
this image contains text
All the Artists
This is, believe it or not, a list of ALL artists that weve been able to
spot, who sometime in their lifes has released something that could be
called an Ascii-collection. The names listed below, my ladies and gentlemen,
are The Artists.
And do notice that some of the names here are former handles/tags of artists
who now has a new handle, but they still appear here if you should find any
tag on a ascii which you wondered who has made it, and would like to find
out. So, when artists change handle I just add their new handle and dont
remove the old one.
Quick key-definition should go like this: - Artist dont use any tag.
And there are only 5 artists who wont use any tag at all.
Easy eh? Well, lets go then, 630 Artists. And that means that since the
last issue of the Ascii Gazette, released 11/12-96, it has appeared 37 new
artists in our beloved Ascii-scene. Please bring us more names, if you
know any, by telling about them to xClUZiWe through e-mail, irc or any bbs.
2Fast 2F
610 6
691 -!691
911 911
A Perfect Craziness ApC
Abhorrence aBHO!
Abrasax -a
Ace AcE
Acid aC!d
Acid acid
Acid Kid adk!
Adon AdN!
Adrock aRk
Afterlife al
Aguila -aGA
Alcatraz az
Amalgamate aGa
Amblin aBn!
Anf AnF!
Antopheles -AnT!
Apollo Apo!
Appomatox aptx
Aqua aQua
Aragon arg
Arrogance aCk
Arschpupser aP
Artic Cat AC
Aryan aRYAn
Asphixia asp
Atlantic atl!
Atom AToM
Axe aXe
Axeblade aB!
Axetro -aX!
Axy aXY
B b!
B.Cyclo+ bC+
Baggen Bgn
Baltazar -bz
BashGuard BsG
Bastard b!d
Beavis !b!
Behemoth bHm
Belzebub bLZ
Betty Boy bb!
Beyond bYN
Bhudda bUdd
Bibopp bb
Biscrok bIS
Bjrne -bj!
Black Dragon B.D.
BlackPanther BP
Blazer bZr
Blockman bLO
Blue -B-
Blunt bt-
Boheme bHe
Boone bOONE!
Boomer mR
Booth Bo
Booya bY!
Boozo bOz
Breeze bRZ
Btw BtW
Budgie bD!
Bugge bUG
BuzzWipe b!w
Crl crL
Cain cain
Caine c
Cannibal c4
CaptainCaveman CC
Carbon2 c2!
Case -cASE
Cateye cte
Catharsis chs
Caxx c
CeeJay cJ
Cenobite cNb
Chrombacher cRb
Clairvoyant c
Clone cL!
Coco Pops cp
Cola cOLa
Concept cc
Cook c0ok
CountDan cD!
CountZero c0!
Crack ck
Crawford Crawfo
Cray CRaY
Crazy -cR
Crocat CRoCAT
Crusader cDr
Crypth CrT
Cryptor cP!
Ctp ctp!
Cuz CuZ
Cybergod cG!
Cyberkid ck!
CyberPunk !cP!
Cyclone cyc!
Czar czar
Daim daim
Dale DaLE
Danny dNy
Danzig dZG
DarkHolder dH!
Dark Man dark
Dartagnan -DtN
Dash d!
Dashzero dZ!
Data dA!
Dave !
Daytona dtA!
Daze dAZE
DDay dDay
Deamo -d!
DeathLord dL!
Dee dee
Def Base dEF!
Defjam dj
Delite dLT
Delta9 d9
Delta Tx dtx
Demax -d-
DeOne d1
Desert D!
Desoto dto
DethCrush dC!
Devistator dV
Dexter Dt
Dew dew
Dino dNo
Dirk DiRK!
Dizy dIzY!
Dmd dmD!
Dmg dMG
Doc DoC
Don Croce dC-
Dos dOS
Dr.AnalFreser Dr.AnL
Dragon dGN!
Drakar dK!
Drastic dRS
Draw draw
Drf !drf
Druid dRD
Dual d!
