this image contains text
no funny stuff!!nono stupid little picutures .. just an .nfo phile. sorry
Quiver - release numbah on3!
the official apathy music disk
header by misfit apathy
.nfo phile
-:hello, and welcome to the first official release of quiver. this is::::
:transient speaking causetrip and misfit decided that i should take care of:
:::this part of the group. ok, i dont have much to say, the members are as::
:follows transient who0p, i used the universal member yellow, the head of th
edivision, writes ambient music, sometimes in the .mod format, sometimes in the:
::.s3m format, but im probally switching to .s3m for good, they sound so much::
:::better!! . also experiments in rave/trance/acid/breakbeat/jungle, but my:::
::personal fave is ambient. next we have Mister Self Destruct msd, hes always
::been with apathy but released his music with icon a local group to his AC he
:decided to go hardcore apathy and now releases it with us, i tell ya what, thi
s:guys music kicks all ass, incredible hardcore/rave with a little acid thrown i
n:and a some breaks here and there, really some incredible stuff for 4-track, an
d:one of my personal favorite .modrz. and lastly Pyro, who is basically a newbi
e::to music, hes on his 4th-5th tracked song, and well, the kid showed alot of:
:::potentional, hell, if you heard my 4th song you would all laugh your fuckin:
::hedz off. well, either way, i think this pack easily rivals alot of the groups
:::out there. i hope everyone enjoys it. my basic system for getting into the:::
:::group is generally the same as apathys, ill invite you. but hell, if you:::
::show some interest and would like to join, find me somewhere and send me your:
:stuff, i always like to hear pplz musik. if youd like to send me some comment
son the pack or about my music my internet adress is cmartin@lanleb.cerf.fred.or
g:::oh yeah, i forgot to explain quiver in the first place , apathys music:::
::section grew, the packs got to large, we decided to release in bi-monthly musi
c::disks, apathys music section grew a little more, we got this stuff together,
::::::::::::::::::::we released, and here it is. who0p!?::::::::::::::::::::::::
:hehe .. whoa .. thats uggly isntt it?!?!@?!ambientforever!,
: cmartin@lanleb.cerf.fred.org
Quiver - release numbah on3!
the official apathy music disk
header by misfit apathy
.nfo phile
-:hello, and welcome to the first official release of quiver. this is::::
:transient speaking causetrip and misfit decided that i should take care of:
:::this part of the group. ok, i dont have much to say, the members are as::
:follows transient who0p, i used the universal member yellow, the head of th
edivision, writes ambient music, sometimes in the .mod format, sometimes in the:
::.s3m format, but im probally switching to .s3m for good, they sound so much::
:::better!! . also experiments in rave/trance/acid/breakbeat/jungle, but my:::
::personal fave is ambient. next we have Mister Self Destruct msd, hes always
::been with apathy but released his music with icon a local group to his AC he
:decided to go hardcore apathy and now releases it with us, i tell ya what, thi
s:guys music kicks all ass, incredible hardcore/rave with a little acid thrown i
n:and a some breaks here and there, really some incredible stuff for 4-track, an
d:one of my personal favorite .modrz. and lastly Pyro, who is basically a newbi
e::to music, hes on his 4th-5th tracked song, and well, the kid showed alot of:
:::potentional, hell, if you heard my 4th song you would all laugh your fuckin:
::hedz off. well, either way, i think this pack easily rivals alot of the groups
:::out there. i hope everyone enjoys it. my basic system for getting into the:::
:::group is generally the same as apathys, ill invite you. but hell, if you:::
::show some interest and would like to join, find me somewhere and send me your:
:stuff, i always like to hear pplz musik. if youd like to send me some comment
son the pack or about my music my internet adress is cmartin@lanleb.cerf.fred.or
g:::oh yeah, i forgot to explain quiver in the first place , apathys music:::
::section grew, the packs got to large, we decided to release in bi-monthly musi
c::disks, apathys music section grew a little more, we got this stuff together,
::::::::::::::::::::we released, and here it is. who0p!?::::::::::::::::::::::::
:hehe .. whoa .. thats uggly isntt it?!?!@?!ambientforever!,
: cmartin@lanleb.cerf.fred.org
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