this image contains text
he Acme Pinnacle
Newsletter. Mon
th: Janurary Y
ear: 1996
Hello and we
lcome to the NEW
design of the A
cme Pinnacle fro
m your
known and talented An
si group. First
off, Acme hopes
that everyone o
ut there incyber
space had a wonde
rful Holiday sea
son as well as a
great New Year
s day. No.Acme m
embers didnt get
drunk at least
none that I tal
ked to on this
tion of New Years
. So, onto some
welcoming pack
information. Th
is is
Acmes fifth Pin
nacle to date in
its 14 month hi
story. Once aga
in, we have
reached our goal
of putting toge
ther our BEST pa
ck to date.
I guess by l
ooking at this n
ewsletter, you h
ave noticed how
much this look
like Acids publ
ication. There
is a simple expl
anation. Acid i
s without a
doubt the best g
roup in the scen
e. You can argu
e with this, but
theyve been
around the longe
st and have stil
l measured up to
the comptetitio
n every single
month. They mus
t know what they
re doing to las
t this long. An
yway, Ive been
impressed with t
he amount of tim
e and effort the
y put into makin
g their packs
and their newsle
tters. So what
better way to be
come a better gr
oup than to
model yourself a
fter the best?
Baseball players
turn to other g
reat players to
get ideas on how
to make them be
tter. Ansi arti
sts model after
other artists
so they can lear
n quicker. I do
nt know how Aci
d is run from th
e inside, but I
firmly believe t
hat inorder to g
et better you mu
st look to the t
op. This isnt
kissing ass. Th
is is simply the
truth. The org
anization and ar
tistic ability
all put Acid ont
op. Yes, there
are MAJOR differ
ences between Ac
id and Acme, but
mimicking good groups
can only make t
he group you are
in better.
Some rather
tense times gra
ced Acme this pa
st December. Fr
esh, the founder
and president of Trau
ma, accused one
of our artists,
Mortal of rippin
g a font
from Lord Jazz.
First off, one
of Acmes ways o
f becoming a bet
ter group is to
have our artists
mimic the style
s of other artis
ts not only so t
hey understand
how to draw ansi
, but to also de
velop their own
unique style. W
e find from past
experiences that our
artists become t
en times better
sooner when they
mimic. SoFresh
made this accusa
tion against Mor
tal and went as
far as making a
info file so he
could spread aro
und busting on M
ortal and using
that word we
have all grown t
o love : lamer
. When Mortal f
ound out about t
his, he felt
terrible. He ha
d told us only d
ays before that
he had really be
en studying
Lord Jazzs styl
e and was really
getting the han
g of it. We are
pleased to say
that Mortal did
not rip. Acme s
tands behind Mor
tal 100 PERCENT
on this issue.
We have talked t
o Lord Jazz abou
t the incident a
nd its all OK.
As for Fresh,
may you rot in h
ell and I,
Cryptic Blood
mean that
. So Fresh, I h
ope your
dick got hard wi
th your name in
another groups
newsletter other
than your own.
As the scene
gets more and m
ore based on the
internet, Acme
has decided to
open up a new di
vision. The Int
ernet Division h
eaded by Guido i
s now looking
accepting member
s. To apply, th
ere are a few re
quirements. One
, you must have
a FULL internet
account i.e. IR
C, WWW, FTP, bas
ically a slip ac
count. Two,
you must be esta
blished on IRC.
In other words,
you cant just
get an internet
account and expe
ct to become a m
ember of Acme.
However, you don
t have to be
someone who is a
lready well know
n like an Ellisd
ee or someone wh
o goes on inet.
Once you are an
internet represe
ntative, you
must, up
on getting the p
ack, offer
it to people in
the art scene re
lated channels.
people are inte
rested in
you must
direct them to p
eople to
which th
ey can apply.
me is
looking for at
st five people t
o fill these
s. A
cme feels that
the internet
is where
everything is h
appening and we
t harness the in
to achieve a bet
ter standard in
our group.
Yes, thats
right. Acme has
officially open
ed a music depar
tment. We
are pleased to a
nnounce that our
first s3m of th
e new year has b
een released.
