.12, ECS Intro.
code: Count Zero, gfx: 3C, Madcat, music: Fender.
Intro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Zingo, gfx: Bobcat, music: K9.
Introduction Intro 1992, 17.02, ECS Intro.
code: Dozig, Count Zero, gfx: Scorpion, music: Zandax.
Swappers For All 1992, 20.04, ECS Intro.
code: Count Zero, gfx: 3C, music: Brain.
Jotain Kaljua ja Gaagnista 1992, 07.06, ECS Intro
code/gfx: Dozig, music: Zandax.
info: The title means Something Bald and Beautiful.
Damage Report 4 1992, 25.08, ECS Diskmag.
code: Count Zero, gfx: Madcat, music: Brain. Released at Assembly 92.
Pallia Kansalle 1992, 19.10, ECS Intro.
code: Dozig, gfx: Mr. Saku, music: Maxwell.
Hymn 633 1992? ADL/3? Ed, 29.02, ECS Musicdisk.
code: STL, Count Zero, Dozig, gfx: Jack of Hearts, 3C, STL, music:
Endless Autumn by Zandax, Metal Maniac by Fender, Illusion
--- doesnt work on my version ---, Fantasy by Brain, Shiny Waterfall
by Zandax, Technoexpress by Fender, Intuition by Brain.
info: More and better information on this disk is coming!
X-Mas Special Tolupukkirap 1993, 24.12, ECS File.
code: STL, gfx: 3C, music: Zandax, Baldis.
info: Requires 1MB total mem, chip and fast.
X-Mass Time 1993, 28.12, ECS File.
code: Miklesz, gfx: Matt, Sitek, music: Van Caco.
22nd in The Party 93 demo competition. Cooperation with DTS.
Da 2nd Coming 1994, 24.06, AGA? Slideshow.
code: Dozig, Count Zero, STL, gfx: Decor, Jack of Hearts, Mr. Saku,
music: Zandax.
Noxzema 1994, 13.11, AGA 2MB HD Demo, 4 disks.
code: Miklesz, gfx: Sitek, Bednar 3D, design, music: MGL.
Winner of Gelloween 94 demo competition!
Pulp Fiction 1995, 30.08, AGA 4MB File.
code: Miklesz, gfx: Sitek, Dragon additional, Ziemy additional,
music: MGL. 3rd in the Intel Outside 95 demo competition.
review: PF is not a bad demo, just a little blocky and too techno at
times : Seriously, there are several good routines here, some of which
Ive never actually seen before - like the waterfall vector. The music is
slavishly timed to the demo, almost to the extent where its too much.
The strength that timing music to the effects gave demos like Sanitys
WOC was largely on the base that they didnt time EVERYTHING to the
music but when they did it was always powerful.
PF opens with a cool raytraced logo, and the first effect is a really
block gouraud. Fortunately, things do get better as the demo progresses.
The plasma zoom and the aforementioned waterfall vectors are nice
effects, not to mention the moving lightsource around the bukk sorry,
dont know the English word :D! Other nice things are the voxel routine
and the texturemapping. Overall, this is not a bad demo, though it
suffers from the trying too hard syndrome. Less is sometimes more,
remember that. It now seems the people that made this have abandoned the
Amiga for the PC...on the strength of PF, Id say that is definitely a
loss for the scene. The two additional graphicians I couldnt see
mentioned anywhere in the demo... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Damage Inc.
ENG Andy, Futura, Mulko, Mushroom old handle Jongle, ex Coma, Si.
NOR Axl, Black Panther, Carrion, Flesh, Goldfinger, Jeff, Lars Lars
Ulimoen, music swap, 93, Malefactor, Messiah, Orion, Scud, Software
Error, Stormchild, Teddy Boy, Ziriax.
SWE Norad sysop ACES HIGH, Nostyx.
FIN Atax, Deltax, Gamma, KLF, Lord Helmet, Zippo.
JOR Mutassem ex Byte Busters.
??? Pinocchio music, 12/94.
Lots of wellknown guys on the Norwegian memberlist...
Superior and Switchblade left.
Finnish musician and swapper Saracen ex Visual Bytes joined Destiny.
GER Ace, Sol.
??? Achnaton ex Savage, Amnesia new 09/92, Axxis new 09/92, Buzzard
ex Hypnotic, 09/92, Darth Vader sysop, Hellraiser new 09/92,
Mattrax new 09/92, Omnitron new 09/92.
Editor Blitter and his mag The Jungle are now in X-Trade, but I havent
got a clue how they got there :
1993 - Andy joined Nuance, and Act joined Outlaws late 93. Toxic left, and
Dark joined Design after a short while 09/92.
Cosmos was kicked.
Cruncher joined Savage.
German Devil joined Amnesia.
Dream Warrior joined Energy.
501 ex Desert, old handle Wishbringer joined Prime.
German graphician Friendly 08/93 joined Static Bytes.
Proton joined Mexx.
The Jungle issue 3 1993, ECS Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: Friendly, music: Tip and Firefox/Phenomena.
The Jungle issue 4 1993, 18.10, ECS Diskmag.
info: Full multitasking, HD installable, AGA compatible...in 93!
The Jungle issue 5 1993, 27.12, ECS Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: Friendly, music: n/a, editor: Blitter.
Released at The Party 93.
Damones old 1991- http://www.damones.net
FIN Balthazar 93, Beerman 93, Casket Tatu Tiala, swap, ex Legend,
93, Cobra trade, 03/94, Corleone, Darra 93, Dean music,
doublememb CNCD, 93, Drifter 93, Duncan ex Digital, 93, Eddie and
Ice trade, ex Accession, 03/94, Fraction code, doublememb CNCD, 93,
G.O.D trade, 03/94, Hifi sysop LAST GENERATION WHQ, ex Digital,
doublememb Alpha Flight, 93, Hoffi trade, doublememb Byterapers,
03/93-03/94, Irwin trade, 93-03/94, Kevin gfx swap sysop, ex
Digital, 93, Lapin Juntti trade, 93-03/94, Merit, Ringo 93, Rotsi
93, Saviour Savi Ka, code, ex Complex, SS Soldier trade, ex Fun
Factory, 02/93-03/94, T.O.B ex Byterapers, 93, Trashman 93,
Tsunami code, doublememb Virtual Dreams, 93-03/94, T.U.M.B. 93,
Vyvyan ex Accession, 93, Zados 93.
??? Lappari ex Black Robes, Lukas ex Tarkus Team, Pete ex Tarkus
Tormentor never rejoined from Alpha Flight, he was kicked.
Finnish members Hex ex Black Robes, Masasoft 93 and Fulcrum trade,
03/94 were kicked due to inactivity.
Finnish swapper and trader John Peel ex Digital, 03/94 joined Angels.
Finnish Grim ex Digital joined Sonic.
Finnish sysop Zebra THE ZOO, ex Scoopex, new late92-93 joined Accession.
Finnish coders Coconut and Flame both ex The Silents left to form a new
group, called Pygmy Projects.
Damones Are Forever Intro.
Pregnant by Punk! File.
Fantasy Space Slideshow, 2 disks.
Cooperation with Positron.
Damones new DMS, http://www.damones.net
Damones seem to be based on illegal activities, like cracking. The reason I
have written new at the top is that they suddenly appeared again after so
much time, it is only fair to have a separator to represent the stretch of
time in which they were absent from the scene. I do not know what the
relation is between old and new Damones, but one of their recent ascii
logos read since 1991. The latest release I have seen was date 03/99.
Damones Assembly 98 1998, 64k Intro.
code/gfx/music: n/a The Player 6.1A format.
8th in the Assembly 98 64k intro competition.
review: I like the opening of this intro, really stylish with stars
travelling around a nice DAMONES logo with www.damones.net underneath...
But then they go and spoil everything when the next screen appears
The tune changes to a really hectic techno variation, and what is
obviously supposed to be a bottle of Finlandia Vodka, only with the word
DAMONES on the label instead, start spinning around the screen...and as if
that was not enough disappointment, then try this on: Thats all there is.
Nothing more. So I went from thinking, oh, this has a nice oldskool
feeling to it, to a total dislike. The 3d graphics engine used does not
really seem too impressive, just standard texturemapping with lightsource
as far as I can see, and with an animated background. No credits or even
production name appear anywhere inside the intro the name above is based
on the assembly 98 result file. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Danger Productions -1992
SWE Drain swap, 05/92, El Diablo music, 05/92, Harzak gfx, 05/92,
Hijacker org code, 05/92, Inmate code, 05/92, LBJ gfx, 05/92,
Mastercarder code trade, 05/92, Merlin code, 05/92, Phantom swap,
05/92, Slash sysop IMPULSE, new 05/92, Trazer music, 05/92, Ufo
gfx, 05/92, Vindicator trade, 05/92.
Danger Productions were a Swedish based demo group. After struggling though
1992 Balances Magbox 1 07/92 reported they had only 4 members left
they died late in the year, and most member formed Orient.
1992 - Swedish swapper Skillimoes joined Orient around 06/92.
Delta X and Sam Haien was kicked.
Firelord got kicked, and then briefly joined 2000 AD 09/92.
All Finnish members were kicked out due to lameness 05/92.
Dangtro 1992, mid.05, ECS Intro.
code: Hijacker, Merlin help, gfx: Harzak, Ufo, music: Trazer.
review: This opens up looking VERY traditional. The first screen contains
the standard setup of top to bottom logo - effect - scroller. The
effect, this time, is a normal glenz vector. Hardly exciting. I almost
started believing that was all there was when it suddenly jumped along to
the next effect: a sinescroller and a filled vector object combined.
Unfortunately this effect fucked up the display SEVERELY on my machine,
filling up the screen with green junk. Then its back to the first screen
again, only with a new logo and a new effect for the endless end scroller.
The effect this time around was a glenz with a filled vector cube inside.
Get the picture? All together now: SEEN IT A MILLION TIMES BEFORE.
Thank you. Oh, BTW the tunes not half bad. Its one of those synth-
poppie things I love so much. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Daniax is not a very notworthy group in demoscene history except for the
fact that famed Danish graphician Slash later J.A.D.E. was once a member.
Danish graphician Slash joined Kefrens 12/90.
Dansktoppen is not really a group, but rather a publication for the Danish
scene - a sort of local Eurochart. Such a myriad of groups is involved with
it, that we have decided to create a separate section for the reviews of
these mags.
Darkage DKG, 1997-, http://scene.darkage.it
GER Dire writer webmaster, 06/01, Ghandy Lars Sobiraj, mainorg editor,
ex doublememb Gods, new late97-06/01, Sniper code, 06/01, Stingray
code, ex Secretly, new 04-06/01, Zito editor, ex Apathy, new
SPA Dip Matteo Di Pieri, code, 02/98-06/01.
NOR Bridgeclaw gfx, doublememb Gods details, new early00-06/01,
Pix gfx, 02/98-06/01, Punisher coorg swap write, 06/01.
ENG Genetix music, 06/01, Mr.Tickle Peter Gordon, code webmaster, 04-
SWE Decibel gfx, 08/97-06/01.
HOL Gone editor, 06/01.
POL X-Ceed music, 06/01.
The people listed below this line are no longer members the split was
performed after Ghandy sent me an updated memberlist in june of 2001.
I hope to remove this line soon, its just there to help me develop this in
the best way I can!
ITA Corrosion Patrizio Casalengo, music, triplememb Degeneration and
Genesis, 08/97-02/98, F.B.Y music, also in Spyral pc, 03/97-02/98,
Kaosmaster Franco Scozzari, raytrace edit swap pack Planet, ex Ram
Jam, 08/97-02/98, Lanch Fabrizio Bartoloni, gfx, 08/97-02/98,
Washburn code, 08/97-02/98.
SWE Hawk code edit swap, triplememb Giants details and Ambrosia, new
late97-02/98, Racoon music, doublememb C-Lous details, new
late97, 12/97-04/01.
SPA DCB code, new 08/97-02/98, Nork gfx music swap, doublememb Network
details, 08/97-07/99, The Lawnmower Man Jesus Reyes Martinez, aka
TLM, webmaster edit, 08/97-02/98.
Darkage is an Italian based demo group, formed by Modem/Ram Jam in the early
days of 1997. They arranged the Spoletium party in Italy in march 1998.
When Kaosmaster joined, he had the Ram Jam magchart Showtime with him.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 announced the groups birth.
Spanish coder DCB joined in august. The group then made it big at The
Italian Gathering in the following month, september, by winning both the
demo and intro competitions with Vanilla Drug Overdose 09/97 and Crash
09/97 respectively! Shortly after, Italians EgoLoop code, 08-09/97 and
Aud music, 09/97 both left the scene.
1998 - English editor Kalf Tony Landord decided to leave the scene early
in the year, after being heavily criticized in an article in Seenpoint 7.
Ghandy, The Lawnmover Man TLM and Mod3m stopped swapping early in the
2000 - Zito editor joined from Apathy, while Norwegian graphician
Bridgeclaw doublejoined from Gods early in the year. Cupid code left for
Iris. In december, the official Showtime site done by Dire was officially
opened at http://scenet.de/showtime/.
2001 - Graphician SuperK decided to leave the group for Iris. Early this
year, the entire group was shocked when italian coder, founder and leader
Modem Paolo DUrso finally decided to leave the scene. After some internal
discussion, the rest of the members decided to keep the group going, and a
new main organizer was elected Ghandy. April came with the Mekka Symposium
party, but the groups sole release this year was the intro Welcome To Our
World II in cooperation with Iris. After the party however, the group was
happily reinforced when talented German coder Stingray joined from Secretly.
Stingray immediately begun coding a musicdisk for swedish musician Racoon
to feature graphics by Noogman/Scoopex, but was sidetracked to do the
final coding for Showtime. After a few nights of intense work, he could
present the latest issue, and Showtime 16 04/01 was released on the
26th of april, as the first issue with Zito as main editor. Stingray
released a fixed version of Kefrens musicdisk Multi Mega Mix on the 25th
of july. Stingray released a fixed version of the old Equinox musicdisk
Sonical Fantasia on the 18th of august, then a collection of four fixed
Crack Inc cracktros on the 25th of august.
Glamour 1997, 01.03, 40k Intro.
2nd in the Berzan 19 40k intro competition.
Fantasy 1997, 30.03, 40k Intro.
5th in the Mekka Symposium 97 40k intro competition.
Freedom 1997, 17.06, 64k Intro.
code: Mod3m, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
3rd in the Icing 97 64k intro competition.
Jurassic Pack 5 Intro 1997, Intro.
Ilmarako 1997, 64k Intro.
Winner of the Motorola Inside 97 64k intro competition!
Morph 1997, 26.07, 4k Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: Lanch, music: none.
Released at Euskal 97.
Drug Vanilla Syndrome 1997, 06.09, AGA File Demo.
code: Modem, Washburn, gfx: DeciBel, KaosMaster, music: FBY.
Winner of The Italian Gathering 97 demo competition!
review: DVS is not a very good demo, unfortunately, despite some good
things here and there... Modem coded everything but one single part, which
is the best one in the entire demo. First of all, Darkage need to get
better graphicians, since the work in DVS is really inadequate...Just one
fullscreen pic by DeciBel is any good here. FBYs music is...acceptable.
I wont go into the other parts, but Washburns envmap engine -
represented here by a rock-like object over an animated background, all in
the unusual color combination yellow/white - is pretty fast and good. And
the drug promotion part was REALLY unnecessary, guys... If Ecstasy helps
coding, then why arent you making better demos? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Crash 1997, 06.09, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Modem, EgoLoop, gfx: DeciBel, music: Aud.
Winner of The Italian Gathering 97 64k intro competition!
review: Crash is an unusual intro, actually - in that its main effect is
a a travel along a road with some roadside scenery... Its a showcase for
a routine they intend to use in a future game, they say, though wed
recommend working a little more on it before releasing, cause hey - its
pretty ugly in its present state : Dont mean to be critical, Darkage,
but the routine looks unattractive in its present state. Perhaps some more
work on the textures would help... Another problem with Crash is that
its too short - just the intro sequence and the road, and thats it -
show over. I find it hard to recommend this intro, unfortunately. Nowhere
does it mention any RAM requirements. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Trip 98 Invitation 1997, late, Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: n/a, music: Corrosion.
review: Another professionally presented invitation intro, this one opens
with a euro logo for some reason rotated and stretched to the first bars
of the cool music. Then the text WELCOME TO... is overlaid. It then
fades down before presenting a TRIP logo - which darkens and then the text
is overlaid. The text is standard 80 column topaz, no borders or nothing,
and is exactly the same as in the text invitation. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Sublime 1997, 31.10, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: Decibel, music: Racoon/C-Lous.
2nd in the Saturne 97 5 64k intro competition.
review: Sublime is not all that bad actually, especially the shaded
face-mask impressed me. It even features some excellent design, especially
in the end where the text DARKAGE THE END floats from the corner of the
eye of Decibels artistically rendered lady... Possibly Modems best intro
ever! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Galaxy - Freedom 2 1997, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Mod3m, Washburn, gfx: Decibel, music: Racoon.
4th/10th? in The Party 7 40k intro competition.
Giuluia 1998, 03.01, 4k Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: none, music: none.
Winner of the Trip 98 4k intro competition!
Kill Santa Claus 1998, 03.01, 64k Intro.
code: Mod3m, g: n/a, usic: n/a.
2nd in the Trip 98 64k intro competition.
Spoletium 98 Invitation Intro 1998, .02, File.
code: Modem, gfx: Yure/Degeneration, Nork endlogo, music: Corrosion.
review: A very basic invitation intro, but presented in a professional
way, makes this small Darkage prod come out just above average. It opens
with a Spoletium 98 logo, and then goes onto the invitation text reader
itself. The text is presented on an animated, swirling background, but it
doesnt retract from the reading experience. The intro is finished off
with a Darkage logo by Nork. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Showtime 9 1998, .02, AGA Diskmag.
GAL - code: Modem, gfx: Orome/Talent title pic, MRK panel, music:
MAG - code: Randy, Modem improvements, gfx: Orome/Talent title pic,
Loop, Made, Pix, music: Maf/Syndrome, editor: Kaosmaster.
review: The first thing that strikes you about the mag part of
Showtime 9 is the nice music. Its a sort of sunny, happy reggae beat
that sets the mood for some nice melodies. You can almost see the
music video for this tune: the band all relaxed on a beach, drinking
cool drinks from coconuts : Oromes title picture is also a nicely
done piece of art, and sets the mood nicely for the read ahead.
Contentwise, Im not so impressed with Showtime, they still have a
little way to go before theyre at the top of the heap. The most
important thing they might consider is taking a little more time to
delete some of the articles theyre receiving. Right now it looks a
little too much like theyre publishing everything the cat drags in
the door : OK, thats harsh and perhaps a little unfair, but the
focus of the mag could be greatly improved by removing a few of the
more unnecessary articles.
Visually, Showtime looks pretty good - in most cases. While Im a
little unsatisfied with the graphics for the mag part - especially the
unreadable icons irritated me a little - there are places where it
really shines. The graphics for the excellent chart section of
Showtime were done by Made, and are - as usual for him - of excellent
quality. Very very nice! The same goes for MRKs another favorite of
mine! graphics for the Gallery section. IMHO they should use that
instead of the panel graphics for the main mag part they use now.
I will do things a little backwards here, and review the gallery
part of Showtime last : Orome delivers another title picture, before
we get to the gallery part itself. It reminded me a lot of the
classic, original gallery - the one in the Crusaders EuroCharts.
Nerve Axis intro, Sentient Ore, has been reviewed under Nerve Axis
own section of Scenery. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Art Nouveau - Freedom 3 1998, 12.04, 40k Intro.
code: Modem, gfx: DeciBel, music: Racoon.
7th in the Mekka Symposium 98 40k intro competition.
reviwed: Not released to the public until may 98.
Breeze Now 1999, 21.03, 4k Intro.
code: Mod3m, Dip, gfx: none, music: none.
5th in the Astrosyn 99 4k intro competition.
Under Pressure 1999, 23.07, Demo.
code: Dip, gfx: Zack, music: Nork.
2nd in the Euskal Party 7 demo competition.
Welcome To Our World 2000, 23.04, AGA File.
code/gfx/music: Mr.Tickle, Cupid.
5th in the Mekka Symposium 2000 demo competition.
review: Ooooooooookay... This demo is a very Monty Python-y kind of
affair, recommended only if you care for that particular brand of humour.
And were talking OLD monthy Python here, the weird-animation-kind,
complete with a blippy soundtrack with frequent dog barking on it I
found this small exercise humorous and entertaining, and even though its
all done with tongue firmly planted in cheek, it seems competently enough
put together. The demo runs smoothly and troublefree on my machine.
Please note that this review refers to the final version, released a
small while after the party. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Neo 2000, 23.04, Demo.
4th in the Mekka Symposium 2000 demo competition.
Showtime 10 AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 11 AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 12 AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 13 AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 14 2000, spring, AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 15 2000, AGA Diskmag.
Showtime 16 2001, 26.04, AGA File Diskmag.
INT - code/gfx: Loaderror/Ephidrena, music: Zixaq.
GAL - code: Stingray, gfx: Asarhad/Reason title, Cheetah/Ephidrena
main, music: Pink Glasses by Factor6/Reason.
MAG - code: Randy, Stingray additional, Modem/ex Darkage additional,
gfx: Slayer/Appendix title, Cheetah/Ephidrena main, Zito
clipart, Wade/Scoopex clipart, Da Freak/VTX clipart, music:
Shadowlands by Curt Cool/Depth, Nautic by Dascon/Iris, A Night
In June by Isaac/Contraz and Uniiki Punikki by The Hooligan/DCS,
editor: Zito main, Ghandy, Dire.
review: Well, first impressions always come with the intro, and this time
its done by those productive guys from Ephidrena. Its a slightly gloomy
lil thing, with the best part of it being the one where shaded pieces of
paper fall from the top of the screen and the backdrop looks like pages
from a newspaper, nice.
