this image contains text
AFC Release 7 Released 26.03.1994
This is Ansi Factorys 7th release. This time we have 39 ansi and
2 ascii files in our release.
Some NEWS what has been happening in AFC
20/12/93 Duster left AFC and joined ACiD.
21/12/93 Krusher got in Senior Staff.
21/12/93 Inertia was kicked out from AFC.
20/01/94 G-Tonic joined AFC as a oversea Courier.
23/03/94 Crazy Worlds number changed. New number is private.
No newusers from Finland accepted! If you want to
call Crazy World, get the new number from any AFC
AFC Release 7 filelist
FileName.Ext Size Description Artist
1afcinfo ans 5644 AFC Info File Krusher
2afc-r7 nfo 15046 What do you think? Senior Staff
3dj-confl ans 3864 Conflict Carrier Deetsay
4dj-ins ans 2520 Insane Inside Deetsay
5fileid diz 78 Not much... Stormy
6im-file afc 73 Something small... Something silly.. Some Maniac
7kr-eintl ans 2290 EliteNet Krusher
8kr-frozn ans 6971 Frozen Dreams Krusher
9kr-pctop ans 3929 PC-Top Krusher
10kr-warni ans 5230 Warning Krusher
11mer-hmv ans 12318 His Masters Voice Mercer
12mer-kk1 ans 4792 Koirankoppi Mercer
13mer-man ans 5506 Dude Mercer
14mer-mor ans 13774 Morieris Mercer
15mu-bird ans 12611 Rainbird Mule
16mu-conf ans 10434 Conflict Carrier Mule
17mu-dsign ans 5588 D-Sign Mule
18mu-dtow ans 12088 Dark Tower Mule
19mu-flav ans 4630 Da Flavor Mule
20mu-mag ans 14627 Magican Mule
21mu-mor ans 5017 Morieris Mule
22mu-pbrk ans 9527 Point Break Mule
23mu-pcity ans 9662 Paradise City Mule
24mu-prog ans 3097 Progress Mule
25mu-rage ans 11876 Destructive Rage Mule
26mu-sonic ans 12003 The Sonic System Mule
27mu-thrpy asc 868 Therapy Mule
28mu-ufn ans 3645 Unidentified Flying Network Mule
29rek-bw asc 1091 Blue Water Rekku
30rek-tss ans 2615 The Sonic System Rekku
31st-guru ans 5621 Guru Ten BBS Stormy
32st-hmv ans 6754 His Masters Voice Stormy
33st-holyf ans 16863 Holy Father Stormy
34st-juve ans 18215 Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Stormy
35st-osku ans 6541 Magican Stormy
36st-redzn ans 9206 Red Zone Stormy
37st-ufn ans 1873 Unidentified Flying Network Stormy
38stsu-hf ans124272 Holy Father Stormy Suhu
39su-enet ans 3704 EliteNet Suhu
40su-prog ans 5700 Progress Suhu
41su-rehab ans 19222 Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Suhu
42su-tec ans 12057 The Exchange Club Suhu
43su-ufn ans 5948 Unidentified Flying Network Suhu
44ude-eagl ans 4581 Eagles Nest Ude
45ude-mori ans 6966 Morieris Dude
Group greetings from AFC to: In alphabetical order
ACiD, CORP, GRiP/AD, HiRMU, The Orb and WAC
His and Hos from STORMY: In A-Z order
All my female-fans around the globe!
Dr. Slaughter - Are you dead or just out of reach?
Fear/Mental Design - Tell me more about MD-BBS!
Ivy/HiRMU - Damn, I want my sled back :
Judge Dredd - Its true, ask anyone who knows me!
Thunder Storm/TRS93 - Contact me in Juve or TEC!
Users of my board!
Zteel/Diffusion PC - Got my second letter yet?
