this image contains text
ASCII Upload to GT Message
File Save using TheDraw:
Format: ANSI Video Prep: Clear Screen Display Speed: 0
Line Length: 72 File Length: 70 lines or less
Do not draw characters past column 75 or on line 24.
Use a text editor to make sure the color reset sequence
0m. is at the end of your screen file. Some editors
display ESC as a small left arrow.
On the first blank line of your message press CTRL-E,
you will see then ENTER. ASCII upload your screen
file ALT-A in GT. Move to a blank line and again press
CTRL-E. Save your message. The CTRL-E characters may
be put into your file with a text editor before upload.
Consult your editors instructions on how to enter
Control CTRL characters.
File Save using TheDraw:
Format: ANSI Video Prep: Clear Screen Display Speed: 0
Line Length: 72 File Length: 70 lines or less
Do not draw characters past column 75 or on line 24.
Use a text editor to make sure the color reset sequence
0m. is at the end of your screen file. Some editors
display ESC as a small left arrow.
On the first blank line of your message press CTRL-E,
you will see then ENTER. ASCII upload your screen
file ALT-A in GT. Move to a blank line and again press
CTRL-E. Save your message. The CTRL-E characters may
be put into your file with a text editor before upload.
Consult your editors instructions on how to enter
Control CTRL characters.
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