this image contains text
The Aquisition - Contains A-D of the ANSi Collection.
Background History: The Aquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Aquisition : Volume A-D May 1st, 1992
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
1 ABSMON ANS 10696 122590 Absolute Monarchy Now XTC
2 ACDTZBS1 ANS 2240 12792 ACiD Logo 6
3 ACID ANS 4721 11491 ACiD Logo 1
4 ACID2 ANS 2598 113091 ACiD Logo 2
5 ACID3 ANS 3117 120191 ACiD Logo/Logoff Screen 3
6 ACID4 ANS 4372 111191 ACiD Logo Excellent ANSis 4
*7 ACID92 ANS 5619 42592 + ACiD Member List for May
*8 ACIDACID ANS 133154 11992 + ACiD Logo Dead Wrong
*9 ACIDBS ANS 17128 122391 ACiD Logo 3-D Blue Font 5
10 ACIDLSD2 ANS 23397 61391 + Lost Souls Domain
11 ACIDNEWS ZIP 20613 22791 ACiD Original Newsletter
12 ACIDSCRN ANS 7371 40691 + Old BBS/Member List
*13 ACID-SD ANS 3480 41492 ACiD Logo 7
14 ACIDVOID ANS 7782 120890 Visions of Infinite Darkness
15 ANTHRAX ANS 13033 122090 Castle Anthrax
16 ARCHERS ANS 7183 32791 The Archers
17 AUDIOACD ANS 57344 32391 x Audio Files
18 B2BACID ANS 7401 22992 + B 2 Bombers
19 BABE ANS 15229 40691 High Sierra
20 BARTACD2 ANS 13958 10191 Bart Simpson - ACiD Commercial
21 BARTACID ANS 23206 21891 + Bart Simpson - She Lost Her..
22 BASSACD1 ANS 3651 110391 Bass Level 1
23 BASSACD2 ANS 22458 10191 Bass Level 2
*24 BCACID1 ANS 100216 42392 x Body Count
25 BCPACID ANS 15484 61391 Banished Corrosive Poison 1
26 BCPACID2 ANS 6691 71091 Banished Corrosive Poison 2
27 BOIRACID ANS 117399 10191 + Board of Ill Repute
28 BONEACID ANS 7507 31192 Boners Domain
29 BRGRACID MUS 67229 32491 x Hamburger Heaven
30 BULLS ANS 3884 61191 Chicago Bulls
31 BURGERAD ANS 22471 122290 x Old Hamburger Heaven version
32 CASTLE ANS 9818 122491 + Castle Perilous
33 CBDACID ANS 6420 111091 Communication Breakdown
34 CELMBASE ANS 2998 122190 Celerity Message Base
35 CHAOS ANS 54450 122990 x Countdown to Chaos 1
36 CHAOS2 ANS 19426 52791 x+ Countdown to Chaos 2
37 CHRSTMAS ANS 34730 122090 Merry Christmas from High Sierra
38 CIA ANS 3254 32791 C.I.A
39 CITYACD1 ANS 6124 110991 City Limits
40 CLACID1 ANS 5406 112491 Candy Land 1
41 CLACID2 ANS 52310 112591 x Candy Land 2
42 COMMAND ANS 3586 113091 ACiD Slaughtering Competition
43 CRACK ANS 2528 12191 Crack House
*44 CRMSACID ANS 7168 41092 + The Crime Scene
45 CRWL1ACD ANS 7608 11492 + Crewel Lye 1
46 CRWL2ACD ANS 19262 11492 + Crewel Lye 2
47 CSTNACID ANS 11530 101591 + Cornerstone I
48 CULTACID ANS 7532 32692 + ACiD Cult
49 DAACID1 ANS 5040 60691 Disaster Area 1
50 DAACID2 ANS 29887 110391 Disaster Area 2
51 DARKACID ANS 7286 60191 Dark Illusion
52 DARKSIDE ANS 5736 122190 Dark Side
53 DAWNACID ANS 2408 21592 Dawns End
54 DEMENTED ANS 5620 50991 Demented Illusion
55 DIGITAL ANS 2515 12091 Digital Underground
56 DIGTACID ANS 103648 111491 x Digital Reich
57 DREAM ANS 18076 31191 Insomniacs Dream 1
58 DREAM2 ANS 3907 31191 Insomniacs Dream 2
59 DREAM3 ANS 5020 40291 Insomniacs Dream 3
60 DUMDEE MUS 43 60691 Clip of Beethovens 5th music
61DUNGEON ANS 4271 92890 Dungeon of Destiny
62 ACIDA-D NFO 6872 50192 This File
Data Legend
ACiD Production ANSiMated
ANSi Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files: 62 Average Compression Rate: 80
Total Bytes: 1,246,882 Total Bytes Zipped: 263,789
