this image contains text
Hacking Relation, The THR, -1990
THR died late 1990. Zarchy code gfx swap is now Jazzcat.
Half Brains Team HBT.
ITA DDT code, late90, Lord Carion gfx, late90, Mr.Madness code,
late90, Powerforce gfx, late90, Shark sysop INFINITE DREAMS.
Halfmoon Productions
??? Subgud code gfx swap, doublememb EMS Design late 96.
Halo 1994-
FIN Boojum 04/94, Calvin Markus Tuppurainen, gfx, 04/94, Dr.Wacko
04/94, Harlequin music, 04/94, Hook Panu Liukkonen, code, later
Stellar, 04/94, Orbis Heikki Pora, later Extend, code, 04/94.
Judging from what was said in their two Assembly 94 40k intros, Halo is
essentially Genocide with a new name! Therefore most of these guys are
ex-Genocide members. OK?
40k Halo-Intro 1994, 06.08, 40k Intro.
code: Hook. 5th in the Assembly 94 intro competition.
review: No actual credits appear in this impressive little intro, except
for an adress with the heading to contact the coder, write to Hook...
Effects are good, with a nice Doom thing and all, and the music is quite
above average. A cool little intro! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
2nd 40k Halo-Intro 1994, 06.08, 40k Intro.
production: Orbis code, Harlequin, Calvin, Dr.Wacko.
14th in the Assembly 94 intro competition.
review: The second Halo intro is another not-too-shabby deal from the
finns. It opens with a texturemapped cube, and continues in style with
some more cool stuff, before it ends with a textured tunnel that looks
quite cool. The musics not bad, techno but without the beat. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Hangover HNG
SWE Crusader Janne Kotta, swap, 94, Warlock Tomas Mortenson, swap, 94.
??? Xargion swe? code, 94.
The entire group joined Depth!
SWE Distler sysop THE SLAMMER, 01/95.
Hardcore Design HCD
SWE Elf music, later Moment 22, 12/93, Skutt gfx, later Moment 22,
??? Budweiser music, 12/93, Metz sysop, ex Limited Edition, new PRP4,
Wize sysop, ex Limited Edition, new PRP4.
Board CHAOTIC ENTITY usa, 03/94.
Pinhead joined Freezers PRP4.
Hardline HDL
GER Dascon music, later Essence, Powerswap Stefan Pascharat, swap,
later Essence, Slicer Michael Schroeder, org swap, later Essence,
new mid91, Sparc Nils Wietelmann, gfx, 92.
SWE Kaka swap trade, late91, Teofil trade, 95.
??? Bounty ex Dragons new, new early 92.
Hardline was a german demo group, and after they died Touchstone joined
Delicious Designs. Interestingly, every single member of the German section
detailed here was later in Essence...
1990 - German coder Touchstone joined, and this was his first group.
He made lots of PD utilities, some intros, some demos and even a musicdisk
for them.
1991 - The demo Relation 07/91 was released at Energy, Awesome and
Hypnotics party in july.
1992 - After some internal problems, Slicer returned as the groups hq
around january. He took immediate action to strengthen the group, and kicked
out the following members: Mac, Punk, Tai, Crush, 1-Hag M. Neumann, swap,
Shocker and M.Joker. German swapper Trasher left, and subsequently joined
Panic in january. Swapper Lincoln joined TRSI early in the year. LDC gfx
and RTF music joined, but were soon kicked again around june. Ace, Crony
and the german Diabolo Andre Gerke, swap were also kicked, while Toyota
left around june.
Hedgehog and Midge got kicked.
Pepe music, new 06/92 joined Subzero.
Girl ECS File.
Relation 1991, 14.07, ECS File.
5th in the Energy, Awesome and Hypnotic Party demo competition.
Black Energy 1992, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Touchstone, gfx: Touchstone, Sparc, music: Dascon.
info: The modules presented on this musicdisk are Frame of Mine,
Rituals, Cool n Woo, Oropacks, Get the Output and Boom da Climax2
Genious Brain.
??? Bladeray gfx, 04/96, Howard music, 04/96, Nitch code, 04/96.
Frontier 1996, 27.04, AGA HD Multifile, 2 disks.
code: Nitch, gfx: Bladeray, music: Howard.
9th in the Saturne 96 demo competition.
review: Once again, a totally unknown group delivers a very good piece of
demo entertainment. This one, though in no way outstanding, is well above
the limits of mediocrity. The graphics are functional, and in some places
interact very well with the code. There are two pieces of music the main
tune is surprise, surprise! techno, but better than the majority of
tehno tunes. The endscreen tune is a more slow, orchestral affair which
is actually rather good. The majority of effects here are of the bitmap
manipulation variety, with zoomrotators and other such things dominating.
There is mention of the fact that this demo was made for standard A1200s.
If this is their idea of a demo for basic A1200, then Id really like
to see what these guys are capable of with some fastmem and an
accelerator... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Haujobb HJB, 1994-, http://www.haujobb.de
GER Black Raven code, ex Infect, new 08-10/94, Cyclone ascii, 10/94,
Dreamer code, 10/96-05/97, Drf code, 10/94, Dust gfx, 10/96-
05/97, Exage sysop HEARTLAND, 10/94, Fastjack code, 07/96-
04/99, Funky swap, 09/94, Hellfire gfx, 12/00, Howie lAmour
swap, 10/94-05/97, Jailer sysop THE PRISON, ex Infect, new 10/94,
Jazz Kai Fischer, music edit sysop THE EXPERIENCE, doublememb Smoke
music, 10/94-04/98, JCS Jan C. Sievers, gfx, doublememb Sector 7,
new late97-12/00, Marc Marcus Kalusche, music, doublememb Sector 7,
new late97-12/00, NoName Leif Oppermann, code, doublememb Sector 7,
new late97-04/99, Peachy Magnus Hieronymus, gfx, 05/95-12/00,
Virgill Jochen Feldkoetter, music, ex Artwork, new 04/98, Wave gfx,
09/94-12/00, Wild Thing sysop MORPHIC FIELDS, 10/94-06/97, WOTW
music, 10/94-11/96, Xeniator sysop PSALM 69, 10/94, XXX Tobi,
mainorg, 10/94-06/97.
N-L Noodle Stephan Schipper, swap, 07/96-05/97.
FRA Darken code, 10/96-04/98, Unborn Laurent Bailey, code, 10/96-05/97.
FIN Muffler Konsta Mikkonen, music, ex Nah Kolor, doublememb DCS, new
06/97-08/98, Owl gfx, 10/96-04/98, SolarC gfx, 04/00, Speedo Sami
Kinnunen, code, ex Tribute, 08/97-08/98.
SPA Leunam gfx, doublememb Network details, 12/97-04/98.
POL Dave Dawid Nabialek, gfx music, ex Amnesty.
NOR Sixpack Pl-Inge Johansen, swap edit, ex Gods, new 02/98.
ENG Darkus Lee Harwood, edit Devotion, 12/00.
??? Acryl modeller, 12/00, Craid Christoph Szczecina, code, 12/00,
Fli7e gfx sysop, Jailor sysop, 10-11/96, Kid Frost music gfx,
10-11/96, Mash sysop, 10/96-05/97, Melkor trade supply, 10/96-
05/97, Nomad 3d, 12/00, Optima code, new 12/00, Reptile music,
new early00, Seal gfx, 10-11/96, Shawn sysop, 10/96-05/97,
Visualize gfx, new early00.
Boards JUDGMENT DAY ger, 12/94.
Haujobb is a German-based demo group, born on the Amiga in 1994, but later
also active over a wide range of other platforms, including the pc, c64 and
even the Playstatiion! Their world leader is XXX.
1994 - Around the middle of the year, Black Raven code and SMT music
joined from Infect, and announced their new group with the dentro Artcore.
1997 - Marc music, No Name code and JCS gfx all doublejoined the
group from Sector 7 towards the end of the year. Finnish coder Speedo joined
from Tribute.
1998 - The two Graphicians Kidlove and Bay Tremore 08-12/97, both of
whom worked on the great My Kingdom 12/97 demo, left to join Scoopex
early 98, making the Haujobb members very angry! Nevertheless, this proved
to be a great year for Haujobb. At Mekka Symposium 98 in april they WON the
demo competition with Aphrodisiae 04/98, and as an extra bonus, were
joined by legendary german musician Virgill.
2000 - Darkus was one of two main editors of the new mag Devotion 1
00, released under the Nah-Kolor label. The mag also announced the group
had been joined by Visualize gfx and Reptile music. Optima joined from
Scoopex two weeks before the party, and his first production for Haujobb,
The Party-winner Megademo 2000 12/00 earned the group the scenery Demo
of the Year award for the second year in a row! It was the crowning moment
of a great year for the group.
2001 - Marcs audio cd Basic Needs was released early in the year, with
cover art done by JCS. Dutch writer Sane previously worked for Seenpoint
under Scoopex decided to reenter the scene, working on Devotion! Nah Kolor
announced the death of Devotion after a single issue, but Haujobb wanted
it otherwise... Englishman Darkus coeditor on first issue was now main
editor, but suddenly decided to leave the scene following a harddiskcrash
sometime around april this is onyl a guess though... He didnt even bother
telling his fellow team members about it! The main bulk of articles for
Devotion 2 was thus written by Sane and Wade, with some support from Ghandy
and Fishwave also ex-scoopex editor!.
German musician Dascon 10-11/96 is now in Essence.
German musician SMT new 08/94-05/95, who joined from Infect together with
Black Raven, left for Artwork sometime between june and december 94.
Artcore 1994, .09?, File.
code: Black Raven, gfx: Wave, Manfred Tomcat Mayer picture, Ninja/Dual
Crew Shining font, music: Haujobb-Intro by SMT 4ch MOD format.
review: A nice, small production with some good graphics and an ok tune in
the discopop, Jester-vein make for a good debut for Haujobb. Nicely
executed but not advanced code, and a good sense of design is the
topping of the cake on a very acceptable dentro.
This intro announces the joining of SMT and Black Raven from Infect. No
release date appears in the intro, but it was released before the Dooms
Day Party 08-09.10 and after 08/94, which is the date on the module. I
have no idea whether this requires AGA, but probably not. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Dentro 1994, late, Intro.
code: Black Raven, jailer raytrace, peachy logo, ninja/dcs font,
music: WOTW.
review: Mostly comprised of a Haujobb logo done as a raytraced animation,
this is a slightly disappointing production from Haujobb. Not bad music,
though, and the Peachy logo is cool... glenn
GLE tested A1200,
Hey Ser ! 1994, late, ECS Intro.
code Black Raven, gfx: Tomcat/Complex, music: Syn-T-Size.
review: This is nothing more than a nice little 20k bbs intro for THE
PRISON, OK done and with a pretty cool chiptune actually. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Love Peace Teddies 1994, 40k Intro.
code: Kreavis Botthead Dreamer Peachy, gfx: XXX font, Wave font,
music: Syn-t-Size.
review: This 40ker opens with some of that 2plane fractal zooming we saw
in Virtual Dreams classic Chaosland 12/93, overlaid some text...and
thats it! No nothing more here unfortunately. We wont mention the
chiptune, just be nice to them. This is...so bad.
The release date is at least before Jammin since it mentions THE
PRISON as an Infect board. Since it conforms to the 40k limit, was it
entered at a party? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Derrick 1994, 08.10, Multifile Intro.
code: drf, gfx: Flite intrologo, Cyclone ascii, music: WOTW 4ch MOD
format. Released at the Dooms Day 94 party.
review: Hey, heres something just a little original! This is actually not
only an intro, but also an ascii collection! Design is fittingly
minimalistic, with the lower 1/3rd of the screen taken up by a scroller
and and fun little animation, and the rest occupied by the ascii. It uses
colors, bold, italics and such too, and is really not a bad little
collection. This is nice and fun, though the chiptune gets on your nerves
pretty quickly : ESC to quit. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Legalize It 2.5 1994, 09.10, ECS Musicfile.
code: Black Raven, gfx: Tomcat/Complex logo, Ninja/DCS fonts, music:
Only 4 Voices, A Race Against Time, Judgement Day and Eternity by
SMT, Intro Tune! by Syn-T-Size, Cafe Brazil by Jazz all 4ch MOD
format. Released at the Dooms Day 94 party.
review: Four pieces of music from SMT, bookended by a tune each by Jazz
and Syn-T-Size, make up this thrown-together production. Not bad, with
some niceness in both the audial and visual departments, but lacks a
little soul. SMTs A Race Against Time was 7th in the SunnFun
Conference II music competition, while his Judgment Day was the winner
of Commodores official music competition at CeBit 94!
For some reason, this opens with a little text saying This is
dedicated to Funky... Explanation, anyone? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Jammin 1994, 09.10, AGA File Dentro.
code: drf, gfx: Wave, music: Jazz 2 tunes, The Player 6.0A format.