But were here to review a mag not an intro, and Im rearing to go, so:
doubleclicking that file we go! Impressions of the title picture and
the first page of text are generally good, though the main font bothers me
a little... Cant explain why, just dont give me the right vibe Anyhow
this, the 16th issue, is the first with Zito as main editor. Browsing the
articles first, I find a lot of the interesting things here are of the
retro variety - Allister Brimble has some music on mp3.com, Jester/Pygmy
Projects working with 100 Prophets! Diskmags used to tell you the entire
story in the old days, whereas now they explain the general situation and
give you a link to paste into your webbrowser... But with the internet
gaining strength, I guess this is the future, like it or not. I found the
articles concerning the ShaneTheWolfTheDog now THERES an original
nickname! affair highly amusing, and it pleases me to see the Showtime
staff brave enough to present both sides of the story, even when one
blatantly opposes Darkage. The main editorial problem with this issue, the
way I see it, is that its been so long since the last issue that this one
has too much material to cover... There are LOTS of party reports and
results here, for most parties that took place since the last issue, and
some of these are like 6 months old, but thats not the point. In the old
days, a mag like ROM would cover a big event like The Party over MANY
pages - not just a short report and results, but pictures from the event,
interviews with the winners and losers, etc. These reports only scratch
the surface of what could be done The diary news and charts
sections are fair, nothing special about them. I see little point in the
diary section, which could just as well have been a part of the mag.
The Gallery is a separate file, and opens with a VERY stylish
Showtime title picture by Asarhad/Reason. The gallery is nicely done,
and was coded completely anew for this issue by Stingray. For the secret
part he mentions in the scroller, type WADE!
The birth of the 16th issue of Showtime was a somewhat troubled one...
Just before this issue, long-time coder of the mag Modem finally decided
to leave the scene - which left the mag without a coder! Luckily some
solace was found in ex-Secretly member Stingray who said he would
undertake the coding responsibilities. He was sent the ShowTime sources,
and was immediately taken aback by the fact that it was A MESS! He totally
recoded the gallery, and fixed what he could on the mag itself. All this
is explained in an accompanying note, where he also promises to recode the
entire mag and give it a new outfit for the next issue! glenn
Jurassic Pack 8 2001, 24.11, AGA Multifile Diskmag.
INT - produced by Mankind, no credits
MAG - code: Mr.Tickle, gfx: Noogman/Scoopex title, Bridgeclaw/Darkage
Gods title, Budgie/100 ProphetsLayout panels, Malmis/Nature
clipart, music: C-Type by Mice/Zenon, Boutique by Dascon/Iris,
Superclear by SuperNao/TBL, The Four Seasons by Chris Meland/
Noiseless Productions, In A Blue Dream by Virgill Blackthorne,
editors: Ghandy main, Zito main, Gone/DarkageVoid staff.
review: After the humorous cartoon-style intro was rounded off with an
excellent logo, we can double-click the icon for the pack itself... I
must say expectations from this mag was high, partly because I knew it was
using Mr.Tickles magengine previously used for two issues of Devotion
from Nah-Kolor and Haujobb, and partly because I had been party to the
enthusiasm Zito and Ghandy had shown for the project in the weeks and
months prior to its release. And the result of their efforts, to be frank,
is actually quite good. It seems as if being freed from the reins of
making a pure news mag like Showtime, the two editors have been
allowed to let their creativity blossom without the burdens of a definite
deadline. There are still a lot of news related material here, with a
lot of stuff about the controversy surrounding 3Amigos and the TG
incident, which dates back to april. Actually, the tone of this mag
reminds me very much of ROM a mag Ghandy does not exactly share my views
on.... :, with a lot of topical articles spotlighting recent important
productions. And speaking of ROM, even that mags old editor Mop gets
spotlighted here!
The amiga and pc scenes are forever bridging the gap between them, and
this mag is another step in that direction. Its been a trend recently in
pc scene mags that they are now showing increased respect towards the c64
and amiga scenes where in the past they had none, and this especially
manifests itself in mags like Pain and Hugi on that scene. Ghandy has had
articles in both those magazines, and the editors of both Unlock/Vantage
and Adok/Hugi also write for this mag. This means some crossposting of
articles - slightly irritating for those of us who read mags on both
platforms : - but also means articles of a general interest to the scene
reach more readers and hopefully cause more awareness of each other. This
is, officially, a GOOD THING! :
Audio-visually speaking, then. Like the Devotion engine has always
done, it has two title pictures, and you only get to see one each time. So
in order to see both, start the mag twice This time both are actually
great, done as they are by respected oldskool graphicians Noogman/Scoopex
and Bridgeclaw/DarkageGods. The all-new panels were done by Budgie/100
ProphetsLayout, and though they are mainly texture-based, and made in a
lovely shade of sickening green, they are also clean and word reasonably
well. Only the index button bothers me slightly, but perhaps thats just
me. The backgrounds also work reasonably well for once, which has
certainly not been the case with all mags that have attempted this
approach... No less than five modules are provided, with some by scene
personalities that I actually never had thought I would hear from on the
amiga again... like SuperNao and Chris Meland! I dont know if these are
real comebacks or just old, unused tunes but either way I welcome the
chance to hear these! Of the five, I would have to say Chris Melands sits
the best in my ears.
So, to sum it up then? I must admit I havent had the time to read this
mag cover to cover yet, though I plan to do so later tonight or early
tomorrow. First impressions after 45 minutes of browsing the articles,
though, are very very good. Interesting articles that I look forward to
reading completely through, and an appealing user interface... What more
can you ask for? The mag engine is a tried and tested one that works
great, looks great and performs great. The new JP is a force to be
reckoned with, now and in the future.
Please note that I myself had articles published in this mag, and that I
as a result perhaps disqualify myself from doing a non-partial review. I
just write this, so that noone will misunderstand and say that I had
alterior motives for giving the mag a good review. I gave it a good review
because I liked it, and for no other reason. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Dark Circle -1993
Dark Circle is dead, and all their members joined Platin this includes
germans Phantom sysop HEAVENS GATE, Joke sysop DARK CENTER and
Dark Demon, The TDD
GER Denon music, 10/92-05/93, Destroyer Nicolai, swap, early93, Dire
swaporg sound edit, later Eremation, 05/93-05/94.
??? Amducias music, 03/94, Celeborn Marc Moysich, mainorg gfx music
sysop EXCALIBUR, 05/93-05/94, Creature gfx music, 10/92-05/94,
Don gfx, 07/93, E-Lixir Ronald Doberenz, gfx swap, old handle
Capricorn, 03-05/94, Exage code gfx, 07/93-03/94, E-Y code, old
handle Mohinda, 03-05/94, ET edit, 10/92-05/94, Extron code,
05/94, Fleg code gfx, 10/92-05/94, Frone pack Fonestorm, re-
Atomic late93, Leo II code gfx music, 05/93-05/94, Nici cosys,
05/94, Nightstalker swap editor, 05/94, Pennywise tradepc edit,
10/92-05/94, Phil sysop WHQ, 05/94, Red Star gfx, 07/93, Secret
music, 10/92, Shed ex Willow, Snoopy ex Argon, Suicide swap,
female!, 05/94, Zakko gfx, 05/94.
Finnish Judas Priest ex Digital Artists Inc, old handle Reaper left.
Germans Devil and TDMF joined Cult. Another place in the mag it said Devil
joined Amnesia before moving on to Mexx. Generation 6 says just that
Devil joined Mexx.
Cruncher/Savage joined, but left after a few days for Cult.
Frone rejoined after being in Atomic a few weeks.
Rebel MC joined Byte Busters.
Midnite Mess issue 1 1992, .10, ECS Diskmag.
code: Fleg, gfx: Creature, music: Denon, Secret, Editors: Pennywise, ET.
Burning Spear 1993, Demo.
Midnite Mess 2 1993, .05, Diskmag.
code: Fleg, gfx: Fleg, Creature, music: Denon, Celeborn, Leo 2, editor:
Pennywise, Dire.
info: Generation 6 said it would be released in January 93, so
I guess it was delayed! It seems ET was replaced by Dire as editor.
Crying Fields BBS Intro 1993, .07, ECS Intro.
code: Fleg, gfx: Celeborn, Red Star, Exage, Don, music: Leo 2.
Midnite Mess issue 3 Announcetro 1994, .03, ECS Intro.
code: Exage, E-Y, gfx: E-Lixir, music: Leo 2.
Midnite Mess issue 3 1994, .03, ECS Diskmag.
code: Fleg, gfx: Fleg, Creature, Chaos/Desire, music: Amducias, Creature,
Leo II. Released at CeBIT 94.
Dark Demons -1992
Dark Demons were a demo group based in France. The entire group Crown,
Witness, Q.Horse, Miss Blind and Synchrose joined Cryptoburners, forming
their French division.
Dark Millennium
FIN Axe, Bubble, Kharon, Lone Soldier, Sensei, Shade.
Dark Millennium released some intros around 93.
Darkness http://www.giga.com.ar/randy/darkness.htm
SPA Amiga Vice gfx, 12/94-95, Dolby music, Estrayk music swap, later
Capsule, 09/92-12/94, Evelred music, earlier 5th Generation, later
Capsule, 12/94, Salva music, 09/92, Spanish Archer code, 09/92,
Thorin music, ex Fusion, new 09/92, Troglobyte Manuel Martin
Vivaldi, org code, 12/94-11/96, Unico music, 12/94-95, Warlock
gfx, 09/92.
FRA Darken code, Flint code, Papagayo code, Rafale mainorg gfx,
01/98, Sph gfx.
ARG Keywiz sysop DIGITAL PSYCHOSIS, 04/95, Madbit sysop THE RAVE
FACTORY, 04/95.
AUT Ayatollah sysop THE SOURCE, 04/95.
??? Magnum gfx, 95, PSB spa? code, 01/98.
Darkness is based in Spain, and several of their members are now members of
Capsule. TrogloByte is the author the utility HTMLess. They coarranged
the Darkness and Fifth Generation Party 92, the first ever Spanish party.
1996 - Rogue joined Dylem late 96.
Party Invitation 1992, Demo.
Made in cooperation with 5th Generation.
Roboticool 1992, 28.09, ECS Demo.
Winner of the Darkness and Fifth Generation Party 92 demo competiton!
Rotator 1992, 28.09, ECS Demo.
2nd in the Darkness and Fifth Generation Party 92 demo competiton.
Intro 1992, 28.09, ECS Intro.
Code: Spanish Archer, Gfx: n/a, Music: Estrayk.
Released at the Darkness and Fifth Generation Party 92.
Oriol 1993, 24.07, Intro.
Winner of the Southern Party 93 intro competition!
Kustom 1993, 24.07, Intro.
3rd in the Southern Party 93 intro competition.
Troglobyte 1993, 24.07, Demo.
Winner of the Southern Party 93 demo competition!
In Progress 1994, 28.12, ECS Intro.
code: Troglobyte, gfx: Amiga Vice anim, music: Evelred and Estrayk.
Winner of the Euskal Amiga Party 2 demo competition!
review: These guys are probably the first ever group to actually WIN a
DEMO competition with an average quality 70k intro! Theres nothing
particularly exciting or new about this intro, no outstanding effects,
graphics or music... The competition must have been AWFUL : OK, Im not
saying this just to put down the intro as such, its an OK production
with quite a lot of effects for only 70k, but isnt excellent in any
respect. The animations of the dancing woman are stored in the file as an
IFF animation. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Dog 1994, 28.12, ECS File.
code: Troglobyte, gfx: n/a, music: Estrayk.
2nd in the Euskal Amiga Party 2 demo competition.
Play 1995, File.
code: Troglobyte, gfx: Amiga Vice, Magnum girl pic, music: Unico.
review: Amazingly boring and uninteresting is this demo. It mixes single
colored effects with a lot of State of the Art inspiration into what is
a true mess of a production. Avoid. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Long Trip 1998, 03.01, 64k Intro.
code: PSB, gfx: Rafale, music: Corrosion/Darkage.
Winner of the Trip 98 64k intro competition!
Dark Reign
??? Claw music, 12/92.
Sunset 1992, 28.12, ECS Disk.
Released at The Party 92.
Frog joined Image.
Dark Star DST
GER Badguy Axel Quack, swap, Pedalta swap.
??? Magic.
German coder Grey joined Cryptoburners.
Al Bundy left to join Arise, but after ahving problems with the police, he
left the scene.
??? Archon code, 12/92, Gamma gfx, 12/92, Roxal code, Warlock
music, 12/92.
Intro 1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Archon, gfx: Gamma, music: Warlock.
22nd in The Party 92 40k intro competition.
Data Division DD
NOR Madsen sysop REALITY BYTES, 06/97.
??? Animal code keyfilemakers, 03-04/97.
Dazzle 1990-
SWE Baze founder gfx, Celegrome sysop MIDDLE EARTH WHQ, Classic
founder music, Elrond founder code gfx, Necron founder code
music, Nifer founder swap, Stinger founder gfx music, Stirge
founder trade, The Violator founder allrounder, Zaq founder
code, 09/92.
??? Nevada ex Massive, 09/92, Nightmare sysop, new mid91, Scythe
music, ex X-Trade, new mid91.
Dazzle was formed by some Swedish ex-members of The Rubberduck Crew no
entry who felt that group got a bit too lame this concerns a.o. Elrond.
The first Dazzle demo, Zkloff 90 was originally intended to be a
Rubberduck-demo :
Swedish swapper Mike B old handle Gizmo left to join X-Trade.
Wizard, Scythe Sysop NORTH CONNECTION, ex X-Trade and Chrome joined
Mr.Frenzy joined Massive mid 91.
Rage and Silk new mid 91 rejoined Impurity mid 91.
Guildmaster sysop joined Voice with his board mid 91.
Blaze changed his name to Payday and joined Wizzcat mid 91.
Zkloff 1990, late, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Elrond, music: Necmettall2 by Necron.
review: Chaotic is the word Id apply to the first ever Dazzle demo!
Theres stuff lying around all over the place, so it almost looks like
megademo from 1988 with absolutely no sense of design!! Yowzers... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
DD Style
SWE Citruz sysop PHOENIX 2, 01/95, Scroud sysop ATLANTIC, 01/95.
Deadline DLN, 1989-
FIN Citizen code, ex Desire, old handle Venture, 10/92, Colonel Sami
Leino, swap, ex Zenith, old handle Tonec, Doc.X code, ex Razkels,
08/92, Wailer.
??? Cybermonks music, 06/92, Lloyd editor, 06/92, Rhino gfx, 06/92.
Deadline was originally a Norwegian group, which eventually devloped a
Finnish section that became more successful than the main group. The
Norwegian members were coarrangers of one of the earliest editions of The
Gathering. Later the Norwegian part of Deadline merged with main Gathering
organizers Crusaders, and these Norwegian members probably went along:
Freaky Angel confirmed, Jellyfish code, Mike confirmed, Shady
confirmed, TDK.
1992 - They cooperated with Crusaders on the invitation for The Gathering
92 01/92, and coarranged the party with them in april. The finnish section
was born by Mellow-D and Doc.X from Razkels in the spring. Nutcase, Roland
and Visage joined from Eremation. They released several productions before
the end of the year 1st Intro 08/92, Mustro 09/92, Notelines
fall/92, Dentro 10/92 and finally Xmas Intro 12/92. By this time
the Norwegian section had stopped releasing stuff altogether.
1993 - The finnish division died in the spring of 93. Many members - at
least Dionysus code, 12/92-, Bad Karma swap pack music, Nutcase code
gfx music, 02/92- and Xendi gfx swap, 10/92- - joined Balance between
june and october. Information that Bad Karma joined Atomic seems to be
incorrect. Sysop Roland SATISFICTION, ex Eremation stayed independent
until he closed his board in 95, and graphician Visage ex Eremation,
08/92- also decided to stay independent. Both have now returned to the
scene in Mandel Bros in the year2000! This group also features Nutcase.
Finnish coder Lopez left the scene.
Finnish coder Flashburn was kicked.
Finnish coder Jagannath joined Shining 8.
Finnish musician Mellow-D bought a PC and left the Amiga scene 10/92. He
joined Sonic PC sometime between 01 and 06/93.
Finnish HQ, graphician and swapper Xendi 08-10/92 joined Balance.
Finnish coder, graphician and musician Nutcase 02/92- left 04/93 and
stayed independent for two months, then joined Balance 06/93.
Finnish swapper and packer Casket old handle Tatu joined Legend.
Norwegian musician Jason joined Kefrens new.
Norwegian board THE PYRAMID got busted.
Born 1989, 07.08, ECS Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Valeria Part 2 by n/a.
20th in the Digitech - IBB Summer Conference 89 demo competition.
info: This intro signalled the birth of the group, and the names behind
the text in the intro was Tile and Jesus - so these two are probably the
Music Pack ECS Intro.
The Gathering 92 Invitation 1992, early .01, ECS Intro.
Cooperation with Crusaders details.
Resident issue 1 1992, 05.06, ECS Filemag.
code: Cray/Arctic Image, gfx: Rhino, music: Cybermonks, editor: Lloyd.
Flatliners 1992, 17.08, ECS Intro.
code: Doc.X, gfx: Nutcase, music: walkwithme++ by Mellow-D 4ch MOD
review: A nice little intro with good graphics and a fast fractal
generator from the finnish division - and their first intro for Deadline!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Mustro 1992, 14.09, ECS Intro.
code/music: Nutcase, gfx: Visage.
Notelines 1992, fall, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Paraside/independent, gfx: Xendi, Visage, Nutcase, music: Mellow-D,
Nutcase. info: Paraside was NOT a member, just a friend of the group.
Dentro 1992, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Venture, gfx: Xendi, Visage, music: Nutcase.
Xmas intro 1992, .12, ECS Intro.
code: Dionysos, gfx: Xendi, music: Nutcase.
Deadline Design 1994-1995
Deadline Design was a swedish demo group, formed in 1994 by Axy/Sagazity,
with the best members of that group. The founding members were Axy org gfx
sysop STATE 69, Blade music, Rade code and Butch code. The group
managed to release one intro before all members got very inactive. So DD was
also declared dead, likely in early 95. Axy and Blade formed another group,
Deadlock was a danish group, most notable for being an early group for later
scene celebrities like Mad Freak and Zinko.
Mad Freak joined Brainstorm.
Some ex-members helped form Serious.
Danes Zinko and Thunderbyte joined Majic 12.
Death Defiers -1992
Death Defiers changed their name to Defiance late 92.
Death Row
??? Wave code, 12/95, Zoomorph gfx music, 12/94-12/95.
Snow 1995, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Wave, gfx/music: Zoomorph.
23rd in The Party 95 40k intro competition.
review: You gotta be kidding me... These guys cant be serious!? Ok, what
we have here is an intro with competent music, and...vector cubes!?
Yep, thats as advanced as it gets. Theres a little snow, a couple of
vector cubes and a blocky picture of a woman in a bathing suit. The End.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Flora Borntro 1996, 06.07, Demo.
9th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
Tramp 1997, 30.08, Demo.
10th in the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition.
Deathstar 1988-1989
FIN Hackman org swap, 12/88-06/89, Hippo crack, old handle Lonely
Rider, Icebreaker, Jason music,
06-07/89, LouLou Becane 89, Mucky Pup gfx, 89, Scenic 06/89, Sir
Monkey, Softhunter, Willow gfx, 07/89, Zei gfx, 89.
SWE Equinoxer music, new 89.
GER Overlord org gfx swap, 12/88-07/89.
??? Asia gfx, 89, Dark Light music, 89, Gloryboy swap, 12/88-06/89,
Miguel 89, Suicide 06/89.
Deathstar was a finnish demo group, formed by Drucer and Hackman late 1988.
Their first release was Drucers Deadly Mix 2 Intro 11/88. By december,
Codewizard code, Gloryboy swap, Shit Talker crack, Viz swap,
Watchman music and Overlord swap had also joined. That month also saw
two demo releases Dry Vodka by Codewizard, and Blasting by Drucer.
1989 - The group coarranged the Lahtiparty with Overload, X-Men and
Phalanx on the 7th to the 9th of april, and this was likely where Drucers
demo Bob Outburst 04/89 was released. By june when Deadly Jammin -equa
06/89 was released, Apol, Dr.DMA, Jason, LouLou Becane, Miguel, Scenic,
Smithson, Suicide and Sulky Fellow had all been added to the memberlist,
while Codewizard code hardware, 12/88, Shit Talker crack, 12/88 and Viz
swap, 12/88 had disappeared. Drucer released an additional demo this
month, Ham Magic 06/89. The original was quickly followed by Deadly
Jammin II 07/89 in july. Graphician Willow and musician Unknown Artist,
both of whom worked on this disk, was not on the memberlist from the
previous month, and are presumed new members since then. A few other demos
were released this year too, which we do not know the exact release date
for. They are Sulky Fellows Fatal Mistake 89, Apols Debut 89 made
to announce Apols joining, and featuring members Zei and Dark Light, which
were new to us, Apols My Home Town 89 obviously made after Debut,
Drucers 2-disk Megademo 89 featuring members Mucky and Asia, which
were new to us, Sulky Fellows Sulky Fellow 1 89 intro, and finally
Dr.DMAs Move Your Mouse 89 which announced the groups death. It is
also beliueved that Dr.DMA and Drucers The Vector Scroller is a 1989
The groups death, as announced in the demo Move Your Mouse 89 was
initiated by Watchman music, 12/88- being kicked out. This was in turn
followed by core members Doctor DMA, Drucer and Smithson leaving to form
Animate, since they were discontent with the the general skill level in
Deathstar. It is possible that some other people from this group later
followed on to this new group, but this is unconfirmed speculation for now,
unfortunately. Some other members Apol, Ripper, Sulky Fellow, Unknown
Artist, ... instead opted to form another group, called Exodus. Thanks to
Reed for some information!
Deadly Mix 2 Intro -Party- 1988, 23.11, ECS Multifile Demo.
code: Drucer, gfx: n/a, music: Sky.04 15ch SoundTracker format.
Released at The Jungle Command party.
Dry Vodka 1988, .12, ECS Demo.
code: Codewizard, gfx: n/a, music: Farewell- by Watchman NoiseTracker
MOD format.
Blasting 1988, .12, ECS File.
code/gfx: Drucer, music: Watchman-Super by Watchman 15ch SoundTracker
Bob Outburst 1989, .04, ECS File.
code/gfx: Drucer, music: B S t by Drucer NoiseTracker MOD format.