Dweeb dwb
Dvize DVz
Dyonisos dNSs
Eagle egl
Easy eZY
Efx eFX
ElBruto eb
Elfn e!
Elric EL?
Elvis e
Enforcer eNf
Epitaphic iC
Esjay -eJ
Everslick vsl
Evrimsson evr
Exciter eXC
Exile .xl
Exocet e
Exon eX!
Fake fke!
Fame fM!
Farenheit fAh!
Fatal fTL
Fate fATE
Fckw fCkW
Fear fear
Fenriz -FR
Fiddler f
FireMan F M
Flare fLr
Flash fLA
Flexor fXR
Flite f!
Flux fX
Folar fL
Forse f0!
Foss -
Frame fRM
Frb fRB
Fred fRD
Funki f@nK!
G.d.m. gdm
Gandhi GdH!
Gangsta g!
Generator GEN
Genius mP
GodFather GoDF!
Godhead GdH
Goonie goo
Gozz zZ
Gpunkt G!P
GraveDancer gD!
Green Eyed Monster gEm
Grief gF!
Grimlock gm
H2o H2o
Harpoon hRP!
Hasslan Hsl
Hausfrau hF!
Hawkwind hKWd
HemligeArne HmL
Hermafrodit-L.K. hflk
Hijack hJ
Hiro Protagonist hP!
Hitech H
Holojamm hjm
Homicide hMC
Hooligan hoo
Horizon -hzn-
HotStepper HS!
Hotwire HTW
Humaniod hM!
Ian iAN!
Icarus ic!
Ice !CE
IceCube ID
Indie iN
Indy iNDY
Inferno IfN
Infusion n!
Insane Madman imd
Isaac !
Iso iS
Jack Danielz -jD!
Janitor jT
Jase J5
Java ja
Javis -j!-
Jedi Jedi
Jess jESS
Jesse James -J.J-
Jewel JWL
Jhh jhh
Jms jMS
Joe joe
Joey Beltram JB
Jordan Jdn
Joyce -jC
Juan jN!
Juice -jE!
Junk -jnk-
Justice -JC!
Jgarn jgr
Kaffer -
Kamenski kAM
Kaneda KaneDa
Kaoz KZ
Karlos -kLs
Karma kRm
Kasper kP!
Katharos -KTH
Keldon kD!
Kerwin k!
Kid KId
Kidney k!d
Kidnix kDx!
KillerSmurf KSM
Kicking Machine KM
Krakel Spektakel KS
Kris k
Krome kR!
Krusty yUk
Kryptonite k!
Lager lg!
Lash -Lash
Leunam lm!
LineBacker L!
Linus Li!
Lithium LTm
Lizard lzd
Locutus -loc
Logobyte lb
Looneytoon lt!
Lord Chaos lo!
Lord Nitrogen lN
Low Spirit LS
Lover lv!
Lumme LuM!
Lunix lnx
Mad Boy MaD
Mad Force -MaD-
Mad Max MadMax
Madloc ml
Maffia MaF
Magz mGz
Malcom MC
Malcolm X MaX!
Mammoth /X
Manta -mNt
Manthan mTn
Mark mk
Mark Ryder mR!
Marky MY
Marwin M!
Marwin mVn!
Mascot -/X!
Mat MaT!
Matt .mA
Maverick MaV
Maxim mxm
Mazza mAZ
Megaman MM!
Megga Hertz mHz
Menace MA!
Mental mtl
Mephisto m!
Mess mSs
Messiah mh
MetalBasher Mb
MetalliKat KaT
Mexx mX!
Mezcal mz
Mike miKe!
Mindex md
Mindphaser MP
Mindscape mSE
Miracle mrc!
Misfit -M-
Misfit mt
Mofo M
Mogue Mo!
Mood -md
Morph m@!
