this image contains text
- disills,. .
.,ethereal -
hey there!
about five weeks ago, knocturnal asked me to draw for
unfortunatly he left the ethereal staff. so
now im giving out this ansi to
disill hoping hell find a use for it.
i also have to mention squidgalator 2s work on this a
nsi because it was first
started has a joint, but since he was out of reach for
too long i decided to
finish it by myself.
credits: squidgalator 2 - basic outline.
grindstoned - outline remix an
d shading.
big thanx to the night angel for some shading tips.
greetings to: all the awe lettering and the dark illus
trated members, also
to all my irc buddies you know
who you are , also peace
to my very good friend harry and his girlfriend ma
rie-eve and
to all the noise trackers.
im also taking requests and i only do freebies and i
mean *free*bies.
so, if any of you would care for a grindstoned ansi, p
lease email me your
request at skar@colba.net. oh and about my r
equests i would like to
specify that since i draw for free, i dont want any pr
essure. so you guys
stop bugging me about your ansi please!
.,ethereal -
hey there!
about five weeks ago, knocturnal asked me to draw for
unfortunatly he left the ethereal staff. so
now im giving out this ansi to
disill hoping hell find a use for it.
i also have to mention squidgalator 2s work on this a
nsi because it was first
started has a joint, but since he was out of reach for
too long i decided to
finish it by myself.
credits: squidgalator 2 - basic outline.
grindstoned - outline remix an
d shading.
big thanx to the night angel for some shading tips.
greetings to: all the awe lettering and the dark illus
trated members, also
to all my irc buddies you know
who you are , also peace
to my very good friend harry and his girlfriend ma
rie-eve and
to all the noise trackers.
im also taking requests and i only do freebies and i
mean *free*bies.
so, if any of you would care for a grindstoned ansi, p
lease email me your
request at skar@colba.net. oh and about my r
equests i would like to
specify that since i draw for free, i dont want any pr
essure. so you guys
stop bugging me about your ansi please!
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