2nd in the Dooms Day party 94 demo competition.
review: Highlighted by excellent graphical work from Wave and some
competent coding from drf voxel, nice texturemapped cube, this early
Haujobb demo is another competent piece of work. Nothing is really wrong
here, this is a short, cute production that works on its own terms. Nice
This intro announces Jailer joining the group, which happened at the
party itself. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Menu 1994, ECS Intro.
code: Black Raven, gfx: Wave, music: Syn-t-Size.
review: This is actually a trainermenu, not badly done for this kind of
thing, though the music bugs me... Its got the standard mousecontrolled
trainer options, a very nice Haujobb logo by Wave down the left side, and
the obligatory scroll...there is also some fireworks exploding in the
backtground! Nice, but not outstanding. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Mintro32 1994.
production: zap, syn-t-size.
Bye Scenelife 1995.
production: blackraven, smt, jazz, ninja/dcs.
TUI 1995.
production: drf, wave, jazz.
Generation X 1995, 21.05, AGA 4MB Multifile Demo.
code: drf, gfx: Wave, Peachy, music: Dascon, Jazz.
Winner of the Nexus 95 demo competition!
review: Another nicely designed demo by Haujobb, with effects that are
perhaps a little bit weaker than usual. Mostly gouraud and bitmap
manipulation are the order of the day here. The Nexus 7 lamp thing was
something they could have spared themselves, though! For a two disk demo,
this runs a little short imho... Two fullscreen pictures, one by each
The results file for the Nexus party by Jazz said that a final version
of the demo would be released later. It doesnt seem like this ever
happened, as the one Im reviewing was downloaded from their website in
2000... Originally on two disks, but can be easily installed to harddisk.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
State of Aversia BBS Intro 1996, ECS Intro.
code: drf, gfx: none, music: Jazz The Player 6.0A format.
review: Small 8k but nice, this is how a promotional intro should be!
Ascii-based, but with graphics and a nice, mellow tune by Jazz, this is
sweeeeet... Sysops Jack Danielz and Julie. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Burning Chrome 1996, 06.07, AGA 4MB Multifile Demo.
code: Fastjack, gfx: Wave, Cyclone/Illusion, music: Mortimer/Royal The
Player 6.1 format. 3rd in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
review: Fastjack does a real nice little demo here, with some great design
and fast 3d routines. Theres everything here, from afterburned phong
which I had only seen from Azure before actually! to envmapping and cool
tunnels. The graphical work is also above average, and the music is nicely
different, while staying firmly in a techno style. The demo gives an
overall good impression, though suffers slightly from a lack of pace
towards the end. Not bad at all! Cyclones fullscreen picture is called
Mobile at least thats the filename in my collection... :. Mortimer
usually uses the more extensive handle Mortimer Twang.
Should work on any AGA amiga with enough mem, but 030-50 is recommended.
Should be run from HD, but can also be run from disks, the method is
explained in the enclosed readme file. I experience some initial problems
when attempting to run the file packed with Titanics Cruncher 1.2, but
after manually depacking the file first, everything worked fine. The
version reviewed was the final version just bugfixes, more stable, see
the end of the endscroller to see if it mentions that this is released
after the party - otherwise youve got the partyversion. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Harmony 1996, 03.11, AGA HD 4MB Multifile Demo.
code: Darken, Unborn, gfx: Owl, Dust, Peachy, music: Jazz, Jazz Smartass
The Player 6.1A format. 5th in the Saturne Party 4 demo competition.
review: Harmony opens with what appears to be a raytraced fractal with
logos overlaid, but I have seen have seen way better examples of this kind
of thing. Then it goes on to a very nice fullscreen picture by Dust of a
womans face and some water and mountain scenery in the background, which
it holds on to for unfortunately a little too long, possibly while
precalculating? It then loads and changes tune, and were shown a good,
but anatomically weird pic of a halfnaked mermaid being eaten by sharks
!, drawn by Peachy. Then it shows ANOTHER picture for too long, this
time some digitized though cute girl with some words overlaid...
Both of the included tunes are right there as files in plain P61A
format. should work on any AGA amiga with enough mem, but 030-50 is
recommended. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Knickelbreaka 1996, 06.11, AGA Intro.
code: Fastjack, gfx: Wave, music: Jazz.
review: Short and most decidedly sweet, this is a promotion intro for
their new chippackmag Friendchip. If this style is anything to go by,
it should be cool indeed... Go get it! Should work on standard A1200.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Friendchip issue 1 1996, .12, AGA Multifile Diskmag.
code: Fastjack, gfx: Dust, Wave, Seal clip, Geist/Balance
clip, music: various, editor: Jazz.
review: This first issue of Haujobbs new mag overrided every and any
preconception I might have had - its great! Though originally intended
as a chipmag - sort of picking up the glove after ChipMania - it seems
their project have grown a little out of proportion : What this is -
essentially - is a small diskmag with a nice selection of chippies to
choose from. This, however, brings me to what must surely be a BUG!
I have never actually been able to play a single tune through Friendchip.
Theres simply no sound!? Thankfully, theyve provided an option for
saving the modules out to disk, so thanks to HippoPlayer and the great
multitasking magcode I was still able to listen to them while reading
the mag :D Another great thing about Friendchip is the design and the
graphics - both very very nicely executed.
To conclude, I just have to say that this chipmag has a magcode thats
just as good as for any of the leading diskmags. Its ability to multitask
- like ROM - is especially nice. Im actually running it in the
background right now, so I can switch back and forth if I want to check
anything : Coolness. Eurochart 30 lists the coder as Touchstone/Essence,
for some reason...!? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
One Day 1997, AGA Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Wave, music: Muffler.
Winner of the Belgian Scene Event 40k intro competition!
review: This opens with a convincing rotzoomer, and continues with more of
the same with some pretty cool bitmap manipulation effects. The overall
impression is of a very colorful intro mainly based on 2d bitmap effects -
like twirls and rots. It gives a very smooth feel. It ends with a burning
particle effect. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Awakening 1997, 06.06, AGA 4MB 64k Intro.
code: Darken, gfx: Owl, music: Muffler.
Winner of the Abduction 97 64k intro competition!
review: Certainly a child of a different breed, HJBs Abduction winner is
a nice little intro, I guess, if youre into this techno kind of thing.
Rather than tell you whats in the intro, well just list the routines,
as printed in the text file : bump, blur, radial distortions, DK3D
engine, plasma printf, and just add that theres some wireframe vectors
in there too D To be honest I didnt like this all that much... some
nice routines, but the package fails to excite. Potential is there, but
it lacks the final punch to lift it to greatness. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
With Style 1997, 09.08, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Bay Tremore, music: Muffler.
4th in the Assembly 97 64k intro competition.
review: It opens with a cool, zooming Haujobb logo by Bay Tremore and
continues with some typical Mufflermusic. The zooming, twisting tunnel is
another highlight, and also the twirling bumpmap routine that follows it.
You may have gotten the idea by now I quite like this. Its fast, cool
and colorful. Not the worlds most impressive intro, but still very nice.
Please note that this review refers to the final version, released
after the party, with bugfixes and faster routines. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Control! 1997, 14.12, 64k Intro.
production: noname, speedo, jcs, marc.
2nd in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition.
Entering Hypnosis 1997, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Leunam, music: Muffler The Player 6.1A format.
5th in The Party 97 40k intro competition.
review: Technically and audio-visually competent at every level, Entering
Hypnosis still fails to impress. The lack of pace, the headache-inducing
music and the jumping screen are all elements that take away some of this
intros interest. It all looks pretty and smooth, but doesnt ENGAGE.
The effects are not awe-inspiring in any way, with a clear dominance on
a color-cycling like effect shown THREE times, with different palettes
and variables! and swirling tunnels. Yawn. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
My Kingdom 1997, 28.12, AGA Multifile.
code: Boogeyman/Scoopex, Fastjack, Speedo, Kenny, gfx: Kid Love,
Visualize/?, Leunam, Bay Tremore, Boogeyman/Scoopex 3d, textures,
Dice/? textures, Jazz textures, Nomad/Scoopex 3d, music: Tamas
Kingdom by Muffler, Antigotchi by Jazz and FNDR uncredited,
Director: Owl. Winner of The Party 97 demo competition!
Cooperation with Scoopex.
review: My Kingdom is a great demo - as youd expect from a The Party
winner - but surprisingly short. The demo is split into three parts, all
loadable as standalone executables, or run in sequence via a supplied
script. The first thing that struck me about it, was how fast and smooth
all the 3D scenes were. Theres some pretty impressive optimizing behind
getting scenes to run as smoothly as this, and I can do nothing but
applaud. There are several fullscreen pictures, and design is good.
The music is good and unusual, and sounds professional and unorthodox.
As I said in the opening, My Kingdom is a great demo - but Captured
Dreams it aint! With a little more focus, Haujobb will be a BIG group...
This cooperation demo was placed under Haujobbs heading since most of
the people involved in the project seem to be Haujobb members, and its
director was a Haujobb member. A final version was released later,
but without much new stuff - it was virtually identical to the party
release, as the accompanying text file mentions. When someones member
status is uncertain, Ive written /? - this does not mean that this
person is not a member of either group, just that I dont know which
one :. Both modules from the demo were soon after released in extended
versions through the Mono and Monotonik labels. The fact that Jazz
module was in cooperation with FNDR wasnt mentioned in the demo! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Haupex 1998, 21.02, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Bird/Scoopex, Speedo fonts, music: Muffler and
Bird/Scoopex. Winner of the Scene Meeting 98 intro competition!
Cooperation with Scoopex.
review: Now, this is fun - a sense of style! Haupex wont impress you
with its flashy routines or speedy 1x1 phongs - but it will show you a
definitive sense of style and design! The musics timed to some onscreen
action, like flashing and the screen jumping. Id REALLY like to know
which of these two groups Speedo is in, now! Anyway, this is totally
recommended. Groovy! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Radikal 1998, 11.04, ECS File.
code: Speedo, gfx: Wave, music: Muffler The Player 6.1A format.
7th in the Alternative 98 demo competition.
review: A pretty mediocre production this time, which opens with a pretty
OK Haujobb logo by Wave. Next is a zooming ball-like effect, before an rgb
effect overlaid on the same logo as earlier. Next is a couple of
variations on the classic interference effect, and then it all ends with
some twisting horizontal bars - the best effect in the demo. The music is
really sub-par quality for Muffler, unfortunately, but fits in with the
overall quality of this demo. Not good. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Aphrodisia 1998, 12.04, AGA HD File.
code: Darken, gfx: JCS, Kidlove title logo, Dice/Doomsday textures,
Leunam font, music: Muffler 2x The Player 6.1A format.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 98 demo competition!
review: Nice visuals and trancy music introduce us to HJBs winning demo
from MS98. Its one of their best demos, with the combination of strong
coding 3d scenes!, great design, and some fabuoous audio-visual talent
working on it making it something quite extraordinary. The demo is
actually not quite fullscreen, but presented in 320x220 inasted. This
doesnt really refract from the enjoyment of the demo, and I find it quite
acceptable. There are three fullscreen pictures by JCS in this demo, all
of which feature girls faces... Presumably at least one of these is his
compopicture for MS98, Native.
This demo was a long time in the coming, originally planned for Assembly
97, then for Saturne 5, then for The Party 97... Owl served as director.
This demo announced that Virgill joined. Please note that the version
reviewed is the fixed version for 040/060 machines. 3d scenes can be
viewed in 640x440 HAM8, using ?? as argument! Theyve used a square root
routine by Touchstone/Essence and c2p routine by Krishna/Scoopex. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Edit 0.5 1998, 08.08, 64k Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Bay Tremore, music: Muffler The Player 6.1A format.
Winner of the Assembly 98 64k intro competition!
review: As usual, amazing 3d and great design from Haujobb, brought this
intro straight to the top of the heap at ASM98 this year. This is a
relatively short intro, but in that time, still manages to impress... The
focus is mainly on 3d, mostly cubes for once oldskOOl , but also with a
cool and original logo at the beginning and a rocking ripple effect
towards the end. Not a classic intro, but good - and good enough to win in
this competition. Probably requires AGA... I guess glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Mnemonics 1999, 04.04, AGA 8MB File Demo.
code: NoName, Fastjack, Touchstone/Essence, gfx: JCS, Wave, Kublay/Ram
Jam, music: Marc. Winner of the Mekka Symposium 2k-1 demo competition!
review: What first strikes you about Mnemonics is its superb design,
with graphics and effects overlaid in a seemingly fluent manner. Effects
are reasonably fast, and the soundtrack engaging if youre into that sort
of thing P. But back to the great design, hehe... This is really a
triumph in that respect, with even the fullscreen pictures having effects
overlaid in some form...Theres an excellent one by JCS here portraying
singer Skin from Skunk Anansie where a small object appears to be
spinning in her hand... just amazing! Can anyone confirm or deny that the
picture in question is JCS Crazee, winner at this party? Kublays
contribution is likely just his fullscreen picture of dinosaurs.
