this image contains text
hey rattle, delete the old ansi.. it sucked
. heres a new one
Rock and Roll adolescent hoodlums storm the streets of all nations.
They rush
into the Louvre and throw acid in the Mona Lisas face. They open z
oos, insane
asylums, prisons, burst water mains with air hammers, chop the floo
r out of
passenger plane lavatories, shoot out lighthouses, file elevator ca
bles to one
thin wire, turn sewers into the water supply, throw sharks and stin
g rays,
electric eels and candiru into swimming pools, in nautical costumes
ram the
Queen Mary full speed into New York Harbor, play chicken with passe
nger planes
and buses, rush into hospitals in white coats carrying saws and axe
s and
scalpels three feet long throw paralytics out of iron lungs mimic
suffocations flopping about on the floor and rolling their eyes up
, administer
injections with bicycle pumps, disconnect artificial kidneys, saw a
woman in
half with a two-man surgical saw, they drive herds of squealing pig
s into the
Curb, they shit on the floor of the United Nations and wipe their a
ss with
treaties, pacts, alliances. - William Burroughs
t h e l a n d
o f r a p e a n d h o n e y
609698-1358 / usr 28.8 v34 / nup - faith collapsing / ops -
milktea whq / broken dist / igo dist / big nads dist / tho mem
jazz dist / lamenet whq / screamnet whq / aimnet / flamenet / r
usunet / kimpnet / alliancenet / trinitynet / voidnet
yea, i know its short but.. its better than nothing
100 original ansi by Eerie Spastic
wanna buy an eerie ansi? call my board, sarcastic toaster, 418
849 0121
. heres a new one
Rock and Roll adolescent hoodlums storm the streets of all nations.
They rush
into the Louvre and throw acid in the Mona Lisas face. They open z
oos, insane
asylums, prisons, burst water mains with air hammers, chop the floo
r out of
passenger plane lavatories, shoot out lighthouses, file elevator ca
bles to one
thin wire, turn sewers into the water supply, throw sharks and stin
g rays,
electric eels and candiru into swimming pools, in nautical costumes
ram the
Queen Mary full speed into New York Harbor, play chicken with passe
nger planes
and buses, rush into hospitals in white coats carrying saws and axe
s and
scalpels three feet long throw paralytics out of iron lungs mimic
suffocations flopping about on the floor and rolling their eyes up
, administer
injections with bicycle pumps, disconnect artificial kidneys, saw a
woman in
half with a two-man surgical saw, they drive herds of squealing pig
s into the
Curb, they shit on the floor of the United Nations and wipe their a
ss with
treaties, pacts, alliances. - William Burroughs
t h e l a n d
o f r a p e a n d h o n e y
609698-1358 / usr 28.8 v34 / nup - faith collapsing / ops -
milktea whq / broken dist / igo dist / big nads dist / tho mem
jazz dist / lamenet whq / screamnet whq / aimnet / flamenet / r
usunet / kimpnet / alliancenet / trinitynet / voidnet
yea, i know its short but.. its better than nothing
100 original ansi by Eerie Spastic
wanna buy an eerie ansi? call my board, sarcastic toaster, 418
849 0121
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