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AWE Lettering
Newsletter 20
As 1998 fades like a sigh, Im sure many find themselves reflecting uponthe sometimes torrid, sometimes serene times that flavoured our scene throughout the past year. Groups came and went - many were conceived, many
crumbled and many still soar. As an ansi family, Awe itself rode the art scene
roller coaster, enduring morose moments and treasuring its peaks and
And as 1999 bears itself, Awe is set to take the scene as you know it
by the balls. Solidly on our feet once again, we are braced and accomplished,
once more gracing creative minds everywhere with our unique brand of innovation
and talent. Welcome to AWE Lettering 20. This is OUR year.
Member Additions
Newsletter 19
The effervescent vat of logo godliness that is Awe was spiced with the
much welcomed arrival of four members to the roster.
Absent Spinsister - a former Awe member and seasoned ascii vetern, Absent returns as an integral part of our esteemed council.
Featured pieces: a.work.asc.
Grindstoned - we are infinitely pleased to say that Grindstoned, an ansi prodigyand original Awe member, has returned to his roots! GS is also contributing hisvaluable ideas as a council member.
Featured pieces: gs-tv1.ans.
KRL - a rip guru that actually joined us late last month, after the newsletter
had been constructed. You may recall KRL from his appearances in Souls, that
lovely rip-only group.
Featured pieces: krl-jsp7.rip.
Nemo - also an ex-Awe ascii guy, Nemo has recently returned from a brief scene
absence. His abstract works are pure eye-candy, and I hear hes also trying hishand at ansi!
Featured pieces: please see AWE Lettering 21.
Member Departures
Newsletter 19
Unfortunately but inevitably, it comes time to do that fateful roster
clean-up and remove those who have been inactive for unreasonable periods of
time. This applied to Mass Murderer, Discyple and Nahal. All three will be
sorely missed and are of course welcome back if they have a craving to draw
Shrimp chose to leave the group after he gave in to false rumours
surrounding both myself and Awe. Allegedly, Shrimp jokingly proclaimed Awes
death in public channels Seltorn took it upon himself to tell Shrimp that I
had kicked him from the group as a result. It seems Seltorn did this in a
feeble attempt to recruit Shrimp for his own newly-formed group, Tone. Shrimp
wouldnt hear my side of the story, abd parted in a hasty and immature fashion,
needlessly insulting my own integrity. Good luck handling this kid, Catch.
Newsletter 19
What should be our 28th release is actually our 20th, due to a few
obstacles and brief death stint. Since 1996, Awe has satisfied artists worldwide and doesnt intend on changing.
Awe has adopted a new concept in which the group will be run by an
administrative council consisting of six artists. Absent Spinsister, Dissonance, Fluor, Grindstoned, Mr. Wrong and The Night Angel will now be making all key decisions concerning the group.
You may notice weve switched back to a more dated version of our memberlisting this month. Grindstoned and TNA are currently remixing that particular
template which will be unveiled next month. As always, were in for a treat
with that!
On the topic of member listing, weve decided to proceed listing ALL members of
the group rather than artists with work in that pack only. Due to some confusion and a few complaints, weve returned to old, traditional methods.
Awe has decided to invoke a no-guest policy as of next release.
However, due to the fact that this is a celebratory pack, it does contain a few
guest pieces. These include fonts from Quip and Count Zero of Ice, Kiomatsu
and Kayozz. The thought is appreciated, but it causes organization and dual
releasing problems.
An expression of our endeniable leetness, Awe remains invite only. :
Well, party hard and treat that hangover with a heavy dose of Awe
goodness! Seasons greetings from the entire crew, and best wishes for the
new year.
Dissonance, Council - AWE Lettering
Designed By
The Night Angel
and Phony Eye
AWE Lettering
Newsletter 20
As 1998 fades like a sigh, Im sure many find themselves reflecting uponthe sometimes torrid, sometimes serene times that flavoured our scene throughout the past year. Groups came and went - many were conceived, many
crumbled and many still soar. As an ansi family, Awe itself rode the art scene
roller coaster, enduring morose moments and treasuring its peaks and
And as 1999 bears itself, Awe is set to take the scene as you know it
by the balls. Solidly on our feet once again, we are braced and accomplished,
once more gracing creative minds everywhere with our unique brand of innovation
and talent. Welcome to AWE Lettering 20. This is OUR year.
Member Additions
Newsletter 19
The effervescent vat of logo godliness that is Awe was spiced with the
much welcomed arrival of four members to the roster.
Absent Spinsister - a former Awe member and seasoned ascii vetern, Absent returns as an integral part of our esteemed council.
Featured pieces: a.work.asc.
Grindstoned - we are infinitely pleased to say that Grindstoned, an ansi prodigyand original Awe member, has returned to his roots! GS is also contributing hisvaluable ideas as a council member.
Featured pieces: gs-tv1.ans.
KRL - a rip guru that actually joined us late last month, after the newsletter
had been constructed. You may recall KRL from his appearances in Souls, that
lovely rip-only group.
Featured pieces: krl-jsp7.rip.
Nemo - also an ex-Awe ascii guy, Nemo has recently returned from a brief scene
absence. His abstract works are pure eye-candy, and I hear hes also trying hishand at ansi!
Featured pieces: please see AWE Lettering 21.
Member Departures
Newsletter 19
Unfortunately but inevitably, it comes time to do that fateful roster
clean-up and remove those who have been inactive for unreasonable periods of
time. This applied to Mass Murderer, Discyple and Nahal. All three will be
sorely missed and are of course welcome back if they have a craving to draw
Shrimp chose to leave the group after he gave in to false rumours
surrounding both myself and Awe. Allegedly, Shrimp jokingly proclaimed Awes
death in public channels Seltorn took it upon himself to tell Shrimp that I
had kicked him from the group as a result. It seems Seltorn did this in a
feeble attempt to recruit Shrimp for his own newly-formed group, Tone. Shrimp
wouldnt hear my side of the story, abd parted in a hasty and immature fashion,
needlessly insulting my own integrity. Good luck handling this kid, Catch.
Newsletter 19
What should be our 28th release is actually our 20th, due to a few
obstacles and brief death stint. Since 1996, Awe has satisfied artists worldwide and doesnt intend on changing.
Awe has adopted a new concept in which the group will be run by an
administrative council consisting of six artists. Absent Spinsister, Dissonance, Fluor, Grindstoned, Mr. Wrong and The Night Angel will now be making all key decisions concerning the group.
You may notice weve switched back to a more dated version of our memberlisting this month. Grindstoned and TNA are currently remixing that particular
template which will be unveiled next month. As always, were in for a treat
with that!
On the topic of member listing, weve decided to proceed listing ALL members of
the group rather than artists with work in that pack only. Due to some confusion and a few complaints, weve returned to old, traditional methods.
Awe has decided to invoke a no-guest policy as of next release.
However, due to the fact that this is a celebratory pack, it does contain a few
guest pieces. These include fonts from Quip and Count Zero of Ice, Kiomatsu
and Kayozz. The thought is appreciated, but it causes organization and dual
releasing problems.
An expression of our endeniable leetness, Awe remains invite only. :
Well, party hard and treat that hangover with a heavy dose of Awe
goodness! Seasons greetings from the entire crew, and best wishes for the
new year.
Dissonance, Council - AWE Lettering
Designed By
The Night Angel
and Phony Eye
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