this image contains text
.. Skills Ascii Art Press - Public Release,, Issue Number Four 4 ..
/ . : .oOoo .,,. ooOo. : . //
: // . : oO / / : . / :
:.....:..... ....:. eP/ .:.... .....:.....:
epidemic!deja vu
.. Skills Ascii Art Press - Public Release,, Issue Number Four 4 ..
----- ,,--- /,-------Bugsymob
Do you love the art?
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Introduction To Issue Four.
Controversy surrounded the release of Skills Issue Three, over
-shadowing events such as the Tyson-Holyfield fight. It seems
that a few people felt that a certain named-after a breakfast
food ascii group was wrongfully left out of the Top Five Big
Ballers of the ASCII Scene section last issue. Allow me to
explain. I write Skills for free, and on my own time. Noone
is forced to read it, nor do I charge for it. I refuse to cen
sor myself to keep people happy Human society has come far be
yond that. Then again, I AM only human, and its possible that
I let my personal opinions influence what is entered into that
text file I call Skills. I will not apologize for such an omi
ssion, whats done is done. I shall only say that in the futu
re I will continue in a Lexus-like relentless pursuit of perfe
ction, to deliver the highest quality ascii magazine possible.
In other news, Im very happy with the progress of Skills, and
Id like to extend thanks to those select few who have contrib
uted in some way, with either art or articles, to make Skills
the best magazine possible. There, that was positive enough.
Thanks for obtaining Skills 4, enjoy the mag.
-- Megga Hertz aka Bugsy.
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Skills Four Editorial.
As with rap musics East/West Coast rivalry, hate between Amiga
and PC-ASCII artists exists in the ascii scene. This is not
competition, which is a type of rivalry that drives the other
side to produce higher quality art, but it is outright hate and
disrespect for each others artform, treating PC-ASCII and Ami
ascii as if they were as different as ANSI art VGA. The tru
th is, many so-called European Amiga artists used PCs to create
their art, and many PC artists recommended that you view their
art in 80 x 50 line mode, and use AFS.COM, which simulates the
font and character set that an Amiga uses. Who is to say whats
the correct platform to view and draw ascii? I consider all asc
ii art to be the same, and rarely change resolution/char set to
view. Amiga artists often complain that PC artists rip their
styles PC artists often claim that Amiga artists have dont
have any style at all, and just release boring outlines. Will
this rivalry end with the death of 2 representative artists as
it did with raps East/West Coast war, or will peace be made,
joints be drawn, and groups collies be unbanned on bot bbses
everywhere? Only you can decide the future of our ascii artform.
For now, Im Megga Hertz the Kingpin.
Comments and responses from either PC or Amiga artits may
be sent to: mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu, attn: Skills Issue 4.
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Ascii Scene Rumors/News
- Cains Kwest Ascii has died, after 3 packs.
- Cains Kwest Ascii has merged with Sargons Serial, to form Destine.
- Cains Kwest Ascii has been revived, disregard the last two entries.
- Sargons Serial has died.
- Holocaust and Epidemic, both of Basic!ascii fame have started their own
new group, Deja Vu, that has yet to produce.
- Spike, of oOps!aSCII fame has changed his handle to Beam-7.
- JED of ACiD, the god of ansi animation has been found alive and well.
- Volatiles Fart ASCII Magazine has folded once and for all.
- NineLives group Oil has returned.
- Odelay has returned after much turmoil.
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- BEGIN ..
.,sSSs,. ,db,. .,ss,. frgnoil/awe
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dl 204 775-4593 24h
l sop: osiris art, music, graf Y
Yb, co : aneurysm call it. ,d
Ybms,. .,smdP
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- .END. ..
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Recent Ascii Reviews.
.. Skills, Remorse Review, RMRS-14.RAR.
/ / /. Remorse retains high quality,
however this pack had only 1
---------------. colly, and very little old-
. . school, which rmrs is
: rEMORSE ASCII PACK 14 : best known for.
2n-rmrs1 asc 7 Full screen, so its good, good wording too.
74-ceo asc 6 No real detail or originality.
74-cia2 asc 7 Now thats a bit more like it, kid.
74-eldno asc 6 So E and D are the same letter now?
axb-ac01 asc 7 I like the sad looking eyes.
axb-col8 asc 7 Nice logos, making use of aXBs oldschool outlines.
Header looks like dy-scott.asc
axb-port asc 7 Not bad, not bad at all. MrK swang..
bds-hs1 asc 6 No detail.
bj-asc93 ans 7 Really good evil pic/eyes, the font is good too, but they
dont match together.
bj-clus ans 5 Umm, No. At least an originality attempt was there.
cg-aug txt 6 Kinda simple.. .
d13-rmrs asc 7 Lots of odd detail makes this nice.
fr-1337 asc 7 Nice newschool
fr-kwest asc 8 Now this is the real shit, nice coloring.
fr-pic2 asc 8 Badass pic, good use of small amounts of color.
gdr-rmrs asc 8 You have to look twice, but this is a really good char.
gdr-snf asc 8 Whoa, nice 23 liner ascii, reminds me of eerie ansi.
gdr-spf asc 8 Good detail/proportions, as in older kHz ascii.
gdr-tick asc 7 No background, but a nice pic.
jak-acd8 asc 8 This is so good it makes me sick. Acid Jack has a bomb
style that is constantly developing.
jak-intr asc 6 Its not aCid Jack inverse, for christs sake.
ma-rmrs1 asc 7 Smaller then the best Massm logos, but just as good
mk-prim asc 8 Interesting pic from MrK, non-char for the first time.
nl-bzr asc 8 VERY good and long colored newschool, Nahals style is
all his own.
nl-tlc asc 7 These colors dont work as well, but the T is badass.
nm-dead asc 7 Necromancer logos are never shabby.
nn-iom asc 7 Necronite logos are. J/k, I like small logos.
par-doe ans 7 The Pepsi logo makes this pic hardcore.
par-ent ans 6 Umm, its getting old already.
par-ft2 ans 7 A bit more detail, finally.
r-mhztgi txt
smc-asc txt 6 Small logos are good.
tr-stone ans 7 Ahah, the pic isnt perfect as far as the ascii aspect,
but its good and funny as hell.
Oldschool Skills Highlights: Dieznyik
My first, and only...
aMi-X mEaNz laWtZa sEh-X!
