![Liquid by Psychoholic Slag](/pack/765n001/x1/PS-LQD1.ANS.png)
this image contains text
psychoholic slag765
o. e.
ll :e. .ee.
eo. .e.e
ll l: :
.. ll eee ee
ll : e e: l:
S5 l
l: .
l: ee :l e
eeee. ee
:l l :
e e
.. n ,n .
. d.. P.. b . ..o@@o.. .o@o. .o@ P o. .oo.oo. , , nnnd ..
.ob o.
.o ..
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,ooooo :.
@o. l-pS .o@
@o.. .@@o.: .,dO@o. .o@
ob.ii .no@
. d :li@b .
o. o @Ooo. bd .o
o B. P d:. .o@o :
d . .. b. ..::.. . b
.o.. .n .o ,i o. P . ,d .
.@@,od i @bo..d@bd.
. d.
d .@n@o. b.oob..d,n,. .
. odo.
i. .
b. .. @. .@o..
i,i : YP , .
. b d i :i : i . -pS!
i i .. ,i
i. .o.. .i
.::::: .nb ..b. .:: :
::::: :: ,.: n.. .::
.::: :: n.n ::::::i:::::: :
:: ::: ::::,:i ::::::
:::: .:.b.b n .n. :::::::
::::: b ::::
::::: .n.::::::::. :::
There was supposed to be a logo in here but i didnt have time to do it.
This was made for Liquid! And it is a board in israel so unless youre its
sysop please dont use this for your board! Do not be an asshole, dont steal!
Thanks to w7 cuz he colored it.
Im too tired for greets.
o. e.
ll :e. .ee.
eo. .e.e
ll l: :
.. ll eee ee
ll : e e: l:
S5 l
l: .
l: ee :l e
eeee. ee
:l l :
e e
.. n ,n .
. d.. P.. b . ..o@@o.. .o@o. .o@ P o. .oo.oo. , , nnnd ..
.ob o.
.o ..
, .ooooo....
,ooooo :.
@o. l-pS .o@
@o.. .@@o.: .,dO@o. .o@
ob.ii .no@
. d :li@b .
o. o @Ooo. bd .o
o B. P d:. .o@o :
d . .. b. ..::.. . b
.o.. .n .o ,i o. P . ,d .
.@@,od i @bo..d@bd.
. d.
d .@n@o. b.oob..d,n,. .
. odo.
i. .
b. .. @. .@o..
i,i : YP , .
. b d i :i : i . -pS!
i i .. ,i
i. .o.. .i
.::::: .nb ..b. .:: :
::::: :: ,.: n.. .::
.::: :: n.n ::::::i:::::: :
:: ::: ::::,:i ::::::
:::: .:.b.b n .n. :::::::
::::: b ::::
::::: .n.::::::::. :::
There was supposed to be a logo in here but i didnt have time to do it.
This was made for Liquid! And it is a board in israel so unless youre its
sysop please dont use this for your board! Do not be an asshole, dont steal!
Thanks to w7 cuz he colored it.
Im too tired for greets.
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