Greetings from Mercer goes to nobody. Im a lonely wolf
Greetinx list from Krusher:
NATO Members
Evil Boy / TRH
Anamo Destroyer / TRH
Firehawk Call to TEC *now*
CORP - Finnish Quality
+ All other ansi groups dudes around the globe
+ All active users of The Exchange Club
Greets from Suhu goes to:
BoB - Hiya
Blizzard - Gotta come to check that Wavestation soon
wanna borrow it to me?-
Ang - I guess youre never gonna see this :
NikiReed - I guess youre never gonna see this either :
Importer - Hiya too
RayMan - Pantera still rules? I hope it does... :
Ibanez - Where are you man? Havent heard anything of you for ages...
LoJak - Thanx for the Bot!
Bedny - Hi, dude
AllMidi - Hiya
Fencer - Hi
Burrito - Still angry?- Haha! :
Grrreeetings from Mule:
Ultimate Lifedestroyer - Lets make Satan Saves II: Hell on earth
Well take samples with animalic distortion
from your guit!
Seppoli - Muumiteam rulez...
Generator - Sell me your Casio Tonebank.
Any group looking for a member - Hey, Im a musician!
And all you dudes out there who listen to HC-tesno AND Death Metal AND
Heavy. Up the Irons.
No greetings from dEEtsAY this time.
Greetings from Udedude:
fiSh - Still playing FUTiS?-
Greetings from Rekku goes out to:
Chaos Deathmaster Evil Batman
If you like our artwork, and you want an ansi for your board or
for your group, contact any AFC member!
What does it cost?! Nothing.. we do not ask money for our ansis, but if
you are pleased with the ansi, it would be nice to give the artist some
filepoints, better ratios or higher security level on your board... And
if you are going to use our ansis in your demos or boards, remember to
give the credit for the drawer and us.
Also.. we are still looking for new artists! There aint never too many
artists in AFC! So, if you are an independent ansi artist, and you are
interested in joining AFC, contact us! Send some four or more samples
of you artwork and if you are good enough, you can join us!
Remember..... Wherever you live, whatever board you are running, or in
whatever group you are in, all you have to do is contact any AFC member
and well make ansi for you ...
AFC Senior Staff
AFC Release 7 Released 26.03.1994
This is Ansi Factorys 7th release. This time we have 39 ansi and
2 ascii files in our release.
Some NEWS what has been happening in AFC
20/12/93 Duster left AFC and joined ACiD.
21/12/93 Krusher got in Senior Staff.
21/12/93 Inertia was kicked out from AFC.
20/01/94 G-Tonic joined AFC as a oversea Courier.
23/03/94 Crazy Worlds number changed. New number is private.
No newusers from Finland accepted! If you want to
call Crazy World, get the new number from any AFC
AFC Release 7 filelist
FileName.Ext Size Description Artist
1afcinfo ans 5644 AFC Info File Krusher
2afc-r7 nfo 15046 What do you think? Senior Staff
3dj-confl ans 3864 Conflict Carrier Deetsay
4dj-ins ans 2520 Insane Inside Deetsay
5fileid diz 78 Not much... Stormy
6im-file afc 73 Something small... Something silly.. Some Maniac
7kr-eintl ans 2290 EliteNet Krusher
8kr-frozn ans 6971 Frozen Dreams Krusher
9kr-pctop ans 3929 PC-Top Krusher
10kr-warni ans 5230 Warning Krusher
11mer-hmv ans 12318 His Masters Voice Mercer
12mer-kk1 ans 4792 Koirankoppi Mercer
13mer-man ans 5506 Dude Mercer
14mer-mor ans 13774 Morieris Mercer
15mu-bird ans 12611 Rainbird Mule
16mu-conf ans 10434 Conflict Carrier Mule
17mu-dsign ans 5588 D-Sign Mule
18mu-dtow ans 12088 Dark Tower Mule
19mu-flav ans 4630 Da Flavor Mule
20mu-mag ans 14627 Magican Mule
21mu-mor ans 5017 Morieris Mule
22mu-pbrk ans 9527 Point Break Mule
23mu-pcity ans 9662 Paradise City Mule