I cant draw Old School worth a shit
Newschool Skills Highlights: aCid Jack/Nahal/Gravedancer.
aCid Jack
, , db
,db, db,
,gp, ,gQQg, ,gP ,g@b,
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TyP j P ,
g@p, T
P ,
g@@p, ,d ,
P d ,@y , ,L , ,P
,dL TP j P jP ,L,, db
db yQp
yL yyP
b aCid Jack
Omited, ansi colored.
ii F d F d d
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i ,dF ,db dF d
I 7QF ,,dQ Q
, ,db,
i ,ib, 7
i ,iillIb 7F
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i b,,d 7
7 7F 7
that picture was something i made for a blender a LONG time ago. so i decide
to fix it up a bit and slap on one of my ugly font.. that says remorse btw. :
b,. .,d
7 4
: .s@8
8s. :
. 4
7 .db,.
7 ++*8
.. Skills, Odelay Review, ODELAY09.ZIP.
.. Reviewer, Sargon. Commenting by mHz in the format of mHz -- text.
2n-anb asc 7 A pretty nice style, fairly original.
5q-bzr asc 6 This is all over tangos nutsack.
5q-code asc 7 Pretty good.
74-bloom asc 7 The pic was REAL nice, but the logo dragged it down.
aoh-odel bin 8 I liked this a lot, especially the shading method.
bio-fong asc 6 Not bad, but nothing special.
bio-gem asc 7 Better than fongu, but still fairly blah-ish.
bio-mor asc 7 Nothing new.
bio-ode asc 7 Still bland, but not bad
bs-cc asc 7 Rough, but still cool. Who is this guy?
gv-occi txt 6 Original, but ugly. And, I didnt QC your work
because of your rebellious political messages, I QCed
it because it sucked. Stop rationalizing, moron.
mHz -- Ive seen two versions of this colly, the first being formatted
for Serial. I feel your previous intro was more appropriate.
Gv will know what Im talking about.
h4-jooky asc 8 Haji rocks my ass. Unreadable, but still elite.
h4-uziq asc 8 Whats up with this uziq shit? Another badass ascii.
ko-gokou asc 8 Badass pic, but keep coloring, its your strong point.
ma-balt asc 9 Fuck, mass murderer rocks, and so does this logo.
ma-end asc 8 Bombish cmHz
ns-tank col 7 I like this stuff. Its pretty original, for oldschool.
mHz -- Yeah, but more original would have been even better.
par-anal asc 7 Not great for pariah too bland, but still a good ascii.
pr-357mm asc 9 Shit, prodigy is a god, period.
mHz -- Agreed. Prodigy proves he is easily one of the best/most
innovative newschool artists these days.
pr-agntz asc 10 Original as fuck, if this were in dollar signs, it
would be bland, but it looks so cool the way it is.
pr-bloom asc 8 The pic is nice, but the logo isnt up to par
mHz -- are you on crack? this is BAD ASS.
pr-jonx asc 8 Hmm, kinda looks like endless, but still elite.
sh-ode09 txt 8 Not too original, but it still looks badass.
tk-ode asc 7 Nice concept, needed a little more.
tk-ode3 asc 9 That is so badass looking. I love your style.
tk-ser asc 9 This is seriously a fucking elite logo. Needs a bg, tho.
us-acid asc 8 Any joint between pariah and haji is going to rule.
us-purge asc 9 Normally, draxs shit is fairly bland, but with prs
magic touch, that ascii owned.
Oldschool Skills Highlight: Shiveem
/ : / . d e a d l o c k
:: / +o black jack sh
Newschool Skills Highlight: The Prodigy
7 4
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7 4
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7 .d
7 .d
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.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- BEGIN ..
// / // mHzacid
booberrys pez
sOp:Booberry remOte: menelaus
affils: RAD, Fluid, putsch WHQ, DMS, emm386, plm
running smooth modded RG setup
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- .END. ..
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, NEGATIVE Pack Reviews.
-Note from Megga Hertz This guy has bawlz to publically state his true
opinion. I respect that greatly, however I urge
notyet established artists not to be turned off
to the ascii scene due to negative reviewing. .
Hello, Discofunk 1974 here. Bringing you what I think are the ratings
and comments on the WORST asciis of the month.
.. Disclaimer ..
in no way do these comments/ratings reflect that of the skills staff.
They only reflect that of the author of this article Discofunk 1974.
--- Ratings ---
5Q spiderman rulez!
.C-O-M-I-C------ --4.
First up on the ratings, we have Comic!ascii. What can i say, this pack
had VERY few highlights in it, but since i cant say the whole pack was crap,
which it WAS ill just pick out the worst of the worst.
Serial toon 2n-creed.asc 3/10 this ascii was just
crap. It was hard to
read, and the letters
werent even shapped
properly, a very poor
job on this ascii.
Should NOT have been
released. plus, he
sucks anyway.
weird we-comic.asc 2.5/10 what can i say, this
ascii was poorly
shapen, and it looked
liked something i
could have pulled out
of my ass in about 3
seconds. Atleast you
could have fucking
stalker s7r-cmc.asc 3/10 someone teach this
person how to SHADE
jeeez.. fucking
absent spin a-st.asc 1/10 cant shape, cant shade
sister cant read, it sucks.
jizm jz*.* 1/10 what? and you call
yourself an ascii
artist? ..
4 / /
!bio Now its time for Kwest.
A Tribe called Kwest, represent.
cain cn-bio!h.asc 3.5/10 well, its atleast
better then the stuff
you had in that one
remorse pack you
released in, but the
shaping is off in some
places and its just
plain unreadable.
gg* 7
l . :
: ::gWW@ggggg::
l il
l :l WW
b.,db. lll:
.:: b
. .dl
: .i
. b.47
l :WSl 7
d :b.
47 .4
l l .db.d ggggg::
:: 4:ll
: l 4l
Up next aphro2! -- i mean Libido.
l l . lgggW
:: :: .dWW
: lgggggggggl
..d74l m7m
.,. 47 .db,4
7 db. . 47
47 .4
47.db. . .db.
l :l l:
:: 4b. .d7.
l 4b. .d7.d
:l . l:
i:: :: .d7.d
l lgggggggggl
47 ll
libido!ascii. :
release uno - revivel
jizm jz*.* 0/10 im giving you this
rating because your
asciis actually got
metal militia m7m-skrz.ans 3.5/10 what? i cant read it.
are you sure it doesnt
say this sucks ?
shrimp smp-grp.ans 1/10 oh come on!. this is
fucking crap. the only
reason you didnt get
lower then you did is
because you actually
colored this peice of
shrimp smp-lbd1.ans 1/10 i have officially come
to the conclusion that
you have absolutly no
artistic talent.
now please, leave us
alone with what you
think you can pass off
as being art.
b,. .,d
7 4
: .s@8
8s. :
Heres odelay for ya.
