![[3o3] general info .. by NiBC^3o3 n' CraSh^TD](/pack/303pack1/x1/0397INFO.ANS.png)
this image contains text
i n fo
. 3o3 . .
. . p r Od u c t i O n s 9 7 . .
So its happened,.. a new era of 3o3 insanity aproaches.
This is the rebirth of the future, like no human ever seen it
before. An underground worm of subsonic frequency guides us to a
nation of 3o3 products, we are one tribe marching to the end of
Each realese from 3o3 is a cabalistic map design to navigate you
through the lower and higher realms of what we call reality.
Dumb fuck:-Why do you call your group 3o3??
NiBC3o3: -Its a tribute to the Roland tb303.
Dumb fuck:-huh,. whatz that??
NiBC3o3: -Well dude, if ya dont know,.. Im not gonna tell ya.. *grin*
Dumb fuck:-Pleazze mister,. I wanna know..
-Hmm... well you cant describe it with words any fucken way, so I
guess you have to listen to the 3o3.wav
which I sampled from my friends tb... Thanx dude!!!
NiBC3o3: -Now go listen,. and stop buggin me you lame fuck...
btw, theres an tb303 in our vgaloggomade by yeti
so check it out too..
You may already have noticed that thiz isnt y0 ordinary iNFo file. But well well, we aint y0 ordinary group eitha .
now let the divisions speak for themselves...
Yeah.. this is my part i guess.. well.. First some facts: ?!?!
1.Our first totally amazing artpack is on its way into your minds
where its gonna stay.. until the next pack comes
2.New kewl members stands outside our locked door every day
tryin to persude us to let them in..
3.I dont have the time to sit here writinmore facts ..
Now.. some of those rumours..
1.3o3 Productions is the kewlest artgroup on the scene today..
strange.. i cant remember where i heard it..
2.Acid will merge into 3o3.. ..damn!?! forgot who said that
3.3o3 artists cant draw .. What?!?!?
Hmmffh.. thats it.. no more rumours!! Over to the new members
of the art division.. .
Hyperion - New artist whos running the 3o3 member-
board Hackers Lair.
Renegade - Joined 3o3 prod. as an ansi artist.
Beldin - Joined as an ascii artist. Also running
the 3o3 memberboard Blue Room.
Pestilence - Joined 3o3 prod.as an ansi artist and hes
operating the memberboard Phare Side.
Drax - Talented ascii artist.. uhm.. dunno what
to say more about him..
Red - Another cool ascii artist who joined our
little fancy group..
Photo-X - Joined 3o3 as a vga artist and musician.
BigYellowM.- Joined 3o3 as an ansi artist. This guy is
good, really good i think. His board, Wu
Tang, will now be one of our memberboards.
Undertaker - Joined 3o3 as an ansi artist. Hes also a
member of Fusion.
Deezak - Joined 3o3 just before we released this
pack as an ascii/vga artist. I believe
hes runnin a board too.. i dunno ..
Psychic - Joined also 3o3 art division late as an
ansi artist.. He also has a board i think,
ill get back to that later ..
Crash!td. - writer joined as a leader of the art
section. Will take care of new members
and write these infos.. .
We welcome you all into our big happy family .. ?
We are also proud to to present our guest artist of this month,
Mongi of Acid.. Every month well have a secret guest artist ..
Who is it next month?? Wait n see!!
If you think YOU can draw ansi/ascii/vga/rip you better contact me
or Nibc3o3 .. remember that joining 3o3 3o3 succ3ss!!
Well.. dunno what to say more about this art divve.. Spread our
pack all over the globe!!
laj73r0n.. .
//Crash Test Dummy3o3
musicdivisiOn.. .
If you met an alien, wouldnt you want to know what got him high
or what sounds did he dance to, or what was his language and what was in his stash box??
......We speak alien!!!!
With our music division. -The mothership has landed.
Most of our artist make strictly acidstyled underground alien techno
And we like to keep it that way, so if ya thinkin of applying for
3o3 dont even bother if you dont make any kind of underground
This is the first division and have deepest growing roots in the
3o3 earth. Look out 4 these already realesed music tunez:
songname alien
nutthin but an E-thang -Dj Nibc
acidwarrior -Dj Nibc
breaking tha wallflower -PHoToX
closer to GoD -PHoToX
running -Dj B00man
the end -Dj B00man
da funk remix -Dj Nibc
R ya there? remix -Dj Nibc
codingdivisiOn.. .
Well, these guys just make cewl stuff for us and support all memberboards with intros. They are currently working on an apply door for PB.
contact us at. ..
Our url are under construction and can be find at
Contact us: group e-mail: tb3o3@hem1.passagen.se
iRC: 3o3 EFnet
apply 4 3o3..
We are always looking for good artists, and if you got the skillz
dont hezitate to apply.
We need: ans/ascii/vga artists, coders almost all languages,
musicansmod/xm/s3m/mp3/otha.., distboards, html/java/pearl coders,
anyone that can fix us an ircbot 4 3o3.
Have you got the skillz that it takes to be a 3o3 artist?
Fill in the apply.3o3 file and send it to tb3o3@hem1.passagen.se
We would like to thank
all our artists for their contributions
raider, bym, skylord, nOah, junkie, rage,
cybernide, cb, puppiluppan, mongi, Vibr8
all of those that we forgot
Last but not least. .. . .all of them paravictims out there
thats it ..
btw!.. This info was written by NiBC3o3 n Crashtd ..
i n fo
. 3o3 . .