Unfortunately I dont understand much of the endpart, since its all in
German... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Radwar 2k Invitation 2000, early, AGA File.
code: Craid, gfx: Cyclone, music: Virgill The Player 6.1A format.
review: A functional invitation intro, with some typically offbeat and
strange graphics by Cyclone! The music is also very much a Virgill
composition. It has a rather strange menu that I used a little time to
work out, actually To make a rather long story short and sweet, this is
a pretty cool little invitation intro for a pretty cool little party
Understood? Identical intros were released for amiga Craid, pc
Hellfire and psx Fuzzel. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Back To The Roots 2000, 23.04, AGA File.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
2nd in the Mekka Symposium 2000 demo competition.
review: Nostalgia the Haujobb way... After running this shows a kickstart
1.2 logo, then a good old cliscreen before the demo starts Those were
the days, eh? But then I only get the blackest of screens...for a looooong
time... The music goes on, but nothing visual appears. Why? God alone
knows, I guess. Sad. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review!
Distorted Strange Distortion 2000, 23.04, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Craid, Octane additional, gfx: Hellfire, SolarC, music: Roz.
2nd in the Mekka Symposium 2000 64k intro competition.
review: Whooooah! After a rather long spell of precalculation, this intro
throws up some effects that sort-of make me feel the wait was worth it
This is a cool little intro which tries to be welldesigned and different,
but only halfway succeeds. They should get extra kudos for their extensive
use of graphics, unusual to see in such a small 64k production! In the
end though, it does outstay its welcome a little, and should really have
cut back a couple of the not-so-great effects to make a shorter, more
focused package. But by all means, not at all bad! Best parts: The very
first effect, and the tunnel just before the credits. Shame about the
REALLY annoying music. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Yes! 2000, 23.04, AGA 64k Intro.
code: NoName, Fastjack, Kenny, Darken, gfx: JCS, music: Muffler.
5th in the Mekka Symposium 2000 64k intro competition.
Cooperation with Loveboat.
review: Some very cool design here, and a typically intense Muffler
soundtrack. Some very nice coding too, add up to make me feel that this is
actually a better intro than their 2nd-placer Distorted at the same
party! They use a special kind of shading for several of the parts, that
give it a sort of look of its own... Had it not been for the small fact
that it is terribly short, I am pretty sure this could have won at MS...
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Modular 2000, 28.12, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Craid, gfx: Hellfire, Standhal.
2nd in The Party 2000 64k intro competition.
review: Modular is an intro that likely reached its elevated status on
the result list more due to some great design touches rather than
technical excellence... cause these are really nothing but filled vectors.
Excellent filled vectors, but still nothing more. It does go on for a
while though, and it is undoubtedly a beautiful little intro. It looks
great, sounds cool, and for that reason you will all want it. For that,
and for Hellfires mystic woman face... Plus for the cute ansi precalc
screen, which was a nice touch. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Megademo 2000 2000, 28.12, AGA HD 12MB File.
code: Optima, gfx: JCS, Peachy, Optima textures, Hellfire 3d, colors,
Wave textures, Acryl 3d, Nomad 3d, music: Go-A-Round, Interaudio
and No Tricks by Marc The Player 6.1A format.
Winner of The Party 2000 demo competition!
review: Make no mistake, this was made on and for 060-50s. Its a file of
almost 10mb, and....its absolutely wonderful. It opens in style,
continues in style and ends mightily - in style. On my 030-50. THANK YOU!
Not everything flows every-frame, but its beautiful and FAR from SLOW at
any point! They make a point of how this was made on 060s, but you
wouldnt know it looking at the demo. I could go on and on and on and tell
you about every effect from screen to screen, but you would get tired long
before I could finish and you would get the point I was trying to make
much sooner. Once again I thank you Haujobb, for making my job so much
easier and more pleasurable. Megademo 2000 is demo of the year 2000.
The fullscreen pictures are Megademo 2000 by JCS 640x400x8, Akaya
by JCS 320x200x8, Solaris by JCS 640x400x8 and finally Colaris by
Peachy 640x480x8. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Devotion 2 Promotional Intro 2001, Intro.
code: Stingray/Darkage, gfx: Wade logo, music: Reed/Damage.
review: The DVN 2 promotional intro has a decidedly oldskool flavour to
it - with oldfashioned effects like a lightsourced vectorcube etc... I
cant help it, I really love this cute little thing! After a slightly
half-assed Devotion logo, it kicks off proper with the aforementioned
lightsourced vector and a cute animated lego-person walking onto the
screen. Following this we get the info part, presenting the new Devotion
staff and the upcoming headlines for the second issue... And pressing the
left mouse button gives the credits before exiting. Very nice oldskool
design, coupled with the cool chipper by Reed, makes this a nice little
intro. Bear in mind, though, that its almost 370k long - proper
oldskoolers could easily crunch this down to 40k... Just kidding, nice
one! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Devotion 2 2001, 15.06, AGA Multifile Diskmag.
code: Mr.Tickle/Darkage, gfx: Zaac/independent title, Adam/DCS Panels,
fonts, backdrops, music: Chromag, Reed/Damage, Curt Cool/Depth,
Jazz/Haujobb and Reed/Damage, editors: Wade main, Sane coeditor,
Fishwave/Scoopex and DCS, Ghandy/Darkage.
review: So finally, and to the surprise of most of the scene, the second
issue of Devotion finally saw the light of day. The second issue of a mag
that was declared dead its original releasing group Nah-Kolor, whose
previous main editor had left the scene Darkus - and whose entire
editorial team is new for the second issue. Born out of controversy, this
is still an exciting issue to read. QUALITY is back in the amiga magscene
for good, with a diskmag that shows the same kind of quality assurance
that mags like ROM once had. The mag opens with a great, very original
title picture drawn by Zaac, and a quick click of the lmb later, were
reading Devotion again. The graphics are exactly the same as in the last
issue, not that thats a bad thing at all
But any mag, however graphically appealing, stands or falls on its
editorial content. And I am very, very glad to announce that Devotion does
not fail. In fact, this mag represents the strongest and best display of
scene journalism since the days of ROM! THIS is the kind of mag we want
to read, THIS is how its done! Main editor Wades articles are
engaging, critical and perfectly displays his great knowledge of scenelife
in general - and graphics in particular.
The mag has two title pictures, chosen randomly at startup. While Zaacs
caricature picture is great, Wades blackwhite picture of a partially
submerged beautiful female is just...fabulous. Wow. This picture GLOWS.
The mag requires just a standard A1200, with AGA or a graphics board.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Hazard is dead. All members left for Saturne late93 this includes Loony
eng, ex Surprise! Productions, old handle Snowman, new late93 and Vodka
fra, ex The Special Brothers, new late93.
Head! H!
GER Case78 Rene, ?ascii, 96.
HOL React Joeri Tan, ascii, ex Monk, new 07/96.
??? Punk! ascii, 96, Rave ascii, 96, Rooster ascii.
Head! is an ascii group.
1996 - Dutch ascii artist React joined in july, after his previous group
Monk died.
Headwave -1990
SWI Dave 10/89, HQ 10/89.
Headwave was a swiss group, that died early 90. Two of their members joined
Setrox. They were reborn later in the year.
HUN Dylance Karloy Boczka, swap, 93.
Hungarian graphician D-Mage joined Virtual Dreams.
Lord Helmet joined Cartel.
??? Jaffa ex Angels old.
Heavy Duty
Finnish Pifki joined Dimension 4.
Great Intro 1991, early, ECS Intro.
Code: Cli, Gfx: Dor, Music: Maake.
Hellfire HF, 1994-
HOL Sal-One sysop BOONDOCKS WHQ, doublememb LSD, 12/95-11/97.
DEN Enzo sysop SKY TOWER EHQ, 10/95-02/97.
??? Advocate crack, 10/96, Alpha One code, 12/95, Chelsea 01/97,
Defect doublememb Insane, 02/96, Hudson Hawk gfx, doublememb
Lightforce, 05/97, Icarus code, 01/96, Jam supply, Preacher
keyfilemakers, 04/96, Rascal code keygens, 95-05/98, Rude Dude
gfx, 96, Siriax code crack, 12/95, Sonik supply, 02/97, The
Clairvoyant gfx, 01/96.
Boards TEMPLE OF DREAMS ger, 12/95-10/96, ACID SLAM ger, 12/95-02/97,
DIAL HARD swi, 12/95-02/97, ON THE RUN ger, 01-10/96, SKYLINE
swe, 01/96, FREEDOM WITHIN eng, 12/95-02/97, ELECTRIC WARRIOR
eng, 12/95-02/97, CEMENT CITY eng, 12/95-10/96, NEXUS 7 eng,
12/95-01/96, THE CHAMELEON fin, 01/96, BROADWAY ger, 01-02/97.
HELL 96.
Hellfire is one of the better groups dealing in the illegal cracker scene,
probably based in England. Supplier Iggy 01-12/96 announced he would
leave the scene after christmas in a crackintro 12/96, yet called himself
Hellfire Leader! in a crack dated 01/99.
1995 - Enzo and his bbs SKY TOWER was busted at the end of october. Enzo
was known for having lots of payleechers, as well as selling streamer tapes
and cds with stuff... After first announcing he would leave the scene, he
reconsidered and finally built up his board again. We guess he will be more
careful in the future :
??? The Fly ex Sepultura, new UPS10.
Hemoroids HMD, 1992-
FRA AJT early93, Axel ex Ozone, new early93, Bigm ex Willow, new
RAW4, Ghost Penguin early93, Gryzor code, ex Dreamdealers, new
08/92, Orcus ex Ozone, new early93, Sam early93, Spock early93,
STC ex Willow, new RAW4.
Hemoroids were formed late 92 by ex members of Quartz france. When Ozone
died late 92 or early 93, all their members joined Hemoroids. Later 93,
Ozone was reformed with members from Hemoroids :-
Gryzor is the identical to the guy who later coded Pro-Wizard and made the
cool MODs Anthology CDs!
Endless Melodies Musicdisk.
code: Gryzor, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
info: My regular contributor SoLo tells me this musicdisk is cool :
ITA MetalbasheR ascii sysop STRANGE LAND, 09/92, Phoenix trade.
??? Bruce Lee crack, 09/92, Reflex code, 09/92, Roger code, 09/92.
Boards SHATTERED DREAMS usa, 09/92, TRANSFER STATION usa, 09/92,
FINAL FRONTIER ger, 09/92.
Heresy once released the Italian Charts early93. Their Italian
modemtrader Phoenix is female, as revealed in R.A.W 5.
Holgi, sysop of INVISIBLE CRIME, joined Agnostic Front.
Crackintro 1992, ECS Intro.
code: Roger, gfx: n/a ansi, music: Brocken-Clock by Reflex 4ch MOD
review: Pretty bog-standard ascii-and-chiptune intro, with a grey
background. Used for the trainer for Diabolik 15-09-92, done by Bruce
Lee. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Delirium 1995, 12.08, 40k Intro.
10th in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition.
SWE Core ex Strange, Crayone, Tony gfx, ex Strange, later Razor 1911.
Hijack was formed by Core and Tony both ex Strange. However, STD10
claimed Core and Crayone joined Noxious from Strange, and doesnt mention
this crew at all!
FIN Braindead swap, CJack Teemu Litti, code, 08/94.
??? T42 music, 08/94.
Kampela 1994, 06.08, 40k Intro.
Code: Cjack, Maverick/Red Chrome additional, Great J/Red Chrome
additional, Deadlock/Red Chrome additional, Gfx: none, Music: T42.
4th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition.
Review: I dont know quite how this one managed to make it to fourth at
the Assembly, but it did. Nothing outstanding here, with the sole
exception of a cool routine where a vector cube bounces sideways into a
net consisting of linevectors. Trust me, it looks cool!
The three additional code credits were awarded since those three
coders helped Cjack learn programming, and because code from some of their
old sources was used to produce the intro. Neither of three actively
participated in the creation of the intro. Thanks to Great J for
information. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Hauki 1995, 12.08, 40k Intro.
2nd in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition.
Hoaxers HXS
NOR Baccalao, Comedian Morten Eriksen, 10/94, Kalle gfx music, 04/93,
Skurk, The Jerk.
??? Firehawk.
Hoaxers were originally a Norwegian C64 group, but I believe some of their
old members carried the name over to the Amiga when they converted.
Freedom Crack 8 carried the news that Elexion are now Hoaxers!.
U-Lyd 1993, 10.04, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Marius/Panoramic Designs, gfx/music: Kalle.
40k Intro 1994, 03.04, ECS 40k Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Intro Coop Tune by NHP/Anarchy and
Hydra/Devils. 8th in The Gathering 94 40k intro competition.
review: This small intro has some thoroughly unexciting effects in it, to
be frank and brutal. That would have been excusable if theyd brought
something new to the effects, but they fail there also. Were given
BLOCKY plasma, copper effects soooo 1989, loose dots not many! and a
dotscroller. I mean, where have these guys been? These are all effects
that were popular back in the old megademo days - late 80s. Considering
the fact that the tune is dated february 1992, its probably a safe
assumption that it was ripped from somewhere. The intro contains no
credits whatsoever.