Mortimer Twang Mt
Mr DawnDeath MrDd
Mr Fish mrF
Mr Lizard -lzd
Mr Splif Ms
Mr Vain mRV
Mr Yo
Mrs.Green mSg
Mso mso
Msw -mSW
MudPecker mud!
Murderah MdH
Mute mute
Nail nL
Nebraska NeB
Necromancer nM
Nelson -nSN
Nemesis nM
Neo Negro nn!
Neptune npt
Neurodancer nd!
Nick Nack -mN
Nicko nCo
Night Sniper NS!
Nike nK
No Name NN
Noboy nY
Nop nOp!
Nope Dope n0p
Nos NoS!
Nostro nO
Nostromo -nT0!
Not nt
Nup nUp
Odium oD!
Odyssey OdY
Omicron omi
One Eyed Pirate OEP
Orchid ocd
Orion o!
Orlingo orl
Osten oSN!
Overlord oVL
Pace pe
Pad pAD
Paragon P
Parsec PrSc
Paszczak pSh
Pay pAy
Peacelock pL
Perplexer ppX
Phase pHS
Phlare pH!
Ph0enix pnx
Phobia pH
Phreak Klass pk
Phuzzy Logik pHl
Pigeon pGN
Pinokio Pi
Pirate P
Pirlaga .p.
Pizza Ascii Factory PAF
Polo pO!
Posk po5k!
Prayer PR
Presence pSc!
Pride pR!De
Prince .pR!NC
Prince pR!
Prizm pRz
Prodigy pRD!
Prodigy -Pdg
Psychic Santa pSS
Psyche pSy!
Psycho PsY
PsychO pC
Pulse PL
Punk pnk!
Qba q!
Quizone qZn
Rad Rad!
Radavi Radavi
Radix Rd
Raiden RAi
Raist ra!st
Ramon rN!
Randy RandY
Ranx rX
Rape rAPe
Rapid rpd!
Rasta -Ra!
Rat rAt
RattleSnake rS
Rave -r!
Rawlock rl!
React rC7
Real ReAL
Rebel rBL!
Recall R
Red Demon rDm
Red Devil rD!
Red Skin rS!
Redd -rEDD
Red.R ReD.R
Reflex r.
Reflex Rfx!
Relief rLf
Ren rEN
Repe -re
Rest in Peace riP!
Reti rETi
Rick ck
Rinnanbonden dC!
Rooster rst
Rotox rTx
Rubyx -Rbx
Rusty ry!
Ryu Ryu!
Salimander Sl
SalOne sAL1
Sandman SdN
Satans Fire sF!
Sate sATe
Scan sCn
Scarface sCf
Scot sCOt
Scottie sct
Segoy -s!
Sentinel snt
Serpentor Sptr
Seti seti
Seven M 7M
Shaolin S!
Shapechanger sc
Sharp !shp
Shelter sHL!
Shine sn
Shite sh!
Shock G -sg
Shorty sHO!
Silencer siL
SilverSurfer s!S
Sin Fame sN!
Sinister StR
Skautch .sK
Skin Sk!n
Skindiver -Sd
Skize skZ
Skyfox SK!
Slab LA
Sleeper sP
Sliver sLV
Slowrider Slo
SlumDweller sD!
Sma1 sMA
Smirnoff SM
SmozzeBos *SB*
Snafu S
Sniffet -
Snipe s!p
Snow sNoW
Snuffy Sn
Snarn Snow
Sonikk snk!
Soxius sox
SpeedDevil +sD+
Speed Racer sP:
Sphinx SPHiNX
Spike -
Spike sk
Splat splat
Splatt SP
Splatter sPL@
Spoonman s
Squarepusher sQ!
Stab SP!
Stash s
Steel -sTEEL
Steel sT!
Stevie sTV
Stezotehic sTZ!
Sting ST
Stone Angel sA!
Storm sTORM
Stranger STR
Stratos st!
Strauss sT
Strife Stf
Style sT
StyleWars sTw
Stylez sYz
Sundance !
Sunscream SSC!
SuperTouch sT
Sy-Klone SyK!