. 4
7 .db,.
7 ++*8
blind sniper bs-cc.asc 2/10 terrible, terrible
terrible. Please
try to spare my
eyesight next time you
decide to produce such
shit like this will
you? thanks.
,qqq, qqqqq
oil august nin
e seven.
qqq Next up, Oil!
l! :ee:: l
- ,D - :: - -- Very small oil pack,
d @@ d therefore nothing to
+++yyyyqqyqqyqqmmm+++ really choose from..
revival pak
pixel pusher pp-h2o.asc 2/10 what the hell is this?
Is this your first
ascii ever? for one,
shading/shaping SUCKS
other then that, its
paradox pd-2obv.asc 3/10 try smoothing out
your asciis. To
rigid in some places.
other stuff was nice
black jack bj-clus.asc 0/10 ahh jeez, the rating
should speak for
axe bloodline purge logo 3/10 all other logos were
dont care in axb-col8.asc good, but what the
what the nfo hell is this? its
says, its just terrible, the g
axe bloodline looks more like a
mis-shapen c.. try
harder next time,
please. It would have
done my eyesight some
good, i cant take
much more crap like
There you go, the worst asciis i have found this month from the 6 ascii
groups that decided to release. BYE!
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Subscription Information.
To officially subscribe to Skills, send mail to mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu,
including a few words on why youd like to be on the Official Skills
Subscribtion List. Thereafter, all Skills issues will be mailed to you
as soon as they are released.
- mHz
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, ASCIIs done by scene legends.
Its a common question, one that can be seen almost daily on IRC, and
passes through the minds of even the greatest artists. The question
is Why dont the seniors of ACiD and iCE *DRAW*? Being the heads of
such well known, established, high quality, and long running groups,
One would assume theyd be among the best artists in the scene, if not
the best themselves. The Skills staff has obtained two asciis, each
drawn be a senior of a well known art group. The question is answered.
ACiD, ASCII drawn by RaD Man Founder of ACiD.
aCiD!aSCII presents a colly by -EverLast-
titled +-- - - - --+ jagoff!!
over 2000 lines - over 60 ascii logos
diz : radman/everlast of acid productions
note Small touchups were done by everlast, bka mHz.
Comments by mHz
As you can see, RaD Man makes use of a style nearly all his own.
His shaping is perfect, his letters remarkable. Unrivaled ascii.
Txp, ASCII drawn by Force Ten, Senior of iCE.
, // ft
/ -- iCE
Novasys, ASCII drawn by Force Ten, Senior of iCE.
/ nexxus.novasys.com ftICE
- novasys interactive - internet and infosys provider -
- http://www.novasys.com - finger: info@novasys.com -
- 201.267.4441 201.887.2020 201.882.9328 201.765.9090 -
- linux 1.3.75 -- sysadmin: root@nexxus.novasys.com -
Comments by mHz
Force Tens ASCII screams oldschool, reminiscent of what the scene used to be.
His pointed letters are amazing, and could have only been done by him. A++.
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Interview with Megga HertzACiD
:: // // ::s/!abraxas/diabolic SysOp
:: ::a/ACiD Productions Senior
/ / / ::n/Megga Hertz the Kingpin
:: ::e/mHz@bigdog.clemson.edu.
::... // .mHz. // ...::
massmurd So, whats your handle and tell what you do:
meggaHz My handle is The Lord God Megga Hertz the Kingpin thats an
abbreviation aka Bugsy the Don I draw oldschool ascii, and I
still mod boards.
massmurd Cool. Are you any good ? What is your past history with groups ?
meggaHz Ive been told Im alright As far as the national artscene, I
joined up with Cia about one year ago, released with them for three
months, then got invited to acid!ascii, which merged into trank to
re-form remorse!ascii, which is acids asci division, and where
I am now.
massmurd I remember you when you started out as a toddler : anyway, what do
you think about the pc ascii scene today ?
meggaHz Actually, you dont. I think its going well, ascii artists are
accepted as real artists among many, and the internet has helped
that, everyone running their own Linux boxes has really raised the
demand for high quality ascii. But as with
meggaHz every scene, there is corruption, and enemies. Or maybe thats just
with me.
massmurd just you : .. heh. Do you feel youve come a long way since your
cia days ?
meggaHz Yeah I think I have I still love Cia though, I release with them
now and then.
massmurd I see.. so, we know you draw oldskool ascii.. but i thought you
told me a while back you were going to start trying a little
newskool, what happened with that ?
meggaHz I wasnt aware of this. I dont know, I do a little here and
there, and release maybe one every three months. It just isnt my
massmurd yeah. i saw : .. so, tell me about your bbs, abraxas diabetic,
dialbolic, whatever.
meggaHz !abraxas/diabolic. Its been up since 1993 To be honest, its one
of those boards with 1000 affils, and too much art, but I always
want more. Of course youd ask while its temp down. I walked
into the room the other day, and I smelled something burning,
anyways, I gotta go pick up a new CPU fan
massmurd haha.. at least you still have the house : How many users do you
have on it ? And has it gotten bigger since youve become more
known in the art scene ?
meggaHz Yeah, alot of people like calling just to see where Megga Hertz
lives. Ive been told the setup is better then istar, which is
considered good, so that makes me feel nice and elite.
massmurd Yeah, Gunthar is a good modder : Also, tell us about your life as
your previous identity, -everlast-
meggaHz -EverLast-, what an elite handle. I had it for quite awhile, but
the time just came for a change, I had to break my way out of the
all powerful - -s and arise as Megga Hertz the Kingpin.
massmurd Where did you come up with the nick mHz, does it have anything to
do with newschool legend, kHz ?
meggaHz Yeah to some degree. kHz has been a good friend of mine, weve
talked voice alot ever since I was a cia nerd he has cia roots just
like me, and has that deep down cia love, and we talked it over
first, it hasnt caused any problems, me being an oldschool
legend g
massmurd yeah yeah : So, who has inspired you to draw ascii as well as your
style, and who are your favorite ascii artists in the scene today ?
meggaHz As far as inpsiring me to draw, I guess the old kTS and remorse
members. Style, I didnt really look at a lot of ascii when I began
drawing, so I consider myself fairly self-taught which is why my
shit looks so weird today my favorite
meggaHz artists for oldschool would be TinyZ, Justin Hale asphixia uhh...
