this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : May Update June 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0694.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0594 ANS 9694 053094 + May Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 132304 060194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.02
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 33192 060194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AK-CULT EXE 62376 053094 x The Cult
*5 AN-ACID1 RIP 12035 052394 ACiD Promotional
*6 AN-CAES2 RIP 20397 050994 Caesars Palace
*7 AN-HV1 ANS 15457 060194 + Harvest Moon
*8 AN-LD1 RIP 20467 050794 Lost Destiny
*9 AZ-AMBER RIP 87521 051894 Amber
*10 AZ-STGHD RIP 157945 051494 Stronghold
*11 BE-FRNGS ANS 16606 060194 + The Fringes
*12 BE-PR1 ANS 20885 060194 + Perfect Rebellion
*13 BK-TD ANS 34940 060194 + Terminal Drift
*14 DH-CS ANS 17411 052894 + Corrupted Society
*15 DR-NEO1 ANS 20080 060194 + Neo Tokyo
*16 DV-ARDEV EXE 104712 053194 Arrested Development
*N/CFILEID DIZ 445 060194 Acquisition FILE ID by S
*17 GN-TASB RIP 38180 051894 The Armageddon Support BBS
*18 GN-THA RIP 39012 060194 The Heretic Asylum
*19 GU-ACD1 ANS 27378 051094 + ACiD Promotional
*20 KM-69 ANS 56683 060194 + Psalm 69
*21 KM-ACID1 ANS 10561 060194 + Were All F*cked Up
*22 KM-SANC1 ANS 29252 060194 + Sanctuary
*23 LD-BL ANS 31094 060194 + The BadLands
*24 LD-CH02 RIP 32288 051494 Channel Zer0 2
*25 LD-COD1 RIP 23650 051294 Castle of Darkness
*26 LD-ER RIP 16322 051294 Exiled Race
*27 LD-TF1 ANS 34617 060194 + Terra Firma
*28 LD-TF2 RIP 39924 051394 Terra Firma
*29 LOGO0694 ZIP 9754 053094 Logo Assortment for June
*30 NEWS0694 ANS 12759 060194 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 4
*31 SAUCE PAS 10532 052894 + SAUCE assembly code
*32 SM-ACID3 RIP 5999 060194 ACiD Logo 3
*33 SM-NEO1 RIP 17739 053094 Neo Tokyo
*34 SM-PRMSP RIP 19034 052094 Primordial Soup
*35 SM-TF1 RIP 9091 060194 Terra Firma
*36 SO-BNW1 ANS 63889 060194 + Brave New World
*37 SO-FR1 ANS 32795 060194 + Flatlined Reality
*38 SW-ALTER EXE 63763 060194 Alter Reality
*39 SW-HOTEL EXE 75062 060194 Hotel California
*40 T2-TF1 ANS 45566 060194 + Terra Firma
*41 US-TSBD RIP 28967 060194 Texas School Book Depository
*42 WM-CCHOP EXE 14272 060194 CCHOP
*43 ACDU0694 NFO 6901 060194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 45 Average Compression Rate: 47
Total Bytes: 1,659,667 Average Of Bytes/File: 36,881
Total Bytes Zipped: 892,878
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : May Update June 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0694.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0594 ANS 9694 053094 + May Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 132304 060194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.02
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 33192 060194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AK-CULT EXE 62376 053094 x The Cult
*5 AN-ACID1 RIP 12035 052394 ACiD Promotional
*6 AN-CAES2 RIP 20397 050994 Caesars Palace
*7 AN-HV1 ANS 15457 060194 + Harvest Moon
*8 AN-LD1 RIP 20467 050794 Lost Destiny
*9 AZ-AMBER RIP 87521 051894 Amber
*10 AZ-STGHD RIP 157945 051494 Stronghold
*11 BE-FRNGS ANS 16606 060194 + The Fringes
*12 BE-PR1 ANS 20885 060194 + Perfect Rebellion
*13 BK-TD ANS 34940 060194 + Terminal Drift
*14 DH-CS ANS 17411 052894 + Corrupted Society
*15 DR-NEO1 ANS 20080 060194 + Neo Tokyo
*16 DV-ARDEV EXE 104712 053194 Arrested Development
*N/CFILEID DIZ 445 060194 Acquisition FILE ID by S
*17 GN-TASB RIP 38180 051894 The Armageddon Support BBS
*18 GN-THA RIP 39012 060194 The Heretic Asylum
*19 GU-ACD1 ANS 27378 051094 + ACiD Promotional
*20 KM-69 ANS 56683 060194 + Psalm 69
*21 KM-ACID1 ANS 10561 060194 + Were All F*cked Up
*22 KM-SANC1 ANS 29252 060194 + Sanctuary
*23 LD-BL ANS 31094 060194 + The BadLands
*24 LD-CH02 RIP 32288 051494 Channel Zer0 2
*25 LD-COD1 RIP 23650 051294 Castle of Darkness
*26 LD-ER RIP 16322 051294 Exiled Race
*27 LD-TF1 ANS 34617 060194 + Terra Firma
*28 LD-TF2 RIP 39924 051394 Terra Firma
*29 LOGO0694 ZIP 9754 053094 Logo Assortment for June
*30 NEWS0694 ANS 12759 060194 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 4
*31 SAUCE PAS 10532 052894 + SAUCE assembly code
*32 SM-ACID3 RIP 5999 060194 ACiD Logo 3
*33 SM-NEO1 RIP 17739 053094 Neo Tokyo
*34 SM-PRMSP RIP 19034 052094 Primordial Soup
*35 SM-TF1 RIP 9091 060194 Terra Firma
*36 SO-BNW1 ANS 63889 060194 + Brave New World
*37 SO-FR1 ANS 32795 060194 + Flatlined Reality
*38 SW-ALTER EXE 63763 060194 Alter Reality
*39 SW-HOTEL EXE 75062 060194 Hotel California
*40 T2-TF1 ANS 45566 060194 + Terra Firma
*41 US-TSBD RIP 28967 060194 Texas School Book Depository
*42 WM-CCHOP EXE 14272 060194 CCHOP
*43 ACDU0694 NFO 6901 060194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 45 Average Compression Rate: 47
Total Bytes: 1,659,667 Average Of Bytes/File: 36,881
Total Bytes Zipped: 892,878
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