Tango tG
Taxi t!
Tb-303 3o3
Tbm tbM
Terminal Silence tS
Terminator tRm
Tha Grinder gR
The Crow tC
The Flash fLA
The Founder tF!
The Godfather god
The Kestrel tK!
The Player Tp!
The Prophet tp
The Soul -
Threaz tR!
Thurlog cla
Timer tmr!
Tinyz tz
Titus t
Tix tix
Tommy t0!
Tony Baretta tb
Tranziie 7Rz
Trash t!
Traveller ron
Trazer tRZ
Treach -tre!
Trifixion +TRi-
Trinity tRN!
Trivial t
Trooper tE
Tsar1 tsar1
Turbo 2rbo
Tyson Ts
U-man uMn
Unceen unc
Usar uSAR
V-Cut V-c!
Vace vC
Vega vG
Velvet Jones Vj
Venturus vtr
Vietcong vC!
Vince vNc
Vinzi vNZ
Violence VLe
Virtu v!r
Virus -i-
Vlad vt
Vladimir dmD!
Voltage vol
Vortex Vo
Vouck .vK
War child WCd
Warlock wAr
Wayne W
Wea WeA
Weapon X wPx
Webster w!
Wedlock WLK
WhirlWind WhW!
Whitesnake WS
Whodini wH0
Whooper WpR
Windrider !wr!
Wise-K wk!
Wishbringer wB!
Woober wBr
Xcluziwe xCz
X-Modus x!
X-Ray xRAY
Xor xOr
Yop yop
Zabora zB!
Zack zACk
Zagax zGx
Zaphod zd!
Zarkof Zf
Zcandaler Z
Zed zED
Zen Z.
Zenon zEnOn
Zeus zS!
ZeuS ZeuS
Zin Z!
Zinko ZiNKo
Zod zod
Zok Z0K
Zoltrix zTx!
Zombie ZMb
Zorro 2o!
ZouZou zOu
Zygote GoTE
ngest nG?
This is, believe it or not, a list of ALL artists that weve been able to
spot, who sometime in their lifes has released something that could be
called an Ascii-collection. The names listed below, my ladies and gentlemen,
are The Artists.
And do notice that some of the names here are former handles/tags of artists
who now has a new handle, but they still appear here if you should find any
tag on a ascii which you wondered who has made it, and would like to find
out. So, when artists change handle I just add their new handle and dont
remove the old one.
Quick key-definition should go like this: - Artist dont use any tag.
And there are only 5 artists who wont use any tag at all.
Easy eh? Well, lets go then, 630 Artists. And that means that since the
last issue of the Ascii Gazette, released 11/12-96, it has appeared 37 new
artists in our beloved Ascii-scene. Please bring us more names, if you
know any, by telling about them to xClUZiWe through e-mail, irc or any bbs.
2Fast 2F
610 6
691 -!691
911 911
A Perfect Craziness ApC
Abhorrence aBHO!
Abrasax -a
Ace AcE
Acid aC!d
Acid acid
Acid Kid adk!
Adon AdN!
Adrock aRk
Afterlife al
Aguila -aGA
Alcatraz az
Amalgamate aGa
Amblin aBn!
Anf AnF!
Antopheles -AnT!
Apollo Apo!
Appomatox aptx
Aqua aQua
Aragon arg
Arrogance aCk
Arschpupser aP
Artic Cat AC
Aryan aRYAn
Asphixia asp
Atlantic atl!
Atom AToM
Axe aXe
Axeblade aB!
Axetro -aX!
Axy aXY
B b!
B.Cyclo+ bC+
Baggen Bgn
Baltazar -bz
BashGuard BsG
Bastard b!d
Beavis !b!
Behemoth bHm
Belzebub bLZ
Betty Boy bb!
Beyond bYN
Bhudda bUdd
Bibopp bb
Biscrok bIS
Bjrne -bj!
Black Dragon B.D.
