this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : April Update May 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU0595.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0495 ANS 4922 043095 + April 1995 Member/Board List
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 35277 040195 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW CFG 3973 030195 + ACiD View configuration
*4 ACIDVIEW EXE 168756 030195 ACiD View version 3
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 42282 040195 + ACiD View Documentation
*5 AN-SUCCO GIF 103485 050195 Succotash
*6 AR-ACID1 ANS 13229 050195 + ACiD Promotional
*7 AR-PRLX2 ANS 10316 042295 + Parallox
*8 AY-ACID1 ANS 3225 042795 ACiD
*9 AY-EBS1 ANS 4128 050195 Earth Bound Studios
*10 AY-HAQ1 ANS 3567 041495 Haq Shaq
*11 AY-MD1 ANS 6038 041195 Mystic Dreams
*12 AY-MIST1 ANS 19395 041195 + Mist
*13 AY-NEVER ANS 2153 041295 Never
*14 AY-PRAY2 ANS 3281 042695 Prayer
*15 AY-REG1 ANS 2700 042595 The Regency
*16 AY-SBZ ANS 4079 041195 Sushi Bar Z
*17 AY-SIN2 ANS 3914 041395 Sinister
*18 AY-SUCC3 ANS 2952 041195 Succotash
*19 AY-SUCC4 ANS 4897 041695 Succotash
*20 AY-TGATE ANS 2035 050195 The Gate
*21 AY-UF3 ANS 3572 042395 Unseen Fate
*22 AY-UW1 ANS 4193 042595 The Underworld
*23 BD-LD01 RIP 11094 050195 Liquid Dreams
*24 BM-STEM1 RIP 24272 050195 Sadistic Temple
*25 BM-SUCCO RIP 18811 050195 Succotash
*26 EV-TRN1 ANS 53679 050195 + The Ravaged Nightmare
*N/CFILEID DIZ 665 042595 Acquisition FILE ID by LD
*27 GAS-CFS1 ANS 34671 050195 + Confusion
*28 GAS-ENDL ANS 2125 050195 Endless
*29 LD-HUMA1 ANS 1862 050195 Huma
*30 LD-IC3 ANS 3340 041695 Ill Communication
*31 LD-NL ANS 4525 042095 Negative Land
*32 LD-TD1 ANS 25391 050195 + Tori Do
*33 MG-SYZGY RIP 43400 043095 Syzygy
*34 NEWS0595 ANS 30239 050195 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 7 05/9
*35 P1-FBYND ANS 22180 050195 + Far Beyond
*36 P1-NT RIP 20006 042795 Neo Tokyo
*37 P1-PCITY RIP 26579 042295 Psycho City
*38 RN-ELF4 ANS 4403 050195 Elite Leisure Files
*39 SM-PSD RIP 20594 050195 Psycho Squad
*40 SP-SUCCO ANS 3069 041895 Succotash
*41 SRAT-ACD BIN 33409 050195 ++ ACiD 95
*42 SRAT-AD1 ANS 9156 042595 + Atomic Delusions
*43 SS-EVO GIF 197437 050195 Evolution
*44 SS-NAID GIF 151788 050195 NAID Graphics Entry 2nd Place
*45 SS-VOTB RIP 16351 043095 Valley of the Buffalo
*46 STC-EC ANS 37087 050195 + Earth Crisis
*47 STC-SB ANS 34720 050195 + The Silver Bullet
*48 US-SBZ1 ANS 22826 050195 + Sushi Bar Z
*49 WE-WILL SUE 1531 050195 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
*50 ACDU0595 NFO 7461 050195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 52 Average Compression Rate: 35
Total Bytes: 1,315,040 Average Of Bytes/File: 25,289
Total Bytes Zipped: 869,608
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : April Update May 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU0595.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0495 ANS 4922 043095 + April 1995 Member/Board List
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 35277 040195 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW CFG 3973 030195 + ACiD View configuration
*4 ACIDVIEW EXE 168756 030195 ACiD View version 3
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 42282 040195 + ACiD View Documentation
*5 AN-SUCCO GIF 103485 050195 Succotash
*6 AR-ACID1 ANS 13229 050195 + ACiD Promotional
*7 AR-PRLX2 ANS 10316 042295 + Parallox
*8 AY-ACID1 ANS 3225 042795 ACiD
*9 AY-EBS1 ANS 4128 050195 Earth Bound Studios
*10 AY-HAQ1 ANS 3567 041495 Haq Shaq
*11 AY-MD1 ANS 6038 041195 Mystic Dreams
*12 AY-MIST1 ANS 19395 041195 + Mist
*13 AY-NEVER ANS 2153 041295 Never
*14 AY-PRAY2 ANS 3281 042695 Prayer
*15 AY-REG1 ANS 2700 042595 The Regency
*16 AY-SBZ ANS 4079 041195 Sushi Bar Z
*17 AY-SIN2 ANS 3914 041395 Sinister
*18 AY-SUCC3 ANS 2952 041195 Succotash
*19 AY-SUCC4 ANS 4897 041695 Succotash
*20 AY-TGATE ANS 2035 050195 The Gate
*21 AY-UF3 ANS 3572 042395 Unseen Fate
*22 AY-UW1 ANS 4193 042595 The Underworld
*23 BD-LD01 RIP 11094 050195 Liquid Dreams
*24 BM-STEM1 RIP 24272 050195 Sadistic Temple
*25 BM-SUCCO RIP 18811 050195 Succotash
*26 EV-TRN1 ANS 53679 050195 + The Ravaged Nightmare
*N/CFILEID DIZ 665 042595 Acquisition FILE ID by LD
*27 GAS-CFS1 ANS 34671 050195 + Confusion
*28 GAS-ENDL ANS 2125 050195 Endless
*29 LD-HUMA1 ANS 1862 050195 Huma
*30 LD-IC3 ANS 3340 041695 Ill Communication
*31 LD-NL ANS 4525 042095 Negative Land
*32 LD-TD1 ANS 25391 050195 + Tori Do
*33 MG-SYZGY RIP 43400 043095 Syzygy
*34 NEWS0595 ANS 30239 050195 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 7 05/9
*35 P1-FBYND ANS 22180 050195 + Far Beyond
*36 P1-NT RIP 20006 042795 Neo Tokyo
*37 P1-PCITY RIP 26579 042295 Psycho City
*38 RN-ELF4 ANS 4403 050195 Elite Leisure Files
*39 SM-PSD RIP 20594 050195 Psycho Squad
*40 SP-SUCCO ANS 3069 041895 Succotash
*41 SRAT-ACD BIN 33409 050195 ++ ACiD 95
*42 SRAT-AD1 ANS 9156 042595 + Atomic Delusions
*43 SS-EVO GIF 197437 050195 Evolution
*44 SS-NAID GIF 151788 050195 NAID Graphics Entry 2nd Place
*45 SS-VOTB RIP 16351 043095 Valley of the Buffalo
*46 STC-EC ANS 37087 050195 + Earth Crisis
*47 STC-SB ANS 34720 050195 + The Silver Bullet
*48 US-SBZ1 ANS 22826 050195 + Sushi Bar Z
*49 WE-WILL SUE 1531 050195 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
*50 ACDU0595 NFO 7461 050195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 52 Average Compression Rate: 35
Total Bytes: 1,315,040 Average Of Bytes/File: 25,289
Total Bytes Zipped: 869,608
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