Based on how it behaves on the two test machines, Ill hazard a guess
that it was written on an A1200 with that machine in mind. On the 500
its slow and flickers in places. Back to the drawing board, guys. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Music bugs a little.
Arrrgh! 1996, 05.04, 4k Intro.
7th in The Gathering 96 4k intro competition.
Honey HNY, http://uno.canit.se/qen/honey -- or www.canit.se !!
NOR Baffle sysop BUMBLE BEE LAND, triplememb Abuse and Grotesticle,
06/95-02/96, Madsen sysop REALITY BYTES, triplememb Element and
FLD no entry, 01/96.
SWE Misfit ascii, doublememb G-Force, 06/95, Qen music, Stain trade,
06/95, U-Man ascii sysop FINAL IMPACT, 06/95, Warhammer sysop
??? Beverage code, Black Line code trade sysop, Count-Zero ascii
sysop, Dartagnan ascii, Defect trade, Diablo trade sysop,
Distler code sysop THE SLAMMER, 06/95, DizNee trade, Exner
trade, Flea music, Gann code, Gozz ascii, 06/95, H2O ascii
sysop, Hence code, Huz trade, Kurgan trade, Laz gfx, Maddox
code, Marduk trade, Mode trade, Mozart trade, Nivek music,
Numen nor?, 01/96, Outcast trade, Pad gfx ascii, Psycho sysop,
Pulse gfx, Rooster swap, Scarface trade ascii, Sham gfx,
Slowrider trade, Sprocket trade, Stylewars trade sysop, The Cat
Killer trade, Tito code, Ziz sysop.
1995 - Acid Kid left around july, and joined Shoot.
FRA ADN raytrace swap, 04/97, Alabama code, 04/97, Black Dragon Paul
Pacheco, org gfx music ascii swap pack Package, triplememb Limited
Edition and Artificial People, 04/97-01/99, Clo! singer, 04/97,
Falcon raytrace swap trade, 04/97, HP Henrique Pacheco, org gfx
music, triplememb Limited Edition and Artificial People, 04/97, Mag
04/97, Mytholog music ascii swap, ex Muttonheads, 04/97.
Honoo is a France-based demo crew. Surnames and the same adress leads me to
believe organizers Black Dragon and HP are brothers.
1997 - French swapper Eagle 04/97 left the group. Bip Bip ended his
double membership to be in Fresh only. French musician Mytholog joined from
Amiga Rules! 1997, 25.04, AGA HD File.
code: Alabama, gfx: Black Dragon, music: Black Dragon mix.
review: More fun than impressive, AR! sure does have the cutest singing
frogs Ive ever seen, Ill give it that! As a whole however, it leaves me
with a smile on my face but a definitive feeling of being cheated. A demo
archive that weighs in at roughly 1.3MB should contain more than some
text, a zooming Amiga logo and thee aforementioned frogs. Some of the
answer I believe lie in the tune, which is a remixed version of an
original tune by Scope, a techno artist. I suspect these samples are
rather large. Fun, but not worth the download time. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Nude Part 4 1997, 14.12, Demo.
5th in the Astrosyn 97 demo competition.
Hoodlum HDL/HLM, 1993-
GER Angel Dawn gfx, 11/94, Archon Stello Dousis, music, 04/93, Autopsy
cards supply editor World Charts, ex The Silents, 11/94-03/96,
Cougar sysop THE SWITCHBOARD, 02-05/95, Radiosity sysop TERMINAL
FUCKUP, 02-05/95, Schwabenpower 03/96.
BEL TCB sysop METAL IMPACT EHQ, 02-05/95.
SWE Pripps sysop END OF TIME, 01/95.
CAN Kaptain Kaos sysop BIO HAZARD, 02-05/95.
USA Circuit Breaker sysop DIGITAL EXTASY, ex Outlaws, Shadower sysop
DEATH ROW WHQ, 03/96-01/99, Speed Master sysop SANCTUARY WHQ.
??? 2Fast supply, 02/95, Antarctic 02/97, Chronos code train,
Colonel den? 10/95, Cool Shot sysop, Cypher org, 03/94, Disque
Bleu Radiosity 03/96, Ferox crack, 05/95, Harmonica 03/96, I.B.M
03/96, Jedi nor? 08/95, Kamenski 02/97, Lincoln 03/96, Master
Five supply, 03/94, No Limit ger? 05/95, S.M.M. trade, 11/94,
Snike sysop TRELLI IKOJENIA AUHQ, 02/97, T.E.S. 03/96.
Boards THE VOID WHQ usa, 02-05/95, PIRATES HEAVEN WHQ usa, 02-05/95,
NEW ORDER rhq, TOUCHDOWN ger, 02/95, SUPREMACY ita, 02-05/95,
Hoodlum was a mainly pirate-oriented group...as the name indicates :
Chryseis was their demo section. They are also the last known publishers of
Autopsys World Charts, releasing at least three issues for Hoodlum.
1996 - Their coder, cracker and coorganizer The Black Cat, starting to
feel the heat of the police in his neck, faked his own death by stating in
a cracktro released early this year that he had died of a drug overdose.
World Charts 13 1994, .11, ECS File.
code: n/a, gfx: Angel Dawn, Phase logo, music: Hi-Lite.
review: This issue of WC opens with an atmospheric intro, set to strings
and ritualistic drums. Slowly the words WORLD CHARTS appear onto the
screen, before the inital music ades down to give room to some hard techno
coupled with some graphically excellent environmental-friendly
intitiatives... The thing itself is pretty much the same as always,
though I do miss all the great graphics - a new pic for every category -
of older incarnations. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Trainer Menu 1993, .04, ECS Intro.
code: The Black Cat, gfx: n/a, music: Warhawk by Archon Delta Music 2.0
review: Quite nice really, though mostly for the fabulous chiptune - a
conversion of the music for the c64 game Warhawk. Cool! The entire intro
is done in shades of blue and black, and at the top of the screen is a
mediocre blue Hoodlum logo. Then the middle is occupied with the trainer
options, and the bottom part has two scrollers. That font sure is
familiar, back from the c64 days, even though I cant really name it as
such : Cool music! The release date was identified by text in the binary
itself. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Horizon HZ real
SWE Badger Daniel Stenberg, Boogaloo Linus Nielsen, code, Exilon
Jrgen Gustavsson, code, Judge ex Fairlight, new early90, Pernod
Daniel Larsson, gfx, ex Fairlight, new early90, Kjer Kjell
Ericson, Mastermind Nicklas Ulvns, Zagor Bjrn Stenberg.
There were two Horizons, both of which existed around the same time.
HZ real was the original Horizon, coming from the C64, while the others
were the cracker and demo group that a.o. had Gaston cracking for them.
Diffrentiating the two is made further difficult by the fact that they
were both based in Sweden :
Virtual Intelligence 1991, ECS File.
code: Boogaloo, Exilon, gfx: Pernod, music: Tomas Danko Jr.
review: This HZ demo shows some technically competent coders doing
advanced stuff with vectors. Unfortunately, its not really very
entertaining. Theres lots of for its time innovative stuff here, but
it falls into that old effect-text-effect trap. Sometimes, it works like
in The Silents Global Trash. Most of the time, though, it doesnt.
Some of the stuff you get to see is texturemapping, animated texture-
mapping, sphere vectors... You get the picture. The music is adequate,
though - but then again it should be, when its by Danko! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Horizon HZ amiga
SWE Bryce?/Raistlin? music sysop MAINFRAME EHQ, 09-12/90, Galactus
code, Ric 12/90, Striper gfx, 12/90, Shuriken code, 12/90.
ENG Splatt! sysop SPLATTER HOUSE, ex Classic, new late90.
??? Citizen, Cyber, Kapten Data, Link 90, Rebel, Stranger ex
Adept, new late90, Web supply, Zipp.
Boards FIRES OF HELL usa, 09/90.
There were two Horizons, both of which existed around the same time.
HZ real was the original Horizon, coming from the C64, while the others
were the cracker and demo group that a.o. had Gaston cracking for them.
Diffrentiating the two is made further difficult by the fact that they
were both based in Sweden :
Swedish coder Galactus left to write SEGA Megadrive games for Electronic
Arts in the USA in the late part of 1990!
Swedish Link ex The Silents left the scene.
Swedish Coke was busted late 90!
Swedish supercracker Gaston 04-09/90 joined Sprint when Horizons
original supply died.
Megademo ECS Megademo.
Sleeping Bag 1990, 28.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Shuriken, gfx: Striper, music: Made by Blaizer/The Silents,
Jarre by Bryce.
Released for The Party 91 demo competition.
review: This fails to work on my A1200, and its hard to classify
something you havent seen : Blaizers tune is great, though. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Wont work.
Hotline HTL
Dutch graphician Lowlife joined Axis new.
Yonex, sysop BRAIN FOREST joined LSD early 92.
Humane HMN, 1993-
FIN Blazer 93, Garbitch 93, Jaws sysop CYCLONE CENTER, 04/95,
Necrarch sysop THRONE CHAMBER, 04/95.
Stezotehique 93.
DEN Hellhound sysop SOMEWHERE ONLINE, R-Some sysop THE EDGE OF
HEAVEN, Striker sysop EVIL DEAD, 04/95.
??? Chet code, 08/93, Dune music, 08/93, Rastamom music, 08/94, Rice
gfx, 08/93, Sleepwalker gfx, 08/93-08/94, Wearoz gfx, 08/94,
Why.j code, 08/94, Xender code, 08/94,
Humane was formed in 1993 by ex-Regency members fin together with some
Danish group. They now seem to exist in coomperation with Vanity, under the
name Humane Vanity.
Intro 1993, 10.08, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Chet, gfx: Rice, Sleepwalker, music: Dune.
10th in the Assembly 93 40k intro competition.
Sleepless 1994, 03.04, 40k Intro.
13th in The Gathering 94 40k intro competition.
info: Cooperation with Vanity.
Spoiled 1994, 06.08, 40k Intro.
code: Xender, Why.j, gfx: Sleepwalker, Wearoz, music: Rastamom.
11th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition.
review: Again nice design, and this time even some content. The winner
here is a fast but simple lightsourced voxel routine. The text screens
are accompanied by a plasma interference thing that also looks quite OK.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Humane Vanity
FIN Frost trade, 03/94, G.O.D trade, 03/94, Klutz trade, 03/94,
Lunatic trade, 03/94, Rastaman trade, 03/94, Recycler trade,
03/94, Stz Kid traders, 03/94, Zeff trade, 03/94.
Humanoids -1990
??? Nimitz ex Tat, new 05/90.
Humanoids died after the group merged with members of Arcadia earlier
Arcadia Team to create the new group Scope.
DEN Gilthanas sysop WAREZ UNLIMITED, 01-04/95.
??? Lord Lech org code swap, Mynok sysop, new 06/96, Plasma org gfx
ascii swap, Raz Van Op music.
Raytracer Immortal got kicked 06/96.
Hurricane -1992
Hurricane was a Danish demo group. After arranging the large but disastrous
Hurrican Summer Party 92, the groups reputation was shattered. They
therefore decided to split up and go their separate ways this concerns
Brian ++.
Profile left to be independent 08/92.
Trax changed his handle to Summelove and left 08/92.
Hybrid HYB
SWE Hoson 10/94.
Hydronic 1991-1991
Formed by R.W.O, S.L.L who both were in Rebels for 14 days after Kefrens
died and 4 other ex-Kefrens guys. However, Hydronic soon became the new
Kefrens. Guardian Dragon was originally developed for Hydronic.
Hyperion were a Swedish-English illegal cracking group.
Gaston ex Sprint joined Fairlight.
Hypnos HPS
FRA Gremlins Oliver Lefillatre, org gfx, 04/93, Maki Swapper Sylvestre
Seguin, swap, early93.
??? Factor X new early93, Shad new early93, Sky ex Intense, new
SWE Lurrky, Schizo, Zune swap.
??? Azid Baron, Trinity.
Swedes Dee-Jay music, Rocket and Trinity Westwood? joined Aurora in
december of 1991.
Don Martin Musakdisk 1990, 07.01, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
GER Aggressor ex EOC1999, new mid91.
??? Jayce ex EOC1999, new mid91, Messias ex EOC1999, new mid91.
Apollo joined Awesome.
Buzzard joined Damian 09/92.
German Massive joined Vanish.
Zycro joined End of Century 1999 or Subzero 08/92 Eurochart 16.
Mercy joined Amaze RAW2.
Boards PURE EVIL usa, 06/90.
Hysteric HTC
GER Fireball swap, 09/92.
??? Mr.Mister music, 12/94, Ravage music, 12/94.
German swapper TNM joined Contrast.