Deadly Jammin -equa 1989, .06, ECS Demo.
code: Dr.Dma, gfx: Leonid logo, Hammer font, music: Expressway by
Watchman. info: Graphicians Leonid and Hammer are not on the memberlist
published in this demo. Released AFTER SoundTracker 2.3.
Ham Magic 1989, 14.06, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Drucer, music: Watchman 15ch SoundTracker format, no name.
Deadly Jammin II 1989, .07, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Drucer, gfx: Willow font, Overlord city, music: Jason, Unknown
Artist, Watchman all 15ch SoundTracker format.
Fatal Mistake 1989, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Sulky Fellow, music: CoolballadPart2 by Unknown Artist.
Debut 1989, ECS Demo.
code: Apol, gfx: Zei logo, Apol others, music: Sweet Dreams by Dark
Light NoiseTracker MOD format.
info: Made to announce Apol joined Deathstar.
My Home Town 1989, ECS File.
code/gfx: Apol, music: Adagio 89 by Dark Light NoiseTracker MOD
Megademo 1989, ECS Trackloaded Megademo, 2 disks.
code: Drucer, gfx: Hackman, Mucky, Asia, Zei, music: Deathstar,
Loadermuzak, Klicking by Jason, Benny Hill Theme, Jason Takes
Crown, Parting Song, Mysharona, Delta, Leavinf, Pacific,
Watchman-25.12 by Watchman.
Sulky Fellow 1 1989, ECS Intro.
code: Sulky Fellow, gfx: n/a, music: Vector by Watchman NoiseTracker
MOD format.
Move Your Mouse 1989, ECS Demo.
code: Dr.Dma, gfx: Willow logo, music: Tune by ???
info: This intro announced Watchman was kicked out, and that Deathstar
would reform under the name Animate.
The Vector Scroller ECS File,
code: Dr.Dma, Drucer, gfx: Drucer, Dr.DMA, music: Equinoxer ??.
info: This intro announced Equinoxer had joined in Sweden.
Deca Projects
??? Dai gfx, 94.
Techno Hangover 1994, early/mid, ECS Disk.
code: n/a, gfx: Dai, music: n/a
Decade DCD, 1991-
GER Chris founder mainorg trade, 04/92, Duck Jens Wippermann, music, ex
Prologic, new 06-12/91, Gandalf sysop LOS ENDOS, Ghost code
crack, Jade founder mainorg trade, 04/92, Krypton ex Venture, new
04/92, Mr.Hell sysop SUDDEN DEATH, ex TRSI, Nutribrain, Rygar
org?, 08-12/90, Speedlock sysop LIGHT HOUSE, Spider code crack
trade exsysop, ex Tarkus Team, Sting ex Prologic, new 06/91, Vindex.
SWE Princip sysop INTERCHANGE, 93.
USA Andy trade sysop, 04/92, Midnight Maniac trade sysop, 04/92.
??? Baser Evil sysop COURTS OF CHAOS, 93, Darkstar sysop THE
UNFORGIVEN, 93, Dr.Darkness sysop CEMETERY, 93, Gandalf sysop
LOS ENDOS, 93, Intec Systems sysop WEIRD DREAM, 93, Iron Eagle
ger? ex Tarkus Team, Lance trade, 04/92, Nikko trade, 04/92,
Plauze Front artwork trade, 04/92, Metal Force sysop MERCIFUL
FATE, 93, Mr.Beat music, 10/91, Nitro sysop TOTAL DESTRUCTION
opened 10/91, Oli sysop DISTRIBUTION SIDE, 93, Q sysop WEIRD
DREAMS, old handle Bolero, new early93, Rich gfx, 08-10/91, Runt
ex Amnesia, Secam sysop NORTHSTAR LAND, 93, Targan sysop
DIGITAL CRIME, 93, T.C.T. ger? gfx, new 06-08/91, Terminator ger?
ex Tarkus Team, Ultimate Warrior trade sysop, 04/92, White Knight
sysop BIGGERN DEFFER, 93, Zoonie den? sysop HOUSE OF GAMES, ex
LSD, new early93.
Boards LAST RESORT new 04/92.
Decade were a German-based group formed in september 1991, mainly dealing
in the modem scene, but also releasing the odd crack and demo. The two
organizers are Chris and Jade collectively known as the Booze Brothers :,
who were in crews like The Company and Valhalla before founding Decade.
Chris joined with a board called LOST ISLAND, which is now closed.
After a while, some of the leading members felt the crew was being let
down by some of the other members, who they didnt want to kick since they
were old friends. The solution was to let the crew die in january 1992,
only to revive it three months later with ELITE only members.
Spider closed his board DREAM PARK in late 1992 or early 93.
1992 - January saw the release of the Decade is Dead 01/92 intro, in
which they announced that coder and graphician Electron 03/91 left the
scene, Jim Beam and Jonny Walker left for another group, and Milkracer code
train, 03/90 left for Zylon. Nico left for Accession around october.
Creator joined Elevation.
German graphician Silicon Master was kicked mid 91, and an intro called
Anti Silicon Master 08/91 was released.
Do-X ex Timex, new mid 91 joined UDO.
Paralax Imbecility 1991, ECS Demo.
code: Electron. gfx: Electron font, vectors, music: Devastator by
Delta Run 1990, 14.03, ECS Trainer Intro.
code: Electron, gfx: X-Out, music: Rebels!!! by 4-Mat/Anarchy.
Party 1991, 19.05, ECS Intro.
code: Electron, gfx: T.C.T., music: Heavy-Sound by Mr.Beat.
Released at the Maximum Pleasure party.
Royal Amiga Conference 1991, 30.05, ECS Intro.
code: Milkracer, gfx: Silicon Master, music: Introsoong by n/a 4ch MOD
Kick Out 1991, .06, ECS File.
code: Electron , gfx: Rich, music: Prisoner of Love by Duck 4ch MOD
Anti Silicon Master 1991, .08, ECS Intro.
code: Electron, gfx: T.C.T., Rich vectorballs, music: Dubidud by Duck.
The Decade BBS Intro 1991, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Electron, gfx: Rich logo, ???/Scoopex font, music: Only A Song
by Mr.Beat.
Hanging Around 1991, 07.12, ECS File.
code: Electron, gfx: Rygar vectors, ???/TRSI font, music: Dont Care
Anymore by Duck 4ch MOD format. Released at the Prime Party.
Decade Is Dead 1992, .01, ECS File.
code: Electron, Milkracer, gfx: Rich, music: Sonic Dreams by Peter
Salomonson/Pure Metal Coders 4ch MOD format.
The BBS Intro 93 1993, ECS Intro.
code: Electrom, gfx: D-Sign/The Silents logo, music: n/a NoisePacker 3
Decay 1990-
AUS Lord Foul sysop ZERO CITY, Metalic swap, 07/90, Rockstar sysop
Decay was formed ca 07/90 by Abel, Freedom Force Amiga Industries and
FIN Defjef, Dizzy music, later Dual Crew, 91, Metal sysop TURPENTINE
TRIP, later Parallax, Simply code, later Parallax.
NOR Party Snatcher.
Decept was a Finland base demo group, which had some future stars on their
memberlist, like Dizzy and Simply! When they died, their members joined
Black Robes and Parallax. Simply and the Metal went to Parallax, at least.
Raider joined Network.
Finnish musician and swapper Daddy Freddy joined Spirit.
Finnish Stratos and Guru joined Complex.
Finnish board TURPENTINE TRIP joined Parallax.
Frequenz joined Amaze. In Amaze, he was a sysop - whether he had his board
while in Decept I dont know.
Turpentine Trip ECS Intro.
code: Simply, gfx: n/a, music: n/a NoisePacker 3 format.
review: This is just a simple intro for the bbs of the same name.
Its just a glenz vector with the name and number overlayed no credits
appear except for the single word SIMPLY in the bottom left corner.
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Decision DCN
GER Acid-Jesus supply trade sysop, sys new 06/96, Al Bundy trade,
Coatl trade sysop, Cyberwar trade, 03/95, Famous oHack crack,
Homeboy trade, Hysteria trade, I.Wahn publicrelations, Index
ascii trade, Lemmon sysop, new 06/96, Mick tradeorg, 03/95, Mosh
trade sysop, Nino trade, Orfeus trade, Picard trade sysop,
Picasso gfx, Rebel! trade, RTM crackorg keyfilemakers, later
Digital Corruption, 03/96-98, Saxon trade sysop, Scandic founder
mainorg, TranceTip code, Unikom trade, new 06/96, Zaphodd
DEN Enzo trade sysop SKY TOWER, new 06/96.
SWE Crisp trade sysop CYBERGARDEN, new 06/96.
SWI Turbo trade, Virus trade sysop.
USA The Skeleton sysop DAWN OF ETERNITY.
??? Gator 03/95, L.A.Style 03/95, Magnetic 03/95, Monty 03/95,
Mr.Sony 03/95, Rage 03/95, Slac code keyfilemakers, 03-05/95,
Vadium 03/95.
distsite, ROUTE 69 distsite, THE DANZIG ger, TERMINAL OBSESSION
ger, 03/95, PENTAGON PALACE ger, 03/95, FORTRESS ger, 03/95,
FIN Dean ex Balance, Deceiver swap, Dime Antti Mustakallio, music,
also in Chaos pc, 08-12/93, Dionysus ex Balance, Echo Guido
traders, 03/94, Hitchy music, 02/93, HST-Bullah trade, 03/93, Jam
trade sysop STATION X OMEGA, 03/93-04/95, James Jari, music, ex
Balance, 12/93, Jaws trade sysop CYCLONE CENTER, doublememb
Digital, later Humane, 03/94, Tukan gfx trade, 93-03/94, Whizz 93.
??? Hotshots trade, Mr.Partyman sysop POOH EHQ, Slender fin? code,
02/93, Slite fin? code, 08/93, Tucan gfx, 02-08/93, Yammu fin?
code, 08/93.
Decnite is a Finland based demo group formed by ex members of World
Industries. It is most probable that they are exclusively Finnish.
1993 - Ikon was kicked, and joined Compact mid 93.
Finnish members Kristen trade sysop, ex Alpha Flight, 03/94, and Wasp
code, 93 left.
Finnish members DCD code, new mid 93, TMC gfx, 02/93, and Visualize
joined Parallax.
Finnish sysop Jam STATION-X-OMEGA, 93 moved away to study, so the
board is down.
Finnish member Mercus 93 was kicked.
Norwegian swapper Highlight old handles Tommy and Speed Devil joined
Finnish trader Klutz joined Alpha Flight.
The Party 92 Slideshow 1993, .02, ECS Slideshow.
code: Slender, gfx: Tucan, TMC, music: Hitchy.
Mass Technology 1993, 09.08, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Yammu, Slite vector, gfx: Tucan, music: Dime.
Released for the Assembly 93 40k intro competition, but was unplaced.
review: Nice design rather than innovative routines are this intros
main asset. The routines are nothing special, and neither are the
graphics. The sum of the two is greater than the parts, however, and
therefore this comes out looking not all that bad. Fun music by Dime also
helps, I guess. Nothing that will stick in my mind, though. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Magnet 2 1993, .11?, ECS Filemag.
code: Wasp, gfx: Tukan, TMC, music: Dime, Hitchy, editors: Wasp, Jam.
Deep 1996-
POL Grzes founder org, ex TRSI, old handle Greg.
??? Comanche gfx, ex Obsession, Hades music, ex Casyopea, new 06/96,
Steve Jones org swap, ex Anathema, Sun!dance gfx ascii.
Deep is a new Polish group formed by Greg/ex TRSI 06/96.
Defcon 1 DC1, 1990-
GER Survivor Patrick, ex Prologic, Tyrant swap, ex Adept.
ENG Quazar sysop MADCAP.
??? Sledge ex Alpha Flight, new late90.
Defcon One was born in 1990 after the group Onyx changed their name.
1991 - DJ Cat and Dr.Cubase got kicked mid 91. Frantic left the scene in
the middle of 91. Terror, Ghoul ex Shadows, new mid 91 and Starhunter all
got kicked.
Can I Play With Madness? ECS Demo.
French musician Arios joined Symbiosis.
Defect Softworks
GER Buggs Henryk Richter, code, 97, Crazy Copper Frank Pagels, code,
01/95, EagleEye Jan Blumenthal, code, 97, Insider Andreas Wiencke,
code, 10/95-02/96.
??? Animal music, 12/93.
Defect are a German team more known for their utilities than for their
democoding abilities Buggs and EagleEye are the authors of the music
player EaglePlayer, and Crazy Copper is the author of the graphics
conversion utility ArtPro. Youd be well advised to check out their most
recent release, EaglePlayer 2, on any AmiNet mirror near you!
ENG Meat Cleaver sysop ABATOIR.
??? Aquafresh ex Futura, Ben ex Plasma, Case ex Chaos, Deathwish
sysop DEEP BREEZE WHQ, Gumby ex Futura, Image ex Nuance, MDMA
ex Chaos, Mordred ex Combat-18, Schitzo ex Chaos, Zed ex
Defekt is dead! Ace and Venom, sysops 13TH HOUR BBS eng are now
independent. DEEP FREEZE BBS left. Jozz eng, ex Mindshadow/
Nuance, Quadrex, Bassline, Scotch new WHN1, Hampster ex Talent,
Melone trade, doublememb 2000 AD and Starcam sysop WORLDS OF WONDER
joined Balance. Tango was in Crystal for a short while, but then he also
joined up with Balance.
Thor ex Plasma joined Surprise! Productions.
Irish coder Khul joined Infect.
Huarache, War and Jimbo were kicked out.
Caveman joined Delirium.
The boards ENTITY WHQ eng and VULTURES NEST can were kicked.
German trader Susi joined, but was soon kicked.
English musician Hydlide ex Mystic joined Divine and changed his handle to
Defiance DFC, 1992-
SWE Airbrain swap, 93, Avenger music, ex Equinox, Fatal ex Equinox,
Kervin Johan Mowitz, swap, ex Kaos, new 09/92, Magnum gfx, ex
Equinox, Marwin sysop KAOTIC WORLD, Mellon music, 12/93-12/94,
Mosquito sysop ASSEMBLY HALL, doublememb Reflex, 01/95, Siracon
Anders Johansson, music, ex Genetic, 12/93-12/94, Skepp sysop
BEYOND MADNESS, doublememb Freezers, 01/95, Slaze Daniel Celin,
code music, 12/93, Stolz sysop STONEHENGE, Valiant code, ex
Equinox, Wizard ex Equinox.
??? Boki code, old handle Nirvana, later Razor 1911, 05-12/93, Gnome
gfx, 12/93, Gordon sysop, new 09/92, Marsuplami swap, Mistral
new 09/92, Oops gfx, 12/93, Yoga swap, ex Lobban/Genetic.
Defiance were born late 1992, after the group Death Defiers changed their
name to Defiance. They are a Sweden-based demogroup, probably most renowned
for their diskmag Buzz. Boki is no longer a member he was in the new
Razor 1911 for a little while 02.94-, until he was exposed as a liar, and
kicked. Siracon and Mellon make music together, as a duo.
Uncle Acid joined Submission.
Swedish musician C-Quence is now in Gods.
Swedish Buzz editor Plugster left to be independent, then joined Factor
late 95. Buzz will be released by Factor from now on.
Finnish trader and organizer Mike 94 joined Mystic 01/95.
Swedish swapper Sputnik ex Quartz, 09/92 joined Midway.
Shangri-La 1993, 29.05, Demo.
code: Nirvana, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. 9th in the TCC 93 demo competition.
Virtual Journey 1993, 28.12, AGA File.
code: Boki, Slaze, gfx: Oops, Gnome, music: Virtual Journey by Slaze.
17th in The Party 93 demo competition.
info: The demo was named after Slazes techno soundtrack, which also
competed in the music competition, but was unselected.
Buzz issue 3 1994, Diskmag.
code: Colorbird/Razor 1911, gfx: n/a, music: n/a
info: After recoding the entire Propaganda mag for issue 3, Colorbird
gave the old code used on issues 1-3 to Defiance for Buzz.
Imaginations 1994, Musicdisk.
info: Reviewed in Propaganda 4, where it was butchered :
Buzz issue 6 1995 or pre, Diskmag.
code: Slaze, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Define DFN
SWE Badboy org edit swap, Bjoerne mainorg code gfx ascii swap, C-Real
music ascii, Keldon ascii swap trade, Kidnix sysop, Toaster
music swap, Zoarchus music.
DEN Growl org swap.
POL Igor code.
Polish organizer, swapper and ascii artist Cook formerly doublememb Erotic,
late96 left to be an Instinct member only late97.
Defjam 1987-
SWE Antiaction Stefan Boberg, code crack, ex D-Mob, +inactive+, 12/90,
Archmage founder, 87-11/88, Buntz ex Amaze, Conquest crack,
06/90, Gehenna founder, 87-11/88, Mr.Thompson sysop EAST BBS,
later Mystic, 10/90, Ted Ted Parnefors, code, ex The Silents,
+inactive+, 90-06/92, The Baron sysop THE WEST BBS, 01/95, Zonic
ex Amaze.
GER Captain Midnight sysop THE TWILIGHT ZONE, 09/91, Ultra Ingo,
trade sysop ULTRA BOX, later Alpha Flight, 11/90-01/91.
USA Mr.Speeder sysop THUNDERDOME.
??? Boomerang, Fenzie, Gehenna, George Two ex Spreadpoint,
Jarre crack, Kazer sysop, ex Noxious, new 92, Lorien, Matthew ex
Spreadpoint, Pennywise, Roach train, Slash ger? trade, ex
Spreadpoint, 01/91, Tilt ex Spreadpoint.
Boards PLEASURE POINT usa, 09/90, THE M25 eng, 11/90, DIGITAL CRIME
ita, 09/90, THE SENATORY bel, 09/90.
Defjam was born in Sweden towards the end of 1987, by Gehenna, Archmage and
a third guy who quickly left the scene. They quickly became one of the
REALLY big cracker groups in the dawn of the Amiga scene, but then just sort
of fell apart, with no actual leaving occuring. Antiaction never really left
or found a new group today he is working as a computer game programmer. He
was also the author of Defjam Packer 3.2 and its forerunners Tetra-Pack,
made while he was in Tetragon and one of the Amigas most used apps of all
time, the archiver LhA.
In their time, Defjam also participated in a number of cooperations.
The earliest was probably with Computerbrains Cracking Service CCS, but
there has also been coops with Red Sector late 88 Angels.
1990 - Around the middle of the year, the German division left to become a
group in their own right, Supreme. It seems Defjam got a new German division
though, since there are German members registered long after that.
Swedish Crayone joined Strange.
Finnish coder Smircher joined Vectra.
Swedish coder T.Phraud/T.Phroud? joined Shining 8.
Swedish sysop Mogwai STREETS OF FIRE joined Agile.
Australian trainer Caddy 03/91 joined the new Oracle.
Buntz took with him the board SERPENT SOCIETY from Amaze, but it was
later closed in Defjam pre 07/92.
Swedish coder Il Scuro Ron Birk, new 01/88 left the scene back in 1990.
He is co-author of the PlaySID system, and hes been living in Boston,
USA since 04/95.
Eckhead joined Voice.
Pixel Nation ECS Demo.
Snurkel ECS File.
David Whittaker Music Mix 1988, ECS Musicdisk.
Cooperation with The Young Ones.
Information: Contains music from games like Bubble Bobble, Feud,
Leviathan, Tetris and Xenon. Classics one and all...
Intro 1992, 18.06, ECS Intro.
Code: Ted, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a. Cooperation with CCS.
Deform was formed by ex-members of Hell Order Team HOT, a.o. Musashi and
Zack Team. Musashi later joined Union.
Deformations 1992, 28.03, ECS Demo.
code: Musashi, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Winner of the Warzawa 1 party!
info: Named in a best Polish demos list in RAW6. State of the Arts
predecessor!! Well, ok, not really, but its quite similar and was
released before SOTA...
Ray World AGA Demo.
Degeneration DGN
ITA Corrosion Patrizio Casalengo, mainorg music sysop METAL MOON WHQ,
triplememb Darkage details and Genesis, early96, Gas Simone
Marascalchi, gfx swap, early96, Joseph gfx, new early96, Rusty Cage
music, old handle Detio, early96, Voodoo Chile Fabrizio Nunnari,
code, early96.
DGN have a subgroup called Ecstasy Brothers, which are all musicians: Red
Dragon, Fragolino B and Simpson.
Coder Orion new early 96 was kicked shortly after joining, because he
left the amiga scene.
Italian graphician Mangusta kicked late 95.
Italian musician Dixan joined Megahead late 95.
Delicious DLS
FIN Daddy Freddy Samuli Karkiluoma, music swap, 09/93-01/94, Juicy
music, old handle Mog, ex Equinox.
ENG Delbs new late93, Rich code, 09/93.
??? Clarky re, Daze music, old handle Dexter, 02/94, Ditto ex LSD,
old handle Vinh, Elwood gfx, 09/93-02/94, Groovy W code, 02/94.
Delicious used to be called Delicious Design, but later changed their name
to just Delicious. They will most probably go down in history as the group
that spawned Essence.
Englishman Blanchmage new late93 left the scene.
English swapper Overdose ex Iris, new PRP4 joined Balance WHN1.
Most German members Dascon, Groo Rufferto both ex Digital, Powerswap,
Touchstone ex Hardline and Slicer left to form Essence SLH11.
Intro 1993, 13.09, ECS Intro.
code: Rich, gfx: Elwood, music: Daddy Freddy.
TicTac 1994, 07.02, ECS File.
code: Groovy W, gfx: Elwood, music: Daze.
Delight DLT
FRA Arios Sebastien Le Clainche, music, ex Symbiosis, 12/91-08/94,
Atwill ex Extreme, new late91, Baron code, Bilbo ex Extreme, new
late91, Clawz music, ex Extreme, later TSB, new late 91, Doh
Spirits music, aka Doh, later Dreamdealers, 12/92, Feyd music, 11-
12/93, Frx code, Mr.Ngy ex Complex, old handle Mr. Nice Guy, new
late91, Rave ex Extreme, old handle Postcard, new late91, Shup ex
Extreme, new late91.
