this image contains text
Awe Newsletter - Issue 06
,SSs. dPTb.
,dPTb dl ll
, b ::
,l l: .l ,
. : . l: ,
l: ,, ,sbl
----- : ---------------- ,, ---- dPT
,b. sssssl l: .,,.S,, :,b.
l :l ,db,.. ll
l P ldTb . . ::
d .,sSSs,:P d.b ....l .
d,dSS. l:...,sS
dP,sSSbx.l. :..S
dP.db,.sl .P P.sS
* d.d ,d b l.P * +***
ssssss . .dl d S : .d AWE gyyg News
letter ,. SSsss
s*.SS,b sssssd, , ,db, ys* ,dd dPb.
,sSs,,sb bsysdb,YP,d.,sS, ssss .d
ldP b, dP. ,sSP * . ,d
ll b Tb, .d
----------------------- -Y,P : March 1997
Yet another AWE Lettering pack out. It is our
6th one. That means weve
been around for half a year now, which is pretty cool.
A few important things happened this month. Two of the
m are Discyple
getting into our senior staff and the group going
invite only. Keep reading for
further explanations about both topics. But before you get
any details, lets
talk about the new artists.
:new members:
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
We gained three new artists this month, who are in all t
hree categories
since we now have a new RIP Division.
Agathocles : Im sure you have not hea
rd of Agathocles yet, since I
found him not too long after we released the l
pack on a local board. Hes also in a group called
which is formed of local artists to me 514 ac
. Since
he is the first artist to draw rips
in AWE, he has
automaticly been promoted to the RIP Coordinat
Metal Militia: I would really like to sa
y something about him, but I
just cant, since I have no idea who he is. What I
say though is that he draws pretty good asciis
Mr4tune : For those who have not he
ard of him yet, we got him
from CIA. I am not sure, but I think he
stayed with em
even though he joined AWE. He is one
of the few new
fontists who will actually became very good.
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
We only lost one member this month, due to inactivi
ty. So we all say
goodbye to Eerie, and wish him luck with his new pos
ition in Fire.
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
Even though Discyple has only been with us fo
r three months, he has
always been really dedicated to AWE, even if hes pre
sently in two other groups.
He has always been really helpful when we were in trouble a
nd hes also one of
the best ansi artist in our ansi division. For all these r
easons, he has been
promoted to the senior staff. So we hope hes going to make
AWE better than it is right now and help me
more than Fluor does. :
This month, we have received A LOT of applicatio
ns from various artists
who were pretty far from being the quality were looking for
. So after thinking
and talking about it, we decided to go invite only. That me
ans we are going to
ask people to join, instead of waiting for applications. But
, were still going
to take normal applications, but keep in mind that we migh
t get really mad if
youre not even a decent artist. :
Well, thats pretty much what happened this month. O
h, yeah, if you
havent noticed yet, we have a new member listing, w
hich is way better than the
one we used to have. :
Before I forget, I finally got a hold on Noodles
. He has a logo in the
pack. Isnt that great? I havent been able to reach Gu
nthar though. So Gunny,
email me. :
Last minute note: Mass Murderers Morphine
colly will be released next
month, due to a lack of time to draw. We also FINALLY got hi
m to draw ansis for
us. Thanks alot John. :
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,.
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
4th Disciple : Thanks for the support.
Deeply Disturbed:
Once more, you get a greet. Im not sucking up,
Im just
trying to get that 23 liner you owe me.
Discyple : I love you. G
Filth : Big thanks for bugging the hell outta me
about the pack.
Halaster : When do we start those two joints?
Lead Logos : Neat concept. I dont think there
will be any competition
Kra-Zgirl : Hi sis. You wanted that greet, you go
t it.
Mass Murderer : Take your time dude, I know thatl
l help you a lot.
Radman : You know why. :
Rusted : Will you ever add that auto-op command?
Silverthorn : Only for being the jerk he is and r
eleasing about three ansis since he joined F
ire, last summer.
Zircus : Fluor says its because youre ultra-fr
Also, big greet to Blade, Blend, CIA
, Dark and Fire..
, ,P
,b . ,P ,ss.
,b d ,P ,, ,P Written
by The Night Angel ,b d, ,
P l l ,P designed by Discypl
, b d b,,,l ,P
,b,d lP.ssssb,,. ,P ,
--- ,P ---- ,P --------- , -,P --------------
,SSs. dPTb.