THR died late 1990. Zarchy code gfx swap is now Jazzcat.
Half Brains Team HBT.
ITA DDT code, late90, Lord Carion gfx, late90, Mr.Madness code,
late90, Powerforce gfx, late90, Shark sysop INFINITE DREAMS.
Halfmoon Productions
??? Subgud code gfx swap, doublememb EMS Design late 96.
Halo 1994-
FIN Boojum 04/94, Calvin Markus Tuppurainen, gfx, 04/94, Dr.Wacko
04/94, Harlequin music, 04/94, Hook Panu Liukkonen, code, later
Stellar, 04/94, Orbis Heikki Pora, later Extend, code, 04/94.
Judging from what was said in their two Assembly 94 40k intros, Halo is
essentially Genocide with a new name! Therefore most of these guys are
ex-Genocide members. OK?
40k Halo-Intro 1994, 06.08, 40k Intro.
code: Hook. 5th in the Assembly 94 intro competition.
review: No actual credits appear in this impressive little intro, except
for an adress with the heading to contact the coder, write to Hook...
Effects are good, with a nice Doom thing and all, and the music is quite
above average. A cool little intro! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
2nd 40k Halo-Intro 1994, 06.08, 40k Intro.
production: Orbis code, Harlequin, Calvin, Dr.Wacko.
14th in the Assembly 94 intro competition.
review: The second Halo intro is another not-too-shabby deal from the
finns. It opens with a texturemapped cube, and continues in style with
some more cool stuff, before it ends with a textured tunnel that looks
quite cool. The musics not bad, techno but without the beat. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Hangover HNG
SWE Crusader Janne Kotta, swap, 94, Warlock Tomas Mortenson, swap, 94.
??? Xargion swe? code, 94.
The entire group joined Depth!
SWE Distler sysop THE SLAMMER, 01/95.
Hardcore Design HCD
SWE Elf music, later Moment 22, 12/93, Skutt gfx, later Moment 22,
??? Budweiser music, 12/93, Metz sysop, ex Limited Edition, new PRP4,
Wize sysop, ex Limited Edition, new PRP4.
Board CHAOTIC ENTITY usa, 03/94.
Pinhead joined Freezers PRP4.
Hardline HDL
GER Dascon music, later Essence, Powerswap Stefan Pascharat, swap,
later Essence, Slicer Michael Schroeder, org swap, later Essence,
new mid91, Sparc Nils Wietelmann, gfx, 92.
SWE Kaka swap trade, late91, Teofil trade, 95.
??? Bounty ex Dragons new, new early 92.
Hardline was a german demo group, and after they died Touchstone joined
Delicious Designs. Interestingly, every single member of the German section
detailed here was later in Essence...
1990 - German coder Touchstone joined, and this was his first group.
He made lots of PD utilities, some intros, some demos and even a musicdisk
for them.
1991 - The demo Relation 07/91 was released at Energy, Awesome and
Hypnotics party in july.
1992 - After some internal problems, Slicer returned as the groups hq
around january. He took immediate action to strengthen the group, and kicked
out the following members: Mac, Punk, Tai, Crush, 1-Hag M. Neumann, swap,
Shocker and M.Joker. German swapper Trasher left, and subsequently joined
Panic in january. Swapper Lincoln joined TRSI early in the year. LDC gfx
and RTF music joined, but were soon kicked again around june. Ace, Crony
and the german Diabolo Andre Gerke, swap were also kicked, while Toyota
left around june.
Hedgehog and Midge got kicked.
Pepe music, new 06/92 joined Subzero.
Girl ECS File.
Relation 1991, 14.07, ECS File.
5th in the Energy, Awesome and Hypnotic Party demo competition.
Black Energy 1992, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Touchstone, gfx: Touchstone, Sparc, music: Dascon.
info: The modules presented on this musicdisk are Frame of Mine,
Rituals, Cool n Woo, Oropacks, Get the Output and Boom da Climax2
Genious Brain.
??? Bladeray gfx, 04/96, Howard music, 04/96, Nitch code, 04/96.
Frontier 1996, 27.04, AGA HD Multifile, 2 disks.
code: Nitch, gfx: Bladeray, music: Howard.
9th in the Saturne 96 demo competition.
review: Once again, a totally unknown group delivers a very good piece of
demo entertainment. This one, though in no way outstanding, is well above
the limits of mediocrity. The graphics are functional, and in some places
interact very well with the code. There are two pieces of music the main
tune is surprise, surprise! techno, but better than the majority of
tehno tunes. The endscreen tune is a more slow, orchestral affair which
is actually rather good. The majority of effects here are of the bitmap
manipulation variety, with zoomrotators and other such things dominating.
There is mention of the fact that this demo was made for standard A1200s.
If this is their idea of a demo for basic A1200, then Id really like
to see what these guys are capable of with some fastmem and an
accelerator... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Haujobb HJB, 1994-, http://www.haujobb.de
GER Black Raven code, ex Infect, new 08-10/94, Cyclone ascii, 10/94,
Dreamer code, 10/96-05/97, Drf code, 10/94, Dust gfx, 10/96-
05/97, Exage sysop HEARTLAND, 10/94, Fastjack code, 07/96-
04/99, Funky swap, 09/94, Hellfire gfx, 12/00, Howie lAmour
swap, 10/94-05/97, Jailer sysop THE PRISON, ex Infect, new 10/94,
Jazz Kai Fischer, music edit sysop THE EXPERIENCE, doublememb Smoke
music, 10/94-04/98, JCS Jan C. Sievers, gfx, doublememb Sector 7,
new late97-12/00, Marc Marcus Kalusche, music, doublememb Sector 7,
new late97-12/00, NoName Leif Oppermann, code, doublememb Sector 7,
new late97-04/99, Peachy Magnus Hieronymus, gfx, 05/95-12/00,
Virgill Jochen Feldkoetter, music, ex Artwork, new 04/98, Wave gfx,
09/94-12/00, Wild Thing sysop MORPHIC FIELDS, 10/94-06/97, WOTW
music, 10/94-11/96, Xeniator sysop PSALM 69, 10/94, XXX Tobi,
mainorg, 10/94-06/97.
N-L Noodle Stephan Schipper, swap, 07/96-05/97.
FRA Darken code, 10/96-04/98, Unborn Laurent Bailey, code, 10/96-05/97.
FIN Muffler Konsta Mikkonen, music, ex Nah Kolor, doublememb DCS, new
06/97-08/98, Owl gfx, 10/96-04/98, SolarC gfx, 04/00, Speedo Sami
Kinnunen, code, ex Tribute, 08/97-08/98.
SPA Leunam gfx, doublememb Network details, 12/97-04/98.
POL Dave Dawid Nabialek, gfx music, ex Amnesty.
NOR Sixpack Pl-Inge Johansen, swap edit, ex Gods, new 02/98.
ENG Darkus Lee Harwood, edit Devotion, 12/00.
??? Acryl modeller, 12/00, Craid Christoph Szczecina, code, 12/00,
Fli7e gfx sysop, Jailor sysop, 10-11/96, Kid Frost music gfx,
10-11/96, Mash sysop, 10/96-05/97, Melkor trade supply, 10/96-
05/97, Nomad 3d, 12/00, Optima code, new 12/00, Reptile music,
new early00, Seal gfx, 10-11/96, Shawn sysop, 10/96-05/97,
Visualize gfx, new early00.
Boards JUDGMENT DAY ger, 12/94.
Haujobb is a German-based demo group, born on the Amiga in 1994, but later
also active over a wide range of other platforms, including the pc, c64 and
even the Playstatiion! Their world leader is XXX.
1994 - Around the middle of the year, Black Raven code and SMT music
joined from Infect, and announced their new group with the dentro Artcore.
1997 - Marc music, No Name code and JCS gfx all doublejoined the
group from Sector 7 towards the end of the year. Finnish coder Speedo joined
from Tribute.
1998 - The two Graphicians Kidlove and Bay Tremore 08-12/97, both of
whom worked on the great My Kingdom 12/97 demo, left to join Scoopex
early 98, making the Haujobb members very angry! Nevertheless, this proved
to be a great year for Haujobb. At Mekka Symposium 98 in april they WON the
demo competition with Aphrodisiae 04/98, and as an extra bonus, were
joined by legendary german musician Virgill.
2000 - Darkus was one of two main editors of the new mag Devotion 1
00, released under the Nah-Kolor label. The mag also announced the group
had been joined by Visualize gfx and Reptile music. Optima joined from
Scoopex two weeks before the party, and his first production for Haujobb,
The Party-winner Megademo 2000 12/00 earned the group the scenery Demo
of the Year award for the second year in a row! It was the crowning moment
of a great year for the group.
2001 - Marcs audio cd Basic Needs was released early in the year, with
cover art done by JCS. Dutch writer Sane previously worked for Seenpoint
under Scoopex decided to reenter the scene, working on Devotion! Nah Kolor
announced the death of Devotion after a single issue, but Haujobb wanted
it otherwise... Englishman Darkus coeditor on first issue was now main
editor, but suddenly decided to leave the scene following a harddiskcrash
sometime around april this is onyl a guess though... He didnt even bother
telling his fellow team members about it! The main bulk of articles for
Devotion 2 was thus written by Sane and Wade, with some support from Ghandy
and Fishwave also ex-scoopex editor!.
German musician Dascon 10-11/96 is now in Essence.
German musician SMT new 08/94-05/95, who joined from Infect together with
Black Raven, left for Artwork sometime between june and december 94.
Artcore 1994, .09?, File.
code: Black Raven, gfx: Wave, Manfred Tomcat Mayer picture, Ninja/Dual
Crew Shining font, music: Haujobb-Intro by SMT 4ch MOD format.
review: A nice, small production with some good graphics and an ok tune in
the discopop, Jester-vein make for a good debut for Haujobb. Nicely
executed but not advanced code, and a good sense of design is the
topping of the cake on a very acceptable dentro.
This intro announces the joining of SMT and Black Raven from Infect. No
release date appears in the intro, but it was released before the Dooms
Day Party 08-09.10 and after 08/94, which is the date on the module. I
have no idea whether this requires AGA, but probably not. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Dentro 1994, late, Intro.
code: Black Raven, jailer raytrace, peachy logo, ninja/dcs font,
music: WOTW.
review: Mostly comprised of a Haujobb logo done as a raytraced animation,
this is a slightly disappointing production from Haujobb. Not bad music,
though, and the Peachy logo is cool... glenn
GLE tested A1200,
Hey Ser ! 1994, late, ECS Intro.
code Black Raven, gfx: Tomcat/Complex, music: Syn-T-Size.
review: This is nothing more than a nice little 20k bbs intro for THE
PRISON, OK done and with a pretty cool chiptune actually. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Love Peace Teddies 1994, 40k Intro.
code: Kreavis Botthead Dreamer Peachy, gfx: XXX font, Wave font,
music: Syn-t-Size.
review: This 40ker opens with some of that 2plane fractal zooming we saw
in Virtual Dreams classic Chaosland 12/93, overlaid some text...and
thats it! No nothing more here unfortunately. We wont mention the
chiptune, just be nice to them. This is...so bad.
The release date is at least before Jammin since it mentions THE
PRISON as an Infect board. Since it conforms to the 40k limit, was it
entered at a party? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Derrick 1994, 08.10, Multifile Intro.
code: drf, gfx: Flite intrologo, Cyclone ascii, music: WOTW 4ch MOD
format. Released at the Dooms Day 94 party.
review: Hey, heres something just a little original! This is actually not
only an intro, but also an ascii collection! Design is fittingly
minimalistic, with the lower 1/3rd of the screen taken up by a scroller
and and fun little animation, and the rest occupied by the ascii. It uses
colors, bold, italics and such too, and is really not a bad little
collection. This is nice and fun, though the chiptune gets on your nerves
pretty quickly : ESC to quit. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Legalize It 2.5 1994, 09.10, ECS Musicfile.
code: Black Raven, gfx: Tomcat/Complex logo, Ninja/DCS fonts, music:
Only 4 Voices, A Race Against Time, Judgement Day and Eternity by
SMT, Intro Tune! by Syn-T-Size, Cafe Brazil by Jazz all 4ch MOD
format. Released at the Dooms Day 94 party.
review: Four pieces of music from SMT, bookended by a tune each by Jazz
and Syn-T-Size, make up this thrown-together production. Not bad, with
some niceness in both the audial and visual departments, but lacks a
little soul. SMTs A Race Against Time was 7th in the SunnFun
Conference II music competition, while his Judgment Day was the winner
of Commodores official music competition at CeBit 94!
For some reason, this opens with a little text saying This is
dedicated to Funky... Explanation, anyone? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Jammin 1994, 09.10, AGA File Dentro.
code: drf, gfx: Wave, music: Jazz 2 tunes, The Player 6.0A format.
