this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : August Update September 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0994.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0894 ANS 9028 083194 + August Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 106288 090194 ACiD Application Form Generator
3 ACIDVIEW EXE 132304 060194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.02
N/CACIDVIEW NFO 37470 080194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AE-11D2 ANS 6346 090194 + The Eleventh Dungeon Two
*5 AK-TF EXE 43192 090194 Terra Firma
*6 AN-CAES4 ANS 19708 090194 + Caesars Palace
*7 AN-JELY1 RIP 25838 082294 Jello Insanity
*8 BE-SOE1 ANS 14480 090194 + State of Euphoria
*9 CM-TF ANS 84110 083094 Terra Firma
*10 EL-AMBER ANS 20821 090194 + Amber
*11 EO-AC95 EXE 61409 090194 ANSiCON 95
*12 EX-SOV1 COM 20793 090194 + Spirits of Vengeance
*13 FI-SS1 ANS 39400 090194 + Suicidal Shrimp
*14 FI-TF ANS 54317 090194 + Terra Firma
*N/CFILEID DIZ 558 090194 Acquisition FILE ID by SP
*15 FK-TEH1 RIP 28995 090194 The Eleventh Hour
*16 JD-PAL1 ANS 1234567 090194 x+ Paladium
*17 KZ-IOT ANS 40680 090194 + Illusion of Tranquility
*18 LD-ACID2 ANS 18194 090194 + ACiD Productions
*19 LD-TC1 ANS 25103 090194 + The Complex
*20 LD-TPF1 ANS 18888 090194 + The Phoenix Foundation
*21 LOGO0994 ZIP 23890 090194 Logo Assortment for September
*22 NEWS0994 ANS 12557 090194 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 5
*23 PC-BADL1 ANS 42341 090194 + The BadLands
*24 RN-COR1 RIP 30570 082994 Corruption Ad
*25 RN-COR2 RIP 14388 082994 Corruption Ad
*26 RN-RANS1 RIP 10670 090194 Ransom
*27 SB-ACID ANS 14742 090194 + ACiD Productions
*28 SB-TF ANS 27058 083194 + Terra Firma
*29 SB-TTT ANS 7995 082594 + The Twisted Tower
*30 SN-ATG1 ANS 23160 090194 + Alpha Trading Grounds
*31 SO-EVEND ANS 81436 090194 + Evolutions End
*32 SS-CHAIN RIP 44049 090194 Chains of Destruction
*33 SS-TF RIP 43871 090194 Terra Firma
*34 SS-THA RIP 50391 090194 The Heretic Asylum
*35 SS-TSG RIP 40456 090194 The Shallow Grave
*36 T2-TF2 ANS 13795 090194 + Terra Firma
*37 TS-NEO1 COM 3715 090194 Neo Tokyo
*38 US-AMBER RIP 35708 090194 Amber
*39 US-DSUN1 RIP 8335 090194 Dark Sun World
*40 US-DUNG RIP 23570 090194 The Dungeon
*41 US-TSP RIP 18332 090194 The Silicon Phalanx
*42 ACDU0994 NFO 6821 090194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 44 Average Compression Rate: 71
Total Bytes: 2,620,339 Average Of Bytes/File: 59,553
Total Bytes Zipped: 776,410
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : August Update September 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0994.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0894 ANS 9028 083194 + August Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 106288 090194 ACiD Application Form Generator
3 ACIDVIEW EXE 132304 060194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.02
N/CACIDVIEW NFO 37470 080194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AE-11D2 ANS 6346 090194 + The Eleventh Dungeon Two
*5 AK-TF EXE 43192 090194 Terra Firma
*6 AN-CAES4 ANS 19708 090194 + Caesars Palace
*7 AN-JELY1 RIP 25838 082294 Jello Insanity
*8 BE-SOE1 ANS 14480 090194 + State of Euphoria
*9 CM-TF ANS 84110 083094 Terra Firma
*10 EL-AMBER ANS 20821 090194 + Amber
*11 EO-AC95 EXE 61409 090194 ANSiCON 95
*12 EX-SOV1 COM 20793 090194 + Spirits of Vengeance
*13 FI-SS1 ANS 39400 090194 + Suicidal Shrimp
*14 FI-TF ANS 54317 090194 + Terra Firma
*N/CFILEID DIZ 558 090194 Acquisition FILE ID by SP
*15 FK-TEH1 RIP 28995 090194 The Eleventh Hour
*16 JD-PAL1 ANS 1234567 090194 x+ Paladium
*17 KZ-IOT ANS 40680 090194 + Illusion of Tranquility
*18 LD-ACID2 ANS 18194 090194 + ACiD Productions
*19 LD-TC1 ANS 25103 090194 + The Complex
*20 LD-TPF1 ANS 18888 090194 + The Phoenix Foundation
*21 LOGO0994 ZIP 23890 090194 Logo Assortment for September
*22 NEWS0994 ANS 12557 090194 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 5
*23 PC-BADL1 ANS 42341 090194 + The BadLands
*24 RN-COR1 RIP 30570 082994 Corruption Ad
*25 RN-COR2 RIP 14388 082994 Corruption Ad
*26 RN-RANS1 RIP 10670 090194 Ransom
*27 SB-ACID ANS 14742 090194 + ACiD Productions
*28 SB-TF ANS 27058 083194 + Terra Firma
*29 SB-TTT ANS 7995 082594 + The Twisted Tower
*30 SN-ATG1 ANS 23160 090194 + Alpha Trading Grounds
*31 SO-EVEND ANS 81436 090194 + Evolutions End
*32 SS-CHAIN RIP 44049 090194 Chains of Destruction
*33 SS-TF RIP 43871 090194 Terra Firma
*34 SS-THA RIP 50391 090194 The Heretic Asylum
*35 SS-TSG RIP 40456 090194 The Shallow Grave
*36 T2-TF2 ANS 13795 090194 + Terra Firma
*37 TS-NEO1 COM 3715 090194 Neo Tokyo
*38 US-AMBER RIP 35708 090194 Amber
*39 US-DSUN1 RIP 8335 090194 Dark Sun World
*40 US-DUNG RIP 23570 090194 The Dungeon
*41 US-TSP RIP 18332 090194 The Silicon Phalanx
*42 ACDU0994 NFO 6821 090194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 44 Average Compression Rate: 71
Total Bytes: 2,620,339 Average Of Bytes/File: 59,553
Total Bytes Zipped: 776,410
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