this image contains text
A N S i F A C T O R Y
Were back!! This is 4th release from us, the three previous releases were
under the name ACE Ansi Creation Enterprise, But now the name is changed
to AFC. Why? For some small reasons. Anyway, this time we have over 60 new
pictures ...
Greeting from AFC goes out to:
iCE, ACiD, SLAM, CoMA, and all the other major ansi groups...
Personal greeting from Storm Hawk goes to:
All my old neighbors and friends in Canada!
FileName.Ext Size Data Description Artist
1-readme- ans220577+ Somekind of ansi scrolling Suhu
2afc-r4 nfo 7991 This file Senior Staff
3afcappl frm 2757 AFC Application form Senior Staff
4fileid diz 304 Fileid.diz Suhu
5afcinfo ans 7022 AFC info file Storm Hawk
6aj-afcl1 ans 3167 AFC logo Anajude
7aj-afcl2 ans 1633 AFC logo Anajude
8aj-afcl3 ans 5582 AFC logo Anajude
9dt-afc ans 6922 AFC logo Duster
10dt-chead ans 3864 Copperhead Duster
11dt-cyber ans 3280 Cyberdune Duster
12dt-dest ans 2430 Destiny Duster
13dt-flame ans 24316 Flames of Hell Duster
14dt-icfhq ans 8866 Ctc Whq Duster
15dt-inva ans 8465 Invalid Environment Duster
16dt-ptstp ans 21514 Pitstop Duster
17dt-soul ans 11073 Soul Asylum Duster
18dt-stat2 ans 5018 File Statistics Duster
19dt-stats ans 3309 File Statistics Duster
20dt-swtch ans 13903 Switch Duster
21dt-tchst ans 24718 Touchstone Duster
22dt-tic ans 17544+ The Icy Connection Duster
23dt-tic-r ans 19638+ The Icy Connection Duster
24dt-xtrem ans 7436 Extreme Duster
25el-quas2 ans 9527 Quasar Elektro
26el-tmp2 ans 6420 The Missing Parachute Elektro
27jte-4thd ans 13596+ Fourth Dimension Jate
28jte-dest asc 568 Destiny Jate
29jte-jung ans 9029+ Save the Rainforests Jate
30jte-mm ans 9568+ Midnight Maximus Jate
31jte-pupi ans 7505 Underground Pub Jate
32jte-stch ans 6770 Switch Jate
33jte-vito ans 13180+ Don Vitos Shoestore Jate
34kr-dest ans 2393 Destiny Krusher
35kr-tiw ans 30399 The Imported Warez Krusher
36mer-4th ans 5966 Fourth Dimension Mercer
37mer-afc ans 1988 AFC Logo Mercer
38mer-anti ans 4322 Anti Freeze Mercer
39mer-foh ans 8046 Flames of Hell Mercer
40mer-guy ans 8663 Rambo, or something Mercer
41mer-kop ans 18437+ Koirankoppi Mercer
42mer-misr ans 2965 Misery Mercer
43mer-nuke ans 12749 Nuke em Mercer
44mer-part ans 7216 Party Zone Mercer
45mer-tfs ans 6317 The Far Side Mercer
46mu-foh ans 15857+ Flames of Hell Mule
47mu-inva ans 11845+ Invalid Environment Mule
48mu-kop1 ans 3437 Koirankoppi Mule
49mu-mdm1 ans 6622+ Midnight Maximus Mule
50rek-inv1 ans 4161 Invalid Environment Rekku
51rek-mncl ans 5956 + Midnight Caller Rekku
52rek-swtc ans 2746 Switch Rekku
53sh-4thdi ans 3403 Fourth Dimension Storm Hawk
54sh-dzone ans 3547 DeadZone Storm Hawk
55sh-flms1 ans 17008+ Flames of Hell Storm Hawk
56sh-mcall ans 3705 Midnight Caller Storm Hawk
57sh-pzone ans 5193 Party Zone Storm Hawk
58sh-qsr ans 1775 Quasar Storm Hawk
59sh-ralaw ans 3702 R.A.Law Storm Hawk
60shsu-foh ans 5957 Flames of Hell Storm Hawk Suhu
61su-bug ans 8913+ Bug Suhu
62su-inva ans 15132+ Invalid Environment Suhu
63su-koppi ans 6953 Koirankoppi Suhu
64su-mis ans 3108 Misery Suhu
65su-noacc ans 3191 No Access Suhu
66su-ralaw ans 9119+ R.A.Law Suhu
67su-tfs ans 23143+ The Far Side Suhu
Data Legend
AFC Release 4 Released on: 12.06.93
ANSI file
ASCII file
50/43 mode Other info
+ Scrolling
Animation Total Files: 68 Average of Bytes/File: 11,575
Total Bytes: 787,106
Every ansi in this packet is drawn with TheDraw, A3E
or/and Qedit.exe. Only lamers use GiF2ANSi or scan em
A N S i F A C T O R Y
Were back!! This is 4th release from us, the three previous releases were
under the name ACE Ansi Creation Enterprise, But now the name is changed
to AFC. Why? For some small reasons. Anyway, this time we have over 60 new
pictures ...
