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well, this is it. sorry.
this is the last ambush release youll see, and there are many reasons for
this. ill try my best to explain them as clear as possible.
ambush has been around since may 1996, and even though we had many organization
problems at the beginning, we managed to overcome them and grow much bigger
than we expected, expanding worldwide. from the start we planned to focus on
releasing music, artpacks, and ppe. it worked pretty good at the beginning,
but things have changed... a lot.
as far as music is concerned, that was our strongest point. we always had a
couple of songs to release, but the other two divisions started to become
very inactive, and the proof is the huge delay between the second and third
artpacks. at first we thought we would just close those divisions and fully
concentrate on music, but heres the real problem:
the argentinian scene is very small, we must be around 2o dudes hanging
around. the good point is that most of us know each other personally, but
the very bad one is that there must be 5 or 6 who are really active. with
so few dudes working, it is nearly impossible to keep up with a group and
release stuff quite often. and nobody from other countries seems interested
in joining a southamerican group like this. but we wouldnt just stand there
doing nothing, so we decided to make the local scene grow. and then the
attitude project was born.
attitude was meant to be the first real scene diskmag made in argentina, and
the first issues were planned to be written in spanish and just to be released
locally, as the aim was to teach all the non-sceners what the scene was about,
so we could attract the attention of new talents. knowing that every time we
told this kind of people about the scene, they became very interested in it,
it sounded like a great idea and the ultimate chance to make the scene grow at
last. nearly all sceners were willing to send contributions for the mag, so
jm started coding the diskmag engine.
unfortunately, when the engine was nearly done, all the people who were willing
to contribute did nothing and instead, a huge discussion was started because
the following issues were planned to be released in english and worldwide.
so there, jm worked his ASS off coding the engine, and then, all of a sudden,
no one was interested anymore. we just got 3 or 4 contributions. huge thanks
go to those who really kept up with us like groove.
maybe this doesnt sound so tragic, and you might be thinking, hey, you cant
quit just for that!, but the scene has been like this for too long now.
far away from the good old times when matrix and xperiment-art were having a
friendly but intense competition and lots of stuff were released, the local
scene nowadays is nearly dead. only 5-6 really active sceners, and most of
the rest just complains about the scene being so small and inactive, BUT THEY
DONT DO SHIT ABOUT IT. theres a total lack of interest and will to work
for the scene, and thats why a project such as attitude -which looked so
damn good at the beginning- was ruined before it even really started.
to this we have to add two facts: first, rave-n is no longer able to help me
organize the group, as hes got nearly no time and hes got more important
things to do, and i cant organize such a big group like ambush alone.
and second and most important: after being a scener for over 7 years, i
finally got exhausted of trying to make things work and organizing groups so
i decided to retire from the local scene, and theres no one left to organize
ambush. even though the environment facts are very important in this
decision, thats mainly why the group is now dead. as for me, im staying at
blacktron and advance, the other groups im member of.
but im quitting all local groups.
but believe me, im even more sorry about this decision than the guys who
just keep on telling me not to leave the scene and they seem to be a lot,
but im SICK of seeing everyone sitting there and doing NOTHING. THERE ARE
WAYS TO MAKE THE LOCAL SCENE GROW! ...but no one seems to care about it, and
at least for now, i dont care either.
theres a very small possibility that in the future we decide to come back,
but, at least for now, i really doubt it. not unless the scene takes a
different course.
until now, nothing happened in the scene for way too long, and people were
apparently ok. i hope that with the death of ambush, the biggest local group
in my opinion, the rest of the local sceners realize that they gotta work
as a goddamn fuckin TEAM, instead of the sort of ANARCHY were having right
now id like to write some words to a couple of dudes who kept with us all
the way:
rave-n: hope we can make this shit work out someday and go back to the good
old matrix/xpa times! the scene misses you a lot...
groove: you must have been our most active member ever, and youve really
shown organization skills pal... maybe youre the only one whos still
fighting... so, i guess its all up to you now!
hope you can help to clear up this mess we like to call scene.
thanks for your huge support all this time and helping me select
the stuff for this pack... you da man!
jm: sorry, sorry, sorry... id have loved to see attitude come out, as
the engine was great. hope you finally get enough articles so it
is released. and thanks for your huge support too!
and to all the dudes who nearly MAILBOMBED me asking me not to quit: thanks.
id love to stay but i cant stand this anymore. maybe in the future things
will work out, but i doubt it for now.
and i guess thats about all there is to say. sorry if i left some points
out or the whole text is confusing, but im TOO PISSED OFF about this to
think clearly. to close this speech, id like to send a bearhug and lotsa
thanks to all the people who supported us all the way, mostly from other
countries. we wouldnt have made it so far without your support.
thanks and goodbye.
ps: to those of you who have ambush distro sites, please dont delete our
releases. id love to see our stuff sticking around even though
were dead. thanks.
