this image contains text
tainted XXx
27272727272727272727272727272727 27272727272727272727272
t w e n t yvii -pHEAR BIZNATcH
sevenvii7 Q-
April, 2003 pack 002
@ info file ::
Would you like to know more ?
Enzo introduces .. .
Alrigh, let the brazilian start this info mess... Avg and Fever think
my english vocabulary is not enough to write one more info file, but I
ve been taking some english classes with a chinese teacher, who lived
in Detroit for 27 years. Well, im not sure if what ppl talk in Michigan
can be considered english.. . but NASCAR rules.
We had a lot of positive feedback about our first pack, Fever even got
a new boyfriend, his name is Juarez aka. pH, and NO, hes not mexican. He joined the group cuz we dont want fever to be lonely anymore and hes also a very good logoist that used to have sex with lordjazz, but he pro missed its over now. We forgive you, pH.
Smooth, our hawaiian god of pimping, gifted us with a nice website where you can mess around with multiple features, so make sure to check it...
http://ink.zapto.org/27 , got it ?! Thank you, Mr. Smoothang.
Taintedx also surprised us with a guest appearence this month, including that logo you just saw. We lub yew, tnt !
I guess my time is over... Fever is anxious to prove hes smarter than
me but we know he just cant. Ok, feevis... Go on...
Isnt it funny that when a couple people are writing one of these
info files they act like theyre tag teaming a girl or passing a
blunt. Go on... Like he needs to say that for me to continue this
what if I DONT go on!
fever Get out of here, youre c Filth!!
fever I know its you EnZ0!
EnzO27 HAhAhAhA YoU FoUnDed OutTed Me BuDdiez!!!!
EnzO27 Ok, feevis... Go on...
I guess I should mention I released a fubar 3 it was aesthetically
pleasing but there were only a couple reviews, ill be releasing
4 soon and since theres a few releases itll be worth a look.
27 Inch has had a VERY exciting month since the release of 1, I dont
want to get into to many details but we started a war with Iraq,
cured the plague that started in Asia, debunked the entire being of the
catholic religion, and dug up the remains of Jeffrey Dahmers victims
only to discover through the wonders of foresic science and DNA that
it was actually, guess who, thats right, enzo that was fucking then
killing, then fucking, then failing to zombifie, then eating his
homosexual victims, you didnt think id make it through the info
without talking about war, playing god, cannibalism, homosexuality,
religion, disease, gooks, zombies, sex, and marijuana did you ?
Reallllly now.. go check out the art because thats what this is
about, keep drawing no matter who you draw for and keep having
love, the creep.. fever.
27 efnet http://ink.zapto.org/27
27inch logo by taintedx frame design by enzo.27
27272727272727272727272727272727 27272727272727272727272
t w e n t yvii -pHEAR BIZNATcH
sevenvii7 Q-
April, 2003 pack 002
@ info file ::
Would you like to know more ?
Enzo introduces .. .
Alrigh, let the brazilian start this info mess... Avg and Fever think
my english vocabulary is not enough to write one more info file, but I
ve been taking some english classes with a chinese teacher, who lived
in Detroit for 27 years. Well, im not sure if what ppl talk in Michigan
can be considered english.. . but NASCAR rules.
We had a lot of positive feedback about our first pack, Fever even got
a new boyfriend, his name is Juarez aka. pH, and NO, hes not mexican. He joined the group cuz we dont want fever to be lonely anymore and hes also a very good logoist that used to have sex with lordjazz, but he pro missed its over now. We forgive you, pH.
Smooth, our hawaiian god of pimping, gifted us with a nice website where you can mess around with multiple features, so make sure to check it...
http://ink.zapto.org/27 , got it ?! Thank you, Mr. Smoothang.
Taintedx also surprised us with a guest appearence this month, including that logo you just saw. We lub yew, tnt !
I guess my time is over... Fever is anxious to prove hes smarter than
me but we know he just cant. Ok, feevis... Go on...
Isnt it funny that when a couple people are writing one of these
info files they act like theyre tag teaming a girl or passing a
blunt. Go on... Like he needs to say that for me to continue this
what if I DONT go on!
fever Get out of here, youre c Filth!!
fever I know its you EnZ0!
EnzO27 HAhAhAhA YoU FoUnDed OutTed Me BuDdiez!!!!
EnzO27 Ok, feevis... Go on...
I guess I should mention I released a fubar 3 it was aesthetically
pleasing but there were only a couple reviews, ill be releasing
4 soon and since theres a few releases itll be worth a look.
27 Inch has had a VERY exciting month since the release of 1, I dont
want to get into to many details but we started a war with Iraq,
cured the plague that started in Asia, debunked the entire being of the
catholic religion, and dug up the remains of Jeffrey Dahmers victims
only to discover through the wonders of foresic science and DNA that
it was actually, guess who, thats right, enzo that was fucking then
killing, then fucking, then failing to zombifie, then eating his
homosexual victims, you didnt think id make it through the info
without talking about war, playing god, cannibalism, homosexuality,
religion, disease, gooks, zombies, sex, and marijuana did you ?
Reallllly now.. go check out the art because thats what this is
about, keep drawing no matter who you draw for and keep having
love, the creep.. fever.
27 efnet http://ink.zapto.org/27
27inch logo by taintedx frame design by enzo.27
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