Cryptic Blood f
unny, cryptic bl
ood, a senior st
affer who runs a
n ansi
without drawing
ansi and Marek
are the two curr
ent members of t
his division
however, we are
looking for more
talented additi
ons to this depa
rtment who
can live up to t
he standards alr
eady set by Acme
As always, A
cme continues to
grow for the be
tter. We have p
icked up quite
a few members fo
r the month.
is an unk
own artist who c
omes to us via t
heinternet. He
is a very talent
ed artist and we
can expect some
very good thing
from him in the
coming months.
is an old friend
of Rustys and
he has
joined us to do
some ascii. Our
ascii departmen
t has also conti
nued to grow
with the additio
n of Shadow
Dragon. A
cme has now pick
ed its first co
der for
the new year.
Chia Pet w
hat a name has
decided this is
the place
for him. He com
es to us from su
ch groups as Tri
be, Acid, and Ci
a. Walker
rejoins Acme thi
s month after a
couple months of
f. He will brin
g us some really
cool Vgas. Walker B
oh joins us from
Spastic as well
as being a pers
onal friendAlso
joining Acme to s
how off his Vga
talent is K
He was the found
of Armageddon an
d one of the sen
iors to Morbid.
joins Acm
e this month fro
mAnemia. His fo
nts have sort of
a toony style
to them, but we
welcome him wit
hopen arms. Fin
ally Ill Ca
pone joins
Acme as an up an
d coming artist.
He is
from our home 21
5 area and this
is his first gro
up. He has grea
t potential and
we look forward
to some of his w
ork next month.
Acme wants to t
ake the time to
welcome each new
member to Acme
and hopes your s
tay here is well
worth it. :
Well, the e
nd of the newsle
tter and Im jus
t tying loose en
ds now. Acme
welcomes all new
members to the
group. We feel
the additions th
at have been
made will not on
ly help Acme as
an ansi group, b
ut also as a tea
m. I know this
newsletter has b
een long and I t
hank you for rea
ding it and I al
so thank you for
taking time to look a
t the pack and s
ee how weve imp
roved. Take Car
iter and Editor:
Cryptic Blood
ecial Thanks to:
he Acme Pinnacle
Newsletter. Mon
th: Janurary Y
ear: 1996
Hello and we
lcome to the NEW
design of the A
cme Pinnacle fro
m your
known and talented An
si group. First
off, Acme hopes
that everyone o
ut there incyber
space had a wonde
rful Holiday sea
son as well as a
great New Year
s day. No.Acme m
embers didnt get
drunk at least
none that I tal
ked to on this
tion of New Years
. So, onto some
welcoming pack
information. Th
is is
Acmes fifth Pin
nacle to date in
its 14 month hi
story. Once aga
in, we have
reached our goal
of putting toge
ther our BEST pa
ck to date.
I guess by l
ooking at this n
ewsletter, you h
ave noticed how
much this look
like Acids publ
ication. There
is a simple expl
anation. Acid i
s without a
doubt the best g
roup in the scen
e. You can argu
e with this, but
theyve been
around the longe
st and have stil
l measured up to
the comptetitio
n every single
month. They mus
t know what they
re doing to las
t this long. An
yway, Ive been
impressed with t
he amount of tim
e and effort the
y put into makin
g their packs
and their newsle
tters. So what
better way to be
come a better gr
oup than to
model yourself a
fter the best?
Baseball players
turn to other g
reat players to
get ideas on how
to make them be
tter. Ansi arti
sts model after
other artists
so they can lear
n quicker. I do
nt know how Aci
d is run from th
e inside, but I
firmly believe t
hat inorder to g
et better you mu
st look to the t
op. This isnt
kissing ass. Th
is is simply the
truth. The org
anization and ar
tistic ability
all put Acid ont
op. Yes, there
are MAJOR differ
ences between Ac
id and Acme, but
mimicking good groups
can only make t
he group you are
in better.
Some rather
tense times gra
ced Acme this pa
st December. Fr
esh, the founder
and president of Trau
ma, accused one
of our artists,
Mortal of rippin
g a font
from Lord Jazz.
