this image contains text
a word from mis
fit ..
id just like to say happy birthday to the gro
up i
started, and the group i love.. i cant beli
eve its
been a year, but i guess so.. wow :. anyway,
founded apathy on the basis that i was tired o
f all
the scene shit going on at the time .. and while
im still sick of most of it, i like to think
apathy has brought some enjoyment to t
he rest of
e scene the way it has to me. i can honestly say
ive enjoyed every moment of this group, and f
that id like to thank everyo
ne in apathy .. all of
guys are the best .. and huge HUGE props to my
my friend marc, witho
ut you apathy would be dead ..
youve been a real driving force b
ehind this group when
ive slacked off, youre the best. s
omeone once said that
if you know someone in the scene, bu
t never met them, then th
eyre not really friends, but thats bullshit .. you
one of the best friends ive had. so
thanks dude. thanks
to all apathy members once again, pa
st and present, and to
the rest of you in the scene for support
ing us.
- james 08/08/96
fit ..
id just like to say happy birthday to the gro
up i
started, and the group i love.. i cant beli
eve its
been a year, but i guess so.. wow :. anyway,
founded apathy on the basis that i was tired o
f all
the scene shit going on at the time .. and while
im still sick of most of it, i like to think
apathy has brought some enjoyment to t
he rest of
e scene the way it has to me. i can honestly say
ive enjoyed every moment of this group, and f
that id like to thank everyo
ne in apathy .. all of
guys are the best .. and huge HUGE props to my
my friend marc, witho
ut you apathy would be dead ..
youve been a real driving force b
ehind this group when
ive slacked off, youre the best. s
omeone once said that
if you know someone in the scene, bu
t never met them, then th
eyre not really friends, but thats bullshit .. you
one of the best friends ive had. so
thanks dude. thanks
to all apathy members once again, pa
st and present, and to
the rest of you in the scene for support
ing us.
- james 08/08/96
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