this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : December Update January 1st, 1996
Note: The file ACDU0196.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-TEE GIF 164921 010195 ACiD T-Shirt Promo
*2 ACID-TEE NFO 4268 010195 + ACiD T-Shirt Order Form
*3 ACID0196 ANS 38188 010196 + January Member/Site Listing
*4 ACIDAPP EXE 43962 010196 ACiD Application Form Generator
*5 ACIDVIEW EXE 120906 010196 ACiD View version 4
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 44708 010196 + ACiD View Documentation
*6 AN-IDES1 ANS 31761 010196 + Ides of March
*7 BL-EVIL2 ANS 14741 010196 + Evil Intentions
*8 CS-CDINC GIF 187625 010196 Cool Dudes Inc.
*9 CS-PBLNK GIF 158203 010196 Point Blank Homepage
*10 CS-SPRTG GIF 48542 010196 Superthing Demo Advo
*11 CS-TOUCH GIF 215882 010196 Touch of Class
*12 CS-TREMR GIF 176601 123195 Tremor
*13 DG-NEO1 RIP 155640 010196 Neo Nacho
*N/CFILEID DIZ 444 010196 Acquisition FILE ID by RK
*14 GR-LGCY ANS 14876 010196 + Legacy
*15 IV-ACID2 RIP 27157 010196 ACiD Promo
*16 KH-SUPER ANS 28408 010196 + Superunknown
*17 KM-ACID1 ANS 23505 010196 + ACiD Is The Best
*18 KM-FORUM ANS 23726 010196 + The Forum
*19 KM-PROPH ANS 25189 010196 + Prophecy
*20 KO-ACID GIF 140596 010196 Koshs Desk
*21 PR-GRAVE GIF 39565 010196 The Graveyard
*22 PR-SOULT GIF 30219 010196 The Exorcism
*23 SA-STATC RIP 273600 010196 Static Chronicles
*24 SB-FREEZ ANS 16730 010196 + Freezing Moon
*25 UNS-ARAC ANS 26343 010196 + Arachne
*26 US-ALIEN GIF 191033 010196 Alien Fruit Punch
*27 US-PULSE ANS 39605 010196 + Pulse
*28 US-SPLAT EXE 399457 010196 Splatterhouse
*29 US-WLUST ANS 16396 010196 + The WonderLust
*30 WE-WILL SUE 1531 010196 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
*31 ZV-CS360 RIP 177408 010196 Cyberskyline 360
*32 ACDU0196 NFO 6021 010196 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 34 Average Compression Rate: 25
Total Bytes: 2,907,757 Average Of Bytes/File: 61,699
Total Bytes Zipped: 2,196,873
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : December Update January 1st, 1996
Note: The file ACDU0196.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-TEE GIF 164921 010195 ACiD T-Shirt Promo
*2 ACID-TEE NFO 4268 010195 + ACiD T-Shirt Order Form
*3 ACID0196 ANS 38188 010196 + January Member/Site Listing
*4 ACIDAPP EXE 43962 010196 ACiD Application Form Generator
*5 ACIDVIEW EXE 120906 010196 ACiD View version 4
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 44708 010196 + ACiD View Documentation
*6 AN-IDES1 ANS 31761 010196 + Ides of March
*7 BL-EVIL2 ANS 14741 010196 + Evil Intentions
*8 CS-CDINC GIF 187625 010196 Cool Dudes Inc.
*9 CS-PBLNK GIF 158203 010196 Point Blank Homepage
*10 CS-SPRTG GIF 48542 010196 Superthing Demo Advo
*11 CS-TOUCH GIF 215882 010196 Touch of Class
*12 CS-TREMR GIF 176601 123195 Tremor
*13 DG-NEO1 RIP 155640 010196 Neo Nacho
*N/CFILEID DIZ 444 010196 Acquisition FILE ID by RK
*14 GR-LGCY ANS 14876 010196 + Legacy
*15 IV-ACID2 RIP 27157 010196 ACiD Promo
*16 KH-SUPER ANS 28408 010196 + Superunknown
*17 KM-ACID1 ANS 23505 010196 + ACiD Is The Best
*18 KM-FORUM ANS 23726 010196 + The Forum
*19 KM-PROPH ANS 25189 010196 + Prophecy
*20 KO-ACID GIF 140596 010196 Koshs Desk
*21 PR-GRAVE GIF 39565 010196 The Graveyard
*22 PR-SOULT GIF 30219 010196 The Exorcism
*23 SA-STATC RIP 273600 010196 Static Chronicles
*24 SB-FREEZ ANS 16730 010196 + Freezing Moon
*25 UNS-ARAC ANS 26343 010196 + Arachne
*26 US-ALIEN GIF 191033 010196 Alien Fruit Punch
*27 US-PULSE ANS 39605 010196 + Pulse
*28 US-SPLAT EXE 399457 010196 Splatterhouse
*29 US-WLUST ANS 16396 010196 + The WonderLust
*30 WE-WILL SUE 1531 010196 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
*31 ZV-CS360 RIP 177408 010196 Cyberskyline 360
*32 ACDU0196 NFO 6021 010196 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 34 Average Compression Rate: 25
Total Bytes: 2,907,757 Average Of Bytes/File: 61,699
Total Bytes Zipped: 2,196,873
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