First off, one
of Acmes ways o
f becoming a bet
ter group is to
have our artists
mimic the style
s of other artis
ts not only so t
hey understand
how to draw ansi
, but to also de
velop their own
unique style. W
e find from past
experiences that our
artists become t
en times better
sooner when they
mimic. SoFresh
made this accusa
tion against Mor
tal and went as
far as making a
info file so he
could spread aro
und busting on M
ortal and using
that word we
have all grown t
o love : lamer
. When Mortal f
ound out about t
his, he felt
terrible. He ha
d told us only d
ays before that
he had really be
en studying
Lord Jazzs styl
e and was really
getting the han
g of it. We are
pleased to say
that Mortal did
not rip. Acme s
tands behind Mor
tal 100 PERCENT
on this issue.
We have talked t
o Lord Jazz abou
t the incident a
nd its all OK.
As for Fresh,
may you rot in h
ell and I,
Cryptic Blood
mean that
. So Fresh, I h
ope your
dick got hard wi
th your name in
another groups
newsletter other
than your own.
As the scene
gets more and m
ore based on the
internet, Acme
has decided to
open up a new di
vision. The Int
ernet Division h
eaded by Guido i
s now looking
accepting member
s. To apply, th
ere are a few re
quirements. One
, you must have
a FULL internet
account i.e. IR
C, WWW, FTP, bas
ically a slip ac
count. Two,
you must be esta
blished on IRC.
In other words,
you cant just
get an internet
account and expe
ct to become a m
ember of Acme.
However, you don
t have to be
someone who is a
lready well know
n like an Ellisd
ee or someone wh
o goes on inet.
Once you are an
internet represe
ntative, you
must, up
on getting the p
ack, offer
it to people in
the art scene re
lated channels.
people are inte
rested in
you must
direct them to p
eople to
which th
ey can apply.
me is
looking for at
st five people t
o fill these
s. A
cme feels that
the internet
is where
everything is h
appening and we
t harness the in
to achieve a bet
ter standard in
our group.
Yes, thats
right. Acme has
officially open
ed a music depar
tment. We
are pleased to a
nnounce that our
first s3m of th
e new year has b
een released.
Cryptic Blood f
unny, cryptic bl
ood, a senior st
affer who runs a
n ansi
without drawing
ansi and Marek
are the two curr
ent members of t
his division
however, we are
looking for more
talented additi
ons to this depa
rtment who
can live up to t
he standards alr
eady set by Acme
As always, A
cme continues to
grow for the be
tter. We have p
icked up quite
a few members fo
r the month.
is an unk
own artist who c
omes to us via t
heinternet. He
is a very talent
ed artist and we
can expect some
very good thing
from him in the
coming months.
is an old friend
of Rustys and
he has
joined us to do
some ascii. Our
ascii departmen
t has also conti
nued to grow
with the additio
n of Shadow
Dragon. A
cme has now pick
ed its first co
der for
the new year.
Chia Pet w
hat a name has
decided this is
the place
for him. He com
es to us from su
ch groups as Tri
be, Acid, and Ci
a. Walker
rejoins Acme thi
s month after a
couple months of
f. He will brin
g us some really
cool Vgas. Walker B
oh joins us from
Spastic as well
as being a pers
onal friendAlso
joining Acme to s
how off his Vga
talent is K
He was the found
of Armageddon an
d one of the sen
iors to Morbid.
joins Acm
e this month fro
mAnemia. His fo
nts have sort of
a toony style
to them, but we
welcome him wit
hopen arms. Fin
ally Ill Ca
pone joins
Acme as an up an
d coming artist.
He is
from our home 21
5 area and this
is his first gro
up. He has grea
t potential and
we look forward
to some of his w
ork next month.
Acme wants to t
ake the time to
welcome each new
member to Acme
and hopes your s
tay here is well
worth it. :
Well, the e
nd of the newsle
tter and Im jus
t tying loose en
ds now. Acme
welcomes all new
members to the
group. We feel
the additions th
at have been
made will not on
ly help Acme as
an ansi group, b
ut also as a tea
m. I know this
newsletter has b
een long and I t
hank you for rea
ding it and I al
so thank you for
taking time to look a
t the pack and s
ee how weve imp
roved. Take Car
iter and Editor:
Cryptic Blood
ecial Thanks to:
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