Background History: The Aquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Aquisition : Volume A-D May 1st, 1992
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
1 ABSMON ANS 10696 122590 Absolute Monarchy Now XTC
2 ACDTZBS1 ANS 2240 12792 ACiD Logo 6
3 ACID ANS 4721 11491 ACiD Logo 1
4 ACID2 ANS 2598 113091 ACiD Logo 2
5 ACID3 ANS 3117 120191 ACiD Logo/Logoff Screen 3
6 ACID4 ANS 4372 111191 ACiD Logo Excellent ANSis 4
*7 ACID92 ANS 5619 42592 + ACiD Member List for May
*8 ACIDACID ANS 133154 11992 + ACiD Logo Dead Wrong
*9 ACIDBS ANS 17128 122391 ACiD Logo 3-D Blue Font 5
10 ACIDLSD2 ANS 23397 61391 + Lost Souls Domain
11 ACIDNEWS ZIP 20613 22791 ACiD Original Newsletter
12 ACIDSCRN ANS 7371 40691 + Old BBS/Member List
*13 ACID-SD ANS 3480 41492 ACiD Logo 7
14 ACIDVOID ANS 7782 120890 Visions of Infinite Darkness
15 ANTHRAX ANS 13033 122090 Castle Anthrax
16 ARCHERS ANS 7183 32791 The Archers
17 AUDIOACD ANS 57344 32391 x Audio Files
18 B2BACID ANS 7401 22992 + B 2 Bombers
19 BABE ANS 15229 40691 High Sierra
20 BARTACD2 ANS 13958 10191 Bart Simpson - ACiD Commercial
21 BARTACID ANS 23206 21891 + Bart Simpson - She Lost Her..
22 BASSACD1 ANS 3651 110391 Bass Level 1
23 BASSACD2 ANS 22458 10191 Bass Level 2
*24 BCACID1 ANS 100216 42392 x Body Count
25 BCPACID ANS 15484 61391 Banished Corrosive Poison 1
26 BCPACID2 ANS 6691 71091 Banished Corrosive Poison 2
27 BOIRACID ANS 117399 10191 + Board of Ill Repute
28 BONEACID ANS 7507 31192 Boners Domain
29 BRGRACID MUS 67229 32491 x Hamburger Heaven
30 BULLS ANS 3884 61191 Chicago Bulls
31 BURGERAD ANS 22471 122290 x Old Hamburger Heaven version
32 CASTLE ANS 9818 122491 + Castle Perilous
33 CBDACID ANS 6420 111091 Communication Breakdown
34 CELMBASE ANS 2998 122190 Celerity Message Base
35 CHAOS ANS 54450 122990 x Countdown to Chaos 1
36 CHAOS2 ANS 19426 52791 x+ Countdown to Chaos 2
37 CHRSTMAS ANS 34730 122090 Merry Christmas from High Sierra
38 CIA ANS 3254 32791 C.I.A
39 CITYACD1 ANS 6124 110991 City Limits
40 CLACID1 ANS 5406 112491 Candy Land 1
41 CLACID2 ANS 52310 112591 x Candy Land 2
42 COMMAND ANS 3586 113091 ACiD Slaughtering Competition
43 CRACK ANS 2528 12191 Crack House
*44 CRMSACID ANS 7168 41092 + The Crime Scene
45 CRWL1ACD ANS 7608 11492 + Crewel Lye 1
46 CRWL2ACD ANS 19262 11492 + Crewel Lye 2
47 CSTNACID ANS 11530 101591 + Cornerstone I
48 CULTACID ANS 7532 32692 + ACiD Cult
49 DAACID1 ANS 5040 60691 Disaster Area 1
50 DAACID2 ANS 29887 110391 Disaster Area 2
51 DARKACID ANS 7286 60191 Dark Illusion
52 DARKSIDE ANS 5736 122190 Dark Side
53 DAWNACID ANS 2408 21592 Dawns End
54 DEMENTED ANS 5620 50991 Demented Illusion
55 DIGITAL ANS 2515 12091 Digital Underground
56 DIGTACID ANS 103648 111491 x Digital Reich
57 DREAM ANS 18076 31191 Insomniacs Dream 1
58 DREAM2 ANS 3907 31191 Insomniacs Dream 2
59 DREAM3 ANS 5020 40291 Insomniacs Dream 3
60 DUMDEE MUS 43 60691 Clip of Beethovens 5th music
61DUNGEON ANS 4271 92890 Dungeon of Destiny
62 ACIDA-D NFO 6872 50192 This File
Data Legend
ACiD Production ANSiMated
ANSi Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files: 62 Average Compression Rate: 80
Total Bytes: 1,246,882 Total Bytes Zipped: 263,789
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