2nd in the Dooms Day party 94 demo competition.
review: Highlighted by excellent graphical work from Wave and some
competent coding from drf voxel, nice texturemapped cube, this early
Haujobb demo is another competent piece of work. Nothing is really wrong
here, this is a short, cute production that works on its own terms. Nice
This intro announces Jailer joining the group, which happened at the
party itself. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Menu 1994, ECS Intro.
code: Black Raven, gfx: Wave, music: Syn-t-Size.
review: This is actually a trainermenu, not badly done for this kind of
thing, though the music bugs me... Its got the standard mousecontrolled
trainer options, a very nice Haujobb logo by Wave down the left side, and
the obligatory scroll...there is also some fireworks exploding in the
backtground! Nice, but not outstanding. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Mintro32 1994.
production: zap, syn-t-size.
Bye Scenelife 1995.
production: blackraven, smt, jazz, ninja/dcs.
TUI 1995.
production: drf, wave, jazz.
Generation X 1995, 21.05, AGA 4MB Multifile Demo.
code: drf, gfx: Wave, Peachy, music: Dascon, Jazz.
Winner of the Nexus 95 demo competition!
review: Another nicely designed demo by Haujobb, with effects that are
perhaps a little bit weaker than usual. Mostly gouraud and bitmap
manipulation are the order of the day here. The Nexus 7 lamp thing was
something they could have spared themselves, though! For a two disk demo,
this runs a little short imho... Two fullscreen pictures, one by each
The results file for the Nexus party by Jazz said that a final version
of the demo would be released later. It doesnt seem like this ever
happened, as the one Im reviewing was downloaded from their website in
2000... Originally on two disks, but can be easily installed to harddisk.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
State of Aversia BBS Intro 1996, ECS Intro.
code: drf, gfx: none, music: Jazz The Player 6.0A format.
review: Small 8k but nice, this is how a promotional intro should be!
Ascii-based, but with graphics and a nice, mellow tune by Jazz, this is
sweeeeet... Sysops Jack Danielz and Julie. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Burning Chrome 1996, 06.07, AGA 4MB Multifile Demo.
code: Fastjack, gfx: Wave, Cyclone/Illusion, music: Mortimer/Royal The
Player 6.1 format. 3rd in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
review: Fastjack does a real nice little demo here, with some great design
and fast 3d routines. Theres everything here, from afterburned phong
which I had only seen from Azure before actually! to envmapping and cool
tunnels. The graphical work is also above average, and the music is nicely
different, while staying firmly in a techno style. The demo gives an
overall good impression, though suffers slightly from a lack of pace
towards the end. Not bad at all! Cyclones fullscreen picture is called
Mobile at least thats the filename in my collection... :. Mortimer
usually uses the more extensive handle Mortimer Twang.
Should work on any AGA amiga with enough mem, but 030-50 is recommended.
Should be run from HD, but can also be run from disks, the method is
explained in the enclosed readme file. I experience some initial problems
when attempting to run the file packed with Titanics Cruncher 1.2, but
after manually depacking the file first, everything worked fine. The
version reviewed was the final version just bugfixes, more stable, see
the end of the endscroller to see if it mentions that this is released
after the party - otherwise youve got the partyversion. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Harmony 1996, 03.11, AGA HD 4MB Multifile Demo.
code: Darken, Unborn, gfx: Owl, Dust, Peachy, music: Jazz, Jazz Smartass
The Player 6.1A format. 5th in the Saturne Party 4 demo competition.
review: Harmony opens with what appears to be a raytraced fractal with
logos overlaid, but I have seen have seen way better examples of this kind
of thing. Then it goes on to a very nice fullscreen picture by Dust of a
womans face and some water and mountain scenery in the background, which
it holds on to for unfortunately a little too long, possibly while
precalculating? It then loads and changes tune, and were shown a good,
but anatomically weird pic of a halfnaked mermaid being eaten by sharks
!, drawn by Peachy. Then it shows ANOTHER picture for too long, this
time some digitized though cute girl with some words overlaid...
Both of the included tunes are right there as files in plain P61A
format. should work on any AGA amiga with enough mem, but 030-50 is
recommended. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Knickelbreaka 1996, 06.11, AGA Intro.
code: Fastjack, gfx: Wave, music: Jazz.
review: Short and most decidedly sweet, this is a promotion intro for
their new chippackmag Friendchip. If this style is anything to go by,
it should be cool indeed... Go get it! Should work on standard A1200.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Friendchip issue 1 1996, .12, AGA Multifile Diskmag.
code: Fastjack, gfx: Dust, Wave, Seal clip, Geist/Balance
clip, music: various, editor: Jazz.
review: This first issue of Haujobbs new mag overrided every and any
preconception I might have had - its great! Though originally intended
as a chipmag - sort of picking up the glove after ChipMania - it seems
their project have grown a little out of proportion : What this is -
essentially - is a small diskmag with a nice selection of chippies to
choose from. This, however, brings me to what must surely be a BUG!
I have never actually been able to play a single tune through Friendchip.
Theres simply no sound!? Thankfully, theyve provided an option for
saving the modules out to disk, so thanks to HippoPlayer and the great
multitasking magcode I was still able to listen to them while reading
the mag :D Another great thing about Friendchip is the design and the
graphics - both very very nicely executed.
To conclude, I just have to say that this chipmag has a magcode thats
just as good as for any of the leading diskmags. Its ability to multitask
- like ROM - is especially nice. Im actually running it in the
background right now, so I can switch back and forth if I want to check
anything : Coolness. Eurochart 30 lists the coder as Touchstone/Essence,
for some reason...!? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
One Day 1997, AGA Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Wave, music: Muffler.
Winner of the Belgian Scene Event 40k intro competition!
review: This opens with a convincing rotzoomer, and continues with more of
the same with some pretty cool bitmap manipulation effects. The overall
impression is of a very colorful intro mainly based on 2d bitmap effects -
like twirls and rots. It gives a very smooth feel. It ends with a burning
particle effect. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Awakening 1997, 06.06, AGA 4MB 64k Intro.
code: Darken, gfx: Owl, music: Muffler.
Winner of the Abduction 97 64k intro competition!
review: Certainly a child of a different breed, HJBs Abduction winner is
a nice little intro, I guess, if youre into this techno kind of thing.
Rather than tell you whats in the intro, well just list the routines,
as printed in the text file : bump, blur, radial distortions, DK3D
engine, plasma printf, and just add that theres some wireframe vectors
in there too D To be honest I didnt like this all that much... some
nice routines, but the package fails to excite. Potential is there, but
it lacks the final punch to lift it to greatness. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
With Style 1997, 09.08, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Bay Tremore, music: Muffler.
4th in the Assembly 97 64k intro competition.
review: It opens with a cool, zooming Haujobb logo by Bay Tremore and
continues with some typical Mufflermusic. The zooming, twisting tunnel is
another highlight, and also the twirling bumpmap routine that follows it.
You may have gotten the idea by now I quite like this. Its fast, cool
and colorful. Not the worlds most impressive intro, but still very nice.
Please note that this review refers to the final version, released
after the party, with bugfixes and faster routines. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Control! 1997, 14.12, 64k Intro.
production: noname, speedo, jcs, marc.
2nd in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition.
Entering Hypnosis 1997, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Leunam, music: Muffler The Player 6.1A format.
5th in The Party 97 40k intro competition.
review: Technically and audio-visually competent at every level, Entering
Hypnosis still fails to impress. The lack of pace, the headache-inducing
music and the jumping screen are all elements that take away some of this
intros interest. It all looks pretty and smooth, but doesnt ENGAGE.
The effects are not awe-inspiring in any way, with a clear dominance on
a color-cycling like effect shown THREE times, with different palettes
and variables! and swirling tunnels. Yawn. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
My Kingdom 1997, 28.12, AGA Multifile.
code: Boogeyman/Scoopex, Fastjack, Speedo, Kenny, gfx: Kid Love,
Visualize/?, Leunam, Bay Tremore, Boogeyman/Scoopex 3d, textures,
Dice/? textures, Jazz textures, Nomad/Scoopex 3d, music: Tamas
Kingdom by Muffler, Antigotchi by Jazz and FNDR uncredited,
Director: Owl. Winner of The Party 97 demo competition!
Cooperation with Scoopex.
review: My Kingdom is a great demo - as youd expect from a The Party
winner - but surprisingly short. The demo is split into three parts, all
loadable as standalone executables, or run in sequence via a supplied
script. The first thing that struck me about it, was how fast and smooth
all the 3D scenes were. Theres some pretty impressive optimizing behind
getting scenes to run as smoothly as this, and I can do nothing but
applaud. There are several fullscreen pictures, and design is good.
The music is good and unusual, and sounds professional and unorthodox.
As I said in the opening, My Kingdom is a great demo - but Captured
Dreams it aint! With a little more focus, Haujobb will be a BIG group...
This cooperation demo was placed under Haujobbs heading since most of
the people involved in the project seem to be Haujobb members, and its
director was a Haujobb member. A final version was released later,
but without much new stuff - it was virtually identical to the party
release, as the accompanying text file mentions. When someones member
status is uncertain, Ive written /? - this does not mean that this
person is not a member of either group, just that I dont know which
one :. Both modules from the demo were soon after released in extended
versions through the Mono and Monotonik labels. The fact that Jazz
module was in cooperation with FNDR wasnt mentioned in the demo! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Haupex 1998, 21.02, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Bird/Scoopex, Speedo fonts, music: Muffler and
Bird/Scoopex. Winner of the Scene Meeting 98 intro competition!
Cooperation with Scoopex.
review: Now, this is fun - a sense of style! Haupex wont impress you
with its flashy routines or speedy 1x1 phongs - but it will show you a
definitive sense of style and design! The musics timed to some onscreen
action, like flashing and the screen jumping. Id REALLY like to know
which of these two groups Speedo is in, now! Anyway, this is totally
recommended. Groovy! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Radikal 1998, 11.04, ECS File.
code: Speedo, gfx: Wave, music: Muffler The Player 6.1A format.
7th in the Alternative 98 demo competition.
review: A pretty mediocre production this time, which opens with a pretty
OK Haujobb logo by Wave. Next is a zooming ball-like effect, before an rgb
effect overlaid on the same logo as earlier. Next is a couple of
variations on the classic interference effect, and then it all ends with
some twisting horizontal bars - the best effect in the demo. The music is
really sub-par quality for Muffler, unfortunately, but fits in with the
overall quality of this demo. Not good. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Aphrodisia 1998, 12.04, AGA HD File.
code: Darken, gfx: JCS, Kidlove title logo, Dice/Doomsday textures,
Leunam font, music: Muffler 2x The Player 6.1A format.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 98 demo competition!
review: Nice visuals and trancy music introduce us to HJBs winning demo
from MS98. Its one of their best demos, with the combination of strong
coding 3d scenes!, great design, and some fabuoous audio-visual talent
working on it making it something quite extraordinary. The demo is
actually not quite fullscreen, but presented in 320x220 inasted. This
doesnt really refract from the enjoyment of the demo, and I find it quite
acceptable. There are three fullscreen pictures by JCS in this demo, all
of which feature girls faces... Presumably at least one of these is his
compopicture for MS98, Native.
This demo was a long time in the coming, originally planned for Assembly
97, then for Saturne 5, then for The Party 97... Owl served as director.
This demo announced that Virgill joined. Please note that the version
reviewed is the fixed version for 040/060 machines. 3d scenes can be
viewed in 640x440 HAM8, using ?? as argument! Theyve used a square root
routine by Touchstone/Essence and c2p routine by Krishna/Scoopex. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Edit 0.5 1998, 08.08, 64k Intro.
code: Speedo, gfx: Bay Tremore, music: Muffler The Player 6.1A format.
Winner of the Assembly 98 64k intro competition!
review: As usual, amazing 3d and great design from Haujobb, brought this
intro straight to the top of the heap at ASM98 this year. This is a
relatively short intro, but in that time, still manages to impress... The
focus is mainly on 3d, mostly cubes for once oldskOOl , but also with a
cool and original logo at the beginning and a rocking ripple effect
towards the end. Not a classic intro, but good - and good enough to win in
this competition. Probably requires AGA... I guess glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Mnemonics 1999, 04.04, AGA 8MB File Demo.
code: NoName, Fastjack, Touchstone/Essence, gfx: JCS, Wave, Kublay/Ram
Jam, music: Marc. Winner of the Mekka Symposium 2k-1 demo competition!
review: What first strikes you about Mnemonics is its superb design,
with graphics and effects overlaid in a seemingly fluent manner. Effects
are reasonably fast, and the soundtrack engaging if youre into that sort
of thing P. But back to the great design, hehe... This is really a
triumph in that respect, with even the fullscreen pictures having effects
overlaid in some form...Theres an excellent one by JCS here portraying
singer Skin from Skunk Anansie where a small object appears to be
spinning in her hand... just amazing! Can anyone confirm or deny that the
picture in question is JCS Crazee, winner at this party? Kublays
contribution is likely just his fullscreen picture of dinosaurs.