,dPTb dl ll
, b ::
,l l: .l ,
. : . l: ,
l: ,, ,sbl
----- : ---------------- ,, ---- dPT
,b. sssssl l: .,,.S,, :,b.
l :l ,db,.. ll
l P ldTb . . ::
d .,sSSs,:P d.b ....l .
d,dSS. l:...,sS
dP,sSSbx.l. :..S
dP.db,.sl .P P.sS
* d.d ,d b l.P * +***
ssssss . .dl d S : .d AWE gyyg News
letter ,. SSsss
s*.SS,b sssssd, , ,db, ys* ,dd dPb.
,sSs,,sb bsysdb,YP,d.,sS, ssss .d
ldP b, dP. ,sSP * . ,d
ll b Tb, .d
----------------------- -Y,P : March 1997
Yet another AWE Lettering pack out. It is our
6th one. That means weve
been around for half a year now, which is pretty cool.
A few important things happened this month. Two of the
m are Discyple
getting into our senior staff and the group going
invite only. Keep reading for
further explanations about both topics. But before you get
any details, lets
talk about the new artists.
:new members:
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
We gained three new artists this month, who are in all t
hree categories
since we now have a new RIP Division.
Agathocles : Im sure you have not hea
rd of Agathocles yet, since I
found him not too long after we released the l
pack on a local board. Hes also in a group called
which is formed of local artists to me 514 ac
. Since
he is the first artist to draw rips
in AWE, he has
automaticly been promoted to the RIP Coordinat
Metal Militia: I would really like to sa
y something about him, but I
just cant, since I have no idea who he is. What I
say though is that he draws pretty good asciis
Mr4tune : For those who have not he
ard of him yet, we got him
from CIA. I am not sure, but I think he
stayed with em
even though he joined AWE. He is one
of the few new
fontists who will actually became very good.
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
We only lost one member this month, due to inactivi
ty. So we all say
goodbye to Eerie, and wish him luck with his new pos
ition in Fire.
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
Even though Discyple has only been with us fo
r three months, he has
always been really dedicated to AWE, even if hes pre
sently in two other groups.
He has always been really helpful when we were in trouble a
nd hes also one of
the best ansi artist in our ansi division. For all these r
easons, he has been
promoted to the senior staff. So we hope hes going to make
AWE better than it is right now and help me
more than Fluor does. :
This month, we have received A LOT of applicatio
ns from various artists
who were pretty far from being the quality were looking for
. So after thinking
and talking about it, we decided to go invite only. That me
ans we are going to
ask people to join, instead of waiting for applications. But
, were still going
to take normal applications, but keep in mind that we migh
t get really mad if
youre not even a decent artist. :
Well, thats pretty much what happened this month. O
h, yeah, if you
havent noticed yet, we have a new member listing, w
hich is way better than the
one we used to have. :
Before I forget, I finally got a hold on Noodles
. He has a logo in the
pack. Isnt that great? I havent been able to reach Gu
nthar though. So Gunny,
email me. :
Last minute note: Mass Murderers Morphine
colly will be released next
month, due to a lack of time to draw. We also FINALLY got hi
m to draw ansis for
us. Thanks alot John. :
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,.
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
4th Disciple : Thanks for the support.
Deeply Disturbed:
Once more, you get a greet. Im not sucking up,
Im just
trying to get that 23 liner you owe me.
Discyple : I love you. G
Filth : Big thanks for bugging the hell outta me
about the pack.
Halaster : When do we start those two joints?
Lead Logos : Neat concept. I dont think there
will be any competition
Kra-Zgirl : Hi sis. You wanted that greet, you go
t it.
Mass Murderer : Take your time dude, I know thatl
l help you a lot.
Radman : You know why. :
Rusted : Will you ever add that auto-op command?
Silverthorn : Only for being the jerk he is and r
eleasing about three ansis since he joined F
ire, last summer.
Zircus : Fluor says its because youre ultra-fr
Also, big greet to Blade, Blend, CIA
, Dark and Fire..
, ,P
,b . ,P ,ss.
,b d ,P ,, ,P Written
by The Night Angel ,b d, ,
P l l ,P designed by Discypl
, b d b,,,l ,P
,b,d lP.ssssb,,. ,P ,
--- ,P ---- ,P --------- , -,P --------------
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