this image contains text
I Viewer - version 1.3 Copyr
ight c 1990 by Michael Arnett In Support of T
is an ANSI display utility with opt
ions to assist in maintaining a graphics library. Files may
be viewed individually or Tagged for continuous viewing. Tag
Files individually or TagUntag ALL files with a single key.
Two display speeds are now available. ANS
I music is supported. SMILE gives you the abi
lity to change Drives andor Directories. A pick list of files
with an .ANS extension is built by default and written to FILEL
ST.DAT The File Mask may be changed to suit user needs. FILE
LST.DAT can be rebuilt or updated from within SMILE
at anytime. Artist names and comments can be added or ed
ited from within SMILE or with any text editor Forty-f
ive character limit. SMILE will now pass a file na
me to an ANSI or TEXT editor or to ANSIC
SMILE Release 1.2 W H A T
S N E W1. SMILE will now pass the
Highlighted file name to your favorite
ANSI or TEXT editor Provided you have e
nough memory. Simple command line switches are used to pas
s ANSI and TEXT editor names to
SMILE. ANSICHEK can be used in place of the TE
XT editor to allow adding GT control codes to your screens f
rom within SMILE.2. Two display speeds a
re now available. The SLOWer speed is sometimes
better when viewing animated screens. Display speed can be toggl
ed with the S key at any time.3.
The F3 key Tag ALL files now tagges with the curr
ently selected display speed. The INS key Tag
one file also tags with the currently selected display spe
ed allowing multiple files to be tagged with different disp
lay speeds.4. A of format is
now displayed showing the total number of files in the cur
rent directory.
SMILE Release 1.3 W H A T
S N E W1. SORT routines were added to
allow sorting the File List by Screen name or Artist inform
ation. Artist information is sorted left to right so Keywor
ds like MUSIC, STILL, ANIMATION etc. can be used to sort on.
2. Routines were added to allow SEARCHing f
or user defined text. This is a very basic SEARCH
as it looks at each line for the first occurrence of th
e defined text.3. Screens previously viewed d
uring the current session are now displayed in Green
.4. Several TAG options are
now available. When TAG ALL is selected you
are prompted to: TAG - ALL, Unv
iewed, Viewed or Defined files. Selec
ting DEFINED prompts you to enter a text string. S
MILE will tag any line containing the string you enter.
Again Keywords can be used or specific Artists may be defi
I Viewer - version 1.3 Copyr
ight c 1990 by Michael Arnett In Support of T
is an ANSI display utility with opt
ions to assist in maintaining a graphics library. Files may
be viewed individually or Tagged for continuous viewing. Tag
Files individually or TagUntag ALL files with a single key.
Two display speeds are now available. ANS
I music is supported. SMILE gives you the abi
lity to change Drives andor Directories. A pick list of files
with an .ANS extension is built by default and written to FILEL
ST.DAT The File Mask may be changed to suit user needs. FILE
LST.DAT can be rebuilt or updated from within SMILE
at anytime. Artist names and comments can be added or ed
ited from within SMILE or with any text editor Forty-f
ive character limit. SMILE will now pass a file na
me to an ANSI or TEXT editor or to ANSIC
SMILE Release 1.2 W H A T
S N E W1. SMILE will now pass the
Highlighted file name to your favorite
ANSI or TEXT editor Provided you have e
nough memory. Simple command line switches are used to pas
s ANSI and TEXT editor names to
SMILE. ANSICHEK can be used in place of the TE
XT editor to allow adding GT control codes to your screens f
rom within SMILE.2. Two display speeds a
re now available. The SLOWer speed is sometimes
better when viewing animated screens. Display speed can be toggl
ed with the S key at any time.3.
The F3 key Tag ALL files now tagges with the curr
ently selected display speed. The INS key Tag
one file also tags with the currently selected display spe
ed allowing multiple files to be tagged with different disp
lay speeds.4. A of format is
now displayed showing the total number of files in the cur
rent directory.
SMILE Release 1.3 W H A T
S N E W1. SORT routines were added to
allow sorting the File List by Screen name or Artist inform
ation. Artist information is sorted left to right so Keywor
ds like MUSIC, STILL, ANIMATION etc. can be used to sort on.
2. Routines were added to allow SEARCHing f
or user defined text. This is a very basic SEARCH
as it looks at each line for the first occurrence of th
e defined text.3. Screens previously viewed d
uring the current session are now displayed in Green
.4. Several TAG options are
now available. When TAG ALL is selected you
are prompted to: TAG - ALL, Unv
iewed, Viewed or Defined files. Selec
ting DEFINED prompts you to enter a text string. S
MILE will tag any line containing the string you enter.
Again Keywords can be used or specific Artists may be defi
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