this image contains text
tHE stOr
y -------------------
- one day billy shic
- so-flat-weinner wen
t with his hiking bud
s on a not-so-cool hik
e but it so happens tha
t billy happened to drink
a whole keg of beer to him
- self well they just abou
t started on their great
hike when all of a sudde
n oUCH mY bLADDER yelle
d Billy as he ran too th
e nearest spot to take a p
p but it so happens that i
t was no ordinary spot i
t was an electric fence. u
h oh. his pals said bu
t billy paid no at
- tention, jus
t went on wit
h his buisin
- ess.. ouc
h he screa
- med onc
e more a
s it hi
t his sho
e HAHAha!
! very f
- unny.
. Billy!
! now ge
t your ass b
- ack here - the end W O W
dOink ---------------------------------------------------------------------kniOb
this ansi is for cheez0.. here you go.. i hope you like it. --bw
y -------------------
- one day billy shic
- so-flat-weinner wen
t with his hiking bud
s on a not-so-cool hik
e but it so happens tha
t billy happened to drink
a whole keg of beer to him
- self well they just abou
t started on their great
hike when all of a sudde
n oUCH mY bLADDER yelle
d Billy as he ran too th
e nearest spot to take a p
p but it so happens that i
t was no ordinary spot i
t was an electric fence. u
h oh. his pals said bu
t billy paid no at
- tention, jus
t went on wit
h his buisin
- ess.. ouc
h he screa
- med onc
e more a
s it hi
t his sho
e HAHAha!
! very f
- unny.
. Billy!
! now ge
t your ass b
- ack here - the end W O W
dOink ---------------------------------------------------------------------kniOb
this ansi is for cheez0.. here you go.. i hope you like it. --bw
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