this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : July Update August 1st, 1993
Note: The file ACDU0893.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0793 ANS 10415 73193 + July Members List
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 22049 70193 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 DV-CTDL EXE 60239 73093 Citadel
*4 ES-SVOR1 ANS 24346 70893 + Silicon Vortex
*5 EX-CITDL ANS 26854 72793 + The Citadel
*6 EX-DSOC1 ANS 44539 71093 + Dark Society
*N/CFILEID DIZ 237 80193 Acquisition FILE ID by AE
*7 FN-DD1 ANS 22519 71793 + Dark Dimension
*8 FN-HNET ANS 4279 72893 hyper net Logo
*9 FN-IRID1 ANS 1638 71893 + Iridium Logo
*10 FR-STATS ZIP 6204 72693 x Stats screens by Feyd-Rautha
*11 FR-SWAT ANS 18173 72993 + Swat
*12 FX-3D EXE 126601 73093 Three-Dee Shaded Vectors
*13 FX-HARD1 EXE 5836 72993 Hard Wired
*14 FX-SPIN EXE 22087 72893 Spinning ACiD
*15 GL-CVT2 ANS 33113 71093 + Cover Action 2
*16 GL-HARD1 ANS 10937 70793 + Hardwired
*17 GL-PAW1 ANS 3766 71393 PAW Logo
*18 GL-UNXD1 ANS 19358 71993 + The Unexpected Domain
*19 HL-TBE1 ANS 5426 71393 The Body Electric
*20 HL-TDS2 ANS 2619 71593 The Dark Society Logo
*21 HL-TSBR1 ANS 4189 70993 The Sound Barrier Logo
*22 HO-ACID ANS 12875 72993 ACiD Logo
*23 HO-HTEK ANS 4257 71593 Housetek Logo
*24 HO-TG ANS 181588 70393 + Total Grindage
*25 IC-CS ANS 31005 73093 + Crustys Spamland
*26 IC-PWA ANS 5374 72993 PWA Logo
*27 IC-OBV2 ANS 6431 73093 Oblivion/2 Stats Screen
*28 IL-ACID ANS 6323 73093 ACiD Logo
*29 IL-HS ANS 11182 73093 + Helter Skelter
*30 IM-CHAR1 ANS 7102 71193 + Charisma Logo
*31 IM-DL ANS 32855 72293 + Data Lore
*32 KR-FBEER ANS 23850 70993 + Free Beer
*33 LM-SWAT2 ANS 64905 72793 + Swat 2
*34 LN-FX ANS 18424 73093 + F/X
*35 MH-WHIRL EXE 39903 72993 ACiD Whirlpool
*36 MO-ALIEN ANS 55457 73193 + Alien picture
*37 PE-DSOC1 ANS 17242 71993 + Dark Society
*38 PJ-CRIM ANS 3413 72893 Crimson II Logo
*39 RS-METAL EXE 119881 73093 Metal Works
*40 SC-GHETO ANS 60003 72393 Ghetto
*41 TK-AV353 ZIP 39963 60193 ACiD Acquisition Viewer v3.53
*42 TR-SOUND ANS 322040 80193 x+ Sound Barrier
*43 VS-SGMAG ANS 4513 72793 Shallow Ground Logo
*44 ZN-INC ANS 4779 70393 INC Logo
*45 ACDU0893 NFO 6962 80193 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 46 Average Compression Rate: 63
Total Bytes: 1,555,728 Average Of Bytes/File: 33,820
Total Bytes Zipped: 586,280
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : July Update August 1st, 1993
Note: The file ACDU0893.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0793 ANS 10415 73193 + July Members List
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 22049 70193 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 DV-CTDL EXE 60239 73093 Citadel
*4 ES-SVOR1 ANS 24346 70893 + Silicon Vortex
*5 EX-CITDL ANS 26854 72793 + The Citadel
*6 EX-DSOC1 ANS 44539 71093 + Dark Society
*N/CFILEID DIZ 237 80193 Acquisition FILE ID by AE
*7 FN-DD1 ANS 22519 71793 + Dark Dimension
*8 FN-HNET ANS 4279 72893 hyper net Logo
*9 FN-IRID1 ANS 1638 71893 + Iridium Logo
*10 FR-STATS ZIP 6204 72693 x Stats screens by Feyd-Rautha
*11 FR-SWAT ANS 18173 72993 + Swat
*12 FX-3D EXE 126601 73093 Three-Dee Shaded Vectors
*13 FX-HARD1 EXE 5836 72993 Hard Wired
*14 FX-SPIN EXE 22087 72893 Spinning ACiD
*15 GL-CVT2 ANS 33113 71093 + Cover Action 2
*16 GL-HARD1 ANS 10937 70793 + Hardwired
*17 GL-PAW1 ANS 3766 71393 PAW Logo
*18 GL-UNXD1 ANS 19358 71993 + The Unexpected Domain
*19 HL-TBE1 ANS 5426 71393 The Body Electric
*20 HL-TDS2 ANS 2619 71593 The Dark Society Logo
*21 HL-TSBR1 ANS 4189 70993 The Sound Barrier Logo
*22 HO-ACID ANS 12875 72993 ACiD Logo
*23 HO-HTEK ANS 4257 71593 Housetek Logo
*24 HO-TG ANS 181588 70393 + Total Grindage
*25 IC-CS ANS 31005 73093 + Crustys Spamland
*26 IC-PWA ANS 5374 72993 PWA Logo
*27 IC-OBV2 ANS 6431 73093 Oblivion/2 Stats Screen
*28 IL-ACID ANS 6323 73093 ACiD Logo
*29 IL-HS ANS 11182 73093 + Helter Skelter
*30 IM-CHAR1 ANS 7102 71193 + Charisma Logo
*31 IM-DL ANS 32855 72293 + Data Lore
*32 KR-FBEER ANS 23850 70993 + Free Beer
*33 LM-SWAT2 ANS 64905 72793 + Swat 2
*34 LN-FX ANS 18424 73093 + F/X
*35 MH-WHIRL EXE 39903 72993 ACiD Whirlpool
*36 MO-ALIEN ANS 55457 73193 + Alien picture
*37 PE-DSOC1 ANS 17242 71993 + Dark Society
*38 PJ-CRIM ANS 3413 72893 Crimson II Logo
*39 RS-METAL EXE 119881 73093 Metal Works
*40 SC-GHETO ANS 60003 72393 Ghetto
*41 TK-AV353 ZIP 39963 60193 ACiD Acquisition Viewer v3.53
*42 TR-SOUND ANS 322040 80193 x+ Sound Barrier
*43 VS-SGMAG ANS 4513 72793 Shallow Ground Logo
*44 ZN-INC ANS 4779 70393 INC Logo
*45 ACDU0893 NFO 6962 80193 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 46 Average Compression Rate: 63
Total Bytes: 1,555,728 Average Of Bytes/File: 33,820
Total Bytes Zipped: 586,280
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