this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : May Update June 1st, 1993
Note: The file ACDU0693.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0593 ANS 8734 53193 + May Members List
*N/CACIDART APL 4939 52993 + ACiD Artists Application Form
*N/CACIDCOUR APL 3572 53193 + ACiD Courier Application Form
*N/CACIDVGA APL 2141 50893 + ACiD VGA Request Application
*2 AE-BHARM ANS 41020 51793 + Bodily Harm
*3 AE-CHAIN ANS 7447 50793 + Unchained Walking the fine...
*4 AE-CLSTS ANS 14144 51493 + Celerity User Stats Screen
*5 AE-HELL ANS 15397 53193 + Hell
*6 AK-SPAWN EXE 57077 52893 The Spawning Grounds SVGA
*7 CE-SPLAT ANS 18947 52993 + Splatter House
*8 DH-ACID1 ANS 7320 50293 + ACiD 1993
*9 DH-ACID1 EXE 49784 53193 x ACiD Logo
*10 DH-ADREN EXE 31588 52993 Adrenalin Logo
*11 DH-CRWL ANS 35550 51593 + Crewel Lye
*12 DH-MAXX ANS 11466 50493 + Maxx ViSiON-X Stats Screen
*13 DS-FZONE ANS 19992 53193 + Final Zone
*14 DT-GHETO ANS 214105 52693 x The Ghetto
*15 DT-TGF ANS 11945 51593 + GodFather Systems
*16 DV-FEAR1 EXE 62253 52993 Fear and Loathing
*N/CFILEID DIZ 208 52993 Acquisition FILE ID by Vision
*17 FN-AOXOM ANS 9650 50393 + AOXOMOXOA
*18 FN-CCI1 ANS 2291 52293 CCi CyberCrime Logo
*19 FN-TKEEP ANS 25441 52393 + The Keep
*20 FX-ACID2 EXE 144555 53193 ACiDs Spin Plas
*21 GO-CITY1 ANS 35600 52493 + The City
*22 IZ-EPID ANS 7047 50793 + Epidemic Illusions
*23 IZ-HELLB ANS 15245 52793 + Hell Bound
*24 LM-EVLN ANS 46020 50593 + Evilution
*25 LM-IUD ANS 11207 51093 + INC Utility Division Logo/Mems
*26 LM-SWAT1 ANS 4813 51593 SWAT Couriers Logo
*27 MH-T1000 EXE 65413 52293 CLINTERMINATOR
*28 MX-RL1 EXE 53558 53193 x Renegade Legion
*29 MX-SN5 ZIP 105938 52693 Saturn V
*30 PJ-HELL ANS 22575 51393 + Hell
*31 PJ-UNT ANS 18399 50993 + Untouchables Logo
*32 RS-IR1 EXE 98403 53193 x Infinite Ragnarok
*33 SC-RD EXE 12313 52493 Realms of Darkness EGA/VGA
*34 SK-ACID ANS 7238 50893 + ACiD Bunny and Logo
*35 SK-TUD ANS 28156 51593 + The Utopian Dream
*36 TK-AV353 ZIP 39963 60193 ACiD Acquisition Viewer v3.53
*37 VS-TTC ANS 8087 50293 + Terrorist Training Camp
*38 ACDU0693 NFO 6642 60193 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 42 Average Compression Rate: 41
Total Bytes: 1,386,162 Average Of Bytes/File: 33,004
Total Bytes Zipped: 835,000
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : May Update June 1st, 1993
Note: The file ACDU0693.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0593 ANS 8734 53193 + May Members List
*N/CACIDART APL 4939 52993 + ACiD Artists Application Form
*N/CACIDCOUR APL 3572 53193 + ACiD Courier Application Form
*N/CACIDVGA APL 2141 50893 + ACiD VGA Request Application
*2 AE-BHARM ANS 41020 51793 + Bodily Harm
*3 AE-CHAIN ANS 7447 50793 + Unchained Walking the fine...
*4 AE-CLSTS ANS 14144 51493 + Celerity User Stats Screen
*5 AE-HELL ANS 15397 53193 + Hell
*6 AK-SPAWN EXE 57077 52893 The Spawning Grounds SVGA
*7 CE-SPLAT ANS 18947 52993 + Splatter House
*8 DH-ACID1 ANS 7320 50293 + ACiD 1993
*9 DH-ACID1 EXE 49784 53193 x ACiD Logo
*10 DH-ADREN EXE 31588 52993 Adrenalin Logo
*11 DH-CRWL ANS 35550 51593 + Crewel Lye
*12 DH-MAXX ANS 11466 50493 + Maxx ViSiON-X Stats Screen
*13 DS-FZONE ANS 19992 53193 + Final Zone
*14 DT-GHETO ANS 214105 52693 x The Ghetto
*15 DT-TGF ANS 11945 51593 + GodFather Systems
*16 DV-FEAR1 EXE 62253 52993 Fear and Loathing
*N/CFILEID DIZ 208 52993 Acquisition FILE ID by Vision
*17 FN-AOXOM ANS 9650 50393 + AOXOMOXOA
*18 FN-CCI1 ANS 2291 52293 CCi CyberCrime Logo
*19 FN-TKEEP ANS 25441 52393 + The Keep
*20 FX-ACID2 EXE 144555 53193 ACiDs Spin Plas
*21 GO-CITY1 ANS 35600 52493 + The City
*22 IZ-EPID ANS 7047 50793 + Epidemic Illusions
*23 IZ-HELLB ANS 15245 52793 + Hell Bound
*24 LM-EVLN ANS 46020 50593 + Evilution
*25 LM-IUD ANS 11207 51093 + INC Utility Division Logo/Mems
*26 LM-SWAT1 ANS 4813 51593 SWAT Couriers Logo
*27 MH-T1000 EXE 65413 52293 CLINTERMINATOR
*28 MX-RL1 EXE 53558 53193 x Renegade Legion
*29 MX-SN5 ZIP 105938 52693 Saturn V
*30 PJ-HELL ANS 22575 51393 + Hell
*31 PJ-UNT ANS 18399 50993 + Untouchables Logo
*32 RS-IR1 EXE 98403 53193 x Infinite Ragnarok
*33 SC-RD EXE 12313 52493 Realms of Darkness EGA/VGA
*34 SK-ACID ANS 7238 50893 + ACiD Bunny and Logo
*35 SK-TUD ANS 28156 51593 + The Utopian Dream
*36 TK-AV353 ZIP 39963 60193 ACiD Acquisition Viewer v3.53
*37 VS-TTC ANS 8087 50293 + Terrorist Training Camp
*38 ACDU0693 NFO 6642 60193 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 42 Average Compression Rate: 41
Total Bytes: 1,386,162 Average Of Bytes/File: 33,004
Total Bytes Zipped: 835,000
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