Greeting from AFC goes out to:
iCE, ACiD, SLAM, CoMA, and all the other major ansi groups...
Personal greeting from Storm Hawk goes to:
All my old neighbors and friends in Canada!
FileName.Ext Size Data Description Artist
1-readme- ans220577+ Somekind of ansi scrolling Suhu
2afc-r4 nfo 7991 This file Senior Staff
3afcappl frm 2757 AFC Application form Senior Staff
4fileid diz 304 Fileid.diz Suhu
5afcinfo ans 7022 AFC info file Storm Hawk
6aj-afcl1 ans 3167 AFC logo Anajude
7aj-afcl2 ans 1633 AFC logo Anajude
8aj-afcl3 ans 5582 AFC logo Anajude
9dt-afc ans 6922 AFC logo Duster
10dt-chead ans 3864 Copperhead Duster
11dt-cyber ans 3280 Cyberdune Duster
12dt-dest ans 2430 Destiny Duster
13dt-flame ans 24316 Flames of Hell Duster
14dt-icfhq ans 8866 Ctc Whq Duster
15dt-inva ans 8465 Invalid Environment Duster
16dt-ptstp ans 21514 Pitstop Duster
17dt-soul ans 11073 Soul Asylum Duster
18dt-stat2 ans 5018 File Statistics Duster
19dt-stats ans 3309 File Statistics Duster
20dt-swtch ans 13903 Switch Duster
21dt-tchst ans 24718 Touchstone Duster
22dt-tic ans 17544+ The Icy Connection Duster
23dt-tic-r ans 19638+ The Icy Connection Duster
24dt-xtrem ans 7436 Extreme Duster
25el-quas2 ans 9527 Quasar Elektro
26el-tmp2 ans 6420 The Missing Parachute Elektro
27jte-4thd ans 13596+ Fourth Dimension Jate
28jte-dest asc 568 Destiny Jate
29jte-jung ans 9029+ Save the Rainforests Jate
30jte-mm ans 9568+ Midnight Maximus Jate
31jte-pupi ans 7505 Underground Pub Jate
32jte-stch ans 6770 Switch Jate
33jte-vito ans 13180+ Don Vitos Shoestore Jate
34kr-dest ans 2393 Destiny Krusher
35kr-tiw ans 30399 The Imported Warez Krusher
36mer-4th ans 5966 Fourth Dimension Mercer
37mer-afc ans 1988 AFC Logo Mercer
38mer-anti ans 4322 Anti Freeze Mercer
39mer-foh ans 8046 Flames of Hell Mercer
40mer-guy ans 8663 Rambo, or something Mercer
41mer-kop ans 18437+ Koirankoppi Mercer
42mer-misr ans 2965 Misery Mercer
43mer-nuke ans 12749 Nuke em Mercer
44mer-part ans 7216 Party Zone Mercer
45mer-tfs ans 6317 The Far Side Mercer
46mu-foh ans 15857+ Flames of Hell Mule
47mu-inva ans 11845+ Invalid Environment Mule
48mu-kop1 ans 3437 Koirankoppi Mule
49mu-mdm1 ans 6622+ Midnight Maximus Mule
50rek-inv1 ans 4161 Invalid Environment Rekku
51rek-mncl ans 5956 + Midnight Caller Rekku
52rek-swtc ans 2746 Switch Rekku
53sh-4thdi ans 3403 Fourth Dimension Storm Hawk
54sh-dzone ans 3547 DeadZone Storm Hawk
55sh-flms1 ans 17008+ Flames of Hell Storm Hawk
56sh-mcall ans 3705 Midnight Caller Storm Hawk
57sh-pzone ans 5193 Party Zone Storm Hawk
58sh-qsr ans 1775 Quasar Storm Hawk
59sh-ralaw ans 3702 R.A.Law Storm Hawk
60shsu-foh ans 5957 Flames of Hell Storm Hawk Suhu
61su-bug ans 8913+ Bug Suhu
62su-inva ans 15132+ Invalid Environment Suhu
63su-koppi ans 6953 Koirankoppi Suhu
64su-mis ans 3108 Misery Suhu
65su-noacc ans 3191 No Access Suhu
66su-ralaw ans 9119+ R.A.Law Suhu
67su-tfs ans 23143+ The Far Side Suhu
Data Legend
AFC Release 4 Released on: 12.06.93
ANSI file
ASCII file
50/43 mode Other info
+ Scrolling
Animation Total Files: 68 Average of Bytes/File: 11,575
Total Bytes: 787,106
Every ansi in this packet is drawn with TheDraw, A3E
or/and Qedit.exe. Only lamers use GiF2ANSi or scan em
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