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discypleawe / tna
AWE Lettering 9702
Newsletter.. .Introduction
Welcome to the 5th release of AWE Lettering. This month
, a few thingshappened. Some of these things are members j
oining, members leaving and ourbud Discyple, getting back
to ansi drawing, after six intensive months of asciidrawing.
New members.. .
This month, we gained two ansi artists and lost two. The
se new membersconsist of:
Gunthar: Coming from Fire,
Gunthar draws fonts pretty well. Even thoug
h he joined AWE, you will be able to see more of
his work ansi pics in future Fire packs.
Kolz : Another frenchie
in the group. If anyone feel like helping him, chat a bi
t with him, because his english kinda sucks. As far as I
know, Kolz is from nowhere.
I know most of you are not gonna like his work, since he
draws like Jaydee used to do. As for me, I am loo
king for- ward to see his work in future AWE p
Departure.. .
Getting inactive this month and leaving
the group are Circus Freak andWidowmaker. Th
ey both decided to leave us because of the lack of time they
bothhave. Circus Freak will remain in Fire
, while Widowmaker is supposed to stopdrawing. But
youll prolly see some of his work in future Eclipse
Information.. .
Last month, I thought we had one of the best ascii d
ivision out there,but I was wrong. With Discyple
starting to draw ANSIs again and Megga Hertz
be-ing lazy, we are in lack of ASCIIs. That mea
ns I am looking for a talented andORIGINAL as
cii artist. If you correspond to this, please apply. :
We are still having communication problems. I still
havent found outwhere Splatt and Noodles are
hiding. If you guys are reading this, please emailme to
tnangel@generation.net. Thanks.
As you already know, Discyple started drawing ansis ag
ain. I recommendthat right after reading this, you jump to
his stuff and look at it carefully.He really impressed me a
lot and still does.
Mass Murderers Morphine ASCII Colly will be i
n the next AWE pack. Be
prepared to be amazed.
Well, I guess thats about it. I dont think anything really
importanthappened beside the things listed here, so have a ni
ce pack. :
Greets.. .
Deeply Disturbed: For being proud of his fruity fan p
osition and for saying he would draw my 23 liner and not
making it. Hi Marc. :P
Hydro-Qubec : For giving Fluor some electricity this
Radical : For all those great comments about last mont
h pack.
Samurai : For all his support.
Splatt : For giving me a wrong email address.. Where
are you?
Twilight : For bugging the hell outta me about their m
erge thingy.
Brazilian Dudes : Stop annoying me, we do NOT need any Br
azil HQ. Actually, we do NOT give out sites to other peo
ple than members.
Everyone : For all the good comments on my member list
ing. :
- The Night Angel
AWE Lettering 9702
Newsletter.. .Introduction
Welcome to the 5th release of AWE Lettering. This month
, a few thingshappened. Some of these things are members j
oining, members leaving and ourbud Discyple, getting back
to ansi drawing, after six intensive months of asciidrawing.
New members.. .
This month, we gained two ansi artists and lost two. The
se new membersconsist of:
Gunthar: Coming from Fire,
Gunthar draws fonts pretty well. Even thoug
h he joined AWE, you will be able to see more of
his work ansi pics in future Fire packs.
Kolz : Another frenchie
in the group. If anyone feel like helping him, chat a bi
t with him, because his english kinda sucks. As far as I
know, Kolz is from nowhere.
I know most of you are not gonna like his work, since he
draws like Jaydee used to do. As for me, I am loo
king for- ward to see his work in future AWE p
Departure.. .
Getting inactive this month and leaving
the group are Circus Freak andWidowmaker. Th
ey both decided to leave us because of the lack of time they
bothhave. Circus Freak will remain in Fire
, while Widowmaker is supposed to stopdrawing. But
youll prolly see some of his work in future Eclipse
Information.. .
Last month, I thought we had one of the best ascii d
ivision out there,but I was wrong. With Discyple
starting to draw ANSIs again and Megga Hertz
be-ing lazy, we are in lack of ASCIIs. That mea
ns I am looking for a talented andORIGINAL as
cii artist. If you correspond to this, please apply. :
We are still having communication problems. I still
havent found outwhere Splatt and Noodles are
hiding. If you guys are reading this, please emailme to
tnangel@generation.net. Thanks.
As you already know, Discyple started drawing ansis ag
ain. I recommendthat right after reading this, you jump to
his stuff and look at it carefully.He really impressed me a
lot and still does.
Mass Murderers Morphine ASCII Colly will be i
n the next AWE pack. Be
prepared to be amazed.
Well, I guess thats about it. I dont think anything really
importanthappened beside the things listed here, so have a ni
ce pack. :
Greets.. .
Deeply Disturbed: For being proud of his fruity fan p
osition and for saying he would draw my 23 liner and not
making it. Hi Marc. :P
Hydro-Qubec : For giving Fluor some electricity this
Radical : For all those great comments about last mont
h pack.
Samurai : For all his support.
Splatt : For giving me a wrong email address.. Where
are you?
Twilight : For bugging the hell outta me about their m
erge thingy.
Brazilian Dudes : Stop annoying me, we do NOT need any Br
azil HQ. Actually, we do NOT give out sites to other peo
ple than members.
Everyone : For all the good comments on my member list
ing. :
- The Night Angel
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