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AvengeCult Newsletter
AvengeCult Sacrifice 4
... Creators ramblings
Well shit, another month another pack : it looks pretty good thus far.
A few things have happened this month. For starters we have a few new
artists...SAD, GRAPHITAL, Kid Krylon, Skrubly , Acolyte, J-DREDD, and
SKABOY.... All of which are talented in what they do. We also have some
new projects. WWW.AVENGE.ORG will be taking on a new look mid MAY,
avengeview is in its last coding phase of options available in it, aswell
as the nifty avengedraw program being codedby our awesome programming team.
Congratz to Sudden Death! He became a proud father of a baby boy this month!
Avenge introduces bbs headquarters to the memberlist this month. We are
taking a couple more bbs hqs so if your interested contact AvengeCult at:
Avenge is no longer accepting applications. We are now on a invite only
policy. Sudden Death, one of our fearless leaders has stepped down from
Leadership in avenge so he can spend more time with his new baby boy, as-
well as spend more time on AvengeDraw and his other million projects.
Taking Sudden Deaths place in the leadership council is Knocturnal who was
appointed by Sudden Death. Sudden Death now serves in avenge as ansi artist
and our Group Advisor.
I feel Knocturnal was a great decision on Sudden Deaths part. He has great
communication and a good example for all Avenge members.
... Blue Devils ramblings
Phear the Cult, thats all I got to say. Yes Finally I am blessing
the info file with my words of wisdom. The enchantments of lit have
called me to revive the dead forces that dwell within it. Thus I
have Been given a new task by the makers. My Task is to start a new
crusade. This Crusade Is to be known as the AvengeScrollz. The Lit
department of Avenge Has been enpowered. I am seeking fellow priest
and sages of the lit guild, I also need artist for the pack will be
unlike anything seen. So I need good artist to work for me. I also
Need members to add to my regime of authors. So far I have gathered
Acolyte of codine, Skrubly of Mist, and knocturnal one of our very
own Avengecult members. Thus I will enpower to say after this pack
I will hardly release any in this division for I must need all the
enpowerments I can gather for this new quest of enpowerment. If you
wish to apply to AvengeScrollz pls seek council with me at
bluedevi@hotmail.com Be prepared to show me some werk
In the Name of thine cult, Amen
...Knocturnals ramblings
First off, I would like to give mad props to Sudden Death for all the work
he has done with Avenge and believeing in me to take his postion. Good luck
with the baby and I hope I can do as good a job as you did : Next..you might
have heard some rumors about me starting a group with Dee1 and leaving the
mighty Cult, but I can assure you this wont happen. Once you join the cult..
theres no turning back!! HAHA! Welp..Ill see you guys around. Peace.
The End is the Beginning...
AvengeCult Sacrifice 4
... Creators ramblings
Well shit, another month another pack : it looks pretty good thus far.
A few things have happened this month. For starters we have a few new
artists...SAD, GRAPHITAL, Kid Krylon, Skrubly , Acolyte, J-DREDD, and
SKABOY.... All of which are talented in what they do. We also have some
new projects. WWW.AVENGE.ORG will be taking on a new look mid MAY,
avengeview is in its last coding phase of options available in it, aswell
as the nifty avengedraw program being codedby our awesome programming team.
Congratz to Sudden Death! He became a proud father of a baby boy this month!
Avenge introduces bbs headquarters to the memberlist this month. We are
taking a couple more bbs hqs so if your interested contact AvengeCult at:
Avenge is no longer accepting applications. We are now on a invite only
policy. Sudden Death, one of our fearless leaders has stepped down from
Leadership in avenge so he can spend more time with his new baby boy, as-
well as spend more time on AvengeDraw and his other million projects.
Taking Sudden Deaths place in the leadership council is Knocturnal who was
appointed by Sudden Death. Sudden Death now serves in avenge as ansi artist
and our Group Advisor.
I feel Knocturnal was a great decision on Sudden Deaths part. He has great
communication and a good example for all Avenge members.
... Blue Devils ramblings
Phear the Cult, thats all I got to say. Yes Finally I am blessing
the info file with my words of wisdom. The enchantments of lit have
called me to revive the dead forces that dwell within it. Thus I
have Been given a new task by the makers. My Task is to start a new
crusade. This Crusade Is to be known as the AvengeScrollz. The Lit
department of Avenge Has been enpowered. I am seeking fellow priest
and sages of the lit guild, I also need artist for the pack will be
unlike anything seen. So I need good artist to work for me. I also
Need members to add to my regime of authors. So far I have gathered
Acolyte of codine, Skrubly of Mist, and knocturnal one of our very
own Avengecult members. Thus I will enpower to say after this pack
I will hardly release any in this division for I must need all the
enpowerments I can gather for this new quest of enpowerment. If you
wish to apply to AvengeScrollz pls seek council with me at
bluedevi@hotmail.com Be prepared to show me some werk
In the Name of thine cult, Amen
...Knocturnals ramblings
First off, I would like to give mad props to Sudden Death for all the work
he has done with Avenge and believeing in me to take his postion. Good luck
with the baby and I hope I can do as good a job as you did : Next..you might
have heard some rumors about me starting a group with Dee1 and leaving the
mighty Cult, but I can assure you this wont happen. Once you join the cult..
theres no turning back!! HAHA! Welp..Ill see you guys around. Peace.
The End is the Beginning...
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