. . p r Od u c t i O n s 9 7 . .
So its happened,.. a new era of 3o3 insanity aproaches.
This is the rebirth of the future, like no human ever seen it
before. An underground worm of subsonic frequency guides us to a
nation of 3o3 products, we are one tribe marching to the end of
Each realese from 3o3 is a cabalistic map design to navigate you
through the lower and higher realms of what we call reality.
Dumb fuck:-Why do you call your group 3o3??
NiBC3o3: -Its a tribute to the Roland tb303.
Dumb fuck:-huh,. whatz that??
NiBC3o3: -Well dude, if ya dont know,.. Im not gonna tell ya.. *grin*
Dumb fuck:-Pleazze mister,. I wanna know..
-Hmm... well you cant describe it with words any fucken way, so I
guess you have to listen to the 3o3.wav
which I sampled from my friends tb... Thanx dude!!!
NiBC3o3: -Now go listen,. and stop buggin me you lame fuck...
btw, theres an tb303 in our vgaloggomade by yeti
so check it out too..
You may already have noticed that thiz isnt y0 ordinary iNFo file. But well well, we aint y0 ordinary group eitha .
now let the divisions speak for themselves...
Yeah.. this is my part i guess.. well.. First some facts: ?!?!
1.Our first totally amazing artpack is on its way into your minds
where its gonna stay.. until the next pack comes
2.New kewl members stands outside our locked door every day
tryin to persude us to let them in..
3.I dont have the time to sit here writinmore facts ..
Now.. some of those rumours..
1.3o3 Productions is the kewlest artgroup on the scene today..
strange.. i cant remember where i heard it..
2.Acid will merge into 3o3.. ..damn!?! forgot who said that
3.3o3 artists cant draw .. What?!?!?
Hmmffh.. thats it.. no more rumours!! Over to the new members
of the art division.. .
Hyperion - New artist whos running the 3o3 member-
board Hackers Lair.
Renegade - Joined 3o3 prod. as an ansi artist.
Beldin - Joined as an ascii artist. Also running
the 3o3 memberboard Blue Room.
Pestilence - Joined 3o3 prod.as an ansi artist and hes
operating the memberboard Phare Side.
Drax - Talented ascii artist.. uhm.. dunno what
to say more about him..
Red - Another cool ascii artist who joined our
little fancy group..
Photo-X - Joined 3o3 as a vga artist and musician.
BigYellowM.- Joined 3o3 as an ansi artist. This guy is
good, really good i think. His board, Wu
Tang, will now be one of our memberboards.
Undertaker - Joined 3o3 as an ansi artist. Hes also a
member of Fusion.
Deezak - Joined 3o3 just before we released this
pack as an ascii/vga artist. I believe
hes runnin a board too.. i dunno ..
Psychic - Joined also 3o3 art division late as an
ansi artist.. He also has a board i think,
ill get back to that later ..
Crash!td. - writer joined as a leader of the art
section. Will take care of new members
and write these infos.. .
We welcome you all into our big happy family .. ?
We are also proud to to present our guest artist of this month,
Mongi of Acid.. Every month well have a secret guest artist ..
Who is it next month?? Wait n see!!
If you think YOU can draw ansi/ascii/vga/rip you better contact me
or Nibc3o3 .. remember that joining 3o3 3o3 succ3ss!!
Well.. dunno what to say more about this art divve.. Spread our
pack all over the globe!!
laj73r0n.. .
//Crash Test Dummy3o3
musicdivisiOn.. .
If you met an alien, wouldnt you want to know what got him high
or what sounds did he dance to, or what was his language and what was in his stash box??
......We speak alien!!!!
With our music division. -The mothership has landed.
Most of our artist make strictly acidstyled underground alien techno
And we like to keep it that way, so if ya thinkin of applying for
3o3 dont even bother if you dont make any kind of underground
This is the first division and have deepest growing roots in the
3o3 earth. Look out 4 these already realesed music tunez:
songname alien
nutthin but an E-thang -Dj Nibc
acidwarrior -Dj Nibc
breaking tha wallflower -PHoToX
closer to GoD -PHoToX
running -Dj B00man
the end -Dj B00man
da funk remix -Dj Nibc
R ya there? remix -Dj Nibc
codingdivisiOn.. .
Well, these guys just make cewl stuff for us and support all memberboards with intros. They are currently working on an apply door for PB.
contact us at. ..
Our url are under construction and can be find at
Contact us: group e-mail: tb3o3@hem1.passagen.se
iRC: 3o3 EFnet
apply 4 3o3..
We are always looking for good artists, and if you got the skillz
dont hezitate to apply.
We need: ans/ascii/vga artists, coders almost all languages,
musicansmod/xm/s3m/mp3/otha.., distboards, html/java/pearl coders,
anyone that can fix us an ircbot 4 3o3.
Have you got the skillz that it takes to be a 3o3 artist?
Fill in the apply.3o3 file and send it to tb3o3@hem1.passagen.se
We would like to thank
all our artists for their contributions
raider, bym, skylord, nOah, junkie, rage,
cybernide, cb, puppiluppan, mongi, Vibr8
all of those that we forgot
Last but not least. .. . .all of them paravictims out there
thats it ..
btw!.. This info was written by NiBC3o3 n Crashtd ..
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