Unfortunately I dont understand much of the endpart, since its all in
German... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Radwar 2k Invitation 2000, early, AGA File.
code: Craid, gfx: Cyclone, music: Virgill The Player 6.1A format.
review: A functional invitation intro, with some typically offbeat and
strange graphics by Cyclone! The music is also very much a Virgill
composition. It has a rather strange menu that I used a little time to
work out, actually To make a rather long story short and sweet, this is
a pretty cool little invitation intro for a pretty cool little party
Understood? Identical intros were released for amiga Craid, pc
Hellfire and psx Fuzzel. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Back To The Roots 2000, 23.04, AGA File.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
2nd in the Mekka Symposium 2000 demo competition.
review: Nostalgia the Haujobb way... After running this shows a kickstart
1.2 logo, then a good old cliscreen before the demo starts Those were
the days, eh? But then I only get the blackest of screens...for a looooong
time... The music goes on, but nothing visual appears. Why? God alone
knows, I guess. Sad. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review!
Distorted Strange Distortion 2000, 23.04, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Craid, Octane additional, gfx: Hellfire, SolarC, music: Roz.
2nd in the Mekka Symposium 2000 64k intro competition.
review: Whooooah! After a rather long spell of precalculation, this intro
throws up some effects that sort-of make me feel the wait was worth it
This is a cool little intro which tries to be welldesigned and different,
but only halfway succeeds. They should get extra kudos for their extensive
use of graphics, unusual to see in such a small 64k production! In the
end though, it does outstay its welcome a little, and should really have
cut back a couple of the not-so-great effects to make a shorter, more
focused package. But by all means, not at all bad! Best parts: The very
first effect, and the tunnel just before the credits. Shame about the
REALLY annoying music. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Yes! 2000, 23.04, AGA 64k Intro.
code: NoName, Fastjack, Kenny, Darken, gfx: JCS, music: Muffler.
5th in the Mekka Symposium 2000 64k intro competition.
Cooperation with Loveboat.
review: Some very cool design here, and a typically intense Muffler
soundtrack. Some very nice coding too, add up to make me feel that this is
actually a better intro than their 2nd-placer Distorted at the same
party! They use a special kind of shading for several of the parts, that
give it a sort of look of its own... Had it not been for the small fact
that it is terribly short, I am pretty sure this could have won at MS...
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Modular 2000, 28.12, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Craid, gfx: Hellfire, Standhal.
2nd in The Party 2000 64k intro competition.
review: Modular is an intro that likely reached its elevated status on
the result list more due to some great design touches rather than
technical excellence... cause these are really nothing but filled vectors.
Excellent filled vectors, but still nothing more. It does go on for a
while though, and it is undoubtedly a beautiful little intro. It looks
great, sounds cool, and for that reason you will all want it. For that,
and for Hellfires mystic woman face... Plus for the cute ansi precalc
screen, which was a nice touch. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Megademo 2000 2000, 28.12, AGA HD 12MB File.
code: Optima, gfx: JCS, Peachy, Optima textures, Hellfire 3d, colors,
Wave textures, Acryl 3d, Nomad 3d, music: Go-A-Round, Interaudio
and No Tricks by Marc The Player 6.1A format.
Winner of The Party 2000 demo competition!
review: Make no mistake, this was made on and for 060-50s. Its a file of
almost 10mb, and....its absolutely wonderful. It opens in style,
continues in style and ends mightily - in style. On my 030-50. THANK YOU!
Not everything flows every-frame, but its beautiful and FAR from SLOW at
any point! They make a point of how this was made on 060s, but you
wouldnt know it looking at the demo. I could go on and on and on and tell
you about every effect from screen to screen, but you would get tired long
before I could finish and you would get the point I was trying to make
much sooner. Once again I thank you Haujobb, for making my job so much
easier and more pleasurable. Megademo 2000 is demo of the year 2000.
The fullscreen pictures are Megademo 2000 by JCS 640x400x8, Akaya
by JCS 320x200x8, Solaris by JCS 640x400x8 and finally Colaris by
Peachy 640x480x8. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Devotion 2 Promotional Intro 2001, Intro.
code: Stingray/Darkage, gfx: Wade logo, music: Reed/Damage.
review: The DVN 2 promotional intro has a decidedly oldskool flavour to
it - with oldfashioned effects like a lightsourced vectorcube etc... I
cant help it, I really love this cute little thing! After a slightly
half-assed Devotion logo, it kicks off proper with the aforementioned
lightsourced vector and a cute animated lego-person walking onto the
screen. Following this we get the info part, presenting the new Devotion
staff and the upcoming headlines for the second issue... And pressing the
left mouse button gives the credits before exiting. Very nice oldskool
design, coupled with the cool chipper by Reed, makes this a nice little
intro. Bear in mind, though, that its almost 370k long - proper
oldskoolers could easily crunch this down to 40k... Just kidding, nice
one! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Devotion 2 2001, 15.06, AGA Multifile Diskmag.
code: Mr.Tickle/Darkage, gfx: Zaac/independent title, Adam/DCS Panels,
fonts, backdrops, music: Chromag, Reed/Damage, Curt Cool/Depth,
Jazz/Haujobb and Reed/Damage, editors: Wade main, Sane coeditor,
Fishwave/Scoopex and DCS, Ghandy/Darkage.
review: So finally, and to the surprise of most of the scene, the second
issue of Devotion finally saw the light of day. The second issue of a mag
that was declared dead its original releasing group Nah-Kolor, whose
previous main editor had left the scene Darkus - and whose entire
editorial team is new for the second issue. Born out of controversy, this
is still an exciting issue to read. QUALITY is back in the amiga magscene
for good, with a diskmag that shows the same kind of quality assurance
that mags like ROM once had. The mag opens with a great, very original
title picture drawn by Zaac, and a quick click of the lmb later, were
reading Devotion again. The graphics are exactly the same as in the last
issue, not that thats a bad thing at all
But any mag, however graphically appealing, stands or falls on its
editorial content. And I am very, very glad to announce that Devotion does
not fail. In fact, this mag represents the strongest and best display of
scene journalism since the days of ROM! THIS is the kind of mag we want
to read, THIS is how its done! Main editor Wades articles are
engaging, critical and perfectly displays his great knowledge of scenelife
in general - and graphics in particular.
The mag has two title pictures, chosen randomly at startup. While Zaacs
caricature picture is great, Wades blackwhite picture of a partially
submerged beautiful female is just...fabulous. Wow. This picture GLOWS.
The mag requires just a standard A1200, with AGA or a graphics board.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Hazard is dead. All members left for Saturne late93 this includes Loony
eng, ex Surprise! Productions, old handle Snowman, new late93 and Vodka
fra, ex The Special Brothers, new late93.
Head! H!
GER Case78 Rene, ?ascii, 96.
HOL React Joeri Tan, ascii, ex Monk, new 07/96.
??? Punk! ascii, 96, Rave ascii, 96, Rooster ascii.
Head! is an ascii group.
1996 - Dutch ascii artist React joined in july, after his previous group
Monk died.
Headwave -1990
SWI Dave 10/89, HQ 10/89.
Headwave was a swiss group, that died early 90. Two of their members joined
Setrox. They were reborn later in the year.
HUN Dylance Karloy Boczka, swap, 93.
Hungarian graphician D-Mage joined Virtual Dreams.
Lord Helmet joined Cartel.
??? Jaffa ex Angels old.
Heavy Duty
Finnish Pifki joined Dimension 4.
Great Intro 1991, early, ECS Intro.
Code: Cli, Gfx: Dor, Music: Maake.
Hellfire HF, 1994-
HOL Sal-One sysop BOONDOCKS WHQ, doublememb LSD, 12/95-11/97.
DEN Enzo sysop SKY TOWER EHQ, 10/95-02/97.
??? Advocate crack, 10/96, Alpha One code, 12/95, Chelsea 01/97,
Defect doublememb Insane, 02/96, Hudson Hawk gfx, doublememb
Lightforce, 05/97, Icarus code, 01/96, Jam supply, Preacher
keyfilemakers, 04/96, Rascal code keygens, 95-05/98, Rude Dude
gfx, 96, Siriax code crack, 12/95, Sonik supply, 02/97, The
Clairvoyant gfx, 01/96.
Boards TEMPLE OF DREAMS ger, 12/95-10/96, ACID SLAM ger, 12/95-02/97,
DIAL HARD swi, 12/95-02/97, ON THE RUN ger, 01-10/96, SKYLINE
swe, 01/96, FREEDOM WITHIN eng, 12/95-02/97, ELECTRIC WARRIOR
eng, 12/95-02/97, CEMENT CITY eng, 12/95-10/96, NEXUS 7 eng,
12/95-01/96, THE CHAMELEON fin, 01/96, BROADWAY ger, 01-02/97.
HELL 96.
Hellfire is one of the better groups dealing in the illegal cracker scene,
probably based in England. Supplier Iggy 01-12/96 announced he would
leave the scene after christmas in a crackintro 12/96, yet called himself
Hellfire Leader! in a crack dated 01/99.
1995 - Enzo and his bbs SKY TOWER was busted at the end of october. Enzo
was known for having lots of payleechers, as well as selling streamer tapes
and cds with stuff... After first announcing he would leave the scene, he
reconsidered and finally built up his board again. We guess he will be more
careful in the future :
??? The Fly ex Sepultura, new UPS10.
Hemoroids HMD, 1992-
FRA AJT early93, Axel ex Ozone, new early93, Bigm ex Willow, new
RAW4, Ghost Penguin early93, Gryzor code, ex Dreamdealers, new
08/92, Orcus ex Ozone, new early93, Sam early93, Spock early93,
STC ex Willow, new RAW4.
Hemoroids were formed late 92 by ex members of Quartz france. When Ozone
died late 92 or early 93, all their members joined Hemoroids. Later 93,
Ozone was reformed with members from Hemoroids :-
Gryzor is the identical to the guy who later coded Pro-Wizard and made the
cool MODs Anthology CDs!
Endless Melodies Musicdisk.
code: Gryzor, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
info: My regular contributor SoLo tells me this musicdisk is cool :
ITA MetalbasheR ascii sysop STRANGE LAND, 09/92, Phoenix trade.
??? Bruce Lee crack, 09/92, Reflex code, 09/92, Roger code, 09/92.
Boards SHATTERED DREAMS usa, 09/92, TRANSFER STATION usa, 09/92,
FINAL FRONTIER ger, 09/92.
Heresy once released the Italian Charts early93. Their Italian
modemtrader Phoenix is female, as revealed in R.A.W 5.
Holgi, sysop of INVISIBLE CRIME, joined Agnostic Front.
Crackintro 1992, ECS Intro.
code: Roger, gfx: n/a ansi, music: Brocken-Clock by Reflex 4ch MOD
review: Pretty bog-standard ascii-and-chiptune intro, with a grey
background. Used for the trainer for Diabolik 15-09-92, done by Bruce
Lee. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Delirium 1995, 12.08, 40k Intro.
10th in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition.
SWE Core ex Strange, Crayone, Tony gfx, ex Strange, later Razor 1911.
Hijack was formed by Core and Tony both ex Strange. However, STD10
claimed Core and Crayone joined Noxious from Strange, and doesnt mention
this crew at all!
FIN Braindead swap, CJack Teemu Litti, code, 08/94.
??? T42 music, 08/94.
Kampela 1994, 06.08, 40k Intro.
Code: Cjack, Maverick/Red Chrome additional, Great J/Red Chrome
additional, Deadlock/Red Chrome additional, Gfx: none, Music: T42.
4th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition.
Review: I dont know quite how this one managed to make it to fourth at
the Assembly, but it did. Nothing outstanding here, with the sole
exception of a cool routine where a vector cube bounces sideways into a
net consisting of linevectors. Trust me, it looks cool!
The three additional code credits were awarded since those three
coders helped Cjack learn programming, and because code from some of their
old sources was used to produce the intro. Neither of three actively
participated in the creation of the intro. Thanks to Great J for
information. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Hauki 1995, 12.08, 40k Intro.
2nd in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition.
Hoaxers HXS
NOR Baccalao, Comedian Morten Eriksen, 10/94, Kalle gfx music, 04/93,
Skurk, The Jerk.
??? Firehawk.
Hoaxers were originally a Norwegian C64 group, but I believe some of their
old members carried the name over to the Amiga when they converted.
Freedom Crack 8 carried the news that Elexion are now Hoaxers!.
U-Lyd 1993, 10.04, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Marius/Panoramic Designs, gfx/music: Kalle.
40k Intro 1994, 03.04, ECS 40k Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Intro Coop Tune by NHP/Anarchy and
Hydra/Devils. 8th in The Gathering 94 40k intro competition.
review: This small intro has some thoroughly unexciting effects in it, to
be frank and brutal. That would have been excusable if theyd brought
something new to the effects, but they fail there also. Were given
BLOCKY plasma, copper effects soooo 1989, loose dots not many! and a
dotscroller. I mean, where have these guys been? These are all effects
that were popular back in the old megademo days - late 80s. Considering
the fact that the tune is dated february 1992, its probably a safe
assumption that it was ripped from somewhere. The intro contains no
credits whatsoever.