Ive always liked sparrs stuff, but he doesnt draw anymore, I
like necromancers older stuff alot. Newschool, kHz of course, that
fag mass murderer, Discyple, unS/maestro etc there are a lot of
good artists popping up these days.
massmurd blush : so, comment on the ascii groups today ? There are many
new talented ones popping up all the time ..
meggaHz Yeah, I just hope some of them last. The problem is that the same
people are in every group, so theres no real competition. Thats
what I like about remorse, we have alot of people who draw theirs to
draw theirs, and dont get caught up in group bullshit.
massmurd TRUE. i never understood the point of someone drawing for 2 or 3
competitive groups. kinda ruins the whole point of competition..
bastards.. : anyway, what do you do off the computer as hobbys ?
meggaHz Im kinda retired from alot of my hobbies, just getting to old,
skating, video games etc, you know. Its also dangerous for a
person of my status to go outside without an entourage, but I enjoy
running my Family business, and the life that goes along with it.
massmurd Sounds good.. : Bring in the bucks : .. Lastly, tell us about
this emag were interviewing in right now.. SKILLS .. how far do
you plan to go with it ?
meggaHz As far as I can, I like the progress so far, Ive got more then a
few positive compliments, because until Skills, there werent any
magazines dedicated to us ascii guys, just those same old ansi
review mags.
massmurd truuuuuuue ,.. im a huge fan of Skills too .. even though some fag
writes it, i like the reviews, interviews, and in depth it has of
the ascii scene.
meggaHz Aha, thanks maing. I loved the controversy over Skills 3
massmurd heh. well. i guess there is nothing else to talk about, this is my
first review by the way, thanks for being cooperative, and your
skanky ass hsould draw me more of that oldskool one of these days.
meggaHz Yeah, well get our madass trade on. Seeya around maing.
massmurd Later.
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- BEGIN ..
n e o s p o r i n
7ggy . .
7ggA . .
4l. l
l :
7@ggy l ,
::::: ::g@ ::: : ::: : l::g@AggA@
ggggg gggggg Agg ggggg ggggg
7 l
,g gI l. ,g gl l
g g ,l
lg g
twilight/mistigris/awe/fire member
fuel/blender/wicked/lazarus/demonic distro
voidnet whq/cci chq/blender/depth/escape/speed/kitsch nets
6 0 4 - 9 4 2 - 9 7 7 2
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- .END. ..
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, One Nation, announcement.
1n. 1n.
One Nation. An ascii collection like no other coordinated by
Megga Hertz the Kingpin. A collection that will break down
the walls between oldschool and newschool, amiga and pc. Id
like ALL artists to contribute, not just one nation logos,
but any logos youd like to see included, and pic artists can
contribute too. I hope to have One Nation fully polished and
released before 1998, which isnt too far off in scene terms.
Any and all submissions can be sent to mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Recent/Coming Collections.
Recent/Coming Collies
Colly Name File Name Artist Availability Group
Thug Immortal r-mhztgi.txt mHz Now Remorse
One Nation ????????.txt mHzALL Coming Later. All.
The Lord Godgoodbyer-mhztlg.txt mHz Coming Later. Remorse.
Inverse Nakedness r-iv .txt Miasma Coming Remorse
Together Again kw!-ta .txt Biogen Coming Kwest
Supreme Comepition r-sc .txt hP/tZ Coming Rmrs/kTS
Bulletproof Lyrics ma-proof.txt MassMurd Coming Kwest
Vitamin C o7-vc .txt Grey Coming Penance
Kontinental td!-kv .txt Tim Drake Coming Triloxy
Millenium r-mlnnm .zip Hiro P. Now Remorse
Activate My Hate!! r-mhzamh.txt mHz Now Remorse
Exodus r-exodus.txt nMANCEr Coming Remorse
The Story r-story .txt Nitrogen Coming Remorse
A Year in the Life wr-year .txt Whirr Now Quad-P
Satanic Verses 2 r-sv2 .txt Miasma/Bm Coming Rmrs/Bsc
a - Denotes colly now available, previously listed as coming soon.
x - Denotes a change in colly information since last publishing.
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Contributors and Skills Sites.
Contributors / Issue Four4.
Megga Hertz the Kingpin aka Bugsy. Squish.
Tek. Tinyz. Exar-Kun. Hiro Protagonist.
Biogenesis. Holocaust. Sagramore. Cain.
Epidemic. Beam-7. Mass Murderer. Sargon.
Discofunk 1974. RaD Man. Force Ten.
Notes This is a listing of people who have done something for Skills
at some point since the time it was founded. In the end, I,
Megga Hertz, do large percentages of the work myself. If you
would like to contribute art, articles, pak revues, editorials,
etc, feel free to mail me at the Skills Dropbox, listed below.
Skills Sites
Site Name Site Admin Site Num/IP
BBS !abraxas/diabolic. Megga Hertz 818,,,/,,,,
.vos. Felix 213,,,/,,,,
The Lethal Aspect Xypher Matryx 416421/1015
AlderAAn Mindcrime 732224/8780
Free Coke The Night Angel 514,,,/,,,,
Infinite Darkness Midnight Sorrow 954316/4663
Piranha Captain Hood telnet://piranha.nws.net
Power of the Darkside Boba Fett 864639/1007
IRC G0AT Necromancer ascii / asciirox
FTP ACiD Mirror RaD Man/mHz pcmicro.com/acid/skills
Lit.Org Crowe lit.org/skills
WWW Synthetic Skills Mindcrime www.blade.org/skills
Room 237 Killa Hertz www.comingsoon.com
E-M The Skills Dropbox Megga Hertz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
+- Isolation: File Describe Begin ------- - - ----- - - - -- - - ------+
// mHz ,,--- :
The One and Only Skills Mag.
+- Isolation: File Describe End ---------- -- - - - - - - --+
Public Issue Fourend of fileLines,1225.
+- Isolation: File Describe -- Issue Lies Above, SAUCE Lies Below - --+
COMNT sKILLS aSCII pRESS , rELEASE 4! ...... : : // : ,, / : / :... / ... // / : / / : ,, : SAUCE00Skills Ascii Press Release 4 Megga Hertz Skills 19970815
/ . : .oOoo .,,. ooOo. : . //
: // . : oO / / : . / :
:.....:..... ....:. eP/ .:.... .....:.....:
epidemic!deja vu
.. Skills Ascii Art Press - Public Release,, Issue Number Four 4 ..