this is the last ambush release youll see, and there are many reasons for
this. ill try my best to explain them as clear as possible.
ambush has been around since may 1996, and even though we had many organization
problems at the beginning, we managed to overcome them and grow much bigger
than we expected, expanding worldwide. from the start we planned to focus on
releasing music, artpacks, and ppe. it worked pretty good at the beginning,
but things have changed... a lot.
as far as music is concerned, that was our strongest point. we always had a
couple of songs to release, but the other two divisions started to become
very inactive, and the proof is the huge delay between the second and third
artpacks. at first we thought we would just close those divisions and fully
concentrate on music, but heres the real problem:
the argentinian scene is very small, we must be around 2o dudes hanging
around. the good point is that most of us know each other personally, but
the very bad one is that there must be 5 or 6 who are really active. with
so few dudes working, it is nearly impossible to keep up with a group and
release stuff quite often. and nobody from other countries seems interested
in joining a southamerican group like this. but we wouldnt just stand there
doing nothing, so we decided to make the local scene grow. and then the
attitude project was born.
attitude was meant to be the first real scene diskmag made in argentina, and
the first issues were planned to be written in spanish and just to be released
locally, as the aim was to teach all the non-sceners what the scene was about,
so we could attract the attention of new talents. knowing that every time we
told this kind of people about the scene, they became very interested in it,
it sounded like a great idea and the ultimate chance to make the scene grow at
last. nearly all sceners were willing to send contributions for the mag, so
jm started coding the diskmag engine.
unfortunately, when the engine was nearly done, all the people who were willing
to contribute did nothing and instead, a huge discussion was started because
the following issues were planned to be released in english and worldwide.
so there, jm worked his ASS off coding the engine, and then, all of a sudden,
no one was interested anymore. we just got 3 or 4 contributions. huge thanks
go to those who really kept up with us like groove.
maybe this doesnt sound so tragic, and you might be thinking, hey, you cant
quit just for that!, but the scene has been like this for too long now.
far away from the good old times when matrix and xperiment-art were having a
friendly but intense competition and lots of stuff were released, the local
scene nowadays is nearly dead. only 5-6 really active sceners, and most of
the rest just complains about the scene being so small and inactive, BUT THEY
DONT DO SHIT ABOUT IT. theres a total lack of interest and will to work
for the scene, and thats why a project such as attitude -which looked so
damn good at the beginning- was ruined before it even really started.
to this we have to add two facts: first, rave-n is no longer able to help me
organize the group, as hes got nearly no time and hes got more important
things to do, and i cant organize such a big group like ambush alone.
and second and most important: after being a scener for over 7 years, i
finally got exhausted of trying to make things work and organizing groups so
i decided to retire from the local scene, and theres no one left to organize
ambush. even though the environment facts are very important in this
decision, thats mainly why the group is now dead. as for me, im staying at
blacktron and advance, the other groups im member of.
but im quitting all local groups.
but believe me, im even more sorry about this decision than the guys who
just keep on telling me not to leave the scene and they seem to be a lot,
but im SICK of seeing everyone sitting there and doing NOTHING. THERE ARE
WAYS TO MAKE THE LOCAL SCENE GROW! ...but no one seems to care about it, and
at least for now, i dont care either.
theres a very small possibility that in the future we decide to come back,
but, at least for now, i really doubt it. not unless the scene takes a
different course.
until now, nothing happened in the scene for way too long, and people were
apparently ok. i hope that with the death of ambush, the biggest local group
in my opinion, the rest of the local sceners realize that they gotta work
as a goddamn fuckin TEAM, instead of the sort of ANARCHY were having right
now id like to write some words to a couple of dudes who kept with us all
the way:
rave-n: hope we can make this shit work out someday and go back to the good
old matrix/xpa times! the scene misses you a lot...
groove: you must have been our most active member ever, and youve really
shown organization skills pal... maybe youre the only one whos still
fighting... so, i guess its all up to you now!
hope you can help to clear up this mess we like to call scene.
thanks for your huge support all this time and helping me select
the stuff for this pack... you da man!
jm: sorry, sorry, sorry... id have loved to see attitude come out, as
the engine was great. hope you finally get enough articles so it
is released. and thanks for your huge support too!
and to all the dudes who nearly MAILBOMBED me asking me not to quit: thanks.
id love to stay but i cant stand this anymore. maybe in the future things
will work out, but i doubt it for now.
and i guess thats about all there is to say. sorry if i left some points
out or the whole text is confusing, but im TOO PISSED OFF about this to
think clearly. to close this speech, id like to send a bearhug and lotsa
thanks to all the people who supported us all the way, mostly from other
countries. we wouldnt have made it so far without your support.
thanks and goodbye.
ps: to those of you who have ambush distro sites, please dont delete our
releases. id love to see our stuff sticking around even though
were dead. thanks.
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