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anemia news ..
Many very important things have happened with Anemia in the last
several months. However, the overall outcome of these events is very
unfortunate for the future of the group. Some very talented artists have
joined, and quit Anemia. Though more have quit than joined. Because of
this, and the very low amounts of work produced over the last few months,
this may be the last Anemia pack released.
Anemia harvested several new artists over the last couple months.
Cyren, and Kargus both contributed some great art to this packet, and were
great additions to the group. Cyren has only been drawing for a few
months, and has improved faster than almost anyone else in the scene. He
should have a great scene life ahead of him if he decides to stick with
it. Kargus was already great before he joined Anemia, though hes gotten
even better since. Unfortunately, he left Anemia and joined Legend before
Anemia had officially decided that this would be the last pack. He was a
great addition to the group during the time that he was in it though. A
co-founder of Anemia, Essbee also quit this last month. This was a huge
blow to the group to have someone who was so important to Anemia sell out
like this. Essbee did some great things while he was in Anemia, but hes
gone on his way and now spends his time butt-raping little ansi boys.
The group has decided that it would be best if we departed. The
good news is that the departure may only be temporary, and Anemia may
begin producing high quality work for all of the screaming fans out there
once again. The decision which was almost unanimous among the members was
to let the group die, and possibly reunite sometime in the future when
most of Anemia has enough free time to spend on the group. The Anemia
members will miss their groupies which for some reason stalk almost every
Anemia stud. However, due to the busy lives of the members, Anemia hasnt
been given the attention that it deserves, or that it was given in the
past. Several of the Anemia stallions have said that they would rejoin
Anemia if it were to come back sometime in the future. Even if the group
doesnt ever come back in full force as it once was, the chances are that
you will see something with the Anemia name on it after this. Some of the
members have expressed interest in finishing the zine that was planned out
long ago, but never finished. There are other plans of releasing a pack
on August 10th, 1997, Anemias second anniversary.
This pack should be celebrated, not mourned. The work in this
packet is of very high quality, and the members of Anemia have nothing
to be ashamed of. Great job to everyone who has helped to make Anemia
a force in the scene over the past year. Very few groups are capable of
lasting a full year, however Anemia has outlasted almost all of them.
August 10th is the First Anniversary of the group, and also the release
date of what is possibly the last pack released by Anemia. The group will
hopefully be celebrating another great pack next August 10th. If the
quality of a pack released by this same group of people in one year
is judged by the current improvement of the members then it will easily
be the best in the scene.
- Coug
anemia news ..
Many very important things have happened with Anemia in the last
several months. However, the overall outcome of these events is very
unfortunate for the future of the group. Some very talented artists have
joined, and quit Anemia. Though more have quit than joined. Because of
this, and the very low amounts of work produced over the last few months,
this may be the last Anemia pack released.
Anemia harvested several new artists over the last couple months.
Cyren, and Kargus both contributed some great art to this packet, and were
great additions to the group. Cyren has only been drawing for a few
months, and has improved faster than almost anyone else in the scene. He
should have a great scene life ahead of him if he decides to stick with
it. Kargus was already great before he joined Anemia, though hes gotten
even better since. Unfortunately, he left Anemia and joined Legend before
Anemia had officially decided that this would be the last pack. He was a
great addition to the group during the time that he was in it though. A
co-founder of Anemia, Essbee also quit this last month. This was a huge
blow to the group to have someone who was so important to Anemia sell out
like this. Essbee did some great things while he was in Anemia, but hes
gone on his way and now spends his time butt-raping little ansi boys.
The group has decided that it would be best if we departed. The
good news is that the departure may only be temporary, and Anemia may
begin producing high quality work for all of the screaming fans out there
once again. The decision which was almost unanimous among the members was
to let the group die, and possibly reunite sometime in the future when
most of Anemia has enough free time to spend on the group. The Anemia
members will miss their groupies which for some reason stalk almost every
Anemia stud. However, due to the busy lives of the members, Anemia hasnt
been given the attention that it deserves, or that it was given in the
past. Several of the Anemia stallions have said that they would rejoin
Anemia if it were to come back sometime in the future. Even if the group
doesnt ever come back in full force as it once was, the chances are that
you will see something with the Anemia name on it after this. Some of the
members have expressed interest in finishing the zine that was planned out
long ago, but never finished. There are other plans of releasing a pack
on August 10th, 1997, Anemias second anniversary.
This pack should be celebrated, not mourned. The work in this
packet is of very high quality, and the members of Anemia have nothing
to be ashamed of. Great job to everyone who has helped to make Anemia
a force in the scene over the past year. Very few groups are capable of
lasting a full year, however Anemia has outlasted almost all of them.
August 10th is the First Anniversary of the group, and also the release
date of what is possibly the last pack released by Anemia. The group will
hopefully be celebrating another great pack next August 10th. If the
quality of a pack released by this same group of people in one year
is judged by the current improvement of the members then it will easily
be the best in the scene.
- Coug
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