BlackPanther BP
Blazer bZr
Blockman bLO
Blue -B-
Blunt bt-
Boheme bHe
Boone bOONE!
Boomer mR
Booth Bo
Booya bY!
Boozo bOz
Breeze bRZ
Btw BtW
Budgie bD!
Bugge bUG
BuzzWipe b!w
Crl crL
Cain cain
Caine c
Cannibal c4
CaptainCaveman CC
Carbon2 c2!
Case -cASE
Cateye cte
Catharsis chs
Caxx c
CeeJay cJ
Cenobite cNb
Chrombacher cRb
Clairvoyant c
Clone cL!
Coco Pops cp
Cola cOLa
Concept cc
Cook c0ok
CountDan cD!
CountZero c0!
Crack ck
Crawford Crawfo
Cray CRaY
Crazy -cR
Crocat CRoCAT
Crusader cDr
Crypth CrT
Cryptor cP!
Ctp ctp!
Cuz CuZ
Cybergod cG!
Cyberkid ck!
CyberPunk !cP!
Cyclone cyc!
Czar czar
Daim daim
Dale DaLE
Danny dNy
Danzig dZG
DarkHolder dH!
Dark Man dark
Dartagnan -DtN
Dash d!
Dashzero dZ!
Data dA!
Dave !
Daytona dtA!
Daze dAZE
DDay dDay
Deamo -d!
DeathLord dL!
Dee dee
Def Base dEF!
Defjam dj
Delite dLT
Delta9 d9
Delta Tx dtx
Demax -d-
DeOne d1
Desert D!
Desoto dto
DethCrush dC!
Devistator dV
Dexter Dt
Dew dew
Dino dNo
Dirk DiRK!
Dizy dIzY!
Dmd dmD!
Dmg dMG
Doc DoC
Don Croce dC-
Dos dOS
Dr.AnalFreser Dr.AnL
Dragon dGN!
Drakar dK!
Drastic dRS
Draw draw
Drf !drf
Druid dRD
Dual d!
Dweeb dwb
Dvize DVz
Dyonisos dNSs
Eagle egl
Easy eZY
Efx eFX
ElBruto eb
Elfn e!
Elric EL?
Elvis e
Enforcer eNf
Epitaphic iC
Esjay -eJ
Everslick vsl
Evrimsson evr
Exciter eXC
Exile .xl
Exocet e
Exon eX!
Fake fke!
Fame fM!
Farenheit fAh!
Fatal fTL
Fate fATE
Fckw fCkW
Fear fear
Fenriz -FR
Fiddler f
FireMan F M
Flare fLr
Flash fLA
Flexor fXR
Flite f!
Flux fX
Folar fL
Forse f0!
Foss -
Frame fRM
Frb fRB
Fred fRD
Funki f@nK!
G.d.m. gdm
Gandhi GdH!
Gangsta g!
Generator GEN
Genius mP
GodFather GoDF!
Godhead GdH
Goonie goo
Gozz zZ
Gpunkt G!P
GraveDancer gD!
Green Eyed Monster gEm
Grief gF!
Grimlock gm
H2o H2o
Harpoon hRP!
Hasslan Hsl
Hausfrau hF!
Hawkwind hKWd
HemligeArne HmL
Hermafrodit-L.K. hflk
Hijack hJ
Hiro Protagonist hP!
Hitech H
Holojamm hjm
Homicide hMC
Hooligan hoo
Horizon -hzn-
HotStepper HS!
Hotwire HTW
Humaniod hM!
Ian iAN!
Icarus ic!
Ice !CE
IceCube ID
Indie iN
Indy iNDY
Inferno IfN
Infusion n!
Insane Madman imd
Isaac !
Iso iS
Jack Danielz -jD!
Janitor jT
Jase J5
Java ja
Javis -j!-
Jedi Jedi
Jess jESS
Jesse James -J.J-
Jewel JWL
Jhh jhh
Jms jMS
Joe joe
Joey Beltram JB
Jordan Jdn
Joyce -jC
Juan jN!