SWE Blackbird staff UNDERCOVER, Cybergod ex doublememb Ram Jam,
late95, Demax Stefan Hallsten, sysop UNDERCOVER EHQ, ex Chaos A.D.,
01/95, Fazer sysop FLATLINE, ex Razor 1911 new, Pitcher staff
ITA Maverick crack sysop1 FUNKY TRADING, 08/95, U.M.M sysop2 FUNKY
TRADING, 08/95.
GER Vascal sysop BREAK AWAY, 04/95.
DEN Brainiac music, Kasai ex Light.
IRL Replay, Flyer.
USA 2Tuff, Jammaster sysop INNER CITY, new late91, Shadowvex sysop
FIEND CLUB WHQ, new late91, The Saint.
??? Daryl ex TRSI, Nike nor? triplememb TRSI and Crux, 02/96, Towie
music, 12/92.
Delight were a demo group based in France.
1991 - Faddy ex Razor 1911, old handle Faith, new late 91 left to be
independent late 91. Frenchmen DCA, TDC and Reflex music, 06/91 joined
Rebels old late 91.
1992 - French swapper Krom ex Extreme, new late91 changed his handle to
Wizz and joined Fusion early 92, though other information claims he joined
The Silents. Graphician Effendi joined Agnostic Front around october.
1993 - Mr.Mixx left to be independent early 93.
Header joined Nova.
German Overdog joined Nuance.
Sparks sysop joined Spirit.
German swapper Stearo ex Delight joined Desire.
German swapper Stearo joined Desire.
Assassins norwegian BBS EXTENSION was busted!
Endless Pleasure File.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Brainiac ProRunner 2.0 format.
Overdose File.
Sound From Ghost Battle File.
U Like DLT? 1993, .03, Demo.
Pandemonium 1994 or pre, Music.
Delirium DLM
GER Phil Douglas crack.
NOR Baffle Dag Stenstad, doublememb Lightforce, 97.
USA Mko Rush sysops ELEVENTH HOUR, 04/95, Shadower sysop DARK
TOWER later DEATH ROW WHQ, 04/95.
??? Afterlife, Bathory, Caveman Trade, ex Defekt, Cheech! crack,
Deltaforce, Mad Gunman, Mad Turnip, Maz, New Sensation, Nicodemus ger?
doublememb Dynamix, 01/94, Ramses, Toxic, Wildcard.
Boards ICE CREAM ger, triple in Remedy and Dezign, S.V.P., MENTEL.
Delirium was a true quality cracker group, with famous crackers like Phil
Douglas in the team. Aspect Incorporated is a subgroup. They had some crack
intros made for them by Wayne Mendoza/Masque... I have recently well, OK,
early 97 seen members of Delirium, so is this the old group back or is it
a new group?
Swedish sysop Princip INTERCHANGE joined Rebels new.
NTSC joined Outlaws.
??? Andy music, ex Nuance, new WHN1, Michael ex Nuance, new WHN1,
Simon ex Nuance, new WHN1.
Projex/Divine joined, but quikly rejoined Divine WHN1.
Delon Dezign 1994-
HUN Dr.Eher code gfx, old handle David Blitterfield, 07/94, Power Supply
code, 07/94, Tea-Bozz music, 07/94, Tetraedermaster gfx, old
handle Rawchild, 07/94.
Delon is a Hungarian group, which apparently consist of famous Hungarian
sceners under different handles!
The Final Condom 1994, .07, AGA File.
code: David Blitterfield, Power Supply, gfx: David Blitterfield,
Rawchild, ADT/Absolute!, music: Tea-Bozz.
review: Nothing here that will set the world on fire, but at least the
we all love CRM part was fun. They do the humor thing to a total over-
kill this time around, though. The AmiNet description text said Delon
party winner AGA demo. What party? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Atmosfear 1995, autumn, AGA File.
production: Don Johnson, ...
review: I quite like this...these guys have a sense of humor! The effects
arent outstanding but I guess they were never meant to be. Id describe
this as being in the tradition of Legos The Real 40k intro. First they
claim to have the first real 4x4 rotzoomer...and I guess they do, if you
mean 4x4 as in 4 wheel drive... Then theyre back with the worlds first
8x8 rotzoomer...which is a rotzoomer within an 8x8 pixel block! See what
I mean? Its a lot like when Lego claimed to be able to display 40 planes
on any Amiga : A plus for the music, which is catchy. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Heartcore 1995, 28.12, AGA 4k Intro.
Released for The Party 96 4k intro competition.
review: Short and sweet, like a 4k intro should be, this one features
multiple routines and even some music! Niceness. No credits appear
anywhere in the intro. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Delusion DLS
Finnish musician Slice 05/95 joined Mystic sometime between 05 and 08/95.
Demons Design
Norwegian swapper Fake joined Equinox early 93.
Depth 1993-, http://www.depth.org/
DEN Bakerman Kasper Hartwich, webmaster, ex-sysop TRADE CENTRAL, new
06/96-01/00, Curt Cool Frank E. Larsen, org music ascii swap trade
edit, 93-01/00, Cytron Rune Stampe Nielsen, code music edit
Eurochart, new 06/96-01/00, Folcka gfx, old handle Picasso, 10/97-
01/00, Gizmoduck Martin Leopold, org code gfx raytrace swap
webmaster, 07/97-01/00, Hund code html java c++ gfx, 10/97-01/00,
IB gfx, 10/97-01/00, Kollaps code music, 01/00, Nightsight gfx,
07/97-01/00, Presence code, 10/97-01/00, Quedax Kenny Poulsen,
code, 07/97-01/00, Trip music, 07/97-01/00.
NOR Allanon org gfx ascii design, 10/97-01/00, Cope music, 01/00, Jaffa
code, 01/00, Labbe music, 01/00, Paithan code, 01/00, Rolex
music, 01/00, SiDo sysop trade, new 06/96-01/00, Solo HONORARY,
music, 10/97-01/00, Sprocket org gfx, 01/00.
SWE Brainstorm music, new 10/97-01/00.
FIN Frank Black code, 01/00, Heatwave org music swap, 01/00, The Glow
honorary gfx music, new 06/96-01/00.
ENG Bucko swap edit, 01/00.
DEN Cody music sysop, old handle Dizy, new 06/96, Dunlop 10/97, La
music, new late95, Nemo W gfx, old handle Sanctum, 07/96-97, Optima
code, new late97-12/97, Pennywise code raytrace, old handle Droopy,
new late95, Receiver Kresten Jensen, swap, Snowman raytrace, new
NOR Bugge sysop, new 06/96, Conan gfx raytrace, new 06/96, Ren sysop
TEMPLE OF DREAMS, 10/97, The Coolest code music, new late95, The
Paranoid music sysop PARAZITE, new late95-10/97, Voidmaster
raytrace sysop, new 06/96.
SWE Betty Boy gfx, doublememb X-Trade, new late96-10/97, Chewie org
ascii swap trade, 10/97, DeeJay Jones music, new 06/96-10/97,
Galiano sysop, new 06/96, Kaze org gfx swap, re late95, Keldon
swap trade, 10/97, Legionary code, ex Weird, new early97-10/97,
Nike sysop, new 06/96, Whisker code, 10/97, Wizard code music
swap, new 94.
FIN Fly gfx, new late95-10/97, Icebreaker Mikko Harju, org swap, 10/97,
Rastaman music, new 10/97.
POL Cerber code, rejoined doublememb Skulls, re 06/96, Hangman code, ex
Revolt, new 06/96, Nazgul code, rejoined doublememb Skulls, re
06/96, Opal gfx music, new 06/96, Timer Michael Baczek, org music
swap, triplememb Erotic and Squeezers, early98.
AUT Doc swap, 94.
??? Crusader swap ansi, Kilroy gfx, Knoxx swap, Mick code swap, ex
Rasse.Prod, Morten music, Nick code swap, ex Rasse.Prod, Polygon
Window gfx swap, ex Excess, Scorn code gfx, Someone Else music,
Teflon gfx, Warlock org music swap, Xargion code swap, 94.
Depth was formed in late 1993 by Curt Cool as a Danish demo group, and their
first production was Cool Tunes 1 03/94. During the year they released
some other small productions, as well as many issues of their pack Under
the Surface 01-99.
1996 - At The Party 6, they gave the scene what they called a christmas
present, and revived the official Eurochart, with Cytron as the third
main editor of the prestigious chart through history. This is probably what
most people think of when you say Depth. Bakermans board was closed for a
while, then reopened late 96.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 reported that swedes Pumper
trade and Slurry sysop, both new 06/96 were kicked, that swedish
Legionary/Weird code joined, that danish LPN gfx raytrace left the
scene, that norwegian The Paranoid rejoined the scene, and that Sanctum
renamed to Nemo Q.
Swedish coders Pigeon 10/97 and Omen both left for Craze late97/early98.
Swedish swapper, trader and sysop Schindler MOTION ONE, new 06/96- left
the scene late 97.
Polish graphician Insert ex Amnesty, new 06/96 left for Turnips late 96.
Polish graphician Rappid doublememb Genetic, new 06/96 left for Erotic
Dezign late 96.
Danish graphician and swapper Chelsea stopped swapping, and was kicked
shortly after late 96.
German swapper IRO Bastian Effertz, ex Riot, doublememb Rave Nation
Overscan, new late95 was kicked, after failing to keep contact late 96.
Polish swapper Klaf left for Appendix and Scalaris 06/96.
Norwegian musician The Surge also sysop left 06/96.
Swapper and asciier Draw left 06/96.
Robson joined Anadune 06/96.
Billy joined Mystic 06/96.
Reval joined Infect.
The entire group Hangover joined.
CoolTunes 1 1994, .03, ECS Chipmusicpack.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Curt Cool. info: Their first production!
Magnum Icetro skodtro! 1994, .04, ECS Intro.
code: Xargion, gfx: n/a, music: Wizard.
CoolTunes 2 1994, .06, Chipmusicpack.
CoolTunes 3 1994, .12, Chipmusicpack.
Elefont 1995, .08, 4k Intro.
info: NOT the same as 4k Intro!
4k Intro 1995, .08, 4k Intro.
info: NOT the same as Elefont!
Depth 4k 1996, 05.04, 4k Intro.
4th in The Gathering 96 4k intro competition.
Fucked Girl 1996, .04, Intro.
info: Swaptro.
Weird Intro 1996, .06, Intro.
Vi Elsker Darkhawk 1996, 06.07, Demo.
7th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
Puost - The Demo 1996, 06.07, Demo.
8th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
4k Intro 1 1996, .08, 4k Intro.
4k Intro 2 1996, .08, 4k Intro.
Swaptro 1996, .09, Intro.
Bol Boller 1996, .10, Intro.
info: Joketro.
Eurochart issue 28 1996, 28.12, Chartmag.
INT - by Impact DK.
MAG - code: n/a, gfx: Pixie/Polka Brothers title, music: Azazel/TBL,
editor: Cytron. Released at The Party 6.
info: Depth called it a christmas present to the scene, and it was one
the scene welcomed with open arms! Theres a new, multitasking code, and
new enthusiasm. This was the first issue by Depth.
Bol Dr 1997, 30.03, 40k Intro.
6th in the Mekka Symposium 97 40k intro competition.
EuroChart issue 29 1997, .04, Chartmag.
Possibly released at Mekka Symposium 97?
Chexue 1997, .06, 40k Intro.
BeBeToTeFoFu?! 1997, .06, Demo.+
info: Sponsordemo.
DGC-Karaoke joketro 1997, .06, Intro.
Frankofon! jokedemo 1997, .06, Intro.
Placebo 1997, .06, 40k intro.
Eurochart issue 30 1997, 07.07, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
INT - code: Antibyte, gfx: Tactica/independent, music: Prophet.
MAG - code: Quedax, gfx: Nightsight panel, Zack/Spaceballs intropic,
clip, others clip, music: Cymbiosis by Trip, Time That Beat
by Michael One2One/Anathema, Let Me Down by Deck/Scoopex and
Holidays in March by Marc/SyndromeSector 7, editor: Cytron.
Released at The Copenhagen Party.
review: First of all, let me just mention that this is the first issue of
the new EuroChart I saw. Right from the start, I loved the new look and
concept! The screenshots, the information, the graphical statistics...
This is the way to do things! However, while the concept is great, the
execution leaves a few things to be desired...some of the information is
missing crucial bits here and there! Perhaps I need to send Cytron a copy
of Scenery to avoid mistakes in the future Having said that, I guess I
put a lot more weight on these things than the average scener would...
The panel graphics are a little unusual, not to mention that theyre very
very good! Big, clear gadgets leave you in no confusion as to where to
click. The intro picture by Zack, and the numerous clip arts leave a
little to be desired, tho...
As far as the editorial content of the EuroChart goes, well... it was
never intended to be a mag! The best part is also the most important one
the charts! The code follows the new norm, in that it is multitasking...
which is a feature I absolutely love. All mags should multitask! It sure
makes reviewing them a lot more comfortable for me : There really is no
good reason not to download the EuroChart... It doesnt really matter if
you dont like the cliparts, or you think the interviews in the magpart
really should be somewhere else... Its the charts that matter, and the
EuroCharts are the original ones...the real McCoy. Get this because Depth
put a lot of work down in it, and do a good job. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Eurochart 31 1997, .10, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
code: Quedax, gfx: Raven/Nuance, music: Okeanos/Digital, Curt Cool and
Marc/Haujobb Tracker Packer 3 format, editor: Cytron.
review: Nice graphics by Raven introduce us to this edition of EC. The
title picture is of a crouching naked woman, but the compositions doesnt
look all right...Anyway, the rest of the design is clear and concise. As
mentioned in my review of the last issue, the code is very good. System
friendly multitasks, and user friendly at the same time : The other two
sections, apart from the charts, are also well laid out this time. The
gallery is mostly pictures of sceners drinking at parties I did like
the old Crusaders design for this part better, with two pics a page,
but... The magpart also has good design, with backgrounds that doesnt
interfere with the text. Color use is nicely relaxed. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
IDEA 1997, .11, Demo.
Seven 1997, 28.12, 4k Intro.
3rd in The Party 97 4k intro competition!
Govinda 1997, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Optima, gfx: Ib, music: Curt Cool.
11th in The Party 97 40k intro competition.
review: Now this is more like it! This cool little intro throws quite a
few good effects at the casual viewer, including lightdots, shadebob
cluster ! and some well cool bump and texture mapping! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Batteries NOT... 1997, 28.12, 40k intro.
Cooperation with Iris.
Idoru 1997, 28.12, Demo.
7th in The Party 97 demo competition.
Eurochart issue 32 1997, 28.12, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
INT - cooperation with Efreet.
MAG - n/a
16th in The Party 97 demo competition.
note: Is this the first ever diskmag to be entered in a demo competition?
Tetsuo 1998, .02, Demo.
TP7 According to DPH 1998, .02, Slideshow.
Tetsuo 2 1998, 12.04, 40k Intro
8th in the Mekka Symposium 40k intro competition.
Desire 1998, 12.04, 40k intro
9th in the Mekka Symposium 40k intro competition.
Wer Hat Dicke Eier? 1998, 12.04, Intro.
production: Blueberry/Efreet, Cytron Ib/Depth.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 97 fastintro competition!
Eurochart issue 33 1998, 12.04, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Slang Blues by Evrimsson/Nuance.
Released at Mekka Symposium 97.
Eurochart issue 34 1998, .07, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
Job Advert Intro 1998, .08, Intro.
Eurochart issue 35 1998, .10, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
info: Features an intro by Loonies, see their entry for details.
Onanina jokeintro 1998, .11, Intro.
Bamse 1998, .12, Intro.
Eurochart issue 36 1999, .02, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
sHROOMINDs 1999, .02, Musicdisk.
Kryptonite 1999, .04, 40k Intro.
Alpenclb 52 1999, .04, Demo.
Str8 1999, .04, 4k Intro.
Eurochart issue 37 1999, .04, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
Kryptonite II 1999, .07, 40k Intro.
Eurochart issue 38 1999, .08, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
Eurochart issue 39 1999, .12, AGA Multifile Chartmag.
Lonely 2000, .01, Intro.
??? Stilgar ex Apathy, new early 01.
Desert DST, 1992-
GER Rockeronic founder music, 10/92.
??? Abettor founder, Crusader founder gfx, 10/92, Doe founder,
Highlander founder, Madukan founder, Project Alpha founder,
She-ra founder, TSA code, 10/92, Tubaculose founder, Zyborg
Desert was formed by the ex-Submission members Crusader, Rockeronic,
Abettor, Doe, Highlander, Lightforce, Madukan, She-ra, Project Alpha,
Tubaculose, and Zyborg.
Walker joined Savage.
Venom joined Eskimoes.
Wishbringer joined Damian.
German swapper and cofounder Lightforce ex Submission joined X-Trade.
Borntro 1992, 14.10, ECS File.
code: TSA, gfx: Crusader, music: Rockeronic.
Design DSN, -1992
SWE The Joker swap.
GER Orbit code, ex Coma.
??? Agressor re, Dark ex Damian, Cyclon ex Trackers, FDT write,
doublememb Venture, Lonestar ex Trackers.
Design was a german based demo group. In late 1992, some of the best
members joined Fusion, and the rest carried on under a different name
1992 - Germans Renegade gfx and Orbit code joined from Coma early in
the year. German Doom joined Fusion early 92. German Hedgehog joined Addonic
in september.
Toxic joined The Electronic Knights.
Aggressor once joined Supplex for 3 days, but then rejoined.
Germans Renegade gfx, ex Coma and DSP joined Agnostic Front.
Desire DSR
HOL Infant code, early98, Noodle Stefan Schipper, swap, doublememb
Mellow, Ratbone music, 05/92, Riox code, 08/92.
BEL Bip org gfx, ex Quasar, 04/92-late96.
GER Chaos! ascii design, Kernal Mario Hoehne, code swap.
??? Dave code, Thd gfx.
HOL Antibody 12/91-08/92, Aragorn code sysop TERMINAL ZONE, 04-10/92,
Daze old handle CPS, ex Justice, Dusty, Ego Rinze de Laat, gfx,
12/91-04/92, Guy Frost code, 09/91-08/92, Zoef gfx music, aka
Facet!, new 08/92-05/94.
BEL The Grifter sysop PHANTOM, 08/92-04/95.
FIN Chipper Pasi, mainorg music, 01-11/93, Dr.Paranoid trade sysop ACID
HOUSE, 93-04/95, Dwel gfx, ex Alcatraz, new 10/93-05/95, John Peel
swap trade, ex Razor 1911, Mel 93, Mick old handle Story, ex
Ice/Plague re-scene, 93, N.S.A. swap, 93.
NOR Remix org music, later Devils, new 08/92.
SWE Breeze Henri Hurtig, music, ex Equinox, Electro code swap, ex
Equinox, Jackpot swap, ex Equinox.
ENG Giz code, Hollywood music, doublememb Axis details, later Vacuum,
Loony music swap, ex Divine, late95, Twilight music, 06/93-95.
GER Paragon modemhq org swap pack, ex The Elektronic Knights, old handle
Agony, 93.
USA Nameless sysop SNARFS PUB.
??? Draxx code, Duck 12/90-91, FantasyForce 90, Iron Eagle ex
Animators, new 09/92, MLP Artworx 03/91-12/91, Multicoder 07/91,
Nik eng?, ex Balance, Rippex 12/90, Rotex new 09/92, Shintaro
gfx, new early93, Subi music, Talisman org gfx swap, Tommie
sysop SESAMESTRAAT, ex Cyanide, TSM code, Visualize 10/93,
Wildstyle sysop, Zorro 12/90-04/92.
Desire is a demogroup based in the Netherlands, formed by Coyote. After a
couple of years the group was merged with another, of which the leader was
Ramon B5. They also had a strong Finnish section for a while, responsible
for a fair amount of their productions. Ramon B5 was the original leader,
but when he left 93? another dutchman, Ultimax took over leadership.
Twilight more or less left the scene in 1995, after securing a full time job
making music for Graftgold Software.
Ramon B5 08/92, THD 12/91-03/93 and Sacha 12/91-03/93 from the Dutch
section formed the subgroup Facets Pussy. They later recruited more
members from the mother group, like the germans Chaos! and Kernal. Most of
these members later returned to their original group. Another subgroup was
also later formed, called Love see separate entry. There were rumours
early93 that SNARFS PUB had left, but they were entirely false, as
reported in Freedom Crack 11. Thanks to Ego for some information!
1992 - T60 left to join the PC scene 09/92.
1994 - Right before The Party 94, dutch musician Fabian 03/92- sold his
amiga and left the scene. His promised BIG musicdisk project was cancelled,
and was subsequently never released.
Cone joined Spirit.
Courage old handle Seat joined Wizzcat.
Steve, sysop MYSTICAL PLACES joined Alpha Flight.
Norwegian Switchblade 10/92 joined Compact Inc.
Untold, Gorry, Clawboy 08/92 and Undertaker joined Tragedy.
Dutchmen Zorlac gfx, 05/92-03/93 and Ultimax code, 05-12/92 both joined
TRSI Upstream 8. It is uncertain where this left Desire, since Ultimax
took over leadership after Ramon B5 left... The two worked on at least
Future Inferno 05/92, Menace 08/92, Thaj Mahal 12/92,
Morpheus 01/93 and Vluggertje 03/93.
Finnish coder Venture joined Deadline. He made Morpheus 01/93 and the
ChipChop series 93 for DSR. His latest registered production is from
11/93, so he probably left late 93.
German musician Pseudolukian 04/92-06/93 got kicked. He made music for
Channel X 04/92, Thaj Mahal 12/92 and Vluggertje 03/93.
Germans Chaos! gfx ascii and Kernal code, both ex Analog, new mid93-
05/94 left to join the Desire subgroup Facets Pussy.
They both later returned to Desire.
German Skyfox ex Dual Crew, new RAW5 joined joined Endless Piracy.
However, Eurochart 22 claimed he left the scene.
Redferne ex Awe joined Devils. Also Remix later ended up in Devils.
Englishmen Bassline Music, ex Anthrox and Schizo left the scene.
Dutchmen Cloud 9 swap and Solid gfx, both ex Vicious joined
Jack ex LSD joined Compact Inc.
