this image contains text
sall -y i flow sick .. fuck all you haters blow dick..
s a l v a t i o n x a n d l o r d j a z z :
dd r o p p i n g u n e x p e c t e d l y l i k e b i r d s h i t .
probably because even chris didnt expect it?
I own.
Oldschool fever.
how much shit could you talk with your lips on the floor?
Feelin this remix. Its really a good feeling to touch up the work
of one of my biggest idols and best friends in the scene. I only wish he was still here to draw some more shit to amaze me. Id really like to see some more
people remixing some old ansis. I dont want to see people getting lazy and only doing remixes.. its just kinda nice to see old ansis again, especially
when theyve been modernized. Original ansi can be found below.
one love.
avenge cult 1999
if only that was it....
And for the right price, I could even make your shit tighter.
--- Original ansi follows:
LD-CH01.ANS Lord Jazz ACiD
If You Would Like To Purchase
An ANSi From Me, I Can Be
Reached In The 7i4 Area.
Chapel Was Taken From Image
Issue No. 19.
Greets 2: Beastie, TSB.
/N ANSi For Beastie Of Channel 0
C h a n n e l Z e r 0
ANSi/Art Group Support Electronic Magazine Support
ACiD California OutPost Rumors World HeadQuarters
OPiUM U.S. HeadQuarters PSYCHOSiS Western HeadQuarters
Lapse U.S. HeadQuarters Hurricane Western HeadQuarters
RELiC U.S. HeadQuarters Premier Western HeadQuarters
EMPiRE Courier Capitol Critic Western HeadQuarters
UNiON Western HeadQuarters CLS Western HeadQuarters
SKiLL Western HeadQuarters LiTHiUM DiST SiTE
Estranged Western HeadQuarters Paradigm DiST SiTE
Defiant Western HeadQuarters Iridium DiST SiTE
DiRE Western HeadQuarters Corruption DiST SiTE
CiA DiST SiTE Paranoia DiST SiTE
Misc Affiliations Network Support
The Source World HeadQuarters Intrusion Net World HeadQuarters
LUPUS Western HeadQuarters StormWatch Western HeadQuarters
Spectrum Member Board The Federation Net
Turbine DiST SiTE
Leviathan Coding Cartel
New Age DiST SiTE
8oo Megs of ANSi/VGA/DEMo/Source/Audio/Emags
Remote: Bad Karma ACiD
: Terminator2 ACiD/OX/TNCS
Co: Agis INET Coordinator
FileOp: Phax Homeless
/NSi Lord Jazz ACiD - Yeah, Yeah I Know, Every Damn
Ansi Artists Already Did This
Note: When remixing, I find it best and most fitting to go over the ansi using
grey. Touch up any oldschool flaws. Shaping problems should be fixed first.
You can add a touch of your own style as well since yourre the one remixing
the ansi.
---- SalvationXs Remarks:
First I hated the way he would shade to a dark color like grey,
and the surrounding blocks f5s and f6s would still be light. /
All of his chest is boring.. the ansi should have been cut at the skull with
the logo somehow implemented into the skull.
The eyes were pretty boring too:
Lds eye. My eye.
Lds brow: Shading is messy and boring.
My brow: Shading is cleaner and more extreme.
Other things like the blood on the mouth and other small detail
I added make the ansi all around more eye pleasing.
Someone else try one of these. Id like to see the outcome.
Ill probably do one a month.
Man.. I can remember when I used to look at this stuff and dream
of drawing that good.. :
Next months remix: Something oldschool from Azrael ACiD.
eof - 400lines.
s a l v a t i o n x a n d l o r d j a z z :
dd r o p p i n g u n e x p e c t e d l y l i k e b i r d s h i t .
probably because even chris didnt expect it?
I own.
Oldschool fever.
how much shit could you talk with your lips on the floor?
Feelin this remix. Its really a good feeling to touch up the work
of one of my biggest idols and best friends in the scene. I only wish he was still here to draw some more shit to amaze me. Id really like to see some more
people remixing some old ansis. I dont want to see people getting lazy and only doing remixes.. its just kinda nice to see old ansis again, especially
when theyve been modernized. Original ansi can be found below.
one love.
avenge cult 1999
if only that was it....
And for the right price, I could even make your shit tighter.
--- Original ansi follows:
LD-CH01.ANS Lord Jazz ACiD
If You Would Like To Purchase
An ANSi From Me, I Can Be
Reached In The 7i4 Area.
Chapel Was Taken From Image
Issue No. 19.
Greets 2: Beastie, TSB.
/N ANSi For Beastie Of Channel 0
C h a n n e l Z e r 0
ANSi/Art Group Support Electronic Magazine Support
ACiD California OutPost Rumors World HeadQuarters
OPiUM U.S. HeadQuarters PSYCHOSiS Western HeadQuarters
Lapse U.S. HeadQuarters Hurricane Western HeadQuarters
RELiC U.S. HeadQuarters Premier Western HeadQuarters
EMPiRE Courier Capitol Critic Western HeadQuarters
UNiON Western HeadQuarters CLS Western HeadQuarters
SKiLL Western HeadQuarters LiTHiUM DiST SiTE
Estranged Western HeadQuarters Paradigm DiST SiTE
Defiant Western HeadQuarters Iridium DiST SiTE
DiRE Western HeadQuarters Corruption DiST SiTE
CiA DiST SiTE Paranoia DiST SiTE
Misc Affiliations Network Support
The Source World HeadQuarters Intrusion Net World HeadQuarters
LUPUS Western HeadQuarters StormWatch Western HeadQuarters
Spectrum Member Board The Federation Net
Turbine DiST SiTE
Leviathan Coding Cartel
New Age DiST SiTE
8oo Megs of ANSi/VGA/DEMo/Source/Audio/Emags
Remote: Bad Karma ACiD
: Terminator2 ACiD/OX/TNCS
Co: Agis INET Coordinator
FileOp: Phax Homeless
/NSi Lord Jazz ACiD - Yeah, Yeah I Know, Every Damn
Ansi Artists Already Did This
Note: When remixing, I find it best and most fitting to go over the ansi using
grey. Touch up any oldschool flaws. Shaping problems should be fixed first.
You can add a touch of your own style as well since yourre the one remixing
the ansi.
---- SalvationXs Remarks:
First I hated the way he would shade to a dark color like grey,
and the surrounding blocks f5s and f6s would still be light. /
All of his chest is boring.. the ansi should have been cut at the skull with
the logo somehow implemented into the skull.
The eyes were pretty boring too:
Lds eye. My eye.
Lds brow: Shading is messy and boring.
My brow: Shading is cleaner and more extreme.
Other things like the blood on the mouth and other small detail
I added make the ansi all around more eye pleasing.
Someone else try one of these. Id like to see the outcome.
Ill probably do one a month.
Man.. I can remember when I used to look at this stuff and dream
of drawing that good.. :
Next months remix: Something oldschool from Azrael ACiD.
eof - 400lines.
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