![piece of shit colly 2 by johnny 5](/pack/aspire03/x1/J5-COL2.ASC.png)
this image contains text
7,qS 74 74 Sp,4 , 7,qb,4 b,,d b ,d74 7,dp,4 ,,7,qSb, 4, ,qgg, ,dSp, 4,,7 db , S@p, 47, 4 db 4,,7,d, 4, b, S@p, 4 ,d,4, ,d, , S@p, ,b, ,, , , , , ,,,, S@gggg@SS@ggg@SS@S@ggggg@S ,,,, ,,----------------------- NEWSCHOOL ASCII COLLECTION 2 ----------------------------------------------------- ASPIRE PRODUCTIONS -----------------------------
File: j5!asp06.asc
yyy yy , b,47 b,47 b,47 , ,d , ,d ALM1 ,, yy ALM2 ,, 7,db,4 7,db, 7,db,4 A.M. , , b, ,d , ,d b, , y P.M. ,, y y ,, 7,,4 ,db,4 7,, y j5!yyyyyy
Aspire Productions... so what the hell time is it?!
File: j5!head.asc
SSp,4Sp,4Sp,47 4,qp,b,Sp,4 ,,,Sp,4 title: the otaku underground header 747,4Sp,4 by: Johnny 5 ,db,,d ,4b, to: Johnny 5 ,Sp,4, date: Today about an hour ago ,, ,qS,4, , ,d b,4 , ,, ,,7,SgggggSb, ,db,d,dJ5!ASP
File: j5!tremo.asc
747474747474ygggg gggg ,qSSp, ,qSSp, ,qSp, ,qSp, ,qSSp, ,qSSp, g ggy y y y yy, 47 , , 47 , , 47 , S@gggg@SggS@gggg@SggyggggS@gggg@Sggy
File: j5!trem2.asc
gggggggg 7 From: Johnny 5 4gggg gggg To: Puff Date: August 12, 1998 , gg , Time: 12:11pm ,,,,,b, Subj: Header ,j5! 47
T H E E N D ! !
Yes, that was my second piece of shit collection.. actually, Im kinda proud of this one... okie dokie.. requests can be forwarded to the following places below
117,74Sp,, 741i
7,,d7,ggg, Sp,4ggggg, *g,i
, ,g,4 Sp,4 qp,b, ,7
gp, b,s b 4 Johnny 5 Aspire.Ascii
,, 4S7, b, johnny5@mindspring.com
S@gggggggggggggg@S ,,7, http://www.mindspring.com/johnny5/
File: j5!asp06.asc
yyy yy , b,47 b,47 b,47 , ,d , ,d ALM1 ,, yy ALM2 ,, 7,db,4 7,db, 7,db,4 A.M. , , b, ,d , ,d b, , y P.M. ,, y y ,, 7,,4 ,db,4 7,, y j5!yyyyyy
Aspire Productions... so what the hell time is it?!
File: j5!head.asc
SSp,4Sp,4Sp,47 4,qp,b,Sp,4 ,,,Sp,4 title: the otaku underground header 747,4Sp,4 by: Johnny 5 ,db,,d ,4b, to: Johnny 5 ,Sp,4, date: Today about an hour ago ,, ,qS,4, , ,d b,4 , ,, ,,7,SgggggSb, ,db,d,dJ5!ASP
File: j5!tremo.asc
747474747474ygggg gggg ,qSSp, ,qSSp, ,qSp, ,qSp, ,qSSp, ,qSSp, g ggy y y y yy, 47 , , 47 , , 47 , S@gggg@SggS@gggg@SggyggggS@gggg@Sggy
File: j5!trem2.asc
gggggggg 7 From: Johnny 5 4gggg gggg To: Puff Date: August 12, 1998 , gg , Time: 12:11pm ,,,,,b, Subj: Header ,j5! 47
T H E E N D ! !
Yes, that was my second piece of shit collection.. actually, Im kinda proud of this one... okie dokie.. requests can be forwarded to the following places below
117,74Sp,, 741i
7,,d7,ggg, Sp,4ggggg, *g,i
, ,g,4 Sp,4 qp,b, ,7
gp, b,s b 4 Johnny 5 Aspire.Ascii
,, 4S7, b, johnny5@mindspring.com
S@gggggggggggggg@S ,,7, http://www.mindspring.com/johnny5/
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