----- ,,--- /,-------Bugsymob
Do you love the art?
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Introduction To Issue Four.
Controversy surrounded the release of Skills Issue Three, over
-shadowing events such as the Tyson-Holyfield fight. It seems
that a few people felt that a certain named-after a breakfast
food ascii group was wrongfully left out of the Top Five Big
Ballers of the ASCII Scene section last issue. Allow me to
explain. I write Skills for free, and on my own time. Noone
is forced to read it, nor do I charge for it. I refuse to cen
sor myself to keep people happy Human society has come far be
yond that. Then again, I AM only human, and its possible that
I let my personal opinions influence what is entered into that
text file I call Skills. I will not apologize for such an omi
ssion, whats done is done. I shall only say that in the futu
re I will continue in a Lexus-like relentless pursuit of perfe
ction, to deliver the highest quality ascii magazine possible.
In other news, Im very happy with the progress of Skills, and
Id like to extend thanks to those select few who have contrib
uted in some way, with either art or articles, to make Skills
the best magazine possible. There, that was positive enough.
Thanks for obtaining Skills 4, enjoy the mag.
-- Megga Hertz aka Bugsy.
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Skills Four Editorial.
As with rap musics East/West Coast rivalry, hate between Amiga
and PC-ASCII artists exists in the ascii scene. This is not
competition, which is a type of rivalry that drives the other
side to produce higher quality art, but it is outright hate and
disrespect for each others artform, treating PC-ASCII and Ami
ascii as if they were as different as ANSI art VGA. The tru
th is, many so-called European Amiga artists used PCs to create
their art, and many PC artists recommended that you view their
art in 80 x 50 line mode, and use AFS.COM, which simulates the
font and character set that an Amiga uses. Who is to say whats
the correct platform to view and draw ascii? I consider all asc
ii art to be the same, and rarely change resolution/char set to
view. Amiga artists often complain that PC artists rip their
styles PC artists often claim that Amiga artists have dont
have any style at all, and just release boring outlines. Will
this rivalry end with the death of 2 representative artists as
it did with raps East/West Coast war, or will peace be made,
joints be drawn, and groups collies be unbanned on bot bbses
everywhere? Only you can decide the future of our ascii artform.
For now, Im Megga Hertz the Kingpin.
Comments and responses from either PC or Amiga artits may
be sent to: mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu, attn: Skills Issue 4.
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Ascii Scene Rumors/News
- Cains Kwest Ascii has died, after 3 packs.
- Cains Kwest Ascii has merged with Sargons Serial, to form Destine.
- Cains Kwest Ascii has been revived, disregard the last two entries.
- Sargons Serial has died.
- Holocaust and Epidemic, both of Basic!ascii fame have started their own
new group, Deja Vu, that has yet to produce.
- Spike, of oOps!aSCII fame has changed his handle to Beam-7.
- JED of ACiD, the god of ansi animation has been found alive and well.
- Volatiles Fart ASCII Magazine has folded once and for all.
- NineLives group Oil has returned.
- Odelay has returned after much turmoil.
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- BEGIN ..
.,sSSs,. ,db,. .,ss,. frgnoil/awe
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dl 204 775-4593 24h
l sop: osiris art, music, graf Y
Yb, co : aneurysm call it. ,d
Ybms,. .,smdP
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- .END. ..
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Recent Ascii Reviews.
.. Skills, Remorse Review, RMRS-14.RAR.
/ / /. Remorse retains high quality,
however this pack had only 1
---------------. colly, and very little old-
. . school, which rmrs is
: rEMORSE ASCII PACK 14 : best known for.
2n-rmrs1 asc 7 Full screen, so its good, good wording too.
74-ceo asc 6 No real detail or originality.
74-cia2 asc 7 Now thats a bit more like it, kid.
74-eldno asc 6 So E and D are the same letter now?
axb-ac01 asc 7 I like the sad looking eyes.
axb-col8 asc 7 Nice logos, making use of aXBs oldschool outlines.
Header looks like dy-scott.asc
axb-port asc 7 Not bad, not bad at all. MrK swang..
bds-hs1 asc 6 No detail.
bj-asc93 ans 7 Really good evil pic/eyes, the font is good too, but they
dont match together.
bj-clus ans 5 Umm, No. At least an originality attempt was there.
cg-aug txt 6 Kinda simple.. .
d13-rmrs asc 7 Lots of odd detail makes this nice.
fr-1337 asc 7 Nice newschool
fr-kwest asc 8 Now this is the real shit, nice coloring.
fr-pic2 asc 8 Badass pic, good use of small amounts of color.
gdr-rmrs asc 8 You have to look twice, but this is a really good char.
gdr-snf asc 8 Whoa, nice 23 liner ascii, reminds me of eerie ansi.
gdr-spf asc 8 Good detail/proportions, as in older kHz ascii.
gdr-tick asc 7 No background, but a nice pic.
jak-acd8 asc 8 This is so good it makes me sick. Acid Jack has a bomb
style that is constantly developing.
jak-intr asc 6 Its not aCid Jack inverse, for christs sake.
ma-rmrs1 asc 7 Smaller then the best Massm logos, but just as good
mk-prim asc 8 Interesting pic from MrK, non-char for the first time.
nl-bzr asc 8 VERY good and long colored newschool, Nahals style is
all his own.
nl-tlc asc 7 These colors dont work as well, but the T is badass.
nm-dead asc 7 Necromancer logos are never shabby.
nn-iom asc 7 Necronite logos are. J/k, I like small logos.
par-doe ans 7 The Pepsi logo makes this pic hardcore.
par-ent ans 6 Umm, its getting old already.
par-ft2 ans 7 A bit more detail, finally.
r-mhztgi txt
smc-asc txt 6 Small logos are good.
tr-stone ans 7 Ahah, the pic isnt perfect as far as the ascii aspect,
but its good and funny as hell.
Oldschool Skills Highlights: Dieznyik
My first, and only...
aMi-X mEaNz laWtZa sEh-X!
I cant draw Old School worth a shit
Newschool Skills Highlights: aCid Jack/Nahal/Gravedancer.
aCid Jack
, , db
,db, db,
,gp, ,gQQg, ,gP ,g@b,
dP ggggggggggp ,ggggngggggggggggggggg**ggdgggggg
,gQP ,g@@p, TyPTYb
P ,dL TD
TyP j P ,
g@p, T
P ,
g@@p, ,d ,
P d ,@y , ,L , ,P
,dL TP j P jP ,L,, db
db yQp
yL yyP
b aCid Jack
Omited, ansi colored.
ii F d F d d
,b , dF .,,,
i ,dF ,db dF d
I 7QF ,,dQ Q
, ,db,
i ,ib, 7
i ,iillIb 7F
,,,, ,iiIllIII ,adF ,
,iiiII iiIIiiilII FQb. ,adb,.