Ziggy Stardust ex Cyberactive, Kyle ex Starlight and Dioxion joined
Vanish, and Ziggy changed his handle to Cujo in the process.
Coyote joined Jetset.
Camelot joined Alpha Flight.
German swapper Stearo ex Delight joined Paradise.
Germans Rebel MC swap, ex The Special Brothers and Dark ex Cyberactive
joined Noxious, so the German section is disbanded late 92. The following
people are therefore obviously no more members of the German section:
Vane, Bootbuster ex Subzero, 10/92, TNM ex Subzero, Vain ex Subzero,
Kreator ex Byte Syndicate, Touchstone code, later Essence, Dascon
later Essence, Trasher, Fancy and Powerswap later Essence.
Iceberg, sysop THE HOOD ex Cyberactive joined Spaceballs late 92.
Link joined Gothic.
Exile Demo.
info: Mentioned as one of the best Dutch productions.
Addi 1990.
production: FantasyForce, Duck, Zorro.
Anli 1990.
production: Duck, Zorro.
Quint 1990.
production: Duck, Zorro.
Gif 1990, 03.10.
production: Duck, Zorro.
DSR Pack Menu 1990.
production: Duck.
X-Mas 90 1990, 22.12.
production: Duck.
Biebel Story 1990, 22.12.
production: Duck, Zorro, Rippex.
Anti-Junkfood 1991, 26.01, ECS File.
production: Duck, Zorro, Ripit/RAF.
63 Seconds 1991, 30.03, ECS Intro.
production: Duck, MLP Artworx.
Multiscroll 1991, 27.04, ECS Intro.
production: Multicoder, Zorro.
LegoLand I 1991, ECS Musicdisk.
production: Duck, MLP Artworx.
Baby Balls 1991, 07.09, ECS Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zorro, MLP Artworx.
Evolution Preview 1991.
code: Sacha, gfx: ThD, production: MLP Artworx.
Baghdad Cafe 1991, ECS Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zorro, Antibody.
Evolution 1991, 07.12, ECS File.
code: Sacha, gfx: Facet/Anarchy, ThD, Ego, production: Guy Frost, Zorro,
MLP Artworx, Antibody.
Manriki 1992, 14.02, ECS Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zorro, Antibody.
Explorer 1992, 18.03, ECS.
code: Sacha, gfx: ThD, music: Fabian.
Channel X 1992, 04.04, ECS Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zorro, Music: Pseudolukian.
Hidden-Part-Dentro 1992, .04, ECS File.
code: Sacha, gfx: n/a, music: Fabian, production: Guy Frost, Ego, ThD.
Atomic*Fallout 1992, .04, ECS Intro.
production: Aragorn, Bip, ThD.
Future Inferno 1992, 27.05, ECS Intro.
production: Ultimax, Zorlac, Ratbone.
info: Probably a BBS intro, since they had a board called FUTURE
Menace 1992, 01.08, ECS File.
production: Guy Frost, Bip, Zorlac, Fabian.
Propaganda 1992, 01.08.
production: Riox, ThD, Ramon B5, Icon/Dominators, Fabian.
Body to Body 1992, 01.08.
production: Clawboy, Bip.
Prev Party Pack 1992, 01.08.
production: Aragorn, ThD, Fabian.
Phantom 1992, 01.08.
production: The Grifter, Bip.
Little Intro 1992, 29.08, Intro.
production: Guy Frost, Zoef, Antibody.
Memtro 1992, .10.
production: Cujo/Dioxxine, Bootbuster, Switchblade.
Pack for Germany 1992, 10.11.
code: Aragorn, gfx: ThD, music: Fabian.
Thaj Mahal 1992, 11.12, Intro.
code: Ultimax, gfx: Zorlac, music: Pseudolukian.
Agony Packmenu 1993.
production: Tedric/The Silents, Sacha, D-Sign/TSL.
Morpheus 1993, 25.01, ECS File.
code: Venture, gfx: Dwel, Zorlac, music: Morpheus.cpr by Chipper.
info: Seems like the finnish section made this. I dont think Dwel was
really a member yet when this was made he joined later.
Vluggertje 1993, 09.03, ECS Intro.
code: Sacha, gfx: THD, Zoef, Zorlac, music: Pseudolukian.
Skid Row Cracktro 1993, .03, ECS Intro.
code: Sacha, gfx: Facet/Lemon., music: Fabian.
ChipChop issue 1 1993, early, ECS Musicfile.
production: Venture, Dwel.
ChipChop issue 2 1993, .04, Musicfile.
code: Venture, gfx: Mel, music: Pom Pom Pom by Chipper/Desire,
Headcrash Intro1 by Jochen Virgill Feldkoetter, Intromuz 1 by
Heatbeat/Carillon, Last Betrayal R. vt Hydra, Chiptune 12k by
Nuke/Lemon., One by Strobo/Stellar, Sweatbeat by Slammie/Disaster,
Disco Zax by Mel ODee/Shining, Introghost by Dezecrator, Metromix
by Turtle/Accession, Shortmenutune 5 by Legend/Parallax, Kukko by
Groo/Virtual Dreams, Fysiometrical by Hawk/Sanctuary 12 tunes, all 4ch
MOD format.
ChipChop issue 3 1993, .06, Musicfile.
production: Venture, Dwel.
ChipChop Special 1993, .06, Musicfile.
production: Venture, Dwel, Chipper, Fabian, Pseudolukian, Twilight.
ChipChop issue 4 1993, 24.07, Music file.
production: Venture, Dwel, Prayer/Banal Projects.
Lovetro 1993, .10, Intro.
production: DCD/Krafted, Visualize, Jimi.
Cracktro 1993, 03.11, Intro.
production: Kernal, Chaos!, Twilight.
ChipChop Intro 1993, .11, Intro.
production: Venture, Dwel, Chipper.
Fairlight Cracktro 1994, 12.05, Intro.
code: Kernal, gfx: Chaos! design, music: Zoef.
ENG Alien gfx, ex Poppa no entry, Antichrist, Eggus code, ex Poppa
no entry, Inertia Mick Fairclough, music, Kiwi code, 92, Metal
Paul Garner, gfx swap, new 10/91-93, Tango Dave Kelly, swap pack,
Tantalus Andy Eddingham, mainorg, 91-92, Terminator code, Thallium
Shaun, gfx, Venom Stuart, trade.
NOR Adolf ex Atomic, Jens Madsen sysop DREAM OF PERFECTION, 01/94.
??? Cobra, Hampster old handle Pissed Artist, 09/92, Hugo ex Poppa no
entry, Martin code, new 09/92, Narc, Nitro.
Destiny was a demogroup based in England. They will probably mostly be
remembered for their diskmag with the original name Satanic Rites. Members
of the staff of this mag were later behind the Talent mag 42.
1991 - The group attended Digitals party The Main Event in october,
where they recruited a new graphician, Metal. This was his first group.
About 4-6 weeks after the party, probably around december, the groups main
organizer Kam also gfx left the scene. Tantalus became the new main
organizer, and under his leadership the group entered into its most
productive period ever.
1992 - Tango and Venom joined. Elminster was kicked in september.
1993 - Destinator joined Eclipse mid 93. Norwegian coder and swapper
Scourger joined Talent mid 93. English coder Oedipus joined shortly after
the Destiny Communion Party in august. He later left the group to form
Natas was kicked.
Vector left the scene.
TCB ex Pussy joined Energy.
Norwegian Lord Stradh joined Talent.
Norwegian swapper Messiah joined Equinox.
Phreak, FX and Lord Flight left to form Jesters.
Norwegian sysop Omaha Thunder DIGITAL PLEASURE joined Compact Inc.
German editor RokDaZone ex Amaze joined Infect. RokDaZone worked on the
Destiny diskmag Satanic Rites.
Jelace and Saracen ex Damage Inc joined Banana Dezign.
Satanic Rites 1 pre 1992, .06, ECS Diskmag.
Satanic Rites 2 1992, ECS Diskmag.
info: Originally supposed to have been released at the Quartz Summer
Conference 1992, but it was not finished in time, since coder Kiwi could
not get it bugfree. It was released a couple of weeks after the party.
Satanic Rites 3 ECS Diskmag.
Satanic Rites 4 1993, 29.05, ECS Diskmag.
info: This was unfortunately the last issue ever released.
Destruction DST
??? Magius fin? gfx, 08/96.
Destruction changed the name of the group to Tribute, and multi-function-
man Pacman changed his handle to Speedo. Therefore, Destruction is in
effect dead. I really wish I knew when this happened, 96 or 97?
I do not know if Magius is also a member of the new crew.
Deep 1996, 18.08, ECS File.
code/music: Pacman, gfx: Pacman, Magius logo.
Released for the Assembly 96 demo competition.
review: Not outstanding in any way, but adequate. Only two real effects,
and none of them are showstoppers. Perhaps they should have had a look at
the winner demo from The Gathering 95 before deciding on the title...
The only ECS demo released at Assembly 96. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Endscroller had a few graphical errors.
Devils DVS
FRA Bombsquad trade, ex Bronx, new late93, Captain Jewels Vincent
Marque, mainorg, early92, Jinx Bancel Pascal, code gfx, 04/93, Keops
code gfx, Sirrao music, Swoly gfx.
GER Kreator sysop A-BASE, ex X-Trade, Midwife sysop PLAN B WHQ, ex
Anarchy, 04/93, Rakiem ex Dreamdealers, TDMF music, ex
Dreamdealers, 93.
NOR Bright Brick music, ex Fanatic, 93, Jam 93, Mike trade, ex
Submission, 93, Tecon org music, old handle Remix, earlier
Desire, 04/93, Wigflipper Hans Ingar Johansen, gfx, 04/93.
??? Asterios, Axya, Cannabis, Cortex, Faith re 09/92, Judd, Krom,
Krueguer, Medor, Merlin, Pegase, Sky, The Clairvoyant ex Mystix, The
Invisible new 09/92.
Devils was a French-based demo group, which also had a strong norwegian
1993 - Shades demo pack Party Cocktail 1 04/93 was released at The
Gathering in april.
Mr.Pixel left.
Youngblood was kicked.
German coder Zulu ex Addonic joined Cryptoburners.
Ceel old handle Rick, ex Flash Productions joined Cryptoburners.
Norwegians Optic, Redferne music, ex Desire, Ace swapm 04/93, Peavey ex
Offence and Shade org swap pack, ex Fanatic, new ca 06/92-04/93 left to
form Shamrock.
Microchip ex Grace joined Shining 8.
Frenchmen Hades, Bluesilence ex Zenith, Poison and Mr.Keel all joined
Casimodo left.
French musician Hydra joined Sceptic.
French coder TKB joined Dreamdealers.
Lost most of their members due to the Beach Party failure! Theres now only
four FRA members left. The best members melted with Drifters and formed a
new group called Chainsaw Design. Deicide ex LSD joined TRSI.
Labyrinth Demo.
No Reality ECS Trackmo.
code: TKB, gfx: Swoly, music: Sirrao.
review: Due to incompatibility reasons, I havent really been able to see
all of this demo. What Ive seen though, confirms nicely to the old idea
that textscreen-effect-textscreen is a nice design that works fine :
There are, however, some nice effects here, and Id especially like to
mention the lightsourced fractal landscapes. Not only do they look
great, but they render like lightning on the 030! Unfortunately, when
the demo decides its time to load the second part it crashes after
completing the loading. Nothing Ive tried remedies this, not even
kicking the machine down to 1.3. So for now, this is what you get :
All credit information was hacked out of the disk itself, since that
parts obviously in the second portion of the demo. Id be very very
grateful for results... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: See review.
Ultimate Composer 1991, ECS Musicdisk.
Information: Future Composer tunes and a joystick-controlled menu!
Colors 1991, 28.12, ECS Demo.
2nd in the Iris New Year Conference.
Plan B BBS Intro 1993?, ECS File.
code: Jinx, gfx: Jinx, Keops font, music: Redferne.
review: This small BBS intro shows Devils are not afraid to go new ways
in design it employs a highres display thats original, and made the
production look fresh when it first appeared. Together with the fast,
catchy techno music it created a good atmosphere. I say did, because
unfortunately it hasnt aged all that well. When you look at it
objectively, you clearly see that theres nothing really advanced about
the intro, no cutting edge code. It looks OK, sounds catchy, but is
ultimately not very interesting. It does its job and little else. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Party Cocktail packmenu 1993, early, ECS Intro.
code: Jinx, gfx: gfx: n/a, music: Remix, packer: Shade.
review: A perfectly serviceable packemenu, with the best part being a
large, twisting DEVILS logo down the entire left hand part of the screen.
The rest is taken up by the selector, textplotter and small scrolltext.
The intro was used for issue 1, released at The Gathering in april, and
so we conclude it was first made early this year. It worked perfectly well
on my configuration with caches off and original chipset, but since there
was no time to test with caches enabled, I can not make any guarantees for
its behaviour on such a configuration. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review.
Devious Dezigns
SWE Whoosh sysop NIGHTFALL, triplememb Over The Top and Outlaws, new
SWE Revenger Thomas Larsson, code, 08/93.
Revenger is the author of the graphics conversion utility IFFTrasher.
DEN Danish Demo Duo aka Pet and TDK, Einstein Poul P. Hestbek, music,
Hitman code, ex Neon/Kefrens, Liteace code, Mr.Mega Mind code,
Tiger, Warca.
GER Jon, Poacher.
??? Anzax, Dr.Dolby, Epsilon music, Mercy, Orbit, Tron.
Dexion are a legendary Danish demo group, who were BIG before Kefrens were
a though in mind. Dexion was Liteaces first group.
1990 - In december the group arranged the Dexion X-Mas Conference in
Odense, gathering some 600 sceners in what was until then one of the biggest
scene parties ever.
Norwegian graphician Morten joined Spaceballs.
Danish swapper Trix 12/90 joined Rebels old.
Danes Starman and Future Freak Kim Tolstrup Christensen, music were
kicked due to inactivity. Future Freak made LOTS of great tunes, and
before the Amiga he was active on the C64 as Future Freak/TFA!
Norwegians T-Bone ex Resolution 101 and Rob ex Absence joined
The Silents.
Megademo 1989, 11.02, ECS Megademo.
Winner of the Bamiga Sector 1 and Warfalcons demo competition!
Megademo II 1990, 05.01, ECS Megademo
Released at the Phenomena and Censor Party 90.
Beyond Justice 1991, early, ECS File.
code: Tron, gfx: Tox, Bustman/Crusaders, music: Orbit.
Boards ICE CREAM ger, triple in Delirium and Remedy.
dFX -1996
dFX was a swedish demo group comprised of Elixir music, Dep code and
Neuro gfx. The group ceased to exist as all three members joined Wrath
Designs in 1996.
? 1995, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Dep, gfx: none, music: Elixir The Player 6.1A format.
28th in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
review: Short and very blue. Thats the best way to describe ?, a
40k intro without graphics at all, and just a single phong object with
and without animated background that still manages to be 40k in size!
Theyve used Luddes c2p routine, and the object is in that annoying
every-other-pixel mask. While the first part has just the object an
undetailed torus and a moving background, the second part has no
background but afterburning on the object. The file was called
dFX-Wildcard.exe, a name thats a little more easy to put on the file
than the actual name of the intro : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
FRA Corsair code, 05/89, Gandalf gfx, 05/89, Mr.Video gfx swap,
05/89, Sharlaan code, 05/89, Trunk swap, 05/89.
Diabolics was a french demo group, formed by Mr.Video.
Cool Raster Intro 1989, .05, ECS Intro.
code: Corsair, gfx: Mr.Video chars, music: Happy by ????/The Jungle
Command SoundTracker format.
review: Well, this is certainly a colorful intro! It has rasters all over
the shop, bouncing bars and background colors - almost a little too much!
obviously someone learned their copper lists early But when you look at
the credits list, everything falls into place... Corsair is of course the
french coder who later made the legendary Copper Master for Angels, the
copper demo to end all copper demos... In addition to this the intro
contains only a large scroller in the middle of the screen with an ok font
for 1989 and nada else. Not much of a noteworthy release. Even with
KillAGA, the intro suffers from a badly coded music routine that bugs on
my machine.
The intro was found on Horizons Rack-Pack 16 pack, released at the
very beginning of june 1989. From this we deduct that the intro itself was
released some time during may. No release date appears inside the intro.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Diamonds and Rust DR
AUT Edo and Steve sysops PLEASURE DOME, 11/92.
GER Gettler and Grind King sysops PARADOXUM, 93.
??? Boon Kid aut? 11/92.
Diamonds and Rust was an illegal group. A review of one of their cracktros
can be found under Sceptics entry.
PARADOXUM BBS had an intro made for it by some Arise members in 1993.
Dictators DCT, 1990-1991
FIN Barbarian swap, Dr.Header code, ex Success, Maniac music, Marrow
swap, Shaddock, Sledgehammer.
NOR Nick swap, 11/90.
??? Bobcat gfx, Jayhawk, Metal code, Mr.Mad, Voyager music.
Dictators were formed by ex-members of Danish group Trilogy and some
Swedish guys. They died toward the end of 1991...though the release date
of Woozy and other information make this information seem highly
1992 - Finns Electro, Phraser, Breeze music, old handle Megaman, 01/92
and Simpson swap all left to join Equinox 08/92.
Exeron joined 2000 AD.
Joker ex Ontarion, new mid 91 joined Spirit.
Join-Us-Intro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Metal, gfx: Bobcat, music: Maniac.
Woozy 1992, 07.02, ECS Demo.
Frequenz together with Badcat and Edison got arrested at Fornebu in Oslo,
Norway when collecting a package with carded stuff. Frequenz told them
everything, and two weeks later all Norwegian elite boards got busted...
Diffusion DFN
FIN Astral 93, Beholder Pertti Lehtisaari, mainorg, 93, Grand Duke
Juha Kovanen, swap, Rock Lobster 93.
FRA Fear Viebach Jean-Michel, org, Hardfire Johan Roirand, later
Spaceballs, swap.
NOR Dr. MC Metal Bjrn Haukedalen, swap.
??? Candyman ex Leader Productions, old handle Admiral, DJ Jones,
Jaywalker, Protoplasm code, new early 93, Taxman, Wizard.
Diffusion was a demo group based in Filand.
1993 - Finnish Lohi joined Balance mid 93. Norwegian and Swedish divisions
were kicked mid 93. Extremist, Icebeat, Mikey and Wisa were kicked mid 93.
Swedes Exidor code, Slime gfx and Jammie gfx joined Infect.
Finnish Slipper and PetShopBoy old handle Ace joined Cadaver.
Finnish musician and swapper Statik-D old handle Wiseguy joined Legend.
Norwegian swapper Chaka changed his handle to Nurnal and joined Chaos A.D.
Kintro 1995, 12.08, 40k Intro.
15th in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition.
Digital old DTL, 1991-
ENG Acid 04/92, Azi gfx, ex Adept, 04/92-12/92, Clarky, Columbo
04/92, Elwood 04/92, Engineer, Flame gfx, 04/92-93, Grashopper,
Intreq sysop LIVING CHAOS WHQ, 04/92, Lexicon 04/92, Lonestar
04/92, Lord Flight ex Alliance, Mr.Concept, No.5 04-10/92, Panic
04/92, Paintbrush, Quartz 04/92, Roller Beast 04/92, Slaine,
Source, Streamline code, 04/92-93, Turbo Slug 04/92, Twinage gfx,
Yaz code music, 04-10/92.
GER Dillenger Niki Bugarici, code, new 94-07/94, Gfx-Twins gfx, later
Essence, new late93-07/94, G.T.O Stefan Reisch, music, ex Dual Crew,
07/94, Jewel, Ladykiller, Nitro, Rahiem Frank Meister, swap, 07/94,
Redman swap pack News Break, ex Adept, 03/93-07/94, S-Sex Michael
Schneider, music, ex Action, new early92-04/92.
FRA Alex gfx, 07/93, Dancer ex TSB, Doughnut gfx, old handle
Microchip, 07/93, Spiral ex TSB.
FIN Albert sysop DEEP THOUGHT EHQ, 10/94, Cosy trade, doublememb
Fairlight, 03/94, Echo Guido traders, 03/94, Jaws trade,
doublememb Decnite, 03/94, Masterblaster trade, 03/94, San Miguel
trade, 03/94.
USA Fuse, Insanity, Jynx sysop THE OTHER SIDE, 04/92, King Cobra sysop
COMPLEX 39, 04/95, New Jack sysop NEW JACK CITY, Pad sysop
MEGLOMANIA, Spook code, ex Magnetic Fields, The Master.
??? Bandasnatch, Coaxial, Death Jester trade, Dextrous ex Magnetic
Fields, Ferris, Jetman, Moses, Nova ex Slipstream.
Digital was formed after Magnetic Fields was reorganized, and all the best
German and English members formed this new group around the middle of 1991.
These days the 10 remaining members are, unfortunately, mostly inactive.
They will leave beind a handful of good productions, most notably perhaps
the trackmo Lethal Exit 12/92, the 40k intro A Maze In 07/93 and the
musicdisk Extemporized 10/93 - all of which were made by their previous
french members.
1992 - Spook, coder of the Punisher 04/92 trackmo, left the UK to work
in Silicon Valley, USA. German musician S-Sex joins from Action.
1993 - Evil E was kicked late 93.
1995 - English musician Sync joined TRSI early.
Finnish sysop Allah joined Parallax, where hes running THE CHAMELEON...
was the board also in DTL?
Finnish swappers Poke 07/94 and Tint 94 joined Facets Pussy/Desire.
German coder Chip-Ram 07/94 left to rejoin his old group, Wizzcat late94.
Sniper left to join The Special Brothers.
French musician and swapper Reverse 12/92-10/93 joined Melon Dezign.
The entire French section joined Complex sometime between 10 and 12/93.
This concerns musician Clawz ex The Special Brothers, 09/92-10/93, coder
Gengis ex Liquid, 12/92-10/93 and graphicians Eloy and Titan ex
Anarchy, 07/93, though he MAY have joined Scoopex instead.
Frenchman Vodka ex TSB was kicked out, so he rejoined The Special
The entire Finnish section, John Peel trade, ex Black Robes, Kevin gfx
sysop, ex Magnetic Fields, 09/92, Grim ex Magnetic Fields, Duncan ex
Magnetic Fields and Hifi sysop LAST GENERATION, ex Grace joined
Damones. Later, new Finnish members would join.
