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The Enighilator 131 @8350
Mon Sep 10 20:03:16 1990
: : WARNING!!:This is on ly a Simulated Dramatization! Do not mistake what you see as real!!! This is only a simulation!! Congradulations Trader!! You are now an officialpilot of the Federation Merchant Cruiser ships. Good luckand good trading.P.s S. Beware of ferrengi. Shuttle power is nowcharging.... Power is on and charged..... Computer.... set warp for sector371. Do not stop at any ports. Course is set. Preparefor sector warping........ Arrival in sector 371 complete...awaiting further commands..... WarninGg!!! Warning!!!!Enemy spacecraft arriving in secotor..Ferrengi type c Classwarship...... Laser now charging.... Laser is charged...... Trargeting system activated....Targeter going into place.... Lasrer firing..... Target hit and destroyed...awaiting further commands.....
Mon Sep 10 20:03:16 1990
: : WARNING!!:This is on ly a Simulated Dramatization! Do not mistake what you see as real!!! This is only a simulation!! Congradulations Trader!! You are now an officialpilot of the Federation Merchant Cruiser ships. Good luckand good trading.P.s S. Beware of ferrengi. Shuttle power is nowcharging.... Power is on and charged..... Computer.... set warp for sector371. Do not stop at any ports. Course is set. Preparefor sector warping........ Arrival in sector 371 complete...awaiting further commands..... WarninGg!!! Warning!!!!Enemy spacecraft arriving in secotor..Ferrengi type c Classwarship...... Laser now charging.... Laser is charged...... Trargeting system activated....Targeter going into place.... Lasrer firing..... Target hit and destroyed...awaiting further commands.....
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