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,dF .,,,
.. ,i . i ,ddF d
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i ,,adi I
,i i I
7I I
iii 7Q iF 7baadQ Q
, aIIIIib ad Q db
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b 7
I , f ,d ,,a i I I
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d i b7
b 7
,aa b 7
7 i I 7,.
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i d F
, IIIb
i iIIIII ,adF F iF
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, F, , diIII,dbdiiIi ,db
,ddbQF , ., iI7QadIIi
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iiiF iIIib ,,aiIIIiF7QiIII .i dF Iib
iiQ 7QIIIii , iiIIIMF
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b a, a, a, a, a, a,
b a, ,a b
i b,,d 7
7 7F 7
that picture was something i made for a blender a LONG time ago. so i decide
to fix it up a bit and slap on one of my ugly font.. that says remorse btw. :
b,. .,d
7 4
: .s@8
8s. :
. 4
7 .db,.
7 ++*8
.. Skills, Odelay Review, ODELAY09.ZIP.
.. Reviewer, Sargon. Commenting by mHz in the format of mHz -- text.
2n-anb asc 7 A pretty nice style, fairly original.
5q-bzr asc 6 This is all over tangos nutsack.
5q-code asc 7 Pretty good.
74-bloom asc 7 The pic was REAL nice, but the logo dragged it down.
aoh-odel bin 8 I liked this a lot, especially the shading method.
bio-fong asc 6 Not bad, but nothing special.
bio-gem asc 7 Better than fongu, but still fairly blah-ish.
bio-mor asc 7 Nothing new.
bio-ode asc 7 Still bland, but not bad
bs-cc asc 7 Rough, but still cool. Who is this guy?
gv-occi txt 6 Original, but ugly. And, I didnt QC your work
because of your rebellious political messages, I QCed
it because it sucked. Stop rationalizing, moron.
mHz -- Ive seen two versions of this colly, the first being formatted
for Serial. I feel your previous intro was more appropriate.
Gv will know what Im talking about.
h4-jooky asc 8 Haji rocks my ass. Unreadable, but still elite.
h4-uziq asc 8 Whats up with this uziq shit? Another badass ascii.
ko-gokou asc 8 Badass pic, but keep coloring, its your strong point.
ma-balt asc 9 Fuck, mass murderer rocks, and so does this logo.
ma-end asc 8 Bombish cmHz
ns-tank col 7 I like this stuff. Its pretty original, for oldschool.
mHz -- Yeah, but more original would have been even better.
par-anal asc 7 Not great for pariah too bland, but still a good ascii.
pr-357mm asc 9 Shit, prodigy is a god, period.
mHz -- Agreed. Prodigy proves he is easily one of the best/most
innovative newschool artists these days.
pr-agntz asc 10 Original as fuck, if this were in dollar signs, it
would be bland, but it looks so cool the way it is.
pr-bloom asc 8 The pic is nice, but the logo isnt up to par
mHz -- are you on crack? this is BAD ASS.
pr-jonx asc 8 Hmm, kinda looks like endless, but still elite.
sh-ode09 txt 8 Not too original, but it still looks badass.
tk-ode asc 7 Nice concept, needed a little more.
tk-ode3 asc 9 That is so badass looking. I love your style.
tk-ser asc 9 This is seriously a fucking elite logo. Needs a bg, tho.
us-acid asc 8 Any joint between pariah and haji is going to rule.
us-purge asc 9 Normally, draxs shit is fairly bland, but with prs
magic touch, that ascii owned.
Oldschool Skills Highlight: Shiveem
/ : / . d e a d l o c k
:: / +o black jack sh
Newschool Skills Highlight: The Prodigy
7 4
7 4
7 4
7 4
7 4
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b. .d
8* l
b. .d
7 .d
7 .d
7 .d
. .d
b. 4
b. 4
b. 4
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- BEGIN ..
// / // mHzacid
booberrys pez
sOp:Booberry remOte: menelaus
affils: RAD, Fluid, putsch WHQ, DMS, emm386, plm
running smooth modded RG setup
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- .END. ..
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, NEGATIVE Pack Reviews.
-Note from Megga Hertz This guy has bawlz to publically state his true
opinion. I respect that greatly, however I urge
notyet established artists not to be turned off
to the ascii scene due to negative reviewing. .
Hello, Discofunk 1974 here. Bringing you what I think are the ratings
and comments on the WORST asciis of the month.
.. Disclaimer ..
in no way do these comments/ratings reflect that of the skills staff.
They only reflect that of the author of this article Discofunk 1974.
--- Ratings ---
5Q spiderman rulez!
.C-O-M-I-C------ --4.
First up on the ratings, we have Comic!ascii. What can i say, this pack
had VERY few highlights in it, but since i cant say the whole pack was crap,
which it WAS ill just pick out the worst of the worst.
Serial toon 2n-creed.asc 3/10 this ascii was just
crap. It was hard to
read, and the letters
werent even shapped
properly, a very poor
job on this ascii.
Should NOT have been
released. plus, he
sucks anyway.
weird we-comic.asc 2.5/10 what can i say, this
ascii was poorly
shapen, and it looked
liked something i
could have pulled out
of my ass in about 3
seconds. Atleast you
could have fucking
stalker s7r-cmc.asc 3/10 someone teach this
person how to SHADE
jeeez.. fucking
absent spin a-st.asc 1/10 cant shape, cant shade
sister cant read, it sucks.
jizm jz*.* 1/10 what? and you call
yourself an ascii
artist? ..
4 / /
!bio Now its time for Kwest.
A Tribe called Kwest, represent.
cain cn-bio!h.asc 3.5/10 well, its atleast
better then the stuff
you had in that one
remorse pack you
released in, but the
shaping is off in some
places and its just
plain unreadable.
gg* 7
l . :
: ::gWW@ggggg::
l il
l :l WW
b.,db. lll:
.:: b
. .dl
: .i
. b.47
l :WSl 7
d :b.
