this image contains text
a n e m i a
i n f o r m a t i o n
January 1996
Its another one of those months for Anemia. What kind of month am I talking about? Well...uhh...I couldnt tell you. My DCC from Silver Blade isnt complete yet, and I really
havent seen anything, so if the pack sucks, Im sorry. Im
really sorry.
It seems like Anemia has just been getting worse and worse
since Mistawho did his little, OK, bye, even though he
didnt really leave. Its not because he left, but its because people have lost enthusiasm to do things for the
group, and iNK is just killing us haha...yeah, right. I
dont know what lies in the future of Anemia, but we will
try to keep the group running with some sort of dignity as
long as we can.
There is a remedy to this problem, and that is to get more
warez and more doodles who do REALLY GOOD ANSI pics. I guess its bad luck that almost all of our ANSI pic people
have been really busy lately, and thats a bad thing.
This is not a plea to help the Anemia cause. However, if you
would like to contribute, you know where well be :. Also,
we really dont need quantity, but its QUALITY that is truly lacking. Cant we all just get along? Yeah, and do one really good thing with a lot of quality instead of on ten
things that are just mediocre. If it takes the whole month
just to do one piece of quality work so be it. This is a call
for our members, and also a call to everyone else in the art
scene and to those who smoke the green.
Im not one for greets or anything, but I would like to
acknowledge the coolest person Ive met in the artscene next
to Jon, of course. That person is Penguin. Shes a pretty
cool person, and its hard to come by people who are as real
and as sincere as her. I dont what else to say, but hey,
shes a cool chick..err...lady.
If anyone wants to contact me, e-mail me to this address:
Thats it for me. Now listen to the Almighty Dr. Silver Blade
and his remedy to cure Anemia.
- sb
anemia president -
jons main nigga- -
Thanks lowell. Anyway, welcome to Anemia 01/96 packet. For
once , we were perfectly on time. The only problem is, we sadly look
like some newbie group right now. I am trying to think up ways to
get anemia back online to the great power it was back in August
when we began.
One of the main problems facing anemia today is the lack of
quality. Im not saying that every member is not producing quality
art, Im just saying there are a few that are lacking , and Im not
going to start naming off people to make them feel dumb. This is a
group , we stick together through thick and thin, and right now
were anorexico oanatoe says were a bit anemic.
I believe our dedication level is a tad low in a few members,
but then others are so dedicated it seems like Anemia is their only
life god I hope not. For example I received 3 different Member
Listing ansis this month and I had to decide which one I believed
had the most quality. This task was difficult but I managed to choose
mungs because I believed that one would make the best impression of
how we are reaching for in the scene.
Maybe thats the remedy for the cure for anemia. If each member
decides to produce one piece of art work each month then thats
great. But what about those that dont do anything for one month?
Kick them out of the group? Why bother. I think we need to stick
together. If one member is down a bit in quality or is close to
completing a quality piece, we need another member to be there and
help pick them up.
Thanks for reading my part of this informational file. I will
be e-mailing all anemia members sometime soon to discuss what we
need to do in their opinion. In the mean time, Pinguino, our long
time mascot wishes to give us some motivational information.
anemia vice president/founder
-- and i really love juarez.
Raincoats dont swim. Trumpets dont dance. Anemia
members can do anything if they set their minds to it.
Dedication and loyalty to the group will cause it to
rise like cream poured into a hot cup of coffee. Artistic
improvement comes with time. Keep in practice and dont
be afraid to try new things be it a new media, style,
or outlook on life. 1996 will be another year of stress,
frustration, and seemingly impossible hurdles. Keep in
mind that things can only get better.
May the new year bring happiness, confs, Jolt, and
Anemia Mascot
a n e m i a
i n f o r m a t i o n
January 1996
Its another one of those months for Anemia. What kind of month am I talking about? Well...uhh...I couldnt tell you. My DCC from Silver Blade isnt complete yet, and I really
havent seen anything, so if the pack sucks, Im sorry. Im
really sorry.
It seems like Anemia has just been getting worse and worse
since Mistawho did his little, OK, bye, even though he
didnt really leave. Its not because he left, but its because people have lost enthusiasm to do things for the
group, and iNK is just killing us haha...yeah, right. I
dont know what lies in the future of Anemia, but we will
try to keep the group running with some sort of dignity as
long as we can.
There is a remedy to this problem, and that is to get more
warez and more doodles who do REALLY GOOD ANSI pics. I guess its bad luck that almost all of our ANSI pic people
have been really busy lately, and thats a bad thing.
This is not a plea to help the Anemia cause. However, if you
would like to contribute, you know where well be :. Also,
we really dont need quantity, but its QUALITY that is truly lacking. Cant we all just get along? Yeah, and do one really good thing with a lot of quality instead of on ten
things that are just mediocre. If it takes the whole month
just to do one piece of quality work so be it. This is a call
for our members, and also a call to everyone else in the art
scene and to those who smoke the green.
Im not one for greets or anything, but I would like to
acknowledge the coolest person Ive met in the artscene next
to Jon, of course. That person is Penguin. Shes a pretty
cool person, and its hard to come by people who are as real
and as sincere as her. I dont what else to say, but hey,
shes a cool chick..err...lady.
If anyone wants to contact me, e-mail me to this address:
Thats it for me. Now listen to the Almighty Dr. Silver Blade
and his remedy to cure Anemia.
- sb
anemia president -
jons main nigga- -
Thanks lowell. Anyway, welcome to Anemia 01/96 packet. For
once , we were perfectly on time. The only problem is, we sadly look
like some newbie group right now. I am trying to think up ways to
get anemia back online to the great power it was back in August
when we began.
One of the main problems facing anemia today is the lack of
quality. Im not saying that every member is not producing quality
art, Im just saying there are a few that are lacking , and Im not
going to start naming off people to make them feel dumb. This is a
group , we stick together through thick and thin, and right now
were anorexico oanatoe says were a bit anemic.
I believe our dedication level is a tad low in a few members,
but then others are so dedicated it seems like Anemia is their only
life god I hope not. For example I received 3 different Member
Listing ansis this month and I had to decide which one I believed
had the most quality. This task was difficult but I managed to choose
mungs because I believed that one would make the best impression of
how we are reaching for in the scene.
Maybe thats the remedy for the cure for anemia. If each member
decides to produce one piece of art work each month then thats
great. But what about those that dont do anything for one month?
Kick them out of the group? Why bother. I think we need to stick
together. If one member is down a bit in quality or is close to
completing a quality piece, we need another member to be there and
help pick them up.
Thanks for reading my part of this informational file. I will
be e-mailing all anemia members sometime soon to discuss what we
need to do in their opinion. In the mean time, Pinguino, our long
time mascot wishes to give us some motivational information.
anemia vice president/founder
-- and i really love juarez.
Raincoats dont swim. Trumpets dont dance. Anemia
members can do anything if they set their minds to it.
Dedication and loyalty to the group will cause it to
rise like cream poured into a hot cup of coffee. Artistic
improvement comes with time. Keep in practice and dont
be afraid to try new things be it a new media, style,
or outlook on life. 1996 will be another year of stress,
frustration, and seemingly impossible hurdles. Keep in
mind that things can only get better.
May the new year bring happiness, confs, Jolt, and
Anemia Mascot
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