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* Touchups on ascii by Mass Murderer * :
This is my goodbye to the scene ascii . I made it because, well, I am leaving the sceneg. I have only been in the scene for a matter of months,
but I feel the scene is boring, and I am going nowhere as in skills wise at asc-ii. Sorry to all those who I still owe ascii. The CEO setup might be sold. I
would like to thank Mass Murderer for getting me into this scene, and I thank
myself for finding a way out Its tough to quit. The scene becomes a life- style, a second life, which just adds more stress to your first one. Well, the
chances of me coming back are very slim. I may stop in IRC every now and then.
Greets to everyone I knew, and I knew alot of cool guys. See ya around, maybe.
* Touchups on ascii by Mass Murderer * :
This is my goodbye to the scene ascii . I made it because, well, I am leaving the sceneg. I have only been in the scene for a matter of months,
but I feel the scene is boring, and I am going nowhere as in skills wise at asc-ii. Sorry to all those who I still owe ascii. The CEO setup might be sold. I
would like to thank Mass Murderer for getting me into this scene, and I thank
myself for finding a way out Its tough to quit. The scene becomes a life- style, a second life, which just adds more stress to your first one. Well, the
chances of me coming back are very slim. I may stop in IRC every now and then.
Greets to everyone I knew, and I knew alot of cool guys. See ya around, maybe.
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