Based on how it behaves on the two test machines, Ill hazard a guess
that it was written on an A1200 with that machine in mind. On the 500
its slow and flickers in places. Back to the drawing board, guys. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Music bugs a little.
Arrrgh! 1996, 05.04, 4k Intro.
7th in The Gathering 96 4k intro competition.
Honey HNY, http://uno.canit.se/qen/honey -- or www.canit.se !!
NOR Baffle sysop BUMBLE BEE LAND, triplememb Abuse and Grotesticle,
06/95-02/96, Madsen sysop REALITY BYTES, triplememb Element and
FLD no entry, 01/96.
SWE Misfit ascii, doublememb G-Force, 06/95, Qen music, Stain trade,
06/95, U-Man ascii sysop FINAL IMPACT, 06/95, Warhammer sysop
??? Beverage code, Black Line code trade sysop, Count-Zero ascii
sysop, Dartagnan ascii, Defect trade, Diablo trade sysop,
Distler code sysop THE SLAMMER, 06/95, DizNee trade, Exner
trade, Flea music, Gann code, Gozz ascii, 06/95, H2O ascii
sysop, Hence code, Huz trade, Kurgan trade, Laz gfx, Maddox
code, Marduk trade, Mode trade, Mozart trade, Nivek music,
Numen nor?, 01/96, Outcast trade, Pad gfx ascii, Psycho sysop,
Pulse gfx, Rooster swap, Scarface trade ascii, Sham gfx,
Slowrider trade, Sprocket trade, Stylewars trade sysop, The Cat
Killer trade, Tito code, Ziz sysop.
1995 - Acid Kid left around july, and joined Shoot.
FRA ADN raytrace swap, 04/97, Alabama code, 04/97, Black Dragon Paul
Pacheco, org gfx music ascii swap pack Package, triplememb Limited
Edition and Artificial People, 04/97-01/99, Clo! singer, 04/97,
Falcon raytrace swap trade, 04/97, HP Henrique Pacheco, org gfx
music, triplememb Limited Edition and Artificial People, 04/97, Mag
04/97, Mytholog music ascii swap, ex Muttonheads, 04/97.
Honoo is a France-based demo crew. Surnames and the same adress leads me to
believe organizers Black Dragon and HP are brothers.
1997 - French swapper Eagle 04/97 left the group. Bip Bip ended his
double membership to be in Fresh only. French musician Mytholog joined from
Amiga Rules! 1997, 25.04, AGA HD File.
code: Alabama, gfx: Black Dragon, music: Black Dragon mix.
review: More fun than impressive, AR! sure does have the cutest singing
frogs Ive ever seen, Ill give it that! As a whole however, it leaves me
with a smile on my face but a definitive feeling of being cheated. A demo
archive that weighs in at roughly 1.3MB should contain more than some
text, a zooming Amiga logo and thee aforementioned frogs. Some of the
answer I believe lie in the tune, which is a remixed version of an
original tune by Scope, a techno artist. I suspect these samples are
rather large. Fun, but not worth the download time. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Nude Part 4 1997, 14.12, Demo.
5th in the Astrosyn 97 demo competition.
Hoodlum HDL/HLM, 1993-
GER Angel Dawn gfx, 11/94, Archon Stello Dousis, music, 04/93, Autopsy
cards supply editor World Charts, ex The Silents, 11/94-03/96,
Cougar sysop THE SWITCHBOARD, 02-05/95, Radiosity sysop TERMINAL
FUCKUP, 02-05/95, Schwabenpower 03/96.
BEL TCB sysop METAL IMPACT EHQ, 02-05/95.
SWE Pripps sysop END OF TIME, 01/95.
CAN Kaptain Kaos sysop BIO HAZARD, 02-05/95.
USA Circuit Breaker sysop DIGITAL EXTASY, ex Outlaws, Shadower sysop
DEATH ROW WHQ, 03/96-01/99, Speed Master sysop SANCTUARY WHQ.
??? 2Fast supply, 02/95, Antarctic 02/97, Chronos code train,
Colonel den? 10/95, Cool Shot sysop, Cypher org, 03/94, Disque
Bleu Radiosity 03/96, Ferox crack, 05/95, Harmonica 03/96, I.B.M
03/96, Jedi nor? 08/95, Kamenski 02/97, Lincoln 03/96, Master
Five supply, 03/94, No Limit ger? 05/95, S.M.M. trade, 11/94,
Snike sysop TRELLI IKOJENIA AUHQ, 02/97, T.E.S. 03/96.
Boards THE VOID WHQ usa, 02-05/95, PIRATES HEAVEN WHQ usa, 02-05/95,
NEW ORDER rhq, TOUCHDOWN ger, 02/95, SUPREMACY ita, 02-05/95,
Hoodlum was a mainly pirate-oriented group...as the name indicates :
Chryseis was their demo section. They are also the last known publishers of
Autopsys World Charts, releasing at least three issues for Hoodlum.
1996 - Their coder, cracker and coorganizer The Black Cat, starting to
feel the heat of the police in his neck, faked his own death by stating in
a cracktro released early this year that he had died of a drug overdose.
World Charts 13 1994, .11, ECS File.
code: n/a, gfx: Angel Dawn, Phase logo, music: Hi-Lite.
review: This issue of WC opens with an atmospheric intro, set to strings
and ritualistic drums. Slowly the words WORLD CHARTS appear onto the
screen, before the inital music ades down to give room to some hard techno
coupled with some graphically excellent environmental-friendly
intitiatives... The thing itself is pretty much the same as always,
though I do miss all the great graphics - a new pic for every category -
of older incarnations. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Trainer Menu 1993, .04, ECS Intro.
code: The Black Cat, gfx: n/a, music: Warhawk by Archon Delta Music 2.0
review: Quite nice really, though mostly for the fabulous chiptune - a
conversion of the music for the c64 game Warhawk. Cool! The entire intro
is done in shades of blue and black, and at the top of the screen is a
mediocre blue Hoodlum logo. Then the middle is occupied with the trainer
options, and the bottom part has two scrollers. That font sure is
familiar, back from the c64 days, even though I cant really name it as
such : Cool music! The release date was identified by text in the binary
itself. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Horizon HZ real
SWE Badger Daniel Stenberg, Boogaloo Linus Nielsen, code, Exilon
Jrgen Gustavsson, code, Judge ex Fairlight, new early90, Pernod
Daniel Larsson, gfx, ex Fairlight, new early90, Kjer Kjell
Ericson, Mastermind Nicklas Ulvns, Zagor Bjrn Stenberg.
There were two Horizons, both of which existed around the same time.
HZ real was the original Horizon, coming from the C64, while the others
were the cracker and demo group that a.o. had Gaston cracking for them.
Diffrentiating the two is made further difficult by the fact that they
were both based in Sweden :
Virtual Intelligence 1991, ECS File.
code: Boogaloo, Exilon, gfx: Pernod, music: Tomas Danko Jr.
review: This HZ demo shows some technically competent coders doing
advanced stuff with vectors. Unfortunately, its not really very
entertaining. Theres lots of for its time innovative stuff here, but
it falls into that old effect-text-effect trap. Sometimes, it works like
in The Silents Global Trash. Most of the time, though, it doesnt.
Some of the stuff you get to see is texturemapping, animated texture-
mapping, sphere vectors... You get the picture. The music is adequate,
though - but then again it should be, when its by Danko! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Horizon HZ amiga
SWE Bryce?/Raistlin? music sysop MAINFRAME EHQ, 09-12/90, Galactus
code, Ric 12/90, Striper gfx, 12/90, Shuriken code, 12/90.
ENG Splatt! sysop SPLATTER HOUSE, ex Classic, new late90.
??? Citizen, Cyber, Kapten Data, Link 90, Rebel, Stranger ex
Adept, new late90, Web supply, Zipp.
Boards FIRES OF HELL usa, 09/90.
There were two Horizons, both of which existed around the same time.
HZ real was the original Horizon, coming from the C64, while the others
were the cracker and demo group that a.o. had Gaston cracking for them.
Diffrentiating the two is made further difficult by the fact that they
were both based in Sweden :
Swedish coder Galactus left to write SEGA Megadrive games for Electronic
Arts in the USA in the late part of 1990!
Swedish Link ex The Silents left the scene.
Swedish Coke was busted late 90!
Swedish supercracker Gaston 04-09/90 joined Sprint when Horizons
original supply died.
Megademo ECS Megademo.
Sleeping Bag 1990, 28.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Shuriken, gfx: Striper, music: Made by Blaizer/The Silents,
Jarre by Bryce.
Released for The Party 91 demo competition.
review: This fails to work on my A1200, and its hard to classify
something you havent seen : Blaizers tune is great, though. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Wont work.
Hotline HTL
Dutch graphician Lowlife joined Axis new.
Yonex, sysop BRAIN FOREST joined LSD early 92.
Humane HMN, 1993-
FIN Blazer 93, Garbitch 93, Jaws sysop CYCLONE CENTER, 04/95,
Necrarch sysop THRONE CHAMBER, 04/95.
Stezotehique 93.
DEN Hellhound sysop SOMEWHERE ONLINE, R-Some sysop THE EDGE OF
HEAVEN, Striker sysop EVIL DEAD, 04/95.
??? Chet code, 08/93, Dune music, 08/93, Rastamom music, 08/94, Rice
gfx, 08/93, Sleepwalker gfx, 08/93-08/94, Wearoz gfx, 08/94,
Why.j code, 08/94, Xender code, 08/94,
Humane was formed in 1993 by ex-Regency members fin together with some
Danish group. They now seem to exist in coomperation with Vanity, under the
name Humane Vanity.
Intro 1993, 10.08, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Chet, gfx: Rice, Sleepwalker, music: Dune.
10th in the Assembly 93 40k intro competition.
Sleepless 1994, 03.04, 40k Intro.
13th in The Gathering 94 40k intro competition.
info: Cooperation with Vanity.
Spoiled 1994, 06.08, 40k Intro.
code: Xender, Why.j, gfx: Sleepwalker, Wearoz, music: Rastamom.
11th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition.
review: Again nice design, and this time even some content. The winner
here is a fast but simple lightsourced voxel routine. The text screens
are accompanied by a plasma interference thing that also looks quite OK.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Humane Vanity
FIN Frost trade, 03/94, G.O.D trade, 03/94, Klutz trade, 03/94,
Lunatic trade, 03/94, Rastaman trade, 03/94, Recycler trade,
03/94, Stz Kid traders, 03/94, Zeff trade, 03/94.
Humanoids -1990
??? Nimitz ex Tat, new 05/90.
Humanoids died after the group merged with members of Arcadia earlier
Arcadia Team to create the new group Scope.
DEN Gilthanas sysop WAREZ UNLIMITED, 01-04/95.
??? Lord Lech org code swap, Mynok sysop, new 06/96, Plasma org gfx
ascii swap, Raz Van Op music.
Raytracer Immortal got kicked 06/96.
Hurricane -1992
Hurricane was a Danish demo group. After arranging the large but disastrous
Hurrican Summer Party 92, the groups reputation was shattered. They
therefore decided to split up and go their separate ways this concerns
Brian ++.
Profile left to be independent 08/92.
Trax changed his handle to Summelove and left 08/92.
Hybrid HYB
SWE Hoson 10/94.
Hydronic 1991-1991
Formed by R.W.O, S.L.L who both were in Rebels for 14 days after Kefrens
died and 4 other ex-Kefrens guys. However, Hydronic soon became the new
Kefrens. Guardian Dragon was originally developed for Hydronic.
Hyperion were a Swedish-English illegal cracking group.
Gaston ex Sprint joined Fairlight.
Hypnos HPS
FRA Gremlins Oliver Lefillatre, org gfx, 04/93, Maki Swapper Sylvestre
Seguin, swap, early93.
??? Factor X new early93, Shad new early93, Sky ex Intense, new
SWE Lurrky, Schizo, Zune swap.
??? Azid Baron, Trinity.
Swedes Dee-Jay music, Rocket and Trinity Westwood? joined Aurora in
december of 1991.
Don Martin Musakdisk 1990, 07.01, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
GER Aggressor ex EOC1999, new mid91.
??? Jayce ex EOC1999, new mid91, Messias ex EOC1999, new mid91.
Apollo joined Awesome.
Buzzard joined Damian 09/92.
German Massive joined Vanish.
Zycro joined End of Century 1999 or Subzero 08/92 Eurochart 16.
Mercy joined Amaze RAW2.
Boards PURE EVIL usa, 06/90.
Hysteric HTC
GER Fireball swap, 09/92.
??? Mr.Mister music, 12/94, Ravage music, 12/94.
German swapper TNM joined Contrast.
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