French graphician SPH was kicked early 93. The only production I can find
that he worked on was Gengis trackmo Lethal Exit 12/92.
French swapper and packer Wizz ex The Silents was kicked 02/93.
Redman will take over his packseries POST-IT!.
Rotox left for Anthrox.
German swapper Yoyo joined Fifth Generation 08/92.
English coder Paradroid ex Razor 1911 old, 04/92 left to make games for
Core Design. He later joined Anarchy.
Dexter music, ex Plague, new 04/92, Ford Prefect sysop, Shrimp code,
04/92 and Sync music, 04/92 were all kicked. Sync rejoined, Shrimp
later joined Ghost.
Lots of Germans were kicked in early 92 Andy Ray, Seco, First Revolution
and the graphics-team Groo and Rufferto all 04/92. Groo and Rufferto
therefore joined Delicious Design.
German Flaxx joined Bloodsuckers.
Afternoon ECS.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Shattered.Afternoon by Hollywood/Jetset and
Reverse/Digital 4ch ProTracker format.
Punisher Trackmo.
code: Spook, gfx: Flame, music: n/a.
Day of Reckoning 1992, ECS Disk.
Trash 1992, 04.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: Streamline, gfx: Azi, music: Yaz NoisePacker 3 format.
2nd in the Anarchy Party demo competition.
review: Acceptable but unexciting trackmo from British section, with
an unusual brand of music - with a flute lead ! Nothing to jump up
and down about in any way. glenn
GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Crashes after memberlist on both configurations.
Lethal Exit 1992, 28.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Gengis, gfx: Azi, SPH, Twinage, music: Reverse.
9th in The Party 92 demo competition.
Dream Trippin 1993, Disk.
code: Streamline, gfx/music: Flame.
A Maze In 1993, 11.07, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Gengis, gfx: Alex head, Dougnut font, music: Clawz XANN Packer
format. Released at the SunnFun Conference 93.
review: A good little intro from future coder celebrity Gengis, with some
nice routines. Perhaps the most interesting one being the maze part,
which resembles an early Doom clone - complete with user interactivity!
The maze is lightning fast on my machine, by the way. Also, theres a
nice zoom rotator and an opening vector rendition of a DTL logo. Cool.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Extemporized 1993, .10, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Gengis, Alex, gfx: Walt, music: Clawz, Reverse, G.T.O. ProRunner
1.0 format.
info: This is VERY sought after! If anyone has it, he/she will be richly
rewarded. Clawz modules here are Sweltering Forest, Sonic
City, Extemporized, Spleen and Ideal, Voldsom Kanonslag. This was Gengis
and Clawz last production for Digital before leaving for Complex.
Shakka Lakka 1994, .07, ECS Trackmo.
code: Dillenger, gfx: Gfx-Twins, music: G.T.O.
review: A quite acceptable trackmo from the German division. The graphics
are rather good throughout, though never excellent. The music is
functionable, but nothing more, and the coding rather nice. As you can
see, this demo never rises to greatness, but is still a good production.
Cant find any party results that list this, and the production does
not mention any party either. Theres a few fullscreen pictures and lots
of incidental graphics, if thats your thing. Nice. No loading problems.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Digital new DTL, 1996-1998
ENG Alive Marcel Bramothe, mainorg2 gfx write, doublememb Nah-Kolor, old
handle Shade, 04-10/97, Cache code, rescene, early98.
??? Goon gfx, Ibenz ex Passion and Skidrow, new 09/97, Iceball gfx,
Okeanos music.
Digital was reborn in 1996, and was finally closed by Darkus in 1998.
Darkus doublememb Nuance, old handle Nemes!s left for Network and Rebels,
and accused Iceball ex Ibanez for most of the trouble DTL had suffered,
because of his lying about new members and productions.
1997 - Ibenz joined from Passion and Skidrow. Alive contributed the title
screen to Nuances X-Files 19 10/97. Tommy music, Forge gfx, old
handle Mat, 97 and Snozz were all kicked late in the year.
Digital Access
??? Johnny Turbo mainorg, 07/94, Drizzt code, 07/94, Questa code,
07/94, Cool Col J music, 07/94, Normski music 3D gfx, 07/94,
Budds sysop, 07/94, Stoo sysop, 07/94, Tex 3D gfx, 07/94.
Girls... Girls... Girls... 1989, late, ECS Slideshow.
Code: Drizzt, Gfx: Bass, Music: n/a
ETD-AGN Demo 1989, late.
Code: Drizzt, Questa, Gfx: Bass, Music: Uncle Pervis.
Dont Touch That Dial 1990, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Drizzt, Questa, gfx/music: Bass.
Elle Slideshow 1992, .10, Slideshow.
Code: Questa, Gfx: Souri, JT, Music: Cool Col J.
DA Party Slideshow 1992, .11, Slideshow.
Code: Drizzt, Questa, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
Sonic Death Demo 1993, .01, File.
Code: Drizzt, Questa, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
Cyborg Intro 1993, .03, Intro.
Code: Questa, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
Intent 1993, .07, ECS File.
Code: Drizzt, Krion, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
ADL tested A500 /000-7 /1mb chip, 4mb fast/1.32.04.
MCBBStro 1993, .09, Intro.
Code: Krion, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
DA Party II Slideshow 1994, .02, Slideshow/Musicdisk.
Code: Questa, Gfx: Souri, Music: Cool Col J.
Guru Meditation 1994, 01.04, ECS File.
Code: Krion, Storm, Drizzt, Gfx: Souri, Infinity, Music: Cool Col J.
1st place in the Pearl Party 94 demo competition.
Digital Artists Inc DAI.
FIN Chad 93, Delacroix music, 93, DJ Tony, Judas Priest 93, Slumlord
93, Tsaca music, 93, William Wobbler 93, Zenox 09/92.
SWE Goose David Lindstrom, swap, ex Bronx, 09/92.
Finnish Reaper joined The Dark Demon.
Musicdisk III 1992?, ECS Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Delacroix, Tsaca 3 tunes.
Bonus Trax 1 1992, 05.08, Musicdisk.
Digital Chaos DTC, 1994-
ITA Dark Ranger trade, early96, Dr.Tomastik music, early96, Hantarex
sysop POINT OF NO RETURN, early96, KRS code, early96, Lry
founder gfx sysop CYBER TRASH, 94-early96, Nck founder gfx, 94-
Since their birth in 1994, DTC has released mostly doors and bbs-related
utilities. The two original founders were Nck and Lry.
Ice MC e-code is no longer a member.
968606 Intro.
code: Krs, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
information: BBStro for their board POINT OF NO RETURN.
Da Beggining Intro.
code: Krs, gfx: Lry, music: Nck.
Digital Corruption DC, http://www.digital-corruption.net.
HOL Sal-One sysop BOONDOCKS WHQ, 02/97-02/99.
SWE Hamlet sysop FIRST DIVISION, 01/97-04/98, IronFist sysop
UNDERTOWN, 12/97, Leatherface sysop TRADERS PARADISE, triplememb
Smokey and Ghost Riders, 01-12/97, Storm sysop CYBER DESIGN, 01-
12/97, Wizard F. Schultz, code gfx music, ex Giants, 97.
DEN Enzo sysop SKY TOWER, 01/97-02/99, Zinko sysop NORTHERN PALACE,
NOR Arcane sysop MOST WANTED, 01-10/97, Magz sysop GENETIC WASTE,
01-12/97, Thundercat sysop CHECKPOINT, 12/97-02/99.
ENG Shag-Rat crack sysop SHAGGYS PLACE, 02-10/97, Zoltrix sysop FINE
LINE earlier SPACED OUT, 01/97-02/99.
GER Digiman sysop ACID SLAM, 04/98-02/99, Ramis sysop TRASH CITY,
02-10/97, Red Crow ger?, sysop CREEPING ANXIETY, 10-12/97, Steel
sysop CRAPTOWN, 12/97.
FIN Patrician sysop HARD DISK CAFE, 01-02/97.
POL Billy sysop FUCK SHIT, 01-02/97.
AUS Psyche sysop TERRA FIRMA, 02/97, Testament sysop 3RD EYE,
SCO Chill sysop HOUSE OF PAIN, 12/97.
TUR Ital sysop NEEDFUL THINGS, 01-02/97.
N Z Damnation doublememb Instinct, new ROM9.
H-K Raiden sysop RISING SUN, 01-12/97.
JAP Outside sysop DEADLY SINZ, 10-12/97.
USA CDeth ftop SANATARIUM, 12/97, Gunda sysop THE SPECIALISTS, 01-
10/97, JamesWest sysop SEVEN SEAS, 01-10/97, Rusty ftpop
SPANK, 10-12/97, Shadower supply sysop DEATHROW, 12/97-02/99.
??? 7en crack, 10-12/97, Beavis sell, 02/97, Dalamar sysop
DRAGONLANCE EHQ, 10/97-02/99, Diablo fra? sysop WAREZ CITY, 10-
12/97, LaShawn sysop SOUTH CENTRAL, 04/98-02/99, RaMoNsTeR
crack, 10/97-04/98, RTM crack, 01/98, Ruskie keyfilemakers, 96,
Scandic sysop FAST FILE SYSTEM EHQ, 01-02/97, Sunbeam code crack
keyfilemakers, 04/98, Synthetix crack, 01/97, Vulture sysop
VULTURE, 12/97-02/99, Zed Peter Zelezny, code, doublememb Mystic,
Digital Corruption are a mainly pirate/illegal-oriented group, among the
best these days. They release both games and utilities.
Zed is the author of the BBS program System-X SX.
Digital Dreams Company
YUG Thunder code.
Yugoslavian Nemesis left.
Anti Atari Demo Trackmo.
Digital Warriors
NOR Buzz sysop NIGHT LINE, Charon sysop STYX, Nicam sysop NO
ACCESS, Zneiper ex Dual Crew.
Sysop Slash THE VENUE joined Alpha Flight.
Digitech 1987-
SWE Captain Solo Jacek Slawek, Damien sysop PURPLE PLEXUS, 10/90,
Excelsior sysop LEVIATHAN, 10/90, Greyhawk Erik Flyxe, The Ruler
Patrik Gisselson, Warlord org swap pack, 10/89, Warlord Peter
??? Hitchhiker 90, Trinicon, Sauron.
This mainly Swedish group was born as early as 1987, and their name is a
shortform of the two words Ditigal Technology. They earned their dues
creating some truly excellent utility compilations in the old days. One of
their members were also behind the cruncher Bytekiller 2.0. Sauron is
possibly identical to the Swedish coder who was later in Miracle real name
Johan Lindahl.
Megademo ECS Megademo.
??? Dirty Harry music, ex Atomic.
USA Navigator and Freejack sysops EMINENCE FRONT.
Dimension 4
Finnish Pifki ex Heavy Duty joined Grace.
Motive, R-9, Neotronic and Quest left to form Narcosis PRP4.
Deadlock issue 4 1992, late, ECS Diskmag.
Dinx Project DXP
POL Sachy Piotr Sachanowitz, code gfx, doublememb Skid Row, later
Appendix, 08/95-late97, X-Ceed music, doublememb Appendix details,
??? Celtic trade, late97, Dan music, late97, Drd gfx, late97,
Dr.Szach raytrace, late97, Dutch Magic trade, new early98, Franckey
code edit, late97, Groh gfx, late97, Kosmi late97, Kro gfx,
late97, ogotay code raytrace, late97, Oster code, late97, Rg code
swap, late97, Sebax gfx, late97, Terry music, late97, Timi org,
late97, Tinner raytrace, late97, Zefir gfx, late97.
Dinx Project is a mainly Polish demo group.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 reported that Sagrael left the
scene, that polish Aln/Picco misspellt Alan code joined, and that polish
swapper Korball joined Amnesty. Polish coder ALN ex Picco joined Appendix
11/97. Acid left the group late in the year. Caro left for Nah Kolor late.
L.A.M.E. 1995, 30.08, 64k Intro.
code/gfx: Sachy, music: Chipmunks by Jester/Sanity 4ch MOD format.
review: For anyone whos seen a lot of demos, L.A.M.E. is gonna bring a
smile to your face. Never have so many good demos been made fun of in
such a respectful, tongue-in-cheek way : From the opening DINX PROJECT
logo which looks a lot like the PYGMY PROJECTS logo from Extension
08/93 - to the end graphics before the cartoon which looks a lot like
something out of Macks slideshow Prism 92 for Melon - this is a fun
ride down demoscene memory lane. The chiptune by Jester has almost
certainly been ripped from somewhere, but I cant quite remember where...
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chp, 16mb fast/3.0.
L.A.M.E. 1996, 23.06, 4k Intro.
3rd in the Polish Summer Party 96 4k intro competition.
??? Droid, Zenix, Macho.
Beatbuster was kicked, and joined Upfront EC11.
Disaster 1992-1995
DEN Christine De La Queen later Spoon, 93, Core gfx music swap, Joshua
code, 93, Muttley Kim Lebech, founder music swap, ex Addicts, 93,
Profile swap, 93, Subsonic founder gfx music, ex Addicts.
??? Dgl gfx, 12/93, LeChuck music, 12/94.
In early 1995, Disaster merged with Subacid, and ceased to exist. These
people at least joined Subacid: Deckard gfx, 12/94 Gayhawk code,
Hexagon founder code, ex Addicts and Liquid music.
Joshua was busted for supposed hacking! A full report can be read in
Upstream 7.
Desajn 1994, .05, Dentro.
rtesuppe 1994, 28.12, Intro.
Winner of the fast intro competition at The Party 4!
Disaster Area DA
1991 - Birdy joined Scoopex mid 91.
The Gamble Hall BBS Intro 1992, late, ECS Intro.
code: Mad Max, gfx: Esteban, Mad Max font, music: n/a.
Cooperation with Scoopex.
review: An extremely simple intro, unfortunately showing its age. This is
just here to present the BBS THE GAMBLE HALL, and does little else. The
only effect on offer, not counting logo, scroller and sideways
starfield, are some transparent DA bobs spinning. Not one for the
collection. Even though this intro is supposedly in cooperation with
Scoopex, no members from that group took part in its creation... if youre
not counting the scrolltext The date is based on the text wishes for
1993... in the scrolltext. glenn
FIN Axu trade, 02/93, Dark Power, Falcon, Giant, Gummi-Uncle 93,
Hawkwind, HST-Bullah 93, JMF trade, 03/93, Loki, Milkman 93,
Palex trade, 02/93, Rainman code gfx, 08/92, SCE sysop IRON
HOME, 93-04/95, Triax swap, Wisp 93.
??? Stormbringer swap.
Dark Power and Dr.M left.
Finnish Thor joined the Desire subgroup Love.
Finnish Goozer ex Altair joined Alcatraz RAW4.
Finnish Alcohol Pricelist 1989, 28.02, ECS File.
Demo 1990, 09.02, ECS Demo.
Coders Mystery 1991, 25.02, ECS Demo.
Anarchy Party Demo 1991, .04, ECS.
Released at Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Rytinaa ja Ryketta 1992, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
Music: D.R.M. Information: 8 tunes, 4 games and more!
SWE Dixy sysop PREMIUM, 01/95.
ITA Dark Angel trade sysop MADNESS CONFUSION, late90, Knute code,
Mad Marabou music, late90, Mr.Copper code, late90, Natas sysop
TEMPLE OF DESTRUCTION, New Dream code, late90, Luyz code, Sledge
gfx, late90, Storm gfx sysop ALTAIR OF SACRIFICE.
Boards INFINITE DREAMS ita, 09/90.
Beware of Vectors ECS Intro.
code: Knute, gfx: Storm, music: Flying Gods by Hydra/Devils.
review: Just an intro with a jumping scroll, a logo at the bottom of the
screen and some filled vectors. Nothing extraordinary. Nothing even
remotely close to a release date is found in the intro. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
ENG Aquafresh music, Risk org gfx edit White Noise, old handle
Image, 94, Sonny sysop WELSH COAST, 10/94.
FIN Arche ex Typhoon, Mac ex Typhoon, Mr.Z ex Typhoon.
SWE Maverick swap, 09/92.
??? Buddy org sysop, Calcin Martin, Elric? trade ascii edit, ex
Futura, GT One sysop ALTERNATE REALITY, MDMA code, The Fink
code, 94, The Jive Movement re Delite, old handle Projex, Thor
swap, Warlock ex Fantasy, Welder code trade sysop, ex Futura.
Divine was formed by ex-members of Surprise! Productions UK and Futura.
1992 - Finnish Duplex left the group to form Electron, and Icebass joined
Admirals early in the year. Dutchman Ike old handle Hornet joined Effect
English musician Dreamfish 94 joined DCS.
Dredd ex Fantasy was kicked.
Loony joined Desire.
Sprinter was kicked due to inactivity.
Danish coder Wreko left for Balance.
Kiwi abandoned Divine and the Amiga for Trilogy on the PC scene.
White Noise 1 1994, ECS Filemag.
code: The Fink, gfx: Risk, music: Dreamfish, editor: Risk.
SWE Antiaction code, ex Tetragon, later Defjam, new 07/90, CAD
BjrnLagercrantz, Creator swap, Leper Messiah ex Dual Crew, new
late90, Nick23 gfx, ex Ballcrackers, 12/91, Turbobrain Stefan
Bernbo, code music sysop THE ULTIMATE RIDE, 12/91, Xor, Zak gfx.
USA High Energy sysop RAZOR EDGE.
??? Creep ex Control, Elrick, Genius sysop, Georgie, Jason, Lee,
Moose, Odin, Orpheus, Poltergeist swe?, code, ex Excellence.
Boards WAREHOUSE fin.
D-Mob was formed by The Cad and Turbobrain from The Sunriders Swedish
division. They felt they were the only ones doing anything in Sunriders, and
they didnt want to do the job for someone else, so they formed their own
group. Turbobrain is also the author of the wellknown copy program D-Copy.
1991 - Dreamer joined Vogue, while Raider and Aztec got kicked in the
middle of the year.
1992 - Daxer left to join Eclipse ca 06/92.
The Finnish division is dead most of the members joined Intense.
Swedes Alis sysop ANOTHER WORLD, Frosty both ex Jump and Uzi-U all
left for Crystal.
Music-Disk 1 ECS Trackloaded musicdisk.
code/music: Turbobrain, gfx: Zak.
review: This is about as basic as they come. What you get is a scroller
at the top, a picture of the Batman logo and three four is you count the
bonus track LARGE tunes, probably because they were not so much
composed as sampled. Avoid this and get Music-Disk 3 instead, by much the
same team...only miles better! By the way, this was D-Mobs very first
production as a group.
The scroller is distorted and unreadable on my machine. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Musicdisk 3 1991, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
Information: COOL onemodule megamix musicdisk!
Musicdisk IV ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
Information: 5 tunes and a small bonus part.
Doctor Mabuse Orgasm Crackings DOC
GER Dr.Mabuse, Unknown Michael Kleps, code, 08-10/88.
??? Esteban, Frog, MnemoTroN code, ex Silicon League, 04-08/89, Tracer.
DOC was a legendary German group that gave the world some of the first and
best demos and utilities like the D.O.C SoundTracker Version 2.0 08/88 to
2.2 were coded by Unknown, while version 2.3 04/89 to 2.5 08/89 were
coded by Mnemotron.
Unknown also wrote the game Dynablaster and the chipmusic program SID-Mon.
Demons Are Forever 1988, 18.05, ECS File.
info: Classic demo!
Dole 1997-
??? Mega founder music, Mr.Mygg founder music, Stardust founder gfx,
TmX founder gfx.
Dole was formed by Mega, Mr.Mygg, Stardust and TmX, all from C-Lous 97.
Dominations Dentro 1995, 12.08, Demo.
13th in the Assembly 95 demo competition.
Dominators DOM
DEN Roland music, 12/90.
GER Transfer code, ex Paradox.
??? Dogfriend, Fox ex Bonzai, Psycho train, 89.
Dominators on the amiga was merely a division of the wellknown danish group
on the c64. They were active mostly swapping on the amiga probably as
early as 1987, but it would still be a few years before the first
productions were released... :
Most German and Finnish members left to build Elysion.
Nevermind 1992, 29.06, ECS Demo.
6th in the Hurricane Party 92 demo competition.
Golf War 1992, 28.12, ECS Disk.
code: Zorlac?, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
15th in The Party 92 demo competition.
Donut Fetish DNF
NOR Niggerjack Stian Myhre, code, Pix gfx, later Darkage, Romeo code,
early98, Whiskas Daniel A. Hansen, music, also in Mono music,
??? Deep mainorg1 music, Disc-man music, Drop mainorg2 music, Fro-D
music, Large sysop, Loaderror code gfx, Mr.X music, new late96,
Speeddevil new 09/97.
Donut Fetish is a Norwegian group, with some fairly talented members.
Niggerjack was in Shamrock the last time I lost track of him
1997 - Norwegian coder Psalt left for Spaceballs, and Norwegian coder
Accede left for Contraz 09/97. Their sysop Large also left them, while
Speeddevil joined this month.
DoodlesShock Foundation, The TDS or DS
SWE Blizzard coedit Tequila, 07/95, Butch gfx, 06/94, Chig code,
06/94, Jac sysop HYSTERIA, 01/95, Silencer sysop REPULSE.
Swedish musician D-Zire joined Spaceballs late 94.
ChipOMatic 3 1994, 07.06, ECS Musicfile.
code: Chig, gfx: Butch, music: Loxley/Equinox, Spirou/Senseless Desajn,
Deetroy, Excalibur/Complex.
Tequila Chart issue 11 1995, 01.07, Chartmag.
Cooperation with Complex, see there for details.
Doom old 1990-1990
FIN Acer, Barrax, Bootlegger, Dander, Hans, Hawk, Hex, Hoffman, Jack,
Larry, Mac, Mic, Stargazer, Starwize, Swapper-Jack, Tandy, Voyager,
??? Ravish new ca 07/90.
Doom was formed when the two groups Vision-X and Tornado merged in 1990.