47 .4
l l .db.d ggggg::
:: 4:ll
: l 4l
Up next aphro2! -- i mean Libido.
l l . lgggW
:: :: .dWW
: lgggggggggl
..d74l m7m
.,. 47 .db,4
7 db. . 47
47 .4
47.db. . .db.
l :l l:
:: 4b. .d7.
l 4b. .d7.d
:l . l:
i:: :: .d7.d
l lgggggggggl
47 ll
libido!ascii. :
release uno - revivel
jizm jz*.* 0/10 im giving you this
rating because your
asciis actually got
metal militia m7m-skrz.ans 3.5/10 what? i cant read it.
are you sure it doesnt
say this sucks ?
shrimp smp-grp.ans 1/10 oh come on!. this is
fucking crap. the only
reason you didnt get
lower then you did is
because you actually
colored this peice of
shrimp smp-lbd1.ans 1/10 i have officially come
to the conclusion that
you have absolutly no
artistic talent.
now please, leave us
alone with what you
think you can pass off
as being art.
b,. .,d
7 4
: .s@8
8s. :
Heres odelay for ya.
. 4
7 .db,.
7 ++*8
blind sniper bs-cc.asc 2/10 terrible, terrible
terrible. Please
try to spare my
eyesight next time you
decide to produce such
shit like this will
you? thanks.
,qqq, qqqqq
oil august nin
e seven.
qqq Next up, Oil!
l! :ee:: l
- ,D - :: - -- Very small oil pack,
d @@ d therefore nothing to
+++yyyyqqyqqyqqmmm+++ really choose from..
revival pak
pixel pusher pp-h2o.asc 2/10 what the hell is this?
Is this your first
ascii ever? for one,
shading/shaping SUCKS
other then that, its
paradox pd-2obv.asc 3/10 try smoothing out
your asciis. To
rigid in some places.
other stuff was nice
black jack bj-clus.asc 0/10 ahh jeez, the rating
should speak for
axe bloodline purge logo 3/10 all other logos were
dont care in axb-col8.asc good, but what the
what the nfo hell is this? its
says, its just terrible, the g
axe bloodline looks more like a
mis-shapen c.. try
harder next time,
please. It would have
done my eyesight some
good, i cant take
much more crap like
There you go, the worst asciis i have found this month from the 6 ascii
groups that decided to release. BYE!
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Subscription Information.
To officially subscribe to Skills, send mail to mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu,
including a few words on why youd like to be on the Official Skills
Subscribtion List. Thereafter, all Skills issues will be mailed to you
as soon as they are released.
- mHz
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, ASCIIs done by scene legends.
Its a common question, one that can be seen almost daily on IRC, and
passes through the minds of even the greatest artists. The question
is Why dont the seniors of ACiD and iCE *DRAW*? Being the heads of
such well known, established, high quality, and long running groups,
One would assume theyd be among the best artists in the scene, if not
the best themselves. The Skills staff has obtained two asciis, each
drawn be a senior of a well known art group. The question is answered.
ACiD, ASCII drawn by RaD Man Founder of ACiD.
aCiD!aSCII presents a colly by -EverLast-
titled +-- - - - --+ jagoff!!
over 2000 lines - over 60 ascii logos
diz : radman/everlast of acid productions
note Small touchups were done by everlast, bka mHz.
Comments by mHz
As you can see, RaD Man makes use of a style nearly all his own.
His shaping is perfect, his letters remarkable. Unrivaled ascii.
Txp, ASCII drawn by Force Ten, Senior of iCE.
, // ft
/ -- iCE
Novasys, ASCII drawn by Force Ten, Senior of iCE.
/ nexxus.novasys.com ftICE
- novasys interactive - internet and infosys provider -
- http://www.novasys.com - finger: info@novasys.com -
- 201.267.4441 201.887.2020 201.882.9328 201.765.9090 -
- linux 1.3.75 -- sysadmin: root@nexxus.novasys.com -
Comments by mHz
Force Tens ASCII screams oldschool, reminiscent of what the scene used to be.
His pointed letters are amazing, and could have only been done by him. A++.
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Interview with Megga HertzACiD
:: // // ::s/!abraxas/diabolic SysOp
:: ::a/ACiD Productions Senior
/ / / ::n/Megga Hertz the Kingpin
:: ::e/mHz@bigdog.clemson.edu.
::... // .mHz. // ...::
massmurd So, whats your handle and tell what you do:
meggaHz My handle is The Lord God Megga Hertz the Kingpin thats an
abbreviation aka Bugsy the Don I draw oldschool ascii, and I
still mod boards.
massmurd Cool. Are you any good ? What is your past history with groups ?
meggaHz Ive been told Im alright As far as the national artscene, I
joined up with Cia about one year ago, released with them for three
months, then got invited to acid!ascii, which merged into trank to
re-form remorse!ascii, which is acids asci division, and where
I am now.
massmurd I remember you when you started out as a toddler : anyway, what do
you think about the pc ascii scene today ?
meggaHz Actually, you dont. I think its going well, ascii artists are
accepted as real artists among many, and the internet has helped
that, everyone running their own Linux boxes has really raised the
demand for high quality ascii. But as with
meggaHz every scene, there is corruption, and enemies. Or maybe thats just
with me.
massmurd just you : .. heh. Do you feel youve come a long way since your
cia days ?
meggaHz Yeah I think I have I still love Cia though, I release with them
now and then.
massmurd I see.. so, we know you draw oldskool ascii.. but i thought you
told me a while back you were going to start trying a little
newskool, what happened with that ?
meggaHz I wasnt aware of this. I dont know, I do a little here and
there, and release maybe one every three months. It just isnt my
massmurd yeah. i saw : .. so, tell me about your bbs, abraxas diabetic,
dialbolic, whatever.
meggaHz !abraxas/diabolic. Its been up since 1993 To be honest, its one
of those boards with 1000 affils, and too much art, but I always
want more. Of course youd ask while its temp down. I walked
into the room the other day, and I smelled something burning,
anyways, I gotta go pick up a new CPU fan
massmurd haha.. at least you still have the house : How many users do you
have on it ? And has it gotten bigger since youve become more
known in the art scene ?
meggaHz Yeah, alot of people like calling just to see where Megga Hertz
lives. Ive been told the setup is better then istar, which is
considered good, so that makes me feel nice and elite.
massmurd Yeah, Gunthar is a good modder : Also, tell us about your life as
your previous identity, -everlast-
meggaHz -EverLast-, what an elite handle. I had it for quite awhile, but
the time just came for a change, I had to break my way out of the
all powerful - -s and arise as Megga Hertz the Kingpin.
massmurd Where did you come up with the nick mHz, does it have anything to
do with newschool legend, kHz ?
meggaHz Yeah to some degree. kHz has been a good friend of mine, weve
talked voice alot ever since I was a cia nerd he has cia roots just
like me, and has that deep down cia love, and we talked it over
first, it hasnt caused any problems, me being an oldschool
legend g
massmurd yeah yeah : So, who has inspired you to draw ascii as well as your
style, and who are your favorite ascii artists in the scene today ?
meggaHz As far as inpsiring me to draw, I guess the old kTS and remorse
members. Style, I didnt really look at a lot of ascii when I began
drawing, so I consider myself fairly self-taught which is why my
shit looks so weird today my favorite
meggaHz artists for oldschool would be TinyZ, Justin Hale asphixia uhh...