24mu-prog ans 3097 Progress Mule
25mu-rage ans 11876 Destructive Rage Mule
26mu-sonic ans 12003 The Sonic System Mule
27mu-thrpy asc 868 Therapy Mule
28mu-ufn ans 3645 Unidentified Flying Network Mule
29rek-bw asc 1091 Blue Water Rekku
30rek-tss ans 2615 The Sonic System Rekku
31st-guru ans 5621 Guru Ten BBS Stormy
32st-hmv ans 6754 His Masters Voice Stormy
33st-holyf ans 16863 Holy Father Stormy
34st-juve ans 18215 Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Stormy
35st-osku ans 6541 Magican Stormy
36st-redzn ans 9206 Red Zone Stormy
37st-ufn ans 1873 Unidentified Flying Network Stormy
38stsu-hf ans124272 Holy Father Stormy Suhu
39su-enet ans 3704 EliteNet Suhu
40su-prog ans 5700 Progress Suhu
41su-rehab ans 19222 Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Suhu
42su-tec ans 12057 The Exchange Club Suhu
43su-ufn ans 5948 Unidentified Flying Network Suhu
44ude-eagl ans 4581 Eagles Nest Ude
45ude-mori ans 6966 Morieris Dude
Group greetings from AFC to: In alphabetical order
ACiD, CORP, GRiP/AD, HiRMU, The Orb and WAC
His and Hos from STORMY: In A-Z order
All my female-fans around the globe!
Dr. Slaughter - Are you dead or just out of reach?
Fear/Mental Design - Tell me more about MD-BBS!
Ivy/HiRMU - Damn, I want my sled back :
Judge Dredd - Its true, ask anyone who knows me!
Thunder Storm/TRS93 - Contact me in Juve or TEC!
Users of my board!
Zteel/Diffusion PC - Got my second letter yet?
Greetings from Mercer goes to nobody. Im a lonely wolf
Greetinx list from Krusher:
NATO Members
Evil Boy / TRH
Anamo Destroyer / TRH
Firehawk Call to TEC *now*
CORP - Finnish Quality
+ All other ansi groups dudes around the globe
+ All active users of The Exchange Club
Greets from Suhu goes to:
BoB - Hiya
Blizzard - Gotta come to check that Wavestation soon
wanna borrow it to me?-
Ang - I guess youre never gonna see this :
NikiReed - I guess youre never gonna see this either :
Importer - Hiya too
RayMan - Pantera still rules? I hope it does... :
Ibanez - Where are you man? Havent heard anything of you for ages...
LoJak - Thanx for the Bot!
Bedny - Hi, dude
AllMidi - Hiya
Fencer - Hi
Burrito - Still angry?- Haha! :
Grrreeetings from Mule:
Ultimate Lifedestroyer - Lets make Satan Saves II: Hell on earth
Well take samples with animalic distortion
from your guit!
Seppoli - Muumiteam rulez...
Generator - Sell me your Casio Tonebank.
Any group looking for a member - Hey, Im a musician!
And all you dudes out there who listen to HC-tesno AND Death Metal AND
Heavy. Up the Irons.
No greetings from dEEtsAY this time.
Greetings from Udedude:
fiSh - Still playing FUTiS?-
Greetings from Rekku goes out to:
Chaos Deathmaster Evil Batman
If you like our artwork, and you want an ansi for your board or
for your group, contact any AFC member!
What does it cost?! Nothing.. we do not ask money for our ansis, but if
you are pleased with the ansi, it would be nice to give the artist some
filepoints, better ratios or higher security level on your board... And
if you are going to use our ansis in your demos or boards, remember to
give the credit for the drawer and us.
Also.. we are still looking for new artists! There aint never too many
artists in AFC! So, if you are an independent ansi artist, and you are
interested in joining AFC, contact us! Send some four or more samples
of you artwork and if you are good enough, you can join us!
Remember..... Wherever you live, whatever board you are running, or in
whatever group you are in, all you have to do is contact any AFC member
and well make ansi for you ...
AFC Senior Staff
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