1990 - In july, finns Judge gfx swap, ex Tornado, Banzai code, Zoltar
music, Tom code gfx swap and Mr.Head code left the group because they
felt there were too many members in Doom. They formed the group Advance
together with one other member. Finnish Mr.Big was kicked, and joined
Wizzcat under the new handle Catman. The group changed their name to
Euphoria towards the end of the year, probably 09 or 10/90.
Doom new
GER Devil gfx, 04/96.
??? TLS music, 04/96, Vanor code, 04/96.
Deadline 1996, .04, AGA 1MB Multifile, 2 disks.
code: Vanor, gfx: Devil, music: TLS. Released at Misc 96.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
??? 9MM Dor, .38 Dre, Pushead.
Dope were a Norwegian group, creating quite original demo work.
Light Side of the Dark Side ECS.
Ban the X - Radical Version 1990, ECS File.
Double Density Crew DDC.
Virus Intro 1988, 03.10, ECS Intro.
Released at the Double Density Crew, Level4, The Supervisors Copy Party.
Doughnut Cracking Service DCS.
ENG Nosah Dave.
DCS was a mainly English group that came from the C64.
DEN Nation music, 12/94, Venger Sune Pedersen, music, 12/93-12/94.
??? Constrictor gfx, 12/94, Marvin code music, 12/93-12/94.
Anni Mator 1994, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Marvin, gfx: Constrictor, music: Music 4 4okb Vgr x3 and
Endmusic by Venger. 10th in The Party 4 40k intro competition.
GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04.
Note: Runs without crashes, but gfx are totally fucked up,
indicating it was coded for AGA machines.
Time Warp 1994, 28.12, 40k Intro.
15th in The Party 4 40k intro competition.
Dragons old -1990
It is highly uncertain what the OLD Dragons have in common with the new.
1990 - French musician Moby ex Apology joined Alcatraz. All remaining
members Corsair, Megablast, Mr. Video, Conqueror Zike! except Foxy
joined Angels late 1990. As a consequence, Dragons died. Foxy joined
Yoda joined Submission.
Megademo 199?, 10.03, ECS Disk.
code: Corsair, gfx: L.Jadavin, Mr. Video, Vador, music: Moby, S.Lentfert,
Allister Brimble.
Dragons new
GER Lee Wijant swap, 92, R.T.F. mainorg, 92, T.B.M sysop DIRTY
SURFACES opened early 92.
FIN Yoda new 08/92.
??? KLF train, new early92, Roland code, new early92.
It is highly uncertain what the OLD Dragons have in common with the new.
EuroChart 15 carried the news that they won the demo competition at the
Fresh Cream party, though this party is unknown to me.
Bounty left to join Hardline early 92.
Cream Dezign gfx music, new early92 left 08/92.
Swedish sysop Bugs Bunny POLE POSITION joined Noxious.
Megaintro 1991, .04, ECS.
Released at Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Dreamdealers DRD
FRA Antony Squizzato Antony, gfx pack Pipeline, aka Tony?, 09/93-
12/93, Asymptotic code, ex Pure Metal Coders, new late92, Chrylian
Ceril, music, ex Proton Ltd, new late92-94, Croquik code, Elmer
Hugues Giborne, gfx, ex Symbiosis, new late92, Fletch gfx edit
L.I.V.E., ex TSB, Foxy ex Dragons, new 90, Freddox code edit
L.I.V.E, ex TSB, Fullstar ex Pure Metal Coders, new RAW4, Gelfling
sysop DREAMLANDS WHQ, 09/93-06/96, Napoleon Emmanuel, swap, ex
Solaris, 09/93-94, Pib code, 94, Redlight code, 12/91-93, Shout
Jean-Philippe Plazas, music, 04/96, Silk ex Solaris, new UPS8, Sun
music, 12/92-12/93, Sync code, 12/93, Tik gfx, 12/91, TKB code,
ex Devils, Zebig gfx, ex Alliance Design, new pre 07/92-93, 7th Eye
gfx, ex Alliance Design, new early92.
Boards JUJU fin, 09/95.
Dreamdealers is a purely French demo group. In the beginning they were a
small, but quite high quality group. Then Moby and Ra joined, and people
started taking a little more notice. When Moby and Ra left for Sanity they
certainly lost their best assets.
The sysop of JUJU is not a Dreamdealers memb, but Gelfling is a cosys
on the board.
1990 - Foxy joined from Dragons after that group died.
1992 - French coder Gryzor left for Hemoroids in august.
1993 - The demo Arkham Asylum was released in january, in cooperation
with Alliance Design, mostly to get some old AD-related graphics from Hof
and Zebig finally released.
1995 - Fletch returned to the scene late 95.
The Frenchmen in Oops! Productions Alex and Nam, both ex The Silents both
joined Movement.
French coder Hexogen ex Pure Metal Coders, new late92 left the scene.
French painter Trajan 12/93 joined Bomb!.
The entire German division Rakiem ex Speed/Complex, Ascender, TVaan
ex Dux/Submission and TDMF ex Mexx were kicked out. Rakiem and TDMF
joined Devils.
French music and graphics masterminds Moby ex Alcatraz, 12/92-12/93 and Ra
old handle Rhah, ex Pure Metal Coders, new late92-12/93 both left to
join Sanity.
Corinne 1994 or pre, AGA Demo.
Tales of Dream 1991, 25.08, ECS File.
code: Redlight, Croquik, gfx: Tony, music: Moby.
Inner Vision 1991, 28.12, ECS File.
code: Redlight, gfx: Tik, music: Moby.
Winner of the Iris New Year Conference!
info: Does not work on 2.0+ systems!
Beach Party Invitation Intro Beachtro ECS Intro.
Released at the Eastern Conference 92.
Drinktro 1992, ECS File.
code: Redlight, gfx: Zebig, music: Pelforth Blues by Moby ProTracker
MOD format. Released in cooperation with Alliance Design.
info: Intro for the upcoming Drink Charts.
Arkham Asylum 1993, .01, ECS File.
code: Redlight/Dreamdealers, gfx: Zebig, Hof/The Silents, music: Moby.
Released in cooperation with Alliance Design details.
Interpol Crack Intro 1993, ECS Intro.
code: Redlight, gfx: Ra, music: Chrylian ProMizer 1.8 format.
review: A cracktro whose most important asset is a great Interpol logo by
Ra, covering most of the screen. Some text is nicely splashed onto the
screen at the bottom, and the music is...not good. There is no actual
release date, but it was probably made in 1993 - several things indicate
this. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Ulitro Flying Saucer BBS 1993, ECS Intro.
code: Redlight, gfx: Zebig, music: Sun.
Raging Fire 1993, 28.12, AGA File.
code: Sync, gfx: Antony, Ra, music: Moby.
15th in The Party 3 demo competition.
review: This starts of on a TRULY cool note with a heavy metal module by
Moby ahh sweet headbangin..., before were treated to a great picture
of a bulls head by Ra. Then, the bulls head is zoomrotated fullscreen
while the drums of the tune keep-a-bangin. ...and that would appear to
be it. Having experience this power trip mostly brought on by the
music, one cant help but think theyd have ended up a lot higher on the
score board if theyd added another effect or two. Amazing potential!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Toyzareus 1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Redlight, gfx: Zebig, music: Reflex.
3rd in The Party 93 40k intro competition.
Imagine 1994, 03.09, AGA File.
code: Pib, gfx: Antony, music: Organe Machine by Chrylian.
2nd in the 3S Party demo competition.
review: Certainly nice this short demo from the Frenchies in DRD.
The graphics remain excellent throughout, and the codings not bad
either. As for the music...I thought it was a fucking Moby tune until I
saw the credits! If thats not a stamp of approval, I dont know what is.
Very very competent in every department, then.
Please note that on the 030-50 it ran a little TOO FAST. I didnt get
half a chance to read any of the text early on, because it just flashed
onto the screen, and then it proceeded. On the plain A1200 everything was
fine, though. glenn
GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: see the review!
Toothbrush - The Trilogy Part III 1994, 27.12, AGA Multifile, 2 disks.
code: P!b, gfx: AnTony, music: Doh samples: Doh, AnTony, Ra.
Cooperation with Cryptoburners. 21st in The Party 4 demo competition.
review: Just some animations of people brushing their teeth, set to a
techno track with brushing noises. Probably supposed to be funny, but it
doesnt really come alive for me... glenn
GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0.
Cult - The Party 4 Edition 1995, .02, AGA Diskmag.
info: This was released as a preview of the new diskmag Cult, which
was supposed to be released regularly as a cooperation with Absolute!, and
the editor would be Fester/ABS! As far as I know, no further issues were
3S Party 96 Invitation 1996, mid, File.
code: Obyone, gfx: Tenshu, music: Bosco.
info: The 3S party was held from 30.08-01.09 1996. All of these people
probably became Syndrome members by the end of the year!
Dreamline Designs DLD
DEN Rasmus K. Ursem code, 02/95.
Rasmus K. Ursem is the author of several small utilities, whose names all
begin with DLD :
DaRide 1994, 28.12, Wild.
3rd in The Party 4 wild demo competiton. Information: Presented on an
Dreampark DPK
GER Euronymous sysop ANCIENT ENTITY, triplememb TRSI and Thunder
Technologies, 06/94.
Drifters DFT
FRA Amotrak swap, 02/91, Clary code gfx raytrace modem, doublememb Crux
Design, 95-12/96, Coronal swap, Golden Hell Gabriel Hiriart, gfx
raytrace swap, 02/91-04/96, Kyrom Eric Mounie, music, 02/91, Manu
Emmanuel Gallo, swap, Mr.Bluesky code, 02/91-04/96, Mulder
raytrace trade sysop X-FILES, 04/96, Outlandous D.A. Yannick
Meneceur, gfx, 02/91, Sh0cker A. Pagnotta, trade system modem, old
handle Hooked, 04/96, Tof gfx ascii, doublememb Crux Design,
ENG NMI Paul Westgate.
??? 242 code raytrace, 04/96, Euric, Io gfx swap, 04/96, LAnome
trade, 04/96, Seb gfx, 04/96, Stf.
Drifters was a french demo group, formed by Golden Hell and Mr. Bluesky. The
group produced more than 30 demos/intros in their time. Thanks to Outlandos
D.A for a little information!
1991 - Postacard is now Rave/Delight late in the year.
1995 - Drifters originally died in 1995 when the two founders left the
scene, but Clary tried to keep the group together a small while more. Golden
Hell was asked to rejoin, and did a few pieces of graphics for them and
Crux but it never really came alive.
Black and White Demo.
info: Done in cooperation with Pentagon - who merged with Drifters soon
Latex Intro.
code: Mr. Bluesky, gfx: Golden Hell, music: n/a.
The Prisoner Number 6 Demo.
code: Mr. Bluesky, gfx: Outlandous D.A, Golden Hell, music: Kyrom.
info: First ever philosphical demo.
Cheap Blittering 1991, 06.02, ECS File.
code: Mr.Bluesky, gfx: Amotrak, O.D.A, Golden Hell, music: Kyrum.
Cooperation with Pentagon.
review: Please be advised that the version reviewed here is a re-issue
version, put on AmiNet by Drifters in April 1996, for the purpose of
archiving. The readme file says Amiga OS 3.x, so its compatibility may
therefore not be the same as the originals. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Gudule 1995, File.
code: Clary, gfx: TnT Tof Tenshu/Syndrome, music: Bosco/Syndrome.
Cooperation with Syndrome. 2nd at the Synapse 95 demo competition.
review: I suppose this would be a lot more entertaining if I knew
french... You see, this is just a set of pictures set to a tune with
sung french vocals. All pretty amusing, Im sure, but I dont understand
squat : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Disco 1996, 07.04, HD File.
producers: Clary, Falcon, Io, Tof.
3rd in the Symposium 96 demo competition.
review: High points for originality, but that doesnt help this out of
the mud, Im afraid. Its pretty much an animation player : The demos
high point is actually the first 10 seconds, when a voice announces
Hello and welcome to the Boris disco party, immediately followed by
Calvin and Hobbes getting down to a disco groove. Cool, you think - so
how about the demo? There is none. Its just more cartoon figures, set to
the sound of that soon-becomes-mighty-irritating disco tune. Avoid.
I find no indication that this needs AGA. It is HD only due to the size,
but there is no reason why it cant be run from disk if its packed first.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Paradisio 1997, 30.03, Demo.
4th in the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition.
Dromex new
??? Booster ex Lunatic Earls.
Booster left Lunatic Earls to rebuild Dromex!
1992 - Rackler joined Wildfire late in year.
D-Tect DTC, 1988-1993
GER Agent code, 11/90-09/91, Case sysop PLEASURE PARADISE, 02-09/91,
CCCP code, ex Spirit, Charly 03/90-09/91, Cougar code,
11/90-09/91, Dave 11/90, Ferris swap, 02-09/91, Flake Markus
Schmall, code, ex The Special Brothers, later TRSI, new 08/92,
Flashlight sysop ELITE TOWER, later Pirates, Harry 11/90,
Higgins, Joker 11/90-02/91, Mr.Soft sysop POISON DATA, 09/91,
Mr.X swap, 09/91, Pete 02/91, Satan code, ex Vision One/AFL, new
12/90-12/92, Snowman 03/90- 09/91, Spider Onur Pekdemir, gfx,
03/90-09/91, Twisted music, 03/90-09/91, Yankee write, ex Addonic,
new ca 01/92.
NOR Darkdude gfx, 09/91-12/92.
FIN Clan Mikko Nurmi, swap.
USA Jabbawocky sysop CYBORG COMMAND, later Skid Row, new 09/91.
??? Adam code, 08/92, Cyfrak music, 12/92, Digital Illusion ex
Tristar, Dr.Clan ex Fate.
Boards POPULOUS ger, new 03/90.
D-Tect was a demo group based in Germany, probably born around early 1988.
1990 - November was a busy month, with first the release of Depeche Code
11/90 followed closely by the second issue of Hack-Mag 11/90. The mag
announced that the group needed more coders, since only Agent and McDeal
were coding. It also announced two new members, Mr.Megaforce in Canada
about to open a board and their first modemtrader, Rockford in Germany.
1992 - German writer Yankee joined from Addonic around january, to work on
Hack Mag. December saw the release of the groups last ever production, the
intro D-Cadence 12/92 at The Party. It seems reasonable to say the group
died early 1993.
Leo left the scene.
Wire 501 was kicked.
One of D-Tects greates assets in earlier times and the ex-editor of Hack
Mag, McDeal 11/90- left to join German supergroup Sanity. However, he
only participated in one demo for Sanity Arte before leaving the
German sysop Rockford aka RCF TRADERS HEAVEN, 02-09/91 joined Elevation.
Norwegian sysop Phonebilly ELEGANT MACHINERY joined Dual Crew RAW1.
Lord Unix was kicked 09/91.
News in I.C.E that Spider joined Coma is untrue 09/91.
Cooperation 1988, .04, ECS File.
Cooperation with Shining.
Multiscroller 1988, .05, ECS File.
Released at the Piranhas Party.
In Your Memory 1989, .02, ECS File.
Released at the SAS SSC Party.
Amiga Expo 1989, 10.11, ECS File.
Released at the Paranoimia AmiExpo Party.
Mean Machine Trainer 1990, ECS Intro.
Hack-Mag issue 1 1990, 22.08, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
Depeche Code 1990, 10.11, ECS File.
code: McDeal, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
review: McDeal mentioned in a demo newsgroup that this demo was the
second one to ever feature a dot tunnel on the Amiga, an improvement on
TIP/TNMs, who was first.
Hack-Mag issue 2 1990, 22.11, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: McDeal, gfx: Spider, music: Twisted.
MAG - code: Agent, gfx: Spider, music: TAR, editors: many.
review: The second issue of HM opens with a little intro - a title
picture of a monitor smashing through glass set to music. The mag itself
is very well presented, perhaps the best design on the scene at the time
it was released! You have to remember that HM was competing against Crack
Journal at the time, so they easily had the best code. Like in most old
mags, too many pages are taken up by unnecessary drivel like humor
articles and small comic strip pages, but overall the mag represents an
overall informative read. But party reports without results...booh!
Some critical newsediting would also have been in its place newsitems
like that 4-Mat left Anarchy for TRSI, or that Tarkus Team is dead were
obviously wrong. The mag announces the new members Mr.Megaforce canada,
soon sysop and Rockford germany trade.
The first time I tried booting the mag no caches/OCS, it showed the
intro just fine but gurued at the first page of the mag. I peeked around
the disk, and found the way to make it work boot to your harddisk first.
Then cd to the disk in question, then cd to the directory articles.
now type KillAGA provided KillAGA is in your path ofcourse to the main
hackmag executable. The commandline may look like this: KillAGA
df0:HACKMAG2. Get it? This should make the mag work, though it still has
some problems with catching keyboard presses - mouse clicking works fine.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review!
Traders Heaven 1991, .02, ECS Intro.
info: BBS Intro, not same as 04/91 release.
Hack-Mag issue 3 1991, 03.02, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Satan, McDeal fix, gfx: Spider pic, font, Vinvent/Vision 1
bobs, music: Twisted.
MAG - code: Agent, McDeal, gfx: Spider, music: TAR.
review: The intro coded by new member Satan is much cooler than last
time. It opens with an ok pic by Spider, of one of the Gremlins clutching
a D-Tect logo, then goes into the intro itself. Not a terribly inspired
affair, but features a starfield, bobs, and the obligatory scroller at the
the bottom of the screen. On to the mag, we experienced exactly the same
compatibility problems as with the last issue...but this time the solution
we offered then does NOT work! Disaster! So sometimes even Amiga owners
need to retort to emulators... :
Editorially and graphically not much has changed, the design is
identical to the last issue. Not many deep articles this time either, but
its a good hardcore scene mag. Nothing much more to say really, this is
an average issue. Support for the mag was picking up, this issue has much
more outside contributions than before. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Hack-Mag 4 1991, .04, ECS Multifile Diskmag, 2 disks.
Traders Heaven 1991, .04, ECS Intro.
info: BBS Intro, not same as 02/91 release.
Hack-Mag 5 1991, 29.06, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Satan, Agent, McDeal, gfx: Spider, music: Twisted.
MAG - code: Agent, gfx:
review: After a small bit of loading with a nice ascii screen to look at,
the intro starts. And it looks really good, actually! Its actually
among the simplest intros ever, just a pic, music and a scroller, but the
picture at least shows some effort on Spiders part!
Well, onto the mag: The first thing that strikes us is the title logo
picture, again by Spider - nice. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Hack-Mag issue 6 1991, 22.09, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Cougar, gfx: Spider, music: Twisted.
MAG - code: Agent, gfx: misc, music: Twisted, editor: McDeal.
review: This mag from 91 works perfectly fine on my 50mhz 030-machine...
Astonishing! Well, installing to harddisk wasnt much of a problem
either, so I booted the thing. The intro is great! Cool cyber-OS design,
metal-skeleton Terminator picture by Spider and thumping cyber-techno
soundtrack by Twisted! It certainly sets the mood for some nice
reading... The mag itself is well-laid out, and there is certainly enough
to read. Theres only one module, again by Twisted, but its very cool.
Its got a melody that I simply looooove... This old mag brings back some
of the magic from lost times. For a nostalgic read, recommended!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Hack-Mag issue 7 1991, 27.11, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
D-Cadence 1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Satan, gfx: Darkdude, Satan, music: Cyfrak.
13th in The Party 92 40k intro competition.
PowRootDo Korzemi 2 1994, 13.11, Demo.
4th in the Gelloween 94 demo competition.
Dual 4Mat
??? Atom gfx, 94, Dug code, 94, Matt gfx, 94, Mikromission ex
Saints, new ROM3, Rob 94, Sparkle code, 94, Tummo music, 94,
Watts music, 94.
Rebellion joined Maniacs late 95.
Just 17 1994, early, ECS Intro.
code: Dug, gfx: Matt, music: Rob.
Egg N Spam 2 1994, mid, ECS Musicfile.
code: Sparkle, gfx: Atom, music: Tummo, Watts.
Dual Crew DC, 1988-1993
SWE Flogger ex Voice, Hater code, ex Tetragon, new 07/90, Joker ex
Tetragon, new 07/90, Omega music, new ca 07/90, Parsec code, ex
Voice, The GNN swap, 04/92, Thunor ex Voice, Trigon code, ex
Tetragon, new 07/90.
NOR Yoghurt Hans, ex Network, Shocker Bjrn Stensrud, code, ex Network,
Timewalker ex Absence.
FIN Axis, Destop gfx trade, later CNCD, 07/91-02/92, Dizzy music, later
CNCD, 02-04/92, Golem, Truxton trade, new 08/92-02/93, Vulcan
swap, 04/92, WDO Mikko Hamalainen, code swap, later CNCD, 02/92,
Zoolook Marko Kilpelainen, swap, 11/90.
GER Desto Ingo Kamps, swap trade, ex Platin, Executor and
Phreaker sysops SECRET WORLD, ex Gothic.
ENG The Warden sysop THE ASYLUM, Ultimate Warrior swap, 04/92.
ICE Hawkeye ex Armada, Noblestar ex Armada, Othon music, ex Armada.
USA White IC and Phosphyre sysops COMPLEX CORROSION.
??? Belfagor music, 04/92, Breeze ex Amaze, Danken swe? music, 01/90,
Df0 ex Amaze, Doom ex Gothic, Dwarf ex Amaze, Galahad crack,
Hawk fin? code, new 05/92, J.K. music, 04/92, Morph music, ex
Crystal, rejoined, 04-05/92, Overlord ex LSD, new 08/92, PMB ex
Amaze, Shadow gfx, 05/92, Spike ex Alliance.
Dual Crew was originally a c64 cracking group, and the amiga section was
formed by Stookie in 1988. Color blind graphician Red Devil ran the pack
series Ultimate Sin for a while, which was previously run by other DC
1990 - Swedes Omega music, Tip music, Mace code and Color gfx all
joined around july, but the three last ones didnt stay too long and moved
on to join Phenomena in december. Four others swedes also joined in the same
time period JBM, Trigon, Joker and Hater from Tetragon. Swedish Gizmo
joined The Silents, while swedish Leper Messiah joined D-Mob - both late in
the year.
1991 - Swedish trader JBM ex Tetragon, new 07/90 joined Fairlight in the
summer of 91.