Ive always liked sparrs stuff, but he doesnt draw anymore, I
like necromancers older stuff alot. Newschool, kHz of course, that
fag mass murderer, Discyple, unS/maestro etc there are a lot of
good artists popping up these days.
massmurd blush : so, comment on the ascii groups today ? There are many
new talented ones popping up all the time ..
meggaHz Yeah, I just hope some of them last. The problem is that the same
people are in every group, so theres no real competition. Thats
what I like about remorse, we have alot of people who draw theirs to
draw theirs, and dont get caught up in group bullshit.
massmurd TRUE. i never understood the point of someone drawing for 2 or 3
competitive groups. kinda ruins the whole point of competition..
bastards.. : anyway, what do you do off the computer as hobbys ?
meggaHz Im kinda retired from alot of my hobbies, just getting to old,
skating, video games etc, you know. Its also dangerous for a
person of my status to go outside without an entourage, but I enjoy
running my Family business, and the life that goes along with it.
massmurd Sounds good.. : Bring in the bucks : .. Lastly, tell us about
this emag were interviewing in right now.. SKILLS .. how far do
you plan to go with it ?
meggaHz As far as I can, I like the progress so far, Ive got more then a
few positive compliments, because until Skills, there werent any
magazines dedicated to us ascii guys, just those same old ansi
review mags.
massmurd truuuuuuue ,.. im a huge fan of Skills too .. even though some fag
writes it, i like the reviews, interviews, and in depth it has of
the ascii scene.
meggaHz Aha, thanks maing. I loved the controversy over Skills 3
massmurd heh. well. i guess there is nothing else to talk about, this is my
first review by the way, thanks for being cooperative, and your
skanky ass hsould draw me more of that oldskool one of these days.
meggaHz Yeah, well get our madass trade on. Seeya around maing.
massmurd Later.
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- BEGIN ..
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7ggA . .
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twilight/mistigris/awe/fire member
fuel/blender/wicked/lazarus/demonic distro
voidnet whq/cci chq/blender/depth/escape/speed/kitsch nets
6 0 4 - 9 4 2 - 9 7 7 2
.. Skills, Public Advertisment -- .END. ..
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, One Nation, announcement.
1n. 1n.
One Nation. An ascii collection like no other coordinated by
Megga Hertz the Kingpin. A collection that will break down
the walls between oldschool and newschool, amiga and pc. Id
like ALL artists to contribute, not just one nation logos,
but any logos youd like to see included, and pic artists can
contribute too. I hope to have One Nation fully polished and
released before 1998, which isnt too far off in scene terms.
Any and all submissions can be sent to mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Recent/Coming Collections.
Recent/Coming Collies
Colly Name File Name Artist Availability Group
Thug Immortal r-mhztgi.txt mHz Now Remorse
One Nation ????????.txt mHzALL Coming Later. All.
The Lord Godgoodbyer-mhztlg.txt mHz Coming Later. Remorse.
Inverse Nakedness r-iv .txt Miasma Coming Remorse
Together Again kw!-ta .txt Biogen Coming Kwest
Supreme Comepition r-sc .txt hP/tZ Coming Rmrs/kTS
Bulletproof Lyrics ma-proof.txt MassMurd Coming Kwest
Vitamin C o7-vc .txt Grey Coming Penance
Kontinental td!-kv .txt Tim Drake Coming Triloxy
Millenium r-mlnnm .zip Hiro P. Now Remorse
Activate My Hate!! r-mhzamh.txt mHz Now Remorse
Exodus r-exodus.txt nMANCEr Coming Remorse
The Story r-story .txt Nitrogen Coming Remorse
A Year in the Life wr-year .txt Whirr Now Quad-P
Satanic Verses 2 r-sv2 .txt Miasma/Bm Coming Rmrs/Bsc
a - Denotes colly now available, previously listed as coming soon.
x - Denotes a change in colly information since last publishing.
,,----, // ,, mHz. ,,----
Skills Issue Four,, Public,, Area,, Contributors and Skills Sites.
Contributors / Issue Four4.
Megga Hertz the Kingpin aka Bugsy. Squish.
Tek. Tinyz. Exar-Kun. Hiro Protagonist.
Biogenesis. Holocaust. Sagramore. Cain.
Epidemic. Beam-7. Mass Murderer. Sargon.
Discofunk 1974. RaD Man. Force Ten.
Notes This is a listing of people who have done something for Skills
at some point since the time it was founded. In the end, I,
Megga Hertz, do large percentages of the work myself. If you
would like to contribute art, articles, pak revues, editorials,
etc, feel free to mail me at the Skills Dropbox, listed below.
Skills Sites
Site Name Site Admin Site Num/IP
BBS !abraxas/diabolic. Megga Hertz 818,,,/,,,,
.vos. Felix 213,,,/,,,,
The Lethal Aspect Xypher Matryx 416421/1015
AlderAAn Mindcrime 732224/8780
Free Coke The Night Angel 514,,,/,,,,
Infinite Darkness Midnight Sorrow 954316/4663
Piranha Captain Hood telnet://piranha.nws.net
Power of the Darkside Boba Fett 864639/1007
IRC G0AT Necromancer ascii / asciirox
FTP ACiD Mirror RaD Man/mHz pcmicro.com/acid/skills
Lit.Org Crowe lit.org/skills
WWW Synthetic Skills Mindcrime www.blade.org/skills
Room 237 Killa Hertz www.comingsoon.com
E-M The Skills Dropbox Megga Hertz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
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// mHz ,,--- :
The One and Only Skills Mag.
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Public Issue Fourend of fileLines,1225.
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COMNT sKILLS aSCII pRESS , rELEASE 4! ...... : : // : ,, / : / :... / ... // / : / / : ,, : SAUCE00Skills Ascii Press Release 4 Megga Hertz Skills 19970815
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