this image contains text
smpAWE : :: ,yy.
i ii : 1command A
y, : YY i 2command B
, Wy@@..i.,,yy*+y,dgb,. 3command C
gs@yP yy+ + 4command D
!h 8WWWWW 5command E
?h WPII 6command F
b.h +yyyii,P bi 7command G
Pjh i,yy +YPdb : bY 8command H
7s7+ I.,y@8b j !! -+ jb 9command I
tyWP,db,,j:: WW, 10command J
b ,4P.,ys*+ - .,iiI W, 11command K
.,y,4PIIIIb,y@8!yb.II WWWb 12command L
. ,,P :ii::y7,j WW j 13command M
i WW Y *+ : : :Y7i PjPdP 14command N
jyy i : yy I7 : y@8 y 15command O
: y,. Y yyyyP,y@y 16command P
yyy i P,y@by 17command Q
b , : P,dyy 18command R
WP yy*,dP 19command S
yy y,..,y@8WWW 88Y,r 20command T
Y7jP iii Y i
Grape! ::: +o Milkman i :
Cut your buttyellow milki,here is the ascii,with 20 commands as u wanted.
hope you like it,
i ii : 1command A
y, : YY i 2command B
, Wy@@..i.,,yy*+y,dgb,. 3command C
gs@yP yy+ + 4command D
!h 8WWWWW 5command E
?h WPII 6command F
b.h +yyyii,P bi 7command G
Pjh i,yy +YPdb : bY 8command H
7s7+ I.,y@8b j !! -+ jb 9command I
tyWP,db,,j:: WW, 10command J
b ,4P.,ys*+ - .,iiI W, 11command K
.,y,4PIIIIb,y@8!yb.II WWWb 12command L
. ,,P :ii::y7,j WW j 13command M
i WW Y *+ : : :Y7i PjPdP 14command N
jyy i : yy I7 : y@8 y 15command O
: y,. Y yyyyP,y@y 16command P
yyy i P,y@by 17command Q
b , : P,dyy 18command R
WP yy*,dP 19command S
yy y,..,y@8WWW 88Y,r 20command T
Y7jP iii Y i
Grape! ::: +o Milkman i :
Cut your buttyellow milki,here is the ascii,with 20 commands as u wanted.
hope you like it,
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