1992 - English sysop Clairvoyant FORGOTTEN REALMS joined from Rebels
in march. English sysop Reflex A KIND OF MAGIC, 04/92 left in august,
and his further scene career is uncertain. German sysop Fornax EUROPES
HEART joined from 2000 AD around october.
1993 - Germans Orbit code and HMC music, both ex Gothic joined
Alcatraz in march. In april of 1993 Dual Crew merged with Shining, and
became the new group Dual Crew Shining DCS. Among the people who went
along to DCS were Snuskbuske swe trade sysop GURUS DREAM, 04/92, Chromag
ger music, ex Addonic, new 09/92, Red Devil eng gfx, ex Wizzcat,
04-05/92, Gin music, ex Carnage, 12/92, Gamma fin music, 04/92, NZO
crack, Haka fin sysop EASTERN FRONT, 07/91-, Tyrell fin music, ex
Vectra, 04/92, Zaz swe code, 01/90-, Mutant swe gfx, 01/90-,
Clairvoyant eng sysop FORGOTTEN REALMS, ex Rebels old, new 03-04/92,
Polarbear fin trade, 07/91-02/93, Ninja ger gfx, ex Awesome and Stookie
swe org modem, 88-.
JS joined Byterapers Inc.
English Warlord joined Fairlight.
English sysop Beast ARCADIA joined Quartex.
German sysop Headhunter CONDEMNED CELL, ex Aurora was kicked.
German Wonderboy ex Awesome, new 09/92 joined Razor 1911.
Pylon C and 7an music, 04/92 were both kicked. 7an did a tune for the
musicdisk Sound of Science.
German sysop Xeniator SATANS PALACE was kicked, and therefore joined
German sysop Fornax EUROPES HEART, ex 2000 AD joined TRSI.
German Skyfox ex Adept or Agnostic Front, new pre 07/92 was kicked and
therefore joined Desire.
German musician Chromag ex Platin, new late 92 joined Essence...or see the
history file for an alternative take!
Link joined Scoopex.
Agony was kicked, then joined Laserdance.
Germans WOTW music and D-Sign gfx, both ex Gothic joined The Silents.
WAL joined Offworld.
Stiga left the scene.
Tocic and CIA got kicked.
Finnish Catman ex Network, new 08/92 changed his handle to Fuzzy and
joined Complex.
Matrix, Delbert and Duke joined LSD early 92. However, SLH11 claimed Matrix
left the scene...? Can anyone help us with this?
Cooper, Skywalker, Razor and G.T.O. old handle Magic Duke left the scene
to make a game. However, this is untrue at least in G.T.Os case he
didnt leave the scene. RAW5 confirms he joined Digital!
Germans Tron, Crux, MCM and E.Toball joined Anarchy.
SLH11 mentions that MCM joined Spaceballs and E.Toball joined Complex.
Indeed they did, but only after their visit in Anarchy which was
relatively brief.
Shaggy joined Fairlight.
Swedish sysop Dragon DRAGONS LAIR, joined Rebels old.
Norwegian coder Lord Mindless joined Offence.
Norwegians Octoplex code, ex Palace, Flash and Mindblaster all ex
Vision...? joined Scoopex.
Norwegian sysop Phonebilly ELEGANT MACHINERY, ex D-Tect left to be
Zneiper ex Motion joined Digi Warriors.
Trainer Intro 1990?, ECS Intro.
Code: Trigon, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a.
Competition Demo 1990, 05.01, ECS File.
code: Zaz, gfx: Mutant, music: Danken.
Released at the Phenomena and Censor Party 90.
Yum Yum 1990, .08, ECS Demo.
Vectorscroll 1990, .11, ECS Demo.
Released for the Amiga Halloween Conference 90.
Party Slideshow 1991, 15.06, ECS Slideshow.
Released at ECES Party 91.
Brain Drain 1991, .12, ECS Disk.
code: n/a, gfx: Mutant, music: n/a.
Finlandia 1992, .02, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk, 3 disks.
code: WDO/Dual Crew, gfx: Jugi/Complex, Destop/Dual Crew, music:
Synnissa kypsynyt by Bruno/SCUP, Lucid Dreams by Jugi/Complex,
Mellow Pluck by Delorean/Complex, Forever Alien by Fleshbrain/
Crusaders, Like Commercial Shit by Dean/Cyberiad, Towards and Back by
Di33y/Dual Crew, Jammin for Nothing by Heatbeat/Carillion,
Starbalance by Turtle/Byterapers Inc, Club Mood by Delorean/Complex,
Alannah my Paerse by Spock/TRSI, Tweaked 2 Fit In by Delorean/
Complex, Curious World by Delorean/Complex.
Cooperation with Complex.
Information: 3 disks, and it doesnt support df1:!?
The Sounds of Science 1992, 18.04. ECS Multifile Musicdisk, 2 disk.
code: Zaz, gfx: Red Devil logo, music: Running Elephant by Belfagor,
Pandoras Box 91 by Tyrell, Freedom! by J.K., Brutalbanan by
7an, Respiration by Morph, Trajanus by Dizzy, Nutritional by Gamma,
Artifical Musique by D-Zire/The Silents, Stratosphere by Gin/Carnage
loader. Released at The Gathering 92.
Review: This musicdisk is certainly not bad, but could have been better.
The first thing Id like to put my finger on is the concept: Zaz mentions
in the scroller that to avoid a common pitfall, that all the music on a
musicdisk sounds the same, he has used 8 different composers for this one.
What he must have forgotten was to check the quality of the modules, not
just their diversity. I would have preferred to have 5 or 6 of the best
modules on one disk, and have scrapped the rest. Best tunes: Freedom! and
Artifical Musique. Red Devils silver surfer logo is great, but why is
there no credit for the raytraced Sounds of Science logo? Not bad.
Another thing Zaz forgot was obviously timing. On my 030, this one jerks
and flies like theres no tomorrow, and that goes for the tunes as well.
That can probably be remedied by KillAGAing it, though. Easily installed
to harddisk. Needs 1mb total memory. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Mystic Places Intro 1992, 31.05, ECS Intro.
code: Hawk, gfx: Shadow, Red Devil, music: Morph.
Dual Crew Shining DCS, 1993-,
http://www.sokeri.com/dcs http://www.dc-s.com/
FIN Gamma music, 93, Polarbear founder trade, ex Dual Crew, 03/94,
Tyrell Markus Lehto, founder music, 93.
SWE Artie music, 12/93, Daeron music, ex Shining, 12/93, Tizzy code,
ex Shining, 08/93, Twister sysop FLASHBACK, doublememb Origin,
GER Cueball code, ex Masque, Doom, Dynamite Sirko Zidlewitz, music, ex
Noxious, Excess ex Vision, Executur and Phreaker sysops SECRET
WORLD, Exciter Ingo Kamps, swap, Mel ODee Heiko Klueh, music, ex
Shining, later Rebels, new 04-12/93, Ninja gfx, ex Dual Crew, 93-94,
Slash code, ex Analog, Tedric Rolf Alber, code, ex The Silents.
NOR Globe gfx, Lord Mindless, Roadster.
ENG Clairvoyant founder sysop FORGOTTEN REALMS, Red Devil Rob, gfx
raytrace, ex Dual Crew.
??? B-Real ex WOT, Dark gfx, Dennis T eng? modem, 08/93, Desto
mainorg, Galahad re, Gin nor? music, ex Dual Crew, 12/93, Heinsen
code, 93, Ikari, NZO Ray, code crack train music, new 93.
Dual Crew Shining DCS was born when the two groups Dual Crew and Shining
merged in april of 1993. The fact was announced at The Gathering, held later
that month, through some small intros.
Red Devil is busy raytracing graphics for games from Softimage these days,
though he hasnt left the scene!
1993 - After being born in april, the group released their first signs of
life late in the month, at The Gathering, with the two intros Anvend
Hndkle and April Fool. Mutant also participated in the graphics
competition, where his picture Two Girls finished 8th. Norwegians Corny
and Codeman collectively known as CoCo Arts and swedish musician Soul old
handle Dexter all left for Rednex in december.
1994 - Finnish trader Zephyr Robert Karlsson, one of the original
members who came in with Shining, finally decided to end his scene life. He
sold all his computers to Haka and Truxton, and bought a motorbike instead.
Today he works as atelecom business consultant and systems developer. German
coders Zulu Grey ex Cryptoburners left to join the new, reborn Rebels in
1994. German musician Chromag 12/93- left to join Lego in may. He made his
first musicdisk, Chromagic 93, for DCS. Swedish musician Azazel left to
join The Black Lotus TBL between 10 and 12/94, where he sometime later
would become one of the most famous musicians on the amigascene, largely
thanks to his work on TBL demos like Tint 04/96.
1996 - Swedish coder Zero joined Balance late 96.
Phosphyre left the scene.
Smegma and Brainpower was kicked.
Coder Cocoon joined Scoopex.
German coder Cockroach ex Analog was kicked.
He joined new german group Artwork with Voyage sys and jMS gfx 11/94.
Cyclone and Stranger swap got kicked.
Cero left the scene.
Storm ex Jetset new joined Essence.
German Plasma ex Analog was kicked out, and joined The Silents.
Boba Fett fin, Double Density, Killroy and Sly all from Shining were
kicked out.
German coder Raw Style joined from Paradise, but only for a brief period
before moving on to Alcatraz.
Cockroach was kicked.
English musician Dreamfish Ian Ford, ex Hydlide/Divine, doublememb mono211
music left the amiga scene to concentrate on the music group mono211
where he is now known as DJ Hoffman. Some sources claim he joined TRSI
early 95...
German swapper Agony joined Paradise.
April Fool 1993, 07.04, ECS Intro.
Released at The Gathering 93.
Anvend Hndkle 1993, 07.04, ECS Intro.
Released at The Gathering 93.
Chromagic 1993, ECS 1MB Musicdisk.
code: Heinsen, gfx: Ninja, music: Chromag 6 tunes.
review: You wanna hear dreams? Then put this floppy in your diskdrive,
link your Amiga to a powerful hi-fi tower, turn up the volume and just
lean back...
Starting with an introduction designed like the alien movies and movie-
like effects at the credits followed by a bumping invisible ball with a
scroller on its surface. Only bad that the colors of its background
doesnt fit in the dark overall design! But therefor the pannels are okay
again and there you can choose six modules composed by a musician who
stands right beside Jester, Nuke or Jogeir in the scenes history:
Chromag. Its not only the nice idea for the menu grafix those make a warm
atmosphere. With pop, rock metal and romatic tunes the dcs-crew makes you
enjoying this production in a relaxed feeling. As standard you can reach
information about each of the modules via buttons. Also eight more or less
interesting scroller and a very light group logo that doesnt fit again,
but was just an extra. My favorites are Charming but drunk of which the
musician composed a sequel and Love and pain. This was Chromags first
musicdisk. Released outside of any party. zito
ZIT tested A1200/030-42/2mb chip, 8mb fast.
AGA Demo 1993, 05.08, AGA File.
code: Tizzy, Zaz additional, objects, gfx: Iridon font, Snuskbuske
raytrace, music: Belfagor. 12th in the ECC93 demo competition.
review: This demo scored 0 of the votes, and frankly I can see why.
Its a multitasking AGA demo thats unexciting, and doesnt show off the
new colors much. I can understand how the audience was unenthusiastic.
The demo starts with a raytraced EDCS picture-logo by Snuskbuske,
before the main part begins. This consists of a standard scroller at the
bottom with a very nice font, a static bitmap planet of some kind on
the background, over which they show some vector objects. I can see why
the audience didnt rise to applaud it.
The demo is also known as AGA Multitasing Demo, since that was the
name given to it by the offical results file : This name appears nowhere
in the demo itself, though. The multitasking part is true, by the way,
which means that this is one of the few productions where you can flip
the screens with Amiga-M while viewing it. Works fine on standard A1200.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Sonic Attack 1993, end, Musicdisk, 4 disks.
code: NZO, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
information: Massive musicdisk with music by almost ALL of DCS
musicians. Received unfavourable reviews, if memory serves...
Dual Crew Shining new DCS, 1997-
FIN 13 gfx, 07/99, Adam Antti Rita, org gfx, 04/98-12/99, Arto music,
10/97, B org code gfx music, 10/97-07/99, Boost gfx, 07/99,
Carebear music, 07/99, Crash trade, 03/94-07/99, Deetsay code
music, 04/98-07/99, Doc gfx, 07/99, Dual music, 97-07/99, Fluffy
music, 08/98-07/99, Fthr gfx, 07/99, Haka trade sysop EASTERN
FRONT, 93-07/99, Illusion gfx music, doublememb Doomsday pc,
12/97-07/99, Kidlove gfx, 07/99, Los gfx, new 07/99, Mamba trade,
07/99, Markus gfx, 07/99, Muffler music, doublememb Haujobb
details, 12/97-07/99, Obligator trade sysop, 07/99, Shape Hannu
Komsa, code, 10/97-12/99, Speedo code, 07/99, Substance music,
07/99, The Hooligan music swap, 07/99, Truxton trade, 93-07/99,
Tweek music, 04/98-07/99, Wrec trade sysop, 07/99.
SWE Iridon gfx, ex Shining, 08/93-07/99, Metal Maniac code, 07/99, Mike
swap, 04/98-07/99, Mortimer Tee music, 07/99, Mutant gfx, 93-
07/99, Purepain code crack, 07/99, Snuskis raytrace trade sysop
GURUS DREAM WHQ, 08/93-07/99, Stookie Martin, swap, 07/99, The GNN
swap, ex Dual Crew, 93-07/99, Tommy music, 07/99, Zaz Pontus
Lidman, code, ex Dual Crew, 08/93-07/99.
NOR Optic gfx music, triplememb TRSI and TPOLM pc, 12/97-07/99, Xhale
music, 07/99.
POL Blaze swap, new 07/99, Bonzaj 3d, 07/99, Evan swap, new 07/99.
GER WOTW music, 07/99.
N-L Sal-One sysop BOONDOCKS, 07/99.
Though the group was never technically dead, we can certainly speak of a
first and second generation for Dual Crew Shining DCS. Their second
generation was initiated in 1997, when the likes of Shape starting releasing
product for the amiga again, and first-class product too at that!
1997 - Shape released the 64k intro Kala 10/97 at Demolition III,
reaching fourth position in the competition. This was followed with another
intro at The Party 97, but Blues 12/97 was only rewarded with a sad 13th
1998 - They reached second place at The Gathering 98 in april with
Nebula 04/98, only beaten by their fellow finns in Mellow Chips! Deetsay
and B coded the intro A Little Intro At Assembly 98 08/98 in two days
before the competition, and came 7th in the 64k intro competition.
1999 - In march, a large reorganizing took place, where several inactive
members were kicked and new ones were allowed to join Relief was kicked,
and so there are no more DCS members in Denmark finnish trader Zeff was
kicked Finnish graphician Los joined, and polish swappers Blaze and Evan
were allowed to join.
Kala 1997, 05.10, 64k Intro.
code: Shape, gfx: B, music: Arto.
4th in the Demolition III 64k intro competition.
review: DCS goes for an unusual design with this intro, and certainly
manages a unique production too. Truly weird, it manages to present common
effects in a way that make them seem slightly special all the same. They
dont succeed perfectly with this intro, but they are certainly on their
way to creating something a little special here. Definite Plus points for
trying to do something original. And for coining the term
postcalculating P glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Blues 1997, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Shape, gfx: Optic, music: Illusion and Muffler.
13th in The Party 97 40k intro competition.
review: A pleasant surprise not only is DCS back but theyve delivered a
very good intro too! Blues leave you with a good, solid impression -
much thanks to the music, which has a massive, catchy theme. Its an
impressive tune for this size, and it works well in the context.
The intro has a particle routine, where 2x2 dots form the words DCS!
and The End to open and end it, and inbetween theres fast but blocky
texturemapped objects and scenes. A very good intro that doesnt need to
be advanced to be fun. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Nebula 1998, 13.04, AGA HD 4MB Demo.
code: Shape, gfx: Adam gfx, textures, 3d, Shape 3d, Illusion
textures, music: Muffler main, end, Tweek intro, all The Player 6.1A
format. 2nd in The Gathering 98 demo competition.
review: Nebula opens amusingly in the style of an old sci-fi series,
complete with period music. Then the first real effect, a fast but barren
3d scene with palm trees on tiny spots of earth. From the first bars of
the music it is evident that this is a typical Muffler-tune. Then one of
the spots appears to have a flower on it, out of which tiny specs of light
appear. Then quickly onto a very nicely done bump-tunnel, with intense
light at the end, before also a trail of small light-spots appears to come
spinning out from the intense light at each end. And then something
appears to go wrong, for a long time I only get a totally white screen
while the music continues to play! After looking at the screen and hoping
something new would appear for a long time, I eventually rebooted and
tried running the demo from harddisk my previous attempt was from RAM.
The results were even LESS great it now defaulted to just a black screen
immediately after the intro sequence! Not one to give up, I rebooted again
it doesnt appear to respond to the left mouse button, decrunched the
main file and tried the demo one last time. And now, amazingly, it worked!
We get a swirly thing behind the face of a man with sunglasses youd
have to see it : before another 3d scene with light-spots and a spike
object. Next something I dont really know how to describe, but which is
utterly beautiful, over which credits are overlayed. Next we revisited a
bump-tunnel, only this time we travel through it, while it twists this way
and that. Soon it also contains a spike-object. Then were onto a 3d scene
with another spike-object suspended in the air over water with lilys in it
- and the object is sometimes reflected in the water. And thats it! An
upscrolling end message with credits and the like appears pausable with
the righ mb. Overall this demo gives a very professional impression, with
smooth, fast routines that were not just thrown together. The only real
graphics here are Adams Nebula logo.
The demo works with just 4MB fast if you unpack the main executable
first, otherwise requires a little more. Developed on and for 030-50, but
should work on lesser configurations. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
A Little Intro At Assembly 1998 1998, 08.08, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Deetsay, B, gfx: B, Optic, music: Fluffy main, B end.
7th in the Assembly 98 64k intro competition.
review: Hmmm! This one brough a smile to my face. If youre into
fluffy, cute little intros, then look no further. The intro opens with a
zoom down into a nice, semi-graffiti-style DCS logo, before a main screen
appears where a scroller resides at the top of the screen. The rest is
occupied by a weird character in the bottom right corner, and a
textplotter occupying the remainder of the screen. Just two short
screenfuls of text are given, before the intro ends with a reverse of the
first zoom, this time with the graphic being a cute little dog...
The demo should work on any AGA amiga, including unexpanded machines.
Though entered in the 64k intro competition, its way smaller, about 35k.
It was coded in two days before the party glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Nonstop 1999, 28.12, Intro.
code: Shape, gfx: Adam, music: n/a.
The Tree Amigas 1996, 06.07, Demo.
10th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
Duplo -1995
SWE Ezco sysop SERPENT HILL, 01/95, Gryzor sysop OUT OF SPACE,
doublememb Infect, 01/95, Rix Rikard Kristofferson, music, 12/94,
Tango sysop INFERNO, 01/95, Zcandaler sysop TOTAL ECLIPSE,
doublememb Comax, 01/95.
NOR Anders code, ex Pure Metal Coders, Digital swap, ex Chaos A.D..
GER Spoiler ex Platin.
??? Agony gfx, Gorg gfx, Radix music, Terrorizer swe? modem,
Duplo is dead. Swedish coder Confidence 12/94 joined Balance ROM5.
He has later made some demos with the aid of a graphician called Gorg...
So perhaps he also joined?
Spot joined Giants.
Bitwrestler 64k AGA Intro.
Code: Confidence, Gfx: Agony, Gorg, Music: Radix.
Much Ado About Nothing 1994, 28.12, Demo.
Code: Confidence, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a.
12th in The Party 94 demo competition.
AUS Terminator gfx swap, late 96.
??? Crisis code, Harlequin sysop, Kimba gfx, Maximum code, Rad fx
sysop, Reload org gfx, Scavy music, Scorpion music, Sven
unkept sysop, Ultra-X gfx.
Dylem 1995-
SWI Kalikone mainorg swap trade, doublememb FUN, late 96.
??? Bacalao swi? founder music, Blind Man sysop, Dexter music trade,
Illusion trade, Klux swap, Pit org code, Rash music, Rogue ex
Darkness, new late96, Style trade sysop, X-factor code trade.
Dylem was formed by Sear and Bacalao from Spasm in late 1995.
Swiss graphician and swapper Sear, one of the original two founders, left
for Fresh late 96.
Musician Iceman joined Agoa/joined from Agoa late 95. I have two
conflicting pieces of news here, so confusion is total :
German Front 6 joined Analog.
Dynamix 1993-
GER FFC, Paso sysop, Subzero sysop NUCLEAR ASSAULT EHQ, 04/93.
TUR Imperator soonsysop, ex Fairlight, new 93.
??? Black Cat crack, Coractor ex Analog, Crusader-X ex Wildfire,
Dillenger ex Analog, Nicodemus ger? doublememb Delirium, 01/94, The
Best crack.
Boards DANSE MACABRE ex Fairlight.
Dynamix was a mainly German cracking group, built up in 1993 by ex-members
of Crack Inc. and Copyright Destroyers. For a while, Vanish was their demo
and intro subgroup. Sledgehammer 11E seems to have misunderstood the name
slightly, and thought it was Dynamic :-.
1994 - German sysop Trooper joined Analog late 94.
The board TOTAL CHAOS was closed.
German sysops Selim and Rudi THE JAM got busted!! Later all three
members of SSR Subzero Selim Rudi moved on to join Fairlight.
HOL Mad Max swap.
DEN Manchild swap, old handle Ironbaby.
1991 - Delton joined Black Monks mid 91.
Dytec DTC, -1992
GER Pitty music, 12/92-08/93.
??? Adventurer ex Gothic, Defcon, Direct code, 08/92, Tic crack, Marc
crack, Vince, Viper.
Dytec were an illegal cracker group. The name is a shortform of Dynamic
Technologies. They died in 1992.
1992 - Ian joined Cytax early this year.
Paso joined U.D.O.
Direct joined Platin.
Dr.Dre and Icecube joined Elevation.
German swapper Ghost/Crystal joined, but left after a few weeks.
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