this image contains text
ascii modified by daZe aUra ..
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- aUra infOfile for jUly 95 -
Thanks for taking the time to download our little information
pack, we hope to peak your interest and spread the word about what we hope
to accomplish with this project. Well, as youve probably figured out for
yourself by now, were a new group. Based in the 416/905 area code, where as
you may know, DARK ILLUSTRATED reigns supreme. The group is run by Leomund
formerly known as Crimson Skye, and I, daZe, formerly known as Twisted Logic.
Leomund has been enthusiastic about starting a group for a while now, although
with me being in Rival, I didnt want to leave Rival for an unsure thing. Now
that Rival is dead as a doorknob, and I am left groupless, I decided to join
up with Leo and see what we can accomplish. So here we are, recruiting,
spreading the word, doing whatever it takes to get this thing off the ground.
If youd like more information about aUra, or would like to apply our
band of merry men , call up fAte, 905-666-2469, and send your artwork to
Hey! Leomund here.. I think Daze basically covered everything, there
is just one thing that I think that we should say: Aura supports only Ansi,
Rip, and Literary forms of artistry. The reasons for these restrictions are
that we want to keep the packs as small as possible, and only support the areas
that Daze and myself are experienced, so that it is fair for both the members
and ourselves so that we have a sound communicational foundation.
Thanks for taking interest in AURA Imagery.
daZe austinh@io.org Leomund crimsons@squeaky.org
/ //nO!/
- aUra infOfile for jUly 95 -
Thanks for taking the time to download our little information
pack, we hope to peak your interest and spread the word about what we hope
to accomplish with this project. Well, as youve probably figured out for
yourself by now, were a new group. Based in the 416/905 area code, where as
you may know, DARK ILLUSTRATED reigns supreme. The group is run by Leomund
formerly known as Crimson Skye, and I, daZe, formerly known as Twisted Logic.
Leomund has been enthusiastic about starting a group for a while now, although
with me being in Rival, I didnt want to leave Rival for an unsure thing. Now
that Rival is dead as a doorknob, and I am left groupless, I decided to join
up with Leo and see what we can accomplish. So here we are, recruiting,
spreading the word, doing whatever it takes to get this thing off the ground.
If youd like more information about aUra, or would like to apply our
band of merry men , call up fAte, 905-666-2469, and send your artwork to
Hey! Leomund here.. I think Daze basically covered everything, there
is just one thing that I think that we should say: Aura supports only Ansi,
Rip, and Literary forms of artistry. The reasons for these restrictions are
that we want to keep the packs as small as possible, and only support the areas
that Daze and myself are experienced, so that it is fair for both the members
and ourselves so that we have a sound communicational foundation.
Thanks for taking interest in AURA Imagery.
daZe austinh@io.org Leomund crimsons@squeaky.org
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