Juice -jE!
Junk -jnk-
Justice -JC!
Jgarn jgr
Kaffer -
Kamenski kAM
Kaneda KaneDa
Kaoz KZ
Karlos -kLs
Karma kRm
Kasper kP!
Katharos -KTH
Keldon kD!
Kerwin k!
Kid KId
Kidney k!d
Kidnix kDx!
KillerSmurf KSM
Kicking Machine KM
Krakel Spektakel KS
Kris k
Krome kR!
Krusty yUk
Kryptonite k!
Lager lg!
Lash -Lash
Leunam lm!
LineBacker L!
Linus Li!
Lithium LTm
Lizard lzd
Locutus -loc
Logobyte lb
Looneytoon lt!
Lord Chaos lo!
Lord Nitrogen lN
Low Spirit LS
Lover lv!
Lumme LuM!
Lunix lnx
Mad Boy MaD
Mad Force -MaD-
Mad Max MadMax
Madloc ml
Maffia MaF
Magz mGz
Malcom MC
Malcolm X MaX!
Mammoth /X
Manta -mNt
Manthan mTn
Mark mk
Mark Ryder mR!
Marky MY
Marwin M!
Marwin mVn!
Mascot -/X!
Mat MaT!
Matt .mA
Maverick MaV
Maxim mxm
Mazza mAZ
Megaman MM!
Megga Hertz mHz
Menace MA!
Mental mtl
Mephisto m!
Mess mSs
Messiah mh
MetalBasher Mb
MetalliKat KaT
Mexx mX!
Mezcal mz
Mike miKe!
Mindex md
Mindphaser MP
Mindscape mSE
Miracle mrc!
Misfit -M-
Misfit mt
Mofo M
Mogue Mo!
Mood -md
Morph m@!
Mortimer Twang Mt
Mr DawnDeath MrDd
Mr Fish mrF
Mr Lizard -lzd
Mr Splif Ms
Mr Vain mRV
Mr Yo
Mrs.Green mSg
Mso mso
Msw -mSW
MudPecker mud!
Murderah MdH
Mute mute
Nail nL
Nebraska NeB
Necromancer nM
Nelson -nSN
Nemesis nM
Neo Negro nn!
Neptune npt
Neurodancer nd!
Nick Nack -mN
Nicko nCo
Night Sniper NS!
Nike nK
No Name NN
Noboy nY
Nop nOp!
Nope Dope n0p
Nos NoS!
Nostro nO
Nostromo -nT0!
Not nt
Nup nUp
Odium oD!
Odyssey OdY
Omicron omi
One Eyed Pirate OEP
Orchid ocd
Orion o!
Orlingo orl
Osten oSN!
Overlord oVL
Pace pe
Pad pAD
Paragon P
Parsec PrSc
Paszczak pSh
Pay pAy
Peacelock pL
Perplexer ppX
Phase pHS
Phlare pH!
Ph0enix pnx
Phobia pH
Phreak Klass pk
Phuzzy Logik pHl
Pigeon pGN
Pinokio Pi
Pirate P
Pirlaga .p.
Pizza Ascii Factory PAF
Polo pO!
Posk po5k!
Prayer PR
Presence pSc!
Pride pR!De
Prince .pR!NC
Prince pR!
Prizm pRz
Prodigy pRD!
Prodigy -Pdg
Psychic Santa pSS
Psyche pSy!
Psycho PsY
PsychO pC
Pulse PL
Punk pnk!
Qba q!
Quizone qZn
Rad Rad!
Radavi Radavi
Radix Rd
Raiden RAi
Raist ra!st
Ramon rN!
Randy RandY
Ranx rX
Rape rAPe
Rapid rpd!
Rasta -Ra!
Rat rAt
RattleSnake rS
Rave -r!
Rawlock rl!
React rC7
Real ReAL
Rebel rBL!
Recall R
Red Demon rDm
Red Devil rD!
Red Skin rS!
Redd -rEDD
Red.R ReD.R
Reflex r.
Reflex Rfx!
Relief rLf
Ren rEN
Repe -re
Rest in Peace riP!
Reti rETi
Rick ck
Rinnanbonden dC!
Rooster rst
Rotox rTx
Rubyx -Rbx
Rusty ry!
Ryu Ryu!
Salimander Sl
SalOne sAL1
Sandman SdN
Satans Fire sF!
Sate sATe
Scan sCn
Scarface sCf
Scot sCOt
Scottie sct
Segoy -s!
Sentinel snt
Serpentor Sptr
Seti seti
Seven M 7M
Shaolin S!
Shapechanger sc
Sharp !shp
Shelter sHL!
Shine sn
Shite sh!
Shock G -sg
Shorty sHO!
Silencer siL
SilverSurfer s!S
Sin Fame sN!
Sinister StR
Skautch .sK
Skin Sk!n
Skindiver -Sd
Skize skZ
Skyfox SK!
Slab LA
Sleeper sP
Sliver sLV
Slowrider Slo
SlumDweller sD!
Sma1 sMA
Smirnoff SM
SmozzeBos *SB*
Snafu S
Sniffet -
Snipe s!p
Snow sNoW
Snuffy Sn
Snarn Snow
Sonikk snk!
Soxius sox
SpeedDevil +sD+
Speed Racer sP:
Sphinx SPHiNX
Spike -
Spike sk
Splat splat
Splatt SP
Splatter sPL@
Spoonman s
Squarepusher sQ!
Stab SP!
Stash s
Steel -sTEEL
Steel sT!
Stevie sTV
Stezotehic sTZ!
Sting ST
Stone Angel sA!
Storm sTORM
Stranger STR
Stratos st!
Strauss sT
Strife Stf
Style sT
StyleWars sTw
Stylez sYz
Sundance !
Sunscream SSC!
SuperTouch sT
Sy-Klone SyK!
Tango tG
Taxi t!
Tb-303 3o3
Tbm tbM
Terminal Silence tS
Terminator tRm
Tha Grinder gR
The Crow tC
The Flash fLA
The Founder tF!
The Godfather god
The Kestrel tK!
The Player Tp!
The Prophet tp
The Soul -
Threaz tR!
Thurlog cla
Timer tmr!
Tinyz tz
Titus t
Tix tix
Tommy t0!
Tony Baretta tb
Tranziie 7Rz
Trash t!
Traveller ron
Trazer tRZ
Treach -tre!
Trifixion +TRi-
Trinity tRN!
Trivial t
Trooper tE
Tsar1 tsar1
Turbo 2rbo
Tyson Ts
U-man uMn
Unceen unc
Usar uSAR
V-Cut V-c!
Vace vC
Vega vG
Velvet Jones Vj
Venturus vtr
Vietcong vC!
Vince vNc
Vinzi vNZ
Violence VLe
Virtu v!r
Virus -i-
Vlad vt
Vladimir dmD!
Voltage vol
Vortex Vo
Vouck .vK
War child WCd
Warlock wAr
Wayne W
Wea WeA
Weapon X wPx
Webster w!
Wedlock WLK
WhirlWind WhW!
Whitesnake WS
Whodini wH0
Whooper WpR
Windrider !wr!
Wise-K wk!
Wishbringer wB!
Woober wBr
Xcluziwe xCz
X-Modus x!
X-Ray xRAY
Xor xOr
Yop yop
Zabora zB!
Zack zACk
Zagax zGx
Zaphod zd!
Zarkof Zf
Zcandaler Z
Zed zED
Zen Z.
Zenon zEnOn
Zeus zS!
ZeuS ZeuS
Zin Z!
Zinko ZiNKo
Zod zod
Zok Z0K
Zoltrix zTx!
Zombie ZMb
Zorro 2o!
ZouZou zOu
Zygote GoTE
ngest nG?
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